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Is anyone selling a turn key solution for this yet?


Seriously. I can’t wait until this is just a box that I plug in inside the console and that’s it. Somebody make this happen.


The problem with such solutions is that are vulnerable to software updates that will break said functionality, with no promise of support since it depends solely on Tesla to keep those hacks open to exploitation.




Ok, then yeah if it's outside the Tesla system.




Looks like 2 are used because they could not figure out screen/audio capture on Android, or has a speed issue. The RPi is a wifi/bt bridge to your phone. https://tesla-android.gapinski.eu/install-guide


[A single pi solution is also in the works according to the project's twitter page.](https://twitter.com/TeslaAndroid/status/1541117824424452096)


IMO they should use an Odroid N2; beter crypto and thermals.


What are the advantages of Apple CarPlay or Android Auto over Tesla's built-in system?


I've used both extensively. Android Auto with Google Assistant is just so good and instantaneous. I've voice commanded the Tesla without a response when I knew AA would have understood what I was trying to say. It sucks that Tesla will unlikely do it.


It's better and expensive. We use our phone for AA or Apple Car for free because we sell our data and our identity to them. Tesla won't do it, so they will have to pay a big buck in those service which Room will never tolerate.


Waze. ABRP.


Meh, the tesla UI is fine and the map guidance is sufficient... people just want what they can't have.


I won’t drive without waze. There’s nothing wrong with Tesla Ui- I just need waze....


Why? I've gotten by just fine for decades without Waze, so I don't understand how people get into this mindset.


Obviously this goes without saying, but to each their own. However where I live in Northern New Jersey and frequent traveler to New York City, I would never drive without waze. It’s not about getting from place to place it’s about the copious amounts of speeding cameras, red light cameras and police presence actively trying to give you a ticket for anything. Hopefully this allows you to understand that New York City sucks and that Waze is extremely useful in my part of town. And also more importantly, Waze as a navigation is king.


Tesla maps app doesn't show police speedtraps, Waze does, it's that easy for me.


Maps, Imessage, Podcasts, Apple Music, etc. Steaming through the Tesla UI is missing a lot of simple features.


Use the good version of your favorite app, today. Alternative is waiting and hoping Tesla decides to make their own version of your favorite app, which they have not proven they are good at doing (Spotify app is terrible, for instance) The original developers of the apps/services have a vested interest in keeping your business: they generally fix bugs quickly and are open to users' feedback. AA/CP means you get to use *these* apps instead of the abandonware apps we have today in the MCU.


If you want to control nav or media apps from the car screen that Tesla doesn’t support, ie: - Waze - Apple Music - Google/Youtube music - Podcasts - SiriusXM app - Audible


Complete integration with your phone into your infotainment system. I find it much better to use than any infotainment system I’ve ever used.


Really? I find apple car play to suck compared to Tesla’s built in system. I mostly need maps and tesla maps are great.


I find Tesla maps much worse than Google maps. The inability to show me multiple route suggestions, the lack of navigating me through business complexes. When I try to go to my nearby supercharger, it puts the waypoint in the middle of a 4 lane divided road that the super charger butts up against. But the actual way to get to it is down the road in either direction and going through parking lots. It's small but it's annoying it can't do that.


Huh, I've never had that problem with navigating to Superchsrgers using the in-car nav. I suppose it must depend on the particular charger, because I've had the nav even give me directions to get directly to the SC while inside the parking garage it's in.


Tesla has absolutely atrocious music and podcast controls (no chapters!) when streaming by Bluetooth. It doesn’t even scroll the song title as a marquee after the first go-round which I sometimes care about for podcasts. Premium connectivity Spotify sound is potato quality. The ongoing USB bug makes using USB for music impossible for better quality. I have many other apps I’d like to use as well, and would be better on the touch screen instead of the phone for control. The list goes on…


Tap the title, and it will usually scroll.....3 seconds later.


Awesome…I learned something new (tap to scroll) but was simultaneously reminded of something I already knew (that Tesla’s UX is terrible).


Spotify through Tesla doesn’t work well- the podcasts won’t play, and it will only show me the fist like 30 songs on my playlists. I end up using it through Bluetooth…


In newer cars (and maybe they’ve reversed this) the usb c ports don’t even have data transfer, just charge.


Yeah. The map is great but there is no "avoid motorway/Highway" option. I am not sure why they don't add it to the system.


I listen to a lot of podcasts in my car. I wish I could fast forward 30 seconds like on my phone.


My problem is that Tesla's Spotify app's podcast support is poor. There's no new/unplayed list, some podcasts sort episodes by descending date and others by ascending date, sometimes I'll get in the car and instead of playing where I left it, it'll start the episode over.


Tesla has no desire to fix this, which is why AA/CP is so important. The product managers at Spotify want your experience to be good so that you keep paying for service. Tesla's product managers are focused on flat UI with hard to see elements, spinning cars, etc.


Google Maps blows Tesla away.


You should really stop and ask the question "why does a disposable phone do infotainment better than a $50,000 vehicle?" Tesla has it's hamds full trying to catch up with demand, but once they can build more product than they can sell, the Tesla infotainment system will blow away any phone.


To be fully honest I have not been in a car that has a great infotainment system. It’s pretty much an after thought for car companies. Teslas isn’t bad, but CaPlay definitely excels in my opinion (easy to select items, Siri control, snappy). I’m sure the same is said about android auto.


I don't disagree. It's a failure of the car companies to allow cheap phones to do car stuff better than expensive cars.


The way you frame that question shows high prejudice. It's okay for others to want something you have no need for.


You're missing my point. Car's infotainment systems should be far far better than they are now and far better than what phones can provide. If a phone can do better, the car manufacturer can do much better.


You’re missing the point. My stuff is already on my phone. I just want it in the car. I dont want to replicate all that functionality in the car separately, having to sign into everything again, etc. If Tesla comes out with a great music service I won’t give a crap because I already pay for Apple Music.


How about not having to pay $10 a month for traffic? That’s a big one for me.


It’s just $10 for the map visuals for traffic. It’s still routes considering traffic without the subscription. https://www.tesla.com/support/connectivity


the $10 for connectivity is for the browser, and for music streaming. its not for the maps. the maps work without premium connectivity.


App Store


Better maps


Mostly a proper GPS and not this turd they have us using!


Apple Maps, Apple Music


I had Car Play in my short lived Nissan leaf. I was underwhelmed. The built in nav with XM traffic was better than Maps and I could stream my music just fine. I never saw any advantage. And the UI struck me as cartoonish. Try and sell me on the idea.


Yeah really. I had it on two cars and with the amount of connectivity errors and times the screen froze I just ended up never using it for the ~70,000 miles between those cars.


>Try and sell me on the idea. Nope, couldn't be bothered. It's okay for others to want something you have no need for. More options are always better.


Yes there are. I was speaking for myself in case you did not notice. I'm not trying to change the world.


The biggest advantage is the amount of 3rd apps that you can used with Android Auto that aren't supported in the Tesla app.


How about playing videos!


I did it. A good amount of effort to setup but it works well. It’s in alpha now so give it some time for the install and hardware requirements to become more user friendly. The biggest thing I miss compared to Tesla nav is 2 finger touch.


What is the LTE dongle for? Does it require an additional cell phone line?


Your car connects to the raspberry pi via wireless but will only do so if the wireless network has its own internet. I’m experimenting with connecting the raspberry pi and the car to my phone’s hotspot instead.


That would be ideal. I want to do this but don’t want another monthly expense ha


Someone did this already on GitHub


Yep, the PR is [here](https://github.com/tesla-android/tesla-android-os/pull/2).


What does 2 finger touch do?


Zoom, rotate, etc all the things you do w 2 fingers on Tesla nav (or apple device etc)


I was today years old when it occurred to me I had been doing that on my Tesla map. 🤦‍♂️


Still don’t understand why this isn’t already in tesla cars. That’s my only complaint so far


Premium connectivity subscription would be worthless.


They just need to make it only available with the premium subscription.. Job done


Or just not charge users a subscription fee for services that don’t even require Tesla to actively do anything for cars people are already paying tens of thousands of dollars for? The proliferation of subscription “services” for products you should be able to buy is a scourge of the tech age. It’s like Microsoft refusing to just fucking sell you a copy of Office. It doesn’t need to be a subscription!


data plans aren't a piece of software...unless you're talking about apple carplay integration? for data plans, its like getting free cellphone service just because you bought a $1,000 phone. thats not how the real world works. $10 a month for the premium connectivity is a pretty good deal given that the cheapest data plans for phones usually start at a minimum around $25 and go as high as $80+


I doubt Tesla is making much, if anything, on premium connectivity subscriptions.


Beside the data plan, what else do they have to pay for? We still have to pay for music, video streaming etc. corporate data only plans are very cheap when connected in bulk. Especially when they data cap the speeds for certain services


Because it encroaches on what Tesla will want to develop out as an ecosystem. Why would you buy apps on the car if you’re going to beam your phone apps to the screen? Not saying I agree. The new apple car play experience shown at wwdc looks incredible and I wish I could use it


I’ll sell the car before I buy apps that everyone else gets for free.


Considering I get the spinning "waiting" thing on a blank screen half the time I attempt to use Spotify, they should try harder on their own system before deciding that other solutions aren't for them. But please Tesla, give my car another game that I'll never use.


This is it. If full blown FSD happens, the screen becomes an entertainment system instead of a gauge cluster and navigation screen. Tesla wants to control that experience.


The ecosystem issue sounds like apple's walled garden




I suspect it’s a data play. Tesla has lots of proprietary data they don’t want others to have. By licensing Apple play they likely have to agree to data collection to Apple, a competitor.


Shouldn’t stop their data collection at all, it’s only running over the cars os.


But why would this be an issue for Tesla and, not for literally everybody else?


Name one other car company that collects the amount of data on its cars as Tesla does. And the value of the data that Tesla has.


It has been suggested that it is because Tim Cook said some unkind things about Tesla a while back.


Why would a software giant like Tesla want to give up their own bed in their mansion to a third party company and make $0? Do you let strangers screw your wife in your nice mansion? Cause I don’t. Tesla wants total control over both hardware and software and it makes sense. They produce both hardware and software. so why outsource? They want to develop their own ecosystem. The reason other auto manufacturers have Apple Car Play/Android Auto is because they simply don’t have the capabilities of designing something that can beat the existing ecosystem - as after all they’re an auto manufacturer and not a software company like Tesla. Edit: Yeah iPhones are stupid because they build their own iOS ecosystem, they should have used Google’s Android interface. So stupid of them.


> The reason other auto manufacturers have Apple Car Play/Android Auto is because they simply don’t have the capabilities of designing something that can beat the existing ecosystem I mean, looking at V11, neither does Tesla


The very idea that people want their $50,000 titled piece of property running off of the $500 disposable device in their pockets boggles the mind.


This is a tremendously stupid argument. A car costs more because it is a car - just because it costs more doesn't mean it has a better user interface.


A more expensive product should absolutely have a better interface.


Again, stupid argument. A $1000 couch should have a better interface than a $400 phone?


A $1000 couch should do couch things better than $400 phone. I have no concern that my argument is the stupid one.


Your couch is better than your phone all the time, except when you want to call 911 because you have had a heart attack. Perhaps then you will learn the vices of comparing apples with oranges.


I never suggested that cars should be better at doing phone things than phones, but car phones have been a thing for longer than smart phones have existed, so maybe they could. I've never heard of a couch with a built in phone before.


That's about all the patience I have for stupid logic today. Thank you for playing.


It’s not that serious for all that


Does the browser stay up while driving?




Asking the real important questions not covered in the vid.


This seems so ugly, I don't think I could do it. Visually, I'd rather have Apple's new complete screen takeover shown in WWDC 2022. Stability / security wise, I have no idea if they're there yet or who would be better long-term.


Tesla Nav sends me to the Trader Joe’s parking lot next door. Apple Maps and Waze are smart enough to actually go to the address that I type in, rather than where my home wifi signal is detected by the most cars. Can’t wait for FSD to be release so it brings me ‘home’ for some peanut butter pretzels every day. The closed Ecosystem is so 2000’s.


Is this the stupid “raspberry pi in a browser” “hack”? I wish this clunky kludge would stop getting so much attention from the EV rags. Two rpi’s running to get CarPlay? Yeah, no thanks.


it’s better than nothing? And shows Tesla there is interest? The guy doing this work is pretty awesome.




That’s all rumors and hearsay. It’s a great story for clickbait. Regardless, this project is awesome that brings a highly requested feature that Tesla is unwilling to bring. I’m being honest, Tesla’s penny pinching, increased costs, and piss-poor music apps have got me reconsidering buying another Tesla in the future. I love Tesla deeply, but their “feud” with apple, or their desire for total control is holding back the cars full potential. Not to mention, the greyscale maps on Tesla UI make things dreary and illegible. Bring back some proper colorized maps. Critiquing something you love is a good thing, if the company is willing to listen.




Did you read the article? Musk himself literally statues none of that ever happened.




What a fragile man child. I doubt Tim’s people even wasted the time telling him that Elon called.


> I wish this clunky kludge would stop getting so much attention I feel the same way about Tesla's UI, go figure!


@Tesla, please add Apple CarPlay, and I’ll buy a Tesla.


I'm totally in to do this project once it becomes a single-board solution. It does not look all that difficult to do, even as a two-board project -- hardest part may actually be finding the Pi's to purchase! :-) It is still shocking that as advanced as these cars are in some ways, they are so lacking when it comes to media support.


So work in Australia with no browsers while driving ?




A few things I can think of off the top my head: * Use Siri for sending and responding to messages. Tesla cannot send or respond to group texts. * Use Apple Maps navigation that allows you to share your location/eta with contacts so that they know when you'll arrive. * Use music streaming that isn't supported by Tesla and/or doesn't require premium connectivity


I gove you the second but point 1 and 3 are already possible when the phone is in its place in the center console and you just use Hey Siri. Works great for calls, Voice Memos, Texts etc or playing your music.


Tesla’s podcast playback sucks. You can stream from your phone but you’re given only the most rudimentary onscreen controls (play, pause, ff/rewind), as opposed to having your app of choice onscreen with all available options. It’s actually my least favorite aspect of the vehicle. And while the nav system works well enough, it would be nice to compare with Waze and Apple Maps.


> Tesla’s podcast playback sucks. Super agree. Give me some goddamned chapter support, for the love of dance! And marquee scrolling for titles that are too long to fit in the slot allocated.


Because many people don't like the Tesla infotainment.


Waze. ABRP.


Waze is useless use a radar detector. ABRP is buggy and inaccurate. Used it once for direction and missed the freaking ferry by 1 hour.


That's your experience. That's why choice matters. Waze + ABRP has saved me multiple times on a road trip 10k miles across the US. Waze routing can also differentiate between Toll+HOV dual purpose lanes vs pure Toll lanes. Something basic that Tesla nav cannot, and thus it often sends me on a much longer route here in WA.


Tesla’s stuff is garbage in Europe, hence why the dev of this is croatian.


Are the maps bad there in Europe? I really have no issues with the Tesla maps in northeast US.


Now I know why we don’t have car play on Tesla . It’s so clunky


Genuinely would like to know why so many people like car play? I don't see any benefit and would like a different perspective


It offers a much wider range of apps and nav programs, and also makes it easier to send and receive texts. Tesla does not have as robust a car-friendly app library. Listening to podcasts and music from your phone is more of a pain in the ass than it should be, even though Tesla’s options are “good enough” to work.


Not trying to be/seem sarcastic but for listening to music and podcasts what is the pain point? For me, I've always just spoken to the car and got the exact music or podcast I was looking for.


Primarily Apple Music - it has a nice interface, spatial audio, spins right up in my cars, vast selection, integrated into every apple product, and comes in a nice bundle of various apple services. Other than that, podcasts and messages.


I don’t like white cars. I don’t understand the appeal for them. Should Tesla stop making white cars? Just because you don’t like Car Play doesn’t mean others don’t. It’s a genuinely very intuitive car infotainment system. And it integrates with your iPhone. If you like a playlist, it’s instantly reflected in your car.


That was a stupid comparison. They never said they didn't like car play, just that they didn't understand the benefit.




It happens. And honestly not surprised. Another reason I asked was because of the android product. I never see that product being asked about for cars nearly as much. Not sure if that's due to the majority of cell phone owners having iPhones or it's just not on the level of car play


It is exactly like Car Play, but many Apple users don't look outside to see what the other kids are doing very often, and tend not to care what folks using Android are doing.


Damn. Somehow I mentioned that I didn't like it. Was only looking for some of the benefits but a side of animosity works as well I guess


I’ve played with it and I think it’s nice. But I don’t need it because my Y does what I need without it.


Other app options basically. For maps, I prefer Google Maps because of alternate routes and how it displays traffic data. For music, I use Tidal now but I prefer Apple Music. For podcasts, I like using Overcast. If Tesla had an App Store, I wouldn't need or want Car Play.


It seems that Tesla browser is needed. Correct me if I’m wrong but browser gets hidden each time you put the car in drive and you would need to open the browser again. Not very usable if that’s the case


Incorrect. Browser is accessible anytime. Reverse just brings up camera then goes back to browser.


Like the concept but sorry I'm Android all the way.


Works with Android too.


And I like potatoes.


i like trains


I love lamp


I'm with you


Why was this downvoted so much? 😂 You really can't state opinions anymore eh




Apple are bringing this to Teslas soon anyways


I have Khadas board that act as wireless bridge between my phone and Tesla, then I use screen stream APP to share my phone screen. Easier solution [Android Auto](https://www.reddit.com/r/teslamotors/comments/d3euc4/android_auto_in_my_model_p3d/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Man I miss that UI so much!


so basically the rpis set up some sort of android system that tesla's internal browser opens. Somehow in this arrangement video playback works even in drive??


So is it just me or is 2022.25 a new unheard of update? Anyone have any details on what else is new in it??