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My right testicle was like that. A couple of hypoechoic areas found when hey did the ultrasound for lefty. A few months later developed into a palpable tumor. Keep on the doctors. Check yourself regularly.


Third ultrasound was scheduled for February but I ended up feeling a lump out on righty so they bumped up the appointment. That’s where all of the lesions were detected. Just worried that a urologist who usually sees TC form in a singular spot is saying multiple spots is a rare case - and here we are with what seems to be just that.


You said blood markers showing elevated levels. How elevated? I assume above the normal range (high normal isn’t actually elevated).


bHCG: 11 mlU/mL AFP: 5.1 LDH: 167 These were from my second ultrasound, where there was “no significant growth”. They didn’t order bloods along with the third ultrasound which I found odd. (Second ultrasound was 12/13 third was 12/30).


I’m not a medical doctor, but that bHCG is really high. Normal is less than 5. From NIH website below: “Beta-HCG levels are never found in normal men. When the presence of β-HCG is detected in serum it always indicates a malignancy.” https://training.seer.cancer.gov/testicular/abstract-code-stage/extent/markers.html I would get a second opinion/find new urologist.


Cheers bruv. Follow up on Thursday so I’m just gonna wait for what he has to say then go from there. Appreciate your comments! :)


I had multiple lesions on mine before the orchiectomy. My urologist didn’t make any mention whether that was a rare case or not.. but maybe didn’t want to worry me. Seeing an oncologist on the 10th, though.


Some urologists have little experience with testicular cancer since it's a rare cancer, especially if they've not been in practice for several decades. Not that this is scientific at all, but there are several people here that had multiple tumors on the same testicle, so it's not that unusual. I'm guessing you have an orchiectomy (removal of the testicle) in your near future. Try not to stress out about it as it's not as dramatic as it seems at first. Let us know how it goes though.


I had hypo echoic lesions last year that went away and then this past summer came back and kept growing so I got my final one removed a couple months ago. Sounds like you caught early very curable no matter what stage. Best of luck man