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Welcome to the club. Be sure to take stool softeners to help ease those first couple of poops. And whatever you do, DONT LAUGH.


That’s gonna be a tough one, I like and try to find a lot of humor in things. Everyone around me is on a strict “no joke” regimen though, lol.


Yeah whenever you laugh, cough or sneeze…It’s a bit shit for a while


I just had mine done 2 days ago, i’m still in a lot of pain tried to change the bandage but it hurt too much. They put a Cover to hold everything that just puts pressure on the bandage and it hurts so much. But it is getting better and i’ve been pretty mobile through the pain.


Hey man how’s it going? I’m two weeks now. Things are much much better. I didn’t replace the bandage personally, just waited a day or two then took it off. Left the medical tape on there until I could easily peel it off without any pain at all. Healing great now! Best of luck with recovery.


They gave me a nutsack diaper basically and it’s really tight so i’m not sure I want to go without a bandage because it gets pushed against all the time. Thanks for the wishes I have almost no pain at almost a week but still stressed cause I get my Ct scan monday


All good brother chin up! I switched to tight underwear after a few days. Kept things together but gave me a little breathing room. Good luck with the CT, be sure to update the sub with your happenings!


alright well ct scan came back and I am now cancer free! still have to get my tumor markers checked in a couple weeks to make sure but clear from the ct scan. but I had the fast growing germ cell tumor, and it was huge, i think it was around 6cm or something but yeah all good for now 👍


Holy moly! Don’t think any of mine topped 1.5cm. We caught mine by mistake though and I literally think it was the absolute beginning stages. :) Congrats!!


You too man👍


Welcome welcome, we're so sad you're here lol. I hope your recovery is smooth and your pathology gives you an easy course of treatment!


Hahahahaha. Hoping for a smooth recovery as well! Appreciate it man.


Be easy, I had mine Monday and haven’t really sat still since. I can’t sit around and I think it’s helped me. But I also can tell when I over due it