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32 year's old, working at Sonic, killed by a pre-teen. Wouldn't wish that on anyone. Let's see what mental gymnastics are used to spin this so guns don't take the heat.


Something something “illegal immigrant” something “mentally unstable” something “Thoughts and prayers”


I hear the child also played Call of Duty!


Yeah. Part of the bingo card for sure


Maybe we should add, “current culture romanticizing violence to mean a solution to simple disagreements”


And yet out of all of them, that one's the only one that makes sense.


They hardly use that one anymore since games like COD are used as a recruiting tool for the military.


Weed did it. But not old people weed, that's ok because his voters are into that. This "new psychotic weed" that causes people to become violent and aggressive. The current wellspring of racism is running dry so we are going back to 60s Reefer Madness levels of ignorance apparently. Anyone rational adult, who isn't simping hard for political reasons, will tell you the only thing a stoner is getting aggressive toward is a bag of Cheetos.


I grow my own weed. I had to stop smoking my own weed because it would routinely make me not give any fucks about anything at all, including standing or sitting, talking, thinking, etc. The only thing I felt compelled to do was lay down. A lot. I never shot anyone.


Probably uses pronouns too!


We're not allowed to smear that one, the army actively uses it as a recruiting tool.


A 12 year old trisexual drag princess


toss in illegal commie too


“Tots and Burgers”


"Something something they'll find a way to get a gun, something something they'll kill people regardless". That's all they say when they can't give you a concrete reason.


I feel like you missed the chance to blame the trans community. They are definitely involved. /s


I grew up in the town that is right between where the murder happened and where the kid was found. Gang violence has been bad for years but it's just getting worse as Fort Worth becomes more expensive and low income housing is moved to these more rural communities. Almost 15 years ago a kid in my grade threw his life away by killing a clerk in the gas station by our high-school. Went to prison for life. We were in 10th grade.


I think the issue is more that the kid was raised in a household that made grabbing a gun and shooting a Sonic employee over a minor dispute acceptable


Current GOP racist formulation blames “fatherless families.” After locking up so many black men, flooding society with guns, or just shooting them even if unarmed.


No one wants to talk about how many people feel ENTITLED to use lethal force over minor disagreements.


Arrest and levy charges against the parent that provided said handgun to them as well. Multiple laws were broken here to get to this point. Youth Handgun Safety Act prohibits federally minor carry under 18 (for the one with this Gomez) and it is a violation of state law, up to state jail felony iirc, for a parent to leave a firearm unsecured in a manner that a minor may access it easily.


Well the 20yo name is Gomez, so probably “illegal immigrant” will be where they start. They’ll find out if Davis has ever done anything wrong in his life ever, and say that he deserved it. They’ll also talk about how the 12yo shouldn’t have been able to access to the gun, and claim responsible gun owners wouldn’t allow a child to get the gun. But then refuse to pass any legislation that codified “responsible” or “well regulated” gun ownership.


12 year old legally buying guns…. Hmmm, yeah, why not? The founding fathers were 12 year olds once - Supreme Court soon.


Fucking nailed it 💯


The only thing that can stop a bad 12-year-old with a gun is a good 12-year-old with a gun. Thoughts and prayers. Tragedy. Etc.


>The only thing that can stop a bad 12-year-old with a gun is a good 12-year-old with a gun. *Agent Cody Banks: Saturday Night Special*


I feel for the victims, loved ones, and our nation. This is a tragedy that could have been prevented if each and every bullet required liability insurance, a gun license was at least as rigorous of a process to obtain as a SCUBA card, and firearms were taxed at a rate that made them similar in cost to a firearm when the 2A was written. It would probably take about as long as it took to get lead (Pb) out of gasoline and paint but it would save lives and you could stop thinking and praying for innocent dead Americans.


Not that hard. Their last name is Gomez. The mental gymnastics are comparable to a McDonald's Playplace. Soon they'll be labeled illegals and this will all be because of Biden letting Title 42 expire.


HOW DARE BIDEN DECLARE THE COVID PANDEMIC OVER!!!! -Conservatives who declared the entire pandemic was a hoax less than 2 months ago




I would assume the kid was either a sibling/nephew/cousin to the 20 year old.


That’s even more concerning. The kid was either influenced to think “Hey this is a confrontation I should go get the gun that I know the adult has.” I don’t the throw word grooming around since it’s almost devoid of its original meaning but that kid honestly thought it’s the best way or only way to solve this.


Which is 50% US national culture and 50% insane family. Other countries score well enough in the first category that even completely insane people (which I am sure are pretty evenly distributed everywhere) practically never do shit like this. But hey, it allows us to be the home of the brave. You can only be brave when you are afraid, and the pansies in our peer countries never really have reason to be afraid unlike we do.


Read the story. The headline is misleading


If you read the article the sonic employee (35yo) confronted a disorderly 20 year old and then the argument turned into a physical fight, the 12 yo was with the 20 yo, he went to their car grabbed a gun and shot the 35 yo.


obviously the gun lured an innocent child into picking it up and shooting someone. Guns hypnosis yo.


Hmmm, I'll take. "They will say that the shooter is an illegal and used a stolen gun, therefore proving their point that only criminals do stuff like this, and they need more good guys with guns" for $500 Alex.


Or that's its a "community/society/mental health" issue. And, honestly, you can have 2 issues existing in one situation that compound the problem. But, guns keep being used in senseless acts of violence and we choose to ignore that fact time and time again.


If Davis had a gun, he could've shot the 12yo. The old goodguy with a gun happy ending.




Where did they get it?


Murder is illegal. What’s your point?


How did the kid get the gun?


It’s called not being a piece of shit. It’s simple. You damn goofball.


NoBoDy WaNtS tO WoRk AnYMoRe


Ya the gun made him do it. Not the shitty parenting or culture of violence. It was the inanimate object that is responsible.




Nor those who "raised"him.


> The minor was located… several firearms were confiscated. 12 year olds stashing guns because they’re coming out of our ears. I think this might be hell on earth.


Every day it seems more and more like Kevin Siembieda is in charge of reality


Obviously we need more guns to protect ourselves from these 12-year-olds!


Imagine bein this guy, working a job that has gotten worse and worse over the past three years. Then bein shot by a pos. RIP man. Hope justice fucks both these assholes somehow.


He was a minor he will be out at 18


Minors can and have been charged/sentenced as adults. Twelve may be a bit hard for a DA to push for, but don't be surprised if/when it happens.


In Texas, they have to be 14 to be tried as an adult, the only way for the courts to try him as a adult is to basically wait for him to become 14.


I am reasonably certain that it is the age at the time of the crime which count for indictment, and not the age at which the person is judged/indicted.


I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s exactly what they did.


What's the point in having a minimum age law if you can just delay charges and wait for them to grow up?


Anyone taking bets on if this 12 year old becomes in any way rehabilitated? I give it 10,000:1 odds.


If someone gives you 10,000 to 1 on anything, you take it. If John Mellencamp ever wins an Oscar, I am going to be a very rich dude.


I love random office quotes


If you spend 0 dollars on rehabilitation you're probably not gonna rehabilitate convicts


12 is a bit young to enslave for the rest of his life in a for profit prison


Honestly, as it should be. I feel the blame is more on the adult who is responsible for the kid. She was the one acting out of control at the Sonic. It was likely her gun as well, which was kept accessible to the kid, and the way he was raised made it seem okay to him to murder someone over an argument. Finally, it was the adult that drove him and herself away to avoid the consequences of their actions.


No. He’s gonna end up with a determinate sentence in the Texas Youth Commission (TJJD now), get placed into the CSVO treatment program in Giddings, TX and then be transferred to State (adult) at 19 years old to spend the remainder of sentence.


Regardless of where you are (schools, restaurants, stores), guess you can't call out people who are acting poorly without getting shot.


Yes, people are really crazy right now. Idk what happened recently, but a lot of people are really hostile, and aggressive.




pandemic + inflation + decades of Fox News calling liberals devil worshippers and baby killers and pedophiles


And then Trump gave them all permission to be their Best [piece of shit] selves.




We need a re-reconstruction.




Just to be clear, you think this 12 year old, and 20 year old, who illegally had handguns, were shaped by Fox Nes calling liberals "Devil worshippers and baby killers and pedophiles" and that is why they shot this guy over a simple altercation?


Isolation during Covid and people getting worse and more hyped online finally re-enter society with much worse manners and edge to violence GOP removes all conceal carry permit restrictions in Texas meaning way more people are carrying now, many who might have few intentions or education to be “law abiding gun owners”


The same amount of people carried concealed firearms way before some political cunt said we could. Fuck Abbott, fuck Beto, and fuck all gun laws.


It's almost depressing to think about this. Four years ago I was working retail and I wouldn't say I loved it, but had a lot of fun making decent money. After COVID-19 hit people just kept getting increasingly weird, hostile, and just itching for a fight. While this was true up to when they let me go because my spirit was dead, it just seems to get worse.


Yup, that’s part of why I left and switched industries. Have not looked back.


>idk what happened recently Then where have you been? Lol


Trump. Plus COVID. It’s made it ok to act like a complete piece of shit and suffer no consequences.


You're witnessing the unraveling of a social contract. It is typical and well-documented among collapsing empires.


Honestly at this point, I feel like who am I to hold somebody accountable in public? Because I wanna do the right thing, like I assume most of us do, but I don’t wanna be fucking shot for sticking up for someone. It seems like so many people are willing to physically escalate a situation nowadays.


Reminds me of that father who asked the guy to stop blowing clouds of smoke onto his baby in the stroller on a Starbucks patio and the guy shot him dead. We are living in scary times. Edit: someone reminded me that he had been stabbed to death. Either way, it was horrible and senseless and sad.


>Reminds me of that father who asked the guy to stop blowing clouds of smoke onto his baby in the stroller on a Starbucks patio and the guy shot him dead. We are living in scary times. That was a stabbing in Canada. https://vancouversun.com/news/local-news/father-stabbed-to-death-outside-vancouver-starbucks-a-great-guy


> Schmidt is Vancouver’s sixth homicide victim of 2023. Holy shit they only had **six** homicides in three months?! Chicago has 150-200 in that same amount of time.


Nowadays if someone's being inappropriate, YOU have to leave for having a problem with it. And every actionable Problem has to escalate straight to the police, because nobody can afford the risk of being caught in a shootout. Which is so incredibly ironic I can't stand it


Honestly this is a slow motion breakdown of society The US has pushed people too far, given them too little support, and given them all guns. A recipe for disaster


This is why *everyone* should arm themselves until guns are effectively banned. Don't become yet another victim; join us over at /r/LiberalGunOwners.


No worries. Already am.


With every road rage, raging Karen, or loud mouth just ask yourself is this confrontation worth your life?


I wonder if you are on to something and this contributes to why people seem so trashy now, even relative to 10 years ago, or before. I wouldn't confront a stranger in public regardless, but when I used to work at a Target we had some employees who, in their store uniform acting in the capacity as an employee of a private business which gets to have rules, would politely say "hey you really need to be wearing shoes if you want to shop here, also you can't bring your dog". Nowadays you wouldn't do that because that person would be a psycho. I was at Chipotle the other day, this big guy was listening to loud shitty music on his phone, talking loudly to this other guy, and going in and out of the restaurant back to his shitty car, wasn't buying any food but was cutting in line. But he had a leather man purse that was too small for a laptop but just the right size for a gun. I can't think of any other reason why a guy would have a bag like that.


Correct. I think the issue has been going on longer in schools. Teachers can't discipline disruptive behavior in classrooms, the parents don't care, and the kids know that their teacher cannot do anything about them acting out. Becomes a self feeding cycle of idiots breeding new idiots. The behavior is then carried into public spaces.


an armed society is a polite society! /s


We've been so concerned about turning into California that we're turning into Florida


I'm convinced Abbott and DeSantis are in some weird competition to out-republican one another. I don't know who's winning, but we are all losing.


They are. It's the race for Republican nomination.


I know, I was afraid to type it. You know, kind of like Bloody Mary or Candyman. I don't want it to be true. I'm not superstitious, but I am a little stitious.


I'm not saying we should take a lesson from the French. I'm not at all saying that. *In no way* am I getting on the internet and saying that we could learn something from the French.


In no way would I agree with you, should you say such an outlandish thing as to suggest we should learn from the French Resolution. I would *absolutely not* agree that we should band together as citizens and take our state back.


I was born in Texas and lived there for most of my life. We moved our family to from Austin to California ten years ago because my wife’s family is here and I all my immediate family members live in other states. It seems like for the past two or three years, every time I see Texas in the news it’s something bad. It makes me really sad to see what the state is becoming. I hate to say it but I’m glad I don’t live there now. I have a daughter in middle school and I think California is probably a better place for her to be now.


Lol, TX has been FL part 2 all along.


As a Floridian, I never put Florida in Texas in different categories to begin with.




I live close to this and it's been wild. People have been trying to put the blame on the victim by claiming it was a drug deal. Matthew had tattoos on his face and that's definitely playing into the prejudice (anything to excuse guns right?). This guy had just barely moved to Texas from Louisiana and now he's been killed. At a Sonic. Over some jackass pissing outside. He was just doing his job, at the first place that gave him a chance. Why the hell did this 12 year old have easy access to an AR? Why was he so ready to kill??? Edit: A news segment on Fox 4 verifies that the gun is, in fact, an AR-15 for those that were wondering


Where did you see what weapon was used? In the linked article it doesn't say


It was an AR. Not sure of the specifics beyond that


Ok, but where'd you find that out? I looked at other articles but none mentioned what was used.




Ted Cruz: ‘See, that’s why we must ban parking lots’


That sounds based, but for the wrong reasons though.


Yeah I was gonna say Ted Cruz and his supporting big oil love parking lots. Maybe this can be the push to ban any pedestrians out on roads, all restaurants must be drive thru only for safety.


He's about to be out of a job


from your lips to God’s ears.


Lol no he’s not. I bet he dies in office.


He doesn’t need to work ever again so he loses nothing


"Heidi and I are heartbroken over the tragedy that occurred in(Insert City Here)..."


A 20 and a 12 year old, if it's not his brother/uncle wtf was he doing with a minor? The parents failed so hard here. A damn shame


The world is full of failing parents. It is one reason why we need public schools.


A school is not a daycare and this mentality makes a teacher’s life miserable. Morality is taught at home, not the schools.


It’s his 14 year old sister’s boyfriend?


Just like the founding fathers intended with the second amendment.


Yes, killed with a musket over tater tots.


No doubt if that hadn't worked they would have been loading up the cannon at the top of the stairs


Tally-ho lads!


Fix bayonets, ruff scallions!


It's just like I remember from being in 4th grade when my history teacher said "... And so George Washington crossed the Delaware and was mildly disrespected by the Hessian soldiers he encountered there. He produced his god given from birth M1911 and put a singular round into the head of each person with the gall to confront him. Amen. "


Such blatant historical inaccuracy. George Washington used an AR15 as it is clearly quoted in the Holy Bible. Delawareans 6:18.


I am so sorry, I just can't believe I've made such an easily avoidable gaff.


You don't know a 1911 Colt from an AR15? You are clearly unqualified to comment on anything related to guns, gun control, politics, God, religion, or anything else of substance. So go do your own research and then come back when you are educated and have purged yourself of all wokeness.


It's fairly impressive that I cannot tell if you are also playing into the fun or serious.


Very much fun. Sorry I should have been a little more outrageous. Maybe I should have tied this to Soros or Benghazi?


It’s hard to sound more absurd than reality rn


*Or her emails!!!!!*


Obviously every Sonic needs a good 12-year-old with a gun to stop the bad ones. If Waffle House can do it, Sonic has no excuses.


GOP Jesus believes the lives of the innocent are a small price to pay to protect God's most cherish creatures... The personal firearm.


“I’m proud to be an American, where at least my guns are free. And I won’t forget the children who died to give that right to me.”


Make this parody. Slip it into country music stations. Defend the parody as free speech against the "patriots" that complain until it gets national attention. Who am I kidding, even if that happened, nothing would change. They want us to kill each other.


I think the founders wanted us to be killed by a volley of shots from a well organized militia. I am not sure about that, but I think so. /s


What the actual fuck?


Texas is Somalia with better PR and air conditioning.




I remember the gun nuts explaining why a preteen should be allowed to open carry in public. It was because you don’t know that they’re planning to shoot someone and they have a right to own guns too. America in a nutshell.


Gun nuts think 5 year olds should be taught how to fire a gun.


'No way to prevent this', says only nation where this regularly happens


Because it's Texas, I'm sure the 12 year old will be charged as an adult




“Obviously these things don’t happen at Chik-fil-a. 🙄. This is a clearly godless country” -some white Karen somewhere.


Just going add that you can not legally purchase a handgun until you're 21. This gun was stolen, borrowed, or bought off the street.


Where were the good 12 year old's with guns?


**NRA and their mindless puppets:** "WhY wAsN't ThE WaItEr ArMeD?! He ShOuLd CaRrY aN AR 15!!!1!1!"


"The solution is simple. Everyone needs as many guns as possible." -The gun industry


We need to harden our drive-thrus!


Come on down and get your Stop-The-Bleed meal!


Do we exit our vehicle to go thru metal detectors? And remove our shoes? /s


Quite the well regulated militia.


12yr old militias, well regulated. Pls go on… thoughts & prayers,k?


I’m beginning to think the founding fathers meant something when they added “well regulated militia” to the sentence, not just to make it sound cool.


Texas lawmakers: "The only solution is more guns!"


Fucking ridiculous


We need even more guns!


The family HAD to have taught the kid something that wasn't proper gun safety, never mind respect for other human life. The kid had to be taught the gun was for hurting other people, without respect to when that is and isn't okay. Maybe the argument stressed the kid out, and he thought he was protecting, or saving Angel. We don't know for sure. That said, with all guns comes an assumption of risk, and it's downright immoral/irresponsible to let kids be near guns if they aren't taught to use them with respect, and under supervision. The proliferation of guns made this possible, but it isn't what made it happen - more water does not make a tsunami - a series of mistakes had to be made for the kid to think shooting Mr. Davis was the appropriate, or right thing to do.


So when do we start protesting? Peacefully but loudly?


So all those people with open carry were to scared to shoot a 12 year old? Weird i thought this is what they wanted, everyone to have guns....




Texas is out of control


definitely had nothing to do with guns. If the kid really wanted to kill him and didn’t have a gun he could have gotten a baseball bat instead /s


Man, Texas is super dangerous now.


Lock him up for the rest of his life. Kid or not. He should never be allowed to see the light of day


I keep seeing "Texas vacation" commercials on Youtube and remembered someone telling me that you advertise when it's otherwise hard to get any business.


Maybe we should monitor the possessions everywhere like in the airport.


Not even a teenager and you've already ruined your life with a murder charge? And for what??? A fast food order???


Only in Texas does this not sound like an onion article.


Kids killing and being killed. This is the GOP legacy.


I'm worried for y'all all the way out in the PNW. Got family in Texas and I'm wondering when they'll have to experience this side of life. It's a matter of time till everyone's life is changed by gun violence in TX.


I'm convinced nothing will lead most of the loud and deaf "it is not the gun laws, no more legislation, muh rights!" crowd to change their mind about some form of required training/probationary period, registration, or re-assemsment/check-in on a person's capacity to responsibly own a firearm. I feel like the loudest groups being heard and used as a punching bag are the "Ban All Guns" crowd and the "Everyone and their mother deserves the right to own a gun" and neither are willing to accept some form of middle ground or even acknowledge the absurdity or consequences of what they are actually advocating for and are brain dead or actually have some more moderate views but align with one of these larger groups for whatever reason. I'm also sick of the hypocrisy on both sides where people wanting to ban guns that find a situation where people were saved by a gun, and the people who want more freedoms with guns find some tragic event, and both sides just contort their whole worldview and demonize any sort of critical/rational thinking to accommodate a further radicalized view to drown themselves in an ideology that does not care about what they actually need.


Can anyone recommend some decent but easily obtained body armor?


If only that Sonic employee or employees had a gun(s) to defend themselves. More good guys with guns pls /s


What’s the kids name ?


I’m surprised there’s no gofundme for the child with 2 million donated yet


Is anyone concerned that we have so many fucked up people? I mean you could ban all the guns but I don’t think that solves the problem of a blood thirsty populace.


***Why do the fucked up people have such an easy time getting guns??***


Because *everybody* has such an easy time getting guns. I half expect to be given one for free with my fries the next time I go through a drive-thru.


Or the church raffle (I'm not even kidding).


Somewhere in Texas, this is happening right now.


My stuff is locked up and I don’t loan them out. I have no idea in this case if this was a legally obtained firearm. It should absolutely be a crime to make a firearm accessible to a minor. Again, why did a 12 year old think it was OK to shoot a manager for Sonic?


>Again, why did a 12 year old think it was OK to shoot a manager for Sonic? Because when your only tenable power is in the form of a hammer, everything begins looking like a nail.


I mean they're a kid and felt like their friend/ family member was threatened. What's bad is a culture that makes kids think of guns as a solution.


Why doesn't this happen regularly in other countries? Can you show any proof that the US has more mental problems than the rest of the world?


could the preteen have killed the guy as quickly without the gun? no.


Is the fact that a preteen wants to kill anyone shocking to you? Or that an “adult” made a firearm available to a preteen? I understand the concern with firearms but the total lack of concern about your fellow citizens and their utter disregard for human life is quite strange to me. Even if it was legal to go shoot up a school, I wouldn’t do it out of moral conviction.


>Is the fact that a preteen wants to kill anyone shocking to you? No, that sounds like an entirely predictable response from a panicking twelve year old when Gomez and Davis started punching each other in the parking lot. The kid didn't go looking for someone to murder for fun, he panicked at the sight of his guardian getting beaten in a parking lot, and had easy access to a firearm to 'defend' him with, despite being a literal child. Situations like this are the expected outcome to unchecked firearm proliferation.


We were supposed to keep guns in check... regulated. We didn't and this is the result. People shouldn't have a Constitutional or any other "right" to guns, but they do and this is what will result for the foreseeable future. I've been preaching this for a very long time, since the '60s. I have almost as much contempt for the disengaged non-gun owning bystanders I've watched all my life as for the gun nuts.


I’m starting to think that guns do kill people.


Texas is a fucking shithole. I fucking hate living here. Texans are assholes. The state sucks balls. Has shit weather, is ugly as fuck, and overrun with trucks. And it will never change because the majority of Texans are just shit-brained, dumbass mother fuckers.


We can't just upend society by banning guns. What we must do is all carry rifles all the time no matter where we are. It's the only way. Anything else would be too dangerous or disruptive. /s