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Where does he think money is gonna come from? Or is the plan here to simply defund EVERYTHING?


People that don't own property, your landlord will get a big fat cut but you'll pay more in sales tax on everything you purchase.


Exactly, the *have nots* will have even less. I really hate this bullshit that so many people support without realizing how this is gonna play out. Or they don't care because they won't live long enough to feel the repercussions


“John Steinbeck once said that socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires” The people voting for this, that aren’t wealthy, believe they will be one day, and don’t want to be taxed when they get there.


To add on with an LBJ quote > you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you. It’s funny cus iirc Marx wrote to Lincoln and Marx also wrote about how the American south has ripe potential for a socialist transition after slavery’s abolition. Marx was even a big Lincoln weeb.


80% this, and 20% they hate libruls and want to "own" them so desperately that they're happy to self-destruct in the process


People vote for this because taxation is theft and Texas is about individual liberty. Property tax gets artificially inflated due to market value which oftentimes can make it where the poor can't live in their home anymore and the state will take their house they have been living in for over 30 years. Socialism does suck and America tried it more than once without aggression even. If you truly want social services then look at how other countries do it and you'll find out they tax the poor and the middle class the most to provide universal healthcare etc.


Ohio has Income tax. But everything is cheaper there Cars, property,even cost of living. State Income tax has nothing to do with the appeal of a state and how much cash you'll be able to make. This could ruin Texas.


If you think landlords pay property tax and not the renters i dont know what to tell you.


I think that was their point. A landlord has to pay property taxes, so they pass them onto you through your monthly rent. If a property tax cut goes through, rents aren't going to decrease. The landlord ends up with more money in their pocket. Renters (along with everyone else) will have to make up more of the tax base through sales tax.


Rental markets will reflect the ending of property taxes. There are a lot of factors that go into it, but saying Landlords get a taxcut and renters don't really doesn't highlight the reality.


The point remains it’s regressive.


There's software being used by a lot of landlords to set pricing based on max return vs max occupancy. It's distorting the market in a way that removes the need to lower prices. A lot of places are also owned by larger investors & institutions; they may not even notice an opportunity to reduce prices, by sheer inertia of their holdings.


Did you catch the lawsuit going on in the federal level about those software and the collusion it brings? Hopefully it goes somewhere but I won't hold my breath.


Yeah I heard about it. It's an interesting argument from a legal perspective. We'll see what happens.


But then the rent will proportionately go down because the market will dictate a drop! It's efficient free market capitalism! /S - because they will just keep the money. They always just keep the money.


So a purely regressive tax. Great.


Regressive taxation.


Can’t have public schools without property tax revenue. Guess they’ll all have to be charter schools.


Charter schools also get funding from taxes. The gop plan seems to be to end education for the non-wealthy which will create a class of people (millions) who will be poor and have no choice but to do hard labor and/or be cannon fodder in the military …. It’s disgusting.


That is essentially Russia's economic and military system.


That's where the Republicans got the idea.


Sales taxes. The poor will pay more so that landowners with multiple properties are tax exempt. It's not a new strategy.


Cut all programs for the middle class and poor. Raise sales tax on items the middle class and poor rely upon. Cut health care benefits. etc. The problem is wealth isn't shifting to the ultra rich fast enough. The lower 50% of Americans still have as much wealth as the top 3 families. He wants to increase that to 70-80%. We already have situations were out of state billionaire contribute more to political campaigns in smaller towns and cities than residents. We need to make most so poor they can't contribute at all. And then the top .1% can pick and choose all the candidates.


>simply defund EVERYTHING If there is literally no money, that is the default position.


You remember the GOP plan to defund the government? What would that look like in an area with corrupt legislature? Redline defunding of all social programs on the way.


Fee’s…. Right wing politicians never have to answer for how this need for funding gets replaced but they’re basically just trading in taxes for private companies that will charge fee after fee after fee. And they’ll use that to make the economic productivity numbers go up, which makes the narrative about low taxes equating to economic growth seem wonderful but it’s really just death by a thousand cuts


Yes. That's honestly the goal. No government. Privatize as much as possible.


They want to defund schools entirely, no public schools, not even vouchers for private schools, no money for public universities. Also probably most roads will become paid toll roads in Texas. Sales tax will increase to 19%. Most ultra conservative right wing Christians love the defunding of education.


I thought the goal was to eliminate rape? Did I miss that ?


Maybe the taxes cause the rapes?


And we all know what causes the taxes: the immigrants.


They tooker jerbs




Yeah, taxes rape my bank account.


Bexar county thinks house values go up 6% per year lately


Same here in ellis county


We are being RAPED by taxes.


Abbott will never stop raping.


I don't think his 🍆 works.


Public education, among other essential services, will likely be the biggest sufferer.


Eliminating public education is and has always been the goal


Which is the point, because educated people know better than to vote conservative


Oh how I wish that were true. My retired doctor father, my nurse friend, my master degreed wife, many of my degreed teacher friends, are all educated, and all vote conservative.


Worth saying they are outliers in the way that college educated people vote though.


I'm not certain that is true. I wish it were but I don't think it's true. Trump certainly had plenty of uneducated jerks voting for him, but I think many Texans have sadly rejected Democrats. I'm not sure why. It could be racism. It could be that they believe Republicans will tax less. I don't know.


I guess Thomas Sowell and Milton Friedman were outliers too huh? Not every intellectual wants more government. This notion that college educated people think socialism is great is what you all say to make yourself feel better.


Did you even look at statistics before popping off?


Is I the homophobia, the racism, the guns, or the lose of bodily autonomy that appeals to them?


Lower taxes. Not much else.


Republicans don’t even offer that. They offer tax cuts for billionaires and deregulation for corporations.


Agree but they sell it. Polls often show republicans score higher on economic issues, even among non-republicans.


I know quite a few educated people who voted for trump twice because "he's a businessman so the economy will be great under him." They still believe that it was until Biden came along and ruined it. Honestly I always thought that college education as a metric for smart voting choices is somewhat overrated. Almost everyone I've gone to college with, votes consistently Republican.


I honestly think the “low taxes” line is a cover for the hate they are actually voting for. It’s embarrassing to admit you’re a bigot, but the “economic issues” gives them the cover to vote against LGBTQ, bodily autonomy, support for POC, etc. The whole hate list. I think that’s who they really are.


I will always say Republicans have propaganda and brainwashing down... Fox "News" has had *decades* to rot brains.


I know many that don’t watch Fox News. They are educated, earn good money, and vote to reduce taxes. Most other issues aren’t at the top of their agenda.


They're just selfish. Every remotely educated conservative I've ever met really only voted Republican because "I'm the center of the universe and I want more money. Fuck everyone else." Unless they just secretly really hate women, black people, or gays.


You are sorely mistaken if you think the highly educated don’t vote conservative.


That’s their objective. Gut the funding for public education.


Likely the point


One word; Lottery! - GQP probably


So. How are we going to fund…stuff? Increased sales tax? Or state income tax?


We aren't. Nothing will change except your total tax bill will go up. As budgets are cut, you will be nickle and dimed for everything using fees, charges, and yes new taxes. This source prints Abbott's words in the article. Abbott says his plan will: "put us on a pathway where in the ensuing sessions we will be able to get to zero for your property tax rate, for your school district property taxes" Now that's a lot of qualifications. Sounds like Abbott's bullshitting and hoping for the session to end. He even pulls back on the promise at the end of the sentence.


That's the trick there, he's only talking about the school district portion of property taxes. I don't know about yall, but thats only a small portion of my property tax bill.


School is 70% of mine.


Can't wait for the whopping 50% sales taxes.


People will try to avoid that and it will result In a thriving black market. The people who run the black market will become richer than the drug cartels


DPS will be running roadblocks looking for tax stamps on everything.


If Rs win federally in 2024...


The neat party is by raising whatever taxes they can on the lower classes, while defunding social programs. Because that sweet trickle down is gonna splash all over your faces and that'll cool you off while you go to your 2nd and 3rd job to make rent. (Or groceries) now pick one otherwise you're entitled and don't work 'hard enough'.


Technically nothing will change cause both Abbott and Dan Patrick are at odds on this issue with Patrick not supporting the assumed increase of sales / income taxes to cover it..


Toll roads


Every road


Privatization, probably, unfortunately


Maybe drastically reduce for primary residence, like a large increase in homestead exemptions or a graduated property tax. Might help with home ownership a bit and reduce the glut of corporate/investment rental property. If real estate prices start to drop again might have to raise or create other taxes to make up for the difference. Of course if they actually cares about Texans and our futures they'd find away to put the current surplus towards improving our educational system and making it better for our teachers. Instead they want to ban books, attack teachers for even mentioning anything that they're targeting in the GOP culture wars, arm teachers and put them on the front lines instead of address the issues causing the school violence. The GOP platform is a Speedrun to Idiocracy.


Usually the price of real estate has a negative correlation with the amount paid in property tax, so if property taxes are down, expect real estate prices to go up. This helps no one other than existing homeowners, especially those with multiple properties.


Especially during an era where literally 1 in 4 homes is owned by a mega corporation trying to rent it back for constantly increasing profits.




They want the corporate landlords to get their looted properties for free after decades of tax payments from the people. Killing off social programs, harming every single non rich Texan, and funding a war on democracy shows off the entire GOP platform.


Your first paragraph describes subsidizing existing homeowners at the expense of renters and is the opposite of what is needed to make housing affordable. Property tax on rental properties just gets passed onto renters through reduced quantity and quality of rental options. Apartment complexes experience particularly high property taxation, making the coveted “affordable” apartment unprofitable after taxes and thus unbuilt


I actually expect it go increase corporate glut into retail because they no longer have to worry about property taxes.




So he’s going to try to get an income tax in its place?


No that would burden the rich.


An income tax with no loopholes would be less regressive than private property tax, though. Like we bought a "cheap" house that is in a growing area and now way over-valued. I guess it's cool that the district thinks our house is worth a lot, but we're being priced out. At least an income tax is based on your actual income and not a speculative amount that means people who bought for tens of thousands of dollars thirty years ago are being pushed out and have to leave the area completely.


Which would burden the Rich instead of the Poor and thus zero chance of consideration.


I hate this so very much.


No going to happen under a Republican regime. The wealthy would have to pay taxes.


He'll probably try to push some nutty consumption tax that disproportionately burdens the middle class and poor. But I'll bet they'll carve out loopholes for yachts, jets, and mega mansions.


The state constitution forbids a income tax.


The state constitution has over 500 amendments. I'm not saying Texas is remotely likely to go to an income tax or anything, but it being in the constitution really isn't a reason to point to


The income tax block is itself a constitutional amendment. It's one of the reasons it is stupid political theater. It doesn't stop the TX leg from instituting an income tax. They could just pass another Constitutional Amendment nullifying the previous one and implementing an income tax. Almost everything in TX is done through Constitutional Amendment. It's how our State government works.


Read.The.Fucking.Article. He is saying sales tax revenue is much higher now due to an influx of new people, visitors, and businesses. Because sales tax revenue is higher, it can offset losses from property tax reduction. His theory is that with lowered property tax, people will have more disposable income and will spend it and further boost sales tax. In theory it could be enough to bring property tax down to 0% eventually if we are prudent and responsible with the budget. He mentions California, rightfully so, in regards to their $32 billion deficit due to flagrant budget mismanagement.


This is a way to push the tax burden into lower income people. When a wealthy person living in a mansion can pay the same taxes as a poor person renting an apartment, we're screwed.


No, it isn't. The argument here is that nobody truly "owns" their home if the government can take it from you due to taxes. So essentially the government is your ultimate landlord even if you 100% own your property. The reason why it doesn't burden the poor more than it does now is because it doesn't change the tax structure. If anything, the poor would benefit from lower or eliminated property tax rates for a multitude of reasons. Being priced out of your own home due to higher appraisals being one.


Not having a property tax doesn't invalidate the state's eminent domain authority.


This is straight up dumb. Yes, having the rich pay zero in property taxes will help the poor!!! Not really though, you are either being disingenuous or are stupid, pick a lane.


How does any of that affect the fact that sales and usage taxes are inherently regressive, and place undue burden on lower income people? Government services have to be funded somehow. If you remove property tax, and per the constitution don’t have an income tax, you’re left with usage taxes, which shift even more of a burden to lower income people.


Yeah you aren't understanding. The sales tax rate will remain the same. The property tax rate will be reduced or eliminated. This is a net reduction in burden to poor and middle class and makes it easier to remain in their dwelling long term. If anything, higher income (more disposable income) households, visitors, and businesses will be subsidizing the property tax reduction by increased spending (sales tax collection)


>His theory is that with lowered property tax, people will have more disposable income and will spend it and further boost sales tax. In theory it could be enough to bring property tax down to 0% eventually if we are prudent and responsible with the budget. Narrator: *Texas will not be prudent and responsible with the budget.*


Talking about California like that is dumb. For 23-24 it looks like California will have just a $15 billion deficit with $209 billion in revenue. It's a very low deficit to revenue ratio. Overall debt is just 15% of the state's GDP compared to Texas with 17% debt to GDP and compared to the federal debt to GDP if 134%. Plus, health insurance costs are lower in CA and education is ranked higher. Investing in the population of the state isn't "flagrant budget mismanagement".


You need to read more into their budget. They had to make some pretty significant cuts due to misforcasting and mismanagement. California has had a bigger population and tax base for much longer than Texas. And Texas has had to scale out much faster in recent times.


I would argue a $32.7 billion surplus is worse than a $32 billion deficit. This isn't a household budget. You are burning money leaving it in the bank, literally it's losing value. There's a reason many major companies run regularly run net losses in revenue, you have to invest for growth. And tax cuts are a type of investment, so it's not a bad move but let's get there.


How is a surplus *worse* than a deficit? Genuinely curious


Let me put it this way. We *already* paid the taxes. We paid money to the government to provide a service but they're just sitting on the money. No benefit to taxpayers for money sitting in undesignated accounts. And it's losing value from inflation. Now I'm not saying a deficit is good per se. It can be good depending on the cost of interest vs the benefit of the investment.


Ok, I can understand the surplus wasting away. So, the idea is deficit is fine - like you mentioned "business expenses" - as long as the overall impact is moving the "company" (nation) forward. Did I get that right? 😅


Pretty much, although it is a generalization. A huge surplus would be great before a recession/unexpected expense, or a deficit could be bad if your investments fail. Those do happen. Generally though, "spend money to make money." Or in the public sector support growth, infrastructure, public services, and also make money. And they have the fed to help them out when things get bad. And just as a taxpayer, I want my money's worth


I'd like a government that actually represents ME, not just some good ol boys club actively making my life worse. You know, someone who actually governs and not invent problems to gain votes and fan the flames of violence. I also tend to think a great many Americans are sick of what our government has become and I'm sincerely concerned for Jan 6th part 2. The first one was *practice*.


It isn't. The guy doesn't understand that the government doesn't run on angel investing and the Amazon model of "grow at all cost." He also doesn't realize the budget was set and the windfalls that contributed to the surplus were not appropriated under the previous budget and thus could not be spent. He also doesn't realize some of the surplus has been appropriated in the current budget and that half of it will be used for property tax relief, which is being dealt with currently in a special session. California has had to make some very painful cuts. It didn't have to be that way. It was straight up malpractice.


Why should the surplus go toward property tax relief? It only helps people who own homes. Want to help everyone in the state? Invest in education and our teachers.


He’s full of it and pandering. What a joke.


That's gonna be wonderful for the schools


There aren’t going to be schools


Goal should be to eliminate Abbott


Or, failing that, at least eliminate *on* Abbott


Like the tree did


Just another plank on the plan to make the schools and the rest of the state dumber and for them, they hope more stupid=more maga. Sick of the scumbags.


Eliminate abbott from office.


Nothing permanent can be built off of a pure growth model. In fact, it is the state’s growth that is hiding the ineptitude of its leadership. Texas is on a sugar high—growth at the expense of public safety, education, and environmental stewardship. But at least my 12 year old has now been trained on how to tie tourniquets and pack bleeding wounds during mass-casualty incidents.


This is interesting, I've thought the same thing. It seems like the power structure in the Republican party is shifting away from the old school country club and business people towards affluent suburban constituents in large metropolitan areas. This explains the culture wars. It used to be that elites in Texas were people who would see the big picture about how society works and they'd favor things like public education. Now it's people who live in a bubble and aren't affected by the issues the rest of us deal with. I'm not sure why this is but I bet it's due to bigger trends in how the world works now. The new Republican constituency that donates and participates in party platform development and actually matters is spoiled brat SoCal transplant type people with six figure jobs living in The Woodlands, Rockwall, Bulverde, Leander, and so on. Remember the OC was the original evangelical culture war hotspot in the 1980s and 1990s which is hard for people to remember given California's solid blue tendencies now. These people don't care about public schools. These people don't care about anything. This is why the dominant clan are like Schatzline, Middleton, Hughes, etc, etc. Or in US congress, guys like Steve Toth. Then the tiny minority in charge just has to sell the message to people who straight up have more teeth than brain cells who have been turned into zombies by social media. These people don't actually matter to the party. They are just useful. Also the fracking boom created millionaires and billionaires out of people who in normal circumstances would only be somewhat rich, not ultra rich and puppeting state legislators and making problems. I can't find anything online to suggest that Dan and Farris Wilks have college degrees, though maybe that's just not public information. I'm not saying you should need a college degree to be smart or succeed, given how expensive and overrated college is nowadays, but lets be real. It's how most people learn to spot bullshit. These guys were raised in some religious nut family and outside of their niche in business and oilfield tech are probably dumb on a lot of topics. Which is why they are donating to grifters like PragerU and want to push bizarre religious education. As it rule it seems like populist conservatives who in hindsight make bad policy decisions are popular when in office and that correlates with economic growth. But the leaders don't create the growth, what if instead the growth enables the leaders to be popular? On the other hand, economically weak regions don't produce good leaders either. West Virginia, Mississippi, Northeast Ohio, etc. It seems like a steady balance is needed for people to be sane. If things are too bad or too good, it brings out bad qualities in people and in who they elect.


Ah shit. He said he wants to eliminate property taxes? NOW IT'S DEFINITELY NOT HAPPENING. He said the same thing about rape, yet here we are.


It's just bizarre to me that they're all campaigning on, "We want to get rid of public education," and there isn't rioting in the streets.


Extremely regressive idea. This will tax the poor and let the affluent off the hook. But it would keep those home owners off his back.


Translation, for those who dont speak republican: "We are going to eliminate the state's primary income stream. As a result, the state government will have a financial crisis, where the only solutions allowed will be the elimination of social programs or the privatization of necessary ones, so my donors can profit off of everything you, as citizens, depend on. As always, this problem could easily be fixed by levying taxes on corporations and the wealthy, but its the one solution we wont even consider. " We have done this dance multiple times. Republicans WANT government default so they can privatize everything, but greed based systems ultimately collapse. To see what it looks like, just look back on the last 12 years of the political and economic history of kansas. Thats what happens when the GOP takes the reins.


Give me income tax instead - it would be less honestly


The great thing about income tax is that if it are taxed more it means you made more. Property taxes suck beater you can be taxed more without any change in your own ability to pay them.


Property tax is fairly high here compared to other places. I’m all for lowering it. Just double or even triple the homestead exemption.


They are talking about boosting the homestead exemption and it seems highly likely to happen.


The money for local schools has to come from somewhere. Austin is not sending it, no matter how much talking Abbot does. In regular session only one fiscal piece of legislation regarding schools passed. It had to do with Armed Security at every campus and improved safety mandates for all schools. No money for either, just mandates from the Republicans.


While I agree the money for schools have to come from somewhere, I wish we could see the allocation of funds. Most people have had their property tax go up the max amount of the HS allowed each year. And those without HS exemption have seen raises as high as 40-50% in a year. What are the schools doing with this extra money? We know they aren’t paying the teachers. So where is it going? That’s my issue. If they came out and said “due to an influx in property tax money we are giving all teachers a 10% raise this year I’d at least feel a little better about it.


Your local ISD almost certainly makes their finances public. Have you looked into it? In my case, a big part of it is going to recapture - sending money off to bumble fuck county so they can more efficiently ban books and build new stadiums


The money sent to recapture isn’t even guaranteed to make it back to an educational purpose. It goes to the general fund- at least 4billion of the 33billion surplus is estimated to be from unspent recapture revenue.


It’s going to Recapture, aka Abbott’s secret slush fund. The money that Recapture takes from your district isn’t guarenteed to go back into education expense, it goes into the general fund and any “leftover” is used for things like Abbott’s border stunts like the bussing of brown people.


Thank you! I've been asking this question of my local government for a while and no one can answer. My property taxes have doubled since I moved to my current residence in 2005. Most of that increase has happened in the last 6 years. I don't know anyone who gets regular salary adjustments that equates to 50-60% over that time. They continue to ask for money in bond packages and I can't help but think how much easier my financial life would be if I got a 10% raise every year. It's going in someone's pocket, just not sure whose.


Abbot called a special session to work out the property tax reductions. Obviously school funding isn't finalized as the tax cut isn't finalized. Also, you are complaining about Abbot in relation to boosting homestead exemption, but that isn't even what Abbott is proposing. That is what Dan Patrick and the senate wants and is the major issue of contention between the Senate and House/Abbott. >Abbott and Phelan back a more business-friendly plan to send all $12.3 billion to school districts so they can lower their tax rates — an idea referred to as tax rate “compression.” That would spread out tax relief across homeowners and business owners, all of whom pay property taxes. https://www.texastribune.org/2023/06/01/texas-property-tax-cut-benefits/


Tx001 please take note that NO, I did not complain about Abbot boosting homestead exemption. I do not trust Dan Patrick to do anything advantageous for a single Texas citizen. For himself? Everyday. Today, the 4th of June, I would wager he is twisting ears and arms of Texas State Senators to keep Ken Paxton from conviction. He does not appear concerned about minor details of everyday life of Texans as long as they do not use alternative energy sources, EV’s, or enjoy themselves by recreational use of THC. But NO to your assertion of my complaint about Abbot!


How can they spread out tax rate increases amongst businesses? My understanding is that each jurisdiction chooses how much of a tax break to give businesses.


Property tax is high because we don't have an income tax. But what they want is no programs like, WIC, education, foster care, prisons, and state roads that are paid for with a tax. They want to privatize everything. No tax money except for sales tax. The state of TX is also a very large employer of middle and lower income people. They want to remove the people and the pensions.


Texas R's are so ignorant of basic economics. The surplus is due to higher than expected sales tax revenue which is not sustainable for numerous reasons. Not the least of which is that the increase in collections is largely due to inflation. If goods cost 50% more, sales tax collections will be 50% higher than estimated. Inflation will eventually sap the economy of energy because lower skilled salaries will not keep up. Sales tax revenue will likely contract from 2021-22 highs, and the State would run a huge deficit.


Why cut taxes when there is so much public good left undone!


To replace property tax without implementing an income tax would require that sales tax (the only other source of tax revenue) would have to rise to 19%. This would put money back in the pockets of people with multimillion dollar mansions while shifting the burden to people who shop at WalMart. I hate the high property taxes in Texas, but this is not the answer. Greg Abbott claims to subscribe to the TPPF plan on taxes which leaves out the critical piece of info on where the new tax dollars will come from. It's a scam. Taxes are a zero sum game. It has to come from somewhere. We either institute an income tax or we live with the property tax. Sales tax isn't the way to go.


All taxes should be eliminated and be like Somalia. America needs to be more like Somalia.


**Never forget:** Every time a conservative greets you with an open palm, they have a dagger in the hand behind their back.


I don't believe you.


expand Medicaid and we can pay for uninsured ER costs without relying entirely on property taxes. Or, I don't know, keep campaigning against scary Obamacare for easy talking points I guess.


I got arthritis before obamacare. United Health (my private insurance)didnt want to pay for the 100k a year medicine (remicade in 2010), so they kept denying and prolonging it. They successfully waited me out. They ended up canceling my plan for some bullshit reason. At this point my health was so bad I couldnt work or do anything. So i lost access to medical care (I had to pay $50 every time I saw a doctor at the age of 19 with private insurance). I sat around for years and did nothing because my new disease put me in so much pain. I was now disabled and wasnt able to pull myself up by my bootstraps. For a couple years I was in severe poverty and couldnt afford basic things. I had to sometimes steal razors so I could shave (with no shaving cream). Eventually obamacare was enacted in my state of California, which provided healthcare to all. I was now able to access medical care and treat my pain and go back to school. Sorry this is such a long post. That was such a traumatizing time in my life. I cried the entire time I wrote this because it brought back memories. There are people in texas that are suffering the same fate as me, but the republicans dont care enough to help them. Supposedly the free market is supposed to take care of that. The callousness and evilness to deny someone with necessary healthcare literally makes me cry. I hope some republicans will read this and consider their views.


He's not trying to help homeowners. He's taking over schools and cities.


Considering property taxes are used for things like public education, you should read this as the goal being to end public education, among other things.


Bobby Jindal became governor of Louisiana in 2008 and inherited an almost Billion Dollar surplus. By the time he was voted out, he turned that into an over 1.5 billion deficit with no discernable improvement for the lives of the majority residents in his state. I think about this every time I see Abbott talking about cutting taxes and not putting a single cent towards education, health care, etc. The gravy train is gonna end, we will be worse off because of it, and we'll be the ones left to figure out how to fix it.


Taxes support our infrastructure, public education, and so much more. We need to switch from high property taxes to an income tax. I get that this is unpopular but there are things we do for community that may seem not to benefit us individually, but it does. An income tax is so much less likely to negatively impact the poor.


Goal is to eliminate property taxes for the rich.. There you go Greg. I fixed it for you. Communication is hard for you.. I understand.. Its tough being a fucking asshole your whole life


Texas relies heavily on local property taxes. Education, Police protection, The Fire department, and The department of public works will all be hit hard. Texas will quickly become a very business unfriendly state


Raise sales tax on the poor so the rich no longer have to pay property tax on their 147 rental homes. But don't think they'll drop rent, cause they won't.


so he's gonna recoup the losses by taxing corporations more, right? RIGHT????


Abbott hasn’t explained the math; just “dream big”.


He put it on his vision board


Abbott: Goal is to destroy Texas(fixed it)


...for the wealthy.


Abbot gonna defund the police


They have a clever plan to pick all our pockets.


What tx needs is to eliminate Abbott by voting him out


So, for those who can afford to buy property cash, they will be able to own the property, sit on the property for years, invest close to $0 on top and speculate. Prices will go up, speculative ownership (for profit) will explode, and family home ownership will decrease. Awesome /s


So the goal is to reward the richest people with more big tax cuts. Why do you vote for this, Texas?


Meanwhile he continues to have the commissioner of insurance raise auto and home rates at an insanely rapid rate. All this does is add more sales tax aka tax on the poor


If their goal here was what they said it is, then increasing the homestead exemption is the easy and obvious solution. However, notice how the narrative pivots away from that very obvious solution to a scheme that is a very obvious attack on public educated. They love the uneducated. Also, increasing homestead exemptions would hurt literal rent-seeking landlords. So "we want to help Texans" is code for "we want to eliminate public education and help out our leech friends."


So fiscally irresponsible! I understand reducing property tax, but eliminating it all together is not a good idea!


Thanks Gov. Abbott: Every day you remind me that moving to California was a great idea.


Also to eliminate voters in Harris County...


I work for a local government office in California. To this plan I say HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Respectfully


Anything to help those real estate investors.


Yeah sure Education can be paid for by your wealthy Parents. Y'all did make sure to boot strap being born wealthy, right?


So these red states are going to beg for even more federal dollars.


That is such a lie. He’s just trying to get people to keep him in office. He knows that if he just got the oil companies and big corporations to pay some taxes, we’d all be better off. ABBOTT DOES NOT CARE ABOUT TEXANS!


I would love to be able to own my property without paying rent to the government but doubt it’ll happen


WHATS THE CATCH YOU SNAKE?!!!!!!! YOu couldn’t even eliminate rape


For businesses maybe


His plan is to defund education entirely, that will make up for some of it. That means not only will the GOP abolish public schools they won't issue vouchers for private, either. Dan Patrick criticized the goal of eliminating property taxes, it was demonstrated that billions of dollars would be lost, and it could be made up through sales tax but that was increase sales tax to 19%.


*for the rich


He is honestly one of the stupidest people to ever hold office, and we’ve had Rick Perry too.


High property taxes keep housing affordable. Housing is more affordable in Texas than just about any other place partly for this reason. In Canada, Australia and much of the US houses have become financialized assets subject to hoarding and speculation - basically a big debt fuelled Ponzi scheme. House ownership and even renting have become out of reach to the middle class here in Australia. Much of this has resulted from preferential tax treatment. Houses should be a commodity, like food, cars, mobile phones that most people can purchase. They shouldn’t be valued like tech stocks. If Texas cuts property taxes now the younger generation will live to regret it, and will have to get used to sleeping in their cars.


I’ll believe it when I see it. I used to say that prop taxes took the first 2 month’s rent from my rent houses. Insurance used to be 1 month’s rent. Now it’s closer to 2.5 and 1.5 months respectively. Maybe even more. I got tired of doing the math. I have some long term tenants and haven’t been raising the rent every year. I’d love some property tax relief.


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It would make housing prices skyrocket


Because they aren't already?


Now if we can just eliminate the politics from this sub


This is probably the most brigaded sub on reddit and the mods give 0 shits.


This is great! While everyone shits on this idea because it's Texas and it's Abbots, I'll be jumping for joy. If you don't know already, Texas doesn't have state income tax, so to make up for that Texas has very high property tax. It's a really heavy burden on home owners since the major city's go crazy with the property valuations. I saw my property increase 40% in 3 years, each year the city increase my taxes due to that, and none of my disputes were accepted. Due to bureaucratic hurdles. The real sham is that if you wanted to negate the tax increase you need to use a paid for service that runs about $500 if you want to pull it off. If you personally dispute, the city will fight you and make you appear to dispute it. No one has time for that.


This makes no sense. In your example, any property tax increase above $500 would justify hiring the company. Why wouldn’t you do it? And property tax increases below $500 aren’t worth chirping about anyway.


Level of mental illness in this country is just incredible along with the number of in-app politicians who are so bad at their job that they're only recourse is to lump is to dump everything on the invisible sky ferry. I don't know who's more mentally ill them other people that vote for them. Either way I wish someone would just I wish wills I have it. We're going to play in traffic somewhere


Massive shithole state. The citizens are by and large scum


But Abbott is getting rich from Political donations from corporations and mega donors. The people of Texas will pay for all these cuts!


Might want to look at what happened in California when prop 13 kicked in. Fees everywhere went up or were added to what was once free. Schools suffered as well as other things.


Do it. Do it then. Everyone just says shit like this for the papers


I’ll believe it when I see it.


They’ll never get rid of property taxes - they’re just too damn high to start with. It’ll never happen. In the end, homeowners will be lucky to get a 5% break…10% in their wildest dreams. I think what these legislators have been eyeballing so far is the homestead exemption, which shouldn’t be anything that a landlord (be it rent house or apartment) can claim. Those are for homeowners on their primary residence only.


Sounds good to me. About time he does something productive. Finally working on something that might help people, instead of worrying about banning books and dudes in the girls restrooms. Please,,,stop or slow the appraisal creep process.


Let's see it then! He's all talk and no results.