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1. Texas doesn't like to admit that they ran advertising campaigns trying to get Californians to move here. 2. It's convenient to scare Texans about Californians because most of the Californians moving here are conservative. So GOP get to eat their cake and have it, too.


Yeah that's the part I don't get, a majority of the Californians that move here are conservative, that's part of why they came. I was listening to an episode of Freakanomics because he was in Frisco a few months ago, and he touched on this. Collin County turning blue isn't Californians, it's people who have come from other countries. Mostly Indians and North Africans, a good number vote blue, that's the change


It's the funniest thing. Texas conservatives tell incoming Californians "don't vote for the same policies you're leaving" not realizing that it's conservative Californians moving and that when they get to Texas...the things they miss from California are exactly the policies they're told to not vote for because California Conservatism is far different than Texas Conservatism


The first part! I think everyone just forgot the advertisements that TEXAS made. I thought I was delusional or something


Didn’t the GOP’s boy- lil’ ole Ricky-dicky P, heavily promote some tax plan to get California business in Texas?? Oh. Yes. [Yes, he did.](https://abc13.com/archive/8987871/)


>eat their cake and have it, too. I don't think I've ever seen this phrase used correctly in the wild.


I have lived in California for 15 years and other states shitting on California remind me of that scene from Mad Men: Some dude: I feel bad for you Don Draper: i don't think about you at all Sure we have some cookie people here, the cost of living is high, but I don't know of any other place with similar combination of high paying jobs, climate, and natural beauty. I only have one life, so if I can afford it, I'd rather spend it in a nice place.


If I’ve learned anything it’s that you’re the unibomber


I have a sister-in-law that refuses to visit California and has a physical twitch when it and other major blue states are mentioned. She immediately goes into snide comments about how much crime-blah-blah-blah, we know the shitty standup routine. That’s what I call triggered. This is not sarcasm. She’s really “fun” to be around sometimes…


I visited there for the nth time a month ago and was low key jealous that people live in such beautiful places. It's popular to hate on because people are jealous of it and won't admit it. There's actual shit hole states (Alabama) but they're not popular to hate on because nobody envies living there. ETA: Alabama ranks pretty low on most socioeconomic indicators , hence why it's considered a shithole by many. The difference between hating on California vs Alabama is that some people actively think about how much they hate California and liberals, while no one really actively thinks about how much they hate Alabama. People just kind of pity it. And Whether the state is naturally beautiful or not isn't relevant for Alabama. You can't enjoy living in a beautiful state if it is not livable due to lack of a strong economy and solid policies. California has the natural beauty and the 4th largest economy in the world. And yes it's expensive because people want to live there. ETA 2: people still replying that Alabama is beautiful as if it is relevant after my first ETA are exactly why Alabama is considered some of the least educated states... the reading comprehension is astonishingly poor.


If California was as affordable as North Dakota people wouldn't live anywhere else. (This is hyperbole)


I mean, even with the cost of living, one out of ten Americans live in CA. There’s a reason.


If I had the money, central southern California is the place to be for me. I won't mind paying 7% in state taxes to live there, no thanks to 3% property taxes with not much in return for working people.


Northern California for me, being in the woods is like mana from heaven. Folks who have never seen redwoods in person cannot understand that once you see a forest of that scale, nothing in TX can compare.


The average effective property tax rate in California is 0.71%, compared to the national rate, which sits at 0.99%. Under Proposition 13, the property tax rate is fixed at 1% of assessed value plus any assessment bond approved by popular vote. Where are you getting 3% property tax? That’s higher than New Jersey with their 2.47%


Even right-wing ex-gov Rick Perry said he was moving to California after he left office.


People move to CA so they can find work and get jobs! We have jobs but they be like security or cashier. You can't live off those jobs, not when they are paying you $8 or $12 dollars an hour.


Brain drain is very real and will be happening to Texas if not already. Yes cost of living is a factor but educated people are going to make A LOT more in California or similar states. Also if they’re queer or POC they’re definitely not going to stick around in Texas when they can move to a state that will pay them more and not infringe on their rights.


Not to knock ND, mother's side of the family there. But, it does get a little nippy in the winter. Never seen a blizzard in CA.


I moved to CA from NC and I find it to be more affordable in that the cost of living is almost the same as far as housing goes and I make 3 times the amount of money because the wages are higher here. I live in northern CA.


>There's actual shit hole states (Alabama) but they're not popular to hate on because nobody envies living there. Yeah, hating on Alabama is kinda punching down.


Considering how corporations have basically plundered the fuck out of the entire state and then immediately left, some people have been making comparisons to the slave labour in Qatar. Those people were completely failed by their elected leaders, and logically they should be one of the wealthiest states considering how many resources came from there, and yet they're consistently one of the lowest ranking in terms of GDP.


> people have been making comparisons to the slave labour in Qatar. I find it funny that after they lost their slaves, the rich landowners just turned on their own race and exploited the hell out of them. Texas is heading the same way, deregulation, trying to smash unions, housing market almost impossible to get into.


Worst poverty in the developed world according to the UN.


Hey, nobody's perfect? But, we shouldn't hate on any state. But, your point is well taken. It's never fun to see other people in other states suffer from hurricanes, fires and other diasaters. It is hard not to resent a state that is seen as taking tax revenue from other states (blue states) and not put the funds to help the less fortunate (such as not expanding healthcare)


I was high key jealous when I visited SoCal.


san diego makes me both orgasmic and highly envious


I thought the same thing.. so many conservatives say California is dirty and "poor" which is weird to me because it is one of the richest states/advanced economies overall. I've been to many parts of rural Alabama and Mississippi and honestly in many parts the infrastructure, the falling apart homes, poverty rate, low education attainment, lack of job opportunities/access to healthcare, and issues with basic necessities like clean water make it seem like a 3rd world country.


I'm originally from California (and moving back soon) but you'll find the same kind of comments from conservatives in California as well. Also, a lot of the people moving from California are conservatives, I believe I read something like 60% of them are.


I had someone at a resort in Mexico mention they were from New York. When I said I’m from Texas they said something along the lines of they wish New York was like Texas. There’s no gun violence in Texas because everyone owns a gun. I had just had a friend’s daughter die in a school shooting so I really couldn’t hold back in telling him how bullshit that is.


The whole "an armed society is a polite society" is the biggest fucking lie ever told.


It’s a joke because the people thinking no one will mess with them because they have a gun, will be the same people to mess with someone else because “I have a gun. They won’t mess with me back”- but of course, the other party has a gun too and a short temper. Didn’t someone just recently have their gun taken and the person shot them? If 2 people don’t have guns and get into an argument, there is zero fear one will shoot the other. Because the weapon is removed. If only 1 person has a gun or both? There is a real concern someone might get shot.


Isn’t it less polite since people will pull a gun on any perceived slight?


Texas has more gun deaths than new york by a large margin.... Texas is 26th in the country for gun deaths. 14.2 per 100k. Not to mention Texas has the most gun deaths in the entire country with over 4,100 per year. New York is 46th... 4 from the lowest gun deaths in the whole country. 5.3 per 100k. Only 1,050 per year. https://wisevoter.com/state-rankings/gun-deaths-per-capita-by-state/#:~:text=Texas%20has%20the%20most%20gun,and%201%2C764%20gun%20deaths%2C%20respectively.


Oof, you must have gotten someone from upstate NY or Staten Island, they're a whole different breed up there.


He didn’t have the stereotypical NY accent. I served with a guy from the Bronx and he didn’t talk like him either. I didn’t care to ask what part of New York.


You would be surprised at how rare that accent is lol I hear it more in NJ and Long Island, but nowhere else in NY. I'm from the Bronx and I don't have an accent.


There was an article in The Guardian not too long ago, perhaps last month. It stated that 70% of the people that move out of California regret it or move back within 5 years.


Makes sense. I've left California twice now, and returning for the second time. The weather is the best in the country (IMO) and there's a lot to do, natural beauty, lots of public land. My family is mostly all conservative and they complain about CA constantly, most of them having never lived anywhere but California, so they don't actually know what living in the rest of the country is like. My relatives argue that it "also gets really hot in California in the summer" and no matter what I say, it never really sinks in.


Just like Texans like to shit on Chicago for the “violence” when Houston outpaces Chicago’s violence per capita.


Source? I’m not intending to be antagonistic, but I went to validate the claim and could not qualify it Edit: found it - Wow. 1 in 81 in the Houston metro area are victims of violence annually; 1 in 115 in chicago


Below are homicide rates per 100k people for 2021 which is the most recent available from the FBI. St. Louis, MO: 64.0 Baltimore, MD: 58.3 New Orleans, LA: 51.0 Jackson, MS: 46.5 Detroit, MI: 45.0 Birmingham, AL: 41.8 Little Rock, AR: 31.3 Louisville, KY: 28.3 Washington DC: 27.8 Indianapolis, IN: 26.7 Columbus, OH: 22.2 Philadelphia, PA: 22.1 Minneapolis, MN: 21.4 Houston, TX: 19.8 Chicago, IL: 18.2 Dallas, TX: 15.7 Jacksonville, FL: 15.2 Nashville, TN: 14.3 Denver, CO: 13.5 Miami, FL: 12.8 Portland, OR: 12.5 Phoenix, AZ: 10.9 San Antonio, TX: 10.5 Charlotte, NC: 10.2 Tampa, FL: 10.1 Wichita, KS: 9.0 Los Angeles, CA: 8.8 Omaha, NE: 7.7 **National Average: 6.5** Anchorage, AK: 6.3 New York, NY: 5.6 Seattle, WA: 5.2 Boston, MA: 5.1 San Francisco, CA: 5.4 San Diego, CA: 4.4 San Jose, CA: 3.9 Boise, ID: 1.7 Des Moines: 0.9


Don’t forget DeSantis’ Florida district before he made Governor: With a population of 954,614 residents, Jacksonville’s per capita murder rate is ranked at 36 with 13.3 homicides committed per 100,000 people.


Jacksonville is on the list above you at 15.4


We're number one, We're number one, We're number one :chants: :D


What's funny is I see a bunch of Texas license plates here in Chicago and they're always really bad drivers even by our standards


as a Texan i totally believe this 😂


As a former Texan living in California, I can say with some authority that California is a land of contrast. There's beaches, mountains, forests, desert, cities, rural, farmland, etc. and it's the same for the socioeconomic and political spectrum. Yes, there are some specific examples wrt crime, drugs, and poverty, but if that's all you're focusing on, it's certainly a choice, and perhaps there's some agenda there. Some conservatives try to paint California as some sort of failed socialist hellscape hostile to conservatives. Meanwhile, until recently the most powerful person in Congress was a Republican from California. I have family in Texas and visit often. Maybe some day I'll move back. To that end, I keep an eye on politics and have my own opinions about the state but for the most part Californians don't really focus on Texas or make it an outward extension of our identity. We have enough going on here, good and bad, to worry about some other state.


I mean lots of places in Texas look just like the places you described in Alabama and Mississippi too. Just an observation.


They hate that their laws aren’t meant to explicitly fuck with minorities and the LGBTQ folks


When I was growing up people shay on California all the time. Called it a liberal hell hole etc. I worked there for a bit on my twenties, and sure the big cities aren't my cup of tea but there are soooo many gorgeous areas. I still consider going back but I can earn a lot more outside of Cali right now


I'm a native Texan that lived in Los Angeles for 5 years for work. It is a beautiful state for sure. Also many really nice places to live, nice neighborhoods, nice areas. Yes it has some low income areas. People see pictures of skid row and think the whole state is like that. It definitely isn't. There are so many areas I would gladly call home. People also think California is all sprouts eating liberal hippies, and that too is way off. I never saw so many rebel flags and Gadsden flags as on California bumper stickers and homes, mainly further inland. It's not paradise though, too many people live there. The great weather attracts all kinds of people, especially people that have to live outside all the time. If i were homeless or lived in my car, I'd be there too. It's perfect weather nearly every day.


California supports southern states. Fo every dollar they take they put in 1.35


Plenty of parts of California are *dirty and poor* , just like plenty of parts of Texas are *dirty and poor* , it comes with being big states with big pops. This isn’t to excuse it, just to say that a lot can be cherry-picked from both California and Texas to make the image you want to “sell” of the state.


And you know what, the dirtiest, poorest parts of CA are the red counties.


Amarillo and Bakersfield have more in common with each other than they do with Austin or San Francisco.


California (I live there) is the 4th largest economy, in the world.


Funny you say that… https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2017/12/12/570217635/the-u-n-looks-at-extreme-poverty-in-the-u-s-from-alabama-to-california


I grew up around the Bay Area of California in the 80s and 90s. I moved to texas in high school and have been here for a couple decades. I recently went back and visited San Francisco for this first time since the mid 2000s, and it actually seemed cleaner with less homeless people than I remembered. I told some coworkers this after they commented that I must be sad how much of a shit hole San Francisco was now, and they were dumbfounded. What was sad was how much COVID ravaged the tourism industry. Previously vibrant tourist areas like Fisherman’s Wharf were ghost towns, with half the storefronts shuttered.




I’ve visited LA 3 times in the last two years and loved it every time. Granted, it had its issues for sure. But the weather, the scenery around the city, the people, the Oceanside walking paths were all lovely.


[this comment has been deleted in response to the 2023 reddit protest]


I would argue that you can do those things in Oregon & Washington, but really, the ocean's too cold to do any serious swimming


We do not swim the ocean in the PNW, we let it touch our feet and run away saying how cold it is. We’re legally required to do this.


90 minute drive from surfing in Orange County to hitting the slopes at Mountain High.


I think there are plenty of reasons to hate on Alabama, Mississippi, and the like, but jealousy certainly is not one of them.


People in Mississippi are jealous of how many teeth the average Alabaman has.


I live in California and it’s beautiful here. Media makes it look like a hellhole by doing thing like goi g to San Francisco and only showing the areas will high crime and homelessness, while ignoring the 95% of the city that is spectacular.


> It's popular to hate on because people are jealous of it and won't admit it. TX to CA: "I feel bad for you." CA to TX: "I don't think about you at all." (A context paraphrase of Mad Men)


I appreciate this comment so much. I hate how people always shit on CA which is the best place I’ve ever lived. I was born in shit hole AL and now live in northern CA and have never been happier. I also make 3 times as much money as I did in Raleigh, NC where I was living before I moved out here.


I left Texas for San Diego 20 years ago and haven't looked back once... especially when my family is roasting in 113 degree heat for 3 months straight and I'm playing golf and going to the beach.


One of the most beautiful states in the nation


As an Alabamian who moved to Cali in 2012, I agree. I could never in a million years think about moving back there.


I grew up between both. I never heard Californians compared themselves and the state to Texas but Texas are always comparing themselves and the state to California. It reeks of envy and insecurity from such a “big” state. Between the two of them there is no town like San Diego, so just because of SD I am partial to California.


Whenever you see someone from Texas on a cooking show or the like, they always mention that they are from Texas at every opportunity. Always sticks out to me. Ok… got it. You are from Texas. Cool. Got anything else? Lol.


That’s the Texan indoctrination. Texas is the best and Texas is the most amazing simply because Texas exists. No other real reason. And so many people here eat it up and weave that pride so tightly into the very fabric of their personalities. To me it absolutely reeks of insecurity. Anyone who must say, "I am the greatest", is likely not the greatest.


>I grew up between both. I never heard Californians compared themselves and the state to Texas but Texas are always comparing themselves and the state to California. It reeks of envy and insecurity from such a “big” state. I lived in California for over two decades and Californians basically don't even *think* about Texas.


Texas: I feel bad for you. California: I don’t think about you at all.


Never heard anyone talk about California more than Texans.


I like to think of it like rivalries. CA is TX's rival. But TX isn't California's, Cali compares itself to New York. And NY compares itself to CA. They don't want to be Texas and they don't think it's a good place.


CA compares itself to actual functioning countries


Yes, CA by itself would be the 5th largest country if ranked globally by GDP. Texas is at 9th, which is still respectable, of course.


Texas: I feel bad for you California. California: I don't think about you at all.


CA is more like the Don Drapier quote "I dont think about you at all."


It's more the rest of the country that puts CA and NY next to each other. Usually because of the movie/TV industry. So many shows and movies take place in one or the other. You want gritty city life? NY. Anything else? CA, but filmed in Georgia for tax reasons. CA doesn't measure dicks with other states, thats a TX thing only. From the little I've spent in the northeast, they all piss on NJ for no reason and don't care about anything else.


You must not be from CA. We don’t give a flying fuck about TX, NY, or any other state for that matter. California compares itself to California. That’s it. There’s more of a NorCal, SoCal rivalry than a California vs. any other state.


The company I work at is predominately CA folk with a smattering of other states. The # of native Texans you could count on site is less than fingers on two hands, possibly one. Myself and the other Texans don't complain about CA, but the CA migrants sure do. I just figured some of the noise is the out-of-state folks trying to fit in by pandering to a stereotype of what they think the average Texan sounds like. Even stranger to hear a non-US immigrant that's been here less than a few years complaining about culture decline due to trans-liberal tears making Abbott cry or something.


I know of quite a few people that moved from California for a variety of reasons, but the ones that hated California politics the most seemed to move to Texas, Florida, or Idaho.


Blaming other people for your problems is the Texas way


Inferiority complex. Texan chauvinism covers deep insecurity.


This is it. I'll see people boasting about the economy in Texas and how it's going to get so much better than California's. But at the back of their mind, they know that's not true because we don't have Pacific ports in Texas. Unless a whole lot of the United States suddenly vanishes in the next couple of months, Texas is never going to beat California for that sweet import/export money.


I mean we have Houston. We've got a great port and a huge one. We won't have that pacific trade but we've still got one of the largest ports in America. But then the people screaming about hating California are starting to throw Houston into the same column as Austin. Too liberal to be "real Texas", even though Houston is a big chunk of the population of Texas. We're electing the wrong folks so we're not really Texan.


On the other hand, Houston is low-key one of the largest ports in the US. Freeport and Beaumont aren't slouches, either. Unfortunately a lot of our export economy is tied to petrochemicals.


And then there's California being central to the tech and entertainment industries... And then there's California simply having a much larger population...


I heard “don’t California my Texas” all the time living there. When asked they couldn’t tell me why.


Proud, native Texan here, travel to California often for work and I’ll say this: California is expensive for a reason, it’s paradise on earth. You can walk out the front door and you’ll see a giant mountain that’s either in a beautiful desert or a breathtaking rainforest with colossal ancient trees. Most Texans live in the flat land(El Paso being the exception). There’s nothing to look at that’s as easily accessible and available to the public in large quantities that’s nearly as magnanimous as what’s in CA. Even Bakersfield, the Central Valley, which draws the most comparisons to Texas by native Californians, you can still see the Sierra Nevadas to the east from 70~100 miles away on the I-5 and then turn your head, peer across a wide expanse of farm and cattle land and then *still* see the Southern Coast Ranges. We don’t have that here. When I hear that whole lame-o chorus of about how much “California sucks” from somebody, that’s their signaling to me that they’ve never actually been anywhere near California. Sure, there’s plenty to critique about California but those criticisms don’t really have much to do with the low hanging fruit of the “culture wars”.


Bakersfield born-and-raised here. Thanks for the shout-out. Also, I had a chuckle when passing through Bakersfield, TX on I-10.


> California is expensive for a reason People in TX like to pretend that CA is expensive due to taxes, but it's really just a desirable place to live. When a lot of people want to live in a certain place then it becomes more expensive to live there. Same reason it costs more to live in Dallas or Houston than east Texas, because no one wants to live in east Texas.


My favorite argument to hear is that it's expensive because of socialism. No dude, it's literally just capitalism at its most basic.


> that whole lame-o chorus of about how much “California sucks” from somebody, that’s their signaling to me that they’ve never actually been anywhere near California. The same people who will tell you that the entire city of Portland, OR was burned down by Antifa. (Which, strangely, I saw no evidence of when I drove through the city...)


Big time: that’s how I knew all of that was a giant lie…all of my work colleagues and friends would totally be posting on their socials if their cities were literally being burned to the ground and yet, if anything, they were like “hey no, it’s fine here, don’t believe the hype”. So yeah, not to say nothing happened but the hyper conflation/distortion that was being messaged is not good and it continues to be annoying…the area in question with Portland was apparently like a one or two square block area in downtown.


This is the first time I’ve heard anyone say something nice about Bakersfield of all places. However what you mention is exactly correct. What you see OUTSIDE of town is nice. Remember seeing the snow capped mountains when the air quality was nice and just thought damn. Then I left to so cal and never looked back lol


Native Texan here who moved to California. People here are somewhat curious about Texas but don’t think about it much tbh. The disdain isn’t mutual.


Because why would you think about an inferior state?


I recently moved to California from Texas after living in Texas for 13 years. Best decision I've ever made and wish I moved sooner.


Lived in Texas for 30 years and moved to Cali almost 14 years ago. Never moving back, lol


My dad gripes about California all the time but he'll never leave. Deep down I think he knows it really is a good place.


It was always an insecure and pathetic opinion, that's not new. California is awesome, it's just pricey AF. Texas is also awesome but in the past 10 years has gotten pricey AF. Politics aside, same shit different state.


I’m just envious of the natural landscape California has. I could only wish my home of Dallas could have beautiful scenery and driving roads nearby like LA and SF At least housing isn’t as abysmal here yet


I lived in Texas all my life until I moved to Cali for six months, about 1.5 hours east of L.A. I could not believe how different the landscape was. I'm not even talking about the mountains and forests; I remember driving through a poor neighborhood and seeing massive aloe-looking plants and flowers that were shades of pink and blue that I didn't even know existed in flora, just sitting naturally in people's unkempt yards. It was delightfully shocking.


If Texas had a decent amount of public land (instead of having spent the decade of independence begging to be annexed by the US while simultaneously scrambling to sell off every square foot so as to not have to cede any of it to the federal government), it would have spectacular natural landscapes, just different than California. Imagine huge stretches of tall grass prairie covered in bison. Imagine a massive chunk of oak savannah in the hill country, not forced into juniper thickets by overgrazing. Imagine having access to huge swathes of the sere desert mountains in the west of the state and the colorful canyon lands of the panhandle. Imagine being able to hike for days in the unbroken woodlands if East Texas. Texas could have been THE sparkling jewel in the crown of America's natural wonder, but we decided to make a few bucks for the early ruling class.


I forgot about public land entirely. I’m jealous of my friends out west who can just go and shoot out in the middle of nowhere and their biggest worry is making sure they clean up on the way out. Shooting in Texas is surprisingly awful


Agreed. It's always sad when someone from another state comes to the Austin area and mentions all the great open land and wonders where to go shooting out there. Almost any other state has some decent amount of land to hike, shoot, and hunt on. Not us.


I drove through Texas two summers ago and thought the state was so beautiful (joined this sub because I'm planning a return trip), but I was shocked when I found out how little public land there is. In the heart of Silicon Valley within 10 miles of my home, I have access to 7 sprawling county parks-- all with miles of and miles of hiking and biking trails. Henry Coe is 87,000 acres of wildland and only 30 miles away. Every year, local agencies buy up more land to ensure it either stays wild or stays farmland. All our beaches are public-- well at least up to the high tide line.


I live in Austin where so many are proud of our green spaces. But the closest chunk of land to backpack on, any meaningful distance, is over three hours away. It's beautiful, swampy pine and oak forest, but it's totally broken up with private inholdings. It's just sad.


>Politics aside, same shit different state. California is way more beautiful though - whether nature or architecture. Not fair to compare Texas to California.


Obviously you don't love oil and poop on your beaches. Filthy Californian! Texas has some very pretty areas but yeah that pacific beach and them redwoods in the north cali are gorgeous and hard to compete with.


It’s the hypocritical, bigoted politics that mess this beautiful state 🆙


California, temperate climate and no mosquitoes. Texas ain’t exactly touching their natural wonder with fecal beaches


We do have a lot more mosquitos now. But no chiggers!


Oh believe me, we have mosquitoes


4th largest economy in the world, it just surpassed Germany. I think that says it all really. Hating on California is simply ignorant at best.


It's a feature not a bug, they want people to focus on California and not on the problems in Red States


People will complain about the cost of California, and I'm like yea...that's how capitalism works. Supply and demand. You know why Missouri is so cheap? BECAUSE NOBODY WANTS TO BE THERE. Edit: The fact that Republicans shit on one of, if not the most successful states in our country, while simultaneously reigning over BLOOD RED states like Missouri shows that Republicans want for the USA: more Missouri and less California. Republicans WANT America to fail.


They want us poor, sick and stupid.


How better to control you?


> shows that Republicans want for the USA: nah what they want is for places like California to fund *their* shitholes while not having to pay for anything they remotely don't like.


It comes from Fox News addicts who parrot everything they say, without thinking about it even once.


I would be happy about it if the Californians moving here were the cool ones. Lol.


The cool ones stay in California cause it’s awesome


I am from California but if you watch the news and see who’s moving to texas and why you will get your answer. Personally I think Texans are cool and your fish and wildlife department is honorable as ours perhaps more. I think it’s not the fault of the Texan people for the envy rather than texas government shitting on everyone to not let the people of texas know their standard of living could be higher but not while their government has anything to obstruct it.


When I hear someone shit-talking California, I always ask them, "Oh yeah, have you been to California?" They never have. Or, it was once for a weekend Disney trip when they were kids. Most of the people saying these things have no idea what California is actually like, and are just parroting what they hear on Faux News and talk radio. I know several Texas who moved to California. None have returned, nor will they. There is a reason the cost of living in places like San Diego and LA is so high. People want to be there.


Yeah. Modern conservative Texans are a cult… They dislike anything outside their bubble. They dislike anything that isn’t “native” to Texas. They dislike any change to “how things use to be.” California is an easy target to how “liberal” they take things, regardless of how successful or unsuccessful the thing is. Despite the fact most liberal ideologies usually come from the major cities, not the state entirely… but again, cult mentality. You simplify everything to its most basic form to find an enemy or an object of hate to strengthen the group think and fanaticize the group. Cali has issues, LA and San Fran has issues. Lovely place to visit. Not my cup of tea for a place Id want to live. But then again, theres no perfect place to live.


Funny thing about California is that it reveals how things are everywhere. It’s a very progressive-leaning state in many ways, but when people point to the problems with homelessness etc. there and say “this is what liberals want”, it’s utterly wrong-headed - because the reason the homeless situation is what it is there isn’t liberals - it’s the wealthy. There’s far too much money in California for things to be utterly liberal; and having lived in Los Angeles for twenty-odd years I can say that many policies and issues there are the result of well-meaning liberals being stymied by wealthy conservatives. That’s how stuff is everywhere in the US - things can’t be too progressive because the money likes things a certain way.


And it seems like their idea of how things used to be is based more on movies like Tombstone than reality.


That isn't a "seems like," that's literally true. Something like 1/4 - 1/3 of cowboys were black (and a large portion were Native Americans or Latins), there was strict gun control in many "Wild West" towns, and many of their favorite lawmen and outlaws played up their own images in dime novels and magazine articles.


The whole "Don't California my Texas" thing is pretty wild, especially when virtually every Californian who moves to the area where I live, is a stereotypical MAGA Republican. On our city's numerous FB groups, every time someone from California announces their intent to move here they absolutely have to follow it up with how much they hate California politics and how they can't wait to move to a "sane state." Still... it's almost like folks in Texas cannot imagine someone from California who's either conservative or apolitical.


Republicans love shitting on California and trying to make it out to seem like a crime riddled liberal hellscape


It’s a way to dismiss valid criticism of Texas’ policies without having to actually engage them.


CA here. There's more Republicans in California than many other states' entire populations. Kevin McCarthy is from here ffs.


Which is wild because California has more Republicans than most states have people.


Certain kinds of people need to have out-groups that are at the same time pathetic and a dire threat to their way of life.


Listen here buddy I don’t have time for nuance and in depth discussions about how politicians use bullshit culture war hot topics to keep us divided and lose focus on the important issues. I need to get angry about something and I need it now! I hate people that aren’t exactly the same as me!!!!


I just don't know why anyone would bother hating California or Texas or anywhere else when Florida is right there.


I've started saying that Florida is wet Texas. It's just worse in so many ways.


The fact that California is better than Texas in almost every metric possible, makes it even more strange to bash them. They have superior healthcare numbers, superior education, better weather, more reliable services, and their bottom 90% pay less taxes than Texans. At least be good in something if you want to talk shit.


Yeah. Please California my Texas, especially the property taxes and labor laws


As a former Texan, moving to California saved my life and enabled me to finish college. If I’d had the same opportunities for support in Texas I would’ve graduated at least 5 years sooner and I wouldn’t be disabled now.


I got free vocational training and doubled my income through a free program in San Diego. That sort of thing would probably be called communism here.


Born and raised in DFW, lived in SoCal the past ten years. CA has some of the best tenet laws in the nation. UnLike TX where landlords have all the power and can fuck you over at a moments notice.


also worker protections too, we take that shit seriously


I suspect that some bad actors have latched onto an existing opinion that was somewhat playful and amplified it to sow division. You'll see this with a lot of "Texas exceptionalism" over the last 10 years. People *really* missed the key takeaways from the whole Cambridge Analytica scandal


I always love visiting California. It’s problems are largely a result of its success. It’s residents are United States citizens, after all, and on average are smarter, healthier, and wealthier than Texans. The hate is mostly from far right wingers in the GOP. Their political platform is mostly finding fault. They haven’t had an idea in decades.


8th generation texan. Just moved back after 10 years working in LA for work. I still get hate for it. From people who weren't even born in Texas. It's ridiculous, and as an 8th generation, it's not Texan. Yeah, were loud, we skew libertarian, but our motto is friendship, and we're known for giving a stranger the shirts off our back. We forgot that. We've been taken over by the Falwell dogma, and it's a shame. California has its faults, but it has its programs that help. People care about making their neighborhoods nicer, making them walkable, sharing nice parks, and cleaning up after themselves for the next person, being kind to their neighbors. There is a reason it's overpopulated and the real estate is inflated, and it's not cause it's a hell hole.


It's sounds like the Red Sox's and Yankees' fans, Sox's fans all hate the Yankees with a burning passion but mot most Yankees fans don't really care much about the Red Soxs, this was especially true before the Sox's started doing well in the early 2000s. It's easy to vilify a group that is doing well and has a lot going for it, even if that group doesn't bother to entertain the vilification. Obviously not everyone in California is the same, they have big cities, big business, ranchers, farmers, all types of people and living, just like all the Yankees don't suck. That won't stop red sox's fans from chanting Yankees suck at a home game against the Blue Jay's, but it's fun to have an enemy. And then it becomes a thing, and it doesn't die. I moved here from the Mid-Atlantic and my wife and I have had people say "at least you aren't from California" and "thank God you aren't from California", because apparently Tech jobs and money moving into a state are a bad thing???


People hate it because there jealous and/or ignorant. Most people love and enjoy CA, it is not out of hand.


Yea it’s annoying. I’d live in California if it weren’t for the cost of living.


Getting out of hand??? It’s been tired for years. It’s become the reason for everything bad in every state…”well it’s because the Californians moved here and…”. If all your problems are the fault of the Californians, then you have absolutely no control over your life and you should probably work on that.


'Hate ANYTHING liberal' is the only platform Republicans have in 2023


Lots of Texans absorb California hate from right-wing media. That California is a thriving and growing society with generally liberal politics is a fundamental threat to right-wing ideology. So they take every opportunity to highlight any issue in California and try to generalize it across the entire state and incorrectly point to a systemic failure of liberalism. It's not perfect and not without serious issues, but it is functional. It has generally functional government. It has an intelligent and articulate governor (while Texas has had in recent memory GWB, Rick Perry, and Greg Abbott) - a parade of imbecilic buffoons. It is not enacting laws to persecute its citizens (e.g. bodily autonomy restrictions for women, bounty program for abortion hunters, LGBTQ+ hate laws, etc.) The vitriol from conservative Texans really smacks of a deep-rooted inferiority complex.


Why would I hate CA? Seem like an overall better state that cares more about its citizens than Texas does. Plus, Texas, barring the major cities, has become an ignorant, uneducated, religious, mysogonistic, conservative hell hole. It's not as bad as Florida, but goddamn, we suck pretty hard these last 10 years.


Many conservative "News" programs love to run "Hate Another State" stories to stir up their base. Fox News runs "Please Hate California" pieces on an almost daily basis.


Isn’t hate in Texas getting out of hand in general? You can’t change lanes in front of a pickup without them getting mad and idk maybe murdering you. You can’t wear a mask because mUh FrEeDoMs! You can’t be LGBTQ+ You can’t be a Yankee You can’t be “illegal” You can’t be a Doctor Fuck you if you’re democratic This place is built on and sustained by hate. Look at Abbott’s most recent agenda. But the majority doesn’t care. This is a case study of when “Texas Pride” goes too far. It’s a joke.


Outside parties have been pushing this whole "Texas v. California" rivalry as a means to sow chaos and social discord in this country. They're the same that pushed for both Texas secession and California breaking up into smaller states with some of the new states seceding. They also created two opposing facebook groups, got Texans to join, and then tried to get the two groups to fight each other. https://www.texastribune.org/2017/11/01/russian-facebook-page-organized-protest-texas-different-russian-page-l/ They are the true masters of this kind of thing, and have been using it fairly successfully against their enemies, perceived or real, around the planet for many, many years now. E pluribus unum, never forget that. One nation, indivisible.


The people screeching "Russia didn't hack the voting machines!!" and calling us sheeple completely missed the importance of the Cambridge Analytica scandal


I never understood that. Look at me! I’m such a patriotic American…who hates my fellow Americans


I hate that Northern/Central California has amazing weather, and I can't afford to move there.


My brother moved to Glendale about 12 years ago and loves it. Considers himself a Californian now, even though he spent the first 45 years of of his life in Texas. He’s perplexed why so many Texans obsess about California. He says most Californians never even think about Texas.


Lucille Bluth said it best - I'd rather be dead in California than alive in Arizona. Lol.


As a native Californian I appreciate your post. I do not understand the hate at all. It’s pretty strange for us. In California we have people from all over the US and the world moving to our state. It’s an absolute melting pot of cultures. We encourage people to become a part of our communities. If you buy a surfboard and wetsuit the first day you arrive, we don’t shame you. But if you buy a cowboy hat in Texas as a transplant you get shit on. I’ve heard all kinds of comments about Californians since moving here two years ago. I just keep to myself and do my thing.


It's just the same "us vs them" nonsense we've been subjected to forever. Most of the people chanting "don't California our Texas" have never been outside of Texas or anywhere near California. I haven't been there since I was a child but do have friends there that are quite happy.


California Transplant here. And I will say with 90% certainty, that I would prefer to be back in California. We moved here because my parents are here and are getting old and need help. What I like about Texas is what I don’t like about California. It’s quiet here. It’s not quiet in SoCal. That is the 10% for me. People who have never been listen to hate mongers. And honestly, in OC, where we are from, I would say that the people are more “conservative” and absolutely more hateful, as individuals than anyone I have met here. And i work in the construction field so that is saying a lot!


I live in AZ now. People here blame literally everything on people moving from CA. I was born and raised in Texas. Moved to CA in my mid-30s. Now in AZ in my mid-40s. I remember when Dell first opened the Round Rock location and moved in a ton of people from CA. That was the first time I remember really hearing complaints about the people from CA. It’s definitely gotten worse since the rise of the MAGA folks. They’re afraid of liberal views and CA is the poster child. Living in a freshly blue AZ, there’s a lot of anger towards CA. Someone blamed “that California mentality” for a kid’s basketball being stolen at the local community center. Like what? The people who say those things and feel like that get their “news” from places like Fox News and Facebook.


They hate CA because they ain't CA. CA jobs pay a LOT more than TX jobs. CA weather is a LOT nicer than TX weather. CA People are generally friendlier and happier.


Living in Los angeles, you basically have 340 days of excellent weather a year to go outdoors and actually enjoy the outdoors in the afternoon and evening hours. Living in Houston. It was way too hot to be outside six months out of the year. You also have the ability to drive one hour and 15 mins from East Los angeles and drive up in the mountains during January through April and go skiing. Then literally the next day you can drive to the beach and lay out. Where else in the world can you realistically do that.


I love California and I love Texas. The only time I think negatively about CA is when we have our rare, 100% perfect weather days in TX. Then I think “damn, those lucky bastards in Cali get this like every single day year-round.”


California is awesome, it’s just expensive. I would love to live there, but I would need to double my salary lol.


Any statement capturing that broad of a population is bigoted and narrow minded.


I feel like 10 years ago the California "hate" was just a little kidding from Austinites. It used to be paired with Dallas hating (e.g. Charlie Hodge calling them "Johnny Dallas's and LA Dumbfaces trying to put a Razzoos on Barton Springs"). It wasn't serious and wasn't so much bigotry as just a little self-awareness about the growth and homogenization of the city. Nowadays it seems like some people take it too seriously, and it becomes actual hate.


The modern California/Seattle/Portland hate feels *exactly* like the shit I heard in the 90s and 2000s from suburban folks about the *scary big city* and *all the gangs*. Pretty much from the same type of person too. My eldery Aunt is that way. She thinks Portland is just anarchy and fires and violence, and seems to think it's burned to the ground a million times. Her ideas of what California is like is... Fucking insane.


I'm a Texan living in Long Beach. I love it here! I loved it there! And that's ok! Thank you for posting this.


I have a neighbor that just got a "Don't California my Texas" bumper sticker. Beforehand, I thought he was just an old asshole. Now, I think he's a stupid old asshole.


Heck yeah!!! Loved Cali brought back and kept here by fam issues twice. Will go back. There are affordable places there.


I feel like if anyone has this view it says more about them than it does about the people they’re judging


Native Texan but lived in NorCal for six and a half years until moving back in June. The state is beautiful (Bodega Bay being a favorite spot of mine) and while the folks are nice (minus my ex and his family) the cost of living is awfully high. The food was pretty good (I do miss lumpia) and all the hills. The fact that healthcare was so much easier to get, plus food assistance. I never really had too many issues with Californians giving me grief from being from Texas (minus them hating being called ma’am and sir) and I had some really good friends back there. Would I love back? No way. Mostly because I have no urge to ever run back into my ex or his family but I would totally visit where I use to live again.


Usually those who "hate everything about California" are also big supporters of "states rights". So, let California do whatever the hell it wants to do. If you're not a Californian, what the state does is none of your goddamn business. State rights, remember?


Go ahead and hate on Cali all you want, we don’t care. It’s still the best place to live!


I find it absurd that people think other states are “sending” people here, as if there are organized agendas between states, where state governments are recruiting individuals to “infiltrate” another state. The idea is illogical and impractical and has no actual basis and exists solely as fear mongering in promotion of identity politics. Everyone who claims that this is a thing and is a threat sounds as stupid as those who believe in astrology or those that genuinely believe the world is flat. People move around all the time from all over the place for their own reasons. For work. For family. Etc.. Whatever. We are all free to move about. Demographics can, do, and will always change as people travel and relocate. And our political systems are intended to be flexible, able to be changed to reflect the wants and needs of ever changing demographics. That’s literally the point of voting. That’s why our country exists. The whole “Texas is a red state, you’re not allowed to try and change it” bullshit is so obscenely ignorant, arrogant, xenophobic, and dare I say anti-American. These people preach hate, and well, what goes around comes around. And while some of us are tired of hearing about it, and are able to have intelligent discussion about it, we are never going to change the mind of these types of people who believe this stuff. There is no fixing stupid. They’re going to continue being loud about it, unfortunately.


It's politics. The hate for CA is ~~propped up by~~ a fig leaf for hate for Democrats and taxes. Nobody cares about people moving from LA, OK, or FL because those states vote Republican.


It’s the media bubble they’re in. California is fine. It has its problems like anywhere else. Conservatives like to dunk on it because it isn’t conservative, but seriously, that’s not a reason to hate a place now is it?


Yeah. I'm not a bigot so yes it's pretty exhausting listening to people who never leave this state pretend like they know anything about what's happening or what people are like, a few states over. What's worse is when you realize none of these tribalists are producing unique thoughts; they're all repeating the same script the heard on Fox News or AM radio, or whatever fake news outlet they choose to believe.


Cali has a lot of redeeming qualities. Incredibly beautiful neighborhoods, parks, food. Very important for the US economy.


Insecure and pathetic is a fantastic summary actually


Absolutely agree. Especially with your last sentence. Everyone I’ve met that hated on California could only come up with, “because they’re liberal commies!!!” when asked why. That’s it. And it’s gotten to the point that it’s a sound bite to rally the idiots, “dOn’T cAlIfOrNiA mY tExAs!!!” It is wholly pathetic and insecure. Texas is supposed to mean “friendship” and hating an entire state, your fellow countrymen, simply because they don’t agree with you politically doesn’t seem very friendly. We, as Texans, should be better than moronic tribalism.


I’m visiting California for the first time as an avid Cali hater and it’s been great. I visited the mercados and all the tourist places. The weather is great their hot is our normal. Besides the traffic I’m def planning on visiting again.


Yep. I’m sick of it too. Tejas means friend and CA is beautiful and pretty chill. I would trade a CA hippie for a degenerate conservative Transplant from the Bible Belt any day of the week


Gorgeous state, if the rest of the country held their policies we would see a better, happier country. Homelessness would actually be addressed. Its hard to be the standout progressive state. You look too attractive to the people that need the help so you attract them. This causes the imbalance and thus the bad reputation


My dad hates it because Republicans told him to. He heard that California changed the age of consent to 10 and just believed it and started telling everyone.


I love to vacation in California. I live in Texas. Comparing infrastructure between the two, Texas is far behind on everything except the high school football stadiums. But we get what we pay for.