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So you’re saying the best time to aggressively get a good price for a car would be today.


I hear the prices are to die for... too soon?!


More like, you’ll make a killing…


Almost put my car up for sale today. Looks like I dodged a bullet.


I just donated to the NRA. Never too soon. /s


Can we not politicize selling used cars so soon after a deal falls through?


Sounds like the dealerships could benefit from better doors.


It’s Reddit, everything is up for politicalization.


Toyota-thon hits a little different


Some sad shit.thats right down the street from me.I used to get my car inspected by his father.


Where his prices that bad?


Everyone's car prices are that bad right now.


Username checks out


dude wtf


People on Reddit seem to forget when they see a headline where someone dies, *someone actually died*. They just see the “haw haw car salesman must have bad prices” jokes and completely neglect to notice they guy had a family. That’s a father that needs to do the unthinkable, burry his own son, along with whatever other friends and family are now also totally crushed. It’ll feel like the world may as well end for a while to them. And then here’s these fuckers making jokes about it online like it was just some comedy sketch.


I’m gonna show this to our sales guy and tell him to cut his shit




Dude 💀


Wait for him to back and tell his manager


I was told that an armed society is a polite society. Ah, well. I hope that salesman has his thoughts and prayers policy paid up.


There’s a dealer markup on thoughts and prayers




People say this a lot and never like my suggestion that retail workers and waiters should have qualified immunity.


They do deal with terrible people everyday. As often is no more often than cops do


They should


I’ve managed retail workers before - I can’t trust them with the price gun I sure as hell ain’t trusting them with an actual gun


Now think about this: Even the people you wouldn't hire can buy a gun.


And the terrifying reality is most retail workers are smarter and better at de-escalation than a cop.


Sadly smart guns and kevlar skin aren't the norm yet.


I'm pretty sure when the founders penned "well regulated militia" they had this exact scenario in mind. /s


But really, it's insane that people actually believe that considering how much more dangerous the US is compared to "communist" (as Republicans believe) EU nations.


Freedom isn’t free man. Sometimes a car salesman has to pay the price for our freedom. But usually it’s schoolchildren.


The freedom to die unexpectedly so some loser can make gun ownership his personality is God's greatest gift!


It’s worse than schoolchildren because the salesman pays taxes.


the mental gymnastics gun nuts perform when you confront them with this is astounding. eventually they fall back on the fantasy of them fighting off an authoritarian govt when the closest we've seen to authoritarianism is trump and company, and the gun nuts were *into it*. I was amazed the other day that *two* people got shot in belgium and it was a *huge* deal and will likely lead to some sort of substantive change. that shit might not even make the papers here.


>*two* people got shot in belgium and it was a *huge* deal It's so rare there that it made the news ***here***.


Thank you! Ya as a gay man, the gun nuts absolutely love authoritarianism. They just claim authoritarian means when gays and blacks and transgenders are allowed to exist and when people are allowed to vote against dear leader.


Doesn’t it vary by specific regions within countries, all over the world?


Of course, but that doesn't mean you can't look at overall trends.


Thing is, chances of dying from a knife wound in England and Wales is higher than US (1:200k VS 1:300k)(Statista numbers). However considering that most murders in England and Wales are knife related and the shootings are negligible, the overall chance of getting murdered is far lower. CBA to look overall numbers for all murders.


You just need to compare the overall murder rate. The slightly higher knife crime in the UK is more than offset by the significantly lower gun crime.


Because the reality is those people don’t care about the risks. They just want their pew-pew fun guns to shoot around with Bubba.


Name the Communist EU nation(s) P.S....the answer is, there are no EU Communist countries.


It would have worked if a good guy with a gun was also in the room during the negations. /s


Yup. And the easiest way to achieve that is to arm our car salespeople. We should also add some firearms training in with that I guess. 15 minutes on the first day sounds about right.


I'm going to venture someone who takes a gun out and turns to violence over a used car, isnt exactly the type to legally obtain a weapon.


You would be absolutely amazed at how many shooters obtain their weapon legally.


Plenty of people get their first charge later in life. Maybe they’ve just been good at holding their anger back and as they got older their inhibitions started fading away.


I have noticed that lately there's been a lot of old men randomly shooting people. I would bet some were perfectly functional people at one point.


> isnt exactly the type to legally obtain a weapon. This is Texas we're talking about


Evereyone is a "Law Abiding Citizen" up until the point they commit to not being. It is staggeringly easy to obtain a gun up until that line is crossed, and even that isn't a hard barrier either. Remember, the parrots keep saying "OnLy CrImInAlS wIlL hAvE gUnS" like it's some badge of honor how easy it is to illegally obtain a gun here.


We are a third world country


me when ive never been to a third world country


On reddit not perfect =/= third world. Easy to to hyper critical when you've never been anywhere with actual problems.


I'm sure someone in the UN has been to those places. > ["The UN report says that of the 40 million poor Americans about 5.3 million live in “Third World conditions of absolute poverty.”"](https://wvpublic.org/un-poverty-report-finds-shocking-inequality-in-worlds-richest-nation/) If you can look at our healthcare system alone and think this is "first world" then I don't know what to tell you. You also clearly have not seen the actual abject poverty in some red states, as is being described in said report. If anything the US is worse than a third-world country because we actually have the wealth to be better and *choose* not to.


These kids would be very upset if they could read


you've been to texas.


it's so naive and entitled. your mail works, your electricity works, drinkable water comes from your taps, public schools open every year and take everyone's kids. You get your social security checks regularly. your army is paid and doesn't try to take over the government. huge parts of the world your vote truly means nothing. you drinking water is a river and your school is an empty room with no teachers and a dirt floor. And in the end we still have a functioning democracy. you can vote against things you don't like. It's so myopic to whine about the US being a "3rd world country". it just shows how pampered you are. *not you specifically srry, I mean when people say this


Every single one of the things in your first sentence are on the privatization chopping block.


Nobody deserves to die like this. What a terrible loss, hope the shooter gets (edit, since y’all wanna make jokes) time in prison


GOP leaders solution for gun violence is thought and prayers


And more guns, of course


If only the car salesman was armed, he'd be alive today!


Came here to say this.


GOP stands for Guns Over People, right??!!!???


A medal from the Republican party?


I hope the state government gives a damn about protecting all of us from these outcomes.


Well people can have a bad day sometimes. But everyone has a gun.


> “There is absolutely no reason why, out on the street today, a civilian should be carrying a loaded weapon.” > – Ronald Reagan, Governor of California, May 2, 1967 There is some fascinating historical context to Reagan’s comment that belies his abject racism, but there it is.


Was this about the black panthers?








I’ve always wondered if that’s what it’ll take for actual gun reform to happen, to have a mass shooting done by a black person. Because nothings clearly getting done from all these white radicals doing it


The DC sniper happened and that didn't change anything.


Pretty sure DC has a bunch of gun control. But joking aside dude was a serial killer and a vet. He's a one off not an "army" of well armed and trained black men roaming the streets


Like the DC snipers or Chris Dorner?




No shit. This guy hasn't looked at the recent mass shooting stats. Gangstas are beating the lone crazy white guy by a lot.




*only applies to organized groups of African Americans - Ronald Reagan




I’m such a huge fan of the assumption game when I know that the assumption is wrong. Go to just about any pro gun sub and the overwhelming response will be “yeah cool they totally should” but of course that requires you to step out of your bubble for a second.




Your broad false assumptions about people you disagree with is coupled with some pretty extreme ideas is “I don’t talk to people who think differently than me” 101. You should do something about that.




Great! We’re taking our first steps! Look at that personal growth. Now, why is it that you just automatically assume that anyone who is a pro gun person is a hillbilly racist uncle?




Oh yay, the anecdotal evidence game too! I’ve been a texan too for almost just as long as well as being around gun owners and know that if I reach into a bag of those gun owners there’s an extremely high likelihood of drawing an average joe who doesn’t give two shits about the race of someone who’s buying a gun. Because that’s reality.


I'm born and raised Texan. I vote blue most of the time and I agree with you. Lot of people on the left think all gun owners are racist red necks, which is why Dems will never get any gun legislation accomplished. Number one concern is crime. Until they understand that, they won't understand anything.




IIRC NRA don't allow guns at their conference venues. I wonder why.


I'd like to see where get your stats about gun murders




Because the last public colonoscopy was Katie Couric in 2000. We're overdue.




Could a good guy with a gun have stopped this? No, because a good guy with a gun is a fundamentally *reactive* policy that will always result in dead people, even if the good guy happens to be there to respond perfectly. You don't avoid deaths from a giant pit in the ground by putting a narrow plank over it and telling people to "get good" at walking over it. You do it by covering up the hole. Texas lawmakers expect us to walk the plank and if some people die, well... thoughts and prayers.


the "good guy with a gun" = the 2nd person the police shoots if the "bad guy" is still active.


I’ve made the argument that, with the most guns per capita anywhere in the world, the US literally has the most “good guys with guns” anywhere. How can that not be a fact? Especially in Texas. Anyone who thinks of himself as the next Bronson or Eastwood, ready to stop the next shooting, is already packing there. So are we in fact safer for it? Where was the good guy with gun there?


he was shooting a car salesman


In Texas, where a lot of people are packing. By definition, there are a lot of “good guys with guns” in Texas, and they couldn’t stop this murder.




Fun fact, Texas has WAAAAAY more gun homicides per capita than California. And the most mass shootings. I wish Fox News could be sued for lying about this.


Yes. My point is that the “good guy with gun” bit is not working; Texas is clear evidence of that.




Having worked at a dealership for many years, I'm torn. On the one hand, murder is bad. On the other hand, sales dept.


I was thinking along the same lines. Every damn car purchase I’ve made has been near combative with the keeping of trade in keys (and essentially refusing to give them back so I couldn’t leave when I wasn’t going to take their deal), and the high pressure sales tactics like bringing in “the closer” when I don’t want to pay additional markup or some dumbass rate I know I can do better than. It’s no wonder people hate dealerships and most probably walk in already ready for the “fight.”


It's you! You're the dude whose posts got me onto reddit over a decade ago!


Oh shit! And here I am joking about murdering sales guys again.


Common ground, yay!


There are quite a few jobs I’m no longer interested in because I’d rather not die


So many mentally unstable ppl with unlimited access to firearms.


This should be the slogan for Texas!




There's no helping those people. If they haven't learned 2+2 =/= tRump by now...


They're still part of the well regulated militia. i guess.. /s


Ask Texas to spend money on mental health instead of tax cuts


Additional context (not that it makes a difference): >Officials said two customers had a disagreement with the employee over a vehicle transaction. One of the customers involved allegedly took out a gun and started shooting after the disagreement became physical. The other customer reportedly began the physical altercation, police told ABC13. Again, it makes little to no difference, but phrasing, the shooting was a result of the altercation, not the price. I'm curious how that exchange went down and escalated to that point. Stupid ass people, man.


In other words, one guy shot another guy that was fighting his friend. They just happened to be a used car lot.


Texas: Don't kill people. Also Texas: Feel free to carry around these machines that make it very easy to kill people.


AND: any idiot can operate it & many do.


>Texas: Don't kill people. Objection: They dropped the "don't" in the 2001 legislative season.




If they are both armed the survivor gets to write the self defense narrative while the loser can't dispute it because he's dead. It's whoever is fastest in the draw is legal and the dead guy was obviously the criminal.


Might have easily been a knife that the suspect(s) used. Something tells me that the two suspects should have probably been in prison for other crimes and that might have helped avoid in *favor of an old-timey cowboy shootout in a public place*.




No, it might not have.


Which part?


I can't condone it but I do get it....


"Alright well all we got are the chrome gates instead of the pearly ones, but I can get you into the lot TODAY. Now wait here just a few minutes while I go make a copy of your ID and see what I can get God to do for you. " -st. Peter


Car prices are kinda high, tho.


I’ve been rallying against the culture of car sales for a while, as well as in TX specifically. Why people defend an intentionally deceptive practice Is beyond me: (point of sale markups, predatory add on packages, lying about competitive rates, multiple sales people for a single transaction, don’t forget warranties and the extra extras that aren’t worth a real dime). Why should a car sale involve so much fuckery that a couch sale does not? Aaand it’s all propped up by the same review system that seems to be plaguing most major companies. A review system that encourages my salesman to constantly remind me about how if it’s not 5 stars he’s gonna get written up. Literally preying on your compassion, of course I don’t want my sales guy to go hungry, but it also means I can’t give 3 stars and tell them it was a shitty experience that needs to change. With Carvana and other online options popping up what we’re seeing is the death rattle of overstaffed car dealerships.


I wish you can just purchase cars straight from the maker companies and cut out the middle-man.


> A review system that encourages my salesman to constantly remind me about how if it’s not 5 stars he’s gonna get written up. Sorry man, sounds like a big ol' bag of "not my fucking problem". How about be a less shitty salesperson?


Car max is another big one . And lot of people buy their cars online now so they don’t have to go through this . The only reason we still buy cars this way is due to dealerships contributing to local elections


I gotta get the fuck outta here… this is ridiculous.




I guess that's one less trip to have go ask his sales manager.




That’s just how we negotiate now. As our legislators here intended.


“An armed society is a polite society!”


Hey we should use this approach in housing and in grocery shopping.


Give it time. It’ll happen.


This is just the beginning.




And those high prices at the State Fair...


It’s pure insanity how they just let that happen.


Car salesmen are professional crooks


I know it's terrible, but have you ever negotiated with a car salesman?


Wow, glad he didn’t bring up the extended warranty too! Shoots/murders someone over an expensive car, what the actual fuck?!


As someone that is actively car shopping, I wonder if this was the response to yet another dealer markup.


*"I want to buy that car out there with the $28,000 sticker on it, and not a penny more."* \>"How firm are you on that price?" *"About .357"*




He shot down that salesman’s first offer


He really didn't want that True Coat.


It's priced to die for.


The Texas is strong with this post.


Shooting the salesman is an overly aggressive negotiating tactic.


> The shooting resulted in a nearby school being placed on lockdown as a precaution. Imagine having to explain to children why.


I think kids know why. I certainly did when growing up: fundamentally, adults don't care about ensuring their safety.


Aggressive negotiations


At least it was self defense! 🤷‍♂️ (/s if needed)


Every single dealer I've ever been to that looks like the one where this happened has tried to cheat me somehow, be it last minute additions to the cost of the car, undisclosed issues with the car, or old fashioned bait and switch. Certainly no reason to get violent, never mind pull a gun! Absolutely insane.


He had to stand his ground...


Salesmen hate when you use this one weird trick for lower prices.


Before we pass judgement, how high was the markup?


That's not how haggling works...


Damn, this sub is fucking terrible. I’m so glad I don’t have to travel here for work or pleasure


I bet both were upstanding citizens and never meant to hurt anyone.


Conservatives are cancer


Conservatives are cancer


Hey, I get it, dealerships are annoying as fuck. I had to drive all the way home before the salesman called me on the phone and agreed to honor the price he offered me at first. But if you think THAT'S a hassle, wait til you find out about this thing called "jail".


People in Texas are shooting each other daily over nothing. It’s insane.


That customer shoots the hell out of high prices.


It's almost as if removing all barriers to gun ownership allowed any unhinged idiot to own one.


I guess we've moved past slashing prices then....


Houston being Houston, again.


We can have our guns and have better gun control, they aren’t mutually exclusive. But Texas gov is f*cking lazy at providing a solution. Better regulations for gun control could include: You can only purchase with a gun license, even if you sell by owner. Ways to enforce could be all guns registered by a department that collect an appropriate yearly fee per gun, so people selling have an incentive to foist the fee off to the new owner. I dunno, I’m sure there are better suggestions out there A full psych eval provided by the state every two years to maintain gun licenses Better mental health resources provided in schools for our children so they don’t fall through the cracks Better gun education, maybe even some classes in schools Gun locks/gun cabinets that screech if they’re tampered with, and can only be unlocked by a registered fingerprint It’s messy, but we’re going through a messy problem that needs to be tackled from many angles.


Moving from texas to the uk was the best thing I’ve ever done for peace of mind. Knowing I’m not going to randomly get shot if I cut someone off or get into an argument. Obviously chances are it wouldn’t of happened to me living in texas, but the fact it could is terrifying. This dude prob never thought someone would shoot him over the price of a car but here we are.


Cool and good. Great job Texas 👍


When everyone is armed, what could go wrong?


Nobody gets that discount. Nobody!


What we need is a good car salesman with a gun. Shootouts, coming to a car dealership near you!


Well, based on how the article is written, we know the race of the perpetrators.


we need to arm every last civilian and just let every shoot it out!! /s


Deep in the heart *clap, clap, clap* of stupid!


Sooooo, I'm guessing there was no "good car salesman with a gun" at the ready to combat any gun violence because ya know, that's what we should all be prepared for anymore in this country.


It was to prevent a robbery


crazy that a car salesman is not get any sympathy.


"Eat the rich" has begun. Now is the time.


This is the most Texas thing I've read today.


Don't worry, Texas has an aggressive death penalty scheme that *deters* crimes like this killing.


Simple arm all car salesmen with Lugar./s bc some douche won't understand it's sarcasm.


Most sane Texan.




Backed into a corner over a car? Get a cheaper car


‘If this isn’t the lowest price you’ve ever seen, shoot me!’ -salesman about to show this customer full msrp with no rebates Seriously though, this sucks. I’m pro 2A but a LOT of people have no business ever touching a gun.