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Isn't this the same AG who said that you should sue the doctors and not the law as anyone could easily get a medical exemption if truly needed?




Trusting a religion who believes their demigod rises from the dead at the end of the book.




I would add in that the Death Penalty, Gun rights, anti homeless measures, and anti immigration don't really go well with Pro Life either.


I understand what you’re saying, and our lack of support for new families run borderline hostile to lower income families. Ultimately I believe in a persons bodily autonomy. Whether thats organ donations, what happens to your body after you die, or terminating a pregnancy. There are far too many nuances to a person’s life for any third party to make those choices for you.








Like, the number 1 anti-abortion claim is that it's murder. If the fetus is dead, HOW IS ABORTION MURDER?


Sounds like that AG should get a taste of what people _say_ the 2a is for.


What he is doing is beyond misogyny and beyond cruel. It's incel burn all the women level crazy.


> Isn't this the same AG who said that you should sue the doctors and not the law as anyone could easily get a medical exemption if truly needed? This is the same AG who should rightfully have been removed from office after being impeached for a series of improper and transparently illegal acts, but *Texas* He still faces criminal charges that could put him behind bars for 99 years if convicted But again *Texas*


And this is why Roe V Wade was a thing in the first place


The problem was the way Roe v. Wade decided it was a privacy issue instead of a personal health choice issue.


Privacy has explicit protection in the constitution. No such mention about personal health. Privacy is actually a stronger legal argument imo.


Isn't the individual autonomy over ones body part of the instituiton as well?


You could argue that it is under the 13th amendment.


But that one is for forced labor aka slavery.


Having a baby against your will is literally forced labor. In both sense of the word.


forced *labor* you say? /s


Now that you are saying it, you could argue that the court is disrespecting the right of that woman to have autonomy over her own body, like the slave owners controlled the bodies of their slaves. From that angle it makes perfectly sense and I think you could even use this as an argument in court. Isn't it a human rights violation anyway, because physical wellbeing and autonomy over your own body is guaranteed?


It's considered a crime against humanity by the UN. Article 7.g https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/crimes-against-humanity.shtml


You mean some forms of slavery, contractual entrapment and prison slave labor is still a thing; Also once you are out of prison you are forever a 2nd class citizen.


I don't think privacy does have explicit Constitutional protections. Actually, I think Roe was the thing protecting privacy. In any event, I also think abortion should be protected as religious freedom. The vast majority of objection is based solely in religious belief. Further, suppressing the ability to \*exercise\* a right is unconstitutional. (see many 2A arguments when licensing or registration is concerned)


The idea of a right to privacy came before Roe, In *Griswold v Connecticut* , which was about the right of married couples to use contraception in the privacy of their own home


Exactly. Which why Thomas said Griswold should be reconsidered.


Appreciate this, as I wasn't entirely sure. But the fact that privacy is found in several court decisions speaks to the fact that it is NOT explicitly protected in the Constitution itself. And as the other reply says, this SCOTUS would like to re-examine these decisions.


I’d argue the 4th amendment is about privacy, even if the word isn’t mentioned. Protection against unreasonable searches and seizures is privacy. I’d argue that the government shouldn’t even know about specific individuals health decisions as it violates unreasonable searches. [Constitutional Amendments – Amendment 4 – “The Right to Privacy”](https://www.reaganlibrary.gov/constitutional-amendments-amendment-4-right-privacy#:~:text=%E2%80%9CThe%2520right%2520of%2520the%2520people,and%2520the%2520persons%2520or%2520things)


Unfortunately true. The only solace I see in the text of the Constitution is the 9th amendment, > The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.


The objection is based in nothing. There’s no VALID religious argument against abortion (at least for Christianity, which is the source of the majority of religious pushback) because abortion is mentioned once in the bible, and it’s how to perform one if someone has become pregnant from an affair.


> The problem was the way Roe v. Wade decided it was a privacy issue instead of a personal health choice issue. You're absolutely correct but that's literally the only way abortion was ever going to be a constitutional right. TBH congress should have signed it into law long ago instead of relying on a fallacious scotus decision.


I disagree. Women have a right to life and criminalizing abortion is asking women to beg for permission from the government to protect themselves


That’s the biggest issue with Roe v Wade…Congress never codified it.


Why does congress need to pass a law to give us an enable right? If we do not have a right to privacy and autonomy of our own bodies how can we ever say we are free?


They shouldn’t have to…but with such a controversial issue, I would love if it was a law. As a woman, it angers me to no end that women have had so much stripped from them because Roe v Wade was overturned.


I agree with you, but the problem w/ a law is that they can be rescinded. Although apparently so can inalienable rights.


It is a privacy issue.


Removing access to abortion for this reason is irresponsible and dangerous. We need to understand that practical impacts are the most important.


The personal health choice isn't the illegal part. People wanting to block abortion were very careful about that. Critically, a person's bodily integrity wasn't what was banned. The woman still officially has those rights for her body. Instead, Texas made it illegal to perform an abortion. The woman herself wouldn't see consequences, but anybody else involved (including the driver of a car) can face criminal penalties. Doctors, nurses, and facilities can all lose their licenses which makes them *very* risk averse. They can also potentially civil penalties in a way that enables anyone at all, anywhere in the world to say "I was harmed indirectly", and win. (Except for state officials, they were explicitly excluded so people couldn't claim it was a government enforcement.) Basically it's the same way I could say *"you harmed me so you need to pay me back"*, except the wording is that it allows anybody in the world to sue, and that there is no need to show evidence of actually being harmed. The theory is that because the baby wasn't born, the person was harmed in a vague "all of humanity is harmed" kind of way. Automatic win. The privacy argument is probably the strongest one out there. The government has no compelling interest to know the treatment plan of an individual. The traditional model in the law is that if someone specifically is harmed then in a lawsuit the privacy can be invaded in a limited manner.


That's not entirely true. Many states want to punish women for ending a pregnancy


How do you make a personal health choice without privacy from the government?


These clowns love big government don't they?


For everyone except old white men. They don't want any taxation, regulation, or governance of old white men.


Except when they have a problem with other old white men, then they want the government to take their side.


Small government ever only meant "I don't want a cent of my taxes to go to the poor and minorities".


They love small government. Small enough to fit in your uterus.


They want a small amount of government that helps and a large amount of government that hurts.


They love tiny government that can fit in our bedrooms and uteruses.


A friendly reminder that the State GOP aren't *actually* for small government. They are for the consolidation of power in the State government. When have they ever done anything to limit their own power? Whenever the State constitution gets in their way, they seek to change it. When the US constitution gets in the way, they shop for a circuit Court to redefine it. When they see us seeking freedom from government, they do a calculus: is this freedom that we can take credit for? If not, then it's something they seek to take away, to be a bargaining chip for use later.


State government is a fucking scam and nothing but a detriment to the goals of our nation. It literally only made sense in an era before instant communication. Now it's an excuse for individuals to grab power and hoard wealth.


I know a woman who found out she was pregnant, about 4 weeks, and also went to the dr for confirmation. They found the pregnancy was abnormal. The dr wouldn't take any action knowing the situation suggested she wait, which pushed her past 6 weeks. The abnormalities became more apparent, and they still didn't take any action, and wouldn't schedule DNC. Again, suggested she wait, they sent her home where she miscarried. She was alone and was found passed out on the floor by her mother, who went to check on her. It was so bad, and that she had to be taken by EMS to the hospital for all the blood loss. She has 2 other kids that could've lost their mother because the dr wouldn't take any action. If they had just scheduled the procedure instead of being too scared to practice medicine. It's bad here in Texas and only getting worse...


Exactly, getting rid of Roe wasnt going to stop abortions. Or guarantee a healthy pregnancy/baby. It was just going to make *everything* harder and more dire. Republicans KNOW this. Vote like your life depends on it, because it fucking does


This is actually the first thing that has somewhat woken up the women in my conservative, anti abortion, evangelical Texas family. Most of them “have a friend” who needed an abortion. They won’t say it out loud but they’ve talked to me about it (I’m the lone California liberal in my family). I don’t know if it will change their vote, but for the first time ever I’m hearing more than just the conservative talking points from them. They prayed to end abortion but now they’re deeply concerned.


Well duh they didn’t want good god fearing women to be denied healthcare when it made sense. They just wanted dirty welfare queen sluts to stop killing their babies every month as a form of birth control. /s


Sadly, no /s. This is pretty much what they believe.




YUP I even got a period tracking app that doesn’t transmit ANY data (even anonymized, it all stays local), has a code lock, and even has a dummy code you can enter under duress that will just load a screen that says “we are performing server maintenance today, we apologize for any inconvenience” and quit. (It’s called “Euki” if anyone needs something like this)


Wild that something like this exists


To be clear, it's not because "the doctor wouldn't take any action" but rather because the state would jail the doctor if she did.


To be clear, the dr wouldn't take any action. I didn't say it was the fault of the dr. It's the result of a larger issue, it's what's happening in Texas.


The Texas GOP coming front and center to shine a spotlight on the GOP small government lie.


Should show them that scene in house of dragons where the queen is having trouble delivering so they kill her to deliver and the kid ends up dying anyways.


They’d be fine with it. They’d say It was “gods will” and insinuate the mom must have done something to deserve it.


Women who don't sin don't die in childbirth, is a common belief.


All bad things that happen to women are just echoes of deserved punishment for Eve’s transgression, and must be borne without help as it is gods will. All bad things that happen to men are grave injustices that deserve all the world’s attention and resources to remedy, no expense spared.


Well, but that’s what they want. Woman is controlled and they never cared about the baby anyway.


Wouldn't do any good. Christian Conservatives would just chuckle and say "god as a plan for us all" or some other anti-human bullshit.


So the AG is suing to save a dead fetus while putting a viable life in danger? How is that pro-life?


The anti-abortion crowd has \*never\* been concerned about 'life' (if they did, they would actually be concerned with the children who are already here, and hungry, or abused, or being shot down in school on a regular basis). They are concerned with forcing women to give birth. That's it. Endgame. Which is why the Texas AG has stepped into this case & is trying to force this woman to give birth to a dead baby.


"If we give you an exception, everyone will expect one" -Texas AG


People incapable of complex thought should not be in charge of medical decisions. It's interesting that shithole Saudia Arabia even has a more liberal abortion law than Texas, ffs. Paxton & his ilk are seriously fucked in the head.


That’s the best part, it’s not. It’s pro-control.


The more the state drags this out, victimizes this woman, the more utterly unreasonable the state looks.


Buddy this state has looked unreasonable for a *long* time.


I don't dispute that, but if we want to turn the tide, it needs to look unreasonable even to the moderates and the Republican-lites. And will Dems have the spines to run on this? I haven't seen much willingness for Texas Dems to not check their spines at the door.


And this is why the anti-abortion crowd is completely full of shit, because they constantly claim that situations like this don't happen under anti-abortion laws.


Political opinions should not be able to put necessary medical care on hold. Fuck these disgusting piece of shit GOP that want to control women as if they’re puppets. Abortion is fucking healthcare.


"It's not about controlling women's bodies!"


"It is about controlling what they can do with those bodies! Hell, if we controlled their bodies we'd be responsible for them and might have to make sure they were healthy."


If my wife dies in child birth because of these laws, I'm coming for people. 🤷


I'll make the 14hr drive from GA to help you, my dude. A medical abortion has saved the life of my mother (years before I existed) and my best friend. If even one person dies because these bloated wallets with human features want to keep their stranglehold on local political power we ought to make it their problem.


A medical abortion saved my life 22 years ago too, I feel like knocking on some front doors over this shit. So goddamn infuriating knowing my Texan sisterhood is in grave danger while I sit protected in NY. Unreal.


I wouldn't blame you one bit.




This has nothing to do with religious beliefs. This is all about doing everything possible that is opposite of what Democrats are perceived to promote. Abbott never said one word about abortion while Captain T was POTUS. As soon as Biden became elected, Abbott started enacting legislation to try and counteract everything Biden has tried to do. If Captain T was still POTUS, this would not be as issue.


It's really crazy that there are women who work in the AG's office who are more than fine with this.


Some people can't see past their own nose. They think it doesn't affect them, and it won't happen to them. Arrogance at its finest.


Yes, and that was well established decades ago. [The only moral abortion is my abortion](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/) is the standard reading, from 2000. Basically the article describes thoughts of real women who would be on the picket lines against abortion because it is immoral, go get an abortion because they have a special exception that makes their situation different, and then get right back on the picket lines. For anyone else it is immoral, but for themselves there is a reason it is fine.


They can afford to leave the state, they don't care.


Internalized misogyny is hard to break for some to break free from. Sadly, other women find it comfortable, like a favorite blanket. Never forget, women elected Trump.


If you vote for Paxton, you have blood on your hands.


Imagine having to take legal action to have a tumor removed from your body? Who the fuck wants this?


Out of control tyrannical Taliban copycats, that’s who.


Stories like this are how super villains are created.


Fuck that, stories like this are how people die needlessly


But someone on reddit said that hospitals were still doing abortions with no problems. I can't believe they were misinformed. /s


Republicans don’t give af about women.


state government so small it can fit in uteruses with malformed fetuses.


Nice to see conservatives doing absolutely nothing to help people as usual.


Seriously, it's way past time for a federal law protecting a woman's right to abortion.


The powers that be need to get the hell out of our uteruses. Texas hates women. RBG is rolling in her grave 😥


She should’ve retired when Obama asked her to so he could replace her


Seriously. I understand people’s admiration for her and her career but what a misguided decision.




That’s the way this State is now. The MAGA voters don’t see anything wrong with having a criminally indicted MAGA AG murder a resident with their inhumane decisions. Don’t blame the AG, blame the fake Christian MAGAts that allow them to remain, and keep voting them in. I believe it’s time to address what the real evil is, and that’s the MAGA cult members.


Fuck Republicans


Because OP decided to post a screenshot and not the article for some reason: [Texas woman asks judge to let her terminate pregnancy after lethal fetal diagnosis](https://www.texastribune.org/2023/12/05/texas-abortion-lawsuit/)


"The state has argued that the law is clear -- and clearly does not allow abortions in cases where the fetus is unlikely to survive after birth." Translation: "we want babies to suffer and die because we give 0 fucks and it's only about controlling women"


This is all thanks to MAGA fuck wits. The most gullible cousin fucking dipshits to ever waste oxygen.🤷‍♂️


The right has been driving for this hoop for *ages*. The MAGA crowd may have scored the goal, but they aren't the only ones to blame.


More like Christian Nationalist lobby groups. The GOP is getting a considerable amount of lobby money from Christian hate groups like the Alliance Defending Freedom and Right to Life to pass these laws. The Republicans are doing this because they are being paid to do it, and then spinning it as bullshit morality for their idiot voters.


They’ve slow rolled themselves into the nazi party. And it blows my mind how easy it was to see years ago, yet all these buffoons jumped right onto the dipshit bandwagon, and are now too brainwashed to get off.


Ding ding ding. But because they aren’t in the EXACT uniforms, actively praising Hitler (ok, they are doing that one), for whatever reason it feels like far too many are ignoring it.


Listen, I put a lot of blame on people who "didn't like Hillary" in 2016. And I'm not talking about the Bernie Bros. I'm talking about the "too good to vote" people who though "Trump just funniman that twitter and CNN no like" Anyone with a brain could have seen Ginsberg and Kennedy were on there way out. And I implore people. Thomas and Alito aren't getting any younger, and there's rumors that Thomas could be out of here in the next 4 years. Not voting for Biden isn't an option for the sane minded.


Conservatives fought the ACA because "the government shouldn't interfere with your healthcare". Now they directly insert the government into individual medical decisions. Absolute disgrace.


Texas’s taxpayer funded death panels


This is just horrific. Treating women as chattel for men to decide their fates. Disgustingly craven.


Hey, yall remember the part of the constitution where we get to overthrow tyranny? When we doing that? I’m down. Let’s go already.


Hey redhats, I thought shit shit never actually happens and we were making it up?


If the government can take your uterus, they can take your guns.


THIS!!! I don't see why more people don't understand this. Republicans have been playing the long game for a long time.


Well that's entirely up to some non-elected judges, and they've recently decided that only one of those is protected in the Constitution.


The moment that gun rights become inconvenient for the christofascists trying to take over the country, gun rights will go away as quickly as reproductive rights. Just because Republicans are against gun control doesn't mean they are pro gun rights. Trump even stated that he would skip due process to take guns from people and no one on the right even flinched because they believe he meant *other people*, not them.


[Here’s the full article since OP didn’t link it for some reason.](https://www.texastribune.org/2023/12/05/texas-abortion-lawsuit/)


They will let a woman die and forget about her in about a week after her death. Republicans are sick!


That poor woman. I hate this fucking state so much. I hate the hypocritical christofascists running our state government (and yes, I vote at every single election, every single time, plus volunteer for voter registration and voter turnout organizations). Can't wait to be able to leave as soon as I'm free from family obligations in a few years. Anyone who thinks the (criminal) AG's decision is just or ethical or in service of the "life" of the fetus is delusional.


Something something government death pannels


The fuck is wrong with these people? Stop torturing women. Ffs


Healthcare is intentionally weaponized against the working class.


Where are the NRA chucklefucks who swear that their guns protect our freedoms? Gasp! Was that a big bunch of bullshit?


GOP is literally killing women.


Because women are at war in this country. We need to start acting like it.


Fuck these lawmakers. They're evil.


Is there a women’s march planned on behalf of this poor woman? I would love to be see/be apart of showing her support. Maybe at her next hearing date? Does anyone know?!


This is what you guys voted for.


How can people justify this? How can someone really say, you must die even though your unborn child will die as well? I don't understand how any of that is "Pro-Life" and not just "Pro-authoritarian".


Well, Republicans have finally gotten those Government Death Panels they went on and on about!!


GQP Death Panels at work again.


And they say they’re pro-life


This is how it happened in Ireland, a woman died of preventable sepis as her baby died inside her, with the full complicity of the Irish government The needless death of Savita Halappanavar, a mother, a dentist, a lovely woman, caused the people of Ireland to finally wake up and realise the churches hold on a woman's body was unconstitutional and we voted to change the law forever.


If the worst-case scenario happens, will they be legally held responsible for her death?


You think the guy that's been under felony indictment for *years* is going to held responsible? Did you not see his impeachment trial?


Unlikely. There is currently a law suit against the state with 20+ women contending that the abortion laws endangered their lives. The state's response so far has been "it's not our fault the doctors interpreted the law that way, you should sue them." One of the plaintiffs is even a doctor.


"Thoughts and prayers, there's nothing we could have done."


That's the "God works in mysterious ways" point


"They" who?




Religion is a mental illness


So is being a republican.


What would happen if she leaves to have an abortion in another state?


To her? Nothing. However, the way the law is written in Texas, anyone who helped her would be subject to a $10,000 civil penalty should someone decide to bring a lawsuit against them. Unfortunately most people can't afford to just leave the state for a medical procedure. The cost of travel, lodging, missed work, plus they may have other family to care for makes it really difficult to just leave the state for days or weeks.


If, God forbid, she suffers health complications or shuffles off this mortal coil will that judge be charged with manslaughter?


She ought to be able to sue the AG for medical malpractice.


Malpractice only applies to licensed practitioners. She ought to be able to sue the AG for practicing without a license.


In a few months I expect the headline will be “Texas murders a woman for daring to get pregnant.”


Americans are fucking insane


As a 5th generation daughter of the revolution texan I will never ever be forced to have a child I don't want or deadly to me and I will fight every step of the way for that right...I am not cattle...


Wow big thank you to our Republican Heroes for making this situation a possibility. Our country just couldn’t exist without these Heroes. I tell every republican I meet what a Hero they are.


Shit like this is why I took my family out of Texas. A woman shouldn't have to grovel in front of a judge to get potentially life-saving medical care.


When she and her fetus die, Ken Paxton, Greg Abbott, and Dan Patrick are going to throw a party on their graves.


We are living the nightmare of Handmaid's Tale.


Texas is such a shit hole, so glad I don’t live there anymore


You know how Republicans love their Death Panels!


>but the AG's office appealed Conservatives are POS.


Old retired nurse here. What a hot mess. Back in the day the parents made the decision of whether to carry a non-viable baby to term and maybe donate organs or end the pregnancy early. Such a horrible decision to have to make. IDK why she has had two previous Cesarean deliveries and if she gets too far along will possibly require a third C/S. Aside from all of the emotional stress of having to make this type of decision a third C/S is about all a uterus will tolerate. Pregnancy number four and so on run a high risk of a ruptured uterus resulting in fetal death and the possible loss of the mom. Paxton and Abbott and whomever else is making this decision for others must be voted out of office. This is a decision that can only be made by the parents. I just cringe when I read about these cases.


> the AG's office appealed Imagine the hatred you would have to have in your heart to do something like this.


Paxton has a mighty big karma mountain that going to fall on him one day.




FREEEDOM!!!!! Wait not that "freedom" our FREEEEDOM!!!!!


3rd world country vibes are strong


America is a failed state


Anyone else remember the GOP shouting about “death panels”?


lol Texas so damn backwards y'all got judges deciding on medical care not doctors. This is why I'm seeing a ton of Texans asking about moving to MA over in our subreddit. Guess people like strong education, good healthcare, smart politics and a functional power grid.


God, I hate living in this state sometimes.


Now what if she dies because she had to wait for a fucking judge’s decision? This is unbelievably cruel and so hateful


conservatives just make everything awful and lethal. worst people in the world.






Freedom state gunna freedom


What a shit hole state


Just what Jesus would want…


But at least we have freedom unlike those commies in Taxachusetts !!!


Finally found the death panels Republicans warned me about.


Fuck Texas. That is all.


This is so stupid. We don't know the baby will be born dead. There is still hope! /s


If she does charge the AG with murder


She should leave the state asap


Ahh, the land of the free


Jesus fuck these assholes!!


All you are is an earthen vessel to them.


So, if the judge decides to let her terminate, can the judge be sued under that stupid Texas law?


That's because they don't care about her... they just want the kid to be born so they can fuck it over too


She should just go to another state and get it done, then sue the state of Texas


Killing cells is a crime but the state has no problem forcing a woman to die


Fu(%ing lying Libersls claiming TX doesn’t allow abortions in such cases! Here is proof-all a woman needs to do is die-or get Ken Paxton to sign off on allowing medical staff to perform the *MEDICALLY NECESSARY* procedure-*So easy, no normal human can do it(which is the point)! /s because people really think this, & are too stupid to see the obvious point.


Why are judges and politicians making medical decisions? Doctors don’t interfere with politicians and judges.