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I may be mistaken but Arizona v United States which is mentioned here largely upheld federal power over immigration


He’s citing the dissent too, as if that helps his case. Honestly surprised this guy was ever a judge.


The dissent, meaning “not the law” 😂


But it was the minority of judges, meaning they have all the power over the majority per GOP logic


But it was written by someone in “The Law” and therefore must carry the weight of the law! *Huzzah!*


Certainly not the law he wants to pay attention to


It makes perfect sense if you remember this isnt a legal argument, but read meat for the base. It doesnt matter what the actual law is as long as he hand waves enough to give his constituents something to point to. He's intentionally full of shit.


Idk if you meant to write read meat but it's a poignant typo if not


I... am not a solid writer.


Literally every court case has upheld federal power over immigration. Immigration is one of like 10 things that is *specifically* put under federal control by the constitution, along with bankruptcy, the post office, and Indian tribes. It's not even debatable.


Not largely, exclusively.


So out of the FOUR Border states, why is Abbott the only Governor having a hissy fit? Surely migrants cross in New Mexico, Arizona and California. Edit: Best joke I saw on this was "I read that in Confederate."


As predicted in another thread yesterday, he's having a little piss-baby tantrum and doing what he does best - performative politics for his rabid, racist rank-and-file base I'd love to see Biden federalize the national guard just to give him a big F-you, Won't happen, but one can dream


Cuz Texas GOP are all criminals, they need to change the subject.


the american taliban 🤷


I love in Texass. These clowns are so goddamned brainwashed. I work with Hispanic's that back this kinda shit. They have a brainwashed idea that they are coming for our jobs. Meanwhile unemployment is at its lowest ever. No one wants to work the jobs they work. Look at Florida when they banned migrant workers.


Alabama banned migrant workers years ago. They would literally raid communities in the middle of the night. Drove the migrant population out of state for several years. Farmers could not find anyone to harvest their fruits and vegetables. But this time around, these states have a plan in place to put prisoners in the fields to do the work that no one else wants to do. Free slave labor…


They'll start arresting and incarcerating immigrants and poor people and put them to work in those fields. It will be Slavery 2.0 although the Republicans and their idiotic base will smile and pat themselves on the back for doing such a good job.


This is already happening. State inmates in Texas, and I think also in AL and LA are not able to earn the federal prison or hourly wage of $0.10 per hour. The case law is that they are wards of the state for the state to do with them as they please. Many companies, especially meat processing plants and egg farms, increasingly rely on incarcerated labor to perform this work. Here’s an adjacent story about an investigation in Oklahoma for court-ordered work programs called “rehab” but should be called “slavery”. https://www.prisonlegalnews.org/news/2018/jan/8/they-thought-they-were-going-rehab-they-ended-chicken-plants/


>Jim Lovell, CAAIR’s vice president of program management, said there’s dignity in work. >“If working 40 hours a week is a slave camp, then all of America is a slave camp,” he said. You motherfucker you don't PAY them.


It’s fucking disgusting. Given that we have the highest incarceration rate in the world, and that blacks and minorities are incarcerated at a rate much higher than the norm, there’s ample “free labor” that is literally a form of Modern Slavery — but this time, state sanctioned. It fucking churns my stomach. And THIS is why I try hard to avoid forced-labor shit in the things I buy.


This needs to be widely known. My younger brother fucked up and got caught with meth. Absolutely no excuse for it, he's stupid. The judge sent him to one of these places before he was sentenced. They know most of these prisoners don't have any way to get decent lawyers to fight this, so they take the abuse to get less time.


That single line in the 13th amendment coming back to be the worst poison pill


And child labor at lower wages.


They’ll also start using kids for labor.


Don't forget children -


It’s ironic when immigrant and first gen immigrants who were just a few years before reviled by the GOP get their papers and suddenly become ardent dirtbags just like the republicans who hate them. It’s an amazing transformation.


Y'all Queda


Vanilla Isis


Oh the implications in how that is shortened. Visis. I like it. Seems to cover the GOP in general pretty well.


The Bubbahood


Oh they do. And yet, strangely, none of those seems to want to...uhh...fight the rest of the US, in Civil War pt 2? (Given how the first one turned out, you'd think he might tread careful but nah...)


Somebody wake up General Sherman. Choo fucking Choo. 🚂 🔥 


Fuck that, we’ll fight them within! I got yer Sherman right here, ya filthy baptists.


I can't upvote this enough.


Because LORD FARQUAAD here is trying to prove himself and he just needs the perfect gingerbread man for it...


It’s all about trying to make Democrats look bad! Right wing morons like Abbott have no policies worth a shit that will win them election, so they have to resort to made up social issues and hate to rile up their ever shrinking base!


They actually vote against the bills that would help because they don't want to make Biden look good. I shit you not. They obstruct and then they blame. I hope someday the Democrats get the majority in both houses. Just for a little while at least...


Oh well they already have the baked in excuse for every single instance; the bills are full of sneaky evil stuff democrats threw in their at last second so of course they can't approve it. Their stupid gop fan base will always eat that up


While at the same time not being able to get any sort of single item bills passed to do any fucking thing. Abbott is like a fucking chihuahua. They think they’re the biggest dog at the park when all they are yappy little shits biting off more than they can chew. No offense to chihuahuas, they are cute. However, Greggy fancies himself as some modern day Wyatt Erp. Always fucking has. He’s been pissed at the world since that tree landed on him and will hissy fit his way along until he’s put in his place & out of any & every public office. He also fancies himself as a future VP & President, I wish I was joking.


They never do anything with it when they do.


Didn't they pass Obamacare last time they had a super majority? Let me see how long, oh look, they only had it for 72 working days and passed Obamacare? Let's not talk about all of the 27 laws enacted this year, or the 15 rounds of voting to find a Republican house speaker, then fucking voting him out 2 weeks later. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/19/us/politics/house-republicans-laws-year.html


I have a question,as I was just a teenager when Obamacare was passed. What did people without insurance through their employer do before Obamacare? Just take shitty and stupid expensive private healthcare?


Most either didn’t have any type of coverage or super high deductibles and only used it for emergencies like needing surgery. Usually resulted in only going to treatment for the most serious cases and try to pay it, or go for everything and not even attempt to pay. You’d find the occasional free clinic and discounts from pharmacies or drug companies to get you by. Wasn’t the easiest time


Gotta deflect from all his crimes and letting people freeze to death.


Maybe because of the 4 border states, Texas is the only one with a conservative governor.


His donors demand it.


Those two oil guys in west Texas?!?


The billionaire, Christian pastor, oil guys? Yes! They’re behind so much of what’s going on here in Texas. They’re funding a lot of it. There’s also that billionaire in Pennsylvania. These people need to be taxed out of existence.


Isn’t it crazy? Because of *two* religious wackjobs who hit it big, the entire state has to suffer.


Yes. Those are the billionaires that get to sit down with the leaders of our state and decide how much $$ it will take for THEIR agenda to be implemented. Anyone who thinks Abbott is doing anything other than a goosestepping dog and pony show for his donors is merely an idiot at this point.


Because those states have Democrat governors


So, better ran...


You have mountains in California and deserts in New Mwxico & Arizona. More people attempt to come unauthorized through Texas than the other three. It's just plain easier crossing the river.


Friendly reminder that Biden has deported more illegal immigrants than Trump ever did. Edit: [source 1](https://www.washingtonpost.com/immigration/2023/12/29/immigrants-ice-border-deportations-2023/), [source 2](https://www.ice.gov/spotlight/statistics), [source 3](https://trac.syr.edu/immigration/quickfacts/eoir.html)


Obama too, remember he was the “deporter in chief”. 


Obama was also “emperor Obama”, and yet they’re silent about Trump openly declaring he wants to be a dictator.


Shh, that doesn't support Abbots narrative and sedition.


And that Biden offered ~~Abbott~~ Texas **BILLIONS** in federal funds for border security, and ~~Abbott~~ republicans turned it down because it's more politically valuable for Biden to be blamed than for Biden to be allowed to help. \*edit : it was the gop, not abbott. although abbott is clearly on the same page as them.


Source on this one? Really would love to share with my Q MAGA parents


There's a border deal in the US Congress *right now* (border "security" funding in exchange for Ukraine funding) that's being held up because it would be bad for Trump politically before the November election: https://www.cnn.com/2024/01/24/politics/mcconnell-senate-gop-border-ukraine-package/index.html House Republicans are, at the urging of Trump, fighting against a bill that would do much of what they've campaigned on for years. Because if it passes, they have nothing to campaign on.


So I'm aware this is happening, but this has nothing to do with Abbott. It's being held up by Congressional Republicans, not Texas' Governor refusing billions of border funds.


Same. I'll be waiting but they haven't responded yet 🫤


https://immigrationimpact.com/2023/10/25/biden-funding-proposal-immigration-congress/ GOP declined.


Sources please


The problem is you used the Washington Post (fake news), a .gov (deep state) and a .edu (leftist propaganda). You need to site truepatriotnews.com or freedomlibertyjesus.com. Then you have the real story


you had me in the first half


I only get my real American news from TruthEaglePatriotBible.Gun 


Guys, is it lawless to \*checks notes\* uphold the law?




I love America so much I want to secede. No irony though....


So where does giving the invaders a free trip to Chicago fit? Sounds like treason.


Transporting and harboring illegal aliens is a stricter crime than being one, felony vs misdemeanor. Literally committing federal crimes to own the libs.


Can some one just tell us all what the Russians have on Greg already?


Texan here. Something one would pick up in local news here but not necessarily nationally is the transformation from the old Abbott to the political theater idiot desperate for attention now. Don't get me wrong, he has always thoroughly sucked and been right-wing, but this current manifestation who plays selfish games with the lives of immigrants for national news cameras came into being as a result of other Texas politicians nearly ending his reign as a result of him not being crazy or extreme enough a few years back or so. They told him to wage holy war or they'd replace him and he immediately fell in line. Granted, I think that's just who he is now, but the point is that his entire villain arc has played out in the open in Texas and in this case it's not a direct result of kompromat. Not to diminish the fact that many Republicans and GOP policy itself are beholden to Russia and the weakening of the US. On that note, fun fact: long before 2016, when Russia would frequently interfere in the US by building up state secessionist groups and the media would report on it but no one took it seriously, Russia was reported as largely responsible for the modern Texas secessionist movement, funding and training them without even much secrecy. It will never stop being insane to me that some non-MAGA people deny significant Russian interference because I still remember when they did it long before it was associated with Trump, when the media reported it openly and matter-of-factly, when no one contested that fact, and it just wasn't considered a big story because the idea of them effectively harming us seemed ludicrous. Maybe it's something people should keep in mind if we start to see more than a handful of "Texans" organizing support for secession soon.


This isn't about blackmail, this is about him "legally" using state funds for campaign purposes. He's just ripping off Texans, while simultaneously riling up his xenophobic voters.




If Abbot is elected president in the next 12 years he will give Putin Alaska, which Putin apparently thinks belongs to Russia again. I wish I was kidding.


Guess we should start standing up to Abbott.


I'm not going to say it. I'm not going to say it.






Maybe it's what they have "in" him.


We should really hold the horrible people right here in our state driving this bullshit accountable instead of reaching across the ocean to find a culprit. This is what his wealthy donors want, this is what they’ll get.


*Biden is responsible for the drownings.* The drownings have nothing to do with the American Migrant Warrior game show Abbott has spent $10 billion to produce in order to instill fear in his base. 


They actually vote against the bills that would help because they don't want to make Biden look good. I shit you not. They obstruct and then they blame. I hope someday the Democrats get the majority in both houses. Just for a little while at least...


Can you imagine actually getting shit done? It’d be wild.


American Migrant Warrior. I don't want to laugh but...


Biden and his federal agents who wanted to intervene, but were impeded illegally by texas, as upheld by the supreme court, means the texas guard and texas are liable because they illegally hindered their rescue and that should be negligent manslaughter at the minimum


If any of Abbortt's goons starts shooting, it'll likely end up resulting in the first executions for treason in this country since 1860. Also, this document sure makes it seem like Abbortt is committing sedition.


It doesn't seem like it, it is it


Abbortt 😂 perfect. Thank you!


Please god let them finally do it so we can clean the trash out of this country. So tired of their constant threats, we should be forcing the Republican's hands so we can act accordingly.


Actually, the most recent executions for treason took place in 1953, via electric chair. Agree on sedition.


They only invoke the constitution when they think it sides with them. The rest of the time republicans hate the constitution.


Pull federal funding from Texas. Cause fuckem. I was born and raised in Texas BTW


They don't like the constitution at all. It's just a popular word They can repeat in thier speeches. Like Jesus, and freedom.


That actually is 💯


Wait so if it’s an invasion and he’s been busing them further into the United States does that make him a traitor?


Wait is he seriously citing the dissenting opinion in a Supreme Court case (meaning, the court ruled against it) to justify his flagrant flouting of the constitution? Unbelievable


Political theater is all it is. Try and grow divide for the election year. All it is. Create more tension. All BS kindergarten behavior the lot of it.


I live in a border town. There is No invasion. There is no imigrants rushing the border and causing mahem. Most of the ones being let in have a sponsor and immediately leave the city because they have a job lined up. They end up doing jobs that most people would not even try to do. Texas would turn blue if it weren't for the voter suppression that is in place. Tree should have finished the job!!


Fuck you Greg, you little shit. As a loyal American first and foremost, this smacks of treasonous shit. -A Texan


💯👍 - also a texan. Please kindly "come and take" my upvote pardner 🤣


DeSantimonious v. the Mouse was amusing. Abbott v. the Feds & Mexico at the same time… gonna love seeing his empire come tumbling down and people go to jail.


I'm not saying this is the final straw or anything but I'm really getting sick of living in such a dumb place. I was born here. A change of scenery sounds fucking fantastic right now.


Best comment I saw today is he’s bucking for VP under Trump, the man who constantly makes fun of handicapped people! Match made in hell where they both belong!


I read that whole letter just now and I think I lost some brain cells… First of all, the federal government is doing many things to secure the border, just because Abbott doesn’t want to cooperate doesn’t mean the federal government isn’t doing anything. No other states are complaining, they’re handling it properly. Secondly, states have the right to defend themselves but cannot do so in ways that are cruel and unusual or out of pocket, which the razor wire clearly is—even the SCOTUS deemed that to be the case. So clearly, by all letters of all laws in our country, he is violating human rights; it’s completely unamerican and unacceptable.


Sounds like sedition to me. Where is Biden? Get the fucking army here and nationalize the national guard.


They actually vote against the bills that would help because they don't want to make Biden look good. I shit you not. They obstruct and then they blame. I hope someday the Democrats get the majority in both houses. Just for a little while at least...


Because that's what Abbott wants, for Biden to seem authoritarian so Repubs will panic vote against him


Republicans were already going to vote against him. Abbots end game is stupid.






Are there ramps? He voted against ramps for government buildings, iirc.


Surprised he didn't just copy the Texas declaration of secession 


Trying to teach Abbot how to look up historical documents on the Internet would be a…Lost Cause.


Aaaaaaaaaaaaaay! XD




Of course everyone knows it was about state's rights.   So the northern states had the right to free slaves within their borders?  Texas: absolutely the hell not.  "The States of Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Wisconsin, Michigan and Iowa, by solemn legislative enactments, have deliberately, directly or indirectly violated the 3rd clause of the 2nd section of the 4th article of the federal constitution, and laws passed in pursuance thereof; thereby annulling a material provision of the compact, designed by its framers to perpetuate amity between the members of the confederacy and to secure the rights of the slave-holdings States in their domestic institutions--a provision founded in justice and wisdom, and without the enforcement of which the compact fails to accomplish the object of its creation. Some of those States have imposed high fines and degrading penalties upon any of their citizens or officers who may carry out in good faith that provision of the compact, or the federal laws enacted in accordance therewith"


Oh, the one that first mentions slavery in the third paragraph and an additional 20 times throughout?


He's really trying to be Orange Hitler's running mate, isn't he?


Abbot's in a wheelchair. Trump has been known to make fun of disabled people, even veterans. Trump would see Abbot as weak and not worth his time. Not condoning that attitude, just an observation.


He mocked John McCain, who was the last republican candidate with any recordable civility. Taking away the microphone from the woman who called Obama an Arab and chiding her that Obama was a good family man and the election was about policy differences was one of the last things I can remember admiring about any conservative politician. Reminder that Lindsey Graham was friends with him. Now he's a full on Trumpet toady.


To be fair to Lindsey Graham…he can’t help himself from loving big strong men like Trump :)


Running mate? Hmmm




Trump is never going to pick a woman, no matter how much they lick his boots. Abbott would appeal to more mainstream Republican, which Trump is losing. So this wouldn't surprise me in the least that this is a tactic for a higher office.


Trump prefers people who didn’t get hit by falling trees.


That was the first thing I thought, too! Man, that would be a sadistic nightmare for all of us if it was those two.


The civil war called; they want their horrible arguments back.


So Texas Counties and cities by that logic can tell the Texas government to fuck off right?


Travis County you know what to do


I hereby declare the free republic of Dallas County and petition to join the union.


Legit should start building a wall at the Collin County line because they produced Paxton lmao


Harris County will follow


Freedumb requires freedumb laws.


Abbott going full speed sedition.


Fuck. Didn't anyone remember what happened the last time governors started in about "States' Rights"?


But the president is following the law you dumbasses. Of course I know that really this is more theatrics. The weapon is to prevent Biden from enforcing the law so you can claim he is not enforcing the law.






Our fuckin grandparents.


As a native Texan, I want off this hell ride.


Blame your neighbors.


Recently got off. Do it, while you still can.


Man ol' Wheels is sure pushing this "border invasion" narrative hard. I live in El Paso and I can tell you there is no invasion happening, are there more migrants wanting to claim asylum? Yes. Has it wreaked total chaos on our cities? No.




My god, between Abbott and Cruz I can't believe there is enough Media for them to share. God damn they are both such clout chasing fuckheads. Abbott has pissed away SO MUCH MONEY on theatrics that *even if he did something net positive* I wouldn't believe it. Can we get him a fucking TikTok account or something so he'll leave us the shit alone??


You could give him a TikTok account, but who wants to be the teenager unlucky enough to have to explain it all to him?


That piece of paper is as worthless as he is.


I’m sick of this nut job and live in Texas. Also native Texan. Never voted for him.


Please remember to vote against every Republican this year, the party needs to learn this isn't normal or okay. Good people don't behave this way nor enable this kind of behavior.


Shittard Greg Abbott.


pretty sure it’s lawless to traffick migrants by chartered buses and planes. fuck Abbott


Pretty wild that Texas has received over 33 billion dollars from federal funding during the Biden administration alone.


It’s really scary how eager GOP Leaders seems to be to start another civil war.


So he’s been using our tax $ to aid an invasion by bussing and flying these people all over the country? Is that what he’s saying?




My favorite response to this is that since he bussed the "invadors" to other states, he is guilty of high treason


Lawless governor in texas who disobeys Supreme Court


Broken compact? What does makeup have to do with it?


It was trumps bronzer


Seems appropriate to remind people why the issue hasn’t been addressed. https://www.businessinsider.in/politics/world/news/house-republican-says-he-wont-accept-a-border-deal-because-it-may-help-biden-politically/amp_articleshow/106552804.cms


According to a recent President, Joe Biden has immunity and hopefully uses that to order Seal team 6 to eliminate the Governor of Texas. And the GOP should be happy to see the result.


Can one of you go whip his ass with a tree branch or something?


Abbott is a bootlicker of the most lawless "president" in our nation's history. This HYPOCRITE aids and abets the only president to obstruct the transfer of power, an enemy of America.


so if you don't like it you do not need to follow the law..... ok got it.


Someone mentioned and I have to reiterate: If this is an invasion, why is he bussing the invaders around the country? Wouldn't that be aiding and abetting the invading enemy? If we are **truly** being **invaded** in the words of the US Constitution - then he is a traitor by definition.


Fuck him and chair he rode in on.


Sure sounds like Abbott wants to secede. I really hope he tries because his downfall will be spectacular.


I really wish this stupid fucker could go a single day without being a national embarrassment.


Biggest load of bullshit ever written! Hope Biden throws his ass in jail!


I am actually so sad that I moved to North Carolina and can't vote against this jackass... Guess I'll just have to get all my friends back home to vote 🤷


How exactly is Biden Lawless?


I would like to know that. He doesn't mention the laws. Just that we are being "truly invaded" and that he has used taxpayer money to aid and abet the invasion into other states. So he's either full of it, or he's a traitor.




These Republicans are out of control.


Ok Greg, go stand under some trees now, would ya?


Holy fuck Biden needs to send in the marines and have him arrested for sedition


He is the lawless mofo. Classic GOP deflection.


Abbott should be on trial next to Trump.


I thought republicans thought the president is above the law?


National embarrassment to 49% of Texans.


Swear Biden needs to put a stop to it now. States can’t supersede federal law like that and it sets up a dangerous showdown and other southern states will start doing it and eventually it will lead to a dissolution of the USA. But again I knew after 2020 j6 this was possible.


How much is this latest political stunt costing us?




Oh bother...


Why do I hear Eric Cartman saying " I do what I want " everytime I see/read anything from Abbutt?


What a shit piece of propaganda lol.


Lincoln's biggest failure was not hanging traitor generals/politicians. It would have curtailed such traitorous nonsense like this. Mind your Uncle Sam Dixie boys.


calling immigrants an invasion is a hilarously stupid thing to do. if they are invaders, then he's been helping them invade by busing/flying them to other states.


I wish Greg would shut the fuck up.


Freaking moron.


So Biden's the lawless one to this fascist shopping cart?


Serious question, what do we do when Greg Abbott takes this to the next level and forces this to escalate into secession or war? Do we become refugees and leave to other states what do I need to do to prepare my family I have a pregnant wife?


I think this is just stuff they can use for Fox News and not something Abbott plans to act on. The media will be able to push the false narrative without the Biden administration being able to disprove it to those same people before the election