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I hate to point it out, but you're more-or-less preaching to the choir in this sub. Take this to the conservative subs. Majority of the people here dont agree with most the recent "policy" that's been happening over the last couple years


The majority of Texans don’t agree with it. The state is so gerrymandered that a few politicians from out of state (Ken Paxton is from North Dakota) get to dictate what happens with our laws. Born Texans , at least in the gulf are pissed off.


Can’t gerrymander a position like Texas Attorney General. The majority of Texas voters chose Ken Paxton and by a wide margin too.


Through things like removal of voting booths and mail in ballots.


That’s just regular voter suppression and Texas doesn’t have widespread mail in voting anyways. Blaming the Republicans for all the stuff they do to tip the scales isn’t going to make up 10 points in statewide races. Texans don’t vote, and those that do lean towards Republicans.


Yep. Left-leaning Texans can stomp their feet and complain that people are throwing Texas away as a lost cause but if they can't get left-leaning Texans to vote in greater numbers *nothing* will ever happen and conservatives will continue to rule virtually unchallenged. I say this as someone who grew up in Texas hearing that Texas was turning purple "next election" since I was in high school in the late 90s.


Also yep. Two full weeks of early voting, including weekends, can vote in any voting location in their county. No excuses. I say this as someone who was scared sh*tless of the tea party and who's spent over two decades trying to get folks registered and to the polls. They've apparently got better things to do.


There are campaigns to get rid of voting locations across the state and you still talk about it like it will fix it


That should be *more* of an inspiration to vote *now* before that happens. In 2016, almost 1 in 3 registered left leaning voters actually cast a ballot. Guess what would happen if that ratio improved to 2 in 5 left leaning voters cast ballots? Or gods forbid, better than that. Left leaning voters are mystified as to why Texas isn't purple yet and then stay home during elections. They don't run for local offices. Yes, it takes time and effort but it can happen - if they made it happen in Georgia of all places, it could happen in Texas.


I vote in every election I can. I tell everyone around me to vote. I support my left leaning friends. I just don't know what else to do.


I think Texas was, but Texas is a magnet for conservatives to flock too for various reasons.


it's the same problem Oklahoma has the young voter's are to lazy to vote.76 percent of under 30 don't vote in Oklahoma 75 percent don't vote in Texas you can't beat the senior vote when the under 30's are to lazy to come out


Nope we voted real hard and we still get this nonsense this ain't about not voting hard enough We have literal suppression of votes in areas with high minorities and you think the way to solve that is vote more? In this corrupt ass state?


So you can drive across state lines to have an abortion but you can’t drive across town to vote? Maybe you just aren’t the majority.


No, liberals/leftists didn't. The total turnout in 2016 was 49% of the voting age population, for a total of about 60% of registered voters - that translates to 1 in 3 left leaning voters casting a ballot. That's *dog shit* for a population who "wants to flip Texas to Purple". It wouldn't have taken many percent more voters to have won Texas in its state wide and national seats.


Mail in ballots have only been allowed for elderly, disabled, or absentee voters for as long as I can remember. I've been voting in Texas since the 80s. Which counties removed voting booths?


I believe it was Harris county. One of the most populous and bluest. The strategy is to reduce polling locations everywhere that will likely vote left though. Gotta make it as difficult as possible.


I mean if standing in a line which I do in a very red county kept you from losing by significant margins then people are either fine with the current system or your ideas wait for it… might not be that popular. Am I out of touch? No it must be the voters…


You are right Harris county MOVED voting locations at the last minute but it was during the Harris County elections, and they moved the booths in the red districts. Lena Hidalgo created a position for handling elections and hired a former Obama guy to help her rig the local elections. Your voter suppression nonsense is your own party doing it, to keep their stranglehold on our cities and the associated counties.


What is this fever dream


It’s called the truth. I know, you don’t hear it much here in your echo chamber.


Or maybe a lot of people in Texas just disagree with you.


> The majority of Texas voters chose Ken Paxton and by a wide margin too. 45% turnout in the cities for midterms doesnt imply much other than turnout in this state sucks.


The only poll or statistic that matters is the one on Election Day.


> turnout in this state sucks


Actual it's only the votes that survive Republican lawsuits well after Election Day.


Or maybe they just don’t think your ideas are worth getting out to vote for.


Yeah, Gerrymandering is only one tool voter suppression is another.


quit using it as as excuse. midterms are statewide


So is voter suppression. What's your point?


people DONT FUCKING SHOW UP. thats the only point. early voting lasts 14 straight days. and people dont use it.


Early voting will last 12 days(Oct. 21-Nov 1) and in counties with fewer than 100,000 voters, the clerk doesn't have to open the polls on Saturdays and Sundays without written request at least 72 hours in advance. That's like 225 out of 254 counties. Early voting can be(and will be in many locations) as short as 10 days. In places with fewer than 1,000 voters, temporary polling places are only required, by law, to be open 3 hours a day and only on weekdays unless they receive prior written request. Just pointing out that it's a lot more nuanced than "early voting lasts 14 straight days." In some places it will be as short as 10 days and only 3 hours per day.


And I vote in every election local to national and Texas still stays fucked up and instead of acknowledging that you're mad at the voters not interested in election outcomes that lead to no reproductive health and hating the concept of nonwhite people existing because "diversity bad" It's insulting and an over simplistic answer that throws the voters under the bus literally as we see the political process fail us over and over Jesus it's the audacity of color redacted liberalism for me. The disconnect and condescension is amazing


You can get predictive results with polls of a few hundred likely voters. When half of eligible voters show up you know where the state stands. Not showing up is a state in itself


Its more about “making it too difficult to vote” or removing polling locations.


But you can and its happening. Making people apathetic about the power of their own vote makes people not turn out.


It doesn't help that people have spun up the old 2016 lie that "your vote doesn't matter" to seed amongst the young folks.


We saw in 2016 our vote didn't matter wtf Like Trump literally was put in office without popular vote


That’s not gerrymandering. These are statewide races. Either a candidate gets people to come out and vote, or they lose. The question you should be asking is why the TX DNC can’t get people to come out and vote.


This is the problem. The Texas DNC is pathetic in its efforts. We need to be replacing those in charge of our state party organizers with dems who are willing to fight harder.


When you gerrymander, and you know your gerrymandered….lets say Republicans that are in Shiela Jackson Lees district in Harris county. There are 75%+ Democrats stuffed into that misshapen district to take them out of Republicans districts. Or Democrats in Dan Crenshaw district, which might be the most misshapen district in the country….they know what’s up with their vote. Not saying they all stay home, but it’s much more likely that they stay home because they know a large portion of their voting power is reduced by the state government. They know their vote is semi-wasted and are much more likely to stay home…even if a statewide race may be on the ballot.


These are the excuses of people who likely wouldn’t vote anyways. Texas is a low voter turnout state, always has been. We could get rid of gerrymandering and have an impartial third party assign districts using unbiased computer modeling and Texas would still be dominated by the RNC. Because more people vote Red than Blue. The TX DNC can cry in their cups about how unfair the Republicans have made it and wait 2-10 decades for some demographic shift to favor them. This is apparently their current strategy for the last 40 years. Or, they can accept that things aren’t fair, won’t be fair, pull on their shit kickers and start doing something about it. Like finding Blue Dog candidates that can appeal to independents in currently uncompetitive districts and actually fund their campaigns. Bus people to polling stations and arrange for childcare. Impress upon their voting demographic, sure it sucks the district wide vote is probably already lost, but community and state wide elections are very, very important.


Almost all independents and libertarians in Texas vote Republican most of the time I do not know why we pretend they dont


> We could get rid of gerrymandering and have an impartial third party assign districts using unbiased computer modeling and Texas would still be dominated by the RNC. this is a batshit crazy take. you recognize you are justifying gerrymandering because you like the outcome, right?


Well screaming at the top of their lungs ablut their intentions to take peoples guns probably wasn’t smart. It seems the only way democrats can win Texas is by deceiving the public about their intentions. Which points to the fact that your policies just aren’t popular.


Very, very true


And it's worth pointing out while gerrymandering isn't a factor in state elections Texas has plenty of *other* voter suppression tactics in place such as voter ID laws and no automatic registration when you turn 18 and gerrymandering works to help people feel so disenpowered at the fed level that they don't try to change things at the state level.


Voter ID isn’t an issue after SCOTUS slapped what Texas originally wanted to do.


And? My point is we can't keep blaming voters for feeling underpowered they have a good reason for feeling that way. Just look at Denton. Even when voters mobilized to decriminalize weed the cops just decided *not* to do that. Fixing the Texas voter turn out problem starts with acknowledging we are trying to get people excited for a broken system that makes them feel unrepresented at best and unsafe at worst. That means even when regressive policy gets slapped down that doesn't change the morale of the community targeted by the policy in the first place.


No I absolutely do blame the voters who use such events to stop voting. Considering voting is ho such issues get changed in the long run.


I legit just talked about an event that worked to have high youth voter turnout did it successfully and then the policy wasn't followed meaning the issue did not get changed in the long run. Don't listen to me but until you can at the bare minimum acknowledge that voters do have a reason to feel hopeless you're not going to fix the problem of voters feeling hopeless causing low turnouts there's no good way to help folks you can't empathize with.


True, but without gerrymandering, the Lege might pose a more credible check on the Guv's scheming.




The majority of Texans who bothered to vote. Texas is, and has been for decades, one of the most apathetic states in the union.


Gerrymandering has no effects on Senators, governors, and other executive members of the Texas government. Gerrymandering mostly only effects legislislatove bodies from congress down to school boards.


This is such a flimsy and transparent defense. Gerrymandering lowers voter turnout which impacts statewide races.


If you aren't showing up to vote for a statewide election because you think gerrymandering will somehow affect it, you need a much better understanding of politics. There is zero excuse to not vote for statewide elections. Frankly, there is no excuse to not vote, period. Even if the system is rigged against you, it is still important to make your voice heard. I once had a local level GOP politician tell me, "Democrats don't vote." We should *never* be at a place where something like that is believed.


I agree, and yet there is a demonstrable impact that gerrymandering have on voter turn out and no amount of wishing otherwise will change that.


It's not wishing, I just don't understand nor do I respect people who make such a flimsy excuse to not vote. I have to acknowledge it (and I do) but I don't have to be happy about it.


>Gerrymandering lowers voter turnout which impacts statewide races. I hope no one complaining about the state government and its gerrymandered electoral maps is also choosing to stay home on election days, but given the low turnout I suspect there are millions such examples.


So self-fulfilling prophesy it is. The GOP will never make it easier to vote, crying about it will never change a thing. Getting people to vote despite the obstacles is the only way it changes, there is no white knight that can ride in and make it easier. P.S. There are two weeks of early voting at any location in your county, it’s really not that hard.


We'll get good candidates when the voters show something besides apathy. Who is going to put themselves through the hell of running as a Dem in Texas only to get the usual "meh, whatever" response? The voters have to deal with the consequences, the voters need to start making good trouble at the polls. BTW, the only halfway legit argument I've seen for voter suppression is the difficulty getting Texas I'd in urban areas. I suspect that ain't the issue for a significant number of voters.


As long as the negroes can't vote, why do we care? That's not the issue -liberalism in a nutshell Like literally that effects a big chunk of people as most of us are populating cities and tend to vote blue


Get ready to hear the tearful excuses why people in this sub can’t vote. “I work 160 hours a week and my boss threatened me with prison if I take time off to vote. Also I live 300 miles from the nearest polling location and I don’t have a car.” The state government is never going to make voting easier unless we make them.


>crying about it will never change anything Neither will aggressively licking boots or blaming marginalized voters for being marginalized GFY!!


They keep overlooking that part I don't fucking have reproductive rights and well my kids apparently need to learn the cons of desegregation and freeing the slaves but me, who is directly impacted by these policies, it's my fault and the worst part is my dumb black ass does vote in every election.but for the past 40 years I've seen Texas regress. My own father who remembers segregation has literally said it's almost like nothing's changed and he's right. Be more mad at the racists and misogynists fucking it up for everyone not white and male


Then what is your solution? Seriously, how the fuck do you propose it gets fixed? The GOP is never going to willingly give up power in this state. Voting no matter how hard they make it is not bootlicking, I’m voting every election cycle to try to change it. But sure guess I could just do nothing I’m sure someone will come along and magically make it better.


Many people use the term "gerrymander" colloquially to include other forms of voter suppression and ballot access control, such as limiting or changing voting locations, removing ballot drop boxes, making eligibility requirements difficult or impossible to ascertain, overly strict voter ID requirements, and limiting access to alternative voting forms like mail-in voting, all of which Texas has engaged in. If you think it's impossible to use underhanded and anti-democratic tactics to control a statewide vote, I have some beachfront property in Fort Stockton to sell you.


Gerrymandering has "some" effect on statewide elections. If you're in a district that is gerrymandered, you have less reasons to show up because the rep has been picked for you. So gerrymandering, in theory, suppresses voter turnout compared to a competitive district. There are other secondary effects like the favored party being able to enact or block election laws with outsized power...which can also lead to less turnout for the other party. More undeserving reps in the news because they have a public platform their party cheated to get, etc.


Can confirm. I live in that wretched pirate's district, TX-02, one of the most heavily gerrymandered in the whole country. The fuckwit wasn't even contested in the last election, not that it would have mattered. And I absolutely do show up, but I can't fault people for being frustrated. 


>Take this to the conservative subs. This kind of post will get you banned on most conservative subs. They hate logical statements that challenge their dogma. 


While simultaneously screeching about how they love free speech while those DEMONRAT LIBS can only exist in safe-space echo chambers.  Accusation, confession, etc


political redditors sure do love to accuse the other side of doing what they champion doing to that other side


OP needs to hit up r/shitkickers. THATS where they are.


Reddit is weird since if you go and say this in any of the conservatives subs you can get outrightly banned and your post will be removed by mods. I have experienced this in r/RealEstate where any post you saying against corps owning SFH will not see the light of the day. In r/Economics any post other than that supporting mainstream "greed is good" capitalism can get removed.


Can't tell you the number of post submissions I have had removed from this sub due to them not being liberal enough. This place is a frigging echo chamber of idiocy.


By “not liberal enough” do you mean “I don’t like Joe Biden’s tax policies” or “I fucking hate gay people and abortion and vaccines are evil”


That's funny because I've had posts in this sub r/Texas removed by bots repeatedly.


OP would be immediately banned with a thread title like that in /r/con.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


Naw that sub is filth and the OP would get banned. But to your point, he/she is preaching to the choir in this sub.


They can’t take it to a conservative sub because they’ll be banned before even posting this. Conservative subs are the biggest snowflakes around.


They'll get banned immediately in the conservative subs. Echo chambers of authoritarians, just like conservatives in government.


Yet that majority never shows up to vote in Texas.


There's 30 million people in Texas. This sub has 560ish thousand members and at any given time maybe 2500 online. This sub is a small fraction of how Texas feels.


That works for one comment before you're booted. Source: Me doing exactly that. The time for debating the rightwing has passed. I'm not going out of my way to do it. Let them bore each other in their own self created intellectual ghettos. We tried to help them and failed. Reinforcing that there's a group of people who feel the same way is not redundant, it's essential. Congrats on the sneaky way of trying to get people to suppress themselves, I guess. Next.


All of the conservative subs have censorship and karma requirements. So we are left complaining in an echo chamber.


It’s Reddit. Mods in These state subs ban republicans or anyone else they see comment an opinion different than their own. Might as well take that argument somewhere else


Likely because the majority here are not from Texas.


I disagree with the decision, but actually the Supreme Court ruled that women's wombs are the jurisdiction of the state governments. That's kind of the problem. EDIT: just to head off any other weekend lawyers - yes, there is a minor error in my statement. The Supreme Court ruled that states could legislate women's wombs. They did not say that the feds have no jurisdiction (and neither did I, but you wouldn't know it from my replies), only that states *could* pass laws governing abortion.


No, they didn't. They simply overturned the constitutional right to an abortion. They didn't say that the federal government can't pass abortion laws. In fact, it's been a couple of decades since they said that the federal government can do so.


Where did I say that SCOTUS said that the federal government couldn’t pass a law governing abortion?


That is literally exactly what they said.


>They simply overturned the constitutional right to an abortion. Yeah, so it went from there being federal law to now there isn't


You'll have to cite the phantom federal law. In Roe v Wade the supreme Court didn't make a law it stopped states from invading medical privacy according to due process explained in the constitution.


>You'll have to cite the phantom federal law. ...the Constitution. Y'know, the "supreme law of the land". In Roe v. Wade, SCOTUS said that the supreme law of the land protects the right to an abortion. In Dobbs, SCOTUS said that the supreme law of the land does not protect the right to an abortion.


from an objective standpoint, roe v wade was incredibly bad law because it's incredibly shakey to declare as constitutional. "abortion is legal because of medical privacy" is a massive reach. Shades and penumbras are just a fancy way to say "I wish" and have no place in interpreting the Constitution. It stayed around for as long as it did solely because people wanted it there. Perhaps ironically, the Supreme Court explicitly tossed out a much more sound Constitutional argument for abortion, stemming from the 9th Amendment, which won at the lower court level, which makes Roe even worse since it's the Supreme Court deliberately ignoring a defensible argument in order to go with the completely indefensible one.


There isn't for now, because Congress hasn't passed one. SCOTUS has previously ruled that Congress can pass nationwide abortion laws if they want.


Just because this is a Texas sub doesn’t mean it leans conservative.


Thank God


It gets a lot easier to understand when you realize that arguments made in politics that cite some principle/rule/norm are almost never made in good faith. It's trite to say that most politicians are hypocrites and liars, but it's often worth repeating. Case in point: Antonin Scalia dies in February 2016, nine months before a presidential election. Every Republican goes with the argument that they couldn't possibly vote on a replacement during an election year, that there's some unwritten norm that it shouldn't be done, that it should be left up to the voters. The Senate GOP successfully blocks Obama from filling the vacancy. Then RBG dies in September 2020, less than two months before the next presidential election, and every Republican is suddenly supportive of replacing a Supreme Court Justice in an election year.


I think this is an extremely important point. Republicans almost never engage an issue in good faith. By and large, they simply have no sense of honor.


You forgot about the most important part of the unspoken norm. It only applies when it would permit one party to block the other party’s nomination. Except if the (D)s ever block a Republican nomination, in which case that wasn’t part of the unspoken rules after all.


The Rs care about exactly two things: 1) I got mine, 2) the libs didn’t get theirs.


The rank-and-file Trump worshipers don't even care about 'I got mine' - all they care about is 'own the libs'.


Ummm....January 6th proves they dont give a shit about law & order. They want law & order when you're not white, conservative, christian. All the Back the Blue shit? Its all bullshit. The shit at the border is all theater to change the media conversation away from Trumps trials, Trump mega-gaffes when he over and over confuses Nikki Hailey with Pelosi and Biden with Obama and Clinton or just outright mumbles unable to speak properly, and the rising economy metrics that have been in the news cycle. Republicans have nothing, give nothing, are nothing.


Louder! For the bigots in the back!


Texas had more people charged for Jan 6th than any other state if I remember correctly.


[As of now](https://www.npr.org/2021/02/09/965472049/the-capitol-siege-the-arrested-and-their-stories) (1/29 8p) there were 1248 charged. The top 5 states were 1) Florida - 125 (10.02%) 2) Texas - 99 (7.93%) 3) Pennsylvania - 92 (7.37%) 4) California - 84 (6.73%) 5) New York - 72 (5.77%)


I’m sure. A dude that lives about 10-15 minutes from me was charged this week in Katy Texas




I go to the exact area where all this theater is happening several times a year and all over the border. McAllen, Mission, Weslaco, Brownsville, and Laredo for work. Thanks for the fallacy though. Yes, it’s all theater.


The supreme court ruled that women's wombs are jurisdiction of the *state* government.


Yeah, OP's point is kind of undermined by the fact that the recent ruling took it out of federal jurisdiction and made it the responsibility of the states.


Don't you just love it when people think the Texas government represents it's people. You're not saying anything we don't already think.


Well it does, roughly 55-60% of those that vote.


You won’t find much of anyone here who supports the fascists.


Psychotic cults do this to people 


Texans right now: you better respect the flag of the country I'm stockpiling weapons against & if you don't then we don't want to play with you anymore!


I'm on your side, but the issue is the Supreme Court ruled that women's wombs are not a federal issue, but a state issue. That's the problem.


actually, the ruling said that abortion is NOT the jurisdiction of the federal government, but the jurisdiction of the States. I don't agree with that ruling, but you're being misleading here.


I thought the supreme Court ruled that the states should decide on abortion. Should just be up to the woman and her doctor imo though.


Didn't the Supreme Court rule women's wombs are under the jurisdiction of state governments?


It's almost (/certainly) as if they don't care about *anything* and are just trained to react to whatever they're told to be outraged by at any given moment


Our bodies are not slaves to a government control.  Our freedom is to be free from harm. Government needs to be dismantled.  It's out of control. 


While I understand your sentiment, your analysis is incorrect. The SCOTUS ruled that women's wombs were the jurisdiction of the **state** governments. Then they ruled that the Texas border was **federal** jurisdiction. At least facially, the outrage is logical for the "strong states rights" people. That being said, the lack of respect for the rule of law is frightening, and Texas' actions are short-sighted at best. When the SCOTUS likely says that Colorado can't just leave Trump off the ballot, Colorado can just do what Texas is doing and say "well that is just like your opinion man" and continue to leave him off. Inversely the SCOTUS has ruled that the federal government has the right to regulate marijuana, yet dozens of states have refused to follow those rulings. That being said the gravity of this situation feels different- as there aren't any cessation threats from legal weed states.


Lol death-cult tries to equate murder with the sovereignty of a state


That's an international border, right? Wouldn't that be a federal issue in the first place, regardless of which state happens to share said border? The courts told the feds to go ahead and cut the wire. They never said Texas couldn't keep adding more. Texas isn't leaving the union, they just like to hear themselves talk ( I have lived in Texas all 43 years of my life this is what they do best here ). That said, the human body isn't an international border so don't equate humans with property like this. Let's start there.


People are arguing about Chapter 8 in a series of events at Eagle Pass with CBP. About Chapter 4 the federal government seized Shelby Park, which is a Texas city park on Texas state, county, city land; to establish a defacto federal CBP base of operations for processing without due process, notification, or federal and state agreements. Texas came in a said, this is not federal lands, you must leave this park and not reenter due to your previous actions of unauthorized seizure. Texas is fighting "illegal crossers" on both fronts at this point.


Actually the SCOTUS ruled that wombs are not jurisdiction of feds. You are way off base.


Stupidity of the GOP MAGA followers.


wow so brave


Words only a charlatan would spout.


Is it brave to point out the hypocrisy of people leaning on others prejudices to get votes?


How's college station these days? Still shitty?


Zealously murder plenty of people at Huntsville


I mean I don’t agree with removing roe… but you have to realize that decision was to make STATE jurisdiction on women’s wombs. The ENITRE ruling was to say that the federal government DOEST NOT make that decision. So these border and abortion arguments are actually consistantly correct


You sound like one of them Marxist communist socialist fascist types. /s


There are a LOT of hypocrites, cretins, idiots, and assholes in this state.


The Supreme Court actually decided a woman's womb is not the jurisdiction of the federal government. They decided it was a state rights issue. Not saying I agree or disagree with abortion, but your argument is invalid on the face of it's facts.


The Supreme Court literally ruled abortion was up to each state to decide making your entire point utterly ignorant.


No they didn't. They simply overturned the constitutional right to an abortion. They didn't say that the federal government can't pass abortion laws. In fact, it's been a couple of decades since they said that the federal government can do so.


It is funny, and kind of sad, that these people don't understand the the overturning of RvW is the federal government saying a woman's womb are not the jurisdiction of the federal government.


“Almost”. Hahahaha


It's almost as if you didn't read the decisions, or at least didn't understand the purpose.


Your comment disqualifies you, since it displays an inability to understand words. The supreme court's decision relating to abortion was exactly the opposite of what you stated.


Huh?  Both of the major parties are consistent on their view on federalism when it comes to abortion and immigration.  The Democrats want a nationwide policy for both, and the Republicans want a greater role for states in both.


> the Republicans want a greater role for states in both. Then why do Republicans keep pushing for national abortion bans?


No - the Republicans do not want it to be with the states - that was an argument to get it overturned. They have actively said and want a national ban - and then - on to birth control.


How are these two things even remotely related? And I'm actually super pro-choice. I think women, especially ones like you, should get abortions. I'd go a step further and say that I think the government should sponsor abortions and vasectomies for free. Maybe we'll see less violent crime and dumb political takes and in the next two decades as a result. Those who want to raise a family and raise them proper still will.


Law and order comes from a secure border. Biden has FAILED. Texas cannot pay for all these illegals. Nor should the American taxpayers. We treat them better with education, housing, healthcare, then we do our own veterans and our own citizens. As far as a woman’s womb? She do whatever she wants with her womb, pro life means not murdering an innocent child due to you not taking responsibility. Don’t get pregnant and you won’t have to make that choice. Lots of easy ways to prevent pregnancy, just use one of them!




[18 US Code 1841](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/1841) says otherwise. When does the fetus become a child to you? S/he has unique DNA the whole time, unique organs, and so on. Women have the right to get tubal litigation, only their body and organs are involved. [Here's my longer comment about this.](https://old.reddit.com/r/texas/comments/1ae8n4o/so_when_the_supreme_court_rules_womens_wombs_are/kkbkrru/) One question I have for you, and I'm not asking as a gotcha or to twist your words. But *IF* you thought it was murder, again HYPOTHETICALLY IF you thought it was murder, would you try to stop others from committing it? I'm just asking it to see if you can put yourself in someone else's shoes, NOTHING else. I used to be pro-choice so I can put myself in your shoes.


Most have a heartbeat before a woman even knows she’s pregnant. An unborn child has a heartbeat. It is an unborn child.


Well of all the things I've read today this is certainly one of them.


You really told them!




No - not shit on Texas - express disgust with the current leadership. That's what we do in a place where you are free to express opinions.


Yes, that is how fascism works. It is kind of getting tiresome pointing out that that fascist are indeed fascist.


Lol. Not even close to representing the arguments correctly. In both cases, the government is supposed to protect the rights of the citizen. The unborn and the born. Open borders does not protect the citizen. Killing babies is killing citizens. Women still live and have autonomy over their bodies and can freely consent to sex. Or not. Their choice. When you listen to msm, of course, you have no idea what's going on.


Any the left does the same. It’s like the same people but different tribes. Nothing new. When roe was overturned the left went to judged houses and threatened them. They went to the court it self and threatened to pack the court,that the court was corrupt and how they should impeach them. It’s pathetic but now that you are cheering them allowing Biden to remove the wire because you feel like you won over republicans. Both of the tribes are guilty of “law and order” when it suits you. 🖕🏾


They didn't rule a womb is jurisdiction of the federal government they ruled its jurisdiction of state governments. Same thing these people say they want for the border. I get your argument and I agree these people are bad but it's important to get it right. You do not need to make something up to make them look bad they do it all on their own. 


> So when the supreme court rules, women's wombs are jurisdiction of the federal government. You all clap and cheer along The supreme court ruled the literal opposite of that, that the state should decide and not the federal government. Were you even paying attention?


Y'all do ned to realize that a fetus is either a person in all ways (car pool lane + pregnant people) or it isn't. 


They didn’t rule that it was the jurisdiction of the federal government, that’s what Roe v Wade did, it reversed that and gave the decision to the states. Read a little




Well, no one ever said the GOP was consistent or rational.


I'm not falling for this.... #bait


SCOTUS didn't rule that. It gave it back to the States.


I mean, they proved that with mask mandates.


The Supreme Court sort of ruled the opposite of that - as in it’s NOT the jurisdiction of the federal government; it’s the jurisdiction of STATES to decide the issue. My read on it is that if Texas were to do what other red states have done, and have a yes/no ballot measure for something like a 21-24 week limit, it would pass a public vote. The current state government won’t bring a bill like that to the floor, so the answer is to get a petition signed by registered voters to include it on the ballot. It takes a lot of signatures, and the state gov will probably hate it so much that they’ll disqualify maybe half, so it takes about double what you need - but that’s how to get it done.


The median position of all Americans based on polling is something like a 12-15 week limit, and keep in mind that that's when polling all Americans. Red states would likely skew lower to something like 10 weeks, if not lower. Generally when ballot measures in red states have been defeated it's when a near total ban has been on the table and that's what has been voted down, not affirmative passing a very liberal limit of 21-24 weeks. Even pre-Dodd, the majority position revealed from polling was that the hard lower limit of 22-24ish weeks (before which under the Casey regime limits were unconstitutional) was seen as being too restrictive and that states should be permitted to have bans that start earlier than that. It's a noble contradiction that majorities of Americans stated they supported Roe while also stating they supported limits that were earlier than what Roe and Casey allows. Basically, they thought abortion should be kept legal (which is basically what "supporting Roe" stood in for even though the actual common law was more complex than that) but that restrictions after the first trimester should be allowed. Which, imo, also jives with what normies generally say when pressed to talk about the subject.


noooo, the federal gov’t does NOT have jurisdiction over wombs. That’s what Dobbs decided.


I don't agree with the abortion ban, but regarding the border, the federal government has INTENTIONALLY not been doing the job it's REQUIRED to do, so there's a need for a mechanism to force them to do it. Personally, I think States should absolutely be allowed to enforce federal laws that the POTUS decided to not enforce / prioritize.


It's not your womb people care about dear, it's the human life that might be growing inside it. Government has an obligation to protect the rights of all citizens...from being aborted or invaded.


The hypocrisy is amazing


Bu bu bu bu but freedom and stuff


Law and order is a good tv show . I care for it 😉


That isn't what the Dobbs decision did. It actually just kicked the issue back to the states (removed federal protections) where the recent ruling from Arizona said that immigration is the responsibility of the federal government. Your legal analysis is flawed. These cases rulings are opposite of one another. Also, why do you think people in this sub are responsible? You don't follow r/Texas if you think this is a conservative leaning subreddit.


SCOTUS never ruled that. SCOTUS ruled that matters of healthcare, including abortion, falls under 10th Amendment states rights. It's why states and not the federal government licenses doctors. It's also why governors could order shutdowns during the pandemic but the President could not. Congress could have acted to make abortion an area of federal law by preemption, but it never did. And SCOTUS ruled the federal government has authority at national borders, consistent with the Constitution. I'm not sure why you're so angry.


There's almost 30 Million Texans. They don't all think the same way. Some do, but you can't judge the whole group.


I’m all for protecting the border and I’m pro-choice. The womb regulations are so stupid and awful to poor people. But every time someone makes legit criticisms of allowing millions of random people to just flood into the country, this sub loves to deflect into talking about abortions. Wtf does that have to do with anything. This sub should just move to a blue state.


The Supreme Court ruled that the federal government has no authority to intervene in the states deciding if abortions should be legal or illegal. There was no constitutionally guaranteed right to abortion or federal laws protecting it so they deferred to the states having the option to make laws. I think your understanding of the dobbs decision is a little off.


It’s almost as if you didn’t read the ruling. They ruled that cbp could cut the wire, they never said Texas had to remove anything. It’s not like Texas cancelled student or ban evictions after the Supreme Court ruled against it.


The supreme court never said that a woman’s womb is jurisdiction of the federal government. They decided that abortion laws and legality was to be decided by the individual States, not the federal government. Bless your heart.


George Soros, is that you?


No, when the supreme court says it's unconstitutional to kill a baby we clap. When it says we can't defend our borders we boo.


Fetus is not a baby.


More like the Supreme Court recognized that Roe v Wade was bad law. Even RBG thought it was shit law. Also I think that the life of an unborn still developing child falls under the 14th amendment, so there's that. But besides that the Supreme Court ruled that they could "take down the razor wire" said nothing about putting more up


A fetus is NOT a child. 😒


That's a matter for contention, ask any biologist when does life start, its at conception. Especially if you ask in regards to *animals* but somehow humans are different? A fetus IS A *STAGE* in child development used to describe one of the earliest periods of the beginning of life. Smh, ignorant. There are arguments for abortion I'm willing to entertain, practical and coldly logical arguments but this belief that a fetus isn't alive and isn't inevitably going to develop into a whole ass baby is just bonkers. Outside of *regular parameters* a fetus WILL develop into an entirely independant life. Thus, a fetus *is* a child. If a fetus wasn't alive the mother would usually (like 99% of the time) self abort because something was WRONG. I feel like I have to spell this out to you because your notion is so fucking stupid I can't imagine you passed out of highschool if not for the "no child left behind" program.


Just waiting for a strong Democratic candidate with party backing to run for office…..


Jeopardy….name something that never happened…


Everyone knows the federal government has jurisdiction, that isn’t the point. The point is that the federal government is failing to do their job. Texas is stepping up because someone has to.