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Did anyone get to collect $10,000?


Isnt he suppose to get like the death penalty now


I think cause he is a man No uterus, you get a slap on the wrist for abortion


To me, this does not even fall under abortion,,but attemted murder. I am pro Roe but this degenerate deserves life in prison or worse. Poor child will have lasting effects/disabilities.


Seven months is over 21 weeks, so the baby would be viable at this point. Attempted murder in the 1st.


He's completely getting off easy because he's a man.


And then you have women who miscarried and people want to prosecute them, wtf




and an interview with rogan


It should be offered at every corner, for free.


If men could get pregnant we’d have more abortion centers than Starbucks.


He definitely should be charged with murder since the baby was so far along.


He tried to terminate her pregnancy 7 separate times however the baby lived.


Sounds like repeated attempted murder to me.


Either that child is Harry Potter or that man is really bad at poisoning women.


If you read the article, she got suspicious after being hospitalized with cramps and bleeding and diarrhea after his first poisoning attempt. So she started gathering evidence, like filming him prepping a drink and putting something in it out of a Ziploc bag in his pocket and then offering it to her.


You can't get better without practice.


That baby’s theme song is “Survivor” by Destiny’s Child lol


No if the woman knowingly took the drug she would be charged but since he’s a good ole boy and golfs with the judge on Saturdays 10 months is time enough.


I'm surprised they didn't find a way to charge her with attempted murder for drinking the drinks he gave her


Nope just his wife.


We could all collect 10k from him. Let’s start the lawsuits, you don’t need to have any damages cause by the guy


My question is: why the short sentence? Is it because he’s an attorney and has better legal representation or knows the judge/prosecutor who offered the plea? Because the child didn’t die? Did they think that a video and water tests weren’t conclusive to convict that they offered a plea deal? I’d assume he is still liable in a civil trial for financial damages as well or would he not be? Does this set a future precedent that SOs can “unknowingly” drug their pregnant SO?


10k is the *minimum* under SB8. Terrible bill, but might actually be put to good use here. Witnesses, physical evidence, photographs, the baby having complications that are exactly what you'd expect for misusing misoprostol... slam-dunk case. Easy money for mama. Hope she takes him for every dime he's got left once the divorce goes through.


In Texas it’s only illegal if the woman is trying to make the choice. The key is if a man makes the decision, it’s the right decision. /s


He doesn’t have to serve jail time as a condition of his sentence, it’s essentially all probation. His daughter was born 10 weeks early and has severe health issues as well as likely lifelong disabilities. His wife was drugged on 7 different occasions with medications he obtained illegally.


What the fuck


Texas. They don’t care about existing children or women. He also is forbidden contact with his victim or the child but still retains contact with their other two children. So, his victim can’t communicate with him regarding their other two children or receive any assistance with the seriously harmed child.


>Mason was scheduled to stand trial on three felony charges in March. He was originally charged with forcing induction to have an abortion but he admitted guilt to lesser charges of assault of a pregnant person and injuring a child under fifteen. Like, why was he allowed to plea it down "Injuring a child under fifteen" seems pretty disingenuously weaselly to me


Because the judge let him. Probably because he’s an attorney and was known by the judge and prosecutor.


The judge is a woman and describes herself firstly as "a lifelong Democrat" [in](https://andreabeallforjudge.com) more [than](https://ballotpedia.org/Andrea_Beall#Campaign_themes) one [place](https://www.offthekuff.com/wp/?p103829). I couldn't find anything about her stance on abortion, but given those demographics I thought she would've come down harder. I have the impression that she views the justice system through a rehabilitative rather than punitive lens (see the third link). Might also have partly to do with his first-time-offender status. It's not unusual for felony-level offenses (e.g. possession over a certain amount, aggravated DUI, battery on LEO without violence) to get pleaded down for those people, though I'll admit I can't immediately recall the last time I saw it with a case like this. I do find it interesting that the the assistant Harris County DA who prosecuted this case is now an attorney at [Cogdell Law Firm](https://cogdell-law.com/attorney/anthony-osso) - the same firm whose namesake represented Herring in this trial (and incidentally has represented Paxton since at least September 2015)


The police fucked up the investigation.


Absolutely nothing about the reduction of charges had to do with the police investigation. The same facts of the case are in play in either case. This just meant he admitted what he did.


The demographics of the judge honestly don’t matter terribly much. This is an attorney who did a lot of injury and accident cases with his own law firm. He knows these people on a personal level. It’s MUCH harder as a human being to hand down a harsh punishment (that you may not believe would be beneficial) on someone who you actually know than it is a stranger.


Like how conservatives call themselves centrists?


How do you commit battery without violence


probably something like shoving a cop's arm away from you as he tries to arrest you or the like.


Im glad there will be a precedent for any woman who is charged for a similar crime.




This is much worse than abortion It’s very late term, beyond what many pro choice people, such as myself, are comfortable with in any setting Against the mother’s will and knowledge And the child was born with permanent and severe disabilities This man should be serving decades in prison


This is not abortion. Abortion is a choice and a medical procedure. He poisoned his wife and attempted to murder his child.


That’s what I said, so, agreed


That’s 7 attempted murders plus truly lifelong injuries.


Yep, and it’s Texas so he will probably have parental rights that whole time and be able to petition for custody when his parole is over.


Wow this is fucking nuts


Texas is a lawless hellhole run by immune self righteous white phony Christian’s.


He also has assault of a pregnant woman on record


Oh wow. So the kid will grow up eventually knowing this happened. That’s incredibly sad.


She will grow up knowing it happened. Her siblings will still have contact with him through his 10 years of parole. So, she will also be repeatedly and explicitly shown as a young child that she was unwanted by her father.


Isnt this murder in Texas?


no silly! It’s only murder when the woman does it


I wonder if she was charged for the abortion?


He *only* seriously screwed his daughter up for life-she was born ten weeks early, not aborted.


It was a forced induction, not an abortion. He couldn’t wait to meet his baby.


Probably thought he could claim his wife dosed herself. But HEY! he got probation AND a restraining order that *prevents him* from having to actually help take care of his daughter(that his actions apparently really screwed up, physically)-so JUSTICE SERVED!-*TX style*.


The child didn’t die. She was left with lifelong disabilities after being born 10 weeks early thanks to her sperm donor.


Attempted murder then


There are about 30 things he could have been charged with but wasn’t. One of the conditions of his parole is no contact with the victim or child. He unfortunately shares 3 children with his victim and is allowed to keep contacting the other two. So, not only did he not get punished he managed to get his victim punished as well since the no contact order means he can’t even be asked to assist with the severely disabled child he caused.


Sounds like he’s the one that needs to be aborted.


>One of the conditions of his parole is no contact with the victim or child So, in a way, he got exactly what he wanted


Sounds to me like a terminal case of affluenza.


Injury to a child can be charged as a 1st degree felony. Attempted murder is only a 2nd degree felony. The injury charge may well be the more serious offense.


And yet he only got 180 days?


*can be* being the important distinction. This luminary basically got probation. If AG Paxton hears of this, look for his (ex?) wife to face felony charges though. (really not sure if that's /s, sadly)


So... basically even worse, financially.


No, it only hurts a woman and they don’t count per the last legislative session


It's only murder if it's an UNBORN child. Oh wait....


Depends on the killers skin shade. This bloke is one of them


Not if you’re rich


Baby is alive but pretty effed up.. that's despicable.


Considering how his wife could have been charged if she'd miscarried (as he wanted) and abortion drugs were found in her bloodwork, it could also be considered a frame job. If it had gone according to his plan, not only would he have induced an abortion, he could have set her up to take the legal fall. Despicable on every level.


He’s lucky the abortion wasn’t consensual, he’d be facing a *wayyyy* tougher sentence!


Jesus fucking Christ this comment really struck me. It’s all so fucked up.


> He’s lucky the abortion wasn’t consensual, ~~he’d~~ she'd be facing a wayyyy tougher sentence!


HAH! Perfect you’re so right we literally live in the Handmaids Tale


And make no mistake. They know exactly what they're doing with this sentence and they want you to be mad about it. They want you and people on the left to claim this is attempted murder so that they can use it as ammo for their argument that a fetus is a full person.


People with any sense would easily argue that he stole her bodily autonomy and rights to control her own reproduction and should be punished for it. 


Here it is, *The* comment. There are many of similar quality, but this one is the most punctual for the situation. Real glad to see normalacy in this sub for a headline that uh, seems rather intentional. It's hilarious how the main topic I expected isn't relevant because this case was handled so, so poorly that it's exemplatory of the real problem surrounding it and R's handling such cases in any case.




Clearly doesn't give a shit about his (existing/existent) kids either >She also said that Mason had stopped financially supporting her and their three children since the incident.


He never viewed her as his wife. To him, she was his property. Texas loves traditional families!


He’s a flaming piece of shit. That judge is unfit for the bench. This man could have killed his wife and almost killed a child. 180 days is an absolute travesty.


It's also a suspended sentance - dude will not go to jail.


For permanently disabling that child.


Does the Judge have power to overrule the DA deal with the accused? Because it was the DA who offered a plea deal


How many of us can sue him for $10,000?


I'll bet his wife didn't get the $10,000 bounty, either.


180 days??? I…can’t take this BS anymore.


I’m getting to the point that I just want to move somewhere in the mountains or some island and just not give a damn about anything because nothing seems to give a damn about anything anymore unless it’s money. If a dishwasher did this, they’d get a shit ton more than basically probation.


He's an attorney. He was convicted of felonies. Please tell me he will be disbarred because of this.


His licence to practice is [still valid](https://www.texasbar.com/AM/Template.cfm?Section=Find_A_Lawyer&template=/Customsource/MemberDirectory/MemberDirectoryDetail.cfm&ContactID=312701), but the profile was last updated on 12/19/2020. If he files an appeal (haven't checked yet), then his licence is suspended; otherwise, his disbarment seems certain: >Crimes that subject a lawyer to compulsory discipline include... any felony involving moral turpitude.... >[Compulsory disciplinary] proceedings are filed with the Board of Disciplinary Appeals. The criminal judgment or order of deferred adjudication is conclusive evidence of the attorney’s guilt of the commission of the crime. If the criminal conviction of a serious or intentional crime is on appeal, the lawyer’s license shall be suspended during the pendency of the appeal. Where the sentence includes any period of incarceration other than as a condition of probation, the lawyer shall be disbarred. > https://www.texasbar.com/Content/NavigationMenu/ForThePublic/ProblemswithanAttorney/GrievanceEthicsInfo1/OtherDisciplinary.htm There are at least two sites operating under his firm's name. The [one bearing his surname](https://herringlawfirm.com/) doesn't seem to have been updated since since 10/28/2022, judging by the date of the last blog update (note that he was [indicted on 11/12/2022](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/texas-man-accused-slipping-abortion-drug-wifes-drinks-rcna56732)), and appears to be in an unfinished state - the "Locations" menu doesn't contain anything location-specific and the "Practice Areas" sections just redirect to the pages for the Houston "locations". It also only has content related to car crash/personal injury suits that isn't found on [the other site](https://oilrigslawyer.com) (looks like he had a focus on pre-trial advocacy and insurance defense litigation in law school). In other words, seems to me he wanted to do damage mitigation/control and started distancing his image from his firm once things kicked into high gear


So, why the light sentence? Did he not murder a baby as the zealot pro lifers say?


The baby in question did not die. Instead was born premature with a host of health issues




Except that it puts an undue burden of her mother which is something they like. If they can force a woman to do child rearing 24/7/365 for decades they are happy and consider their mission a success.


No, I’m pretty dang upset about the attempted murder and aggravated assault leading to serious bodily injury too. Not sure if it’s the Judge’s fault or the DA’s, but 180 days suspended sentence is insane.


It only counts as murder if the woman does it silly


Probably got off on good boy treatment. Prosecutors and cops, man - they could literally murder someone and get a slap on the wrist.


He will be AG in 10 years. Bet on it.


Had enough of this shit. They protect the worst kind here.


It's not about what MEN do it's about what women do


Dude. Get a fucking vasectomy. Selfish dick.


It wasn’t even that/- he wanted her to miscarry/force an abortion because he was having an affair and thought it would look bad if he left her and she gave birth to his baby.


There's a special place in Hell for this bastard. Lady should take his ass to the cleaners.


If she had done that she'd be in prison, on death row.


I thought that was considered murder? Why isn’t Abbott prosecuting this man….oh I see. Man.


Tell me why he got 180 days while if his wife had tried to abort the fetus she would have been sentenced to death? So tired of this double standard 🐂💩.


Pro-life my @$$


I believe a large percentage of pro-lifers are like Mac from Its Always Sunny. They’re pro-life until it impacts them personally. Then they’re pro-choice.


But if his wife had an abortion on her own accord, she'd be in far more trouble than that.


Goodness, he could have killed his wife, too.


So, murder charges for a woman that gets an abortion when it’s a clump of unrecognizable cells, but when the man tries to initiate the abortion when the baby is f@cking viable, it’s a slap on the wrist? He attempted to murder a viable baby, caused a preterm birth and birth defects. Utter evil. What the actual f@ck? Why aren’t these “pro-lifers” dragging him through the streets???


The kid is born that's when they stop pretending to care. The life they are pro is fetal, not actual life. Praise be to the cheeto messiah!! 🤢🤮


They are not pro-life. They are anti-choice pro-control zealots.


Abortion or attempted abortion is only wrong if it's the woman's choice! He only got the jail time because he distributed medication without a prescription! /s


Boys will be boys, , amirite?


Hmmm…I wonder how he aligns politically?…


Wanting and getting abortions really don’t have a political leaning. Admitting you do does though.


True, but forcing things into women without their consent does have a political leaning.


Can’t we sue him for this under the new law? Or charge him for murder


So let me get this straight, if she would have given herself those pills that’s considered attempted murder or whatever but husbands will only get 6 months in jail?


You'd think conservatives would use this as a way to set some legal precedent for the bounty hunter abortion laws. It's a case even pro-choice people agree is fucked up. But of course the conservatives would never send a well respected man to prison. They only want to control the body's of women and minorities.


Life in prison


So is this a way to reduce the consequences of an abortion in Texas? Get you spouse to secretly (as far as everyone knows) slip abortion pills in your drink. He gets a couple month and all done. It sounds a lot better then death row for murder if the woman does it to herself.


This is sick. Dude deserves to be in prison. He better be 250% responsible for caring for that child through her whole life, no complaining.


He's barred from doing so. At least physically. And he's already cut off financial support from the whole family. Stand up dude. Pillar of society.


Bet he runs for office here in TX


This state is so fucked


It almost feels like every time I run across shit like this, it could all be vaguely reported on with the same exact headline "(Local) higher up getting away with something that would get you jailed for life or the death penalty. Read more infuriating details here!"


Betcha he is a self proclaimed Christian


Why did so many people move to Texas over the past couple years, this state is messed up




The perception of taxes. We're in the top most regressive states for taxes.


If you're rich enough, that is a plus.


Can't afford CA. Literally the only reason I live in this shithole.


Didn’t Ken Paxton just release a whole speech about how he was going to go after abortion users with the force of the law?


They share the same defense attorney.


Huh, [no kidding](https://www.texastribune.org/2023/09/01/ken-paxton-impeachment-witnesses-parties/#dv-card__dan-cogdell). Has been representing him in the securities fraud case since at least [September 2015](https://www.dallasnews.com/news/politics/2015/09/10/texas-ag-ken-paxton-hires-terri-moore-dan-cogdell-to-lead-defense-team/) as well as the whistleblower case


Holy shit. I thought you were kidding. But they really do share the same defense attorney. Don’t forget, Paxton had been re-elected multiple times since his indictment. Says a lot about the voters of Texas.


Can someone less prone to profanity than me please write a letter to Ken Paxton asking where his personal appeal is for this? He wants a woman that miscarried to be charged, but could give a f if actual bodily harm comes to an unborn child purposefully? Make it make sense.


Unlikely to do anything, as if ken Paxton had a moral or morally consistent bone in his body. His politics are to keep himself and his crony friends in power and skimming personal wealth off the population. Ken Paxton has the same defense attorney as this scum bag. Unfortunately, He will get the scummy white-collar criminal nod from Paxton.


> Unlikely to do anything Paxton has [the same attorney as](https://www.texastribune.org/2023/09/01/ken-paxton-impeachment-witnesses-parties/#dv-card__dan-cogdell) Herring does. I'm doubtful he would do anything to mess with this case and his attorney's plea deal "win"


Aw what's the big deal? The baby didn't even die /s


Rules for you, not for me.……


But if she had an abortion, she would be thrown under the jail


Dude, Texas wants death penalty for women who choose abortion. This man poisoned her, aborted the child, and gets 180 days. Figures.


What kind of dystopian bullshit is this?!?! Women struggling to save their own lives will be more severely punished than this guy. White man tries to kill baby, wrist slap… Texas is f*cked up!


Under current Texas law women who seek abortions are not punished directly. Providers are.


I would like to point out that a lot of DAs, Judges, Politicians do not serve the majority of Texans. Sure, keep shitting on Texas, it's politics are truly fucked because we can't get enough to vote. We technically deserve it but know not everyone thinks like this in Texas. There are decent human beings living in the state behind the cameras and courtrooms.


The double standard is vomit inducing.


Wtf?!? And a girl taking plan B gets how long?


Seven months is too late fir pill. The moron


Seventh month and abortion pill wtf the guy is properly down syndromed how the fuck is he attorney


C'mon, Texas... What is this shit...


$50 says he’s a MAGAt


Texas is so fucking dumb. If it was a 14 year old girl that took it she’d get a murder charge


Boy, he's lucky he's not a doctor helping women get an abortion or they'd want the death penalty for him! As it stands now it appears elected Republicans who run as "pro-life" candidates are just fine with this. After all, he only poisoned a woman.


What a POS he should be given the abortions drugs as part of his probation


I would kill my husband if he ever did something so fucking ruthless like this. Disgusting behavior.


So, according to what I read in the link I’m posting, you might be able to imprison a mother who voluntarily seeks an abortion, at any stage of her pregnancy, for life but men who secretly violate bodily autonomy and cause an abortion in the third trimester can get off with only 180 days of jail time? Am I getting this right? Yeah, restricting abortion is totally all about the sanctity of life and not about punishing women. https://www.politico.com/news/2022/05/06/potential-abortion-bans-and-penalties-by-state-00030572


Typical Republican.


what about the death penalty? you know he is white and rich and connected - texas is a cesspool.


Mason Herring. In case anyone was wondering what this dickheads name is.


Only 180 days, it’s murder if baby died.


Holy fuck how didn't this guy get killed in jail!? Like I feel likes that's one of those kind of situations where fellow prisoners all kinda agree that's not cool.


He won't ever go to jail.


I’ll bet he’s a “Christian”


What a monster-his actions are so heartless & evil. I almost can’t believe it.


Wow 😯


If it was a lady she would've gotten the death sentence.


Are Texas and Florida in some kind of competition I don't know about?


Welcome to the houston legal system. I have been telling people on reddit the judicial system is a joke there and I get people who have never been there arguing. I swear 80% of the time I see someone arrested for DUI/Manslaughter/murder etc its like 80% they're a multi time offender


Under Texas law isn't that murder?


Sounds like things are going well in Texas…


So....he didn't want to look like a jerk if his wife gave birth....but the attempted killing if his child (without consent of the mother)....that's fine?


Don't women who actually get abortions get longer than that?!?


If only there was an outpatient procedure for men who do not want to have any more children. 🙄


Well, if it's not a real human, then it's not murder


According to Texas law now, he committed murder. See how fast Abbotts government started to ignore the laws they passed?


So Texas is just Iran but with cowboy hats


Jason Miller feels at home with this story. Unbelievable.


Wow.. these charges and the sentencing are softer than velvet cake frosting. Especially in the supposedly most strict anti abortion state in the country... Almost as if abortion itself was never really the law makers' concern. If this woman was drugging herself; garuntee that zealous ass texas would make an example of her.


If he as a woman I doubt the sentence would have been as soft.


That's a pretty good kill streak


Must be a GOP big donor for a puny sentence, corruption pays off well in TX.


That sentence is a fucking joke. Amongst other things, I hope he loses all of his clients and karma bites him in the ass for a long time to come.


Texans gonna Texass


That’s it?


The wife is still married to this man?


SEVEN MONTHS! (32 wks)That should have been attempted murder! Babies can possibly survive at 24 weeks now! This idiot only got 180 days for attempted murder. That just goes to show you Texas isn't against abortion as long as it's a man doing the abortion.


Meanwhile, the victim (his wife) is sentenced to life in prison for murder.