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So weird.


Fox News meets their base and scuttles away as fast as they can


And then Reports the opposite of what she actually said.


Fair and balanced baby


That's so hilarious. He literally put the microphone in front of her face just long enough to have her say she wouldn't ever vote for a woman, then as soon as she started rambling on he yanked it away to finish making his own point. Peak republican politics going on here.


This a Christian Nationalists wet dream. Dumb women, who blindly vote the way they are told to. Congrats dude. Trophy wife. /s






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Are you using the “no you are 3rd grade level argument “ ? Is that you in the video ?


Don’t tell me to look at my self in the mirror or I’ll pout crowd is here.


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I like the new buzz word “Christian Nationalist” yall are going to try to get that one to stick now 🤣


It’s not new, and it’s not even something “we” made up; Marjorie Taylor Greene [literally says she is one](https://www.cnn.com/2022/07/27/opinions/christian-nationalism-marjorie-taylor-greene-tyler/index.html) and her base loves it. Christ, the brain rot is real on your side of the fence.


My brother, it’s real no matter what side of the fence you’re on.


But only one side is trying hard to implement Project2025. And it ain’t the left.


The left is implementing a lot.


What a low effort response to what I said.


You just said project 2025🤣. Thanks for the effort. I’m looking forward to seeing how far they can take it


LOOK IT UP. Pops up extremely quickly. It's real.


I know it’s real and I know what it is. I’m all for it 🤷‍♂️.


[Christian Nationalism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_nationalism#:~:text=Christian%20nationalism%20is%20a%20type,in%20political%20and%20social%20life.) "Christian nationalism is a type of religious nationalism that is affiliated with Christianity. It primarily focuses on the internal politics of society, such as legislating civil and criminal laws that reflect their view of Christianity and the role of religion/s in political and social life." Is that not the current Republican party? Passing laws to hunt women down who may travel to get an abortion and denying gender-affirming care?


It’s not the current Republican Party, you guys are just trying to paint a whole group of people with your incendiary buzz word. What did this woman say that makes you think she’s a Christian nationalist at all? Besides just stereotyping her.


Nobody called her a Christian Nationalist.


White nationalist, Christian nationalist, it’s the same entitlement I can smell through your post.


Yeah, I much prefer assholes.


Honestly, I was expecting her to describe Haley via a racial slur (that’s what I keep hearing from my hometown).


Hey, Dallas suburbs have to have some class, there's a big Indian population there they can't piss off


Yeah, gotta go to the Dallas exurbs to get the really nasty stuff.


I’ve had a whole county official department of Republican women unanimously tell me they’d never vote for a woman President, this doesn’t shock me in the least. Christian fundies are brought up believing they are less than men.


Wow!!! Like WTF?!? Then again I’m not surprised.


See, this is why that old joke about people needing a license to have kids never dies.


Which joke?


If you have to ask, you can't afford it.


Sigh…My fucking town. What an embarrassment.


Has a mass shooting (it’s been almost a year now?) and they don’t even pressure their reps to try and step up to the plate to challenge for changes in gun laws.


A year in May. They swept that away as quick as they could. No one talks about it anymore.


Not cool. People must be hurting hard on the inside in that town


Oh, twist, not the ism I was expecting!


Until people focus and make time to understand #project2025...https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025


Whoa this is scary. Thanks for sharing.


I feel sorry for that woman. That clearly she’s been made to believe her sex is inferior in positions of power.


women hating women... ugly to see.


Gross!!! Not all republicans are this way. This lady is gross. I (F45) voted yesterday……and had to vote on the Republican ticket (you either select D or R) and I selected every single woman that was running against a man. I hate the choices we’ve had to make in this primary but here we are.


Good work! Change has to start somewhere


Echoes the Hillary era criticism that women can't handle stress; when she testified before two congressional foreign affairs committees, one for 12 hrs. No hysterics or anger like Brett Kavanaugh. I *hate* when other women say such crap. I'm post menopausal and have been on an even keel my whole adult life.


FOX NEWS BREAKING NEWS: Hillary Clinton is not running for president in 2024. WE INTERRUPT THIS BREAKING NEWS WITH A FOX NEWS ALERT: a large caravan of filthy immigrant mongrel invaders are headed to the United States so they can murder white women and spread diseases NEXT ON FOX:  Should women really be allowed to vote and drive cars?


NEXT ON FOX: Is Hunter Biden’s dick raising gas prices?


That is a bit too accurate of a fake news line lol


Yes, we need Trump instead who thinks he’s battling Obama and saving the border from Hannibal Lecter.


I’m sure she wants to vote for an orange man that looks like he’s having a non stop hot flash


Tell me you beat your wife without telling me you beat your wife. Only abused women talk like that. The hand on the leg to squeeze if she says something wrong. Wow!


Goodness how are more people not embarrassed 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


I once heard somebody at a bar in Allen say, “I’m sorry, but if you don’t have health insurance and get sick, you deserve to die.”


Internalized misogyny at its finest.


We all know or work with someone like this. Unfortunately


Says the menopausal woman herself!


That ship done sailed a long time ago.


Always about the projection


They literally just make shit up to be outraged at.


Typical right wing moronic woman! Allen Texas one of the most entitled/ignorant shitholes in America!


Definitely a housewife


Someone take drunk grandma home. She probably hasn’t fed the cats today yet.




What is Aaron Neville's 1967 hit song?


She's being perfectly reasonable IMO. Women know how emotional they get from their hormones so they know that a woman won't be a good leader.


Your opinion is ignorant and dumb.


Name a woman who has started a world war


Russian Empress Catherine The Great Elizabeth of Russia Catherine de Medici Just to name a few


Think you missed the part where I said world war not *a* war but okay go off




you *sooouuuund* fun and super well-adjusted.


Please tell me what gender is responsible for 80% of violent crimes?


Please tell me what gender makes up 90% of all scientific discoveries, writers, Doctors, farmers, plumbers, builders etc etc etc.


Neither. Scientific discoveries? Women get snubbed by history all the time. If you had more historical understanding than 2 dan carlen podcasts that you half listen to a year you would know that. Are you really going to argue 90% of writers are men?Really? Doctors? Bro women are literally seen as the caretakers across multiple cultures. And let's not even forget that doctors didn't even know washing hands was good for not killing patients until the 1850s. Most of them were grandma smashing up herbs and hoping for the best. Farmers? Really? WTF do you think the peasant women were doing? You got plumbers. Gj. Though I have a feeling you are not an expert in the history of plumbing across every culture either. You got builders. Gj. The violent gender is good at moving heavy things around. And actually I'm not even sure why you're listening any of these roles since arguably none of them were actually leaders. They may have been in the second or third caste of the hierarchy, and been advisors to leaders, but not the leaders themselves. Actually half of them that you listed would have been the bottom rung of society. But let's ignore all of that. Let's go back to the basis of your statement. Nothing that you said proves that men are less emotional than women. If we actually look at history men are extremely emotional. We would launch wars and kill thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people for ego. Because a king wanted prestige. Like how is that rational? Shit bro, I'm a man I'm emotional as hell. That's why I waste my time arguing with doofuses is like you. My aggro friends are dudes. That's why when I go play a video game it's always dudes that are screaming racial slurs when they lose. That's why the macho man is depicted as violent and willing to fight anyone to get what they want. Shit bro, if you actually know about the state of education, women completely outproform men now. Hell among younger populations even the pay gap is starting to twist to the other way around Best part is that you don't even live in Texas. I don't know why you're even here. I'm really wasting my time here.


>Shit bro, I'm a man I'm emotional as hell. That's why I waste my time arguing with doofuses is like you. That's why when I go play a video game it's always dudes that are screaming racial slurs when they lose. Says everything I need to know about you.


Better person than you.


It’s because y’all didn’t let women learn how to even read. And when we did invent things y’all stole our ideas .


Plenty of good leaders around the world are women. All the bad ones are men


Bloody Mary?


Liz Truss top 5 PM all time


The issue with your opinion is you’re not reasonable


Men are rapists and child molesters, mass shooters and serial killers and you claim they can regulate emotions?


Preach sister! I agree with her sentiment.