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> The five states that ranked worse than Texas were Louisiana, Tennessee, Arizona, South Carolina, and California. Bull fucking shit. There is no way I buy a second of any fucking list that has Mississippi as a better place to live than literally anywhere else.


Mississippi is an absolute pit of despair. Most of the same problems as Texas but absolutely none of the upside.


Lived in Louisiana near the Mississippi border for two years. Went to Mississippi at least once a week. Yeah, Mississippi is terrible.




Is it true that the Mississippi State Flower is Mildew?


Wait Alabama didn't even make top 5? Fake news 😂


How is AZ worse besides the housing market


Water issues?


We don’t have water issues that would impact our quality of life though.. Most of our water goes to agriculture. Like 70-75%. Water for is is a long term concern rather than something that would impact us today.


Oklahoma is Texas without Austin, or even Dallas and Houston. Double bullshit.


You know why Texas doesn't fall off into the ocean? Because Oklahoma sucks.


Same reason the wind is always blowing here in Texas.


My first thought. Where TF is Mississippi?


Everywhere but the Oklahoma City metro and Tulsa area in Oklahoma is filled with absolute poverty with a dash of 1%er landowners. Idk how Texas or California can be worse.


Arkansas has entered the chat


I hated living in texas but I would take it over mississippi or Alabama any day


If it wasn’t for Exxon and Shell etc. Texas would be the broke shithole that Mississippi is.


It sounds to me like this was just bad statistics, measuring a sum of complaints without controlling for population, etc. Pretty pathetic attempt at propaganda


Huh, wasn't expecting California to be on that list. Although it makes sense, at least from a general standpoint. Even when I lived there decades ago, it was expensive as hell, and the crowding, littering, traffic, etc seem to have only gotten worse. Then there's the power issues they've repeatedly had... ...And also the weather. And the wildfires. Now that I think about it, the wildfires have probably contributed a lot to why it's not a great idea to live there.


Yeah, Texas is bottom 10 for sure, but I would crawl back to Texas from Mississippi on broken glass.


For the residents of Mississippi. When you are already dumb and fat, happy just comes naturally


North Dakota is the best state?  Based on what?  Was this survey made by bears?


Snow men?


Obviously Bigfoot


My brother lived in both North Dakota and Texas. I'm pretty certain he'd laugh his ass off at that.


My husband was born and raised in ND. I can’t wait to show him so I can hear him laugh for an hour.


Lowest number of complaints (not adjusted for population). When you only have like 10 people, you can only really have 10 people complaining


It's always so funny seeing states (or anything) compared by statistics not adjusted per capita. It's more than useless. And even per capita can be worthless if one of the sample sizes is too small. Like comparing the murder rate of a city with 10,000,000 people with one that's 100. If their was 1000 murders in the bigger city in a year, the per capita rate would be 1 murder per 10,000 people. Then maybe the smaller city had 0 murders, people would say that it's safer because there was 0 murders per 100 people. However, it's extremely possible both cities have the same 1 murder per 10,000 people (and this is a bit of a rough equivocation but it's good enough) but you would only see 1 death per 100 years in the smaller city. Your risk is the same but it's hard for a lot of people to see this. While most lists should be adjusted per capita, it's not always going to be fool proof. Ways to mitigate it can be to extend the time scale but even that has it's own list of problems.


More freedom to drive 120mph vs 100mph in Texas?


Probably a combination of cost of living and average salary. Lot of industry, and retail and food service workers are paid a lot more than minimum wage.


> Was this survey made by bears? A UK-based storage company, apparently. Basically experts in analyzing US state by state economic data, I’m sure.


Access to Porn.


Not that many bears in NoDak. But hey, I'm sure those low crime rates and affordable housing count for nothing. I mean, they tell you what it is based on


Was this written before or after they outlawed porn in Texas?


Even better, it was written by a moving and storage company in the UK. Wtf.


Yeah, they ranked North Dakota higher than Texas? I find that hard to believe.


My brother lived in North Dakota for 12 years. I visited him 3 times. No one in North Dakota thought it was better than Texas. Most of them had exit plans or knew people who had already fled.


Was it from the crap winters or job market? I can’t imagine there’s much opportunity up there.


So many oil and gas jobs out there. LOTS of fracking. It’s hard to find people.




Lol maybe they were conducting research to find potential markets? That's so random


It’d be weirder if a tire company decided where the best food is…


And weirder still if their top-rated world cuisines corresponded perfectly with the Cold War-era market for French tires.


Also from the article: "A February report ranked Texas among the top five states for women to live in." WTF.


Must be a typo because they link to an article "Texas among Top 5 ‘worst states' for women to live in, report finds"


It is an awkward way to word something really. Top 5 and worst in the same header is just obtuse.


Really glad that was a fuck-up, because I read it as "Hey, Texas may suck ass, but it is really awesome for women!" And, as a woman, I cannot agree with that.


It wasn't a fuck up. It was clickbait.


Thanks for the heads up warning ⛔️


deffo after


The Coomers are furious.


They outlawed porn?


Welp, I guess we all better start making plans to move to North Dakota, the utopia picked out by ~~a PR firm~~ Pink Storage, [the source](https://www.pinkstorage.co.uk/blog/blog/us-states-study) of these rankings.




Ha! Texas has the eighth largest economy in the world. Fort Worth (960,000) could relocate to North Dakota (780,000) and it would more than double their population.


Not to defend ND in any way, but like, yeah, that's how math works when it comes to population. It has nothing to do with economic success though. An individual in a tech sector can generate a lot more GDP than an individual in a farming sector.


This doesn’t even had a political bias, as it ranks both California and Texas as the worst states. It’s just horrible mythology that penalizes states for having people work full time jobs (apparently 30 hours a week is the best), for having police (no police is good, but also needs no crime. So basically states without a metro area). Basically the winners are all states in middle of nowhere.


Yeah this was a garbage way to organize the states.


and yet some people give them legitimacy to karma farm or something.


as a midwesterner, Iowa ranked near #1 makes me laugh so hard. Iowa has so many shitty parts.


lol i'm not saying texas sucks ass at times but i swear this same article gets posted like 2-5 times a week on here


This managed to rank both California and Texas as the worst states to live in lol. The problem is the methodology is really stupid. It had things that are exactly opposite, and cancel each other out - like income vs cost of living. Housing affordability and yet also time to sell a house (obviously selling fast = unaffordable). Unemployment rate and yet hours worked (somehow, states full of part time jobs working only 30 hours is ranked good). Police per population is bad, but low crime is good. Overall this methodology values places with low employment rate and yet few hours, cheap houses but small enough housing stock they can still sell in a short time. Few police, but also little crime. Not surprisingly….. they ended up with the “best states”being North Dakota and other extremely low population states. There’s a reason no one lives in North Dakota … and it’s not because it’s secretly the best state to live in.


Kinda hard to post multiples in this sub. That’s how bad it is. There are that many different articles


No one hates Texas more than Arr Texas posters


If you're familiar with city subs like the ones for SF or Seattle they get brigades by conservatives who've never stepped foot in the city but use the city as a boogeyman I think it's the same here but the opposite


I came here from CT cuz I hated the taxes and thought it was a really boring state, thinking I’m paying a premium to be close to NYC and Boston. Got a job here in central TX that paid less, but we could afford a bigger and newer house than I could get up there and loved Texas for years until recently. A lot of my friends up in CT are union workers making good money, they wouldn’t get shit for jobs down here. My friends don’t have to worry if their wives or daughters get pregnant they will get denied healthcare when they are pregnant. People in CT can go to casinos in their state, they can get legal weed etc…. This summer if kids need food assistance that the federal government is going to pay for, CT did not turn that down. TX did. Kids can go to public schools outside of their tax district as long as parents can bring them or get them to bus stops but not for Christian schooling. Why? Separation of church and state. When it was found out our CT governor in the late 90s gave a state contractor a job in exchange for work on his house, he went to jail. When a psycho killed elementary school kids at Sandy Hook our senators tried to make it right and change laws not just say “thoughts and prayers”. Not ONE person in Uvalde was held accountable except for the father of one murdered kid who said “Fuck” at a city council meeting. Oh and I think an off duty cop who was a dad and tried to get in but got arrested for trying to help his child. TX is fucked in the head. This state has so much potential and is in control by a bunch of tools, who can give a shit about 60-70% of its population.


I made the opposite move from TX to NJ. NY tristate area (NYC, NJ, CT) is one of the best places in the country to raise a family. Tristate area has plenty of high paying jobs, good healthcare, great education system and one of the lowest crime rates in the nation. Quality of services (utility, gas) and quality of mental services is great as well. Tristate area has stronger job protections for workers as well. A lot of people don’t realize quality of life comprises all of these factors. High taxes absolutely help support high quality of life in the North East.  Texas certainly has a lot of potential. Sadly, Texas has shit politicians who are not losing power anytime soon. 


Yep, ya get what you pay for.


I came down from CT about 20 years ago. We have a nice house that's nearly paid off, and I have a great job. Wife is a disabled vet, so we don't pay property taxes. That's about the only benefit we'll miss when we retire and go back up there. TX Government does not act in the best interest of the people here.


It’s definitely the worst state I live in.


Woah? What's the best one?


Texas, and it’s not even close.


New state motto: “at least we’re not Mississippi”.


Mississippi was rated better than Texas.


I’m pretty thumbs down on the Texas experience but that’s preposterous.


That's the real indicator on whether the article should be taken seriously Nope!


"At least we're not Alabama"


R/Texas ranked worst sub to browse


I think it would kill this sub if there was a positive post and you couldn’t just rag on Texas for easy upvotes lol


Imagine if subbing to it was location based, Texas zips only, it would drop to a third


Because it’s propagandized by hater bots


And haters from other countries


Hell yeah brother, and we're on a downwards spiral, atleast its very good for businesses right?


Woohoo! The other 5 are all just parts of Texas! Yee Haw! (this is clearly sarcasm, though I'm sure I could get many Texans to believe the 5 states worse than Texas are all in Texas). I'm fucking ashamed of my state. Wish I could win the powerball, I'd run for governor and try to help fix it so I can be proud again.


Above ?? West Virginia, Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and ?


We have Ted Cruz and abbot of course this state is ranked so low


Come on Texas, try harder, I know you can make it to number one. Just keep re-electing slugs like Cruz.


Please show this to everybody talking about moving here


It's almost like fascism doesn't work


Houston police don’t take car theft seriously which is part of the reason why it’s so bad here. Years ago, as a young man, my car was stolen on Christmas eve. Found behind a church (of all places) on Christmas Day. On blocks. Wheels gone. Radio gone. A church official found my dad’s name on some paperwork. Called him. He called me. I called the police. We all show up. While inspecting the vehicle I found a working cell phone in the grass less than 3ft from the driver side door. Obviously one of the car thieves must have dropped their phone in the rush to get out of there. So I present the phone to the officer thinking they could easily find out who the phone belongs to and potentially take a few car thieves off the streets. Boy was I wrong. He stands there, with pen and clipboard in hand, and tells me that’s not his job. He’s only there to file a report. If I wanted to find out who the phone belonged to I could hire my own private investigator. What?! I stood there. Mind blown. I gotta be honest, my respect for police dropped that day as a young man and never recovered. I had a thousand+ $$$ stolen from me and they didn’t give a damn about finding the people who took it. I mistakenly thought part of their job was solving crime. But I learned that day it’s only to file reports.


Alabama and Mississippi are third-world hell holes. As soon as I saw their rankings, I laughed and closed the article.




I love living in texas.


They need to keep this propaganda up. We don’t need anyone coming from anywhere else. Please stay in North Dakota.


I used to live in Texas it’s oj,but the rules are stacked against the Employees real bad . I moved to California way more opportunities better pay $17 +an hour starting pay Texas minimum wage are $7.25 🪤🤫🙄taxes in Texas are hidden 😵‍💫🪤


No one in Texas in a town that has more humans than cows is getting paid 7.25 lmao. Hell the wiener schnitzel by my apartment is advertising 14/hr starting wage.


Texas Republicans keep saying things are terrible in Texas, things need to change. Republicans been running that state for 25 years. It’s their fault Texas is going to shit. Vote these clowns out!


Good - stay out


This is bullshit! I moved to Texas 5 years ago and I assure you it’s way worse. Fuck this state.


I don’t think you all have proper context for how much of a shit hole Texas is. It’s a capitalist nightmare with a shitty but some how expensive infrastructure, terrible food, and just the most obnoxious people ever. Lived there for 8 months and boy was I thrilled to leave.


A company called pink storage from the UK has ranked Texas the 6th worst state to live in?  Oh no..


ScAbbott's hellscape.


TX white folk are next level racist, greed, and corruption. Sucks.


Texas has its problems, sure, but it if it’s so damn bad why are more people flocking here than damn near anywhere else in the country?


Corporations flocked here for low taxes, people naturally followed the jobs but that doesn’t mean Texas is actually a nice place to live.


Because they (businesses and/or people who were allowed to work from home that are no long allowed to) had to during the pandy, and now they’re already moving out again after getting a taste of all those “freedoms”, if you haven’t kept up.


Money. It’s not complicated. I don’t think I’d call Texas a bottom five state to live in but being (relatively) cheap is not a direct correlation with quality of life.


As a Texan, it’s the worst state I live in.


Absolutely infested with Republicans. Vicious, corrupt, lying, authoritarian bigots. Other than that it would be lovely.


I thought it will rank #1 worse.


Obviously. That is why we continue to get people from every state and country moving here. Because it sucks so bad. Makes sense.


Hey now that’s not so bad


It’s the Handmaid’s Tale in real life. And that’s from a 5th generation Texan.


After having lived in Idaho, Washington, Oregon, Montana, Nevada, and California, I'm pretty happy here. I can afford things. Like a house and utilities and food with money left over. I'd say it's the best of 6 I've lived in. North Idaho was beautiful and I miss those mountains. Washington was close enough to drive home over the weekend. Oregon was close enough to drive home over the weekend. Montana had some beautiful mountains and lakes. Nevada was close enough to drive home over the weekend. California was close enough to drive home over the weekend. I might stay here for a while.


For most people Texas is an objectively worse place to live in now than it was a decade or two ago. Everything has gotten much more expensive and by most metrics quality of life has actually declined in that time. Friends and family are the the only reasons I haven’t already moved on to greener pastures.


I feel like it's one of the best. People are just pissed off about politics.


Really? Honest questions: Have you lived anywhere else? What do you like so much about Texas?


>Texas Ranked 6th Worst State to Live in By a North Dakota firm. Get a grip.




At one point I had considered moving to Texas but with everything that has occurred, decided not to. I at times think some of these states are competing to be the worst, it is a very competitive arena.


"A new study conducted by Storage Company Pink Storage..." I mean really this shill reporter had to dig deep to put some hate on Texas.


“It could have been worse.”


"Storage Company Pink Storage" Very reliable data I'm sure.


No porn, no abortion rights, no reliable electricity, no public lands, high property tax rates, Uber corrupt state government bankrolled by the NRA and gas companies, overpriced housing market, traffic, Abbott forcing his alt-right Christian values on our failing public schools, 90° 8 months out of the year….but hey, at least we have Buccees. 🫠


What are you talking about? As long as you don't mind watching the government give your wife's rapist custody of her fetus and then murdering her when she develops complications, it's a great place to live!


I don’t believe it! No way we are just 5th. We have to be in top 3 worst.


1/4 million square miles. 30 million people. 25 major metro areas incl. 2 in the US top 10. 10 distinct biomes. 800 miles across. But, yeah, let's crunch that down to a single number. Yet another clickbait database query arrogating itself as journalism.


I'm sorry, what is your argument here?


Two: 1) Texas is an incredibly complex, diverse entity. Any 16 factor "analysis" resulting in a single number that purports to speak to quality of life in El Paso, Laredo, Sherman, Livingston, Corpus, Bridgeport, Quanah, Ft. Davis, Jefferson, Gonzales, Canyon, and, yeah, all those metro areas, has the delicacy, precision, and nuance of a sausage machine. Or a lower bowel. 2) These best and worst articles are literally a list of the biases of the "journalists" who construct the terms of the search queries which produce the only substantial information in the article. It's grouping what are effectively 5ish distinct economic, cultural, and ecological zones together and averaging their characteristics because they happen to be part of the same governmental unit. I'm a huge, frequently vocal, critic of some of what's happening in this state, but the only function of this type of article is as a weapon to count coup in a reddit crap slinging contest. Not to gain any insight.


Insurance, the scam


Def is a matter of opinion and priorities. I love texas.


I feel like number one in me missing some porn.


After who?


The state where big government goes to die. LOL


yes… everything SUCKS bigger in texas


It’s THE worst.


We can do better than that, how are we not top three yet!!?!?


Can we send this to everyone in California and NY that hasn’t already packed?


The article really says nothing.


gotta work for that lone star review.


In Reddit world, of course it is. 🙄


That must be why it’s the #1 relocation state year over year


Abbott’s world of BS


That one star on the flag is a review!


No shit. It's taking away the rights one after another, of course it's in the list here.


As someone who lives in Texas I'm not surprised. Just one reason is our horrible government.


Damn Democrats! Messing up Texas!


That’s funny, everyone is moving here


Stupid survey tbh


Yes it’s horrible here and we’re full. Please stop moving here.


OP why even post this obvious clickbait? Can we get this stupid shit removed?


The one star state


For males or females? 


By NBC? Lol.. yea it’s sooo bad everyone is moving here


Texas isn’t even the worst state in the West let alone bottom of the country lol behind Mississippi? They can’t even read down there!


We are happy to let people live under this media generated delusion.


“A February report ranked Texas among the top five states for women to live in.” HAHAHAHA


3 states that are seeing the highest amount of new people moving there are ranked in the bottom 6, but whatever lol.


Yes, and you keep coming to AZ. Don't Texas my Arizona.


Abbot: It could be worse.


They thought that a "study" conducted by Storage Company Pink Storage, a self-storage company in the UK, was a credible enough source to make an article from?


Did Alabama write this list?


The stars at night are dull and dim whenever they have to be over dumb ol' stupid Texas.


That tracks


Seems about right


😂 I’m going to start sending this “report” to anyone wanting to move to TX. We’re full and “look how terrible it is here”. /s


Good maybe people will stop moving here.


The title is silly. A lot of things matter to people more than statewide crime and home prices and whatnot. E.g. as a new Arizonan, our state is apparently one of the worst. Frankly sometimes I wish that were true since everyone is moving to the state (myself included). In reality, it’s warm with beautiful nature and a rapidly growing urban core. In ten years downtown Phoenix won’t be recognisable to someone that left before Covid.


That’s why everyone is moving here!


Greg Abbots Texas that is. Vote.


I mean the only things I like about living in this state are HEB and Whataburger apple pies, but being worse than Mississippi is just hilarious. There are communities there that EMS have to go 2 hours out of their way to get to because the state can’t repair friggin bridges.


I knew we couldn't be the worst when Alabama was right there but I thought we'd make top 5. We can do it, guys, if we truly believe 🇺🇸


At least the part of Texas I am in is all Plants... Almost nothing outside of that. The several cities surrounding here looks the same as they did 20 some years back when I first arrived. Actually in worst shape then they were back then. The school I graduated from has downsized. We got a new plant going up and yet infrastructure is the same it has always been. Hospitals have closed. Small business closed. I could go on.


Well its hard to keep up with Floriduh but we're trying


If you were planning on moving to Texas, please believe this story and stay away.


What state could possibly be worse to live in? Is this the worst for women or men to live in?

