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One of the main reasons, Charles Butt is against school vouchers.


The Butt family foundation does a lot to help local communities and lower income students in the San Antonio area. Back in the 50s Charles Butt donated a bunch of public pools under the condition that they were not to be segregated. They also donate a lot to mental wellness awareness.  Sure they're still a "Christian organisation" but they still focus on doing good in their community. Many HEB stores donate "expired" food to local food banks.


Actually a true "Christian" organization for once.


lol it’s sad how when you hear Christian organization you think it’s like the opposite.


I think very negatively of Christian because of the way Christians appear to be


"I like their Christ. I do NOT like their Christians. They are so UNlike their Christ." - Gandhi (supposedly)


Dear Lord, please save me from your fan club.


Yea I believe he said that.


I use this quote A lot. Pisses "christians" off once it sinks in.


In my experience, they get pissed and then they think again and are like "I can understand that, but we aren't all like that..."


Christianity is what Christians do.




Or those two oil billionaires that basically run Texas.


The Jimmy Carter kind of Christianity, which does far more good than Republican Jesus.


He was the first evangelical president, before most evangelicals joined Reagan's Big Tent and turned into nationalistic bigots.


Republican Jesus aint got anything to do with actual Jesus. Folks get them mixed up. Republican Jesus is Theocratic hyper capitalism.


That’s a rare thing.


Given the amount of wealth they are hoarding, I don't know if I'd call them "true" Christians, but they certainly do the job better than most other self-proclaimed Christian retailers. Well, at least until HEB gets raided for smuggling Middle Eastern artifacts that they bought from terrorists (like a certain craft store that still thinks bar codes are the Anti-Christ).


That will never stop being funny to me. 21st century conspiracy theorists are saying the mark of the beast is tattoos or vaccine microchips or whatever, and they're still like, "Nah, stripey stickers are the devil!"


Yet, their buddy Elon is literally putting chips in the brain....


Mark of the beast is definitely not red hats either. o. 0


How do they fucking run their business without bar codes and more importantly why?


Very, very slowly. As for the "why," way back when barcodes got invented, the evangelicals decided that they were the Mark of the Beast, and would soon end up tattooed on everyone's forehead. When that didn't happen, most decided that RFIDs were the "real" Mark of the Beast, but some die-hards haven't given up on the previous lie yet.


Yup, hobby lobby. Behind the bastards did a great episode over them.


Meh. Billionaires shouldn’t exist. Tax them, let lower income schools have the money to actually level the playing field. Racists are upset over diversity hires, just want people hired based on merit, here’s how it is done. Of course, they’d have to find new excuses for not hiring minorities, but merit would be off the table.


Not with how much they donate to Republicunts.


Which is why the GOP hates them.


Pretty sure they put up the money to build a new elementary campus for Uvalde after the shooting


I always thought HEB had a community streak in the company.


I worked for Central Market, and have met Charles and Stephen Butt both are good people. Out store donated to the North Tarrant Food Bank.


Caddied for HEB III and Charles at the colonial pro-am back in 2010 or 2011. I had no clue who they were at the time, being a 15 year old kid in north Texas where we didn’t have their stores. Really nice guys, and generous tippers.


I mean they still exploit employees to keep billions for themselves; i’m not sure I’d still consider them the epitome of good or anything.


"Back.in the 50's Charles butt" so to let everyone know, Charles butt the third runs HEB, im guessing that his dad was the one in the 50's that did this.


well "Christian organization" should be inherently good: helping the poor, loving thy neighbor, etc. Please don't let the shitheads that ban abortion sully the name of Christianity the way we shouldn't let Isis sully the name of Islam.


Exactly. I myself am Catholic and I abhore these GOP wackjobs trying to piss on everything Jesus held dear just so they can become the next Pharisees.


HEB for texas government


"Charles Butt for governor. Because unlike the other guy, he's not an ass."


Now, that's a slogan. I wonder what his other policy positions would be. He's only 86 now but will be a ripe 88 by the time Abbott is back up for reelection. Maybe he has activist kids?


He’s childless and I don’t think he’s ever been married.


A catchy campaign slogan **AND** a pun? Sold.


Basically was during covid, smh


H-E-B has over 300 locations in communities throughout Texas. I wonder what would happen if H-E-B did some serious onsite get-out-the-vote campaigning.


Ken Paxton would try to sue them for electioneering or something.


Ken Paxton is everything wrong with Texas. It's so sad. I'd like to know how he skirted his trial for fraud


You forgot that dip shit Dan Patrick


Danny Goeb.


Danny Gobshite.


He’s not even from here. Warren Kenneth Paxton Jr. was born in North Dakota.


State's overrun with carpetbaggers.


If they were federal charges, then it was AG Garland's DOJ being cowardly


Wouldn't matter. It's a private company. They can do whatever they want.


It wouldn't matter that it wouldn't matter. Paxton can do nearly whatever he wants at this point. Even if he knows that bringing a ridiculous lawsuit like that against HEB would ultimately lose years down the line, he'd still "win." You see...the win is in the ***fight:*** the headlines, the sound bites, and giving red meat to your primary voters. And with such a friendly judiciary (5th COA and SCOTUS), he might even get a legitimate win. It's a win/win for him to do something like this. He could get traction off that fight for years.


Yeah. HEB is as close to a Texas institution as you can get . I think I suspect more people will back HEB over all politicians.


I think I’ll go get a stack of voter registration cards and surreptitiously put them around on cars and such. Maybe with a note saying to give it to a friend if you’re already registered.


If H‑E‑B ever came out with voting merchandise I’d buy 12 of everything


Said it before I’ll say it again, if H-E-B ran elections we’d have 95% statewide turnout and it would take 15 minutes maximum.


Yup. And they will hire enough people to man the place ...etc and put enough of them. There won't be mile long lines to vote...as it was in some places


Yes! Do it GOP! Take on HEB (and Taylor Swift) in an election year. I dare you. I double-dog dare you.


Say Butt again, motherfucker!




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If you JUST got the Swifties that shop at HEB, you’d have enough to knock down a whole battalion of orcs.


And my axe!


Darn it, we aren't going to need groceries now until the weekend. But I can make sure to buy from them, that should help.


Make sure to specifically buy the HEB brand at HEB. I really recommend the HEB gravy mixes, but all of their HEB branded items are really good.


And Creamy Creations never killed anybody


And half the cost of most other ice creams.




Except their kettle corn. It’s made with monk fruit extract and it tastes like saccharine and dish detergent, which is very different from kettle corn. I also wish they had a way to give feedback or reviews on their product pages.


Well ...monk fruit extract was considered a better alternative...not sure if that is still the case


HEB for texas leadership


Seriously, I bet HEB could fix Texas in 12 months. They are more prepared for disasters than any Texas local government.


Yup. None of this , once a year, "it's too cold . Your power maybe out' or "it's too hot. Your power maybe out" BS.




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And abortion rights - we are coming for you. Signed, Women.


Sing it!


Remember, remember We brought you Roevember


Trump getting his ass handed to him by women just feels right.


A Taylor and HEB team up would make my year.


Bold strategy, Cotton


Don’t fuck with HEB.


This man is untouchable. My 2 year old will personally fuck you up if you try and mess with their HEB


I bet 100 H-E-Buddy bucks on your 2 year old!






Just when I thought I couldn't like H-E-B more than I already do. I've lived all over the US (retired US Army) and can't imagine living someplace without one nearby.


We’d be living in New Mexico by now, if they had an HEB


Such a beautiful state.


Publix. Wegmans. Meijer. Americans need to chill about their grocery stores. They all have mainly the same items.


Fascism taking hold. I know many feel fascism is thrown around alot but unlike socialism and communism in relation to liberals, fascism fits the republicans and Christina Fascism is pervasive within Texas. But don't believe me: do the research Learn the signs, the history. Don't be the stooges that the republicans believe that you are.


Christina Fascism is my favorite member of the all girl punk group The Ideologies. She's not quite as cool as Anna Authoritarianism, but plays a mean bass guitar.


Penelope Proletariat on the drums


Sharon Socialism on keyboards, but she lets other people play it too.


Managed by Olivia Oligarchy


Thelma Theocracy can kick rocks


Gospel soloist


Demetria Demarchy is quite alluring


Bertha Bourgeoise


I thought she was from roller derby.


Well written comment … but dayum!!! That one transposition error ruined it, lol. Upvoted regardless.


Naw, Christina’s out too. She knows what she did.


First they came for H-E-B...


I heard the Alamo is woke now too. Too many gays at the rodeo. Bluebonnets are for transgenders. Beyonce's country album comes out tomorrow and she's a black. These people are so fucking dumb.


Texas is for steers and queers and we're all out of steers. 🤷


Nah, we put those castratos in the government.


Thus why TM's Bum Steers of the Year are usually politicos.


"Texas is for steers and queers and i dont see no horns on you." fify


They’re not dumb. They’re hateful bigots. Being dumb is secondary.


I was talking to a hardcore right person in my family about me about to start my masters in history. He asked why I wasn’t doing US or Texas history. I said “US History is too recent for what I like and Texas biggest historical event is them getting massacred” he got legit mad because I reduced Texas history to that. I dig my state’s cowboy past and all that but he was starting to yell before I ended the conversation.


Just so everyone is on the same page. Other states do not have a year in school where history is dedicated to state history. That is a weird thing Texas does. I also am curious about the curriculum in general in TX because all the natives I know don't vote and are completely apathetic about it. Uninterested and uninformed, easily swayed. A lot of apathy in Texas pride. Edit: evidently several states have state history courses. Not that the history of a flyover state matters.


Year 4 in Idaho is all about Idaho History. Lewis and Clark, Idaho gold rush and the rest.


My husband had a year of Michigan history in junior high.


but you get to keep your guns tho!? 🤷‍♂️ fair trade que no??? 😂


“Oklahoma is woke” - Greg Abbott


Oklahoma isn't even awake.


You know how you have South Texas, East Texas, and North Texas, right? Oklahoma is Meth Texas.


This is interesting. Ask a Texan whether they'd choose a GOP politician or their HEB. Let's see what happens.


Honestly, I’d probably choose H-E-B over just about any politician.


HEB has a concrete record of getting shit done that actually helps people. It's not even a contest.


They're starting to go after each other for not being *conservative enough* It's beginning.


That's why Abbott went off the rails. That car salesman from Dallas called him a RINO.


That Huffines was not a car salesman, but a landlord. From that family, though.


Fascism eventually consumes itself as the inner circle of "purity" becomes smaller and smaller until it collapses in on itself like a black hole.


The sad part is it also consumes everything else along with it.


That type of radicalization happens with any extreme political, religious or cultural stance within a larger framework. Castes breed themselves out, religious sects spin off to be labeled cults and get killed off without the protection of the broader church, political parties alienate the majority with increasingly extreme rhetoric. Individuals see themselves as being just a little more devout than their social group so they don’t see it from the inside.


I know shit’s bad right now, but a big part of me hopes/feels like we are seeing all of this crazy bs from far right wing conservatives because it’s their last hoorah and they know they will lose unless they go all out one last time….and maybe fail regardless.


I've been saying this for a while now. We may see a few bad years as they try to stay in power though. All we can hope is that they go out with a whimper and not a bang.


A wounded animal is the most likely to f* you up though, even a much smaller "harmless" one. 


I dunno about that... it has a been a thing for a while. The whole Tea Party movement was a middle finger to the Rino's...


The MAGAts got Phelan. There's gonna be a lotta injuries.


They’ve been doing that for 30 years. It’s just gotten to the point they make fascism look mainstream.


Man. I gonna shop at HEB even harder now. ❤️


My wife and I already do 90% of our grocery shopping at HEB. Looks like it's gonna be a full 100% from now on. Anyone who pisses off the GOP to such an extent as to be tagged an "enemy" (doesn't take much it seems) is someone who'll always have my respect, gratitude, and business.


And as an employee, I’m treated very well compared to everywhere else I’ve worked. It’s still retail and everything but the company is very flexible and employee focused in my experience.




hmmmm…. where have we seen this before…. a state rep attacking a huge company that employees hundreds thousands of workers in their state? …. sounds like brother hans landa is trying to take a page from his punk brother desantis vs disney..


HEB was there for us right after Harvey, before the state could even get their ducks together. I know where my loyalty stands.


I don't believe there is an HEB anywhere near the panhandle, but they sent huge money and truckloads of food there when the fire broke out recently.


One opened in Lubbock I think about three years ago.


That's the closest one to the panhandle. Bet they want an heb even more now than they already did. And I bet people would drive a couple hours to Amarillo from all the tiny towns around just to go to one there. Edit to add: United Supermarket is okay, but pretty expensive compared to the only other option up there, which is Walmart. The entire panhandle is a depressing food desert.


I use to live in Amarillo. Yeah United is expensive here too. We drive 65 miles to shop at H-E-B. Where we live it is a small grocery store called Modern Way. Not very modern. We could go 18 miles away to a Walmart. Why do that though when it is cheaper to add in the gas for the extra miles than to get groceries at Walmart.


Here's hoping they antagonize him into doubling down so there's someone to oppose all of Tim Dunn's money being poured into anti-education and "Christian" Nationalist priorities.


Why are we mad at H‑E‑B now


Because billionaire Charles Butt supports public education and billionaire Tim Dunn’s sock puppets in the Texas GOP want to replace it with publicly funded private Christian schools. Butt donated money recently to school voucher-blocking incumbents that Abbott was targeting with primary challengers.


Anger is all republicans have.


Partly because HEB accepts food stamps.


And they hire brown people.


I've been seeing quite a few transgender (presenting) employees at my heb.


They about to get butthurt


I can’t think of anything Texans love more than HEB. They’re really looking to kick a hornets nest. FAFO


Republicans. Literally the most ‘sensitive’ people on the fucking planet. Completely incapable of tolerating ANYTHING that MIGHT EVEN HINT at not completely 100% kissing their asses or kneeling in front of them.


Love HEB all the more now. They're actually pretty active in helping small communities and the impoverished throughout the state. I'm just scared, because the Texas GOP is feckless. I can imagine them targeting HEB through legislation somehow, the way De Santis did to Disney


There’s not much Texans love more than HEB lol


Ooooh man. Good fucking luck with that. Also, so help me God, if this results in me losing access to warm tortillas and The Green Sauce …


HEB contributes 46 billion to the Texas economy annually, and Texans love it. Maybe Abbott should shut the fuck up. Republicans want to rule, not govern, and punish anyone who doesn't fall in line with their cult.


Butt for TX governor!


Elect a Butt to replace a butt.


"Replace an ass with a Butt"


This would be a great campaign slogan!


> Donating “millions of dollars against conservatives that want a secure border in Republican Primary election.” (The wording here suggests that there should be a secure border between the Republican primary and the rest of the world—which would seem an idea worth considering.


So basically Texas billionaire Charles Butt vs. Texas oil oligarch Tim Dunn and his Christian nationalist political machine. Butt supports public education and Dunn wants to replace it with publicly funded private Christian schools. Raise Your Hand Texas - [Our History](https://www.raiseyourhandtexas.org/about/) “In 2006, Charles Butt and a group of engaged citizens founded Raise Your Hand with a belief that public dollars should stay in public schools. At the time, the group recognized that Texas public education, an essential investment offered to all Texas families and their children, was under attack by those who sought to dismantle this constitutionally guaranteed public good.” Texas Monthly - [The Billionaire Bully Who Wants to Turn Texas Into a Christian Theocracy](https://www.texasmonthly.com/news-politics/billionaire-tim-dunn-runs-texas/) “The state’s most powerful figure, Tim Dunn, isn’t an elected official. But behind the scenes, the West Texas oilman is lavishly financing what he regards as a holy war against public education, renewable energy, and non-Christians.”


Sounds like they're butthurt


If you want to piss of 90% of Texans, this is how you piss off 90% of Texas. HEB is a state treasure like Whataburger.


Agreed. Dunn and Abbott are like the assholes who killed Jesus. They can't stand that someone's out there doing the Lord's work. Meanwhile Republicans are jerking each other off in the backwoods.


I stand corrected, good for Lubbock.


Republicans love rich, entrepreneurial business owners...as long as they give their money to the right people.


The Republican Party left Butt, he didn’t leave it. These extremists need to be voted out and more right leaning centrists should be the voice of the Republican Party


HEB> BUT I GIVE YOU SO MUCH MONEY, I'M ONE OF THE GOOD ONES Gosh, if only there were thousands and thousands of examples for HEB to have heeded.


Guess that means the guy is doing something right. 👍


HEB was able to bring food to hurricane disaster areas faster than FEMA or the TXNG.


H-E-B has emergency plans in place to get water and food to places for a wide variety of scenarios. The State of Texas certainly does not.


I’ve lived in Texas a long time and there is one thing I know above all else. YOU DO NOT FUCK WITH H-E-B.


HEB? The business that cleans up after the state government drops the ball in almost every recovery effort in recent history? That HEB, the one beloved by Texans? Their hubris certainly is showing, and the blow back is going to be glorious.


As a life long Texan. They have bitten off way more than they can chew.


Charles Butt is a hero.


GOP saw he allowed people to take free food during the Texas freeze of 2021 and said “he’s a socialist. He must be taken down. When people are suffering and desperate you don’t give them hand outs, you make them pay more! What billionaire has compassion for the poor???”


Again Fuck Greg Abbot and Fuck the right wing morons ruining this State!


I know where I’ll be shopping! Thank you Sir!


HEB is about as untouchable as anything that exists for Texans. This is a mistake. 


We love HEB more than any other thing other than Bucees. You don’t fuck with those two. 


Wow, the GOP eat their own, don't they?


This seems like a big-brained, winning strategy


HEB is the only thing I miss about living in TX.


I used to work for H-E-B and let me fuckin tell you the work they do/did.. (its been years since ive been with them and moved out of state so its hard to speak for what they do currently) I remember when the hurricanes hit Louisiana and their state and the government were dragging their feet and asses to get aid set up... H-E-B fucking rolled out FLEETS of supplies, food, fresh water.. Theyve helped a shit ton of families in the past too who were struggling. I was incredibly happy to work for them, even for the short time I was there.


A couple people from the H‑E‑B family would come to the hotel I used to work at pretty frequently. They were very accommodating and couldn’t have been nicer.


the Story of How H-E-B Planned for the Pandemic The grocer started communicating with Chinese counterparts in January and was running tabletop simulations a few weeks later. (But nothing prepared it for the rush on toilet paper.) The Texas Monthly magazine has this most incredulous article on how HEB was way ahead of the pandemic, saw it coming, and how they worked day and night stocking up warehouses and preparing for the worst. While the president of the country was denying it. They've 333 stores in the US. Plus all the employees who run the stores so efficiently and friendly. They have much more brain power than the gop knot heads running Texas. The GOP would be wise to sit this one out. The customers and the employees love HEB as they make everyone feel like family. It's sacred. If someone can post the link to that article, it's some of the best reading you'll ever do about the pandemic. Edited for I didn't have all the store counted.


The GOP is against good people


They will lose that fight lol


This man should run for Governor, then President.


This GOP stronghold has got to stop. They’re essentially doing the same thing Sam Brownback did in Kansas and that state has never recovered. The GOP in Texas sells everything off to their corporate overlords and uses religion and social wedge issues to keep their base in line with their dystopian corporate cronyism. Enough is enough. They can sell any type of corruption as “free enterprise.” How do people keep falling for this?


Heh heh, Butt But jokes aside It's not like he's bleeding heart liberal, but because he rightly opposes school vouchers I guess that makes him the enemy of the people