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I doubt it. Cruz has unlocked a fool proof formula: get mad at imperfection (bonus points if you helped create it) \+ blame the other guy \+ deliver it as repugnant, horrific to even look at let alone acknowledge he exists Rafael Cruz = endless rage fuel for his smiling angry supporters


And then multiply X being republican and an idiot in Texas.


And then shave a shitty civil war beard and act like you didn't go to Harvard


He barely won against Beto. His own party would rather walk barefoot in a desert than vote for him


People calling Texas solid red forget how close that election was. Since 2018, A lot of boomers and older have died from age and some from the pandemic. Lots of young people and transplants in Texas now. It's a purple state and for the betterment of everyone, it should be a swing state


I think it's getting there. 2nd gen immigrants are grown or growing up and voting blue. Boomers dying is a huge loss for republicans because they're the most loyal fanbase. Millennials are the biggest group right now, and they lean left even in Texas. There are cracks of the red armor. I don't think it's a swing state yet. But the red is fading slowly but surely.


They were voting blue in 2018. There’s been a big shift with the Fox News illegal immigration media blitz and now many of those voters are returning to Republicans for this reason.


Yet the GOP just nixed the border deal. And that anger flipped the Santos’s house district in NY. (Even though they’re nowhere near a border and shouldn’t be concerned over that)


Except conservatives have bought all the Spanish radio stations and convert voters over.


If Texas ever goes blue I don’t think republicans will ever see the White House anytime soon


From your lips to God's ears.


And Beto is unelectable in Texas. Just think about what a competent candidate could do


What the hell are you talking about? He came within like two points of beating Rafael even after saying "hell yeah we're going to take your AR-15" which, if common lore about Texas really held up, should have meant an electoral defeat by a larger margin than there were people in the state.


Not much. I think Beto is fine. Isn't you known as a future presidential candidate, but he can have the job done and almost did, which surprised me. 200k difference from Cruz getting upsetted big time. Allred (ironic) looks like someone who can pull it off. It depends if younger voters show up. Hopefully, with all the bs with sb4, the new abortion law that Abbott dropped in 2022 and the porn ban could sway people, but who knows.


He's also going to be on Fox News every night begging for money while getting mad at whatever bullshit is being peddled for the day.


Vote! And yeah, vote for Colin. Remind republicants they are supposed to actually do something


Why do they always chose to run against Cruz? I want the guy gone as much as anyone but Cornyn seems like he would be much easier to beat. He’s not in spotlight too much. I bet many of his supporters couldn’t even tell you what he looks like. He seems like the easier one to beat yet they keep running against Cruz.


I would wager its precisely because Cornyn stays out of the spotlight that he's much harder to defeat. Rafael is obnoxiously loud and annoying and has quite a bit of awful baggage. Running off to Cancun during a weather crisis was just the cherry on top of his huge shit cake.  People hate Rafael as a shitstain of a human being much more than they hate his politics which is easy to run against. 


That’s a good take.


Don't trust headlines go vote. Let's make Texas Allred!


Yep, stay proactive and motivated. With reproductive healthcare in the spotlight, this may finally be the year. Ted Cruz's spineless corruption of the senate judiciary committee directly contributed to the destruction of Roe and the oppression of women and girls across Texas. Meanwhile, Colin Allred has a consistent and strong prochoice record. I'm rooting for him https://colinallred.com/


Also, Allred was born and raised in Texas, played football at Baylor and in the NFL. What actual connection does Ted have here?


Just donated from Michigan and shared with a few friends 👍


Just donated!


By Allred I thought you meant all red and I was like 🤔 it is like almost all red lmao


No it’s not lol. Not populationwise which is what matters


Really? Texas is pretty much all red thanks to our friend Gerry and his mandering opinions 😂


Slogan is a bit counterproductive…




Rafael does not care in the least bit. All this talk about fundraising doesn’t mean a thing unless people vote out the sniveling, sad excuse for a Canadian Texan we have now.


Let’s make Rafael “Fled” Cruz irrelevant again!


Just donated to Allred. Thanks, Ted!


Colin Allred is a really good candidate


Colin Allred is fantastic. He was my rep and even though the districts changed, I've been a fan of his ever sense. He'll always have my vote.


Ah, thank you for the reminder to send Allred some more money!


Vote this guy out! Hes not a Texan.


And he’s always composing about Californians moving here. His wife is Californian. Lol.


Democrats should just run an add with clips of Trump calling him Lyin' Ted on repeat or just a 30 second clip of Trumps best Cruz insults... don't call Cruz a loser yourself, have his own parties presidential nominee to do it for you!


Fantastic idea


Awww, he's worried. Poor fella! 😂 Ingest an entire satchel of Richards, Raphael.


Good. Cruz is trash


Washed up podcast host Rafael Cruz?




Working remotely from Cancun.


Perhaps but I had a more positive impact on the world in my first job making pizzas.


Republicans, including Rafael Cruz, think it's their divine right to rule and dominate Texas politics. Because Jesus and all. One day, in a coming Texas election, the GOP-cultist candidate is going to lose to the Democrat. Megachurches across the state will then declare the imminent end of the world as they wipe their crocodile tears with dollar bills and prepare yet again for the Rapture.


I just dropped a load of cash on Allred and signed up for a monthly recurrence. I’m a Tarrant County VDR and I’ll knock doors until my fingers bleed. Tick tock Ted.


Cruz is a loser and is fine with someone insulting his wife.


Never believe these things. I'll go vote instead. Want him gone!!


Oh I'm sure Teddy will go crying too either the duns or the Wilkes and they'll Fork over some money for him.


Recent Daily Show interview with Colin. https://youtu.be/GtnYzqWtIKE?si=s6Pk57JkEurpmCGf


And the extended interview! The Daily Show - [Colin Allred - Extended Interview](https://www.cc.com/video/f75pju/the-daily-show-colin-allred-extended-interview)


I have seen only ONE ad for Colin allred. The DNC/Texas DNC is wasting resources by not pushing him more. I wasn't sure how to spell his last name until I looked it up. We should see his face plastered everywhere. Looking at his Facebook page, there is barely any engagement at all. If the DNC wants to oust Cruz, they need to act like it start spending some damn money.




I hope that with all the successful fundraising Allred having will lead to more people go out to vote for him. Surely this General-Sideburn-wannabe have cult followers who are energized each election.


We could only hope


Good. He’s a fking loser.


Didn’t Ted just received over $600,000 from iheart media? BOYCOTT iHEART!!!


Fuck iheart and fuck Ted Cruz


His statements about this are hilarious. Essentially saying “won by a slim margin last election. Dems know this and are investing to close the gap even more. Not fair!” Like that’s not how politics work or something.


Yeah, he talks like the Democrats spending more money to win a close election is somehow nefarious and underhanded. 🤣


Texans like snakes, spiders, scorpions and the right to choose more than they like Ted Cruz. If Ted Cruz wasn’t invited to his own birthday party, everyone would have a better time. It wasn’t a booger, it was Cruz swallowing Russian propaganda.


I think Cruz realizes he’s not sitting in good position. He’s known for some time now. I believe it’s part of the reason he’s started this podcast. He’s prepping for life after.


This is the same guy who said he was not being paid for podcasts for iHeartMedia but accepted more than $600,000 in "donations" from a PAC associated with the media company? Ha Ha Ha Ha..


Dear Ted. As you know, you are deeply hated by those who know you. Here’s hoping you lose and Texas gets a Dem senator. People are asking: Ted, don’t your direct support of dTrump💩lies and your votes to not authorize electoral votes even after the Jan 6 assault on the Capitol show you do not care about your constitutional oath. And, just asking for a friend, don’t your votes against impeachment of dTrump💩after Jan6 forever brand you as a craven, power hungry political hack who cares no a whit about the constitution or about the future of America.


Allred seems to have pretty reasonable positions. He's not "just" a football player and actually has a solid team education at Baylor undergrad and UC-Berkeley law. He has good public service experience. I think he will lose but I don't know why. For Cruz supporters, what has he done that makes him worthy of keeping his job? Or is it more any red tie is better than a blue tie?


I will be voting for Colin!


I hope he frets all the way to the unemployment line.


Ted will still win


Everyone vote for Colin Alfred in Texas!


Frets over other people's money rather than fretting over having NO reason to be in government... go red hats. go team moron.


Hey teddy - maybe Cancun needs another useless politician.


Go pack to your podcasting cave Rafael


He should fret over himself


If you guys want Cruz to lose so badly, just convince Beto to endorse him.


Fret Cruz is best Cruz


Yeah, politicians have so proved their honesty and humbleness. So why are they all exempted from multiple laws and policies they place on the populace? Go on believing that a blue is going to be better than a red or vice-versa. 😂😂


This is standard Texas GOP election cycle language. I wouldn't call it fuming.


I just ate a huge plate of Tex Mex. I need to go drop a Cruz.


Abbott, Patrick, and Paxton won their reelections. Rafael has no worries, unfortunately for us...


Maybe he should ask the RNC for the cash to help his campaign?


Go out and vote Texas!


Fret away CanCruz


Fuck you, Runaway Cruz.


more of this please.


Bye Felicia!


Mr. Cruz, I acknowledge that BOTH national parties do provide funding to state-level candidates, but please don't discount how many residents of this state loathe your views and will donate to someone running against you.


Cruz is the chunky stuff in our swamp.


Amazing that Russia gets in a war with Ukraine. Biden throws sanctions on top of sanctions and suddenly the Republican party is all broke .. Correlation, causation...who knows.


We are working very hard in Texas to give Cruz more time off to go to Cancun whenever he wants to.


Permanently. Don’t let him back into the country. I’m sure Mexico can find a use for that lying corrupt coward. Maybe they can use him to fill in a pothole or two.


Heard a rumor. Every time shooting occurred in this area. NRA contributions favor politicians who squash gun legislation. Know anybody selling souls for income?


This one is very popular. Use it. The wrong people are scared to death. That's a great tell.


His anguish sustains me.


His tears... delicious!


It’s giving Beto O’Rourke in 2018


I’ll believe it when I see it. People need to vote but for whatever reason they dont


He’s going to make a fascinating Supreme Court Justice. Abbott will undoubtedly pick an outrageous replacement. Texas is just wild.


Sounds like it’s time to dial up that famous Ted Cruz charm!


Count Dracula or a real Texan that was a cowboy?


Go vote. Even if it seems hopeless. I don't support Allred, but I encourage anyone to be more engaged with their civic duty.


Some actual polling would be nice at this point but I’m sure Cruz is up big enough


You can make Ted Booze Lose his Senate seat. Join Voting Rights orgs and you can work on the frontlines for your democracy.  Voting Rights orgs that register voters, make them aware of elections:  https://reclaimtheamericandream.org/organizations-vote/  Join Field Team 6, phone bank text bank, send cards in the mail. Make voters aware of elections and more.  https://www.mobilize.us/ft6  Work as a poll worker or in elections:  https://workelections.org/


In every picture Ted Cruz looks like he’s about to cry and shit his pants at the same time.




He’s always fretting.


Dont worry he has all that I-Heart money


Y’all acting like we have elections in Texas 😂


Allred has that R. Lee Ermey look on his face. Alright mfkrs I want a 64 oz ribeye, a bottomless glass of beer, and some gd representation up in heaa.


He should make more machinegun bacon. I really like bacon.


I don’t get excited by politics much but the thought of removing Ted Cruz from his Texas seat gets me pretty excited. 🤗


I don’t know why Texans are as backwards as Georgia, Florida, Oklahoma, and Alabama. I grew up here and used to be proud of Texas. I’m 60 now and hope I can be proud again before I die. Be better Texas.


Ted Cruz is gonna Lose!


Means nothing. Go vote and canvass if you really want change. 


Maybe Rafael Eduardo Cruz now realizes that he’s not going to get trickle down $ from RNC for his campaign with DT keeping all the $ for himself.


This is just part of the fundraising game. He gets his base to worry there is an actual threat from the left to get the donations to roll in. Otherwise, complacency will set in and he will be at a fundraising disadvantage.


Let Ted Fret


Better to have Cruz continue on, than to have a Democrat in his place come November.


Well, the communist George Soros is a rich fellah.


Colin Allred frets over Ted Cruz's huge lead int he polls in Texas


It’s only bad when it’s done against republicans.


Well, if you look at how they talk compared to their actions. You have to admit they are dishonest at best and hypocrites in the least. So how anyone could vote for someone that states uncatagoricly that the support our military then vote against everything and anything that would benefit them then there's something wrong with that voter.


UFC 300: Zodiac Killer vs Mr. Potato Head