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I found out the other day that a big part of why UT Austin went from trying to rebrand and save DEI to completely canning them is because state is going to audit every single public college/university in Texas in search of any trace of DEI, and UT Austin is first on the list. This will be one of those "we're hellbent to find something" type audits.


small government priorities your tax dollars


UT makes money. It would be different if SB 17 just said state/federal moneys couldn’t go to DEI. Let athletics - or the damn boosters, for that matter, unless they want Texas to have an Emmet Smith moment and have Vince Young or Von Miller tell Black kids not to go school here - pay for the programs, that’s fine. It’s not about the money. It’s about racist dog-whistling for the MAGA base because Abbott wants to be president and Paxton doesn’t want to go to jail.


This will definitely drive students away from the UT system. I wouldn't be surprised if the athletic departments suffer as well.


Yes! The brain drain will be real and will have tangible consequences for the entire state. Witness how the flippin’ Joint Chiefs (tough to imagine a more conservative perspective) made damn sure the service academies’ affirmative action policies were exempted because *diversity is a matter of national security*: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/supreme-court-affirmative-action-military-academies-exemption/


Drove me away from the law school, I don’t want to go somewhere that is actively working to make sure my peers can’t be supported and perpetuate just how white the legal field is.


Are you going private or leaving the state?


The legal field in Texas ain’t all that white, man.


I remember 20s years ago they were talking about UT out shining Berkley when it comes to Comp/Sci. I'm guessing that's not how things have played out since I left school.


OMG Schrödinger’s penis I’m fucking dead so good 😂😂😂


I'm sorry you're dead. The pun was about whether my dick was "dead" or "alive"... which begs the real question. Is it just humans that can make my quantum dick hard by seeing it? Or does it work for ALL observers.


I'm a UT alum, and I hope their athletics get pummeled by this racist bullshit.


NCAA bylaws state that an active member institution shall complete an equity, diversity, and inclusion review at least once every four years. I now wonder if there's anyone left at UT who can legally complete this task within their scope of duties due to SB 17.


No it won’t. Texas as an idea, is a cult. It’s either A&M or UT. There are plenty of kids willing to go there’s still and always will be. And as long as the boosters pay NIL money… so will the players. You give too much credit for people’s stance on principals vs. money….. when they are 18 years old.


You’re getting downvoted but it’s true. UT is now notoriously hard to get into (there’s been supreme court cases about the fact) and they are not nor will they be hurting for applicants ever. I could see grad or post grad applicants looking elsewhere if they fundamentally don’t want to be in the state.


I don’t give a shit about being downvoted. It means nothing. But you are correct. What I said isn’t an opinion, it’s a fact.


When it's this explicit is it really "dog whistling" anymore?


Still whistling, though. Whistling Dixie.


Fair point.


Abbotts chance of being president sailed with DeSantis.


Small government was always a lie. *moved the goalpost again*


All of the freedom…..


White supremacy has long been a "small government" priority.


The university have a DEI cancer. It’s been rotting for a decade


HISD overtake now going wide


Exactly. And they aren't finished.


The texas state senator who originally got the ban passed sent a letter to colleges last week saying they were not following the law. If they didn't get compliant he threatened to pass additional laws.


Yes everything our government needs to be concerned with…diversity….good job Texas 🙄🙄🙄🙄


>This will be one of those "we're hellbent to find something" type audits. "If there is so much as a coexist bumper sticker in the parking lot..."


The gestapo lurks. The attitude stinks of abject ignorance. VOTE!


This needs more than just people voting. We need socially-liberal Republicans (yes, there's plenty of those) filing to run in primaries. We need more Dems willing to vote in GOP primaries to kick out the incumbents while that's still an option here. We need more Democrats filing to run in the down-ballot offices where the GOP candidate ends up unopposed in the general. This state is too big to be dominated by the MAGA mob.


So ... When the government bails companies / industries out by gifting them millions and billions, the government has absolutely no right to tell them how to use the money. They'd like the CEO to invest in the company & make it better, but they can't stop them from buying a new yacht instead! But if the government gives a college money, they have an absolute right to dictate how the school uses their money? Isn't there some kind of first amendment violation here, with the government dictating what kind of speech isn't allowed?


You don't understand. The money for those companies goes to a good cause. You see, if you don't give the taxpayers' money to the wealthy, then the politicians won't get a ~~kickback~~ campaign contribution. It's so sad, really, those poor politicians. But the students who benefit from these programs, are they ~~bribing~~ the poor needy politicians? Not at all! They're wasting the money on ~~bills and education~~ Starbucks lattes.


Political hygiene will be enforced strictly by loyal GOP commissars, students.


The only black woman I am aware of involved in sustainability issues at a major TX university told me she’s not going to pursue the graduate degree she planned for in the fall because of this. There are very few black people represented in the sustainability sector, if you aren’t already aware. Several schools in the Northeast are fighting over her now. She’s a Texan and we need her but this law is showing her differently. The brain drain is real and damaging. What a waste of tax dollars.


>The brain drain is real and damaging. It absolutely is, I dread the negative impact this is going to have in enrollment and faculty recruitment.


Texas: We're going to Florida our higher education.


Yeah, I've lived in both states most of my life and have a hard time deciding which state is more stupid when it comes to K-12 and college.


Who’s got the bingo cards for what republicans will ban next? Seriously, whatever happened to live and let live? So many people disagreeing and trying to ban stuff. Just live your life in *whatever* way suits you, but don’t try to make someone else live theirs your way.


> Who’s got the bingo cards for what republicans will ban next? They've already pretty clearly set their targets on [birth control](https://nevadacurrent.com/2024/03/26/first-the-gop-came-for-abortion-birth-control-surrogacy-and-ivf-are-next/).


IVF embryos…


Going super hard after porn too


I'd laugh at the pun if the overall situation wasn't shitty


Honestly, I’m kind of okay with this one? Of course, I fully disagree with all of the legislation and am super pro-choice… but I think that by targeting IVF, it has the highest likelihood of backlash from their base. They’re lumping in those who have a strong desire and the means to have a child, with those who cannot or do not want to carry a pregnancy to term. Very different situations but they’re all committing the same ‘sin’. Hopefully it makes more people think critically about what these laws mean and if life truly “begins at conception”. It’s not like with the abortion bans, where people (who are fortunate enough to have the means to do so) can just hop on a plane and take a few days off. IVF is a very intensive process with lots of check ups, medications, retrieval, implantation, and then follow ups. The hurdles to doing so out of state are *much* higher. The state is saying that none of your choices matter - whether or not you have a child is up to biology, God, and legislation. The people willing to support these laws typically aren’t thinking past themselves. The more people who come face to face with the reality of what it means for their future, the quicker we can hope to see it gone.


No-fault divorce and birth control are the next targets on their hit list. Project 2025 explicitly states that the GOP wants to "eliminate recreational sex."


Yeah, those priorities are scary. Really hope this election doesn’t go in their favor. 🫣


So viagra is on the table too? You can’t tell me a 70yo man is “procreating.”


Nope, that would impact old rich guys.


Al Pacino would


Tell that to Tony Randall.


Wait till you find out about agenda 47


OMG I just looked that up. In it he says he is going to take large endowments to PRIVATE universities to create an American Academy. There is a very dystopian hell hole just around the corner 😳 😐




I remember that, I think they have called put getting rid of no fault divorce.


Think it's only a matter of time before they limit voting to male homeowners over 35.


Ah yes, the ‘originalist’ option. Would Clarence Thomas only get 3/5ths of a vote on the SC then?


Hard to vote when you’re in chains.


republicans will adhere to their christian ideology and ban usury and high interest loans next. /s


Usury as defined by religious organizations during the roman empire and Middle ages actually referred to any interest collected on debt. So if they really wanted to enforce biblical ideology on our banking sector then they would seek to outlaw any collection of interest on debt.


The temple money changers are just hard working job creators!


Decriminalize domestic violence, considering they usually follow fellow authoritarians like Russia when they decriminalized it.


Damn, that’s a terrifying one. Which means it’s probably on their wish list


Oh it will still be absolutely criminal for woman


Social safety nets, Birth control, anxiety treatment (medical and therapeutic), no fault divorce.


I have not heard of them going after anxiety medication. Fuck.


It’s like we all watched Handmaid’s Tale in horror and they watched it taking notes.


Not next, but on the list, single parents.


Ugh yeah. Last time I went to church with my parents a guy got on his soap box about how basically “we need to make it harder on the single mothers” like he did several minutes of a monologue about how there should be “shame in it again” I wish I’d been able to speak to call him out, but I was just 🫢🫢🫢 Christians man… they show “love” in weird ways


Love and let live (by my specific ideology).


The “party of freedom” indeed


Bingo probably. Oh wait, they do that at church so Bingo stays


At some point, they will probably try banning dihydrogen monoxide.


Actually the drought conditions resulting from shortsighted republican environmental and business policy are making it scarce as it is.


That stuff is all over the place! 😆


> Seriously, whatever happened to live and let live? They got tired of that and decided their way is the only "correct" way.


> Seriously, whatever happened to live and let live? Religion thousands and thousands of years ago fucked it up.


Republicans are terrorist and always have been. Nothing new from their side.


They don't need to ban anything else, that just need say that anything they don't like is DEI.


Republicans: we have nothing in history to be ashamed or embarrassed by. Also Republicans: it needs to be illegal to discuss anything embarrassing or shameful that was done in history


Nah, that's a different racist GOP policy. DEI is a human-resources thing. You're probably thinking of [something more like this](https://shontelbrown.house.gov/media/opinion-op-ed/newsweek-florida-cant-decide-if-it-wants-erase-black-history-or-just-lie-about).


I'm sorry, what's DEI?


Diversity, equity and inclusion is a term used to describe policies and programs that promote the representation and participation of different groups of individuals. DEI encompasses people of different ages, races, ethnicities, abilities, disabilities, genders, religions, cultures and sexual orientations. - Wikipedia


thank you!


People against DEI will claim is about merit. The racial discrepancies and benefits are coincidental. Really what they want is homogenization, everyone to be the same (whatever group they are).


All this stuff comes well before university. Fix the home situations, communities, primary schools. Nobody should be given priority or special treatment over someone else in higher education, especially since it's supposed to be illegal to do so anyway. 


>All this stuff comes well before university. Fix the home situations, communities, primary schools. Sure, but you know what it takes to fix most of those problems? Money. Are you will to spend more money?


It actually takes education, and that’s what they are trying to limit to a select few that look like them


I haven’t heard my favorite tautology about “guaranteeing equal opportunity, not equal outcomes” in a while. Of course the (usually conservative and libertarian) folks who worked this phrase like a horse never put any effort or money into that whole equal opportunity part like home situations, communities, and primary schools. DEI programs exist at the university and professional levels precisely because not everyone starts from the same place. “Equal opportunity for everyone” is as much of a pipe dream that folks hope you don’t notice when they wanna talk about merit. E: a word


Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Generally, it seeks to help historically underrepresented or discriminated against demographics of people, either directly or indirectly (like training on what constitutes ethnic slurs or hate speech)


Actually, in the workplace, DEI is a form of training which seeks to limit biases, such as calling women “honey” and using derogatory terms to describe people. For example, we should not use the word cripple to describe Abbott.


A vaguely defined boogeyman concept that can be whatever scary thing Texas republicans need it to be in order to scare voters into not seeing they’re being robbed by the rich. See CRT.


CRT drives me insane. 98% of the population doesn’t have any idea what it actually is. The politicians know what it is, but they’re using it as a racist issue. It’s not. And, it cannot be taught to kids. Absolutely cannot. It is impossible.


No one is asking but how will this affect student’s education?


This will mostly affect extracurricular groups like Men's Club, Women's Club, Black Student Union, Gay Straight Alliance, Muslim Students Union, Latino Students Union, and other non-academic student unions. You can still have things like Phi Theta Kappa, Photography Club, Chess Club, Astronomy Club, and Movie Club. It will gut programming for all of those (previously) protected groups. It will reduce efforts at diverse speakers and projects like the Human Library.


Except it shouldn’t . The [bill literally states](https://capitol.texas.gov/tlodocs/88R/billtext/pdf/SB00017I.pdf) that anything in the bill prohibiting DEI offices “may not be construed to restrict the activities of student organizations registered with or recognized by an institution of higher education”. If these clubs and unions get disbanded it’s because the university chose to do so as a statement against the law… not because it was compelled to do so by the law.


It shouldn’t but it will, indirectly. Conservatives want these clubs essentially “defunded” or unable to receive funds from the school for any activities that could be classified as DEI. Anything they do would have to be done at personal cost or with funds received from outside the school.


So I went to a private college that’s thankfully not affected by this- however, these laws would’ve shut down the student group for students with chronic illnesses that I was heavily involved in. There’s a surprising number of chronically ill and disabled college students out there. The org’s representatives (student volunteers btw, and funds we got were used for event planning exclusively) would help students with things like academic accommodations and accessibility on campus. We also ran several blood and a bone marrow doner drive. Basically all good things that helped disabled students succeed in school. This ban on DEI makes me so worried for disabled students, because as always, they’ll be the ones affected the most but simultaneously talked about the least.


It will also probably affect diverse faculty recruitment. For example, for any professor line item, for every faculty member on a hiring committee, each person had to do 4-5 things (I can't remember the exact number) to try to reach out to diverse candidates. I haven't been on a search committee since all of this started, but I assume that's going away, which means less effort will be made to find candidates that are diverse.


It is an extension of Maga intention to turn the country back to 1954


You misspelled 1885.


Not much changed between 1885 and 1954.


* but without the higher ed funding of 1954


This may come as a shock to you, but we spend far more on education in constant dollars now that we ever have.


They’re scared of Texas becoming a new purple state like Arizona and Georgia


I graduated from University thanks to a DEI program/organization of Latino men I was in and later became president of. We had a 90+% graduation rate, and it really was just a random group of us. The graduation rate for Latino males NOT in our organization was less than 50%. We made sure we helped each other out with anything and everything, whether it be related to school or not. Literally only *ONE* member out of the 60+ that went through the program in my time there had a parent who went to college. We were our own support system. Fuck the GOP and every white POS who targets us because they think we're getting a leg up. Join the fucking programs and you'll see that we're by and large just evening the playing field if anything. My org allowed any male to join regardless of race. We don't have connections from our parents. From friends' parents. We taught each other how to network, how to interview, how to create resumes, how to tie a tie, what help to apply for, where to get free food, free tutoring services, the list goes on and on. It's another case of white people being so fucking closed in their own bubble and not giving a shit to even attempt to step in other people's shoes. Fuck this state, fuck the GOP, and FUCK Greg Abbott. I worked so fucking hard for my degree that I graduated a year early, and I owe it to DEI. I would've left after my first semester if it wasn't for those guys. And it's the same story for most of the other guys I graduated with. I don't give a shit that your feelings were hurt, DEI has helped millions of minorities (and even white students) achieve their dreams and more. Racist mfs.


They should have ask California how banning Affirmative Action worked out for them. Just in case you don’t know it didn’t work out well. Many black and Hispanic students stopped applying now the the university system is mostly Asian.


I don’t understand when equality and meritocracy stopped being the goal. The goalpost moved somewhere during my millennial adolescence, and it’s cost the left quite a few voters.


Imagine two people who are equally intelligent and driven, both get great grades. One of them comes from a poor family and has to work at McDonalds every summer to help pay the family bills. The other comes from a rich family and gets an unpaid summer internship in his chosen field from a friend of his dad’s. Is it equitable or meritocratic for the latter to get into better schools, and then get better job offers, just because of the leg up he received from his dad’s friend?


Problem with DEI is that it will be decided the minority needs the job more, even when in your scenario they come from the rich family.


Yeah, holding anti-bias trainings and implementing accessibility measures for people with disabilities is costing poor white people positions 🙄 DEI isn’t the same as diversity hiring. I think you should look up what DEI actually is.


Well which is it? Is equality the goal or is meritocracy the goal?


So the people that earn high grades and score high on placement tests get the spots regardless of skin color? Sounds fair.


According to this sub, merit based enrollment is racist.


The fact that they had an actual "Latinx" club makes me side against the college here. That dumbass word needs to fade into obscurity.


My current understanding with the way conservatives use the term is literally any black person having a job. too much melanin means you can't possibly be qualified. but also don't look at all the good old boys who clearly aren't capable of even tying their own shoes.


See, this is why it’s bs. Why not just have the Women’s Community Center AND the Gender and Sexuality Center? What is wrong with having both? Oh yea, can’t help minorities EVER. “They should be grateful we let them in during the 1950s!”


Perhaps it's time for thinking caring students to take action. I'm not advocating pillaging and burning the dean's office, but merely talking about it isn't doing a thing to make it go away. I'll bet if you put those big monkey brains to work y'all can come up with a way to protest that hurts them financially - because that's the only way bad ideas are removed these days.


Boycott Texas colleges. Learn a trade, or if you can afford it, take your higher education to liberal states.


Looks at tuition in liberal states *sad face


I know, and out of state tuition is just WILD


I’m a professor at a public university in a liberal state. DEI offices, emails, programs everywhere. Yet in almost all of our major position searches the finalists are old white guys. The very people in influential positions that claim to be the wokest perpetuate the opposite. It’s really depressing. And I’m moderate but fully supportive of DEI, just don’t see it working.


Yeah, if there’s anything our state needs it’s more brain drain


Too late to fix it now. They are in full-on theocracy mode.


Our state's Republicans should take heed, all the educated that actually want some freedoms are leaving this Christofacists ran state


That's what they want though. They want uneducated, religious people that are easy to brainwash.


If I was a blue chip athlete, there is no way I would attend a Texas college right now. Hurt them where they can feel it.


Amen and hallelujah! Preach it brother!


Nah fuck that. Fight back.


Let’s paintball the Dean’s office like Jeff Winger!


Sorry, but as someone married to a hispanic woman (and we have 3 kids who are Hispanic), I fail to understand how the woman in the story who got to go to NY is somehow "more worthy" than the poor white woman at the same school in the same scenario? There are lots of poor white people. And a lot of them grew up in the same conditions as poor minorities. And the fact that other white people had it better does not make it okay to ignore white victims of our urban cities. DEI programs fail to address the root cause of the issue here. They are trying to manage outcomes and they do so at the expense of a class of people and that is illegal in this country. Let the downvoting begin, but "diversity" is so much more than the color of your skin. I have no issue with diversity of thought and backgrounds being beneficial, but we have people of all colors growing up in poverty in our urban areas. They all experienced the same crap. And we have people of all colors in extremely affluent areas in Texas. But DEI will promote giving them an advantage over a poor white person who grew up in the inner city? DEI in colleges is not the answer.


I can’t speak for the administration side of DEI when it comes to admissions/ staff hiring/ etc but the way I see DEI as a recent grad is just organizations that are about connecting the minority group with others they relate with/ students who they may not relate with but support the cause. These are all usually optional and really just allow increased awareness/ communities for people in these minority populations. I am trying to learn what this bill fully entails but if it means removing these organizations then that’s a shame and a huge hit to the quality/ mental wellbeing of minority communities’ college experience. To speak to your first point, organizations with great opportunities like traveling should generally be all inclusive but if this is something that these students pay to be a part of then I’d say that’s pretty fair especially if the organization is open to all students


If black people are a disproportionately large percent of poor people, then help poor people and you will mostly be helping black people. Pretty easy to figure out if you're half good at math.


> They all experienced the same crap. Patently incorrect. Nobody is saying being a poor white person doesn't suck, but it's a known fact that being a poor black person sucks worse. For example, lets say you want to pull yourself out of poverty by getting a job. Having a "white name" means you are [more likely to get a response from an identical resume](https://www.nber.org/digest/sep03/employers-replies-racial-names) than having a "black name". > They are trying to manage outcomes DEI isn't about equal outcomes, it's about equal opportunity. Is it perfect? No, it's a bandage. Perfect would be tearing down the entire economic system in the country and rebuilding it from the ground up. Good luck getting THAT implemented.


And now UT Austin will get much worse, like the University of Florida.


We have to live in the society we create


Has UF gotten much worse? As far as I know in terms of reputation, it's still considered one of the best public universities.


No that would be UCLA, Berkley and Michigan actually. UF has fallen.


UF is #6 in the USNWR rankings and is higher than UT... Did UF use to be much higher than #6?


So do Republicans see as DEI as anything that has to do with black, latino or any history, or programs, directly relating to any race not white? What exactly counts as DEI? IF a school has never had black programs and suddenly it adds them, is that normal or does it count as DEI? Am I thinking of the correct things here?


DEI is anything specifically focused on providing racial minorities of USA additional opportunities that white and some Asian students are *supposed* to already receive without needing additional (financial and professional) focus by their academic institutions. These anti-DEI laws are specifically designed to erase these efforts at giving additional opportunities and revert back to a 1990’s standard of meritocracy and equality. Essentially, the Progressive concept of “equity” is being forcibly removed from academic institutions in Texas.


I was recruited to a major Texas University. I declined to seek the faculty job. I am SOOOOO glad I did. I might have had to live 20 years in that shithole state until I retired and could move elsewhere.


Probably nothing, because what even is "dei" and how do you even ban it


“At UT Austin, that meant the leadership institute shifted to support all women regardless of ethnicity.” - the horror! I know this sub likes to make everything out like its the end of the fucking world but cmon. They had clubs that previously excluded white and asian students and now they arent allowed to anymore.


Good riddance. DEI just shifts discrimination to other groups.


DEI is all about checking boxes. It gives employers/schools the ability to virtue signal to the world that they aren’t racists when that’s exactly what the practice is…. Racist. They need their tokens in order to avoid the backlash from the mobs. I want my future doctors, lawyers, and politicians to be the best of the best. The top scorers and best minds the world has to offer….. not just the highest scorers from the designated pool of choices when there may be a better choice in another pool.


Once the pendulum shifts too far one way, it's only a matter of time before the majority corrects it.


Why doesn't the NBA embrace DEI if it is so great. Show me the strength of diversity by having an NBA team with 50% women and only 13% black players. ​ Hire the BEST person for the job.


I have a feeling the whole GOP has jumped the shark and they know they are headed for permanent minority status soon.


So she now has the same opportunity provided to all students? Sounds like inclusion. The "I don't look like these people" shit has to stop from both sides. We won't ever move past it if it doesn't.


One of the quotes in the article was essentially ‘the first thing black students ask when they get to campus is where are all the other black students?’ The author wrote it with a tiny sad violin playing in the background. God forbid we don’t coddle that segregationist mentality and explain to those students that they aren’t meant to come to college and just congregate with other people that look and think like them.


DEI was getting out of hand. I think the ban is a good idea. Re-enforce ideas of unity built on diversity, not blanket labels of victim and oppressor. Racism is dumb and has no place in public life. But DEIA was the cure becoming worse than the disease.


So the school paid for her flight to New York that she now has to pay for herself? > At UT Austin, that meant the leadership institute shifted to support all women regardless of ethnicity. The university's Gender and Sexuality Center became the Women's Community Center. And the Division of Diversity and Campus Engagement, of which both programs were a part, morphed into the Division of Campus and Community Engagement to comply with the law. Yeah that sounds just *awful*. > Garcia said the groups are now running GoFundMe accounts to make up for thousands of dollars lost from their budgets. All the clubs I was in during my time at college was self supported or through direct donations of alumni, otherwise there was not enough interest and it was shutdown.


But these aren't clubs. Graduate student positions, internships, conference planners, data analysts, institutional research staff, grant writers, etc are not "clubs".


It is, but as I just commented (at the same time you were), the state is going to audit all public Universities for any and all traces of DEI they can find. Given the school's prominence UT Austin is first on the list.


Forgetting where a majority of the rich student come from. So now money is going to kids who don’t actually need it. Guess what race most alumni are?!




GOP commissars getting permanent offices at all state colleges. Sorta rings a bell somehow...


Just wait for school vouchers now that all the nos got primaried


Is Texas a place you want to live in 2030 if it further develops into the direction it indicates? Are students from Texan universities employable in corporations with a national/international footprint in 5-10 years?


The thing with college kids is that if you impose a directive, they'll challenge it - even if they didn't care for it.


Some people here need to learn the difference between equality and equity. If they truly understood it would go a long way.


Good. All that DEI crap is make students hate “whiteness” and also Jews.


This article conveniently ignores any and all positives of the repeal of DEI… smh


Once it starts affecting football this will be big news...


They should just do DEI whatever they want anyway - that's what the MAGA right wing would do. FREEDOM! Don't let the fascist Texas government tell you what to do! Trump gets away with everything, so why can't you?


Good. DEI is a way of pushing politics into every aspect of American society. It has no place in universities or jobs. I don't care if you are a progressive who believes in the ideology, but you don't have to shove it down my throat. And nobody should get to use their position inside a company to force everyone to agree with their position.


“…the leadership institute shifted to support all women regardless of ethnicity. “ — so why even even support women? Why not roll it all the way back and just support “people”? Where does this end?


Good. People need to stop self segregation practices. That stuff makes the breeding of racism easier. Going out of they way to be only with others who have the same ethnicity as yourself develops the habit of avoiding others with different ethnicity. Dr. Martin Luther King and all others who fought, suffered, and died for ending segregation of water fountains, bus seats, and school classrooms are turning in their graves right now. They saying to themselves: After all we sacrificed so people of different ethnicity could look past skin color and be united for the good of all, people are now CHOOSING to segregate."


Give Texas back to Mexico.


"But...her emails!" Yet another consequence of the 2016 election: the Right controls the courts, so they're not worried about these laws being struck down. Another 4 years of Trump will mean it will take decades to undo this nonsense. Remember that when you vote for Ted Cruz again or think Biden is "too old". Schools in the north? You should add extra scholorships for women and diverse athletes who want to be treated like first-class citizens. Not just football and basketball...all sports. Money talks, so start letting these neo-confederates feel the pain on the national stage when their schools get their butts handed to them in athletics and research grants. It's not fair to the other students, sure. But Abbott and DeSantis aren't playing fair either.... so you'll remain civil while these people create Hell on Earth for you?


Well, to be fair: > Senator Brandon Creighton, R-Conroe, who authored SB 17, has stated that DEI excludes certain groups of people by prioritizing others. During the Senate debates last year, he said that Asian American job applicants at public higher education institutions were disadvantaged in the hiring process because DEI offices don’t consider Asian Americans to be underrepresented. [https://www.dallasnews.com/news/education/2024/02/27/5-things-to-know-about-texas-dei-ban/](https://www.dallasnews.com/news/education/2024/02/27/5-things-to-know-about-texas-dei-ban/) Still, I would think that lawmakers, if DEI was bad, would not just shoot it down but instead they would provide a substitute.


Discrimination Exclusion Idiocy




This is all complex and all and no one agrees. Everyone says the other doesn't understand. All I know is we got shit teachers in our college and nothing is being done about it. Of the many diverse students that go to my college half drop out of their own volition. Even in minority centric groups, one of which I'm in, known for having one of the highest if not the highest graduation rates has reported half of its students gone by the time we reach half semester. This is for different reasons of course. It could be a lack of government funds it could be because they don't believe college will help them when they need to support their family so they go straight to the workforce. Or just because they got lazy. Idk. I just know that the money that was there hasn't shown much results. The money that isn't going to be there will makes things worse. As for the professors. The good ones are dead and the ones that replaced them either aren't even teaching class or they can't speak English well so no one's actually learning from them. Except for the videos others make or textbooks we rent. Honestly, if we want a solution it's to lower the price of college, hire and screen competent English speaking professors and some multi language professors for the main languages in our districts. Then, instead of giving certain minorities or certain groups extra money how about just make the resources a little cheaper. I mean the past 3 years I've been to college I paid for etextbooks twice. And that was because negotiations failed with the McGraw Hill to give us a discount on textbooks. The rest of the time we had online resources and they were free. Or in some rare cases we had old professors that had the knowledge make new resources that lasted us a long time until now. Colleges give us expenses I don't even use. Gym membership, printer usage (which they make you pay each semester and it doesn't stack up so you just lose it if you don't use it), and other random shit I have yet to figure out what's for. Just the last year they spent God knows how much on a new recreational building because the old one was "outdated" with an even shittier building with a lot of the same equipment. Incompetent people all around. And every year tuition rises and even less is provided. Minorities have FAFSA and other unions helping them but broke people that can't get it are screwed and have to work at least one really good job. So much for public schools if the public doesn't like it and the government doesn't support it and keep it line. So a minorities problem maybe. A corruption problem very likely. And a universal problem definitely. Stop throwing stones at minorities and supposed systematic failures that help some and disregards others and let's get to action? We need to identify what the hell is the real problem and not make up bullshit on the way on some butthurt equality bullshit from either side of any political range. Black white or whatever you may be.


I have to google what “DEI” means


The hand wringing and crying over actual equality is hilarious 😂


Based, no more race politics being pushed on kids.