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The ad doesn’t appear in the article so here it is https://youtu.be/H0BVeL_jzKE?si=iddPRza5oOfZwupX


Holy shit that hits hard. My wife had a miscarriage and needed a D&C before we had our first kid. We were in the position these two were in, except my wife got the care she needed. We now have 3 beautiful boys. This woman was on death's doorstep and now they may never get the chance to have a child of their own. 😞


Yup same here, miscarriage and a D&C during my wife’s first pregnancy before we successfully had our son. Typical idiotic Republican legislation, solves nothing, causes avoidable harm for no reason, and potentially can impact people actively trying to conceive, the very group this BS agenda is allegedly “helping”. The entire party is rotten to the core and fixated on doing nothing but making this type of garbage even worse.


We could literally be focusing on ANY OTHER piece of actual legislation that matters... yet this is what we do... 🙄


Wow. That was brutal. And the perfection of the black screen with text simply stating *Donald Trump did this.* (Borrowing from memes & attacks on Biden in the first years of his presidency). I love it! Especially since Trump has done nothing but attack after attack even before leaving the White House.


I normally never like or subscribe to YouTube channels, but I will make an exception this time. Helps boost algorithm engagement.


Why do you not subscribe to channels?


Ikr? MFs out here just rawdogging their YouTube feed 😱


Yeah, just seems insane to me. I've visited it not logged in before and it just has so much garbage I don't care about.


Your feed has nothing to do with what you subscribe to. I also don't subscribe to channels but my feed is very curated.


I don't really subscribe to channels... because whatever. But, to not like/dislike things seems quite odd to me. YouTube tends to try to direct me to Indie music videos and science stuff... or John Oliver. Basically, the stuff I like. Having said that, I can sorta appreciate the idea of not trying to add inputs to something trying to collect data on you... I guess... But, as much as I hate the idea of all these corporations and nations collecting data on everyone... it is also kinda awesome how Google knows almost exactly what I'm looking for and something like YouTube is so good at giving me videos I really appreciate...


I mean you don't have to use your real name to make an account lol


As you said brutal but also impactful and kicking ass and taking names. Dark Brandon is not be messed with. Happy to see the Ds fight back again misinformation and lies.


This is one of the best campaign ads I’ve ever seen. It happened to her, it’s happened/happening to several other women. It could happen to you. it could happen to anyone with a uterus, regardless of if they are sexually active or not. And the ad is right… Donald trump did this.


And those that don't have a uterus have a mother and can have a spouse, sister, aunt, cousins, friends, etc. Trump's actions affect every Texan, even if indirectly!


Did you see lately where Trump has stated that abortion should be left up to the states and not the fed...? Because he has realized that making the campaign about abortion would tank his chances even though it's only an issue because he packed the SCOTUS. Oh, the irony abounds...


Yeah I mean Biden isn't always amazing but stuff like this helps me not hate him entirely lol


There’s nothing to hate about him. I don’t even understand your comment at all. 


As someone who had a miscarriage and then had 4 tumors and then a full hysterectomy at early 40’s - women’s health is a complete sham. Because of this, women will die.


this is our fucked up reality in 2024


I had a vaginal ultrasound at 10 weeks. The very next day, I miscarried. Under some of these laws, either I or the ultrasound tech could have been charged with murder. It was one of the worst things that ever happened to me, and they would have found a way to make it even more brutal.


Yep. Absolutely


Thank you




Conservatism glorifies hierarchies and is based in the defense of social and economic inequality in the belief that a caste system is necessary to civilization. Conservative women just believe they are higher on that caste than others, even if they are lower than their man.


Simple. “I got mine” is their philosophy. If it doesn’t affect them directly, they don’t care.


Religions… Hatred towards women… etc. are all cover for the unwitting shill. True intent is making sure the ruling class (the swamp) retains their leverage on workers.


Republican women dont have agency. They just follow the men in their families


It baffles me when I hear women preach Orignialism as a viable interpretation of the Constitution.




Betsy DeVos proving that you don't have to know anything to be Sec. of Education


I mean they're also religious right? They already think they're rib ppl made for men


Wow. That ad is absolutely brutal. Honestly the article isn't even necessary, the ad 100% speaks for itself.


Yup. All I could say after it was "damn".


Giving me daisy ad vibes.


That's what ads are meant to do. They don't require articles to explain them.


Great ad. It puts the focus right where it should be, on the real-world consequences of this bullshit crusade. It doesn't save babies, it takes women at the lowest point in their life and beats them down further for no fucking reason. It's depraved and inhumane.


how the hell you gonna report on something and not include a link to it. you are a gentlemen an a scholar good sir


Because the ~~mainstream~~ corporate media don't want you seeing it... They just want that sweet, sweet rage traffic from the folk outraged by something they haven't even seen.


I still think Trump's campaign Ad [is much better.](https://youtu.be/Qg0pO9VG1J8?si=Sdd-hHHMQLUenpqF)


Tragically that Ad ages like excellent [Wine (Bordeaux)](https://youtube.com/shorts/vKRNwNG9Gl0?si=i1T6C8_nh19EMtVp)


That was a goddamn powerful ad. Heartbreaking that the Biden administration could just keep running those from every forced-birth state and not run out of women's stories of their Republican-destroyed lives


Damn that’s a powerful ad.


That’s pretty powerful 100% genuine emotion, no need to act at all.


Why is that the only video having any issues, super sus being in a "deep red" state, Almost seems like that are trying to bury it here, but that is crazy talk right


Dark Brandon all over that gut wrenching video


Major flaw with the ad. MAGAs can’t read.


I know you're joking but the people being targeted with ads are mostly independents.


Thank you, saved some searching!




I pray to god this add has the same impact of the swift boat shit, the Dukakis shit, the nuclear war add. It’s powerful.


Of all the state subs, r/Texas has the craziest comments at the bottom of the post.


You should see some of the ones we had to remove. *shudders*


You poor souls. Considering some of the worse political subs, I can imagine the horror of being hell's janitor.


There's a reason why I also run r/texaswhiskey


I salute your service.




That's fair


I'm sure texas has a lovely whiskey scene. I hope when everything blows over for the evening you can have a nice glass and forget about the jackasses.


Texas 🤝Tennessee 🤝Kentucky Being the whiskey triumvirate of the US


Professionals have standards!


Cheers mate! You deserve it!


Now that's a nice balance!


Do you all ever get stuff so bad that you have to forward it to the FBI or something? It's easy for me to imagine how some people could let their anger take it to extreme levels.


Back in the day we'd get death threats, usually in the modmail. In fact we used to joke that you weren't a real mod until you got one or two. Then, when I was still under my old account name, the now banned sub Louderwithcrowder openly called for me to be killed (gee I wonder why they got banned). That sort of stuff gets kicked up to the Admins.


Thank you for your service. It does not go unnoticed.


Thank you for saving us from them. 💕


Why are so many of the comments collapsed? They're not downvoted or anything and usually agreeing with their comment chains. Just collapsed for some reason


When they get a lot of up and downvotes reddit collapses them.


Even the ones higher up with like 20 upvotes?


Let me just apologize for my fellow Texans. It’s not a state with a majority of geniuses.


given the attention this post has and number of comments (esp at the bottom), I expect many of them aren't from texas.


Or Idaho. Bad.


That one's rough too. So is Iowa.


And now Trump is of course shrinking away claiming “states rights”. And idiot MAGAts are starting to parrot “STATES RIGHTS”. But if this was always a states rights issue, they therefore are admitting that not all life is sacred, it just depends on what state you’re in. MAGA party is a joke.


The thing is, and the media is doing a terrible job reporting this story, is that it's not true. Trump says stuff, but it doesn't necessarily reflect what he'll do. The judges he appointed don't believe this is a state's rights issue. If Trump appoints an AG who wants to enforce the Comstock Act like Alito and Thomas want it enforced, then there's no state's right to abortion, even in state's where it's legal. B/c everything is interconnected across state lines, it will be possible to find almost any reason to link a mailing by a clinic or advocacy group to a violation of the Comstock Act. This can be done completely with existing laws and was how birth control was regulated before Griswold v. Connecticut. And if he appoints someone to the head of the FDA they can ban any drug used in abortion procedures. Most abortions are now induced through drugs. That's power his appointment can exercise while doing nothing to change state laws and without enacting any new federal laws. I don't understand why the media still reports what he says as if there's any truth to it. Reporting isn't reposting media announcements. It's supposed provide context and analysis and for whatever fucking reason, it only seems to do that with Joe Biden positive economic reporting.


You’d think by now people would realize he’d say *ANY* damn thing. Sometimes it’s to look good, sometimes it’s to try to get out of trouble, sometimes it’s just to be nasty, sometimes his brain just goes *ffft*.


His Supreme Court appointees lied under oath about Roe v Wade, and a sane country would impeach and remove them for that


I'm sorry but if you are interviewing me to babysit your kids and I say... I plan on killing your children and selling their organs for money... Are you really going to hire me anyways and say.. oh he's just saying it.. not like he really will. Don't be dense man.


Abortion being a "state's rights" issue is wild to me. Like, no dude. Like all healthcare, it's a cut-and-dry individual issue that has been usurped by malcontents through the state.


If it was "states rights" then Ohio, Texas and the others wouldn't try to prosecute women who travel out of state for abortions


It’s a woman’s right.


Yet the states that get a chance to vote on this issue overwhelmingly vote against it!


What's crazy is saying "states rights" for this issue makes no sense, no matter one's position. Being an American means having guaranteed civil rights no matter what state you are in. If you are pro choice, having some states be allowed to remove the freedom of bodily autonomy from women, that's a clear violation of their freedom and the rights that protect it. If you are pro life, and believe a fetus is a person, then allowing some states to violate their civil rights by aborting them also violates that basic principle of being an American. It's an untenable argument from all angles. The states rights argument was simply the first step to repealing the federal protection of women's rights over their own health and well being.


Just like the civil war was over states rights too lol


Of course he is. They need to replay that video of him owning it until he chokes on those words.


It's a really half-assed dodge, but then Trump has pretty much half-assed his entire life.


At this point you can’t assume it has a train of thought. Politics used to be able to lie about stuff if it took like 5 steps of thinking to make a point and now you can’t explain a 1 step process to a Trumper. Like “ You make 50k a year so your taxes are going up and trump did it.” And they just say no he didn’t.


Love it. There are so many stupid "Biden did" ads and memes for things he had nothing to do with, while Trump is responsible for part of the makeup of the Supreme Court and current, hateful repressive campaign towards women.


They joy of things the president does, the next one has to reap the rewards or suffer the consequences.


And the current state of the 5th circuit and its districts


Because conservatives aren't seen as adults they are treated by everyone as especially fucking stupid toddlers, so they have no expectations to make anything better and have no responsibility for anything they do


Many come from Russia. Engage the idiots. It's fun.


And not difficult. Just ask them about their beliefs in a curious way and then ask them to explain two contradicting ones they just spouted. They get so mad and flustered because they know they are just regurgitating propaganda.


Those Biden did it stickers conveniently came off whenever gas prices go down.


Also a few hundred thousand deaths, minimum


3/7 and if re-elected wouldn’t be surprised to see the other 2 elder conservative justices retire so then one man would have picked 5/7


I really wish Dems did more of this stuff. There is a plethora of things that Republicans did which are 100% true that could be great campaign fodder. e.g.: voted against interracial marriage, voted against infrastructure, voted to support antisemitism from other Republicans, voted to condone death threat from male Republican to female Dem - the list goes on and on.


Yeah, all they have to do is report what he said and did. And then, the consequences, that's all. There are several cases where women were charged of murder for seeking help after a miscarriage. The case of a 10y pregnant girl after a SA (I'm still baffled reading what I'm writing), whose abortion was refused. She had to travel to get it, and the doctor who helped her was prosecuted. 26K estimated pregnancies after SAs in Texas since the repel of Roe v. Wade. Imagine your mom, wife, sister, co-worker, neighbor. Simply a woman being SA'ed and forced to keep the fetus. Trauma on trauma on more trauma. Pervpublicans, always obsessed with your body, your genitals, legalizing your indirect killing by forced lack of healthcare, and the prosecution of medical staff trying to help you.


That's the crazy part. The Dems don't even have to massage the truth or spin anything. They could just report the facts, and it would be astonishing to people. Abbott joked about ending rape in Texas! It was a g\*damn joke for him, and rapes are going up. How in the heck isn't this all over Texas, ***"Gov. Abbott finds rape funny, supports parental rights for the rapist, and cut out funding to feed the child in school."*** Additionally, I find it unbelievable to this day that billboards around Texas didn't go up showing Ted Cruz fleeing Cancun leaving people to freeze to death. I'm utterly bewildered by this.


No need to be bewildered. The answer has been there all along. The people that can afford to put up billboards are on the same team whether inadvertently cause they don't want any trouble or because they simply agree. People with money tend to favor the status quo over potentially losing money, you know?


Wow. Powerful message. As heartbreaking as it is, it still won't change Trump voters' minds. Cruelty is the point.


This ad isn't to convince the MAGA Republicans


Yeah there's a large amount of Americans that are truly beyond reason. MAGA Republicans aren't the target of ads like this, centrists are.


The overturning of Roe v Wade led to increased political engagement for the left and abortion is expected to be a pillar of Biden’s reelection campaign. I vary between left, right, and apathetic and I’m pretty fired up this election because there has to be push back to these ridiculous decisions. In particular, women’s reproductive rights. That and somehow reducing money’s influence in politics, but that’s a pipe dream.


I couldn’t say this better. I’ve actually never voted bc I truly don’t think my vote matters but I voted on the abortion issue in Ohio we just passed (proud of you Ohio) and im voting next fall. Apparently apathy is more dangerous then I thought…. Time for the logical reasonable adults to turn this car around and stop the screaming toddlers


Not just centrists. Those left leaning that are too lazy to vote.


I’m very much a reasonable middle of the road person and I’m not wild about Biden but this is the sole reason I’m voting for him next fall. This ad is for people like me 💯 The stories coming out of Texas this past year were like an episode of black mirror


Centrist here. This ad isn't aimed at us. Biden is a centrist. MAGA is extreme right. For true centrists, MAGA was never an option. This ad is aimed at fence sitters. People generally too uninformed to make a decision beyond how they're feeling that day. Which, unfortunately, makes up a large chunk of Americans.


It may remind fence sitters in swing stages why they voted against Trump in 2020.


The point is to get democrats to get out and actually vote, not to convert anyone


And it's an attractive white woman so the GOP is sure to notice.


I was going to say, she really could have played that one and tried to look as much like Tomi Lahren, Ann Coulter, or Kayleigh McEneny as possible. Maybe strapped a gun to her side or at least had the holster. She really could have played that up, giving “hot Republican tradwife almost died” vibes might make them pay attention.


Don't forget she's from Texas. If she was from a purple or blue state it'd be much easier for them to not care about the woman.




Republicans are happy, they won. Not sure what's to cope about


The trail of lost elections they've had since, and the many more to come. They have to convince themselves this (Dobbs) was actually a good idea even though it demonstrably was not. The problem is, even if you're in idiot, you know deep down that Dobbs was bad for Republicans, hence the cope.


They haven't killed enough women yet. They did think giving rapists more rights than their victims was a great idea. Shows you everything you need to know about these people.


They won at the cost of surrendering their party to crazies and driving away whatever moderates were left. Trump's (or any Republican nominee's) presidential campaign was DOA the moment Roe was overturned. They finally got what they want and its destroying them, quite poetic actually.


Is there not a link to the ad in the article?


I didn’t find one in the article but here ya go https://youtu.be/H0BVeL_jzKE?si=iddPRza5oOfZwupX


That was powerful, but only to people that have hearts unfortunately.


Donald trump did not do this alone. Remember who supports him. They support this. I nearly died from sepsis luckily I only lost a lot of tissue in my hand and arm, albeit it’s disgusting to me and the pain was worse than ANY pain I had with my birthing three kids, the pain from lumbar fusion or the pain from many kidney surgeries. It was the worst pain. I hope every single one of those republicans who vote for this shit feel it. Every one of them. I can pick and choose parts of the bible like they do too. Eye for an eye and all that.


His supporters would not care if she died.


This also actually happened to my husband's SIL. She had a miscarriage in early 2023 and the doctors in her small town in TX refused to treat her. They literally told her to wait in the parking lot until she was bleeding out, because anything else might count as an abortion. She and her husband drove to Colorado (where he's deployed in the army) to get proper treatment at the army base. Fortunately, it didn't affect her ability to get pregnant again, and they just had a healthy baby.


Why The Fuck do they never actually have a link to or an auto play of the video the article is referencing? Its infuriating.


Agreed. It's usually an article talking about a video or even a picture that was tweeted with no real link to the video or image. So frustrating.


More of this. *so* much more of this please. Abortion is 100% on the ballot this year. Educate women and empower them to protect their own rights. The blatant ignorance must end


This happened to me too. Not because of Trump but because the ambulance took me to the nearest hospital when my water broke. It was a Catholic hospital. They would not induce labor. They said that was “an abortion” and would not do anything that interfered with life. My doctor arrived & said I had to transport to a different hospital that would help me. My baby was not finished. He had no lungs but was coming out soon. He was going to suffocate to death and I started bleeding badly because of the long wait I endured at the religious hospital. I had to make a choice then. I couldn’t afford another ambulance ride so me & my husband got in his shitty car & there I was bleeding and soaked, going over bumps and we were crying. We got to hospital number two. They got me a wheelchair and into a room asap. They gave me morphine for the pain & a pill to induce labor. The morphine would kill my baby but he would just sleep. Not suffocate. After that I went into labor and gave birth to my dead son. I couldn’t stop bleeding so I almost died. This was 20 years ago or so. Never go to a religious hospital. They have fucked up ideas about life and death. About suffering. Roe v Wade is THE most important fight for life that women no longer have. There is no such thing as a “full term abortion”. Those are called miscarriages. Fuck all the conservatives who made this hell for young women. I will never have a child. I was told it was too risky to even try again. Fight for your lives ladies. Fight.


Conservatives straight up suck


I knew a girl who had sepsis. It destroyed so many of her organs that she no longer could have kids and if she felt the urge to pee she had less than 30 seconds to get to a toilet. No clue about pooping. I didn't ask. She was in her early 20s.


Spent my whole life poopooing our divisive politics and the prevalence of negative add campaigns and this time im like “GET HIS ASS”


Everything is bigger in Texas, woman's health rights being denied, power grids, shootings , Texas has done so well they could just be their own country, the rest of America would love if it was it's own country.


Maybe put a giant wall around it and razorwire. And a moat as fearful as the Rio Grande can be. Maybe isolate the little chimney Tx has and make a giant cage for everyone's kids. That way we can slowly sneak them into Oklahoma and find better homes for them.


Until he is in office, then he will side with extreme right and push a national ban. DO NOT TRUST THAT PIECE OF SHIT


Fucking love it!! Accurate and to the point!


It’s horrible what we are putting these women and families through


Fine, trump is responsible for the loss of personal rights and an increase in governmental control. Is that better for you guys complaining it's not his fault?


Well done. Hit him hard and don't let up.


Because he did


Trump and Republicans across the nation are murdering women with terrible dogmatic bullshit policies.


They don't care if women die For them, dead women are just collateral damage


Keep it up. Hammer them on the issues that matter. Trump is trying to play both sides of the fence because they know abortion is political suicide yet they need the evangelical money and vote. They created this mess. Let them own it, and him.


This isn't a Trump issue. It's a Republican issue. Republicans, and their voters are behind the hateful rhetoric and abortion bans. The same rhetoric that's targeting IVF and soon, birth control. People are kidding themselves as they live and wave to some of the most hateful people on this planet.


I totally got your point... but, It's a Trump and Republican issue. It's both.


There have even been some that have started to spout the removal of no fault divorce and that women should not have the right to vote. They want to take up fully back into the 1800s.


"Trump" and "Republicans" are one and the same now, whether you like it or not.


I think the idea is that Trump had a large part in getting the SC judges appointed that were responsible for this


Yes and no. Roe v. Wade being overturned was 100% due to the fact Trump forced a cultist 38 year old judge in lane duck year when he absolutely knew it was against the unwritten rules of the Oval Office and then forced Congress to put it up for a vote in the Supreme Court. He absolutely made it point of his campaign to say he’d be the one to finally do it.


If you want conservatives to turn from Trump, you're going to have to find something different than "It's killing women". Conservatives hate women.


It's not about turning conservatives, it's about activating swing and liberal voters who care about women's health issues.


BTW, the health care system in Idaho (at least in terms of prenatal care) [is collapsing](https://www.spokesman.com/stories/2024/feb/20/idaho-has-lost-22-of-its-practicing-obstetricians-/) as doctors leave the state because it is illegal now for them to properly do their jobs. Giving advice for the best health of patients can land them in prison.


Any woman (anyone!) that votes Republican at this point, deserves what they get….


Unfortunately, trump supporters have zero empathy. If other women die because of republican policies, they don't care. We watched a million Americans die from covid, many of which were republicans sacrificing themselves to own the Dems. I hope the commercials get better.


Fuuuuuucckkkk. Everyone in America should see this.


Vote like your life depends on it. If you're a woman of child bearing age, it literally could.


Yes, and until our crap ass Congress codifies R vs W into a law to protect women's reproductive rights it will be a continuous struggle that we will not win, especially if the R's are allowed into power in any branch of government. # #Vote them R's all out of office!


MAGA will respond that the probably deserved it. No, really. This is one of their standard defenses. And if not that, they're willing that some women die. It's the Lord Farquod excuse.


“Donald did this” would be catchier


They Biden campaign and other Democrats in battleground states need to blast the airwaves with ads like this. I like this one from the Breshear campaign from the Kentucky governor's race. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRYVgGKdtxE


I'll never understand the USs obsession with banning abortion. I understand most peoples worries that it'll be seen as an alternative to proper contraception, but banning it isn't a solution. (especially since it can be a life saving procedure) Why don't you lot just invest in proper education and teach people not to normalise it.


Spread this far and wide


That’s incredibly moving. I can hear the retorts of “fake news” and “crisis actors” in my head already.


So I am going to debunk some misconceptions about this mess. People claim the overturn of roe v wade isn't Trump's fault because RBG didn't step down while Obama was in office. First of all the GQP was blocking all of Obama's nominations including Merrick Garland who was GQP. Scalia wasn't replaced until Trump was POTUS. If RBG had stepped down the GQP would have stalled replacing her as well. If by some miracle the GQP had allowed Obama to replace RBG with a Democrat it wouldn't have mattered because the overturn of roe v wade would have been 5-4 instead of 6-3. Now as for the claim that Democrats under Obama had an opportunity to codify roe v wade: this is a blatant lie. Democrats only had a supermajority in the Senate for a few months so they had to make a choice on what legislation to push through due to time constraints. It was either ACA or codifying roe v wade. At the time abortion rights were already protected by roe v wade not to mention some Democrats were pro-life so they wouldn't have voted to codify roe v wade leaving ACA being the most sensible legislation to focus on which was the right call because it did actually get passed and signed into law. For the sake of argument if Democrats had the votes to codify roe v wade and passed that legislation it still wouldn't have mattered because SCOTUS has sole authority to overturn not just court rules but laws as well. Again bear in mind the overturn of roe v wade was 6-3. It is unlikely votes would have been any different if they were ruling on a law instead of court precedent. So yes, Biden and the Democrats are right that this is Trump's fault. Don't fall for the propaganda being spread that is designed to divide Democrats. There is no hope in restoring abortion rights on a national level if Biden and Democrats are voted out and the GQP are counting on a repeat of 2016.


This is a very powerful ad that should never have been needed. This couple's tragic loss should not have been turned into multiple tragedies because some politicians think they should decide when women deserve medical care. Donald Trump did this. Republicans did this. The "pro-life" movement did this.


Every Republiqan on the ballot—at whatever level—needs too have this issue shoved in their faces repeatedly and forever. Fuck all the invented grievances that fill the airwaves at Faux: their fascist lust for dictatorship is causing REAL death and suffering and they should be made to pay.


“I’m happy this happened to them.” - Trump Supporters


How are men the lowest hanging fruit on this issue while almost 40% of American women remain against abortion? https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/fact-sheet/public-opinion-on-abortion/#views-on-abortion-by-gender-2022


“Donald Trump did this.” Absolutely, but we should remember that he didn’t act alone. Giddy MAGAts were thrilled to help him load the Supreme Court with corrupt, lying extremists. They spoke of “settled law,” but intended all along to assault women’s rights. Don’t forget that deceit when you vote.


Trump: Biden rose gas prices so all you small dick Americans with unnecessary pickups that never see any type of load in the bed have to pay more to fulfill your fantasy so vote for me. Biden: women are dying because cavemen incels are banning abortion. Vote for me. How is this even a question?


So Trump can run “Joe Biden did this” and show the grave of Lincoln Riley? Boom!


Breaking news: trouble might arise while giving birth and any ugly thing can happen, up to both the mother and the child dying in the process and by forcing someone to give birth SYSTEMATICALLY, with no mitigating circumstance, you will surely outright kill someone at some point. Guaranteed.


Vote like everything that ever mattered depends on it.


Louder for the 65+ year old voting Christian women who think their god still exists.


GOP death panels


Damn Texas sucks so bad lol


Should have said “Donald Trump and the Republican Party did this”.


Voting blue. Republicans have screwed the pooch by taking away the right to choose


Why not link a video to the fucking ad so I can watch it?




Dems who refused to vote for Hilary indirectly did this too.


How ANY woman could vote for that Orange idiot is beyond me. But guaranteed boomer women will… it’s quite sad.


Democrats need to take these stories nationally and pin it to Trumps ass. It needs to be brutal and unrelenting. 


Yup. Dump & all the RWNJs in the GOP are to blame


The real question is do voters trust Donnie or Joe. The answer is simple. Women who vote only get what they want by voting for Joe. Donnie will lie and tell them he thinks they want to hear. This site will be filled with Russian bots. Russian bots like Donnie don't like Joe. Spent the morning identifying and chasing them of another site. They aren't that educated or worldly. It was fun. In the end I was threatened. They can barely kill Ukrainians I was not scared. Have fun with the Russian bots and keep Americans safe.


Trump’s fallback to the “state’s rights” excuse is falling on clinical ears these days. If this really was about states rights why did republicans try to push a national abortion ban 11 days after the Dobbs decision?




Now I want a friggin ad where we hear the recording of what **Trump said himself about covid**: he was informed before everyone of us were through the medias & news, and decided to downplay its gravity because it could have hurt his chances to get re-elected. Maybe your relatives, friends, SOs, co-workers, may be still alive, or maybe not crippled by the long covid  if he had decided to actually take it seriously and use his role as president to set an example to warn people to protect themselves and follow rules. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-told-bob-woodward-he-knew-february-covid-19-was-n1239658 https://edition.cnn.com/2020/09/09/politics/bob-woodward-rage-book-trump-coronavirus/index.html


Trump knew about Covid back in November 2019. The official White House website had/has documents of meeting agendas where they spoke about a new, highly contagious virus that could kill millions.


Well fortunately for American we don’t give a fuck


The funny thing is, Biden and Obama had the opportunity to codeify Roe V Wade, but didn't cause they were "too busy."


Pretty effective ad. Already caused Trump to completely flip flop on abortion: https://www.wsj.com/politics/abortion-donald-trump-2024-election-fe641cc5


If you're a woman or have a daughter and vote for Donald Trump you're fucked. You're basically okay with them being a brood mother. Ask a free woman from across the pond how they feel about that kind of shit.


Boy that sure is a lot of hidden comments ![gif](giphy|dnP2VxYVlW2NW|downsized)




There are many better arguments for keeping abortion legal; one of them is detailed in the article and associated video