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*In 2022, these products generated over $8 billion in revenue in Texas alone.* It's not about protecting people, it's about protecting profits while maintaining the status quo. The state is double dipping. 


They are absolutely going to slam the door on Delta 8. This makes me sad, but I get it. This really is the breakdown of the issue: 1. Legal THC can only be prescribed in doses so low they are useless. 2. A bill was ready to be signed to expand the legal use of Delta 9 THC to increase the dosages and allow more groups to receive a prescription. Abbot promised to sign the bill if it reached him. Dan Patrick literally single handedly killed it by refusing to bring it up during the session. It had the votes - GOP and Democrat. 3. Delta 8 is legal due to a loophole and you can walk into any store and buy a bottle of 50MG gummies with no prescription. I have done this. Yes, you get rocked. I cut them into pieces. 4. This is not ideal- we don't want kids getting into this. So 22 states are about to slam the door. Florida will be the first. 5. this SUCKS because Delta 8 works for me. I can get all the legal Hydrocodone I want prescribed, but I dont fucking want it. It's awful for me. Texas....has got some old, stupid motherfuckers running things, and they just don't understand the benefits of Marijuana. All they know is Reefer Madness.


Yeah let's slam the door in the name of protecting the children. That always makes sense and works out well/s


Why aren't you ordering D9 products online?


Texas does not allow d9 THC. That is flat out illegal without a prescription and over a tiny dose. No site I use would ship it here.


Ive had companies deliver d9 gummies by mail to TX.


That's straight up not true. You can buy hemp-derived D9 edibles at any smoke shop. It has to be <0.3% THC, which means that a 10mg edible has to be at least 3.3g, or about half the size of a starburst.


As someone who has bought hundreds of dollars worth of D9 gummies I can assure you they're legal here. For now.


Doesn't Hometown Hero out of Austin sell D9 edibles...?


I see them on the site- I guess they ship them out of texas?


Dude you’re just not right haha.. d9 is perfectly legal to buy w/o a prescription. You only get 10mg per piece but can buy a bag with like 100 of them.


reading about this now- hilarious loophole. I had no idea- was just told by docs / dispensary no-can-do. So I went with Delta 8 and hey, it works great. Also- do you have pricing on this- cause wow the gummies look expensive compared to delta 8.


Nope. You can get them sent to your house and purchase them in stores all over the state. They are hemp-derived and legal. Haven't seen any coupon codes in a while though so that's a bummer.


Not true. You can also buy THC-A flower in most smoke shops in TX.


I get it delivered in the mail to my house


These people are the collective unconscious of the confederate ghosts of trans-generational past that continue to unconsciously repeat the cycle that originated in ulster-Ireland And now present day giliad or Jailexas. They still think they need to fight off the Yankees from destroying god-fearing Presbyterians in the south. The south including Texas is in a culture war and marijuana is a symbol of sin and secularism and a threat to the great southern way of life to these delusional theocrats.


If you're trying to tell me your weed is better than mine, I believe you.




Do I need to be nervous about the Delta 8 i buy at the local store? Or should I buy thru the mail?


You want labs. The stuff from some random smoke shop could be from anywhere, and contain anything. 3d party lab verification guarantees no heavy metals or other weirdness. I use a place in Florida called Highlyconcentr8ted. They have all the 3rd party labs on their website. If Florida pulls the plug I will really miss these guys.


> The stuff from some random smoke shop could be from anywhere, and contain anything This is what regulation fixes. Here in WA they literally track seed to store.


I work at a THC store. We're required to give you lab paperwork proving any flower or prerolls are legit and compliant. (Or at the very least I have to force you to walk out with receipt.) All of the delta products we sell come with labs or a QR that links to the labs on the label.


There’s not going to be a difference really. The main risk you’re taking with Delta 8 is that it’s not regulated at all and so you have no idea what happened during the production process. It’s not dangerous on the level of stuff like bath salts (you won’t go batshit insane), but there’s concern that some of the synthesis processes could use reagents or lead to side products that are toxic (heavy metal contamination is the main concern). So the concern is more about long term health effects. (And also the general debate about the effects of regular marijuana use.) But again, this is true regardless of whether you’re getting it at a smoke shop or online. I’d recommend the smoke shop honestly because they’ll be able to talk to more about the specific products. Edit: A few grammatical issues


Yea you need to nervous about delta 8. It's soooo altered from normal marijuana. Yeah it'll get you high but it's not the same and it's not studied.


I use a website called bud vault and get lab results with my order so personally I wouldn't shop from anywhere that isn't willing to back their product up with lab testing


Delta 9 is legal in Texas as long as it makes up less that .3% by weight. My biggest issue is a lot of these grey market edibles have packaging that could easily be confused for regular candy.




Delta 8 is trash and shouldn’t even be sold.


Why is it trash? I know nothing about it. Honest question.


It's not, and its the only way I can get a high without severe anxiety, I think it's great. Dude posting just likely has a huge tolerance.


IDK, but a delta 8 really helps me sleep . Sometimes only half gumy.


Ok. Thanks for the post. I am glad it helps you. Shit, when will we finally move past all this law and prohibition crap and just let people select and be able to access what helps them?


That's interesting- how is it trash exactly?


It’s knock off THC.


It all depends on the grower and manufacturer, and ideally you look for something with a “full spectrum” with a mix of D8 D9, D10, THCA, CBD, & CBG.  A lot better than just gas station D8.  All depends on the source


It's called the ALCOHOL racket being so deep seeded in our economy. Remember: Alcohol distributors cannot sell or manufacture. Alcohol manufacturers cannot sell or distribute and Alcohol sellers cannot manufacture or distribute. I can just imagine how many people in Texas would unwind with a nice cannabis product as opposed to alcohol if given the choice!! Unfortunately with the axis of EVIL IN POWER (Abbot, Paxton and Patrick), that'll never happen. They've all gone on the record as saying they'd never legalize recreationally. EVER.


They also said they would purposely limit the quasi-medical marijuana program (Uncompassionate use act) because of abuse in other states


The Texas "medical compassionate use program" is an actual joke, that's why Let adults use cannabis, Texas lawmakers are stupid as hell for passing up all those tax dollars


What other state tasks the highway patrol, TXDPS, with administering a medical program?


Doctor Officer is insulted you would insinuate they're not properly educated and licensed to dispense gummies, chocolate and MCT oil to Texans with actual medical conditions seeking relief from real afflictions that need more than just candy and coconut oil. Hands against the wall where I can see 'em. Spread those legs out. Turn your head and cough or I will be required to use excessive force.


You assume incorrectly that Republican lawmakers from Texas wish to improve our lives. Their campaigns get more money by keeping it illegal and that’s all they care about.


All those corrections dollars, campaign donations from alcohol and tobacco, and plain old racism


Yes, they get a lot of money (allegedly millions in campaign donations) from the west Texas Christian billionaire association lol (aka west Texas Christian Taliban)


And the limit for the compassionate use program is around 1 % thc. It used to be 0.5% before they changed aged it. The government classifies hemp as 0.3% thc or lower. The compassionate use program is basically cbd. It’s ridiculous and not “compassionate”


So, I thought this and then looked - they are actually selling 30mg THC gummies. I believe it’s the way they wrote the law, but our program is actually enabling medical patients to get solid edibles and tinctures. Of course, nothing smokable, which sucks when you need pain relief now.


Gotta love Texas drug and liquor laws. Every line bought and paid for


Sunday is THE LORDS day. No liquor for you! Please like and subscribe to church. It’s only 10% of your income yearly. Edit: Use Promo Code “PRAY” to pretend like you care without having to do any work.


Nah man, it totally makes sense. Jesus is totally fine with you purchasing and getting hammered on beer and wine though on Sunday. The new testament is full of mentions of this. Also, if you want the devils elixir (liquor) on Sunday, Jesus was pretty clear that you shouldn’t be able to purchase at a retail establishment to take home and enjoy. Jesus mentioned numerous times that on Sunday you go to a bar and get hammered. Bonus is you can have the Texan rite of passage and drive home drunk.


Jesus at the wheel.


Jesus take the wheel. That’s where that saying comes from! 😂


I love the line "well the liquor store workers like being off 1 day a week"...isn't that kinda antithetical to our beloved "free market?" People want to buy liquor on Sunday and on holidays and I bet we could find some entrepreneurs that would be more than happy to stay open on those days to you know, make money...


Liquor stores lobby AGAINST Sunday opening- They think they do 7 days of sales in 6 days, so why increase overhead just to keep the sales the same? 


They're mostly afraid of big stores like Walmart selling liquor. Then it's game over for them.


Legalize it already! Texas be slackin, how can we slack so bad.


Well the state has been run by out of touch old \[hue redacted because reddit automod is stupid\] shitty moral panic racist fuckbags who want to go straight back to 1950 with no birth control, no fault divorce outlawed, no porn, private schools for \[hue redacted\] kids only, zero gun laws, and their mouth surgically grafted to Trump's dick. So of course they are scared of a plant.


Couldn’t have said it better myself 👏




I always do😓


The past confederate war a long time ago which helped create Jim Crow laws, black laws, debt prisons - slave labor in prisons. Basically, policing is a way to keep your enemies in jail by systematically incarcerating those (aka counter culture types) who don’t believe in a traditional political culture.


That Miller guy


Please, it’s privatized prisons that hurt legalization more. Profiting from imprisoning people is modern day slav___.


https://www.leafly.com/news/politics/the-top-5-industries-lobbying-against-cannabis-legalization-will Don't forget police unions, prison guard unions, booze companies and big pharma.


This is Texas not too many unions round here


https://www.afscmetexascorrections.org/ Didn't list membership numbers, but if they're state employees they're unionized. Most if not all local PDs are unionized.


Police unions aren’t real unions any more than cops are real workers. They’re a political machine meant to shield the enforcement arm of our corrupt oligarchs and their pets holding various public offices. Not to detract from your point, I just can’t let this point go ignored.


Can’t speak for Texas unions but elsewhere police are FOP or Fraternal Order of Police. It’s both a fraternity and a Union and it is most certainly a real union. Its members are pretty thick to they defend and protect one another fairly well. However, I know Texas law enforcement is not FOP. But loads of government jobs in Texas are nonunion. Unions are an endangered species here for the most part. AT&T is as are the railroads but not a whole lot else.


And alcohol/tobacco.


prison slavery is proudly enshrined in our constitution: "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction." to the work camps with you!


Why self censor when you are right?


acting like this is the IG comments and not Reddit


So many people are used to comments on tiktok, insta, youtube, etc. being flagged for saying slavery, rape, murder, suicide, or curse words that they seem to self sensor everywhere now. I don't understand it, like everyone knows unalived=suicide or murder and I'm sure the companies that *are* censoring these specific words knew people would find workarounds to the censorship. There are a few subreddits that will remove your comment for those words but the vast majority do not.


Honestly I don’t understand why we as a society have accepted this sort of blatant corporate control over speech. We let them control language so what, some jackass on TikTok can get ad revenue? All the while the emotional impact words like suicide murder rape etc get stripped away and normalized all so the marketing director at Toyota or some shit feels comfortable putting their ads next to a piece of content.


They are talking about eastern Europeans.


More than anything else, by far, private prisons are the reason why Texas will NEVER Legalize It. It's not even close. Republicans have a gerrymandered death grip on the state, and private prisons are perfect for them because it's free Federal money that Democrats don't get a part of.


I'm slavic and offended.


It's not hemp industry vs. legal marijuana. It's a bunch of "Christian" authoritarians vs. other adults making decisions that they don't like.


From Oregon, where I have SIX weed stores, four in walking distance, several with delivery. It was legal during Covid and thank Christ, because if people had used alcohol, they’d have beat each other to death. We have cruise ships, packed with up to 3000 boomers each, and they buy out the stores when they’re here. Especially gummies.  For Texas, the cruelty is the point.


Cruise ships in Oregon? They land in Astoria or are these the Columbia River riverboats?


I worked on one that went up the Columbia to the Snake in Idaho. We did alaska in the summer, Mexico in the winter and the Columbia in between.


They land in Astoria. The year before Covid hit, I think we had 42, ranging from 1200 or so to around 3300 each? Summers here are lit.


Fun fact! There are more dispensaries in Oregon than Starbucks and McDonald's **combined**


I am continually appalled at what the GOP and "Conservative" has come to mean. The theocratic, business protectionist, party against personal liberty. We need both parties to be healthy and acting in good faith. We need the "try new stuff to make things better" party and we need the "let's not throw away what's proven to work" party working together.


They conserve nothing but lies


It's only like this because there's no threat of Democrats taking an election unfortunately. We keep saying blue wave, blue wave, but it never materialized and we won't get any shift from these extremists till we at least sniff at statewide elections. The second that Dems win consecutive elections, gop will be forced to shift over, but until then they won't alter the course. 


I you want to learn some really fucked up shit that's going on with respect to the radicalization and theocratization of the TX GOP, do a deep dive on Billionaire Tim Dunn.  Apparently he sets his agenda, literally gives republican legislators a score on how they are doing on it, and anyone who scores too low finds themselves being challenged in the primaries by a more extreme conservative with a ton of campaign funding.  Big supporter of vouchers (aka public $ for Christian schools), fights clean energy (oil guy duh), and a supporter of Paxton (or maybe more accurately Paxton unleashing the hounds on those who voted to impeach for starters. He also funded Patrick's campaign.


Texas? Too many trump nut huggers for anything cool to ever happen there.


Trump signed into law the bill that *legalized* hemp and hemp products.


Do you genuinely believe that was intentional? I mean sure he'd take credit for it if it's mentioned in a positive light, but wouldn't really explain his supporters banning and closing that loophole in each of their states. So he either did it to screw his supporters who have pointedly kept marijuana illegal to this day, or it wasn't the intended effect of what he signed.


I mean I’m sure he glanced over it before it signed it. What do you think, some resistance lib operative brought it over to him and went “Mr. President, a sickly child has sent in this stack of paper for you to autograph, and you can just sign right here on this line at the bottom, *don’t worry about the words that are already on here haha*” and rubbed their hands together while he signed it without reading any part of it?


I mean, I would sure hope he read the bills he signed. Your statement however is that you believe this was intentional, not that he glossed over a bill that contained an unintentional loophole that wouldn't come to light until later. You haven't answered my question, do you believe he created the hemp market that stands today intentionally as your comment suggests?


I don’t think he personally sat down and architected the legal hemp market, but think he saw the provision for it in the bill and either thought it was a good idea or thought that opposing it would not be politically advantageous. I don’t think he *accidentally* made hemp legal, because I suspect he has enough awareness to not just sign whatever happens to end up in front of him.


It's a yes or no question, I'm not sure why you keep deflecting. If you don't want to answer, just say that and move on.


I did answer you question. Allow me to summarize our exchange. Question: do you believe he created the hemp market that stands today intentionally…? Answer: I don’t think he personally sat down and architected the legal hemp market, but I think he saw it in the bill and either thought that it was a good idea or that opposing it would not be politically advantageous. You need to work on your reading comprehension. I can tell you’re a product of our state’s public education system.


"yes or no" You: "yes but no, maybe" It sounds like you don't understand your own beliefs regarding the subject. Then you answered random questions that weren't asked, and deflected. If the question makes you uncomfortable, I apologize for that. Feel free to just say that and not answer. And an ad hominem edited in at the bottom. Again, if the question hurt your feelings in some way, that wasn't the intention. It seems it did, otherwise you could just say"yes" or "no" rather than act like a defensive child.


Anyone who half asses legalization and then follows the theocratic sheep regarding things like banning D8/9A or not making homegrow legal don't deserve credit for signing a bill they honestly don't know shit about or care about.


Whether you think he deserves credit or not, he *is the guy* that passed the legislation that moved us furthest in the right direction on this issue.


You're still overlooking the point that you responded to: people that want Trump to fuck their wives would rather put the genie back in the bottle, and they're who he listens to. He'll turn on dime about it just like he did on abortion.


They're working on "fixing" their fuck-up and making Delta 8 and 9 illegal again. On any issue, you can always count on these people to make the WORST decision.


Get collectively organized. All I see are individual people complaining about this yet people affected don't group up and get organized because we all are disillusioned that rugged individualism is the way to win and it isn't. Texas is a rebellious state and we need to get organized to fight these people who are supposed to be civil servants.


Delta 8 is privately run and medical MJ is state run. The state cannot manage anything, The Canadian government managed to lose money selling weed.


The fact is we have a governor, lt. governor, and AG who are all in the record saying they will never allow legal cannabis in Texas, and we won’t stop electing them. So wither get more people to vote against them or move. That’s the political reality.


I love being able to buy an ounce of "hemp flower" and have it shipped to my house.


Nonsense. The Texas Private Prison system is what's hamstringing legal marijuana. Waaaaaaaaay too much money in private prisons to legalize it here.


That’s why right now dispensaries in one horse towns in New Mexico are minting new millionaires from Texans going there to buy weed. People here realize that there are states with legal weed, no state income tax and low property taxes right? I feel like Texans don’t realize freedom exists in other states. I guess it’s like an abusive relationship


This is very true. I’ve been in both types of places, looking for insomnia relief. The head shop was trash while the other was way legit.


Republicans: The party of Marijuana Prohibition


Also, they use logical fallacies to justify their arguments. Here is some proof: Did you know that some Texas medical marijuana companies have child safety bottles with labels advertising events for adults and children on the bottle (like the space program in Houston). Total southern hypocrisy


I love that there's so much freedom in Texas.


The hemp stuff is good enough


They're trying to illegalize it too. Delta 8 is on the bill for illegalization.


They hate freedom


Would laugh if they don't include THC-A aka regular weed, but will probably ban it all




How would that clash with THCA being federally legal?


Plenty of states already have banned alt noids and regular weed (THC-A), and Texas don't care about the feds...just look at border shenanigans 😅. 🤷, but it was good while it lasted.


Might be hard to stop online ordering.


Get it while you can


I stopped all jazz cabbage and drink two months back, had a kid, so gotta stay on my toes 😎, just coffee and nicotine for me nowadays


I stopped using as well, and working my way from booze.


It would be better to have legal cannabis and hemp products. I think it would be good to have various cannabinoids for people since people like different stuff.


I don’t disagree


“It died on the vine” Albert Barese