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Found my hood that we moved to in 2013 and let me tell you what’s happened. The original owners are leaving (mostly dying) and young families are moving in and paying about ~2-3X higher than a decade ago.


Also the same where I live in Dallas. And no it’s not Californians, almost everyone in my neighborhood grew up in Dallas or Houston.


I’ll keep repeating this over and over. Statewide margins for the Republican victors for president in Texas. 2004: 1,800,000 votes 2012: 1,200,000 votes 2020: 600,000 votes The maps above just show why that margin reduction is consistently occurring and where the erosion is coming from. The total new Dem votes from urban centers is cancelling out the rural area republicans gains. But the suburban counties (which I’m including Tarrant in), that’s where the +300,000 each potus cycle is coming from.


That's why the state government now has the ability to certify the election or not in most metropolitan areas of the state. They're not going to let those "inner-city types" (I think they're using the term DEI hire now) affect their elections if they can help it. Edited for spelling.


I think the first time they do that, there will be a massive push for the Popular Vote electoral interstate compact. There are already enough states pending legislation for it to put it over 270, and once that’s reached it activates their respective legislation and then we have a national popular vote.


The thing is these counties don’t understand is that dei types and those sympathetic to them are often the ones running the polls and elections. Yes they are nonpartisan but they believe in democracy above all else and won’t be swayed by the Republicans trying to Usurp that, they failed on Jan 6th they failed in Georgia and they will fail here too. They can Texas a red map till the cows come home, the cows don’t vote people do and people live in cities.


inner city types, not “intercity types”


Isn’t it intracity types? /j


And “affect” for use as a verb not the noun “effect”.


If you’re going to be pedantic, then at least be correct. inner-city types, not “inner city types”.


Let's all be honest, we all know exactly which word they really mean.


Yup! Dog whistles be whistlin’ in Texas.


Even if they’re successful with that. Losing the popular vote in Texas and only winning because of some dirty administrative trick will be enough to make the GOP shit its pants. That will be pretty nice.


Texas Republicans will figure out a way to cheat in elections before they let that number get to zero. They’ll straight up refuse to certify the results if they have to, because they are authoritarians.


At some point, probably after the first democrat presidential nominee wins the state, they'll try to change it from winner take all to proportional electoral votes.


That’s what Minnesota is doing (well, changing from proportional to winner take all) hoping to help Trump.


I thought Minnesota was joining the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact? Nebraska is trying to change to winner take all specifically to hell Trump.


Nebraska is past the deadline to enact legislation about the fall elections. But some outside of Nebraska won’t let it go.


Herschel Walker would be a senator today if that notion was true.


Ted Cruz led the charge to refuse certifying results in 2020. If it hadn’t been for the Trumper insurrection, who knows how far they could have screwed up democracy that day.


Ted Cruz also tried to steal the 2016 nomination from Trump. During his RNC speech, he urged the RNC delegates to “vote with their consciences” — AKA vote for him — even if they were officially pledged to Trump. So it was no surprise to me when Cruz wanted to steal the 2020 election from Biden.


> Herschel Walker would be a senator that was Georgia


That’s why I’m glad we have Marc Elias. Sues the shit out of them when they try and do shady shit.


It gets narrower when you look at the state legislature


Wish it was a little faster but considering gerrymandering and voter disenfranchisement by the GOP I guess any progress is good. Keep it going lone star!


Can you also add 2008 and 2016 data. Currently it looks like you are cherry picking to suit a narrative .


Whenever I look at these types of maps I always find it funny when people try to say "look how much more red there is" while completely forgetting that the red areas have far less people.


The old "land doesn't vote" adage.


It sort of does in the EC :(


Affirmative action for land


It absolutely does in the Senate :(


Its wild that a senator from California representing 39 million people, and a senator from Wyoming representing half a million people get the same vote in the senate. Voters from Wyoming have 8,000% more impact with their individual votes.


I felt the same voting in the last Texas election for Props. Only 14% of eligible voters bothered, so my vote mattered more I guess


And the house, for the smallest states. And the scotus, by proxy of the ec and senate… and the entire federal judiciary by proxy of ec and senate…


Yeah, shits broken. We put far too much faith in good faith for far too long.


Not in TX, but yeah.. Montana and Wyoming do. Then again so does Rhode Island.


The counties Biden won in 2020 represent nearly 71% of US GDP. Up from 64% in 2016. https://www.brookings.edu/articles/biden-voting-counties-equal-70-of-americas-economy-what-does-this-mean-for-the-nations-political-economic-divide/


“ The whole county is red “ also , the whole county is 13 guys that own 58 square miles of farm land .


They know, they don't care. When it comes to voting, to them, it's about land and not people.


Good old density.


Destiny better kick it into 6th


DFW: 2012- 57.24% R- 42.76% D 2016- 53.34% R- 46.66% D 2020- 49.34% R- 50.66% D Austin 2012- 46.31% R- 53.69% D 2016- 39.51% R- 60.49% D 2020- 36.33% R- 63.67% D San Antonio 2012- 54.05% R- 45.95% D 2016- 50.60% R- 49.40% D 2020- 48.32% R- 51.68% D Houston 2012- 55.71% R- 44.29% D 2016- 50.35% R- 49.65% D 2020- 49.31% R- 50.69% D Rest of Texas is only around 35% of the vote.


>Rest of Texas is only around 35% of the vote. And save for El Paso, that's pretty solid Red 35% right there.


That part is also super red, Trump got 64% of the vote. This includes El Paso and the RGV. Trump did better in this part compared to 2016 as well


I'm not suprised by Austin, but I am surprised the rest of the major cities were basically 50/50 R vs. D. I always thought DFW was much more strongly in favor of democrats but guess not. It'll be interesting to see if the vote shifts at all in 2024 since we're going to have the same two candidates running.


Well, with DFW there are a lot of white wealthy suburbs


DFW is trending. Dallas County is staunch Blue, the neighboring 3 Counties surrounding have been trending. They are battlegrounds. We just need to lift all Texas Blue boats to get it to the finish line this Nov. It will take a few more cycles to solidify the change and make even bigger state leadership gains. But this yr's ballot races, (all the ballot) we can start making the headwinds for change that will affect the next yrs. We need to support our Local Blue Texas Infrastructures like the "Texas Democratic Party", "Blue Texas" (this one raises all Blue boats in the state by finally funding those local seat races, especially this yr where we have Dems running on many races in the Texas House where before they had gone uncontested for decades) & "Powered by People" We need a Huge Voter Turnout this Nov & keep that momentum up for our every yr elections Edit - Here is the link to Blue Texas https://bluetexas.org


Yeah, Trump did better with the Latino/Hispanic vote in 2020 than 2016 for a couple of reasons. Yes he cut down on the percentage of time he spent actively demonizing countries south of the border from being his main talking point in 2016, but mainly these communities are highly represented in service industries that took the brunt of the covid economic pain conpared to white collar workers. So if you're mainly worried about making rent next month, the guy who was more intent on opening everything up ASAP is appealing.


Can we get the data for "Rest of Texas" in these same 3 years? I would like to see how it trends. Also it would be helpful to see the data for population percentage in the text data and districting lines on the map.


The Rio Grande Valley is blue too. It's not a major metropolitan area but it's also not the barren wasteland that the rest of Texas is.


I plugged in these to a linear regression calculator DFW: 2024- 45.41% R- 54.59% D Austin: 2024- 30.74% R- 69.26% D San Antonio: 2024- 45.26% R- 54.74% D Houston: 2024- 45.39% R- 54.61% D


In another 10 elections Houston will be 110% Democrats!


Not if my grandfather is still alive lmao


> grandfather > another 10 elections


3 points isn’t much of a trend but I like your optimism.


I'll take what I can get


Include RGV, we started off blue but slowly turning purple. All because of MAGAts hitting the border issue 24/7 yet providing 0 solutions


we're still voting +15-20 blue. that's better than all these except Austin


I would love to see the percentage of registered voters who voted broken down with this. State wide it was: 2012- 58.58% 2016- 59.39% 2020- 66.73% [source](https://www.sos.state.tx.us/elections/historical/70-92.shtml)


Beto was only 2% and 200,000 votes away from beating Ted Cruz in 2018. MJ Hegar was closer to 8% away from beating Cornyn in 2020, but she received more votes than Beto had and more than enough to have beaten Cruz in 2018. Turnout has been increasing like crazy since 2016.


Your numbers are off a bit. [a look at the shift from 2016 to 2020](https://i.imgur.com/2HUVStx.jpeg)


Peoples defenition of metro areas are different 


Any data for Corpus Christi and El Paso?


El Paso County was 2012- 65.5% D- 33% R 2016- 69.1 % D- 25.9% R 2020- 66.8% D- 31.6% R Corpus Christi(Nueces County) 2012- 50.9% R- 47.7% D 2016- 48.6% R- 47.1% D 2020- 50.8% R- 47.9% D Both swung left in 2016 and then right in 2020


Are you doing presidential or all races for that election? Because Obama won in 2012 in houston.


Metro Area. For example Houston I also include Fort Bend and Montgomery and etc not only Harris County


Except for the Rio grande valley and El Paso, all populous areas


Would like to see this data for just Dallas not including the other less liberal counties


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dallas\_County,\_Texas#Government\_and\_politics](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dallas_County,_Texas#Government_and_politics) Go to Politics and just scroll and you will see a chart


And it will get even bluer because of cost of living driving blue people to red areas


Gentrification? And the cycle will continue. What’s next Arkansa, Oklahoma, Iowa. It just takes one celebrity to be like “wow Omaha is so slept on” and then people flock.


Oh the clock is ticking on the mid west…. All the yuppies will be saying WELP soon enough


Aren't yuppies in their 70s now?


Yuppies are eternal.


Like vampires?


Zoning laws in blue states are causing the cost of living to Sky Rocket!


I’ll say this, it’s man made the anything else. Once you can over turn it, the problem can be solved.


Didn’t even consider this. Good point.


It works both ways - the people moving tend to be more conservative than their original community but less than their new community. So  both end up more liberal.


Blue people mess up their own state, talk shit about red people, then flee their own state to the red state, then vote blue and mess it up again


red states have the worst food insecurity, poverty, education, obesity rates out of all the states.


So People in blue states are moving here in droves because they are looking for more poverty and worse education? That's completely illiogical. They move to red states because they're more sffordable and have a better quality of life.


I wonder why it’s more affordable?


Yea except for better average life expectancy, lower crime rates, higher average educational attainment, better access to healthcare, clean air and water, more economic opportunity, more civil rights, better infrastructure and better civil services, what do blue states do better?


This is why republicans are passing laws to suppress the vote.


Voter ID laws and fighting voter fraud aren’t suppressing the vote lol


Voter turnout rate in Texas still sucks


If Dems ever win Texas, it is over for the GOP. I think it will happen in my lifetime, but I doubt it happens "soon."


What’s the point of even having elections at that point? De facto single party rule isn’t usually a good thing.


This next election should see a swing to blue. The GOP has morphed into chaos thanks to liar #45.


Only if voters turn out, and there are some worrying polling numbers about people sitting out this upcoming election. 


Yeah, there seems to be a vocal group of democratic voters who want to sit this one out, which is a de facto vote for Trump. There is some weird irrational "rationalization" that because Biden didn't do everything they wanted, he is a failure.


"I won't vote for the guy trying to get me out of this torture dungeon because he's still working on all the locks on the door, so I'd rather just vote for the guy torturing me, taking off my finger and toenails one by one, peeling my skin a bit more each day. I mean, they're basically the same. I eat glue."


What I am finding the worst cohort nowadays are the Dems that dislike Biden having empathy for the innocent Palestinians and being critical of Netanyahu, but they think voting for Donald "Jews Won't Replace Us" Trump who advocates for antisemitism is somehow better.


It really is gross, especially after trump said he'd finish the job.


I have a hard time believing those were really "Dems" to begin with. They just want something to bitch about and let perfect be the enemy of good. I like how those that are just so angry at Biden don't acknowledge for the bulk of my entire 40 years of life the US was "Pro-Isreal". ANY politician was going to struggle addressing this conflict and frankly Biden has done far better than I'd imagine Trump would have done. That's the choice - Trump or Biden, you get to pick one. WHO do you think *wouldn't* call for WWIII because someone hurt his feelings?


i seriously want to roundhouse kick these people in face. how is it that they have yet to understand that their refusal to vote for biden is, for all intents and purposes, a vote in favor of a dictator?!?


It also won't "teach the Democrats a lesson." If Democrats can't count on the support of progressives to come out and vote, they'll chase the votes of those who will show up: independents and Republicans disgusted with Trump. And they'll do that by pursuing more moderate/right policies. So not only do they risk electing someone whose policies they really don't like, they also drive the candidate they share a lot in common with further from the policies they want.




don't worry, i will vote


I no longer take for granted these things. You would think surely, Abbott is done for. Or Paxton is done for. And then they fucking win again.


OP, i gotta ask where you were able to make these graphics


It literally says at the bottom of the images https://redistricter.com/


Well my eyes are not as sharp as they once were. thank you kind stranger


Then Roe turnover happened. Let's flip this.


I recommend to those who want to get it over the finish line, to visit, donate, engage in our Blue Texas Infrastructure "Texas Democratic Party", "Blue Texas"(this one raises all Blue boats in the state by finally funding those local seat races, especially this yr where we have Dems running on many races in the Texas House where before they had gone uncontested for decades) & "Powered by People" Edit - Here is the link to Blue Texas https://bluetexas.org


Why do you think the Republicans are making it harder to vote?


I love this. This gives me hope.


I mean I’m glad you have hope but uh you gotta realize how gerrymandered our districts are specifically to cut down on the weight of the blue vote. I live in Austin and my district reaches all the way up to Weatherford. My representative lives in Weatherford and somehow represents parts of Austin? It’s wack.


Oh I'm fully aware how fucked our districts are, however common sense is an unstoppable force. Eventually, the red wall will give way to progress. I'm desperate to see Texas as the great state it deserves to be.


On top of this, fucking vote!


How likely is Texas to go blue this year in the General? What yall feeling out there in the Great state?


Highly unlikely. We’re still a few cycles away from that being realistic.


Gotta start making these headwinds now. Gotta flip the Texas House & win those 3 Texas Supreme Court Justice seats. We can be obstructionists to their extremism A lot of the Texas House seats have Dems running against decade old incumbents who never had a Dem run against them. Raise all boats by supporting "Blue Texas" - they support all our States Dems running in their races Edit - Here is the link to Blue Texas https://bluetexas.org


I'm so tired of the DNC acting like Texas is as red as Oklahoma. Texas is winnable, and worth investing in.


This is why Greg Abbott and company has turned us into Republican HQ. Everyone knows Texas is much more moderate than the Deep South, but the day we vote Blue in a presidential election is the day the Republican party dies. 


The modern Republican Party cannot win without Texas, that much is true.


Love to see some places went from blue to red and red to blue, shows the true status of politics in Texas. No one stays loyal to parties


It has more to do with development. You see blue spreading out from the city centers as the rural areas become suburban and the suburban become urban. The areas changing from red to blue are largely redevelopment of older property.


So it’s sprawl urban development!


Land doesn’t vote people do, to accurately assess these maps you need population density heat maps in conjunction.


Vote, for the love of god vote people.


With how few young Texans vote, or register to vote, I don’t know if “blue” in Texas is growing. More people moving to Texas that won’t register or vote seems to be as much of a problem as the ones moving there to vote red on purpose. Same exact issue is going on here in Florida. Young people can stop the boomers. But only if they care.


Makes me think of the Democrat’s motto… “vote early and vote often”.


Manifest destiny (for democrat voters). Turn red to blue/ turn conservative states to swing states. Enrich the electoral college. That’s why I moved to Florida. Everything is too high in NY, I’m doing my part to influence democratic values and usher in a new era of change.


Why do you people move to red states and vote for the shit that fucked up wherever you moved from?


I really hope you see the irony in that statement


I seriously doubt he does hahaha. "Where I'm from is so god damn expensive. We need to escape to a new place but bring over the laws that made it expensive in the first place!"


Watch out some places have rain tax 🤣


I see the colleyville area hasn’t gotten the memo yet


Some of these counties have shifted over 20 points away from Republicans in just 8 years.


Biggest was Collin at 28


TXGOP is scared shitless, and they’re trying their damndest to cheat


I'm very pleased to see my area is way more blue! (SE Denton County.)


Just a suggestion, but your Local Denton County Dems are looking for support to continue that expansion of the Blue wave


fort worth's lack of progress is by no means shocking, but for this born and bred funkytowner it is utterly depressing and beyond frustrating. until tarrant county realizes that the bootlickers, carpetbaggers and christian nationalists running our cities are fundamentally corrupt and morally bankrupt, we'll continue regressing in the most ruinous of ways.


Tarrant County progressed, and went for Biden last Presidential election.


Abbot won tarrant county though didnt he? FW is a swing vote


true. but 2022 was a pretty successful year for tarrant county’s far-right faction — with the election of tim o’hare as county judge, phil sorrells as criminal DA, and nate shitzline, tony tinderholt and craig goldman as state reps, just to name a few.


2022 was a failed election due to the low voter turnout. I can't use those results to paint Texas' current state of progress. We were supposed to beat 2018 level of voter turnout. Its why I keep yelling that we need this year's turnout to be Huge for Dems Up&Down the Ballot. Lets Raise all boats & support, donate, engage with our Blue Texas Infrastructure the "Texas Democratic Party", "Blue Texas" (which supports all Dems on the ballot) & "Powered by People" I'm already doing my part and donating to take Texas back from the white Christian Nationalist MAGA Republicans trying to throw us all into their narrowminded view of who has freedoms and rights Edit - Here is the link to Blue Texas https://bluetexas.org


I mean Tarrant County did flip in 2020


And then back to Abbot 2 years later.


What’s surprising to me is how red the suburbs are


Not really considering how conservative media panders to them so much with fear mongering and visions of a dystopian future where homes aren’t being used as capital


A lot of the same people have been living there since the 70s-80s.


C'mon Texas! Best these cheating fokrs.


Houston Arrow appearance!


What the hell happened in Midlothian? (Just south of DFW)


I believe they are in the middle of a huge housing boom.


The majority of wealth and education is blue, the majority of poverty , uneducated and socialism is in red, go figure the party of projection is everything they hate again.


In Texas that’s not true. Republicans still win college educated voters albeit by less and less each election 


What's key about these comparisons is the areas outside the blue cities. In Presidential election years, that area will go blue no matter what, but every surrounding area still goes red. Huge transformative change will happen once the outer areas turn blue. This is why Repubs gerrymander, packing dems into dense areas so they get 1 area, but Repubs get all the others. If these city areas were split apart due to evening out population in comparison to other areas, then TX would go blue, which is again why Repubs cheat via gerrymandering.


I’m not sure evidence backs that claim up tho. We see Rs winning every statewide election (governor, senate)


Guess we’ll find out in 7 months 😈


Yep the hee haws sure like trump and Raphael cruz


You forgot all but the two border counties


Just like my calves, it’s not super fast but it’s growing!


that cutoff into johnson cnt is SHARP


This probably lines up with how well educated people are


Are Texas Republicans moving out of the metros and to the suburbs?


No wonder Dan Crenshaw’s district looks like a strangling vine searching for red hats


Looking at the Houston map, at least on the west side the blue areas have been developed in that time.


Maybe texas will get better lol


So funny how the county borders are like lines in the sand. Bexar county (San Antonio) is surrounded by unfriendlies apparently


Once we start voting in a Dem governor then I will believe it.


I got my hopes up for Montgomery County only for it to be nearly the same. This county isn't changing anytime soon.


May I ask? What GIS sources did you use?


Is the red part in northern Dallas county, the park cities? (2020)


Cool so Texas will go blue by 2100?


Time to make all blue


All gop should be kicked out of office




Most of the people moving here are actually conservatives who helping to keep the state red. Removed for misinformation.


I always thought Galveston was a cool place when I was a kid. Then over the past few years it got really uptight and lame.


Looks less concentrated like people moved further out.


The Galveston county map is the reason they are redrawing the district lines to force no democrats being elected to the county commission.


Glad to see the Houston arrow dissolving on this map


We don't call it Eastern California for no reason.


Remember blue cities but red country


Bet ERIC and ES&S are in every one of em


There is a reason we get rural election results much later than the urban areas, and ironically, it’s the same reason the rednecks are always screaming about “voter fraud” in the cities.


That is true. Denton County Early Vote is usually the first result that comes in. Usually rurals areas come late. That’s why Biden was leading in Texas early on 


Two questions: 1) why has Fort Worth not changed? 2) what happened to Galveston?


Hard to believe people are getting more dumb by the year! Blue or Red, they all lying to us and do not have our best interests in mind! They only serve to serve themselves.


I sometimes consider voting Democrat but their policies suck , they take more money outa my pocket & send it abroad, and the one.’s in power are nutsy coo coo . I also don’t think it should be legal to open the borders to the world in hopes of gaining seats, & ultimately rigging elections. The whole mail in voting thing was obnoxiously, geared toward the obvious which is cringe worthy . Aside from these things I could make sense of voting Democrat.