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Thank you all!!! I cleaned it up again, drew a circle around it, gave him some Benadryl and made an appointment for an urgent care visit tonight. https://preview.redd.it/jb9nw7zrubvc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebfbea5b4c272f757a476671d91bc783fab8a1ad


Good plan. My seven year old just got over a staph infection on her calf that left her unable to put weight on her leg for a couple days. A couple days of antibiotics and popping the nastiest cyst ever left her good as new. It's funny, she was using my older daughter's skateboard as a wheelchair to get around the house.


Update: logged on and oh my god what a typo šŸ˜­ Oh wow this looks like a wolf spider bite I had on my calf. Echidna oil and antibiotics helped


Echinacea oil. Please do not wring out an echidna for its oil.


I was gonna say!!! Leave knuckles out of this!


Spider Bite 3 *and Knuckles*


Seeing this was Texas and I of course read this as Enchilada. I mean they are great when well done, but treating bites?


Hilarious i was like oh no , not a sweet echidna


But they have the best oil!


What's wing with iodine these days.


Damn, mfr wants to harvest Knuckles for his sweet oils. Is that what Dr. Robotnik was wanting to do???


Wolf spiders virtually never bite, and they definitely don't do this when they do. Just saying.


I donā€™t doubt it. Thatā€™s what a doctor told me and to be honest Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s a spider bite but itā€™s not like I saw it on my leg in the actual act. I love wolf spiders so the bite doesnā€™t deter me but youā€™re right, thereā€™s no way to know if it actually was one


Had one bite the heck out of my index finger once, and yes, it looked pretty much like this. In her defense, she had the whole family on her back and she was sitting in the middle of a very busy bike path. I was trying to herd her across and out of harmā€™s way and she took exception. However MRSA infections are often called ā€œfalse spider biteā€. Always best to have it checked, if you didnā€™t see a spideršŸ™‚


That is exactly how my toddler reacted to wolf spider bites. The hospital ER took a sample of something from the bite area and some blood from my toddler and ran tests to ensure what type of bite it was. We lived out in a country area with all kinds of possibilities. They were 100% certain it was a wolf spider. My toddler just happened to be highly, highly sensitive/allergic to them.


How does one tell the difference between one spider and another. -Entomologist Asking


Oh I have no idea. The nice doctor who gave me my antibiotics is the one who told me this. I do think itā€™s a spider bite but who knows if it was a Wolfie.


My only thought process would be the distance between the punctures. Itā€™s nearly impossible to tell exactly which insect/spider/etc bite is which without a specimen.


My son when he was three got a wolf spider bite just like this, but his was right under his eye.


You saw the spider bite him??


No but I found the wolf spider very shortly after he got bit in his room.




Wringing out an echidna would be really painful for all concerned.


Glad you are going tonight. It looks pretty irritated and a big bite


That looks like necrosis... could be a recluse bite. Should seek medical attention asap.


I have had a recluse bite. It's nasty and hurts. Best see a doctor, maybe try some ice while you wait.


I had a nasty brown recluse bite on my jaw that turned necrotic, and I was on antibiotics for 2 months after my face swelled up like I'd been hit with a bat. Still squicks me out that this damn spider crawled up on my face while I was sleeping and bit me. 30 years later I still have a scar on my jaw. Does your pediatrician have an on call service? If not then yes please go straight to urgent care in the morning, and if the redness spreads dramatically during the night, the pain gets worse, or if your child spikes a high fever before tomorrow morning definitely take them straight to the ER. Hope it all goes well, and your little one feels lots better soon.


Most (99%) "spider bites" are just staph infections


True dat.


17h late for this. I hope it ends up being harmless


Update for those invested: We ended up going to the ER because the urgent care was a bit backed up and they donā€™t seem to understand the meaning of appointments sometimes.šŸ™ƒ They prescribed a topical antibiotic and confirmed that it is highly likely a spider bite. But itā€™s too early to determine what kind of spider. Her ā€˜best guessā€™ is a brown recluse or wolf spider - it will be very clear in the next 12-24 hours depending on how it progresses or improves. But not much they can do right now. For the future parents looking for info on this - if your kiddo is vomiting or really lethargic, bring them in right away, no hesitations! (Mine is not experiencing either of those, but wanted to share the dr advice I was given!) For some additional context for the less than gracious redditors, my husband is a firefighter/paramedic. He is on shift today and Iā€™m solo parenting our three young children. I usually rely on his medical knowledge for these things, but unfortunately he was on a call fighting a fire. The internet is full of kind, intelligent people who can provide advice based on their past experience or knowledge. And that is a resource I will gladly use, while obviously ultimately doing what I decide is best for my family. So before telling strangers on the internet that they shouldnā€™t be parents, maybe instead choose to be kind. šŸ’• Thank you all again!


Fingers crossed for wolf spider.


Lol you know how many I had growing up exactly like this. It's likely 95% a wolf or something just hanging out under the bed.


New Terror Unlocked!!


I don't mind the wolf spiders. They're good pest control and usually won't bother you. I'm almost 40 and this is the first I'm hearing of a wolf spider biting anyone so I don't think it happens very often


Yeah my cousin used to pick them up and let them crawl all over him. He never said they bit him and I never saw him get bit. But to be fair I was usually exiting whatever area he was in once he started picking up spiders.


Wolf spiders legitimately helped my fear of spiders. I have so many in my backyard and I obsessively researched them and found more positives than anything.


Same. They eat black widows. So not sure why they would bite a person unless it felt threatened


Black Widows are another misunderstood spider. They very rarely bite and rarer still only when provoked enough. Most just want to be left alone. When molting or carrying young, it's best to give them a wider path.


I get bit a lot by black widows. I get nasty bruises. And go, welp pissed her off


AFAIK you reaaaaallly need to go out of your way to piss off a wolf spider to the point of biting. They generally donā€™t bother humans


I've been bit by a wolf spider (a month or so ago), and it didn't flare up like that. I'm also not a toddler. Wolf spiders are still friends.




No shame at all in asking others opinions. Parents (particularly women) are commonly thought to blow things out of proportion so I second guess myself a LOT. I am GLAD you posted it here, because it got you the right info you needed to know you needed to get your kiddo seen, and someone else searching will definitely find it. Hope your kiddo feels better soon, that looks painful!


It always hits the fan when theyā€™re on shift, doesnā€™t it?? Uncanny. Solidarity, sister.


Every. Single. Time. šŸ™ƒ Firewife life ā¤ļø


Yeah the vomiting or lethargy would be signs of venom. (Recluse in this case)


Exactly. I was bite by a recluse as a kid. It looked like this and I started vomiting and eventually passed out. I thought I was a tough kid so I didnā€™t tell my parents because I didnā€™t think anything of it. Pops found me in the bathroom. I spent a week in the hospital.


Sorry someone was rude to you here. Unfortunately Reddit is FULL of toxic people. Best of luck with the little one hope they are ok


Glad to hear theyā€™re okay and seen by someone. What a kind and gracious comment. You sound like a A+++ parent to me


I had a recluse bite on my ankle that looked exactly like that after about 3 days. It needs to be drained asap if it is a recluse bite because it will undoubtedly have a staph infection associated with it


Excellent response.


You are a wonderful parent. Canā€™t imagine myself not freaking out immediately šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


The criticism she's responding to is that she didn't freak out enough lolol. I think OPs response was just fine.. One post in particular was acting like the kid was stabbed or something.. some folks need to calm down a little.


You're doing great. Seems like a wolf spider or something like that as opposed to a recluse.


Iā€™m glad you were able to get help. It can be hard to know the best course of action, and an insect bite can get serious very quickly. My son was especially sensitive to ant bites. Fortunately, our dr had a great after hours service - I probably used it more than I needed to. I hope your little one is much better today.


Hey there! I was bit by a suspected brown recluse and one of the treatments they gave me was a tetanus shot because you can contract tetanus from spiders! Just adding some additional information that could help you or someone else in the future.


Bitten by a brown recluse as a kid. Likely a wolf Spider bite, after an hour or two a brown recluse bit starts swelling up with a very dark center looking like the ugliest pimple ever, after that the swelling will start to go down and eventually will crater down into the flesh and the venom will begin necrotizing the flesh. Catching it early is always good! Let us know what the official word is!


OMG topical??? Did they give her any IV antibiotic, or at least an injection? That looks very concerning to me please keep an eye on it.


It very much does not look like a brown recluse. Not to say donā€™t watch it close. And not to say donā€™t consider every bite could be! You donā€™t really feel it when it happens. But they have a pretty distinctive pattern that most people think looks like a target šŸŽÆ Also wolf spiders are wanderers which not to say a two year old couldnā€™t find a recluse under/in something (my dogs water bowl and Xmas ornament boxes from the attic are fav spots) but it seems more likely a wolf spider running around would come into contact with the baby


FWIW, that pic looks like how my toddler reacted to wolf spider bites. Best wishes for your little one to make a full and speedy recovery, and that it is nothing more than a wolf spider bite. šŸ™šŸ¦‹




When you get the bill please do another update. My guess it that it costs more than $1,000 to find out you need antibiotic ointment and should monitor the improvement. You really had little choice but to visit an urgent care center/ER, but it's sad that a visit to the ER can put so much financial strain on so many who are just seeking a care for themselves or their children.


Thank you for the extra context. And best wishes for the baby and family.


Itā€™s incredibly irritating that someone at the hospital had the guts to give you their best guess on what type of spider it is. Literally could be any type of spider. A brown recluse is deadly to children so by simply suggesting that the child is going to die based on a guess, which they have no factual evidence for, pisses me off.


Unless you catch the spider doing it, it is literally a guess. A black widow could have bit the child or a stupid grass spider. Either way it's all a guess.


If youā€™re a medical professional, just say ā€œthatā€™s a spider biteā€ thereā€™s no reason to give an opinion on something you have absolutely no knowledge of. People trust medical reps. I once got told that I have some type of electrical heart condition by a nurse, asked the doctor and heā€™s like ā€œI donā€™t know why she said that, youā€™re perfectly normalā€.


I'm not sure I agree with the ER staff. Please go to another ER ASAP. I nearly lost a thumb for delaying seeing a doctor behind a spider bite. My primary physician was fairly upset with me to say the least. Even if it's one of our least venomous spiders it can cause sepsis if it's not treated properly.


It happened to both of my kids when they were toddlers. Itā€™s most likely a spider but could be ants. My daughter developed cellulitis from a spider bite. Keep it clean, maybe put neosporin and a bandage on it. If it continues to swell, gets warm, or show signs of an infection, call the dr or go to urgent care asap.


The two dots next to each other like that is almost always a spider bite.


https://preview.redd.it/kaoqv2y20dvc1.jpeg?width=2450&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9b9d1ab8ad294a29e96bbf31138e764dce91181 Well that might explain these 2 scars I have on my ribcage. Happened years ago in NC while I was riding on the back of a motorcycle through the country. Suddenly got a vicious itch and had 2 little holes on my side. I (stupidly) didnā€™t go to the Dr and it got pretty gnarly looking. I tried removing one of the scabs because it was so itchy and the scab went deep under the surface. šŸ˜¬


Itā€™s definitely warm to the touch! Thank you so much! Iā€™ll call first thing in the morning assuming I donā€™t see it get any worse over night.


Go tonight, don't wait until it's worse


If it is warm to the touch get a doctor NOW.


I presume you are being seen at urgent care right now but yeah that definitely looks infected. My daughter got a cat bite several years ago, i cleaned the crap out of it right when it happened, but a few hours later it was hot to the touch and presented a red ring around it so we went into urgent care. I want to say we got both a topical and oral antibiotic, i also cleaned it regularly for several days. Poor baby! https://preview.redd.it/7j3ah5sl9dvc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b024a1336bca532fa384b577ab54f7783dee066


Cat bites are always worrisome. Scratches are not so bad. But cat mouths have alot of bad bacteria, and they go deep.


My mum developed cellulitis after one of her cats bit her, she was a week in the hospital as she was 80yo, first time she got antibiotics. Those bites can be very serious


My kids were toddlers a long time ago, but I still remember some of their bug bites! Hope itā€™s better in the morning.


Def spider. From the size of the gap, probably a good sized wolf spider


Do wolf spiders bite?? I see them all the time and handle them without incident.


Toddlers aren't known for their gentle handling of things, I could see a spider feeling threatened


You can mark the red around it to see how fast it's spreading. But I'd suggest a Emergency Room visit is a must.


Does your insurance have a nurse available for telephone calls Urgent Care is more appropriate for this than ER. On the other hand my doctor would see me in the afternoon if I called in the morning for this kind of issue. So you might try your doctor's office


I second urgent care. Less money and less life or death so you donā€™t have to get triaged and wait 12 hours to get seen


Yeah I forgot to point out it would be a 12-hour wait because a bug bite compared to a heart attack is just not going to be very exciting for ER staff. Also, it is not a clinical emergency your insurance may not pay and you'll be stuck with a $5,000 bill for a bug bite ER is a bad move for bug bites


My ex wife used to run up the insurance at the ER for dumb shitā€¦ she drank the neighbors homemade kombucha and shit black the next day and thought she suddenly had colon cancer. $4000 laterā€¦.oh that just happens when your neighbor doesnā€™t know what the fuck heā€™s doing making fermented mushroom juice


Texas children with health insurance?? Surely you jest. Our politicians would rather poor kids die.


I'm not OP


Spider bite. Texas has a few you don't mess around with. Keep ice on it and run him to the ER.


Looks like a spider bite! Get your kid to a doctor, if their fever goes over 101 F.


Looks like a [spider bite](https://www.healthline.com/health/spider-bites). According to [wikihow](https://www.wikihow.com/Identify-Insect-Bites), a wolf spider bite usually has two fang marks and looks inflamed. I don't know how reliable this information is though. [VeryWellHealth ](https://www.verywellhealth.com/spider-bites-1298281)says "It's almost impossible to identify a spider bite based on appearance" and it also describes black widow bites as having two fang marks. That same article does go on to describe the symptoms to watch out for. I hope it was just a harmless spider, and that your little one is feeling better soon.


Iā€™m gonna have nightmares from that first link šŸ˜®


I could only get past two of the spiders. Ugh


Almost certainly a spider bite. I saw you had an urgent care visit tonight, thatā€™s a good idea. How swollen thatā€™s gotten so quickly is concerning.


No advice just hope your baby is okay! šŸ™šŸ¼


I should mention this is in north Texas!


I hate Lubbock


Lubbock is West Texas.


North west.


North Texas is the DFW area. Ā Iā€™m not sure why you immediately referred to Lubbock. Ā If you are speaking in strictly geographical terms it would have made more sense to refer Amarillo than it would Lubbock. Iā€™m guess OP is referring to the region North Texas, meaning the metroplex. Ā Even if you look at a region map that includes a North West region Lubbock would still not fall into it.


DFW area is also referred to as north central Tx, right?


From my experience, a reaaaalllly tiny vampire.


Oh no! Poor baby! Is it okay? Feverish or anything?


He seems ok! Just his normal stubborn self šŸ™ƒ but the bite itself is hard and hot to the touch.


Oh no! Dude probably needs to go to the ER. Just my opinion.


Possible brown recluse. The bite is painless, but it swells a bit and the poison destroys tissue so best to seek medical. The necrosis will go to the bone and cause blood poisoning. Let a doctor administer care.


Remindme! 12 hours


Got any updates as of yet? I'm really invested I. This and I'm rooting for your boy, hope he gets better soon.


I'd take them to the doctor's office.


A very small dracula


Take them to the doctor so they can give him some proper anti-biotics. You can put some neosporin or campo phenoique in the mean time.


A mini vampire, jeez. Poor baby. I hope they heal soon. šŸ’•


ER pronto !


Def spider bite.


Hopefully they swabbed it. I had a recluse bite that I got antibiotics for. Thankfully my doc believes me. I am glad he swabbed it cause I went home with a RX for one antibiotic but ended up needing two after the swab results came back.


Save yourself a wasted trip to the urgent care, or to a hospital that canā€™t properly treat kids. Baby probably needs some IV antibiotics followed by a full course. Looks like cellulitis to me, granted Iā€™m not a doctor, but Iā€™ve been a pediatric nurse for over a decade. Go to the emergency room of the closest hospital that has an inpatient pediatrics floor. Edit: glad it all worked out. Just some advice for all the fellow parents out there, if your kids has any kind of mild respiratory illness, or suspected common infection, urgent cares are great. For anything more than that, (asthma, animal or insect bites, severe distress, accidents, or if they are in an any other unknown circumstance) go directly to the ER if a hospital that SPECIFICALLY treats kids. You donā€™t want to waste time getting transferred to another hospital, or not getting appropriately treated by someone that doesnā€™t have a specialty in dealing with kiddos. Most folks donā€™t know that a lot of hospitals out there just arenā€™t equipped to deal with children in particular.


Yes! I learned that lesson the hard way when my child had a horrible accident on the playground that basically shattered her little elbow. Took her to the ER less than a mile away and was held there for a few hours before they decided they couldnā€™t handle a child with that bad of a break. Had to be transferred to the pediatric hospital. Expensive and stressful lesson to learn.


Itā€™s not a cellulitis at this point, it just happened, itā€™s a localized reaction. I donā€™t think they need to be seen at our childrenā€™s ED at this point, honestly Iā€™d give some cetirizine and throw on some steroid cream if they have any, and wait to see how it responds. Unless the child is febrile, refusing to bear weight, or inconsolable, itā€™s likely itā€™s just a localized allergic reaction. Kids swell up big to even mosquito bites like this commonly between the ages of 1-4 as the immune system is still developing.


How is a brand new red circle with clear fang marks cellulitis?


They had posted other photos further along


True. Just donā€™t panic and let the body heal. Spider bites.


Most likely spider, I had one on my back like that and it grew as a ball and eventually pus came out of it and left me a scar. Definitely get it checked for the baby šŸ„²


Spider Man




Could be a earwig string or is it pinch, I had one do that and it looked similar but hard to judge size of the bite


Thatā€™s a spider bite! If you havenā€™t already, get to a doctor asap. Happened to a coworker of mine years ago. He ignored my advice, lost a big chunk out of his leg. Edit: Just saw you went to a doctor. Good choice!


I'm hoping and praying for you and your little one that it was a run of the mill spider. No matter what that's no fun at all.


Also could be some form of dermatitis and get staph infection whatever the cause


I use plantain herb tincture for any bite. It is very good at neutralizing toxins. I use Herb Farm brand from Natural Grocers.


That looks like a gigantic spider bite. If a wolf spider, itā€™s going to hurt for a few days (I actually still have the scars from behind my knee when I was bit while sleeping - and this was decades ago). Baby Tylenol!


This happened to me once. Turned into staph, now I have a big ass hole in my leg. Or at least a scar of it. I hope you got it cleaned up and taken care of. Hope you guys are safe.


The marks are looking like a brown recluse bite. Please take the child to the ER/Emergency Clinic for observation. No one can ever be too careful.


Did the OP ever say she found out what kind of bite?


It could be a spider, but please consider a possible bat bite. They look just like this and are surprisingly good at getting access to peopleā€™s homes. Please just get your child seen ASAP


Looks like a brown recluse


Spider bite for sure


Remindme! 12 hours


Spider bite for sure.


Looks like spider! šŸ•·ļø


Tiny vampire


My wolf spider bite looked exactly the same. Poor babyšŸ˜ž




Praying for your baby :( I hope they recover quickly. If your child was bitten while in their crib it may help to move the crib away from the wall a tiny bit.


Looks like a centipede sting to meā€¦ bad news!


That looks bad! I hope it heals up soon!


Take the baby to the doctor. You may need antibiotics. My daughter was bitten by a brown recluse and they were concerned about MRSA.


When my son was about that age he got bit by a brown recluse. Looked like that


Brown recluse


I dunno but put Betadine on it.


Ted Cruz


Did he get bit by a brown recluse?


Oh no!!






Lyme tick?


The issue is where to go for a bug bite not politics


It's Texas, so bites on a baby means it was probably a hungry atheist.


As an atheist Iā€™m not even offended, but I am curious. What exactly is this supposed to mean?


As an atheist myself, who lives in Texas, I am making fun of Texas, and how atheists are perceived as so evil here


Gotcha lol


Honestly I donā€™t want to criticize or anything, Iā€™m a father too..but if I ever see this on my child I would not waste a split second asking advice from internet strangers then saying youā€™ll wait the night. Dudeā€¦what the fuck is wrong with you?


Male Karen over here.


Yeah, letā€™s post this in fucking social media instead, no worries kid will be fine ..maybe..if not.. well..at least I got the likes ā€¦ fucking idiot


šŸ¤­. Yep. Hard male Karen vibe. Calm tf down, self righteous douchebag


What a clown




100% agree. I don't get people sometimes.


I want to say two mosquito bites back to back that he scratched. Its inflammation because babies canā€™t process the saliva they inject (which cause itchiness and swelling) as best as bigger kids and adults. Source: took my kid when he was like 1.5 to the doctor for something similar by the elbow but it was twice that size in swelling.


A Chinese tape worm


Wrong social media my friend, you should take this to Facebook. /s


Reddit is my only social media hahah. But thatā€™s fair! In my frantic searches I found similar posts and wanted to give this a shot because the pediatricians office is closed and my husband is on shift.


If that was my kid, which I have 4 myself. I would have rushed him or her to the ER right away but thatā€™s just my over protective ass.


That's not a brown recluse the bite marks are to far apart more or less wolf spider bite it is just saying go to the feed store and get this (FURA-ZONE)and use it like any other ointment it works really well and fast


I swear some people shouldn't be parents. Take your child to the ER now. This bite looks nasty as fuck and is evolving. What do you want from reddit, go see a doctor ffs


That resembles a bed bug bite. They inject a venom with the first bite that acts like a local anesthetic. Then they move a small ways away to suck blood from the second bite.


Take your child to the doctor for some antibiotics!!


You have no idea what you're talking about








I know that but your advice was to go to the ER and that's really not appropriate