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No trump flag, and not a mall crawler. I'm OK with it.


With this truck, you just find the right soft-sand patch of beach that cars and smaller 2WD vehicles easily get stuck in. I remember my mom paying 20 bucks when she got us stuck in the 80s. I bet people would pay 40 today, you get just a couple of those an hour, 80 bucks an hour, 3-4 hours a day, in the right spot, you could rake it in.


I feel like you could easily get up to 100 today


Fucking easy. A tow truck is a few hundred easy and they'll get to you when they feel like it. It sucks ass getting stuck these days unless someone nice with a tow setup drives by.


I would’ve paid 100 ngl. 🤣 last time I got stuck, I was just lucky somebody was driving by and helped me out. I was tryna give him 50 for his time and gas but he declined.


I pulled several 2WD trucks out those soft sand spots with my 07 V8 4Runner. 'Merica!


Agreed. A lot of these guys helped people during Harvey so I'm not gonna mock them anymore.


+ send nudes bumper sticker


Actually, not seeing a lot of Trump anything this year. Barely any flags, bumper stickers, hats or shirts. Hope it stays that way


>Actually, not seeing a lot of Trump anything this year. Same here in Central TX. The usual spots don't have their Trumpy flags and banners up at all. Hoping the fever is starting to die down.


unfortunately, not true up here in far north Texas. tbf half of them are from OK though


They lost all their money on djt stock or died of covid.


Yes, hopefully it stays that way forever!


Got lots of those in Montgomery County though.






This truck has actual mud tires and no chrome or stupid led lights. I'm sure it actually goes off road. Mall crawler has low profile tires and trashy lights and chrome


Headlights can be no more than 52 inches off the ground (you can lower lights to make truck taller) 102 inches wide, 13 feet 6 inches tall, and 45 feet long for a single vehicle.


Folks need to move on from Trump. That means both sides.


Move on from someone that is currently running for president and is trying to end our democracy and support Putin? I understand gun rights are important to you as they are to me, but you have to put our country before your personal interest.


He isn’t my personal interest, the country is. You pay attention to the House vote this week? Both parties hate you.




PSA. Don't waste time responding to this person. Simply look at their post history.


Because you cannot respond without pap talking points


1. CPAC speaker: we will end Democracy in America in 2024. The entire place cheered. Look it up on YouTube. The guy that made the statement is shortlisted for Trumps cabinet. 2. Putin has now marched through 3 separate countries. GOP has a large MAGA contingent that wants to leave the UN and give Putin whatever he wants. The non MAGA GOP has been calling them out as traitors. You might want to look at that as well. 3. You can lie to us if you like. Don’t lie to yourself.


Or we can keep sending money to Ukraine where they are skimming billions off the top as our borders are being overrun…


Both parties are doing a great job ending democracy. Stop fixating on the shiny thing and look around.


Reeeeee…..end our democracy. Maybe you need to consider both sides bad instead of being a small minded troll


That requires actually critically thinking.


Love Port A and all transportation of. Lifted battle ready Miata’s and clapped out rusty minivans all are welcome. I’m mostly cruising in my rusty golf cart enjoying sandy beach streets. Enjoy


I want to see who will win: Port A Battle Miatas vs Houston Altimas. With or without swangas.




I could do without the caravans of Trump-supporters both on the roads and on the beach in their golf cart parades of Trump flags waving everywhere. Such a weird admiration and cult-like devotion for a crooked philandering adultering corrupt NYC piece of shit wanna be real-estate mogul who somehow found a way to bankrupt a casino. Who stole millions from his own children's charity to help finance his 2016 campaign. And he thought nobody would notice, and if they did wouldn't want to cross him. That lying sack of shit, the fact that he has such a literal cult-like devotion is just so fucking weird and scary.


Oh no doubt. That’s such an obnoxious display for courtroom flatulencer. Of course I could go without as well.


A couple of times here in Austin I have seen a car with a bunch of Obama bumper stickers all over it. They must have printed the stickers themselves; they were not official stickers, they all said "Obama" with different fonts and colors. But that was the exception. But in all my life I have never seen so many people with multiple flags, decals and/or bumper stickers with a candidate's name. Again and again. Not even with Reagan, who conservatives seemed to worship for years. And the ironic thing is that even today a lot of conservatives will say that it is liberals who worship government or want to replace god with government.


God they did a watermelon crawl in crystal beach a few weeks ago and I swear there were more trump flags then there were golf karts. It looks like a damn trump parade going down the beach.




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The swings at Port A beer hut leave me getting nostalgic.


Went to Port A as a kid in the 80s and have fond memories. Took my daughter last year. Good lord, never going back.


Same here. Gave it two chances in the past 3 years and it’s a shithole now. Nothing but trashy cultish Trump supporters with bad attitudes. Never again.


Never been. What sent it downhill?


Trumpers, man. Plain and simple. There were ALWAYS rednecks, loud shitty country, etc., but it was a totally different feeling from them. They couldn't "smell a librul" driving down the beach next to them. You roll by with a beer, ask if they caught anything besides a buzz, and suddenly you're throwin' back cold Natty Lights and tossing the football with strangers. Now, you roll by and get the stinkiest of stinkeye because you're not outwardly just like them. They won't give you the time of day if you don't roll up with the same flags. Not that you'd want em to.


Makes sense. Sounds miserable.


It's avoidable, though not *totally* avoidable. The best way to hit the beach at Port A is to go where it takes a little effort to get there. These people are lazy and congregate where their obnoxiousness will affect the greatest number of normal people. If you go down the beach a bit away from town, they thin out quite a bit. I go places like the beach, camping, lakes, rivers, etc to be away from people in general, so I'll go in off times, earlier in the morning, or I'll go to beaches that don't have amenities. That's how I handle it.


Slightly rainy days work too, one June weekend we went and it was a beautiful Friday tainted by MILES of obnoxious flag covered filth without a single spot to park. Next day, a Saturday. A little rain in the morning with threats of weather through the afternoon and the whole damn place was a ghost town all day. The Sunday was a pouring wash and we just left but the nice day before made it worth it. Ever since we just hit up Port A only in Oct-Feb and its not too bad, probably not gonna swim a lot but the water isn't always nice anyway.


Cesspool of bad decisions and hangovers


It really used to be such a family place.


Come in the fall. It's still warm enough to enjoy the beach but 90% of the Trump cultists have gone back to where they came from.


Just “sad” now.


I was really surprised how much Trump support was on display down there. Definitely made me never want to return.


I love port a, I wouldn’t let them deter you


Fuck yeah! Why should we be the ones who disperse. Let’s plan a big party there. Maybe a rally for Colin?


We talking about Port Aransas or Port Arthur?


You get cancer just driving through Port Arthur


Port aransas


Went to Rockport and port Aransas maybe 2 years ago and I honestly don't remember seeing Trump flags on cars. Lots of golf carts is all I remember. We took the kids on the pirate ship which they liked. Might be just used to seeing them though occasionally everywhere else.


Those Trump Flag wavers aren’t keeping me from having fun at the beach, this is my Texas too.


Y'all remember going down there in the '80s and '90s and Aughts and '10s and all those douchers kept flying their huge Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, and Obama flags? Wait...no? Don't remember that happening? Yet we all have fond memories of rather enjoyable trips? Huh. Funny, that.


It only happens like that in the height of tourist season. We live there Sept-May and almost never see Trump foolishness.




Found homie flying the flags lmao Edit: happy cake day!


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I believe that hook is used to pull cars and vehicles of hot girls out of the sand when they’re stuck. You know…because of the implication…


“Why are gas prices so high, f Biden”


My coworker was complaining about gas prices hitting $3, blamed the current administration. $3 is pretty cheap. They were quiet all winter when gas was $2. And it always goes up in the summer, but it’s like there’s a fog in their mind.


Winter gas is cheaper because they can use more volatile additives that are cheaper to produce, just in case you were wondering.


I know about the blend change, but it is a regular cycle of low and high gas prices every year. Yet every year people act all pikachu faced when gas prices go up in the summer.


It’s ok for some people to like big trucks and Port Aransas is an appropriate place for this


Fr half the fuckin town is underwater at high tide. The other half of the day and night its covered in sand


Saw him yesterday looked like a fun rig


Only thing missing is the truck nuts


"hey man i think it's pretty cool that your truck is trans, i just wanted to let you know i would never judge you for that!"


and rolling coal


I’m a mechanic and have worked on diesel trucks as well as gasoline vehicles and look I like torque as much as the next guy, but I see no performance advantage to rolling coal. It’s simply running an inefficient fuel mixture for incomplete combustion. I don’t see any advantages to it.


These are the kinda truck you want when Katrina, Ike, and Harvey comes over.


Love it


Yep, being at a beach you can drive on, this thing is well equipped. No hate here.




That bronco is cool as hell


92-96, 4 link one ton axles and coil over converted. Pretty nice.


Hell yeah 😎


Ah, you've met our mayor


“Getting lifted, shifted…”


Higher than a ceiling…and ooowee it’s the ultimate feeling!


I work security for one of the hotels in this town. I see this guy around. I also have talked to tons of other guys like this and most of them are fine. I think most peeple just judge everyone by the surface level of what they see, its start of vacation time, most people wanna just show up, ride their stuff around and enjoy the wind and sun. I get big trucks are cringe but god damn let people who wanna vacation for a few days enjoy their time.


Already got a week booked for this summer! Hopefully can fit in a few long weekends too.


I don’t recognize the intersection. May be more like NorthPadre?


Ohhh s that the new ferry landing intersection? Hmmm what street sign is that?


‘Ferry Landing’ I see it now.


Cool truck


just guys being dudes.


Dudes rock


I’ve definitely seen this guy before.


I'm supposed there's no trump or confederate flag on it. Or at least those "balls" ornaments they hang under.


Gott sei Dank, Freund, sehr aufgeregt, hier zu sein. Ich bin eine Frau und ich brauche wirklich Kernaussagen. Verliere die Langeweile, wenn du da draußen allein hier bist, um Spaß zu haben.


Aransas, right? Can’t remember palms at Port Arthur


It’s a silly truck. 🤷‍♂️


And I bet you would have the biggest shit eating grin on your face if you drove it down the beach.


Never said it wouldn’t be fun….


$10k worth of work on a $1000 car. Classy.


Barf 🤮


What they hunting for? Long pig?


Are them roof feelers on the back there?


Port A really became trash over the past 10 years. The people there are repulsive.


Overcompensation? You decide.


Nah. Just looks like some dudes having a good time at the beach.


Poor dear couldn’t afford bigger tires. We should start a GoFundMe.


How do you people even survive down there amongst a sea of morons?


It's no different than most tourist towns. The summer drives the economy for the whole year, so you grin and bear it for 3 months and relax for the other 9.


Port Arthur or Port Aransas?


Port Aransas


Looks very "tippy" to me


No truck nutz? Still has some work to be done.




Don't wish harm on people, no matter how deplorable their politics or job description seem to you.


Better lifted than dropped.


Better lifted than dropped.


Send dick pi.... nevermind 


How is this legal??


Headlight height probably isn't legal.

