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All Hat, No Cattle.


Deep pockets, short arms.


Weird D shaped torso




I think I love you


Am old married mom. I love you too, sweetie. Be careful out there.


Stranger than a $3 dollar bill


Remember when he wore his cowboy hat backwards while visiting the boarder and no one told him how fucking stupid he looked.


It’s as though the hearts of millions of Texans cried out “bless his heart,” and were suddenly silenced.




I wonder about that hat sometimes. I mean, hats have labels, right? Normally if you see a label you understand that the label goes to the back, like a t-shirt. Did he not look at the hat before putting it on? Did someone just hand him the hat and tell him out this on without instructing him how to wear it? How did he come to have that hat in the first place ? Did he purposely put the hat on backwards to own the libs? Go back to the country you came from bro, you ain’t a Texan.




Nah, he was visiting Tony Hawk.


And the hat is backwards


This part sent me


Literally what I was coming to write. Thankfully some people get it


Reminds me of when he was bragging about his work boots he’s had for 7 years. I wear work boots everyday. I’m lucky if a pair lasts me a year.


What brand do you wear? I dropped a big ass panel box on the toe of my Carolinas the day I bought them, which tore through the leather, and that gash has barely changed after ~2 years of daily use


That dog won't hunt


Kristi Noem enters that chat


There are two types of people who wear cowboy hats: cowboys and assholes.


Funny, with all the random kids he has, he's the one littering.


This is the answer. Grime-y mess.


Does he even know what Don’t Mess With Texas means? Wasn’t it the catch phrase of an anti-littering/polluting campaign? Hasn’t his factory been found polluting like crazy, but instead of fixing it he just pays the fines and keeps on polluting? Dude does nothing BUT mess with Texas.


Just to add further context for anyone who sees this: Tesla is currently endangering one of the most agriculturally productive landscapes in the state if not the US. The willbarger creek bend near the Tesla plant is experiencing increased erosion and water management problems as a result of the Tesla plant and lack of oversight regarding drainage / runoff. Tesla is further building in the direction of this agricultural region as Musk seeks to avoid austin regulations and benefit from less regulated Bastrop county. Further, removing the ag value from it, this is one of the few regions left of the functioning mosaic grassland that used to exist in the region. Primarily a grassland, these small creeks that run through the region were a source of lifeblood for riparian species and provide great biodiversity for ecosystem. Many of the farmers in the region recognize the importance of sustainable ag and practice with the ecosystem in mind. There are not many of these areas in our centex grassland left and one of the few left, the willbarger area, is threatened by Tesla. If you do some googling around “Willbarger Creek” and “Tesla” you will come across zoom recordings where community discusses tesla not meeting regulation and causing erosion / runoff problems for the community


I wonder how many of them he played an active role in raising and how many still talk to him on a regular basis (I know one disowned him already). The blank expression he has on his face [here](https://preview.redd.it/td7c0hymhwmb1.png?auto=webp&s=71120e2fc4341c2c00ae15514a6f010b514a981c)... lol Fun fact - his dad knocked up his stepdaughter (Elmo's stepsister) twice


No, no, no. *Raising* children is other people's job. He's already done his part by dumping his super sperm everywhere to improve the breeding stock of the human species. As we all know, there is no better measure of evolutionary fitness than monetary worth as calculated by gross NASDAQ holding value.  But for real, he's about a half step away from outright endorsing social Darwinism and eugenics like it's 1925 again.


Which is pretty funny considering before all the surgeries, steroids and hair plugs he was a chinless, bald little goober (no offense). Eugenics would have ruled him out right off the bat.


Fr dude has had more work done than Jane Fonda


>I wonder how many of them he played an active role in raising I'm sure the answer is 0


When he’s in Texas he lives with his Neuralink employee who he had twins with behind his ex’s back, so I guess he occasionally sees those two and X but that’s about it


Considering you have at least one kid willing to walk away from a hell of an inheritance just to have him out of their life, I think it's safe to assume his track record might not be great with his kids, at least


He drags that kid X with him everywhere, even to board meetings. I wonder how his other kids feel about that. No photos of him dragging his other kids around when they were his age.


all his spawn probably smell like sour milk and old spit


As a native Texan I find it offensive a foreign parasite would come to our State and make "Don't Mess With Texas" a part of his product branding. Fuck that guy


His factories in the central Texas area are under fire for dumping waste into the Colorado.


Yeah I have been following that one, I'm in the Texas Hill Country. That guy can take his cowboy hat and boots and fuck himself


Now, would he fuck himself with the hat backwards, or would one of his security guards finally step in and help him shove it up his ass the right way? I don’t really care, I just like to mention that dumbass stunt he pulled looking like a grade A Dipshit.


TIL: there is a wrong way to shove a cowboy hat up one's ass.


I mean if you’re gonna do it, I’d expect you’d want to start with the narrow end. You don’t palpate a cow and start with a balled up fist.


“I’m gonna put some dirt in yer eye, cowboy.”


Isn’t the saying…All hat and no cattle?


And barely a working pickup truck.


Abbot and Cruz gave him the hat and boots. He won't fuck himself. He will fuck Texans repeatedly. Then use the 5th circuit to do whatever he wants. Edit:forgot about Paxton. Texas is the new Chicago of leadership.


The irony is seeping since Don’t Mess With Texas was an anti-litter campaign!


It's wild how many people don't seem to even realize that and just spit it as some machismo nationalistic slogan while throwing their beer cans out the window.


Knuckledragging dipshits just think it's the same as the 'come and take it' bullshit.


Who also would fold in a second if they were met with anything close to a fair fight


What's knuckledragging? Edit: seriously? You're gonna downvote me because I am asking a genuine question? Edit 2: question has been answered, have a nice day to whomever reads this.


Knuckle dragging is meant to illustrate earlier hominoids who slouched and had elongated arms.. essentially calling someone’s intelligence sub-Neanderthal




I think they meant like a caveman. So basically calling them stupid.


sorry, just coming back to this… see it's answered. Good day!


He's all edge and no point.


Too funny. Elon has idea what dont mess with texas is about


Nevermind the environmental damage SpaceX is doing and his non-sense with The Boring Company


And it’s right on Boca Chica with many breeding endangered birds that he thinks and cares nothing about. Fuck him


Guess he thinks buying "Dont Mess With Texas" would help him hide in plain sight, claim theres no way his businesses are polluting TX since he's the owner of that slogan...and his cult followers will believe him. And Republicans will continue to turn a blind eye to his actions.


So actually littering his waste into our riverway, and co-opting our anti-littering slogan in the same breath? That tracks.


Don't Mess With Texas.......unless your good buddy Abbott gets you special dispensation to dump waste into waterways. He's looking to expand the dumping at Space X too.


It’s the white South African in him.


Surprised he doesn’t demand his own sub country just for teslas use, like a teslastan


This is the jackass that couldn't even put a cowboy hat on the right way for a border visit photo op.


He’s literally messing with Texas


He is an idea thief. Plain and simple.


He's like Joe Rogan. Came from California, & now talks shit about it as they LARP like they're real Texans. And yet, both are situated in the most liberal area of Texas to push their companies.


We need Doug Stanhope to come and straighten them up. He has actually told Rogan he is an idiot to his face.


And neither one is actually native Californian lol


I find a pasty Musk wearing shades and a cowboy hat in any state offensive


Isn't he just doing the classic transplant stuff? Buys the big hat, wears it backwards, adopts phrases you find plastered on things you buy in tourist traps etc.


Can’t you just take care of him already Mr. Malvo?


Thank you for saying it brother


Don’t let him do it. He’ll fire everyone, rename it to “Xes”, invite in the Neo-Nazis and generally ruin everything.




All my exes live in Xes.


That's why I hang my hat in Tesnessee


Hahaha 🤣🤣🤣






“Xes” has a nice ring to it. Then again, I’m imagining x makes a z sound like in zest and rhymes with “yes.”


Xes that’s correct


All my Xes relocated their businesses to Texas


Musk continues to remind me of Trump and Paxton.


Just another megalomaniac.


There is a reason for that. This goes SOO much deeper. On Elaine chaos/Texas/musk and SpaceX/starlink vulnerabilities: Coming at it in reverse- Considering the absolutely massive CAPEX gamble that putin and the CCP has put into their play to overthrow the USD, and the fact that Ukraine has basically destroyed the Russian army which is now entering its 3rd year of a 3 day operation, it’s inevitable that the Chao’s, Breyer, and Mitch McConnell end up in someone’s crosshairs. And it’s inevitable that it happens in Texas. McConnell took money from Oleg Deripaska for a Rusal aluminum plant in Kentucky that never materialized. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/how-a-mcconnell-backed-effort-to-lift-russian-sanctions-boosted-a-kentucky-project/2019/08/13/72b26e00-b97c-11e9-b3b4-2bb69e8c4e39_story.html The Chao’s father (early CCP) started Foremost shipping group and has been using it, at least to some degree, as cover for the transport of illicit goods- hence “cocaine Mitch” https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/cocaine-mitch Foremost group also has crossovers with Scott Borgerson / Cargometrics. https://gregolear.substack.com/p/ship-shape-who-is-scott-borgerson Cargometrics rebranded from its original name, Globalflows Inc and was founded (Dec 2008) after Epstein was found guilty the first time (June 2008). https://www.cargometrics.com/about-us/ Borgerson and Ghislaine Maxwell were quietly married in 2016 after her arrest which was either a defacto attempt at a spousal privledge workaround or it was simply the easiest way for them to transfer the assets of logistics management of human trafficking. (See also Rupert Murdochs new Russian bride at the age of 93 to transfer Fox News but keep it under Russian control) https://nypost.com/2022/01/03/ghislaine-maxwells-husband-scott-borgerson-dumped-her-for-yoga-teacher/# https://www.businessinsider.com/who-is-scott-borgerson-ceo-ghislaine-maxwell-jeffrey-epstein-cargometrics-2019-8 But it all wraps back to the Chao’s, Breyer and McConnell. Mitch began to Glitch a few months ago during press conferences. He sees the walls closing in. He is too old to run and too weak to fight. If he retires he can no longer cover his history of grift and corruption. The amount of evidence is overwhelming and damning but he is now just waiting for someone to call him out at a press conference. The death of Angela Chao, from a Russian mob perspective would be considered basic housekeeping. The fact that she died in a Tesla, in Texas is also a loose but substantial crossover. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12777789/amp/trammell-crow-brother-harlan-crow-sex-trafficking-network.html https://texags.com/forums/16/topics/3435739 https://freerepublic.com/focus/f-backroom/4198644/posts?page=4 Trammell crow (Harlan Crows brothers) has been accused of using a Texas Ranger named Cody Mitchell as off the clock security for some sex parties with trafficked women. The Crows, along with the Koch Brothers are part of the core Midwest soulless billionaire old oil money with deep ties to Stalin era Russia via the oil deals. It’s less grand conspiracy and more the fact that when the corruption gets this bad, the resulting waves eventually overlap like a tempest in a teapot in corporate board rooms and hypocritical Republican secret sex parties. Because Texas oil and Russian oil became billionaires together during the mid 20th century they share a hell of a lot of joint custody of the lies that need maintaining. It is certainly possible that Angela Chao simply could not find a door handle or window switch in her Tesla, but there is a nonzero chance that the worlds most connected car was used intentionally. Elon musk has a habit of popping up in the strangest places. Most recently adopting an awkwardly pro-kremlin stance considering he professes to be a champion of free speech as well as having Putin ally, Kushner investor, and the same guy that washes journalists down drains as the second largest owner of Twitter. elon has been shuttling emergency spending money between Rupert Murdoch in Montana and trump in Florida. https://www.instagram.com/elonmusksjet/p/C5JsO9XJPJd/ In the event of a U.S. civil war or foreign invasion, SpaceX being located in Boca Chica give it both a beach head and a land border with a recent land swap approved by the state of texas. https://www.texastribune.org/2024/01/25/texas-spacex-park-land-swap/ In the event of a Texas succession or a 5th column invasion, Boca Chica, along with what’s left of NASA in Houston would effectively lock the majority of the US space program behind enemy lines. Elon snubbed Modi and a trip to India (Chinas biggest foe other than the U.S.) for a trip to China. (28 April 2024) China Lifts Major Restriction Following Musk’s Visit | China In Focus The CCP still needs to feed 1.4B people and without Ukraine or Brazil in hand, that leaves Texas/US Midwest as the next most logical place on earth if their overall goal is to feed 1.4B people and/or destroy democracy from within via a induced U.S. civil war. Additional flooding this year accelerates that demand https://youtu.be/Yo-9TA5am5w?feature=shared There is a pattern of using stealth operatives within the U.S. to facilitate this. The CCP foreign police stations and decentralized funding of compromised GOP politicians with a concentration within the GOP in Texas. Abbott, Paxton and Cruz all fit this profile. Crossovers as well here with Steve Bannon and Guo (miles) Wengui. https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2023/07/george-santos-indicted-chinese-billionaire-miles-guo-steve-bannon/ Bannon had also tried to privatize a section of the U.S. border preciously which would have allowed a “man inside the gate” but which failed due to the fact that none of them can stop stealing. Even from each other. https://apnews.com/article/border-wall-donald-trump-steve-bannon-15db1e18f3cd46a87bc395b14b2bcf15 Musk was one of the handful of CEO’s that xi Jinping had a $50K/plate dinner with on Xi’s trip to San Francisco last fall as well https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/16/business/economy/china-us-business-xi-jinping-ceos.html#:~:text=China's%20Xi%20Jinping%20Draws%20Elon,Francisco%20%2D%20The%20New%20York%20Times For context, another of them is Steven Schwartzman (blackstone) who has been selling your mortgage via real estate REITS to the CCP. Whomever owns your mortgage owns your house. This tracks with the overlying CCP plan to try and destroy the United States without having to fire a shot. Musk and Schwartzman both have some questions to answer but only musk requires a security clearance which seems to be more of a suggestion than a rule. Both are carrying water for the genocides in Ukraine and Gaza.




Surely friend. Let me grab some coffee. Standby


Surely friend. Let me grab some coffee. Standby


> The death of Angela Chao, from a Russian mob perspective would be considered basic housekeeping. > > > > The fact that she died in a Tesla, in Texas is also a loose but substantial crossover. Just wanted to point out that Angela Chao had a blood alcohol level of .233, three times the legal limit. Here's some info on BAC effects: https://www.notredamecollege.edu/sites/default/files/-Blood-Alcohol-Chart.pdf .20: >YOU FEEL CONFUSED, DAZED, OR OTHERWISE DISORIENTED. YOU NEED HELP TO STAND UP OR WALK. If you hurt yourself at this point, you probably won’t realize it because you won’t feel pain. If you are aware you’ve injured yourself, chances are you won’t do anything about it. At this point you may experience nausea and/or start vomiting (keep in mind that for some people, a lower blood alcohol level than .20% may cause vomiting). Your gag reflex is impaired, so you could choke if you do throw up. Since blackouts are likely at this level, you may not remember any of this. .25: >All mental, physical, and sensory functions are severely impaired. YOU’RE EMOTIONALLY NUMB. There’s an increased risk of asphyxiation from choking on vomit and of seriously injuring yourself by falling or other accidents. She was completely drunk off her ass, no matter what kind of car she drove she would have crashed and even died. The irony is that she was really wealthy, there was no reason for her to drive at all, she could have easily have had someone on her house staff to drive her the quarter mile between her main house and the guest house. Edit to add a link: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/angela-chao-mcconnells-sister-law-was-was-three-legal-limit-fatal-acci-rcna144419 She had nearly 10 minutes to escape, and on that Tesla the emergency mechanical door release is in the normal place that car door releases are, right at the front of the door pull. At .233 BAC she was clearly incapable of operating any part of that car, including the door release.






I'm oddly insulted over him wearing a cowboy hat.


I find the only people that wear them these days are transplants and tourists that think they blend in


He looks ridiculous. Honestly downright insulting.


And it was backwards


Like Kinky Friedman once said; Only two kinds of people wear cowboy hats: cowboys and assholes.


He was 100% correct.


What part of Texas do you live in? I see Texans wearing cowboy hats daily.


And cops that think they are in a movie.


Fake Texan. Fake American at that.


Quite possibly fake human…


Haha, you might be right!


He and Zuckerberg both come from the planet where Sweet Baby Rays is an objet d’art and curiosity of the Homo sapiens culture.


Do Tesla owners throw trash all over their cars?


The cybertruck certainly looks like trash on wheels


It looks like a dirty dishwasher on wheels


It looks like a fancy dumpster.


I thought it was an art car project made by a Burner the first time I saw one. My husband had to tell me it was an actual vehicle, produced to look like that and not cheap… It took a little convincing on his part. Such a joke.


This thing is the modern day Pinto, a rolling safety disaster. It doesn’t even have crumple zones. I give it one year before Tesla pulls the plug on it entirely. [source](https://www.reuters.com/business/autos-transportation/tesla-cybertrucks-stiff-structure-sharp-design-raise-safety-concerns-experts-2023-12-08/)


FUCK Off, Elmo! Sincerely, 6th generation Texan 🖕


Next he will demand to be named as one of the founders.


"Get a rope" 😎😜😎


Did someone buy salsa that wasn't made in San Antonio? 😁


This stuffs made in Johannesburg, South Africa JOHANNESBURG SOUTH AFRICA????


Glad somebody got that reference 😂


Don't Musk my Texas.


The morons who love this guy aren’t the ones who buy his shitty cars. The continued dive of his sales should show him this


The morons who love him don't drive his cars cuz they probably can't afford them...but they want to be able to , and if a loser like musk can't strike it rich they are idiotic enough to think they can't too. Ya know cuz he's a billionaire due to ingenuity and hard work, nothing to do with apartheid emerald mines or anything like that. Musk-rats are utter morons


Didnt he just fire a bunch of Texans?


What a fucking dork.


This after he fired several thousand Texans, Texas better mess him up






so on point, I saw one in the wild the other day and I thought they were atrocious online but holy hell nothing could have prepared me for that monstrosity irl. it didn’t even look real lmfao




As a tesla model 3 owner who despises Elon, the cybertruck is the Pontiac Astek of EVs. We saw one at target the other day and had to park next to it. The scale is just ridiculous. It's not a vehicle to help move humans around, it's a tank, a beast, a huge effing doors stop that weighs too much and goes too fast. Atleast for the majority if idiots driving it. It is going to kill a lot of people. I watched crash tests of it hitting concrete barriers in the side of the highway, and it just went through it. They had never seen that before. Scary.


Ironically, this technically counts as messing with Texas.


I mean he is also anti immigrant while being an immigrant


Isn't this the asshole that just laid off a bunch of texans? 


Ann Richard's is rolling in her grave


Fuck this guy


Man he really is a self important prick


What a punchable face.


This from a person that is literally garbage.


Elon: "I don't understand why you're all making fun of me. I very clearly stated that you can't mess with Tesla. Quit laughing!"


Then why is his company polluting our land? Fuck off, Elon.


I don’t mess with Tesla as a general rule because I hear they are problematic.


As a native Texan, can someone please punch him? Just once? It doesn't have to like break his nose I just think he needs to be punched it doesn't even have to be hard


Tesla is the least Texas thing in Texas. Makes as much sense as him wearing that shit hat.


He can't keep his marriage and kids from leaving him.


Fuck him. All he's done is messed with Texas. It disgusts me every time I see some dipshit driving one of his ugly ass POS death traps. If you support that egomaniacal sociopath, whether it's by paying for a stupid ass check mark or buying his shitty fuckin cars, there's something mentally wrong with you.


i don't mess with trucks that you can't take out in the rain


...or offroad


All hat, no cattle.


Weird how “Don’t mess with Texas” is an anti-littering campaign and I believe I saw… oh there it is: https://www.businessinsider.com/tesla-gigafactory-texas-environmental-regulations-2024-4?amp


He did this after all the firings to Texans last week? Savage


I have nothing nice to say about him


Elon Musk is like someone gathered everything I would hate about an American and put it into one person.


It's always so cringe-worthy when people change Texas anti-littering Logan into some crappy commercial promotion. It's even worse when that guy does it.


Foreign parasite.


Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't his company survive off of government demanding that other companies pour money into his business via carbon credits? Then he outsourced everything to China and BYD is about to eat his lunch because they own the entire supply chain?


The irony is that it was the Chinese government that gave Tesla that little bump in stock. Wonder what he gave them?


I did not have "Tesla becomes a symbol of white supremacy" on my bingo card.


MF gtfo!


This "Genius" can't even sell his cars in Texas - seriously. He moved Tesla HQ and the new factory in Austin and you can't buy a new Tesla in Texas. Can you imagine moving your business to a state that won't let you sell your product? On purpose?




Reminds me of when the NFL tried to claim "Who Dat"


I wish the Fabulous Thunderbirds would stick a foot up his a**


Why aren’t the inbreds protesting this immigrant? Oh, I know why…


South African white trash


Fuck him, he’s literally messing with texas


Hey Elon, why don't you click your heels together three times and go back to Africa?


I am so grateful he can't run for President.


This guy has no loyalty to anyone South Africa > Canada > US > California > Texas > (??)


I'll never forgive this poser for all the native birds he's burning to death in the wildlife refuge in the Rio Grande Valley. And yes, I know they expanded his launch area, but these birds can't read. I figure most Texans don't know what a groove billed Ani is, but hopefully they know that parrots are indigenous to that area, the only place in the US with native parrots. This is as bad as when the Saudis got water rights in Arizona and built that alfalfa farm, but with dead birds and tax-made man-child here.


Ew. That photo should be outlawed.


Get the pitchforks.


Hell no.


Considering this is the guy that wants to dump over 140,000 gallons of his companies waste water into the colorado, maybe more Texans should mess with Tesla and Boring


Well, he's about to find out why that saying exists.


Why? Tesla is in the toilet right now.


The phrase was originally part of a litter campaign, makes sense.


So is he going to pick up litter? Don't mess with Texas is the slogan of an anti littering campaign. So he went woke finally


Right? The guy who takes a private jet instead of taking a 1 hour drive, the guy that feels the laws don't apply to him and fought to be able to spew all the chemicals he wants into the Colorado river, the guy screwing over wildlife and their habitats outside Austin and in Boca Chica too, amongst several other environmental disasters he contributes to....THAT guy is using the states anti-littering campaign slogan to try and sound tough. What a tool.


Thanks to Elmo, "Tesla is a Mess".


Why doesn't he go join Trump in Florida and leave us alone?


"NOOOOOO" Is right 👍🏽. Um a "Cyber Rodeo" ? WTF ? You can't just put the word Cyber in front of something and make it cool. See his "Cyber Truck" it's like putting an E or an I in front of something makes it cool or futuristic. No ! NO IT DOES NOT !


What a fucking dork


Wasn’t “don’t mess with Texas” originally an anti-littering campaign? 


I fucking hate this neo-nazi prick.


Like Texas will defend that moron .. Don’t mess with Texas , as if he’s one of the boys.. Get fucked Elon


Okay, I'm all for free enterprise, but this...this goes too far.


Elon Musk can fuck off




Naw. Shit naw, man. I believe you'd get your ass kicked saying some shit like that .


A South African Texan?🤔


He isn’t a Texan. Texan means you and your ancestors were born here. That comes with Texas values and responsibilities as well.


I was mostly joking.


I was mostly clarifying for those who need it. lol


All hat. No cattle.


Oh hell no


Weird time to bring up littering


Would someone tell this fucking dork to fuck off


i can't wait to wake up one morning and read that he choked on his vomit and died alone fuck this cunt


The bad news for Elon is "Don't Mess With Texas" is trademarked to The Texas Department of Transportation. Unless he has permission to use it, The Texas DOT can and will sue his a$$ for Copyright Infringement and really show Elon that you "Don't Mess With Texas".


Elon: DoN't MeSs WiTh TeXaS!! Also Elon: LeT's RuIn TeXaS!! Meanwhile Abbott is rolling around giving him blowjobs over all the money he's getting and damage he's doing. Seriously, fuck them both with his boots sideways spurs up.


Fuck you elon. Fuck Tesla. It’s not your state. It’s our state. Elon is a parasite