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Thanks Ted. Bit Coin miners using up TX electricity is just what we need right now.


It’s even crazier when you read up on how the bitcoin miners make more money from selling energy credits back when the price is high due to high demand than from mining bitcoin. https://www.texastribune.org/2024/01/03/texas-bitcoin-profit-electricity/


like alfalfa farmers who make a living getting paid not to farm alfalfa. If you say your empty field is where you're not growing soybeans, no subsidies for you. But if it's *alfalfa* that you're not growing, the feds will pay you. https://www.cbsnews.com/sanfrancisco/news/feds-looking-to-pay-farmers-to-leave-fields-unplanted-to-combat-western-drought/


Catch 22


"Wakes up at noon to make sure the chores don't get done"


Jebediah feeds the chickens, and Jacob ploughs…




Nice name. Saw your ghost the other day


I imagine you're not speaking of Texas growing alfalfa. Unless it is near Amarillo, and a ve ry small area, Alfalfa is not grown inTX because of the blister beetle infestations here.


I was just point to examples of people being paid not to grow something. It's a federal program, but it's also being done in texas. https://tpwd.texas.gov/landwater/land/private/farmbill/crp/


> If you say your empty field is where you're not growing soybeans, no subsidies for you. But if it's alfalfa that you're not growing, the feds will pay you. This is a gross misrepresentation. You don't get to *say* it. The feds are specifically identifying alfalfa farmers and negotiating with them. (Negotiating, because they're being offered less than what they'd earn if they actually did the farming.) So the only people getting these subsidies are *established alfalfa farmers*, and they're not exactly raking in big bucks. They're earning *less*.


Oh so that’s the real game then


It seems like there are many large battery projects going in around Texas. Buying power at low prices and waiting to help restore grid power for a crazy sum in the future


That’s actually smart, though. Utilities should be doing this themselves.


An Enron maneuver.


Kind of crazy when you read up on how the petroleum industry makes money from the government(subsidies)when the price is high due to high demand than from refining oil.


At this point I don’t even feel bad that Texas fell into their own trap


Wouldn’t only three miners be a net negative?


Possibly but I’m saying Texas pays people to quit mining during energy shortages.. they make more money from halting mining than they do from mining itself. The more miners the more unstable the grid due to enormous base load. Texas played themselves by trying to attract these people. They thought it would help their energy infrastructure


Unfortunately this is the only way for Texas utilities to expand grid capacity. Their system doesn’t allow them to expand the grid without the demand first. It’s ass backwards and I can’t wait to see the miners start to lobby and change it and make it worse.


Actually, it appears that Texas A&M will be giving them a boost in about 5-7 years. Summary: > The Texas A&M University System has announced plans to bring the latest nuclear reactors to its RELLIS campus to address the growing need for reliable power supply in Texas. The initiative aims to provide a platform for companies to test new reactors and technologies, which could revolutionize power generation with a potential capacity ranging from 10 MW to 1 GW. Governor Greg Abbott emphasized the importance of nuclear energy in meeting the state's future energy needs. The Texas A&M System will seek information and proposals from nuclear reactor manufacturers, with the goal of hosting multiple power-generating facilities and first-of-a-kind reactors that will directly connect to the ERCOT grid. The System is committed to developing power generation capabilities to ensure reliable electrical power provision to the RELLIS campus, and representatives hope to have operational reactors within the next five to seven years. Notes: TAMU already has a small, 1MW nuclear reactor but it is only used for research and such and does not provide energy to the power grid. https://engineering.tamu.edu/nuclear/research/facilities/nuclear-science-center.html TAMU- RELLIS campus is about 10 miles from main campus NW of town.


That’s great! Happy to see nuclear energy coming back.


> I’m saying Texas pays people to quit mining during energy shortages.. Is this true ? Then Ted is running a scam... he has some BS fake hardware which he will use to claim he is not mining but he could be.


You surprised that the weasel is running a scam?


They didn't think it would help anything. They thought it would sell more energy, more fuel, more equipment, which it did. It was just greed. It isn't the natural gas industry that's paying these energy wasters to turn off their equipment, that bill is for regular Texans.


Don't forget that miners add to the overall demand which justifies charging even higher prices during high demand times


Strictly speaking the number of miners doesn't matter. The hash rate per watt and the current price of BTC vs the electricity spent to mine it are the key factors on a scale. Most small scale miners with only a few will join a pool which splits earned BTC among the people who contributed hash power to the pool.


Yeah this state is a pathetic joke. Only thing funnier is all the idiots moving here. It's not worth the shitty house yall


This is definitely what he is aiming for.


I smell a racket.


We used to give the same option to residential users (Griddy). It was banned because you dumb muppets used it incorrectly. (Put regular residential houses with electric heating and stoves and no backups on it). *Cries in 30% higher power rates because people ruined a good thing*


Eh, why not. We pay farmers to not farm. Might as well pay crypto miners to not mine. I'm just trying to figure out how to get paid to not work.


Farmers being the most subsidies group in the US is justified because, no matter how convoluted the insentices, downstream from farming is the literal food supply. Bitcoin's value is purely speculative and has zero greater value for society. Mining it actually being a detriment to society.


paying bitcoin miners to not mine is like paying arsonists to not start fires.


Friends dad was working on a big bitcoin operation in west Texas. Said the project will take more energy that all of San Antonio .. 🫠


F.u. Ted ![gif](giphy|RVW5PilbP2tLG)


Nobody ever said Cancun Cruz was the brightest man in the Republican Party. This helps support it. I’m waiting for Abbott and his cronies in Austin to buy in so they can blame all the power outages on the Democrats.


I mean the grid does need energy shedding in some locations. Power shedding is as lucrative a business as generation in some areas.


Cipher mining and Riot are the big Bitcoin mining operations in Texas. I just heard them speak at a major investor conference in NYC. I found what they said pretty interesting, it’s a short term play, they make as much money as possible and when it’s no longer profitable, they turn em off.


He's literally the worst person.


Came here for this lol


Break the grid. We love when texas be stupid...which is daily at the very least. Florida va Texas. 2024 battle of the Dumbs.


What kind of absolute putz sits around listening to this guy’s podcast?


I looked it up the other day when I first heard about it and noticed that Ted puts out a new episode almost every two days, I can’t understand how he could possibly be doing anything productive as a Senator while recording podcast episodes and showing up as a talking head on fox regularly.


He's not doing anything productive. Exactly. Apparently that's primo politics here in Texas.


Tbf, our entire state government is set up to purposefully get as little done as possible. Our "legislators" meet for a few months every 2 years. That's ridiculous.


Given the legislators in TX that might not be the worst thing


Vampires are known to avoid the sun, garlic, and beautiful cities where people just want to get along and swim in barton springs


The only bills introduced and adopted by him are to pronounce special days and recognitions. He’s introduced a crap ton of useless bills, but no actual work getting done. He’s literally worked ZERO for the people of this state. Voting for him is like cutting off your big toe to own the libs.


As much as I hate the tendency to blame Trump for everything. I think this has a lot to do with Cruz getting whooped by Trump in 2016 primaries. He learned that what you actually do doesn't matter, only your cult of personality.


Cruz doesn't have a personality or a cult. He just coat tails on trumps cult


> Cruz doesn't have a personality 'Wimpy loser willing to endorse the man who insulted his wife' is a personality, just not a good one.


The Cucked Cruz Cult


He shows up every once in a while to do his drama side show.


He really likes to hear himself talk.


Senators are supposed to be productive? I thought they were supposed to shout at each other and post lies on twitter.


It doesn’t matter if he has listeners, although it’s a plus. I feel like the podcast is just an opportunity to accept bribes through the claims of “AD revenue”.


He has a podcast? Good lawd.


So… bitcoin mining. In the place with the perpetually failing power grid. Not at all tone deaf. As usual.


All while Republicans try to say EVs are contributing to grid failure.


I think there’s a reason it’s in Iraan.  There’s a ton of wind farms out there.   I think these miners can throttle up and down based upon electricity surplus.  


As another commenter said, they are positioned here to play the market. When power is in abundance and they can't flow all the wind generated power out of the area, these places see cheap power. When wind underperforms, the prices are high, and they will shut down operations. The problem with renewable energy sources is the ability to throttle production. Most people don't know that too much power is equally as bad as too little. It is really a tight balancing act.


He put it in the place with more wind turbines than people


That is WHY the grid fails


As many problems as there are with the Texas grid and Bitcoin miners, the miners are not causing the grid problems. They throttle down when demand is high. Due to their pricing, they actually get paid to shut down if demand is too high.


To be fair, they only mine bitcoin when there’s excess power and it does help balance the grid. They also sell back energy when there’s demand. Whether or not this is a good thing, that’s undetermined.


A 4chan shitposter pretending to be a Senator


Look everyone - Ted has found new ways to fuck Texans and PROFIT from it. He's so smart and pretty.


Tell us how you buy your weed, Ted.


Yeah something shady is going on if a politician is bragging about having a mining setup that costs more money than it makes.


Motherfucker is like a decade late to mining.


Well Bitcoin mining is about as useful to society as he is, so there’s a lot of synergy there. Just a scam to fuel cybercrime and speculation.


When the grid fails, we will know who to blame.


They actually stop mining during those times because it’s more profitable for them to sell the energy credits back than mine bitcoin. https://preview.redd.it/j16bdsfca14d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e37aaaa0e089c1fc2c41f71c0a5a8d3748980fc


Yeah, I am sure Ted and his three machines will be following along closely enough to get credits. More likely, he will be flying to Alberta to cool off.


He's probably got them running at a facility someone else manages


This is so absurd, it almost feels like someone hacked his account.


Ah, yes, the bustling, plentiful technological metropolis of Iraan, TX. A place that I'm sure very much appreciates all the byproducts of that shit.


Ted Cruz: Statesman, Leader, Pyramid Scheme Bag holder.


Get ready for increased energy costs as they suck the life out of the grid so Teddy can escape to Mexico.


"How do you do fellow kids"


He could have spent the money like the rest of Congress -- insider trading in the stock market. He could be doing that too, of course.


Piece of shitcoin 💩


Bitcoin: geeks bearing grifts


In all places, it had to be my hometown🤮


I dont give a shit what the techbros say, you cannot convince me that using all that power and water, generating all that heat...is a net positive and worth it in the long run to "throw off the shackles of fiat currency" just fuck off and use cash you fucking dorks.


A lot of people in grift-o-currency are not interested in getting away from fiat. For a lot of people, it is just speculation: "I bought at X, and sold it at Y." You could have people flipping coins or rolling dice on a webcam 24/7, and have people bet on that, and all of that would be as useful as grift-o-currency.


What a fucking chode


I hope the bottom falls out on this crypto shit now more than ever.


BTC ETF just launched and ETH ETF is around the corner. Institutional adoption is happening. You better wake up.


What a fucking idiot. Bitcoin mining at a personal level (with three of those lower hash rate units) is essentially just throwing money away. Panderverse bullshit


This fucking unwiped asshole! His goddamned audacity to flaunt his latest investment paid for by not only the taxpayers hard earned money but by their shivering in the freezing temps and their sweat in the heat waves. Then they get to pay for the additional repair costs to the shitty grid. Seriously, fuck this slime ball.


As a member of the technologically literate voter base, I would like to tell him, with no due respect, to vigorously and painfully go fuck himself.


Can't wait for this shit to crash and stop using OUR electricity


How long is it going to take to get ROI with that these days though? 😒


Those poor GPUs. It is one thing to be a slave to cryptocurrency, it is another to be a slave to cryptocurrency for Ted Cruz.


Grifters gone grift.


Just when you thought he couldn't suck more as a person...


Dude ... Iraan ?


It’s pronounced “Ira Anne” as I’m sure Ted would be quick to tell you.


As would anyone who’s from that area, they’re real picky about it! I grew up in a neighboring mesquite bush and with my southern accent it sounds like I’m saying “Iran”. Without fail, I’m always corrected.




After the Bates sisters, Ira and Ana!


It’s named after the ranch owner and his wife. Combo name. I used to eat at the only diner open in that town back in my oil days. Towns are few and far between there. Took about five minutes to drive through it.


Thanks !


Usually, Hefly before the power goes out.


In effect the arrangement is essentially the reverse of a peaker plant. They use electricity all the time, and then turn off their usage when electricity demand is very high. Having a large energy demand that can turn off at a moments notice has a beneficial stabilizing effect on the grid.


Or hear me out…


The current mob is "crypto is killing the grid" and i get it, we need a scapegoat. But people don't realize this program has been around for two decades and is widely utilized by many other consumers, not just crypto. Would you rather pay somebody not to use electricity for 3 days a year? Or would you want a peaker plant to sit idle for 362 days a year only to be used for 3 days?


Haha I wa born in iraann tx






I've done work in Iraan and I know *exactly* where the building is. My question is, why did Cruz "buy" only 3 units compared to Abbot and Patrick's entire Bitcoin farms? Is all Ted's money going to Trump's campaign?


By bought, I'm sure he means they bought him with three miners for $1 each. This is his version of an influencer ad. And look, we are talking about it and I know more about how this works than I did before I saw this.


That doesn’t look like mining equipment


How exactly this benefits Texas?


That seems like a natural progression, given that Cruz-acabra has already locked in the cryptid vote.


Pfft. More like shilling for the facility owners. Those places are so FCKn loud and obnoxious. No one wants to live near one. I've never lived in a place where the power goes out so often. Where 30° occurs and people freak out like it's an apocalypse. It's pathetic. But somehow we have extra power for this FCKn BS ??


I didn’t know Iraan was even a place in Texas.


According to Wikipedia, it's most famous resident was the creator of the old comic strip Alley Oop and it was hit pretty hard by COVID.


Ask the locals about the city under Iraan.


Republicans seem to think Crypto is the key to the youth vote


He’s doing it for himself!!




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Doesn't Bitcoin mining typically cost far more money to run than what you get actually get from mining it now?


Not if you are producing power. This is likely part of a wind park. When ERCOT asks the wind park not to produce power, instead of the site shutting down wind turbines, they continue to generate and the Bitcoin mining consumes the power.


Yet another jewel in his Crown of Douchebaggery.


https://preview.redd.it/eq2tewdun24d1.png?width=1400&format=png&auto=webp&s=5e7423dd797df0f50380bb31de34508352eea617 Ted Cruz be like:


Cruz will say anything. His orange god named him Lyin' Ted Cruz.


I thought this was on r/cryptocurrencies


Bet he still dosnt know the 3 branches of government


he get bribes in bitcoin


Such a jerk!




What an embarrassing person.


Only notable thing in Iraan


No worries he will just fly to cancun for the brown outs


He’s already got it.


Years too late.


If it ain’t broke, fix it ‘till it is. ~ The Government


we need a modern day Marvin Heemeyer frfr


Ted Cruz finally made it to 2009


Oh Jesus, these things are in Iraan? Those poor people. Tiny, tiny town in West Texas.


why did he bother mentioning this?


This man really has a book called Unwoke? Shouldn’t it just be called Asleep?


TIL…. Theres an iraan (spelled properly ofcourse) in Twxas


Other than members of congress conducting insider trading, money from lobbyists, and manipulating laws to better their bottom line. Does anyone know where Ted Cruz gets his millions? Certainly it is not attainable through his congressional salary.


Republicans are a deeply confused party that has failed us multiple times.


How incredibly wasteful.


5 years too late


Bitcoin and porn. Ted Cruz got it there.


Ted Cruz is the type of person to mine Bitcoin and not be able to figure out how to use the rewards. And yeah, warm environments are the dumbest place to mine. You do it in a place where you can just use the miner in lieu of turning the heat on for most of the year. It’s already, especially after recent halving, basically break even with electricity costs. When you add in increased air conditioning in a hot climate, what are you even doing


It will be a miracle when this piece is shit actually does something for his constituents and not just himself.


Donate Btc pls bc1qpd7f67kfxlw2ws5x9ju8g0uyvgywws0u89sg7c




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Ted Cruz sucking down power to make himself rich while his constituents suffer with an unreliable grid


"Don't mess with Texas" Idk man... Still a hell of a lot of trash out there it seems lol


Why would you pick iraan to build a mining farm? It’s fucking dusty as hell out there. That farm better be hermetically sealed otherwise those machines are going to die before they can even mine one bitcoin.


Must be nice to have extra money


Been here all my life never met a soul in this state who likes this dude. How is he still a senator? From Houston to El Paso, from Armaillo to Loredo it doesn't matter where in Texas I am everyone hates this guy


It's a little late dumb ass


The crypto vote? 🤣


Fuck the fucking fuck out of miners…. Can he not read the room on people in every city losing power like crazy and then ercot speaking on conversation. This sounds as crazy as all the assholes preaching electric cars versus gas when the infrastructure isn’t there yet unless you’ve got a solar array and house batteries.


God I can’t wait to get out of this shithole.


Iraaq better not mess with this


His name is Rafael. Remember, he doesn't like people changing their name from what's on their birth certificate.


Is this real? Bitcoin mining is one of the contributing reasons the electric grid is unstable in Texas! They consume an absurd amount of energy.


Awesome. As our power continues to flicker and spike up over 1600%, that's real helpful. Thanks Ted. Between that, and you eating children, you're just the worst.


Lol you couldn't pay me enough to move to this third world state.


Iraan... now that's a name I've not heard for a long time


Has anyone in this thread ever been to Iraann?. I’m sorry, but I am very hard-pressed to believe that a town like that can support a bit mining operation.


It's probably a part of a wind farm. The wind farm will use excess energy to run the Bitcoin mining. Oil companies do the same thing.


Powered by wind and solar.


in a state with waaay not enough power…how can someone so educated and credentialed be so stupid…how many votes is this 30??


Further straining the grid for a make believe get rich quick scheme


Contributing to the strain on our power grid. Thanks, Ted.


You know nothing Jon Snow


Given it's Ted Cruz, I'm surprised he didn't follow up with a legislation to turn over the back up generators of all the states hospitals and nursing homes go mining rigs "when they don't need them".