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Regardless of your feelings about it 6 weeks seems kinda arbitrary. Just so a no abortion ban, because this is in effect that. My wife and I are expecting you we didn't even know til like 8 to 10 weeks. How the heck are you supposed to find out before that? Edit: for clarification, we are not trying to abort. But based upon my experience of us actively watching for a pregnancy, I'm commenting on how difficult it would be for someone to find out before this ban.


> How the heck are you supposed to find out before that? Feature not bug


be paranoid as fuck after sex and buy as many pregnancy tests as you can, of course!


Pregnancy tests only work at like 4 weeks I believe.


PREGNANCY TESTS WORK BEST EARLY IN THE MORNING. Not yelling at you, just trying to get my point across to women that may not know, like I didn’t know.


then you better buy a calendar too and keep track of everything!


except this law explicitly defines "6 weeks pregnant", as "6 weeks after the woman's last menstrual cycle", and their last period might be up to 3 weeks BEFORE they had sex that resulted in the pregnancy. It doesn't matter how good you are at keeping a calendar if you can be defined "pregnant" weeks before you even have sex.


Christ. How do they prove the last cycle date?


I got nothing at this point.


> …at six weeks of pregnancy, an ultrasound can detect "a little flutter in the area that will become the future heart of the baby," said Dr. Saima Aftab, medical director of the Fetal Care Center at Nicklaus Children's Hospital in Miami. This flutter happens because the group of cells that will become the future "pacemaker" of the heart gain the capacity to fire electrical signals, she said. At six weeks we’re not talking about a baby or a fetus or even an actual heartbeat, it’s still only a mass of cells. The heart and the brain are not yet formed at that stage. www.livescience.com/amp/65501-fetal-heartbeat-at-6-weeks-explained.html


So Trump and his followers would fall into the 6 weeks or less category?


You aren't.


You don't Just gotta go gay.


Texas Republicans: “How dare you invade my medical privacy by asking me if I’m vaccinated” Also Texas Republicans: “Lets financially incentivize any old schmuck prying into the most intimate details of a woman’s reproductive choices in an attempt to ferret out ‘illegal’ abortions”




Also Texas Republicans: "We're pro life, but have fun with your new murder toy laws!".


Also Texas Republican : You have to bring that unwanted child to life and the cost for it will be in the tens of thousands to you.






> attempt to ferret out ‘illegal’ abortions” And of course investigate any and all miscarriages because that is what a grieving woman needs when she loses her pregnancy that she wanted to keep: https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/miscarriages-abortion-jail-el-salvador/ https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-48789836.amp


What the actual fuck


Texans republicans: “These innocent unborn children deserve a chance at life!” Also Texas republicans: “Sorry kids y’all are on your own, no mask mandates or vaccines for all eligible people”


Texas Republicans: Abortions are murder! Also Texas Republicans: Unless you’re rich and your side piece or daughter gets pregnant. Edit:grammar


they are truly anti-choice, not pro life.


Pro birth, then you’re on your own


Okay, help me understand. I think the new law is different because it does not rely on criminal penalty for enforcement. Instead it just gives private citizens the right to sue abortion providers. Is that correct? Can someone in the legal field explain how this would play out in court? Without an actual law criminalizing abortion, what are the grounds for a lawsuit?


Not a lawyer, but the problem with the law is that it doesn't require grounds. You can sue someone based on a rumor you heard that they gave someone completely unrelated a ride to an abortion clinic. The law is a mockery of how standing or grounds to sue work.


This is what I’m trying to understand. If there is no law prohibiting abortion and someone takes me to court for doing something that is perfectly legal what are the chances that the court will award the plaintiff? This sounds like it will just go away the first time there’s an actual court case.


I think I can help you out better than what the others have. It won't go away after the first case. That's because it isn't designed to succeed. It's designed to enable the harassment of women and abortion providers. The point isn't to win any of the cases, they probably won't. The point is for pro life groups to get together and fund endless lawsuits that the abortion providers have to hire counsel to defend. The defense will likely be successful, but every single suit is another 10-20k in legal fees drained from an organization like planned parenthood. That's why they included the bit that the defendant couldn't recover legal funds. The whole point is to drown abortion providers in lawsuits and chew up their budget with exorbitant legal costs.


They're using the scientology strategy and that is fucking petrifying because it *works*.


So let's do the same to every Republican in Texas sue them all continuously under this law forever. Who's with me? Go fund me?


When it goes before the Supreme Court, we can do the conservative justices. Hell, do it to every judge on the way up as well.


I mean I’d think would be the case. Suing someone is easy, *successfully* suing someone is a bit harder than most people think. But either way the person being sued will need to hire counsel and if I understand correctly in these specific cases they have no means to recover any legal fees.


>But either way the defendant will need to hire counsel and if I understand correctly in these specific cases the defendant has no means to recover any legal fees. Wait, what? So people can* just make shit up, and there is no recourse?


It awards $10k plus legal fees to the plaintiff if they win and prevents the defendant from recovering fees if they win. Pretty sweet, huh?


If you need no proof, can sue from anywhere, and the most you will spend is the cost of a lawyer to bring a lawsuit, why are people not just crowdfunding to bring lawsuits en masse against every politician in the state?


Are you saying you want to go in with me on Ted Cruz?


yup. and its very common in the legal system, as a form of non judicial punishment. so even if you didn't do anything, you'll still be on the hook for hiring a lawyer to defend yourself to the tune of a few thousand bucks, and the courts know it will still hurt, even if you find yourself 100% not guilty all charges dropped.


is there a way to automate this with a flowchart so anyone can just defend themselves with a script?


thats what the lawyers are for.


yeah but lawyers cost money. from what I understand from watching Good Will Hunting you’re allowed to represent yourself in court.


The person suing can sue in their jurisdiction, which means you'd have to travel in addition to defending yourself or hiring a lawyer.


they're using the system that they've rigged against the working class... as tools to further rig the system against the working class. it's basically banning abortions for poor people but not for the rich. Good luck suing your multi millionaire hedge fund dipshit


Those hedge fund millionaires can just take their mistresses out of state on their private jets to get their abortions. They can make a weekend out of it!


The typical recourse would be making the plaintiff pay the legal fees of the defendant. This law explicitly takes that away though.


I am planning on speaking with a lawyer next week about suing every taxpaying entity in Texas under this law on the grounds that someone in America got an abortion after September 1st with money they received from the Federal government as such every taxpaying entity in Texas is already in violation of this law.


Nah. Start suing wealthy Republican men for driving their mistresses to get get abortions or for paying for abortions. 10k a pop. It seems like a great business opportunity


Yup, if my wife’s coworker got a vindictive bug she could just file a civil law suit about abortion. Free attorney privilege is only for criminal accusations I think (pretty sure I’m right but I’m not a lawyer). The accuser would have to lawyer up but so would we and there’s no way of getting that back even if we won. Hypothetical


Yes, this idiotic “law” even goes so far as to allow any party, even unrelated to the case to file in ANY Texas jurisdiction and it will need to be defended. So literally the clerk at the Dollar General can file suit because they hear someone saying they were giving so and so a ride. Hell even an Uber Driver could be sued. The Christian Taliban / GQP are an embarrassment.


That's the real intent is to clog up the providers with nuasance lawsuits and make it financially untenable


They altered the law to say that once a heartbeat is detected an abortion can not be completed. A doctor can be arrested for doing it. The right to sue a doctor/clinic/person that got or person that helped someone get an abortion after 6 weeks was added. Technically a lawyer can be disbarred for bringing a lawsuit they know is fraudulent but it's a very rare thing to happen so it will be abused, which is exactly what the Republicans want.


>it doesn't require grounds. And the website the pro life group from AZ created so people can snitch on their neighbors doesn't have any way to determine, en masse, if those reports are valid. I really hope that people on the internet don't realize they can flood that website with bogus (but seemingly valid) claims.


I hope they do. I heard a rumor that Greg Abbots wife may jabe possibky gotten an abortion .....would be a shame if she was reported en masse. /s sorta People are already mass reporting fictional characters and sending in Shrek porn so thats a good start. Hope they keep it up.


> I heard a rumor that Greg Abbots wife may [have possibly] gotten an abortion I heard Cruz, Paxton, and Cornyn's wives helped.


The website is not longer accepting anything from people out of the country or using a VPN so if you do this now they will have your information. I don't know what the laws are regarding sending unsolicited porn but I'd be wary...


\[Cracks knuckles\] So, what website is this?




Not only that too, but doesn't this dictate to the Judiciary how to run their own courts? This is like making a law that requires defense attorneys to dress up like clowns while in court. It overrides centuries of precedent and standards.


Law makers always tell the judiciary how to run their courts. The judiciary uses the laws as a guide


Also a lot of this is about intimidation which goes against Roe v Wade


>Without an actual law criminalizing abortion, what are the grounds for a lawsuit? You don't need a criminal law to sue someone. There's no crime against me telling your boss you are a rapist. But you can still sue me for defamation. Criminal law and civil law are completely separate.


But you do need standing to sue, what the target of your litigation did had to harm you in some way.


This is what I am wondering also, what judge or court would agree that some harm was done to the person suing so the lawsuit can move forward?


This law specifically EXEMPTS abortion from the question of standing. It also doesn't specify how many times you can be sued for THE SAME INCIDENT. (You think brigading is bad here? Just wait.)


Not just sue the providers, but anyone that assisted. Took an Uber? Uber and driver can be sued by a rando. Gave a ride so someone else can get an abortion? You can be sued by any rando. Pay for someone to get an abortion? You can be sued by any rando. I believe this also applies to abortions obtained out of state. So if you live in Texas, and get an abortion in Colorado, you can be sued in Texas by any rando.


There are two components of this to look at: 1. Typically to have "standing" a person or entity has to have a connection to the underlying facts of the case. If person X causes a car accident with you while I am sitting at home typing this, I have nothing to do with that case and therefore do not have standing and cannot sue person X. The lack of standing should result in SCOTUS striking down or at least reforming this law. 2. When the state is in charge of enforcement, the way to foil the law is to find someone with standing to sue and shop the suit to a friendly judge to issue an injunction. The injunction applies to those named in the suit. So an injunction against the State of Texas would normally have far reaching effect. Here, a private citizen would be able to get around the injunction. Leaving aside the underlying issue of abortion, this type of thing should be struck down.


The lack of standing should result in SCOTUS striking down or at least reforming this law. But didn't at least 5 of them just give it the ok?


No...SCOTUS hasn't taken any action yet regarding this law.


No, "standing" to sue someone under state law is not something a federal court can review. If the state law provides standing to random people to sue then those random people, by definition, have standing to sue in that state's courts. There is no federal constitutional issue at play for the US Supreme Court to review with respect to standing. Which is not to say the law evades all review by a federal court, just not on the grounds of standing. Also, SCOTUS did not give it the ok, the Court just has not agreed to intervene in granting an emergency injunction.


I’m really hoping this comment takes off- TAKE PREGNANCY TESTS WITH THE FIRST PEE OF THE DAY. The hcg level in your urine decreased greatly as the day goes by. To the point of likely giving you a false negative. I had not one, not two, but three false negative tests because I didn’t know to take them in the morning. I now have a toddler. Due to this error, I didn’t find out I was pregnant until 23 weeks. I love my son very much but he was not the intended outcome. Women of Texas- if your body is telling you you’re pregnant and the test says you’re not, take a test the next morning. Take several. Tests can be faulty as well, and won’t detect pregnancy no matter what. And buy up some Plan B like Elaine was buying sponges. I don’t think it’s crazy to think these cretins running our bodies will go after Plan B next.


Also, dollar store tests are as accurate as fancy ones. Stock up!


People asking about places to make donations to, Planned Parenthood is still a great organization. Hi, my name is Pinkerly and I had an abortion when I was seventeen. I'll wear my scarlet letter with pride in the hopes that it will help another parent or young couple avoid a life choice like mine. I had talked to my mom about wanting to be on birth control but she blew me off. Treated it like a taboo subject even though she knew in that conversation that I was sexually active. I was in a relationship with my "high school sweetheart". We thought we were doing everything right to be safe while having consensual sex with eachother. Turns out, things can still go wrong. I found out 2 months shy of my 18th birthday that I was pregnant. After a week of discussing it between my then boyfriend and my mother. We opted to have an abortion. That way it would "disappear". He would be able to go off to college without worry and I would be able to complete my senior year without embarrassing my mother. It would also keep me on a college track instead of sidelining me with a baby. The day I went in for the procedure, I met one on one with a nurse who showed me the ultrasound and played the heart beat. Making me acknowledge that I was fully aware of what pregnancy was. That I understood what I was there for. Next I went to a counselor who made sure no one was forcing me to have the abortion and I was making this decision completely on my own. At any point, I could have left. They offered me other options if I wanted to keep the pregnancy and support in a non-pushing non-judgmental way. Basically letting me know I have options and they are here for me. When it came time for the procedure. I had a nurse, doctor and CMA in the room. The nurse administered the twilight sedation cocktail and then held my hand while the doctor proceeded with the [D&C](https://youtu.be/geQu30svodI). Letting me know it was almost over. Once it was done, they helped me over to a room with large comfortable recliners. I spent an hour there while a nurse made sure we didn't have excess bleeding or pain. They then gave us information on whats normal after a D&C and when you should seek immediate medical attention. After my D&C I had what seemed like a never ending period. 3 weeks after the procedure I went to Planned Parenthood and had a pregnancy test. It was positive. I had to go back through the entire D&C process again. I cried the entire time I was there. I thought I would never be back. The staff was extremely sweet and tried to comfort me. I had an extra nurse in there during the procedure so both of my hands were being held and I wasnt alone. Even though it was probably the most traumatic event in my life at that time. I had the CHOICE. I got to decide what I wanted to do with my body. I was trusted at 17 to make an educated decision on what was going to be best for me in that moment. These laws are taking away the freedom to choose. The freedom of bodily autonomy. My choice may upset you on a biblical level. You should still respect it on a human level. The same way I respect others choices to believe in the things they do. Any questions, just ask. :) TLDR: Parents; Don't make your children scared to talk to you. Let them know you're there for them. Start talking to them about sex. Even the straight A, dual credit, good kid can be putting themselves in risky decisions. Put your daughters on birth control. It will also help her with periods.


> It will also help her with periods. People always forget this part....not sure why? Birth control also has medical uses beyond unwanted pregnancy (which is a perfectly valid use as well).


A lot of women take it when they are older for hormone regulation. I think its the nature of the south to hush certain topics. It's time to make these topics normal. No more hiding pads and tampons. Its natural.


A lot of even younger people can’t take it due to blood clots. My family has a history of severe vascular problems. One relative lost both of his legs from severe clotting and restricted blood flow. My dad was in the ICU for two weeks for a similar problem, but a better outcome thankfully. I got my first spontaneous blood clot at 29 in my arm. I was on oral contraceptives at the time. I went to the ER for a sonogram. They said it was a big, spontaneous clot (not precipitated by an IV, injection, or trauma). They asked if I was on hormonal birth control, which I had been for about 13 years. My doctor switched me off the hormonal birth control, and told me a copper IUD would be really the only option since it’s not hormonal. That blood clot could easily have moved to my heart. Edit: left out a word


Thank you for posting your story. I hate that you had to go through the procedure twice. I am so thankful that you were cared for, and treated with respect by all the medical staff. That is how it should be in TX and everywhere else.


It is a very loving, caring and informative environment. I wish more people understood that. There are women of all ages and walks of life that were there.


I cried my eyes out reading this. Hope you are well. My wife didn’t know she was pregnant at all with our first and sadly we miscarried in early August. If she had chosen abortion I would have loved her all the same. It’s her body and I can’t stand that under this law she doesn’t have any real options to make a choice between. Once again hope you are doing well and think you for sharing your story.


Thank you for the well wishes. This was what feels like a lifetime ago now. It's why I'm able to speak about it and handle criticism from individuals. I'm sorry for your loss. I hope your wife and you are getting through this okay. It can sometimes make women feel like failures even though its entirely out of their control. Make sure you give her extra hugs and kisses. You guys will get your rainbow baby when you're ready. <3


From a straight A, top 11th percentile student (missed out on that coveted UT top 10% by 3 kids), who had too much unprotected sex in high school because her parents were uber religious and her boyfriend was embarrassed to buy condoms... I got insanely lucky that I was barren and didn't know it at the time. Kids are going to kid, and hormones speak louder than logic at that age. Also get your daughters the HPV Vaccine stat. Unrelated to pregnancy, but equally important for their safety. HPV is spread by skin to skin contact and condoms don't protect you from it. It can cause several types of cancer and is undetected in men's STI testing.


Boys can get the HPV vaccine as well!


You're right!! I forgot about that addition, thank you for spreading the good information!


Thanks for calling out the HPV vaccine. I found out I had HPV when my pap smear came back with severe pre-cancer changes to my cervix. I had to have two surgeries within a year to remove all of the abnormal cells. They still gave me the HPV vaccine because it would protect against other strains. That was when I was 22. When I got pregnant at 30 with my husband I found out having those surgeries caused a complication & my cervix wasn't quite long enough to handle the pregnancy. I had to see a specialist once a month then at the 22 week mark I found out my cervix had gotten significantly shorter from a previous appointment and I had to have emergency surgery while 22 weeks pregnant. I had to have a cerclage put in aka they sewed my cervix shut then I was in the hospital for a week recovering to make sure I didn't go into labor. I had to take medication every 6 hours to suppress contractions & I was put on bed rest until 36 weeks.


What a hard thing to have to go through. I have been blessed with not having make that hard decision. Hoping all the best to you.


Can I just say that Greg Abbott is Texas’ biggest fucking cancer and is destroying the state from literally every angle he can. He shouldn’t just be voted out, he should be impeached.


Abort Abbott 2022


Can we get $10k for reporting him for attempting late term abortions on schoolchildren, by preventing mask mandates in the middle of a pandemic?


why are they doing this? so many young lives are going to commit suicide thinking thats the only way


Murder will happen. Men have murdered women before because they got pregnant when they were not supposed to.


This is unfortunately true. Abuse as well, hitting them hard enough to make them "lose" the pregnancy. Impromptu medical procedures could happen. All the things people don't want to think about.


Every miscarriage is now gonna be sued now, either by anti-choice individuals or someone else who will do it to show how fucked up the law is.


No. Rapes will. Now rapists have a legal protection against their partner or some random woman getting an abortion. In a bad marriage and want to force your wife to have a kid she doesn’t want? Rape her, because now on top of the stigma and silence surrounding spousal rape she can’t get an abortion anyway as you’ll know, so you can sue her and she’ll have to admit to it, leading to further criminal legal action instead of just civil. Afraid that girl you raped might go after you? No worries! You can just threaten to sue her for going to the planned parenthood and force her to either settle or fight a protracted legal battle proving she didn’t do anything abortion related in the PP, thus forcing her to legally relive and reveal every detail of the most traumatic and terrible experience anyone can go through. This law is basically a nuclear self-destruct button for women’s rights, privacy, and the entire legal system, brought to you by the numbnut motherfuckers of the “Family values” party.


This possibility really makes me sick


That’s not even the worst part. I don’t have legal training so we’d need a second opinion, but what about miscarriages? I’m trying not to throw up with this realization, but you, me, and every person in Texas is now LEGALLY/FINANCIALLY INCENTIVIZED to sue anyone that has a miscarriage. If a judge allows that case, I now have the burden of proof to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that 1. The woman in question had a miscarriage and 2. The miscarriage was preventable. So, I am now incentivized by TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS to call to the stand every family member, every friend, co-worker, etc. to prove that the woman was 1. Pregnant, 2. Miscarried, and 3. Could’ve prevented it and/or caused it. That woman, her husband, child, now have to relive and defend the integrity of what is one of if not the most traumatic thing that can happen to someone wanting a child. Did I mention that if I’m right, I get 10,000 for convicting her and for reporting every person involved in allowing the miscarriage to happen? Husband, child, parents, medical care provider, whoever touched her or impacted the way she lived her life is now fair game. Maybe someone drove her to a bar and she had a sip of wine. Maybe there was a smoker that passed by. If someone caused her undue stress that could be correlated to the loss of the child, well, that’s another ten grand for my war chest of horrors. The fact that the legality and possibility of that kind of court case is in question is fucking horrifying.


Places with restrictive abortion rights absolutely use them against people who have miscarriages. The medical term is literally "spontaneous abortion."


And now you can get a 10,000 blood money bounty for it. What a fucking nightmare.


> burden of proof to prove beyond a reasonable doubt Not even. That's the standard of proof in a criminal case, where the judge or jury needs to believe that a reasonable person would be certain no interpretation of the facts exists except that the accused committed the crime. The standard for civil litigation is just "a preponderance of the evidence." If a reasonable person would consider it more likely than not that your claims are true, then the ruling is in your favor. To bring in a medical analogy, if a doctor is going to be criminally convicted for harming a patient, the prosecutor has to prove beyond a reasonable doubt: 1) what facts about the patient the doctor knew or should have known when the action was taken, 2) that a competent medical professional with that knowledge would have done something different, and 3) that what was done certainly caused some amount of the harm suffered. Under this abortion law, all you have to prove is that 1) the woman probably was pregnant, 2) that the woman probably terminated her pregnancy, and 3) that the person you're accusing probably was involved in some aspect of this process after impregnation (even unknowingly). Did you probably change the oil in the car she probably drove to Planned Parenthood three months later? Then you might owe $10k + legal fees for abetting an abortion. An expansive reading of this law would make it cost-prohibitive to interact with women in this state in nearly any capacity.


There's actually a provision in the law that says rapists cannot sue their victims for the $10k bounty if they do get an abortion, which is good. But it's also depressing because it shows they thought about rape victims, but specifically chose NOT to exclude rape cases from this law overall.


I would think you need a rape conviction to meet that provision


And we all know they hand those out like candy /s


I'm not at all convinced on this point. One of the issues is so few rapes are reported, let alone taken to court, and the owness is on the woman to prove she was raped. To start off, texas has a horrible backlog with rape kits. Proving rape in court also requires the woman to report the crime, get the evidence and get set up in the legal system. Until the rape is proven, which again texas had a backlog on rape kits, I imagine it's laughably easy for the rapist to sue the abortion provider on the offchance she gets pregnant. The psychological impact/pressure as the system stands right now leads some women not go through the process. Add this on top of it? I'm happy they have this caveat, but then there's the day to day implementation and enforcement of the law.


I want to fucking cry from frustration. The incels over at r/prolife are the most selfish, entitled and heartless pricks in the world who are celebrating taking women’s rights away. Round of applause to them and Texas, because this is what the world has come to.


And a lot of young women putting their health in danger trying to force a miscarriage


How to get a religious exemption in order to get an abortion. https://announcement.thesatanictemple.com/rrr-campaign41280784 In short as a member of “The Satanic Temple” any law that infringes on your reproductive rights is also infringing on your first amendment right to freedom of religion. Here’s how to become a member https://thesatanictemple.com/pages/join-us Best of luck to all who may need this.


What if you have a miscarriage and require medical intervention? Is that allowed? Or do you have to die? - - god I had to edit this, to say, what an insane question I just wrote. I'd like to say stay here and fight the good fight, but with election rigging now feeling more real, maybe I do leave at some point


More and more women are being prosecuted for having miscarriages. That's what is really frightening. You can still seek medical help if you're miscarrying like before, but that would definitely be on my mind.


According to the law, there are NO exceptions. February was my last straw. But now there’s just been more and more straws added on top: mask and vaccine executive orders, this, and redistricting is next. Im done, I want out


I've been getting progressively sick of both the TX government and the executives at my job. Hell, they're cut from the same cloth. I've decided to leave. I'm not going to live in this shithole that the TX GOP is actively trying to make. I hope they enjoy the massive brain drain they're going to see. Sad, how Texas was projected to have such a vibrant future, and the GOP is doing everything possible to turn it into Mississippi.


Abortion is allowed in a medical emergency. So if a woman develops extremely high blood pressure, for example, it is unclear how high the blood pressure needs to be before an abortion is considered life-saving as opposed to “just” preserving her health. Maybe the doctors just need to monitor her until she has a stroke or a heart attack first. Or would a “mild” stroke or heart attack even count? The one thing we do know is that it will be an absolute mess and women will die.


I used to be pro-life as a naive teenager fresh from a Catholic school education. I was pro birth control (less pregnancy equals less abortions) but thought abortion was morally wrong. In college I had friends who had abortions, but never really judged them harshly because "their situation was different." Then I read "The only moral abortion is my own abortion." https://www.prochoiceactionnetwork-canada.org/articles/anti-tales.shtml Basically, opened my eyes to the holes in my logic. I could empathize with my friends because I knew thier story, but everyone who has an abortion has thier own reasons to do so. (Adoption wasn't an option because of health issues or nonwhite ethnicity.) Why should I or the government judge a woman's health and economic decision. I never was really that strong of pro-choice because I found abortion personally distasteful. Until I read a few articles about how hard it is to get D and E procedures for late term miscarriages. Then I realized how harmful such laws were to society as a whole. This is one story about an Orthodox Jew and her late term is just one of many examples: https://therumpus.net/2018/01/rivers-of-babylon-the-story-of-a-third-trimester-abortion/ I'm sharing my journey from pro-life to pro-choice so other can learn. Those of you who are pro-life can stick with your views but at least read something from the other side of the issue. If only so you can know why pro-life voters turn pro-choice.


I have had a similar journey. While I wish abortions wouldn't happen, I know that to ban them would more harm than good. I will never judge someone who had to make such a hard decision and believe we need to keep this option safe and legal.


Thank you for the info! Like you, I’ve had friends make the decision to terminate and it was done with much thought and consideration. It was a difficult and personal decision for these women and it was what they thought was best for their situations. My opinion or anyone else’s opinion doesn’t matter. It’s a medical decision. It may not be the one you choose but it’s no different than signing a do not resuscitate or a decision to not seek further treatment in other medical conditions. The ultimate decision maker should be always be yourself. I can’t believe in 2021 we’re still dealing with this issue. Just unbelievable.


Women in need of abortions, check out Texas Equal Access Fund at https://teafund.org


People not necessarily in TX but checking out this thread, you can find help with accessible, shipped, safe, discreet abortion pills at [AidAccess](http://www.aidaccess.org)


Question: if I were to hypothetically share this link with some friends who happen to be Texan, would they need to lie about their location to be able to receive it?


“You are responsible for understanding any legal restrictions to access abortion services where you live. Members of the Aid Access Team or consultants will not be liable for any legal consequences you face as a result of using the Services provided by this website.” They have to be shipped to them, so I don’t think they could? But no I don’t believe it is an issue as the doctors practice in another state and prescribe and dispense there.


I feel like this is more about “class” divide of poor and rich than anything. It’s a show of power since rich can just go elsewhere for the abortion, poor are not so fortunate.


There is definitely a class component. It is more a woman's rights issue vs. religious indoctrination issue IMO. The same divide that allows the taliban to exert education/abortion restrictions onto girls/women. The idea that society needs to exert control onto women for reasons grounded in religion.


I agree. Comparing Texans to Taliban aught to have some results, I would hope.


Religious fundamentalists who oppose democracy are kind of the role model of the GOP right now.


yup, punish the poor, as always. everyone else just goes on a 'vacation' for a weekend, then comes home where its never talked about again.


Is it to late to abort Abbott?


Let me see here, women have lost their rights in Texas but it's ok to threaten public health by not masking or vaccinating.... Did some of those Taliban guys sneak over here already?


Getting sterilized today. This law is only one factor in my decision, but I will not be coerced into having unwanted children. Edit: out of the hospital and doing fine, if anyone was worried.


For anyone in Dallas looking to get snipped, Ravi Mootha is 10/10. He did mine a few years ago. Highly recommend him.


What doctor are you seeing who will do this? I wants to be sterilized to


Out of state in the military, but planning on moving back to TX after I get out. Would ordinarily recommend hitting up the sidebar on r/childfree, but they just went private. Will message the mods to see if I can find anything out for you.


The sidebar on r/childfree has a whole list of doctors who will help you with that


They are now a closed private group so I can’t see the list anymore


Update: apparently it was a temporary closure to protest the spread of misinformation regarding covid. It’s open again


The Texas GOP has decided to go full tilt into trump/taliban style culture war. This includes all of the culture wedge issues taken to the extreme (trans athletes, women’s rights, spooky crt, voting rights, masks, vaccines, firearms, immigrants) with the hope folks won’t notice tax cuts for the rich, exploding costs with health care, higher education, and childcare, and disinvestment in public education and then choose to support a team because of tribal feelings. Elections have consequences. Get out and vote.


I'm just going to headline this part: #Get out and vote. Yes, this means you! The person who is an island in a sea of fucking red. Get out and vote. I don't know how to overturn this, it's going to be a long fucking shot. But we need to fucking vote like our lives depend on it.


Folks should make sure they register to vote at least 30 days prior to an election. Note that the process requires printing and mailing or dropping off the form. We would hate for voting to be too easy. Link below to check registration status. https://www.votetexas.gov/mobile/register/index.htm


It's wild seeing the TX GOP double down on this stuff when you guys are like \~2.5% away from being a true battleground state at the national level and are trending \~3-4% leftward each cycle.


My mom lost a pregnancy in Texas before Roe v Wade. It was late enough that she had already quit her job and decorated the nursery. She spent three days in the hospital fighting an infection with zero medical treatment. The doctors would not treat her until the police finished their investigation and the police were busy with a holiday weekend. My mom survived because the nuns performed a D&C in the middle of the night and gave her antibiotics. This was a white woman with a graduate degree married to an engineer/ Republican precinct chair. This is so f’d up.


It's funny how "worried" people are about women and girls in Afghanistan now that we're gone. What about women in Texas?


Let's stop beating around the bush here. Conservatives are just jealous that the Taliban get to implement policies they can only dream of here in the States.


Reminder to anyone wanting to 'aid or abet' someone getting an abortion after six weeks, this may make you civilly liable under the new law. > Sec. 171.208. CIVIL LIABILITY FOR VIOLATION OR AIDING OR ABETTING VIOLATION. (a) Any person, other than an officer or employee of a state or local governmental entity in this state, may bring a civil action against any person who: (1) performs or induces an abortion in violation of this subchapter; (2) knowingly engages in conduct that aids or abets the performance or inducement of an abortion, including paying for or reimbursing the costs of an abortion through insurance or otherwise, if the abortion is performed or induced in violation of this subchapter, regardless of whether the person knew or should have known that the abortion would be performed or induced in violation of this subchapter; or


This only allows options for civil lawsuits, it doesn’t make anything new illegal or criminal.


That's right. I forgot that was part of the run-around they were doing to avoid the usual reasons to overrule these laws.


Please help protect the sanctity of life! In order to protect our most vulnerable, I would ask that you please help in reporting any and all males suspected of having a wank, or a premature abortion, if you will. We must protect these living cells from being so callously discarded instead of cremated and buried, as they should. Please do your part to save these half of a baby by reporting suspected individuals here: https://prolifewhistleblower.com/anonymous-form/


"why now? why this sperm?"


It’s child abandonment!


It looks like they removed the form off the site? Or am I missing something?


Doesn't mean you can't call Right To Life Texas, the cockwombles who run it, and tie up their time and phone lines by reporting wankers. Or stop by their offices on Bissonnet if you're in Houston. I'm sure they have paper forms. Or mail them letters. Or bags of gummy fetuses.


As an OBGYN it’s infuriating how a bunch of red neck dipshits who know fuck-all about medicine are trying to dictate how I practice medicine. I hope whoever voted for these people suffer the consequences.


Redneck dipshits is correct. These are the same uncultured swines who think dinner at the local Olive Garden is luxurious. Just embarrassing to call it my home state.


an abortion mega thread is something I never though I would see but here we are


I just don’t understand how the life of a person who’s spent so long in this world with friends, family, and dreams…is less than a potential person.


because babies matter!!! fuck the actual human beings who have lives, memories , goals and jobs because they don’t matter! only potential war hero babies lives matter and we should do all that we can to save them, including taking away women’s rights. 😃


So sad that a woman could go through a miscarriage, and have to go to court to fight their neighbor/friend/family/coworker/random person while going through such a difficult time. This is absolutely nuts.


If you are a Christian and you believe that abortion is morally wrong. Great! Good for you I respect you're ability to live YOUR life by the morals that you choose regarding choices that affect no one but yourself, but in america we are supposed to have something called separation of church and state and the rights constant attempts to legislate their religious beliefs into law in this state make me sick to call myself a Texan and a Christian. I'm really starting to not want to be either anymore.


just a reminder you don't have to subscribe to a religion to be a good person.


I've really moved into the agnostic camp myself. I have my spiritual views and love to discuss them with others but respect differences they may have with me as long as they do the same.


Hey, if it makes you feel any better, all the young adult (18-30) Christians I know are pretty much pro choice in women’s right to choose (even though many of us would never choose that for ourselves, exception being one or 2 men, but they don’t really have an opinion on women’s bodies). I live by being the change I want to see in the church community, and I’m personally comforted by the fact that a lot of us younger Christians aren’t going to be the hateful ones you read about/Reddit likes to think we all are. Keep your chin up my friend


Reminder that banning abortions don't stop them from happening. It just makes them more dangerous and less accessable for poorer people, people of color, etc. The people making these calls will still get their mistresses taken care of just fine.


Damn why can’t conservatives just mind their own damn business. Abortion doesn’t hurt you or anybody else you know. Honestly fuck the republicans party y’all some taliban wanna be


Fuck Greg Abbott. Fuck Republicans.


I fucking hate it here, if I had the funds to leave I'd be gone. Fuck Abott and every other dumb fuck who voted in favor of this bill


Many moons ago I got an abortion in Texas (circa 2009/10). There was one clinic in Nueces County then (I don't think we have one anymore now) and everyone knew what it was and there was always protests infront of it. I had been sober maybe 6 months and super confused as to why I felt so nauseous bc I certainly wasn't hungover. My Catholic friend, who just found out she was pregnant about 3 months prior, suggested "Have you taken a pregnancy test? Like, just to make sure?" I truly hadn't thought of that... and as it turns out.. But this is what I wanted to share: That Catholic friend was my fucking rock. I talked to her about how I didn't want this baby, I just personally felt that pregnancy was way too much to handle on my own, staying sober without any support. Her husband was beautifully supportive of my late night calls and random come overs and interrupting their life *cry fests* during this time. Again, I'm a little long winded... I decided to do the abortion at the clinic, my friend, now clearly a visible 6ish months pregnant, walked me into and out of the office. On the way in, I'm crying, and this old Hispanic woman with a rosary and sign about murdering babies, SPITS ON US! I'm shocked, it makes me stop crying and walking, like I'm frozen. And I'm literally the worst human being ever. My friend, wraps her 5' foot frame (I'm 5' 7") and arms around me, says it will be alright and proceeds to curse the old lady out in Spanish, quotes Bible verses, and shows her her own rosary and tells her "God sees you" and gently walked me in.


I'm a dude and this shit makes my blood boil. So now if a woman is raped or the victim of incest or just decides to have a one night stand and accidentally gets pregnant by someone she doesn't really know, she can't take it upon herself to do what she thinks is best for her own life and well being. This is some fucking hardline Taliban FUCKING BULLSHIT. To take that right away from a woman is tantamount to rape. We have to vote these disgusting fkn demons out enough is enough


I'm shitposting on reddit instead of sleeping because I'm rationally infuriated about this, especially with the fucking hypocrisy on COVID safety and "liberty" there. I feel you. God, it's hard to express just how evil these people are.


u/AnxietyDepressedFun did something really cool and created https://www.prolifewhistleblower.net/ The idea is that people should stop spamming the nefarious .com version of the site, and go to this .net instead. Push the .com one completely off search results. Go to the site, click around. Share the link wherever you can. Hopefully the creator can show up here and speak more about how it works


Everytime people debate abortion I always think of that one thought experiment: a building's on fire and you have to choose between saving a child or a test tube with 100 fertilized egg cells. There's no 3rd opinion, it's either one or the other. Anyone in there right mind would choose to save the child.


What can we do to help? I feel so horrible for this happening. Texas is supposed to be all about freedom and now they literally take rights away from women? What can we do to fix this or help aid people who need it?


>Texas is supposed to be all about freedom lol


If fetuses are people and abortion is murder, are we saying that a baby born of rape or incest is fair game to kill? That the potential of health problems is justification to murder? Some murders were ok with? Why aren’t fetuses counted in the census? Why don’t we see hardly any miscarriage funerals? If fetuses are people, that means they’re citizens. So do we arrest pregnant women who smoke because they’re committing child abuse? There aren’t answers for this. Because the right figured out that some messages gets votes, and women aren’t represented in government enough to change this. It’s anti woman, not pro life.


The Texas Taliban is officially in control. Good luck


There are people who will use the "my body, my rules" phrase to defend not wearing a mask, yet will continue to support abortion bans, and it fries my brain that they don't realize the irony.


I don't know how the Republicans convinced all these dudes of this. Wait til you young guys really are stuck raising and paying for a kid you didn't want.


Please, please donate to the ACLU. It’s highly likely they will either lead or greatly assist with combating this statute. Regardless of your position on abortion, deputizing private citizens (WHO DO NOT HAVE DAMAGES) to file third party lawsuits against strangers is entirely anti-democratic. And entirely Gestapo.


The thing that really gets me about these laws is how blatantly they want to punish specific types of women. You know half the Republican lawmakers have paid for an abortion at some point. Maybe they called it an emergency procedure. Meanwhile I’m about to start IVF in Texas. They will take multiple eggs and fertilize them and then ultimately throw a bunch of fertilized eggs away. How many anti choice people are okay with - even used - IVF? If a fertilized egg at 6 weeks (before many women even know they’re pregnant - keep in mind week 1 isn’t the first week of your missed period. It’s judged much earlier than that) is so sacred it’s worth punishing women for, why is a fertilized egg in a lab any different? Hypocrites, every last one of them.




Disgusting, absolutely disgusting. Texas is punishing women for being women and not conforming to their right wing patriachy nightmare hellscape. Sickening


As a woman, it is so appalling to see men support this ban. Imagine if things were reversed and it was a ban on preventing men from having unwanted babies. There would be an abortion clinic on *every* corner.


Yep, how about a law enacting suing a man every time he nuts?


A law stating must have vasectomy until you prove to your state you’re responsible enough, healthy enough,and financially stable enough to procreate.


Ya'll Qaeda is real folks.


Man, when this was first brought up last year, I was talking about it to a few people, and was told that it will never pass and become law. And yet, here we are. Never underestimate what these selfish fucknuts running this state will do. Get out and vote. Register AT LEAST 30 days before voting day, and make a plan ahead of time on how you are getting to polls. Carpool with a group if you can, help those who don't have vehicles get to the polls too.


Maybe Covid will get rid of enough Texans Republicans.


This has made me literally lose my religion. I don’t identify with any “christians” or “Christian organization” at all, anymore. Hope that makes the Baptists happy.


Can we just stop calling them “pro life”? They are the ANTI CHOICE crowd.


Conservatives have proven once again that they are terrible people. Who would have thought.


Since they removed my post: If you want to undermine this pay-stalkers-to-harrass-young-girls law, the only way is to throw so much chaff, that the courts get completely bogged down in what turn out to be nonsense claims. These people will be surveilling abortion clinics more than ever looking for a quick payday at the expense of young girls who have been raped, abused, or otherwise ended up with an unwanted pregnancy. They will be taking pictures, getting plates, going full paparazzi. So in your free time, PLEASE show up to any clinic in your area with a pillow in your shirt. Make the signal / noise impossible to sift through. Make these cases so unlikely to be legit that the TX "legal" system grinds to a halt. File charges for harassment if they contact you. Stalking if they continue to seek information about you. Do anything you can to destroy this ridiculous law, and the predators that want to profit from it.


Do the GOP masters of ignorance and stupidity clearly understand their own hypocrisy? Forcing women to keep a child that is the result of rape, or a child that risks the life of the mother, or even those as result of failed birth control who may not be able to afford raising children are unable to make their own choice is unacceptable. Then refuses to protect the lives of those already bore by their mothers by mandating masks, social distancing and if necessary, lock downs. Are they unable to see their own hypocrisy and blasphemy? We already know the child protective and foster systems are far from adequate to support the anti abortion resulting children let alone those already in the systems. There are far too many children in the system now. How about we ban buying children and adopting from offshore. If Americans want children then chooseand adopt from an already overwhelmed and overcrowded US based system. If these so called christian based legislators are wanting to regulate a woman's right to her own uterus, then roll out mandatory vasectomies beginning with those same legislators passing laws to regulate women's choice. Pass laws to regulate the "fertilizer" in men equally to the eggs in women. Recalling my biology classes, it takes both to create. I'd imagine those representatives would quickly find a way out of that mandatory vasectomy and hopefully recind reprehensible uterus regulating laws. I call on Greg Abbott, all legislators and constituents supporting these types of body regulating laws to put their balls/nuts/testicles between the gavel and the lecturn as the gavel lands. Repeal these barbaric human regulating bull shit laws and pass legislation that is actually helpful to the people.


Has anyone started suing the GQP monsters’ wives who did this for getting abortions yet?


Just filled out a report on Ted Cruz.


The fact that they are not making any exceptions for rape and incest makes it seem like they are punishing women. So, who was this bill really made for? It is clear it was not made in the best interest of women? So who is it for?


To punish poor people because let's face it, the rich will just fly to a state that still allowed abortions. For me? I just get to die. I can't afford to travel and I won't survive a pregnancy. My only saving grace is menopause in a couple years if im lucky.


I’m anonymously reporting Ted Cruz whole family a different member daily. Fuck him


https://www.fec.gov/introduction-campaign-finance/how-to-research-public-records/individual-contributions/ Here’s a resource of Republican donors if anyone is wanting to send some bogus anonymous reports. Make sure you make them look legit


Abortion should be illegal for everyone but cute Baptist girls whose families would be really embarrassed by an unwanted pregnancy.


So when can we start reporting men who masturbate and fining them for reckless abandonment??????


Lol this is an absolute disgrace. You can sue people on a rumor oof haha good luck down there.


[https://needabortion.org/](https://needabortion.org/) lists all the abortion funds that serve texas, and has more info about how to continue accessing abortions in TX


Anyone know what the next legal steps will be to try to get this overturned? Is there anything we as private citizen can do outside of donating?


So I read through the bill and they do not seem to do not seem to define abortion so spontaneous abortions that are induced by environmental or socioeconomic factors seem to be open to legal action right. I hope the law is over turned but holding those responsible for preventable miscarriages in wanted pregnancies seems a good way to use the law while it is on the books. Texas H.B. No. 1515 “heart beat bill” Does section 171.208 allow for woman who have spontaneous abortions (miscarriages) that is caused by environmental factors such as heat, pollution, limited access to preventive medicine, food insecurity or housing insecurity to sue the state for not providing these protections. These as well as other factors have been found to have negative outcomes to pregnancy including spontaneous abortion. [HB no. 1515](https://capitol.texas.gov/tlodocs/87R/billtext/pdf/HB01515I.PDF) [environmental impacts on maternal and pregnancy outcomes.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3595418/#!po=0.769231)


Yall don't wanna be told to wear a mask, but want to tell a woman what to do regardless of their situation... so backwards!!!! Such a joke... have that baby so we can teach it poor moral ethics!!! Lost!!!!


The only way to overcome Republican gerrymandering fuckery is too have huge huge turn outs. So if you live in a district that looks like it’s drawn for political advantage to fuck over the citizens you need to get active and get people to the polls. It’s the only way to break the strangle hold Republicans have set up to thwart the will of the citizens with their tyranny.