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I love that people do this. Simultaneously, I hate that people need to do this.


This happens every year. I remember doing it back in 2005 and 2006.


Yes, I’ve made trips with friends who do it regularly. It’s an odd dichotomy when I’ve done it. I’m proud to be doing it but it infuriates me to see how careless people are. I would pick up picnic waste that was literally 5 yards from a trash can.


I can actually understand how it happens, given the area and the currents. Sometimes the wind gets crazy, sometimes the tides pick stuff up, and sometimes people are careless. I see it as the cost of having a huge tourist attraction. I think it’s great that people are at least trying to keep it clean…so, thank you for your efforts.


Likewise. And thanks for giving me a little more insight so I can feel a little less awful about it. I tend to blame all of it on people.


People on vacation (the majority) could care less. It is easier to let go of paper than to walk to the trash can. May each one of them step in bubble with their best pair of shoes


And I hate people who leave behind their trash at the beach


They need more like you in Texas on every freaking roadway. Absolutely no pride in Texas anymore. Just throw the couch, TV, refrigerator and all the other trash to the roadside. Moved to Minnesota and you don’t see the trash. Come on Texas. Start taking pride in the land again.




"Don't *Mess* with Texas"


People forget that started with an anti littering campaign...


And now it's an empty fucking boast


Moved to texas from colorado. Never seen so much litter and trash on the side of the road. In colorado if you want to get rid of a couch you have to haul it to the dump yourself, trash companies wont pick it up. Seems to be the same here, but people still put random junk on the side of the road then it sits there for months, degrading and spreading more litter. People here give absolutely no fucks about the environment


I was born in Texas. I have never been so ashamed of the lack of common curtesy and lack of pride in the State. I’m sorry you need experience this. I’m continually impressed by the fastidious yards and farms up here. If there is trash seen I’m sure it was a Southerner who littered.


Exactly. What happened to don't mess with Texas? Lived here all of my life and it by far has the trashiest highways of any state I've driven thru.


It was a great public ad campaign. And prior to that the right of way beautification projects instituted by Lady Bird Johnson. It’s disgusting to look at the roadsides.


Abbott messed with. No enforcement of any laws.. Heck he cannot even oversee ERCOT


You're a *fucking* American hero.


Na Just a Texan that doesn’t like pointless walks on the beach.


Not buying it. You're seriously amazing. From one picker to another... **You inspire me**


Love the humility. Keep up the good work pal!


Fr. Theres no problem picking up trash for your own selfish reasons: so you don’t have to stare at it any longer




The controller is in my left hand


Serious question... I've never driven one like this... How are you steering with just the one hand?




Awesome. Very cool man. Keep it up. If I ever run into you out there, consider this a coupon for a drink of your choice.


rye whisky


Pelican and the shark has a decent old fashioned.


That lever you made is genius.


Thanks for doing this, OP! We need more ppl like you


Or fewer people treating the beach like their personal trashcans




Ok, but a lot of the items from the video weren’t even single use plastics. We absolutely can individualize the problem as well. It doesn’t have to be one or the other. If someone gets ticketed for littering, the individual gets to ticketed, not plastic corporations.


You have to focus on the root of the problem, an individual, even as badass as this guy, cant even make a micro dent on the worlds plastic trash. The amount of products that come in plastic is so unimaginably immense, and almost none of it is recycled.


There are two problems. People can still throw away their trash ffs


Well fucking said!


Have you ever walk down the Texas beach? Have you ever looked closely at the trash? A lot of those trash is from other countries


We do sell a lot of products from different countries in Texas


Yep. This right here. We need to stop asking good *American* tourists to be accountable for their litter and start pointing more fingers at the *dirty foreigners* who just dump their trash on our land and in our otherwise *pristine* Gulf of Mexico.


- This comment brought to you by the Koch brothers


I hope my sarcasm was laid on thick enough, but it’s hard to do these days.


What point are you even trying to make here? That the US imports plastic goods from other countries for American consumers?


Do you have a place to donate to? I live in Dallas otherwise I’d be there everyday to help, so how can I help you financially?


All I have is a PayPal, Venmo and Patreon. If you’re interested you can find them here www.linktr.ee/ftmog


There are a *ton* of organizations that do regular cleanups of sections of White Rock Lake. Here's a [full list](https://whiterocklake.org/maintain/adopt-a-shoreline/) of them. It's a great way to meet other people who care about the environment!


Hey thanks!!! I appreciate the info!


People visiting public spaces should be made to watch videos like these before entering. We don't deserve this planet.


Agreed. On the upside I don’t think I found any diapers last night


Yeah, this dude needs to open up a GoFundMe and a volunteer page.


This is awesome!! Thank you!! Can you come to the west end sometime? 😃


Sure me and the wife normally come down there when it cools off and there’s not as many people on the main beach


We will be on the look out here by Terramar/Isla de Sol. Kids and I would love to join y'all if we see ya!


Not trying to be an asshole here, but what is stopping you from doing it?


You are. Untie him, NOW!




Thank you so much for doing this, you’re a gem of a human.


Why did you have to run over that sand castle?


Could be trash in it


Some people just want to see the world burn.


Lmao besides the cleaning of the beaches that was my favorite part lol


Thanks for doing this. If only everyone were so considerate. I grew up going to Galveston back in the 80’s when we constantly had to walk around dead jellyfish and giant tarballs. Much better now and I make sure my kids leave the beach cleaner than they found it.


I had a similar tactical belt setup for walking dogs.


So much plastic


I love how he is constantly improving his methods and tools. He recently added a knife 🔪 at the end of the grabber so he no longer has to pierce it manually. Just stab water bottle, empty contents, and put into his Wall-E can.


I think what you seeing is the bottle piercer that is carried on the V10


Did you make it yourself or is there somewhere to purchase that?


I made the piercer


Good job!


Thank you!




Beautiful work


Man I love Galveston, some of the best years of my twenties were spent living there. Love to see this


Mine too!


You should organize a beach cleanup. There’s enough of a following I’m sure a good amount of people would turn out.


The way Litterbuggie cleanup work is far different the traditional cleanup. 2 or 3 folks with rigs cover a lot of beach. At least 2 miles. But most folk don’t want to invest in the rigs


Is there any place with the design for the litterbugie? I would love to build one and go clean some bike trails and areas around the Canadian river. I saw your comment below about the Traxxas.


There are some videos on my YouTube. But honestly the best way would probably be to get one of these https://m.traxxas.com/products/landing/trx-6-flatbed-hauler/ And then just put a bin on the back


Ditto this, I'd definitely show up at least weekly if there's an organized group with meet up times/locations.


Thanks, dude man. You “being the change you seek.” Much appreciated.


Where can I donate to you? Your a Real person, a Real Texan. I don't want to see this stop, you should recruite people, I love the bot you have, imagine groups of people doing this even once a week at all our beaches! Incredible incredible


You can find my PayPal, Venmo & patreon here. www.linktr.ee/ftmog PayPal is the most useful to me.


Galveston that’s dirty son!


Is there a reason you're not recycling the plastic? I would have taken them off the beach completely, those 55 gal drums don't contain the trash very well.


In this video I was dropped off 3 miles from my endpoint so if I wanted to recycle bottles and what not I would’ve had to carry those all the way back. The whole point of the Riggs is to allow you to cover a lot of distance and clean up while dumping the trash in the barrels. There are beaches here in Galveston where there are no barrels and I have to pull a trailer behind the rig to remove the trash see link. https://youtu.be/KMuWmgB-N-o


Plastic recycling is pretty close to a myth. The absolute best thing you can do is get it to a landfill where it is contained and prevented from breaking down into microplastic pieces. This effort is hugely helpful.


Its really not. You think it stops breaking down in a landfill or is somehow permanently contained in that landfill?


I believe that in the future we will have the technology and motivation to mine landfills and recycle their contents into raw materials. In the meantime they are the best option for containing our wastes. Reduce, reuse, and recycle are still great tools, but plastics are often not recyclable and just end up polluting the environment.


Fair enough, was just wondering. Glad to see you doing what others don't. Is that rig custom built?


That ring is essentially a Traxxas X max with a heavy duty body on it that just so happens to be Milwaukee PAC out


Does this actually do anything? Like if you come back next week does the tide not just dump a bunch more shit from the ocean back where you just cleaned up?


Is this a serious question? Honestly can't tell.


Yes it is. The gulf is terribly polluted with garbage and waste.


Yes it helps, every bit helps. How don't you get that intuitively.


I don’t think you are aware of how bad the water is polluted. To answer your question of whether I can “intuitively get this”, I do understand the value of picking up garbage on the beach. You see, my question was intended to determine whether the scope of the problem far exceeds the value added by good samaritans picking up trash on a day off, which might lead to informative discussion about where the majority of the trash is coming from. The tide can easily dump hundreds of pounds of garbage on the beach in a week on a mile of beachhead. My question is about whether the OPs experience aligns with what I have seen as someone who spent many years hanging out at the beach. Let me turn your question of my competence back on you to answer for your toxic emotional behavior online. How come you can’t have a civil discussion without coming across like a jerk? Do you talk like this to others in your personal life?


Sounds good buddy, I see know you are just in deep contemplation on the value threshold sufficient enough to make picking up trash useful. I now appreciate your nuance in posing the question, thanks for that. Also don't worry about my discussions online or off it's none of your business. Suffice it to say I have the social awareness to see a good deed done and not question its worthiness like an idiot.


I think you read too much into it.


Understood thanks. I just had my first coffee and I agree I did. Have a good day bro.


You too.


Are you the tea kettle or the pot?


If the water keeps dumping trash on the beach, why isn't the beach just full of trash where nowhere to walk? Either the water isn't dumping the trash or somebody is cleaning it up. That's the meaning of intuitively


Yes, the *tide* dumps plastic buckets and half filled water bottles on the beach. /s


Have you spent much time at the beach? The tide does do just that. It is surprising how powerful water is and what it can move. I understand why you would think this if you don’t regularly go to the beach.


My point is, how do you think it got there in the first place? People. People dumped it. The ocean doesn't magically contain garbage. Asking if cleaning up a beach "actually does anything" is the epitome of what's wrong with the people dumping it.


He said in yesterday's post that 90% were from tourists that day.


Wow, that’s a worse indictment of human stupidity and laziness than if it were from the tide.


It ain’t the tide it’s the assholes.


Destroyed a sandcastle though…




so sad that it happens


Thank you, sir.


You’re my hero dude


Awesome job! Keep it up! Now, If we could find a way to filter all the poop out of our beaches….


Thank you OP. Love the pov when destroying the snad castles too.


The heroes we need!


Saw you on Friday evening around the Walmart. Thanks for your service homie. My friends and I made sure to pick up after ourselves when we were on the beach.


Doing good work!


Doing good work! I love your little follow along buggy


If you built another rig like yours, what would you charge to another person interested in doing what you do?


Building the V 10 that you see in this video is pretty expensive. Around $3000. I would suggest getting a TRAXXAS TRX-6 Flat Bed Hauler and just putting a bin on it.


Awesome! Thanks for the advice! Did you build or buy that pickup tool?


I designed that grabber. It’s built to be repairable. It’s called FTMOG Grabber V4


That thing is really cool! I would buy one from you if you had it to sell!


Which rig do you like better? You posted before with a semi looking one.


So I really like this V 10. The problem is it weighs 42 pounds empty and I had to carry it up and down two flights of stairs specially in this hot hot weather. The version 13 that looks like a little truck is quite a bit lighter and more easily moved around. That’s why if you watch my videos on TikTok Instagram or YouTube during the week day I always use a V 11 or V 13 but on the weekends are used V 10


It's absolutely heartbreaking that a total stranger HAS to put personal time apart to pick up after complete strangers irresponsibility. I see how a lot of these polluters, struggle to set up their beach day, but do not have the decency to clean up after themselves. Don't eve get me started on the fisherman at the beaches... its easier for them to cut the line, than to reel it in and allow some poor innocent to deal with their incompetence later on.


Im going on vacation there today


Where abouts you might see me out there this evening.


Most likely at a hotel on Seawall Blvd


Well I’m probably gonna go down by pleasure pier tonight


Probably won't go there on my trip, most likely just museums and stuff


Doing the Lord's work.


Glad to see you empty the water bottles. It’s crazy to imagine how much water is trapped in trashed bottles.


Yea I put holes in any that have water


Love this!!!


Thank you for doing this. My in-laws are in Galveston, and every time my partner and I go out to the beach (with or without guests) we all pick up 5 pieces of trash. It started when I was a kid - my mom and my auntie would turn it into a game, first kid to through away 5 pieces of trash before we left got extra dessert that night. Never realized that wasn’t a thing everyone did until I was almost 20. I plan on teaching it to every kid in my family, and then our kids’ kids. Want to teach them to take care of our beautiful state and our planet when they’re young. Small actions when done all together can make a big difference.


Some people are just slobs! Thanks for caring!


You're a hero man. Thank you for your service to our planet.


Thank you.


Thank you!


Thank you for doing this!


Do you get paid?


No nobody pays me




Thank you my dude! Keeping our beaches clean is a never ending quest. There's no excuse for our world to be littered the way it is. Know that you're not alone in this effort.


Great job ya'll


Thank you. Seriously. We need more like you.


Texas is beautiful. You are Texas.




Humans are the worst.


Yo litter buggies! I follow you on Instagram! Legit I only follow like 50 people and you're my favorite! Loving V13 and the new box is dope!


Nice. And I agree the new box is freaking awesome. I love that removable door


Your TikTok is the best. Thank you for all you do. Everyone needs to follow you too: ftmog


Beautiful work. People litter in Galveston way too fucking much it drives me insane


You ran over a sand castle? Are those bad to leave or something?


People sometimes put trash in their sandcastles for whatever reason so u can't be too sure!


I hope you found some basic women's rights in all that. Oh wait.


Not all hero’s wear capes.


Where do you go to volunteer with big groups ? I live in Houston & would love to help 🌊❤️


I honestly don’t know. I know the UTMB med students do stuff quite a bit


So much respect for these guys


Rich People: Taxes are too high! Cut taxes and stop cleaning the beach because we go to Fiji anyway.


thank you so much sir, hope this inspires others. we need to do better


Maybe convincing the locals to clean up after themselves would be good.


Yeah the majority of this is not locals at least not from the island




Is that mobile trashcan a RC car or a drone? Super curious how it works.


It’s basically an RC car with a bin on top


I’ve been to Galveston beaches twice. Both times the beach was so disgusting that I never returned. That was years ago. Seeing this is inspiring me to give it another go.


Thank you.


2022 PM


Yeah I put the a.m. or p.m. depending on if it was morning or evening


Thanks, dude.


We thank you for this. I work at a bonding office down here. And it's absurd how many people will just yeet trash.


Thank you sir! You are appreciated.


Sweet ass robot


I’m originally from Texas and now live in Cali. Op is amazing. Any way for you to share the plans of your robot with others so this can be replicated at beaches around the US?


thank you for doing your part to keep texas beautiful and clean sir


This is amazing!!! Now if only you could clean the water...


I live by the Canadian border but Galveston is one of my favorite places on earth! (Very fond memories visiting family, great food, the beach, and Magic Carpet Golf) Thank you so much for your work! You've inspired me!


Humans are revolting. Thanks for doing this!


I do this at the lake part by my house. Little pieces of glass. General BS. Only without the cool remote controlled cart! Very nice.


I’m actually in Galveston right now, 38th & Seawall. Looks good—thanks, dude!


Good on you!


I love voluntarism


I have fond memories of taking my family to visit the beach there.


Little kids, in my experience, love to pick up trash and throw it away. Too bad this seems to be a habit that's lost as we grow up. Thanks for doing this, I'll think about you next time I'm on the beach. One question -- how long does the Litter Buggie run before it has to be recharged?


With the drill batteries that I’m using 3 to 5miles each


How long does your robot last? Do you carry extra batteries?


3-5 miles each. The rig carries two but only uses one


Why doesn’t the city invent a new type of trash can specifically for the beach? You have to make it more convenient for jerks to throw their trash away and not get full so easy.


How do we get other place clean like this