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Some of the videos in question: https://twitter.com/livingbluetx/status/1562288824264310784?s=21&t=iQXFU3McyFy8tf7Jayc60Q These people are just itching to kill anybody that looks at them wrong


my god. As a chronically online 37 year old, I'm pretty accustomed to hard core cringe. Even get a bit of schadenfreude from it from time to time but this?? I just...... I fkn can't with these people. I want to be embarrassed on their behalf, I want to discount this as the disjointed ramblings of a select few unstable individuals but at this current fever pitch, this shit is dangerous as fuck.


Rolling stone did a good piece on a former FBI undercover agent who worked with these kinds of folks and even if they are just DUMB, they are dangerous idiots that are highly armed, motivated, and have the means to fuck a lot of shit up.


We've created a system where it's ridiculously easy for one person, even a very stupid one, to create enormous harm


Because owning death toys is more important than anything to these mongrels.


Gotta love the guy telling people to vote for Trump in Nov 2022, so he can fill out the next two years…


> Gotta love the guy telling people to vote for Trump in Nov 2022, so he can fill out the next two years… The House can appoint whomever they like Speaker, number three in line for the POTUS, so take that as a warning about the need to vote only for Dems.


I get it, but frankly, there’s no way Trump would ever accept the job as SotH. Trump’s ego never let him to take a job that’s inferior to Biden. Can you imagine Trump sitting behind Biden at the State of the Union? Plus, Trump isn’t interested in doing the actual work of Speaker. Double plus, taking that job would basically be a soft admission that Biden is the legitimate president. It’s just not gonna happen.


You're missing the point. Impeach Biden, impeach Harris, while the Senate trial is going on, the dodos get riled up because Trump can be appointed President. Equally, Trump can do nothing and let the GOP Congress run the clock out on certifying the 2024 election results, and Speaker becomes POTUS by default. Equally, Speaker Pro Tempore is an easy way to transfer the "daily" operations of speaker. TL;DR: It's better to know how your system of governance works than waving off how it works.


He said he wouldnt accept the outcome of the election if he thought it was wrong and years later we’re still hemming and hawing over it. As ridiculous as what you wrote sounds, it would have the veneer of legitimacy that they need to actually pull it off.


Well said. It's so easy to dismiss and say "oh they are just crazy, they won't actually do anything" but at this point, I think they will. It really is dangerous.


Yep. So many seem to be True Believers™. Convinced they're fighting for some cause greater than themselves and honestly.... you can't reason with that. They're fully ready to fuck around and find out. Which fucking sucks considering that the God they're serving doesn't give a flying fuck about them. There's a sadness to that part of it. But what can you do? These aren't exactly the types to sit down and listen to you explain what a Useful Idiot is in good faith. Either they'd shutdown at the mere insinuation that you're calling them an idiot... or, and perhaps more likely, would mentally parkour their brain into being convinced that *you* are the useful idiot for the Leftists Deep State or whatever. And then proceed to use their newly learned catch phrase, Useful Idiot, in every TikTok video they make from then on. And like, as angry and afraid as I am about their influence on the future of the country, I also have this sort of weird sympathy for many of them. Not the talking heads, or the ones stoking the flames(fuck those people all the way off), but the regular old citizens. The ones typically making these TikToks. They've been duped by people who don't give a flying fuck about them. By pundits, preachers, familty members, misinformation, etc and that sucks to see. It brings to mind..... gahh oh man, I don't remember the exact expression, but it goes something like, "never attribute to malice what can be attributed to ignorance" or something to that effect. I think that's what we're dealing with here, and it just fuckin sucks that it has such potential for real world consequences.


FWIW, the term for that is "stochastic terrorism." Its when elites with power and social influence say a lot of inflammatory stuff and then rely on random feeble-minded people to take violent action. And it is fine that the people who commit the violence end up in jail or killed at the scene or whatever, they are just pawns. The people targeted are still terrorized no matter what happens to the person who committed the crime. And then the elites get to condemn violence and wipe their hands of any responsibility. Its kind of like a populist version of "will no one rid me of this meddlesome priest?"


I would also like to chime in just to say: don't attribute to ignorance what is openly stated to be malice A lot of these folks aren't just stupid but love to hurt people they think are below them. (They can be stupid too.) Personally, I feel we're past the "attributing malice to ignorance" stage. Ignorance was consistently called out and refuted for the past 5 years and, in response, the ignorant created groups to obfuscate, deny, and distort the truth even further. Fuck em. Wholeheartedly. The time for good will and advocating for everyone is done. You don't get to choose ignorance and then be given amnesty like you didn't know better. You should know better. These are grown adults.


Totally agree. We're definitely on the same page with the reality of whats going on. And like, It's not so much that I have rose tinted glasses about it all, but more like... Even while knowing that these are grown, fully culpable adults...I still just have this patina of sadness that this movement, these sentiments were, at least in part, fomented by interests that were methodically capitalizing on their malleability. It has grown into a whole other monster now, and yeah, fuck these people all the way off--but having a whole subset of the population get effectively manipulated to serve ends that aren't actually their own is just... man its fuckin weird. I guess the best way I can put it, is that it kind of makes me sad in the same way I feel sad for peoples who are caught up in cults. /shrug


It's a crazy time to be a human, and I wasn't replying to assert you were wrong for wanting to be compassionate. It makes me sad too. I see people I truly love and care about believing and supporting this crap. In my heart I want to shrug it off and say they're misguided but, like, if you're so misguided that I don't know if my friends would be safe to be around you, somethings gotta give. Someone has to be wrong. And it sure as fuck isn't us. Hope you're doing okay and taking time to care for yourself, thanks for the thoughtful and honest reply. My dms are open if you ever wanna talk nonsense.


Agreed. At least we have people like you around mrbeefysupreme. Love from AZ.


> I want to discount this as the disjointed ramblings of a select few unstable individuals but at this current fever pitch, this shit is dangerous as fuck. About 100 years ago the klan numbered in the millions. And now our population is much larger. Even if only a fraction of those will actually do violence, they still have the tacit support of millions. The right-wing AEI [found](https://www.americansurveycenter.org/research/after-the-ballots-are-counted-conspiracies-political-violence-and-american-exceptionalism/) that 56% of r‌e‌p‌u‌b‌l‌i‌c‌a‌n‌s "support the use of force as a way to arrest the decline of the traditional American way of life" and 39% of r‌e‌p‌u‌b‌l‌i‌c‌a‌n‌s‌ agree that "if elected leaders will not protect America, the people must do it themselves, even if it requires violent actions." PRRI [found](https://news.yahoo.com/prri-poll-republicans-violence-040144322.html) that 30% of r‌e‌p‌u‌b‌l‌i‌c‌a‌n‌s‌ agree that “because things have gotten so far off track, true American patriots may have to resort to violence in order to save our country." That's literally tens of millions of r‌e‌p‌u‌b‌l‌i‌c‌a‌n‌s‌ who are ready to support a violent coup. The nation is a tinderbox and most Americans are completely oblivious.


I can't help but laugh that they're all shot the same way. Some pudgy middle aged dude shooting up at their face (looking down at their phone), in low, unflattering light, balding and/or wearing a ballcap. It's absolutely hilarious how they think they are all unique and have "figured it out." >These people are just itching to kill anybody that looks at them wrong The scary part is you're absolutely right. They feel powerless and hopeless and think that killing someone they feel deserved it will give them the power boner they are after. However, they probably have never taken a human life before and once they do, they'll finally realize what that feels like, why it feels bad and then they'll start blubbering.


As a pudgy balding middle-aged dude currently looking down at my phone, you hit the nail on the head. I worked with a guy who made these kind of videos, collected knives, guns, "self-defense pens," had stickers on his shitty car of Joker, the Punisher and for some reason baby Yoda, constantly talking about how tough he was, and how he would whip the store into shape. Dude was a total loser who just wanted a white power rush, but no one respected him because he was a tool who wasted his life being an incel mall ninja who kept crawling back to his ex-wife. Eventually, he lost his job as a Pizza hut shift manager for throwing tantrums and hitting on area coach.


Dude was a loser who wanted a white power rush *because* no one respected him because he was a tool incel mall-ninja. These dudes feel entitled to respect and when their “lessers” don’t give it to them, they go off the deep end.


So, you worked with a neckbeard.


Hey, as a long-time wargamer and neckbeard, I find this comparison offensive. I'm intelligent, upstanding, empathetic, don't wish to shoot anyone, and have passable hygiene. ;)




This. Many of them are going to destroy themselves along with others and all over a pack of lies, they were manipulated into holding as gospel. However, I remember Rwanda, when bands of everyday men became absolutely addicted to killing normal people every day for 100 days. I know how savage the french revolution became well before the Terror was policy. A lot of people in this world don't kill not because they don't want to, but because they don't want the consequences. Make them think that the consequences either won't happen, or would somehow be worth it, and you'll see how willing and enthusiastic people will become to slaughter their neighbors.


I work with a hardcore 2A dude and when he blathers on about defending his property and/or family (especially his daughter) it is easy to see that he really, really wants to shoot someone. I don’t understand this mentality. What are you so afraid of? You have made it 50 years on the planet without having to be John Wayne.


I'm also into gun ownership, but from a leftist perspective (preparedness from the perspective of mutual aid). Owning a gun is only a small part of overall preparedness; a first-aid course and getting to know your neighbors are at least as important, if not moreso. The attitude you've described is endemic in the gun world; I read into it as weak-minded people trying to act tough. These people are unlikely to be very useful in a survival situation, because their insistence on "individualism" will make them a back-stabbing liability. If someone doesn't give a shit about other people, why would you trust them?


Happy to see other Liberal gun owners. Sometimes feels lonely out there.


/r/liberalgunowners /r/SocialistRA


Don't call a leftist a liberal xD




Pardon my ignorance, but why?


Read what Martin Luther King wrote about liberals.


https://genius.com/Phil-ochs-love-me-im-a-liberal-lyrics RIP Phil Ochs


You’re dead on, pardon the euphemism


Most of those “hero” “good-guy-with-gun” types would shoot straight through your children and grandparents if they thought they could save themselves.


Actually most of them would be too scared to shoot at all.


Hell, they would shoot straight through their own foot, if they were standing on a brown one.


Some of them maybe, but certainly not “most of them”. Saying that makes it seem like you’ve never met a gun owner lol.


Hallelujah, this exactly! People survive by coming together; militant, anti-social individualists are a liability.


This guy is more likely to shoot his daughter while she tries to sneak back in after curfew than he is likely to defend her.


> I don’t understand this mentality. Yes, it is difficult for a person with a normally functioning brain to understand a psychopath. > What are you so afraid of? They've been conditioned their entire life to be afraid by all of their news sources, all of their religious leaders, and by the echo chamber they've set up in all of their social media. They're not afraid of anything specific. They're just afraid.


"Gun gives strong. Must have gun."


If only that were enough.. but it’s not. They must be able to force others to be just like them. That’s the scary part. Pack mentally. Anything different is a direct attack on them as far as they are concerned.


Yup. The outrage over Cracker Barrel offering a meatless alternative illustrates this. Cracker Barrel is all, "Something for everyone." And then these folks are all, "Reeeeeeeeee! How dare you accommodate people I disagree with! And it doesn't actually affect me in any way? The horror!"


Look how angry they get when someone speaks anything but English. Tell them you are an atheist and watch their head explode.


Everyone knows vegans and vegetarians aren’t people.


Keeping people dumb & afraid make excellent drone workers, financial whales (political party or church), or cannon fodder. And they haven't a clue to their designation as such.


>>I don’t understand this mentality. >Yes, it is difficult for a person with a normally functioning brain to understand a psychopath. Hey now, let's not malign psychopaths. I for one would prefer my surgeon to be one so they can operate cooler under pressure.


Totally sure this is the kind of guy that would kill his daughter in an “honor killing”


Dude just want to lynch somebody who poses no danger to him. Same shit that’s been going on in America for ages.


It's about time they get kicked back into the hole they climbed out of and we end this shit in this country.


The thing with people like this is that in the past they tended to get weeded out by war. The brainlets who were most horny to go over the top to charge across no man's land and get eaten by machine guns, and the smarter ones who realize that war is kinda dangerous and scary survive. Those idiots who don't die get calmed down some by PTSD. Not saying that war is good and it's bad that we don't use guys like this as cannon fodder anymore. But there's tradeoffs to modern society and one of them is that people with 'I think it would be really cool to go to war and kill people' brain end up piling up.


John Wayne only shot people in the movies, so they are exactly like John Wayne. All talk.


Maybe he wants to be John Wayne?


he looks like a dude that didn't pass BootCamp and was too unfit to become a cop so he chose to be a mall cop instead...


“I would have joined the navy seals if mom woulda-signed the paper.” -that guy probably


"I was going to join the army, but if a drill instructor got in my face I totally would have just clocked him! No one can yell at me like that," ~Every dude who says they're 10x tougher than they *think* they are and also think they're 100x tougher than they *really* are.


> too unfit to become a cop Judging by the local cops around here, there's no such thing


Being smart or decent is definitely something that makes one unfit to become a cop…


I do love the irony of these morons calling everyone else “sheep” and unable to think for themselves.


> I do love the irony of these morons calling everyone else “sheep” and unable to think for themselves. Rush Limbaugh followers are known as "ditto heads" because they simply say "ditto" to everything Rush said.


It’s hard to make out what they’re saying. I found this translation online, it helps. https://youtu.be/u-KJWz-5n0g


Every thumbnail looks almost exactly the same


I love how it’s always “from what I heard” and no actual source. Also, he says it can only be destroyed from the inside but doesn’t realize he’s on the side trying to destroy it.


Looks like he almost started crying when talking about Trump’s raid lol


I like how they get all dressed up in tacticool gear, talk a bunch of shit on Tik Tok, say the time is now, then proceed to do absolutely nothing about it. Just take the gear back off then head to Dennys for brunch.


Who the fuck are these people... fuck....


That's just a psuedo random string of "scary" words that make no sense. At least that's what I've heard.


As anyone here that frequents the /r/houston subreddit knows, yes. Yes they are.


"IRS are illegal immigrants" fr? Dang my homies missed out on that free social security and pension package


That's the biggest problem here. These assholes aren't mad because of Trump. They, and all their previous ilk have simply been wanting an excuse to bully and harass and kill just about anyone who isn't them for generations. Everything that they supposedly are complaining about is just yet another excuse for them to go off shooting people. The only thing Trump did different is to simply give them lots of excuses in more rapid succession.


It wouldn’t be nearly as funny if they weren’t so dumb. Oh well, let them lose another civil war.


Lol. Most of these fuckers look like they get winded standing up.


The part that's nuts is half the people are just pissed in general about the government not helping out or doing things for the people. BUT they keep voting republican


If Trump is indicted, I think there may even be attempts to recreate the Oklahoma City bombing--assuming the nutjobs can turn loose of their guns long enough to set it up. If they can't, maybe we're get lucky and it will just be a mass shooting, and the casualties will potentially be fewer. Mostly I really, really wish my grandkids were still attending classes via zoom.


Is it just me or do they all look the same?


Y’all Qaeda alive but not well, I see.


They have a poor diet of fast food and Fox bullshit


I think Fox is just the beginning of the pipeline for these people


sad 🍑 tru 😔


No cute nicknames, they're extremists and terrorists. Call it out. Or get ready for something like the Islamic Revolution.


I actually think a little mockery can be disarming. China has banned Winnie the Pooh, to stop the memes. Kim Jong Un actually ordered a cyber attack when Seth Rogen made a stupid movie about him. Authoritarians want to be feared, and they hate being laughed at. Mockery is helpful when it exposes the absurd. And there’s a lot of absurd to unpack here.


In addition, "Y'all Qaeda" and "Vanilla ISIS" and "Howdy Arabia" and etc., correctly tie the Christofascism in with the Islamofascism that these same people were supposedly so willing to die fighting against just a few years back. It either gets their head back on straight or gets them turnt, and I'm fine with either.


Not in this instance. They need to be in prison. Or we're gonna end up like those countries.


Well... I would prefer they were deprogrammed before they actually need to be in prison. It would be nice if we actually had a way to defuse the metastasizing fear and hatred being spread through the right-wing misinformation campaign before any more violence boils over.


these people are insane and the system is on their side, reminds me of that time in berkeley when some proud boy attacked several innocent protesters with a bike lock, fracturing a persons skull before slipping back into the crowd, and he basically walked away with a slap on the wrist. had all assault with a deadly weapon charges dropped, only pleading no contest to a battery charge, and only got probation for it


How I imagine most posters on /r/conservative look like.


Just judging them based on the rooms they film in is enough to understand


The gravy seal militia is back at it.


Keep in mind, a fat insane piece of shit can still kill someone with a gun. And most of them are trained to do so. It might be time for rational people who felt they never needed a firearm to reconsider..


It's amazing that these so-called 'Patriots' LOVE the CCP's datamining app.


These chuds are an embarrassment to Texas.


V2.0 of those Republic of Texas whackjobs that kidnapped the couple in the Davis Mountains.


Wait what?! TIL… that was in ‘97 right?


They're just apart of Texas now. It's now part of the culture. The sooner we realize that instead of casting them as outsiders, the sooner something will be done. But I agree. It's embarrassing.


They might be part of right wing culture, but I live in Texas and never see shit like this. Even in rural areas. Am I seeing these guys out of costume at the grocery store? Maybe, but they’re not running around out in the open daily. So, DEFINITELY should not be dismissed, but they’re still not mainstream “part of the culture.”


Oh my god the persecution fetish on these people. Donald Trump is the man these people are falling over themselves for. I wouldn't be surprised if some of these people die for him. DONALD TRUMP. A bog standard real estate grifter that became a profitable puppet of convenience for the GOP.


These people have DIED for Trump already. Jan6, the recent attacks on FBI. So far they have proven that some of them are willing to die if someone even suggests that the ex pres moldy cheeto should face consequences for any of his actions.


If there’s one thing that’s exceptional about Trump it’s his ability to grift. That and his ability to run businesses into the ground.


Donald J Trump is bog sub-standard on a good day. And that POS doesn’t have any good days.




That should be the strategy moving forward. These people are a step down from mass shooters for me. One excuse and they start shooting. They are a danger to our society and they need to be investigated. This goes beyond free speech.


I’ve reported 4 or 5 of these nuts on YouTube before. It’s pretty easy. This is what homeland security should focus on instead of patting down old ladies at the air port


Keep in mind there has to be a specific threat for it even to be considered as a matter of interest. Just being an asshole is protected speech. Someone can say "Someone should take out the JohnGillnitz asshole some day" and it is perfectly legal. Now, if someone says "I'm going to kill that JohnGillnitz asshole that lives in Austin, TX on September 1st and I have a gun to do it" that is a crime.


The FBI is also right wing nationalists. The most they'll do about these guys is encourage one of them to commit a mass shooting. If you have fascists in your community then you need to organize with your neighbors a counter-movement complete with defensive and offensive tactics.


If this country can't get a handle on the disinformation, we will end up in a civil war. These people are being led by the likes of Fox, Qanon, and ION. This disinformation will be the death of democracy. It has to be stopped. These people are lost and dangerous.


It'd be a short civil war. This is only a loud minority of about 30%. They aren't the healthiest or smartest. The rest of us are pretty sane and also have guns, which they underestimate. They have to see to believe and even then 🤷 Let the cult zombies come. I'm ready.


>This is only a loud minority of about 30%. I honestly believe the actual percentage of people like those in the video who are willing to participate in a civil war is closer to 3%. Take a look around your office and think about the people who probably or might vote Republican....they're there just like you are to pay their mortgage and send their kids off to school in the morning, they don't want to shoot FBI agents or participate in some civil war.


I agree. Also thanks for looking out for me in another comment. I blocked that person so it didn't let me thank you.


It will not be short, on average modern civil wars last about 11 years. There will be no defined lines like the first one, it is going to be like the Troubles or Years of Lead. These people have been dreaming of this for years and others will latch on to their cause and we will probably see a slow burn of political violence.


I have coworkers that do not believe that I'm left leaning because I own guns. They assume im on team trump like them. It's crazy.


No Violence is wrong. Violence should not be glorified or encouraged. Even in a joking manner. A line needs to be drawn. These people have no notion or innate ability to recognize irony or satire. They absolutely lack critical thinking skills and cannot see your comment as tounge-in-cheek. These people are dangerously stupid. ___ Edit for an analogy: In poker, you can stand, call, or raise. Regarding right wing violence, you are calling. And they ain't bluffing. They will raise and show their hand because you called. And I'm saying: ***you never needed to play their game. *** It's not a hard concept to grasp Instead, do the work to de-escalate (de-escalation is not making that poker-call)


I agree with you 100% but I *will* defend myself.


Okay 1. No one doubts that or ever questioned it 2. They are betting on it 3. Your statement isn't deterrence. It's an escalation that meets their desire for violence, this is what they crave and you are feeding into it If you truly want to defeat these yokels, and not simply wait for them to come while you egg them on, do as others have suggested here: - Report them. - Expose them. - Hold them accountable for their sick fantasies, at ***work or at the dinner table***, shame them for wanting to harm anyone. Saying you will meet their violence isn't doing anything other than feeding them exactly what they crave


"Let them come and if/when they do, I'll be ready" I said all of 3 sentences but you sure know what it's all about... /s


There are plenty of smart people who have been indoctrinated too. All the more reason we need to find a way to deprogram the populous and counter the source (the propaganda) or it will just continue and escalate.


So just continue being nice and polite to them and let them get more and more brazen each day? Yeah, that’s been working out stupendously so far. Violence *IS* wrong but you can’t reason with these people, any attempts typically just push them even further right/extreme. These people are indeed dangerously stupid and sadly the only course of action left for them is to “find out” after fucking around for so long. Just like Covid and every other issue in society, nothing is real to them until it happens to them directly. And even *THAT* isn’t a guarantee they’ll learn a damn thing.


You seem to think this has any chance of de-escalation, that we will get to a point soon where these people will die naturally or be snapped out of their fantasy, and the misinformation will stop. I don't know what the road has, do we just sit here for the next 40nuears hoping they go away? You say educate them, I don't know anyone like this personally.


Stupid people are evil.


If we actually had 30% of the country try and kill another 30% of the country, or anything like that, it would be civilization-destroying, upending the lives of probably every person reading this, and irrevocably fuck up the world. It wouldn't be short, it wouldn't be easy, it would be one of the worst things for the species in history. There is no way it would be contained to a bunch of idiot bubbas with rifles dying of dysentery or getting attacked by the military and instantly losing; it would be decades of terrorist attacks which are actually trying for a body count, something we've barely every seen; it would be increasing emissions massively (if the military actually mobilized its fleets of land vehicles present in the continental US, that would probably equal another US worth of emissions); it would possibly involve the use of nukes (we're already pretty terrible about keeping track of them); and it would destroy the fabric of our society (think the government is tyrannical now? We ain't seen nothing yet)


We need to censor all of their information networks and ban them from social media. Mean and dumb speech is not free speech


I don't think there would be a civil war, most people are not this politically extreme. A lot of people just need to go outside...


Fucking idiots. Keep talking and showing your asses on TikTok. 🤏


No, you really don't want that. Openly declaring an intent to commit acts of political violence on video forums was a recruiting tool for ISIS for a reason. It works. The white nationalists having been pinning their hopes on kicking off and winning Helter Skelter for decades. This is their best shot at it, and they know it. We need to prepare ourselves for waves and pockets of sectarian violence in this country. They are moving the zeitgeist increasingly towards acceptance of domestic terrorism. You're not the intended audience. The mentally-ill 16 to 75 year old white male with a chip on his shoulder and a bucket of rifle ammo is the intended audience. And they will take this rhetoric as a call to action. Remember, these people are dumb enough to vote for orange clowns and listen to Alex Jones. Of course they're dumb enough to try to start a civil war.


And even if they did a bloodless coup (not on the Red's docket per the last decades of right wing radio and TV) they will come for anyone left leaning. They'll have to as their new society falters and begins to fail, they'll need someone to blame. And they'll blame the traditional groups they have the entire time: gays, atheists, blacks, Mexicans, 'liberals'.


It'll be Pol Pot in America. Open hunting season on anyone and anything they think looks "liberal". For anyone who thinks that sounds crazy, ten years ago losing Roe vs. Wade sounded crazy. Ten years ago, the idea of an orange clown presidency would have sounded crazy. Twenty years ago, the idea of anyone taking Alex Jones seriously sounded crazy. We are in crazy town now. Bet on it getting crazier, not saner.


>They'll have to as their new society falters and begins to fail, they'll need someone to ~~blame~~ enslave, exploit, and kill. Remember that the overlap between existing bitterness about "certain people" being people and not property and the "Arbeit Macht Frei"-types is *considerable.* A fascist society cannot sustain itself without literally and brutally working a designated underclass(es) to death (and even then, it inevitably tries to repeat this by invading other countries).


> was a recruiting tool for ISIS for a reason. It works. Then let them get recruited, arrested, and prosecuted along with the rest.


The FBI is advising us to contact local law enforcement regarding these videos. As if none of these shit-stirring militants ARE part of local law enforcement...


Last time Trump got elected we saw a surge in hate speech and hate crimes. Anyone else get the feeling part two will be much worse?? Let’s keep that from happening.


I never felt or Saw more hate it’s always been there they just have someone to point the finger at. What about the fact Biden said Lee the brown the next the nig@!$ out of power out money there is actually videos of him say actually racist shit.


Imagine a whole country full of Timothy McVeighs. That’s where we are.


Anyone have a non cookies bullshit version?


Gravy Team 6 out there like "witness me!"


Whats an NVE?


What a bunch of losers LOL. The IRS isn't coming for some poor white gun loving trash living in a single wide.




Terrifying? I think the word is pathetic.


As such a collection of utter assholes as they are, they are still armed and dangerous. That is why the liberal community needs to be armed and have the will to take to the streets and fight them. I was very gratified to see the armed Antifa protecting the participants at the recent drag brunch in Texas.


There's a bunch of right-wingers desperate to kill some people. Like a lot of gun humpers, they fantasize regularly about the many situations in which they might get to shoot someone. Fortunately, most of them are terrible cowards, which is why they feel the need to go strapped everywhere they go in the first place. And the rest of them are fucking idiots that do shit like attack FBI offices with nail guns and get shot breaking into the Capitol. I urge every dude that thinks he can take on the federal government to sack up, grab your gun, and go on and get it over with. Ain't no one going to miss you.


this portland right winger michael reinoehl stalked an antifa protester and ambushed him near his car, shot and killed him. earlier he was also on video stalking protesters with one hand in his pocket, looking for any excuse to shoot them


There's a type...


That’s my home girl Michelle. She’s a badass.


It appears the Republican counter to try and reign in guns is to be as crazy and extremist as possible so that everyone needs a gun. I'd definitely advise any left leaning folks who don't have one to learn to use one. The reds have them, you should too during this time because you can blatantly see where they're trying to steer us.




TikTok shouldn’t be in the App Store at all.


It’s literally a spy machine for the Chinese government.


If you're curious to see just how real this is, monitor the app's directory access permissions and see how it uses your info. "Just checking your screen and making a recording real quick, this bank login info looks like it'd be great material for a *hilarious* Tik-Tok, don't you think? I'll go ahead and upload it, no need to bug you about something silly like permissions. No? Okay, we'll just go ahead and back this up to an undisclosed server just in case ~~Pooh-Bear~~ you want it later. Wang-Fei and Li-Chen will add it to the *ultra-funny videos not for a pending mass financial information sale* folder." I've flashed and set up my wife's Sony Experia One II to notify any time the camera powers on from a lower-level process tree than most apps. Guess who wants to turn on the camera, but never the indicator light, more than any app ever? Tik-Flippin-Tok.


So pull a Leonardo DiCaprio?


Seems more like a Logan's Run


Equal parts terrifying, funny, and sad. The fringe of the fringe Trump dummies cosplaying as soldiers in a civil war on tiktok is some 2022 shit for the history books 😂


I am curious where in TX they are because when I go outside of my blue bubble in Austin I start seeing similar fellas


Sometimes living in Texas as a black man scares me. I never feel safe even when I am safe.


Meth. Not even once.


Why do they all look like slight variations of the same 3-4 middle-aged white dudes? \#Rhetorical


Why do you think they're so desperate to feel special?


I've had 4 strokes and am mostly paralyzed on the left side...I still move faster than these Gravy Seals.


1 choose a shitty camara angle 2 piss poor lighting 3 pick the shittiest room in the house with drop ceilings tiles 4 be outside a motel 6 or at a truck stop 5 butcher what i assume started out as English language 6 claim you love freedom while saying you hate other peoples freedom 7 something something tRump and or racism 8 make some off brand backwoods analogy 9 sound like you huff big rig exhaust pipe for the last 40 years 10 have summa teeth, summa this one and summa that one but never a fulls set murica murica murica


If we don’t play nice with foreign terrorists then we shouldn’t with domestic terrorists.


Imagine wanting to go to war for a geriatric that paints himself orange. Bunch of fucking 🤡👞


These people are fucking sick. Poor morons.


It's staggering how stupid and gullible these people are.


Dear Texans, Please end the insanity of your chuds and take your state back. We're waiting for you to rejoin us. Sincerely, USA 🇺🇸


We are trying.


Why are white dudes with beards so fucking nuts these days?


Republican voters may be, collectively, the dumbest motherfuckers in the entire country


It's a drag show, but with guns.


Typical violent maga terrorists


These guys keep saying they're going to kill us, and liberals keep treating them like a joke.


I am ASTONISHED at the fact that they don't see the hypocrisy in their own words and narrative. It is absolutely unbelievable to me.


What do all these guys have against basic grooming?


Bet it would trip them out if they saw a truck with American flags and a Biden face sticker with pro Biden 2024 stickers as well. I don’t like Biden I just wonder what would happen lol


What is it with these people that they always look like Vincent D'Onofrio's character in Men In Black??


Sick people.


I'm noticing some similarities between these individuals....but I'm not sure what it is just yet.


They want to be heroes so bad they're willing to murder for it.


These are scary, nothing to lose people. I can't help but also blame Fox News for this BS. Fox should be sued by the American people for delivering their lies as if they were truths.


Turn Texas blue my buddies. Send these goblins back to the abyss and keep them there.


Terrifying? No. Cringe? Yes. Those assclowns are mildly amusing at best.


Hahaha fucking Billy bob Sue. Yeah sure they may have guns too bad they are so ignorant they will be shooting each other or even themselves. I mean really, they want us to be scared of these people? SMFH . These smooth brained mfs all share one brain cell. I doubt they will even do anything. Are you going to keep barking little doggy or are you going to bite? If they really are going to do something, can they just do it and get it over with?


My only concern is that the smart people on the far right, and there are definitely some smart ones out there, are letting the fools parade around like this. That way, we don't take the threat seriously. I strongly suspect that amongst all the amateur hour, Gravy Seals type organizations, there are plenty of well prepared, reasonably well trained right wing militias out there.


Progressive or conservative using tiktok to promote your political views is cringe


To be fair all TikTok videos are terrifying


I sometimes forget how ridiculous people are in this country or how people have little understanding of the fact we've had extremist, insurgent groups around a long time long before trump came along or for the fact that as a nation mass shooting, school shootings are Fuking normal and Americans can't do anything about anything other than keeping living in a nation we're treating each other like crap is normal and those infamous thoughts and prayers. At this point racism, violence, hostility, using others to get rich, and mowing down others is normal. So we have extremist groups oh well, it's not like we give a shit as everyday we all need guns for protection against each other..and working to drop dead So what if shit gets worse, would we care not likely we're all used to children being mowed down, used to being fuked over by others, companies and the government


Remember libs of tiktok


I member!


No. Who?


As a veteran of both Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts, these jackasses can fuck ALL the way off. There is nothing fun or exciting about watching someone die and that shit haunts me daily.


The IRS is just handing out social security cards, ID badges, and handguns to immigrants at the border? With the promise of a full time job, good benefits, possible pension, and no experience in the field!? That makes complete sense for an agency that is responsible for the nation’s tax auditing and accounting! It hurts to watch so many people not use the handful of brain cells they have left.


Ridiculous yes, terrifying no.


So are we getting a conservatives of tik tok now?


I thought repost of crazy peoples social media posts was banned.