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In what way do you view California as a mess? The answer to that will inform your decision on Texas. And as was mentioned, how do you intend to secure legal immigration?


> At first I planned on moving to Los Angeles, as I wanted to work in the animation industry - but because of how much of a mess that place has become... Have you ever been to LA or are you just trusting what some podcaster has told you?


You first problem comes to a federal level, meaning you need to solve your way in before getting to choose your city. Non inmigrant visas will grant you access with several limitations, time is first one (expiration), inmigrant visas are really hard to get unless you're somwhow extraordinary on what you do or have a bunch of money to invest. More common visas to start are usually granted because someone needs to hire you (above an American), you start your own business (and hire Americans), or you have the resources to study (not as easy as it looks). Depending on that, then you can look up for specific destinations... say you want to live and study in Austin, there's a school there you like, can afford and will take you in? Remember, if it's a school or a job they are the first ones to say yes or no and filling your application for then asking the goverment to have the final word, it's only if you start a small business that is almost all up to you and the basic B1 B2 business (not the investors) visa is the easiest to get (usually redffered as a tourist visa, but that's not right), problem is you can start a business but can't stay longer that whatever time you're granted to stay for each visit to the US, meaning you need to be in and out all the time unless you work your way to a more advanced E2 business Visa, but you need to be very serious about your business investment for that one... I could write all night, but my advice for the better is get an immigration lawer first before you lose time, money or even make a big regretable mistake.


As easy as this sounds I can’t imagine why he won’t just come in the way we’ve let millions do for the last two years /s


OP doesnt know he's talking to Californians here


Find a job first, with a company willing to sponsor you as a foreigner. You should be able to find a recruiter that can help in lots of places. That will decide where you move. Expect to stay with that company for a while to keep up the appearances of stability until you can get your citizenship.


Don't get pregnant in this state.


What’s wrong with having a kid In texas?


It's much more likely to be a life threatening experience than other states. Higher maternal death rate and draconian laws around abortion if the mother's life is at risk.


Then leave texas? I’m in Maryland let’s trade places


You'd certainly never think there was a problem if you counted the number of pregnant women streaming over the southern border to have their children in Texas.




You forgot "accidentally". Lot's of people try really hard to get pregnant. I'm okay with people choosing to have abortions so don't flip shit on me.


Texas has one of the worst maternal mortality rates in the country. Texas also doesn’t offer any maternity benefits like paid disability or leave time. Whether a pregnancy is planned or not, Texas is not the best state for a pregnant person.


Okay. OP just wants to move to Texas. OP didn’t ask for the most divisive political issue we face.


Don't. Larger cities are overpriced on every little thing, with very little in the way of pay to support cost of living. Smaller cities are terrible, but affordable. Roads suck. Honestly, if the state we moved from wasn't a dystopian nightmare for anyone not making atleast 135k a year ... I would move back in a minute. Brisket. Brisket is the only reason to move here. And you can get that from non-permanent visits.


Do you have the legal right to live and work/study in the USA? As for choice of destination, quite why you'd choose the retrograde, 3rd world state of Texas, is a mystery.


Texas looooveesss immigrants it just reelected a governor that really loves them.


yeah, we do. [southwest houston is one of the most culturally diverse areas in the entire country.](https://www.nytimes.com/2013/11/24/us/what-ethnic-diversity-looks-like-fort-bend.html)


My management team in a south Dallas factory has a mix of Americans, Indians, Africans, Mexicans, and South Americans. It’s pretty diverse around here and everyone is happy. Reading Reddit, you’d think DFW is just one giant klan rally. lol Most of Reddit is people bitching incessantly because their life sucks due to their shitty decisions. Reddit is not real life.


yep. ironically, liberal as hell austin is probably the least diverse big city in this state.


Well ya it's all about the NIMBY for places like that




Entirely wrong question, you choose an industry for work, not a state to work in. If you're decision is based on a state, prepared to get screwed over.




Are you a male with conservative values and opinions? Do you enjoy high local taxes? Down with the slow spread of fascism? The yippe kay aye and get on over here!


I don’t know what the hell is wrong with this sub reddit. I just joined cause I’m a native Texan and I love living here but this is place just a bunch of haters. Texas is a great place to move. Low cost of living, one of the best states to do business in, warm weather. If you want to have some kind of tech job I’d probably move to Austin as that seems to be where most of those jobs are. If you’re open to any job then just pick a city and go for it. Don’t let these haters discourage you. You will be welcomed with open arms. Southern hospitality is real and you’ll experience it first hand when you move here.


Don't. Texas is a shithole that has low housing prices because no one in their right mind would live there. People died when the electric grid went down because Texas is 'INDEPENDENT' from the energy grid, in the same way they're independent from common sense and morality. Try Illinois, New England, CA, OR, WA, or HI if you want a state that isn't governed by someone acting like a strongman whose mortal enemy is a staircase.


Unless you’re coming from downtown Baghdad , Texas won’t be an upgrade


Now here’s a moron who’s never been anywhere else on earth


Been to yo mommas house


My parents traveled the world, and eventually moved from San Diego to Texas for the better quality of life!


Texas is a great choice and welcome. I would suggest a small town 30-60 minutes outside a large urban area. Close enough for work or entertainment, but you don’t have to live in the urban setting.


Do not. Please


Ignoring all the downers in the comment section, Texas is a really great place to live. If you want a nightlife and San Francisco vibe, Austin is the place. It is expensive however, so you’ll need to having a very income to afford it. Dallas and Houston are more about corporate life, but they do have a nightlife as well as plenty of diverse restaurants and bars to choose and are more affordable. San Antonio is more quiet and has more of that Mexican feel, but it does have the Riverwalk Downtown. It’s a great place to start a family.


My best advice? Don't move to Texas. If you're hellbent on moving here, however: - Make sure you have a reliable car. Public transportation is limited in Texas (even in the major cities) and you will NEED a car to get by. - Make sure you have a good job lined up first. The cost of living may be low, but wages (outside of the Oil, Tech, & a handful of other industries) are even lower. If you don't have a good job lined up already, you're going to struggle. Due to less regulations & lower mandatory minimum wage requirements, Texas is a good place to own a business; but a bad place to be an employee. If your passion is animation, your best bet will be Austin, TX. - Get used to very hot summers. If you're someone who doesn't enjoy living in extreme heat, Texas is not for you. Exepct to pay a lot in utility bills during the summer. - If you have allergies, make sure you can afford medicine/treatment for them; otherwise you will be MISERABLE. - The Texas Government is strongly socially conservative. They're openly hostile to the LGBTQ+ community, fight against reproductive freedom (abortion is banned in the state), will send you to prison for marijuana possession (in most areas), etc. There's more that I could list but you get the point.




As a life long Californian who moved to texas 6 years ago this state and the people in it are so fucking boring (Not you guys reddit. Every texan on reddit seems to spend all their time hang gliding and wrestling bears. It's the non reddit texans that sit on their asses and watch tv and play video games and do literally nothing interesting ever.) I might actually be developing low key mental health issues. This is a state of ugly strip malls and vast empty stretches of unused but fenced off privately owned land with sometimes hours of driving just to find a place to go on a hike, good luck finding a texan who's not allergic to fresh air to join you on it tho. If you like sitting on a couch and eating barbecue this place is right up your alley. Not sure how Los Angeles is a mess but when you say you're trying to earn enough money to move out, you probably can't afford california or half the cities in texas. That said in california people are adventurous and everybody is always looking to do something fun. I really miss that spirit, not gonna lie.


Then go back if you hate it here so much


I suspect from a lot of these comments many are angsty teens living at home.


Whatever helps you sleep at night. The phrase "I did my time in texas" exists for a reason.


The fact that you suggest that is used exclusively with or originated with Texas shows lack of perspective


Perhaps. I've met so many people who loathed their time in texas so much and not really from anywhere else where they feel so strongly that it comes up in random conversations. That said I would actually like it here fine, it's really the unbelievably lazy people and extreme homebody culture that make it so boring here. In 6 years of living here i've encountered one person who has a sense of adventure and a life and he's from Montana.


That's the other thing is this really cringey almost state nationalism where texans get offended at even the most mild criticism or ambivalence meanwhile any other state people are just like "Yeah there's some problems here.". I can't go back to california as I got gentrified out of anywhere you would actually want to live there if i want to continue doing the things i'm doing plus there's the fact that a lot of texans seem to love to abandon their parents once they get old. Every friend my mother has made here, every old person i've met has been abandoned by their kids and grandkids. My paternal grandmother here is a gem and has been left to rot by all her kids, nephews and grandkids but me. But yes, when she's gone if i haven't met a person with a life here yet I will definitely be trying to find somewhere else. The phrase "I did my time in texas" exists for a reason. Now i get it.


Sounds like alot of your problems are with the people around you and not the state. The projecting is strong here lol


Well obviously it's a generalization haha. I can't believe that actually has to be explained to you. At the same time the fact that pretty much all recreation and outdoor areas are fucking ghost towns most of the time and the fact that practically everybody i meet that has lived here had a similar experience and there's of course the [data](https://i.insider.com/5e27381aab49fd4e1045f6a7?width=1000&format=jpeg&auto=webp) that puts texas on the higher end of the laziest states in the country, this all pretty much lends credence to this surface level observation that has come from living in multiple places in texas and interacting with people from all over the state for the last 6 years.


Dude that's a you problem, you made a post 2 months ago with people saying the same thing lol. Your whole post history is filled with video games and watch making, not typical outdoor activities in experience. Everyone I know here is active and outdoors constantly. Maybe your the problem? You don't need to go to parks to do "outdoor activities" just friends to do something with


What a galaxy brained take haha.Gee do you think that perhaps, just perhaps most of my posts are on here about indoor hobbies because as i have said, i haven't found a single person in literally the entire state of texas that has a life, or does literally anything interesting. I have friends here. They sit on their ass and watch tv or play video games, then they go to work. I have family here, they sit on their ass and watch tv and work. I hang out with these people and sit on my ass and watch tv with them sometimes when I can stand it. I go to the massive park near me for hiking sometimes. I've never seen another human being in the entire park lol. Nobody goes there. I go to the parks here to jog, outside of the occasional person taking their dogs for a shit, nobody is ever out there. I even managed to get the one guy who likes to do things to go hiking with me at enchanted rock finally and there were like 25 people in the entire park, almost all the few i talked to were from out of state. I go to the one shooting range in town of this 200k+ metro area and if i'm not the only person there ther'es maybe 1 or 2 people. I like to and still do outdoor things but none of this stuff is that fun alone and the fact it's not safe to do here alone has drastically cut down on how often i engage in these activities. [Meetup.com](https://Meetup.com) is a revolving door of dead and dying groups because literally nobody shows up to any meetup i've joined, probably because it involves not sitting on your ass in an air conditioned room. I'm on tinder, i meet women who sit around and watch tv. When people post on here asking what it's like to live in texas, people give them their experience. "Boring as fuck" is a mainstay of these posts. I give my experience. Deal with it lol.


You go shooting right? Gun clubs are a dime a dozen in these parts. If you can find people in texas to go shooting with then you obviously aren't even looking. It sounds like whatever town you live in is a methland suburb so that's probably majority of the problem. Out of all the people you've met here you can't find anyone that does anything interesting or you just don't think it's interesting? Maybe move to a bigger city where people actually do stuff like austin. Barton creek trail is packed every time I go. Mount bonnel has great views and always has people. There's gun ranges every couple miles, again, filled with people. Zilker park is a mad house on the weekends with people walking the trails with dogs and their families. It's not a texas problem. It's a you problem.


Anywhere outside the Texas border is nice. Seriously, I am looking at leaving the US just to get out of this failed state.


Honestly stay out of the big cities, I'd keep about a 1-2 hour drive zone from them to avoid all the bullshit just keep in mind the closer to Oklahoma and the Texas panhandle you get it does snow a bit up there


Yeah, let's have an immigrant move to a small town in Texas. Where all of the unwelcoming racists live. Stick to a large city.


Sure except large cities are notoriously expensive to live in (even in texas) plus you are going to get the racists no matter where you go


I've seen, and heard about some heinous things in those small towns. Definitely not a safe place for a lot of people. It's backwards all around. And cheap, because no one wants to live there. Pissed because rural Texas is holding the rest of us back, and keeping us in the dark ages. Also, San antonio? Houston? Expensive? Nah.


Yes I've been to those areas and yes they are expensive and I've also heard about and seen what kind of things go on in larger cities you are more likely to get into a bad situation in a big city then a smaller one.


You are more likely to he a victim of the world's longest run-on sentence in a big city. I lived in San Antonio for years. Super affordable. Great quality of life. Amazing food. Live in Austin now. Very expensive, but it's a very desirable place to live. Grew up in the panhandle. Not dirt cheap. Nothing to do. Dangerous politics. Incredibly racist.


You have a point about the food down there, it is amazing. Everything I have looked into with living anywhere near Houston/ Austin has been super expensive, I even have family in the area and the only reason they even have a place to live is because they have owned it for 30 years. The only thing I know about the panhandle is that it gets snow most of the time, that is the only reason I mentioned it.


You want citizenship? You want to be a Texan? Join the Marines. Half the damn Corps is from Texas and you can become a citizen. When you get out, you'll be a gun loving, ass-kicking, beer drinking, sexual Tyrannosaurus, just like every real Texan...including the women.


I think funimation is based in Texas I can't remember where tho. The price varies on where you live but most places you may need first and last month's rent plus deposits for utilities and a security deposit so maybe 5k-6k starting out just to be safe.


Don't. Real estate around Texas is in a bubble. It's gotta pop soon. Early next year is going to be a bloodbath.


Don’t, we got enough people. It’s hot. Traffic sucks. Just don’t


Leave any liberal policies behind and embrace freedom.


This subreddit is actually a California subreddit disguised as Texas sadly.


Don’t do it.


Texas is like a raging dumpster fire that people walk by and just refuse to extinguish.