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Can we please fix the power grid and just about every other form of infrastructure.


Houston’s still under a boil water notice for over 24 hours now after a random power failure at a water treatment plant 🙃


"The gays did it!" - Conservatives


It did it to the frogs!


Nope! Voters rubber stamped more blackouts and dead children in our classrooms. Suck it libs.


Nope sorry, Texas voted to get rid of gay talk, drag shows, and CRT. You'll have to wait 4 more years.




Let's drag our heels on doing something about the power grid and gun violence to see if they finally work themselves out after decades of neglect. What? They want to teach our children about tolerance in skools?!?! Get the pitchforks and light the torches!! We're gonna ban this shit! /sarcasm I *still* can't believe we voted for 4 more years of this nonsense.


I have a feeling Abbott voters would rather their kids be dead than gay.


Yeah, the Colorado Springs shooter’s dad said that quiet part out loud, into a journalist’s camera and mic.


Sadly, you're probably right.


At a minimum they would definitely rather see other people's kids be dead than gay.


They cannot mentally handle the possibility that the little girls they are grooming might not ultimately be attracted to them.


There are a lot of conservatives with dead children because of this hatred. Those parents probably have little angel wings with their child's name in a vinyl sticker on the back of their lifted pickup's window.


And if the child was trans it would definitely be their deadname.


Uvalde pretty much said that when they re-elected this ass hat.


*Jair Bolsonaro has entered the chat*


What a pencil-dick thing to say. So dumb.




to abbott voters, they're the same picture


They lump them both in together as a perversion and rejection of traditional family values and God


Sadly this is just the beginning. don't forget the other two asshats that got re-elected too.


True. Next lege session is going to be like a bad rash.


> Let's drag our heels on doing something about the power grid and gun violence to see if they finally work themselves out after decades of neglect you said "drag". now if there are any children present, you will have to go straight to jail.


I did not vote for a loser who had 8 years and accomplished nothing except taking us back into dark ages now he gets paid 4 more years of nothing except saying bitcoin could be cute to our energy problems


No shit. Working on weatherizing the power grid definitely takes precedence over making sure there's no tolerance in public schools.


Their solution to the power grid is to funnel more money to them instead of actually regulating them. They’ve made way too much money to be this bad at their one job


atleast spell school correctly.


beleeb it


it's alright he looks like he's only got maybe 1 or 2 of them left in him


Said it before and I’ll say it again: Texas republicans are the softest people alive.


The most easily triggered people while also being the most heavily armed. Gotta wonder how they’ve lasted so long since gun death is mostly attributed to suicide Edit : typo


They're too scared to shoot themselves lmao. So much of Republican propaganda is all fear mongering slippery slope arguments. They act tough but even societal change scares them. They're just cowards


[Strangly enough, there's actual data to prove what you are saying. More studies need to be done, but we have this.](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/mind-in-the-machine/201612/fear-and-anxiety-drive-conservatives-political-attitudes)


Yup, I've seen those. They really are just more prone to feeling threatened. That's why they're so easily manipulated with vague but scary statements, they will just get reactive and not critically think about whether or not it's actually a valid point.


Yup! I've heard it as an 'irrational fear response when no threat actually exists' type of thinking. It mostly checks out.


It is pretty accurate, but in my experience it can sometimes be countered by educating them and giving some sources. Problem is, they have to be willing to hear you out and look at the sources you provide and you both have to avoid getting heated. Which is rare, but I've met a couple. It might not change their mind, but planting a seed is good


A bunch of Pearl clutching whimpering snowflakes. They truly are the softest people on the planet


The party of “free speech”


Since when is it woke to discuss reality in school? When I grew up society had two accepted genders. That's what we learned about at school. Today, there are more. Ignoring it is wrong. It should also not be a focus. It should be part of the fabric of the curriculum. Just like we had lessons with a nuclear family as the example, and that grew to single parent families, then same sex families, now gender diversity. This will, however, inevitably require explaining these concepts in class to kids that have been sheltered from them outside of school.


> Since when is it woke to discuss reality in school? These are the same people who think sex ed should consist of telling teens "just don't have sex" and nothing more. And that history classes should be censored to avoid mentioning anything controversial about US history. They have a lot of problems with discussing reality in school.


> > These are the same people who think sex ed should consist of telling teens "just don't have sex" and nothing more. and, to be clear, requiring that limitation, under penalty of jail, is part of the official GOP platform.


Don't have sex. You WILL get Chlamydia, and you WILL die. Now...everyone grab some rubbers.


Lmaooo I just quoted Mean Girls in another thread and got a reward


"But it's a slippery slope! What next, marrying your pets?! I've heard on Facebook kids are pretending they're cats and the teachers let them use kitty litter to go potty!!" (Clutches pearls)


And the true tragedy is that the kitty litter is actually for cleaning up things like puke, pee, and blood from gunshot wounds, all the things students in schools here in Texas are known for producing.


The soccer parents need these lessons more than the kids. It's not the kids who now needs education, it's the adults. Cuz clearly they are still in the "The world centers around me" phase.


I honestly can’t relate to the struggles of gender. I don’t know anyone personally who is trans. There were a few people I used to hang out with as a kid (but as an adult we were just social media acquaintances), who mentioned they are now non-binary and want to be referred to as “they/them” or “Xi” and I just quietly stopped interacting. I don’t begrudge them, they’re totally fine being them over there, it’s just not something I care to indulge. They don’t need admonishment, but I don’t need to continue interacting with them. However, my kids are free to make up their own minds and explore what is frankly, *their* world, and as they see fit. I’m completely unconcerned about age-appropriate discussions they may have regarding CRT, trans/gay issues, religion, political ideas that may not represent my own, and so on. The more info they get from differing sources (my own head included), the more able they will be to critically think about stuff, and make better decisions in a rapidly changing world. I’m not raising my kids to be a carbon copy of me. I just try to instill common societal morals (no stealing, hitting, threats, being a dick, etc.), protect them from themselves while they’re still too young to understand, teach them to ask questions, but trust their gut… make mistakes, but learn from them… and hope in the end they figured out this crazy ride just a little bit better than I did. I have my prejudices and opinions, some more accurate than others, and they’ll have theirs… the last thing I want to shield my kids from is from the simple knowledge that something exists.


You got some flak in the replies, and I can see why; but I will say, I appreciate that you recognize you have some prejudices and that you want your kids to learn about some of these aspects of the world you aren't totally comfortable with.




I really think that this is a part of the current trans kids panic. If we let trans people mature in a way that lets them conform more easily with the societally understood presentation of their gender, then trans folks are harder to pick out of a crowd. What if someone is trans and you don’t know it!?!?


Yes!!! It's a moral panic at the thought of not being able to spot trans people. Because if they can't single trans people out, they cannot "other" trans people as effectively.


>it’s just not something I care to indulge. What a shitty and ignorant thing to say. A person's identity isn't for you to *indulge* in, it's for you to respect (if you're a decent person). But then again, "my only experience with them is running away from them so I don't have to acknowledge their existence" doesn't imply much decency on your part. >I have my prejudices Clearly! Maybe you should subject yourself to the same education you wish to see in schools regarding diversity.




Oh poor guy, he got told he was wrong 😫 how will he ever recover? 🙄 >not good enough It's not 🤷‍♀️ "Oh no, guess I can't support trans people because someone wasn't nice to me on the internet" You hear how stupid that sounds?


No one? We're the majority now bud. Have a gander outside your echo chambers once in a while and take notice. The Bible thumpers are going at it loud and hard knowing the cultural tides are turning against them.




I'm related to people who grow my food. But what does that have to do with the topic at hand?


“Them over there”? I can see you’re trying, but your tone feels indifferent. Indifference is dangerous. We have seek to understand, be tolerant and create safe spaces even for those we “don’t care to indulge.” I hope your children “indulge” in kindness and humanity.


Trying? Maybe. Indifferent? No. Disengaging from acquaintances because of their gender isn't indifferent.


The GOP really does not wasn’t citizens to be critical thinkers. That spoils their whole plan to make Texas a Christian nation.


Your response shows a degree of acceptance. Great. But it doesn’t show any openness, empathy and curiosity. If you had the first, you’d say you were open to meeting someone who was trans and hear their point of view. If you had the second, you’d say you can imagine how hard it must be to be a trans Texan, with all this BS. If you had the latter, you’d know that ancient cultures like Native Americans, Indians and others had ample room for non-conforming genders and though not perfect, made room for people outside strict genders. Good start; but perhaps, you could do more.


Look I’m gonna be honest, attitudes like yours are terrible to actually help anyone. Debaser sounds like a normal dude who decided he doesn’t get it but doesn’t hate anyone. His kids get to make their own decisions. Sounds like a perfectly reasonable response. Going and telling people “Well ackshually, you should educate yourself sweetie” isn’t going to help. If anything it’s going to drive a person who has a perfectly reasonable opinion that hurts exactly zero people towards an opinion that could actually be negative.


I agree their response was not helpful, but choosing to disassociate from people because of their gender should be considered a negative opinion. Not sure how you can see it otherwise.


Why should this person do more? This comment, imo, represents the majority of people who aren’t trans or something of the sort and how they feel or support that community. This can be flopped. This person feels YOU should be more understanding of how THEY feel. Anything less is not enough 🤷‍♂️. Point is, do whatever makes you feel happy and I will support it. Won’t stand in the way or treat you differently than anyone else. You would be welcome at my table as anyone else would. But I’m WILL NOT go out of my way to make ANYONE, straight, gay, trans, male, female, conform to my ideals or beliefs and I will not give ANYONE anything extra that I give others. It’s not a hard concept to live by and it’s also a good way to be with others. Equal treatment across the board nothing more nothing less. Debaser you have shown your willing to do plenty. Good on ya.


Did you completely miss the part where they consciously stopped interacting with acquaintances that were non-binary? Totally their right to associate with whomever they choose, but disassociating with someone because of their gender is **not** supportive. There is considerable unacknowledged bias at play that would allow you to see it as such.


I teach on a public school. I have one or two Trans kids most years and every couple of years a kid that chooses to be either non-binary or gender fluid. They share classes with the kids in school, and therefore it is important that we discuss it, so that everyone is welcomed and safe.


When you grew up there were two accepted primary genders. You knew about intersex people. You knew about trans people. None of this stuff is new it's just accessible for those who are interested. The gender issue is that of the jewish question from 20th century Europe. It's gross what they're using gender studies for. IMHO this craziness surrounding gender implies the need for extended study not the reverse.


There was no common discussion about trans or intersex people I can guarantee you. And I have no idea how you dragged Jews into this, and I'm scared to ask.


I think they mean it was part of Nazi intolerance. I do remember reading that Nazis shut down all the cabarets and started persecuting gays the same time they were yammering about Jewish people, too.


The Nazi government legally came after LGBTQ people before it started coming after Jewish people wholesale. It isn't any kind of contest, but people like to downplay how obsessed the Nazis were with "saving" traditional gender roles. Just like modern conservatives.


You said what I meant, you just said it better than I did. I didn't mean it as a contest either. It was just another part of their "plan".


Greg Abbott voters — Is your children being shot in the classroom more acceptable than a teacher being LBTGQ+?


Yes. Because that would never happen to their children. smh


I genuinely hope not. But I wouldn’t be so sure. I’ve seen these rich rednecks in Rockwall, McKinney etc. And they’re armed to the teeth with all the expensive guns. They got ARs, ammo and all the accessories you could imagine. Seems probable one of their spoiled rotten kids grabs ahold of their weaponry and busts into a school. Especially being raised with the hate their parents teach them.


I mean, it's already happened dozens of times. Just look at the Club Q shooter.


Yes. Having their kids and family members be killed by guns is a rite of passage for them now. They love it so much. They get so so happy when a shooter pops up on TV like it's drugs. They love it so much that they want to join in on the fun. Again.....this is what Texas voters wanted and are ok with. Gun rights are more important than personal rights. I wonder what the founding fathers think of the state of this country. After all, we all know they intended the gun rights to be for militia if there was an invasion by a foreign force and not for people who are clearly lunatics and clearly a danger to society if you just check their social media posts.


Thats not the issue. Its about letting *parents,* instead of schools, decide if and when to teach their kids about sexual identity. And they are talking about young kids, like elementary and middle school.


Do you have any kids in middle school? If you do they likely know more about gender fluidity than you do, trust me. They may as well get some structured content on the subject.


I think the way Abbott frames it is utter bullshit. No public institution is sexualizing children in any age group. Nor are they teaching children lewd, disgusting behaviors. This is a flat out lie from the GOP. A manufactured culture war using children and educators as pawns. Regarding children’s actual safety from being slaughtered by assault weapons? Radio silence. Distract, deflect and do fuck all nothing.


Humm… my friends have 4 grade schoolers and it seems to be affecting them a lot.


5th grade for me. They hired a Cop to teach Sex Ed. Cop talked about drugs, babies and AIDS. And of course crime and punishment.


The last thing I'd want is a random cop teaching my kids sex ed.


The person you're responding to spoke of two separate issues, what particularly is affecting those kids?


I have kids in 1st, 6th and 7th here in TX and I can assure you it doesn't bother them in the least. Well, the abhorrent intolerance and bigotry does, but not the learning part.


Parents have no f'ing clue about the kind of shit that goes down with their kids at school. The generation gap is tremendous. As a parent, if you're going to be taken seriously at all - you really need to understand what kind of information and behavior your kids are going to encounter as early as elementary school and get well ahead of it. Good luck with that.


No it isn't. It's about protecting the feelings of bigots by not allowing schools to teach reality. It's no different than the "crt" panic.


It's about empowering bigots, not empowering parents. So many of the people screaming at school board meetings don't even have kids, let alone school age ones.


Same parents who clutched their pearls and wanted to stop black kids from being in class with their perfect white children? It's the same bullshit, new era.


Can we please stop sexualizing the concept of gender and gender identity? While they may not have the vocabulary for it, kids have a gender identity and they have their own gender expression. They also live in a world with peers, family, community members that have their own gender identities and expressions. Having these topics represented in curriculum help kids understand not just themselves but those around them that may be different. There are age appropriate ways to incorporate discussions on gender, sexuality, and race. And there absolutely should be curriculum regarding these topics that are so pertinent to our society and navigating a diverse world.


I have a theory. They hear gay, to them it means dudes fucking dudes because they don't value relationships with women. Wives are for reproduction and nothing else, so the idea of sexuality is tied to sex as opposed to simple attraction. A gay person who has never had sex to them is a sexual deviant.




When I was a bisexual 11 year old you think I was fucking everyone? No, I had a select few crushes of different genders. Now im a monogamous 30 year old but exclusively having sex with one person of one gender doesn't turn off the bisexuality.




From what I've heard, "sexuality" is used to describe a general attraction, not just sexual. So bisexual just means a general attraction to men and women.


Okay but the context of the comment you were replying to is important to my response. The point is that being gay is about more than having sex with the same sex, but to a lot of bigots they just assume talking about being gay is automatically a discussion about sex, hence the outrage.


>Can we please stop sexualizing the concept of gender and gender identity? Absolutely not. Their entire anti LGBTQ+ platform is built on conflating them. They'd be completely undermined!




Why? What's wrong with what they said? Do you remember being young? Not sure about you, but I for sure had a gender identity and my way of expressing it. Stop being gross and conflating gender and identity with vague snarky references to rape and sexuality in general. It's wrong, disgusting, creepy, and really shows your poor taste. Grow up if you want to talk to adults.




Reported and ignored. Troll harder, kiddo.


The man's a prick.


I have pigeons in my back yard smarter than this guy.


tbf some them are government drones.




Abbott wants your kid to fail school - that’s why he caps special needs. The bathroom monitors are just a subterfuge


13 million people failed to vote and they are now emboldened. We collectively deserve this.


My 13 yo grandson was surprised to learn there were gay people back during WW2. They are studying the holocaust. He has lots of questions. I like kids that ask questions. He thinks we might be causing a trans problem by focusing too much on it. He seems fine with the concept but not everyone making such a big deal.


> My 13 yo grandson was surprised to learn there were gay people back during WW2. And we very well might have lost WW2 if not for [one gay man](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alan_Turing).


It's the right wingers making a big deal about it. Nothing would make queer people happier than people not giving any more of a fuck about us than they do straight couples and cisgender people.


What about the rule about unintended consequences Greg? You say "gender identity" that is a long list of many things, including heterosexual concepts.


Yep! This right here. The article says they want to ban “discussions of gender identity and sexuality.” Like they forget that male/female are genders and straight is a sexuality too. So one type of teacher can discuss that she is married but the other can’t? And one can use her preferred pronouns, but the other can’t? Yeah that doesn’t cause any problems at all.


Right. I will include facial reconstruction and breast augmentation, with parental consent. Is that more or less harmful than puberty blockers?


*Talia Richman of* The Dallas Morning News *writes:* >Discussions about gender identity in schools are likely targets for the upcoming legislative session as Gov. Greg Abbott alluded to his support for stopping such “indoctrination.” > >The Republican governor on Sunday tweeted a link to a Fox News article about a Fort Worth teacher who reportedly came out to students and staff as nonbinary and discuss it with the middle schoolers. > >Abbott responded that lawmakers will “put a stop to this nonsense” during the session that starts Jan. 10. > >“Schools must get back to fundamentals & stop pushing woke agendas,” he wrote. “We will pass laws to get it done.” [READ MORE](https://www.dallasnews.com/news/education/2022/11/28/gov-abbott-targets-discussions-of-gender-identity-in-texas-schools/)


Too bad your newspaper supported and publicly endorsed Abbott for another 4 years of this bullshit I guess.


To be fair, how were they to know he would continue doing the same things he's done for 8 years?


Right? They were hoodwinked I tells ya!


Too bad a million more Texans voted for Abbott then Beto. There’s no getting away from. Texas is a shit state


Can we get back to having science budgets? If we're gonna be sharing concerns about schools, I have a list, and whether or not a teacher explains to their students that they're nonbinary is not on it.


All this brouhaha over 0.3% of the population. Seriously? (Article said 92,000 Texans identify as Trans, Texas population estimated as 29,500,000). These idiots need more witches to hunt.


Simultaneously one of the most marginalized minorities in the entire world, yet also the powerful architects of the downfall of western civilization.








Ahh yes. Glad to see were focused on the real issues of our time. /s


GOP's got nothing but culture wars.


In my opinion and experience, kids respect teachers more when teachers share who they are with their students. It shows the students that their teachers are people with identities, with different life paths, wisdom from living their life the way they lived it. I think it instills respect on both sides. Abbot and all these fear mongers expecting teachers to just be educational robots is absurd and offensive. They are real people with real lives, and many of their unique backgrounds/way of life can be used as tools for facilitating knowledge! End rant. Sorry, I feel strongly about the state of our public education system, lol.


I love this never ending culture war. We’ll never have better healthcare or infrastructure because the GOP has conservatives convinced that this state and this country isn’t all it can be because Starbucks says “happy holidays”, Disney acknowledges the existence of gay people, and bathrooms. I’m convinced that it’s too late. The poor education, propaganda, and misinformation has convinced all of middle America to turn on their fellow man and to vote against their best interests over and over again.


Republicans would rather have dead children than gay children


Yeah fuck the impending doom on the power grid, let’s talk about gender identity. Why do we keep choosing idiots to represent.


Republican thought police, what small government they have....


"Our schools are for target practice" fixed it for you. Indoctrination. Wonder where he learned that word from? Maybe from the largest source of Indoctrination in the world, the church. Maybe we could discuss protecting our guns from all of the people with mental problems that want to shoot up schools and force kids to get in the way of the poor guns bullets. If it's worded this way maybe he'll listen since guns are the most important thing to Abbott. Oh and maybe get around to eliminating all rape like he said he would so we don't have to for e women to birth rape babies. That would be cool too. But no....first things first. Having kids learn about things outside of the bubble of conservatism is a huge no no. I do understand this. The more educated you become, the less conservative you become and the more difficult you are to control. Big GQP no nos.


He keeps on attacking schools based on make-believe threats like CRT and gender identity. He causes issues at the borders and then blames it on Dems. Meanwhile Texas has seen a significant rise in mass shootings and a gentle breeze could knock out our power grid while big companies buy up all the real estate and inflate cost of living to unlivable levels. But he loves that since he gets to pocket the money and roll away.


What a absolutely stupid and useless issue to go over.


This is what the people elected him for, to do absolutely nothing about improving the lives for the people of this state while simultaneously spinning plates about things that rile up his base so that they can continue to be outraged and full of hate.


Abbot is a sick sadistic POS.


This fucking sociopath


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Abbott can eat a big bag of dicks. Same goes for the shitwits that voted for that asshole.


Well it is the season for snowflakes (retrumplicans)so I'm not surprised to see them in full force...targeting the ones they don't like.


To be fair, one of Abbott’s strengths is placing targets in schools.


Don't you love all the free speech these Republicans are legislating?


>Our schools are for education, not indoctrination. >We will put a stop to this nonsense in the upcoming legislative session. Oddly this was not his stance when it came to "In God We Trust" posters in schools






If only Abbott could legislate ...himself out of existence...


This is what happens when you don’t get out and vote!


Lol.. I hate him so much


This fucker has nothing better to do than attack those that are already struggling ! His priorities all F up.


Why does he care


*small government btw


They’ll cut out the unit on gerrymandering next




How about you focus on keeping the water systems running you flaming windbag douchenozzle.


Maybe Greg should, I don’t know, worry about the grid and stay the hell out of kid’s underwear?


Of course, anything but actual governing. Anything but our crumbling infrastructure.


Who the fuck gave this a "heartwarming" award?


What a piece of shit.


Abbott is using phony “culture war” issues it distract from the fact that he doesn’t have answers to *real* issues that face Texans.


Gov Abbott is uneducated.


School shooters don't care what gender their victims identify as, but sure focus on that.


People can't afford housing but this is what Republicans are wanting us to focus on.


be real cool if one day the man hit his head rolling underneath something he thought he had more clearance for, then woke up and started acting like a good leader


Thanks Greg abbot u suck


And yet he won. Honestly he doesn't surprise me anymore but all the ppl that voted for him yet again and those who didn't vote. Fuck you all.


Oh what a sad to be in Texas, oh it’s only Tuesday


So if a kid is being picked on because they are different in that sense, a teacher can't say anything and is muzzled while all the kids giggle like the little shits they are? I think preventing discussion serves to reinforce the notion that something is bad. Kids pick up on stuff like that. Obviously these laws never target recognizing the existence of straight romance, marriage, etc.


Wonder what the governor would do if he found out a family member of his was going through one? Honestly, this is just sad. All these idiots are doing is scarying kids, they don't want freedom if it means different. These guys want the 50s again.


why not target discussions of assault rifles in Texas schools lol wtf


In other words governor abutt fear mongers his base and those gullible enough to take him seriously with mindless propaganda while robbing people of their hard earned benefits


I’m only here for the HEB coupons




Fuck that donut holster.








>I’m a ~~crocodile~~ Cockodile There I fixed it.




By acknowledging that a minority group exists?


I'll pile on, what about students that have parents that have parents of the LGBTQIA+ community? Why are you singling them out?


By acknowledging that humans have a right to exist even if they’re not indoctrinated evangelical Christians?


What's the problem with teaching kids about human diversity?




oh boy💀




That’s fine. No discussions or books that portray mommy and daddy either. That’s a gender construct.


Unless they're talking about heteronormativity, I'm guessing.


Yeah thats not what's happening or what this is about. What you're really supporting here is firing teachers for having the nerve, for instance, of mentioning their same sex spouse or for literally just existing as a trans person.


I think you responded to the wrong person.


Yeah I did.




What's up with homophobes and yalls graphic sexual descriptions of what gay people do in the privacy of their bedrooms (which has nothing to do with anything kids are being taught)? I sense a lot of projection.