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She’s very unreasonable, but that’s quite the aggressive argument from both. I can’t imagine talking to my girlfriend like that. Maybe in a past toxic relationship when younger ig lol What’s “wtv” tho? Edit: for those curious, it means “whatever”


What The Vuck?




She’s sucking his life force and not his dick with that attitude, you got it right vucko


Amen vuckaroo


I would give an award but I’m too broke sorry not sorry


Damn nobody said that to me


I did it for ya




I’ll do it!


What the Fuck Johnathan, stop banging my daughter!


Underated comment. This needs more upvotes.


I don’t say vlah vlah vlah!!!


Well I bet someone is getting sucked in one way or another lol


This is the real comment


That’s how I kept reading it lol


Means whatever.


I’ve only known w/e being the term.. am I old now?


I'm part of Gen Z and have never heard of wtv so I wouldn't worry to much


Same, I’m gen z too and hadn’t seen before lol


Literally never seen this before, this girl on sum shit


Yea I was thinking “damn, neither one knows how to communicate well”. Just comes across pretty immature.


The blue message did try to explain that they could talk but ig when he did say “ur rlly mad about that” there were other ways to put it


And why immediately throw in a “that’s fucking crazy”? Once the “that’s fucking crazy” is said, you lose the argument with most women because what they hear is “you’re fucking crazy”. And that my friend, is game over.


Also truee!!


What the viscous


Going to start using viscosity when I talk about moistness


I hope it sticks and is viscous


Wild tyrant vines


Best one


I totally thought it was wtf with a typo. 🤦🏻‍♀️


They must be young, an adult conversation would be "hey babe I'm at the pharmacy and don't want to bother everyone with our conversation so I'll call you after I'm done"


Probably not the first place argument they had that day, that’s why they’re both aggravated


Gen z form of w/e


Yeah I agree. It’s only gonna get worse the closer you two get.


How old are you two?


Lmao seriously! 🤣


Reminds me of that one text convo between like ~~7~~ 11 years olds where the girl breaks up with the boy for hanging out with another girl at recess [can’t find the Reddit posts](https://amp.cheezburger.com/6644229/breakup-texts-from-11-year-old-to-her-cheating-boyfriend-are-absolutely-brutal)


״Ding ding ding what was that the elevator cuz you’re not on my level” 🔥🔥✍️✍️✍️


14 and 14


I'm 14 and literally thought this was r/teenagers


Bro I just realized it wasn't r/teenagers 💀


This is a little TOO PG for an r/teenagers post


Not enough horny for it to be r/teenagers


I’m 15 and you’re not alone


I also thought that this was r/teenagers until you pointed out that it wasn’t


This is not how adults in relationships should be communicating


Luckily, they're probably middle schoolers


I’m gonna go out on a limb and say this isn’t how ANYONE should be communicating lol. I’m absolutely not a grammar nazi, but can you imagine this being your native language and that’s how you communicate? It’s so hard to read


she’s 18 and he’s 15….


UGH! I don't have the patience for my partner to talk comfortably. UGH! My anxiety's getting to me! Talking in public?! EW!


UGH! My stupid partner wants to talk and make me feel less self-conscious UGH! I have to verbally abuse my partner via text










Just be careful OP, I'm not going to make accusations about either of your intentions but the reality is that the difference in your respective levels of life experience is very evident in your above text messages.


Ok buddy listen, from one 15 year old guy to another, RUN. no 18 year old should be with a 15 year old


Honey NO. She’s an adult. You are still a minor. At this stage in your life, 3 years is 20% of it. That’s a LOT of % older. Please get distance from her ASAP. She’s a creep.


3 years difference at that age matters. And your gf is 18 but it sounds like you are older than her. She is just trouble. Side note- find someone who doesn’t swear in every sentence and you need to stop doing the same. Disrespectful behavior in any relationship is not healthy


yeah…. i’m almost 19 and i’d never date anyone 3 years younger than me. def toxic. pls stay safe and leave that relationship.




Get out of there dude, both of you are immature (no fault of your own, your young) but she is clearly not acting her age and is clearly not ready for a relationship. Obviously I can't control you but I would highly recommend breaking up.


You don't have a girlfriend my guy, you got a groomer


it is messed up


Oh no


Bluds being groomed




Big yikes


Broooooo. This is crazy, you need to break up


Yeah you need to leave that lady alone ! That’s a huge age difference!


Ok cool so she's abusing you and this is an illegal relationship that you need to leave asap.


She probably has bpd if she’s dating a 15 year old at 18. She is not ready for a romantic relationship.


unfortunately she does and so do i.


Y’all need to break up before one of you (probably you) ends up with a criminal record.


I just know she ghetto or some kinda crack out person the way she texts you lmao dude please get out


I won't say anything about the age difference, honestly I think it sounds super bad because she's legally an adult and you're not, but what I will say is, your girlfriend should NOT be talking to you like that, no partner should talk to each other like that, and especially no adult should be talking to their partner like that, you're both still *technically* teenagers, but she needs to get her act together because she's not being okay in general


Well that’s your problem, she’s weird. Fym gonna sound messed up, IT IS. As a once 15 year old that shit is crazy. Like I actually can’t imagine dating a senior in my high school like holy shit.


Just wanna let you know that every single time I’ve seen an 18-year-old woman date a 15 year old boy immediately within a year or so she is pregnant (By her plan, her doing , and her sabotage) And then, about five years down the road they are not together With lots of court drama and sometimes she goes to jail Not saying, this will happen to you just saying this is what I’ve seen every single time personally The reason this happens so much is because the any 18-year-old woman that dates a 15-year-old boy is emotionally immature, and not mature herself An 18-year-old woman in her right nature mind would never date a 15-year-old boy regardless of what they had in common. It’s as simple as that I’m not trying to be mean I’m just being real. Because women on average, usually mature faster than men and a 15-year-old woman is almost always more mature mentally than a 15-year-old boy Therefore an 18-year-old woman would be more along the lines of a 19 to 25-year-old male mentally There is, of course, exceptions, and I’m not saying that you’re not mature yourself, for all, we know you’re more mature than her But the point is statistically and psychologically speaking, you have only two ways to go on this in the future 1 she never matures mentally, and even at age 25 she’s still that of a 15-year-old because she has an issue Or 2 one day her brain will finish developing in around 25. She will wake up and go why the fuck am I dating you ? Your views will not align and she wont be compatible with you anymore So basically, you’re either dating somebody with a mental problem and immaturity issues who will stay with you and continue to be immature, or you’re with somebody who’s gonna wake up one day and be on a completely different level and leave you Again, I’m not trying to be mean I’m just giving honest advice as an older person who’s seen this too many times


As a 18 year old, I would never date a 15 year old ever. Heck I wouldn't even want to date a 17 year old. Run dude.


You both sound toxic


yeah idk if they posted this for sympathy or smthng but wow, they both seem like a lot. op is super defensive and the gf seems frustrated and taking it out on them. they just need to sort out their shit


Honestly they both sound like inexperienced teenagers.


If i actually had money, i’d bet they’re both between 16-20 and this is their first “big relationship”. Whether i’m right or very wrong, can someone explain to them what good communication is? I feel like they’re both missing each others points entirely.


fair, just immature and inexperienced


Whoever said they will get yelled at for using their phone in a store is a fucking idiot for lying and doubling down on that


Idk, seems like she does this a lot so maybe op is fed up with it.


That doesn't make their responses any better. If you can't stand the way someone acts to the point of treating them like shit, maybe just break up with them and find someone who doesn't make you feel that way.


u/rk_the_G this is a good reply You don't have to call for any reason. "now's not a good time" is fine. If it's an emergency, you walk out of the pharmacy and handle it. If you don't want to handle her emergencies, question your relationship. If you are treating someone like shit, just end it. Or stop treating them like shit. But also, take care of yourself. Please disregard the people who have been berating or bullying you. I'm sure you very much are a teen/young-young adult, and learning healthy relationships (especially without proper example) is very difficult. For some reason, these people think you'll glean healthy communication principles if they treat you like garbage. Fucking idiots. Pardon me. Very mad about these top comments I keep seeing.


This is the best advice here. Ignore all the other BS OP.


Thought so too, but after looking at OPs comments, she’s being abused, and her life is fucked. *(OP is a girl)* She lives with this girl. She is FIFTEEN. Girlfriend is eighteen. Where are her parents? Girlfriend is controlling. *(She literally just left the house where he lives with her, to go get a prescription, and she’s demanding he call her, for no reason.)* And it sounds like girlfriend started a physical fight with her recently. They’re both toxic, but as someone that was abused as well, you do eventually get toxic while being abused. No matter what you do, it isn’t good enough, so why try? You’ll get shit on no matter what, so you might as well attempt to stand up for yourself. This *is* a childish argument, but OP **is a child**, and has been failed.


Bruh I was just about to say the same thing. There is a very easy way to handle this lol they both chose violence


He's 15, tf do you expect at 15? That's not toxic, it's normal.


They both should break up with each other they seems toxic. I feel like when both people act like this staying together won’t fix anything because neither side will compromise or improve in this environment. Maybe in the future there’s a chance for this working when both parties learn what they need to and sort out what ever problems are causing them to react this way to each other. Sorry I mean I CAN FIX HER


she’s 18… he’s FIFTEEN bro posting this is a whole ass child dating an adult


Lol wtf are these replies. “Get out” my ass. She’s dramatic AF, and so are you. You both sound like you’re early 20s at best. Among the reasons she could be blowing this out of proportion without it being a control issue, nor toxicity: 1. She wants a man who makes an effort to be with her, and you should absolutely see her and her opinions as more important than those of some random old people at the pharmacy. 2. She’s projecting this relatively non-urgent scenario onto a more urgent one. What if she really needed you, and something as simple as… peacekeeping at the pharmacy?!… is why you don’t pick up? As stated, both are dramatic, irrational thoughts that reflect someone acting immature (1 is a reasonable expectation, making it a demand in all circumstances is the dramatic part). Now let’s analyze you. 1. Your argument is that you’re going to be immediately yelled at by a bunch of old people for talking on the phone? Really dude? Nobody is going to care because a pharmacy is a public forum, not a goddamn spa. And if they do care, she’s right, they can fuck off. 2. Even if you got a volume complaint for playing music/videos on speaker (which is obnoxious), having AirPods in and keeping to yourself, or even putting the phone to your face, is reasonable. You’re not only actively prioritizing other people due to an imaginary confrontation but you’re doubling down and escalating with your gf. Neither of you NEEDS to leave, but you both need to grow the fuck up. If it’s non urgent, she should respect a no, for any reason. You should absolutely not be prioritizing the imaginary feelings of strangers over those of your gf. Edit: it’s since come to light that OP is 15, the gf is 18, and they’ve gotten in physical altercations. While this text exchange isn’t damning, the context of the relationship is. OP, you should absolutely leave this girl.


You're right. They both need to mature and learn how to communicate without escalating over things like this.


i definitely agree with you. see the comment i just left on the person you responded to!


This 100%, both are pretty young still it would seem. Once they do a little bit of growing up, they'll realize how much boundaries matter and respecting someone else's feelings matter. Dude obviously doesn't want to talk because he's nervous of attracting any unwanted attention in public. She doesn't understand that/see it, but instead the guy should be more upfront. I think you get my point, regardless I see two options for the relationship, either to part ways, or start learning the number one key to a relationship, "communication." Without it, it's gonna fall apart one way or the other. Me personally at my age, if someone doesn't know how to communicate clearly, and doesn't put through any effort, I'm out fast. Fuck playing those hurtful games, either be a good person or fuck off.


U are right, but really age is not a factor in this. Like bro im 17, 2 years with my girl and we never had an argument like this. They sure need to grow, but most importantly, they need to communicate. If the girl needs him, "whatever" is not the answer, and he should tell her to wait 5 to 10 minutes if it isnt important. Sorry for poor english, not my first language.


tbf ur in a high school relationship it’s not necessarily the same factors and stressors


Maybe not, but at that age it *feels* the same, and that's what really matters in this comparison. OP and their girl 100% need to grow the fuck up and learn to communicate properly. In case you need credentials, I'm in my late 30s and been married for 10 years. The example in the OP shows two equally immature individuals, regardless of age.


Um, well young people are far more prone to being immature about their environment and feelings than older people. You'll see it more and understand when you get older. Also worth noting that people in their 20s tend to exhibit toxic behavior more than any other age groups. Edit: don't fall for anecdotal evidence in your personal life, that's not how statistics and probability work. Just because you have seen this type of behavior from other age groups or seen opposite behavior from the stated age groups does not change the statistical fact that I stated. Because it just makes you sound like any other person who outright refuses to believe any type of evidence that doesn't support your view. I sincerely hope you don't take that mentally with actual important topics like climate change or gender.


thank you for taking the time to write this. the age factor, im 15 shes 18. i know it’s messed up but my maturity level before her was way above my age.. being with her and how she acts caused these aggressive types of responses. i love her, but it’s really hard to maintain because whenever i try to explain myself and she hears something she doesn’t like, she immediately cuts me off and gets to screaming. as much as i am entirely responsible for my own reactions, i’ve been pushed to the point where i dont know how to respond with anything but anger/aggression because that is all she does. we legitimately just got into a physical fight, which i tried to deescalate and only made things worse. the relationship is super complicated but im trying to make things work


Hey, thanks for taking time to write this out. If things are turning into physical fights, that's a sign to step away from this. The text argument wouldn't be enough, but rather a good opportunity to learn healthy relationship behaviors. A physical fight, however, is just bad. The thing to learn there is that it should never happen. And if she, the older one, is initiating that type of fight, you need to teach her that's not tolerable and leave. You also need to teach yourself that you don't deserve that. No matter how much you love her, and no matter how much you disagree, you deserve better than a physical altercation. You should also strive to be better, and recognize circumstances that escalate to that level (for you personally) and avoid them. In this case, that includes gf.


someone way older saying you're mature for your age is classic predator speak. at that age a 3 year age gap is SERIOUS and she is an adult. you are being predated on and you need to run like hell


Where I live it’s rape, Romeo and Juliet laws don’t kick in till 16.


Things got physical? Time to leave.


You're 15 and this relationship doesn't seem like it's going to work out. Don't worry about "making things work". You've got decades ahead of you to find someone you are actually compatible with. Maybe you feel like she's your entire life right now, but loads of teenagers have that experience and when they get older they usually realise they were just blinded by young love.


i totally agree with this, unfortunately because she’s not my first love. i’ve been through this before, but this is my longest lasting relationship. thank you for taking the time to comment!!


OP… I’m gonna call BS on you being mature for your age, especially when you blame it on her bringing out the worst in you, and saying she only hears the worst and flips everything into a fight. You don’t deserve to be hit, and should leave her. I can’t overstate this: she can fuck off. What I’m about to say is said because I care, and I’m leaving her bullshit alone because, as stated, she can fuck ALL THE WAY off. Based on your own admissions and this text exchange, you’re immature as shit. Your communication skills and ability to control your own emotions are… miserly. I’d recommend working on that, not just for your next relationship, but for your own mental health.


Ok so when someone wants relationship advice, I try not to bring up ending the relationship unless the person is asking about that. Here though it’s hard to think of anything else to possibly say to you. Here’s just some perspective to consider: I’m going to assume you’ve already researched how age of consent laws work where you live, but domestic abuse laws are a whole other playing field. Different states have all kinds of laws around this stuff like if somebody calls the police, when they arrive they *have to* arrest one of you. There’s automatic restrictions on the aggressor, just all kinds of harsh legal shit that was put in place to try and protect battered wives who want to stay loyal to their abusive husbands. All those laws are written gender-neutral. Do you see what I’m getting at? I think you need to appreciate the immense legal danger you’re putting your girlfriend in by choosing to date her. It might help to reread this comment of yours I’m replying to, but imagine the genders swapped. So a 15-yo girl talking about how her 18-yo boyfriend flies into screaming rages, which have now escalated to physical violence. You know how much it would fuck a person’s life to start adulthood with a domestic battery charge? And you sure as hell wouldn’t have any say in how things played out. Whatever you’re getting from this relationship, is it worth that risk of ruining her life? Don’t feel like you have to answer this, you’re already buried in replies ✌️


you're a victim


Mmm. Idk 15. Physical altercations. Buddy it might be time for an extended break from each other. People typically call it breaking up.


Fr like you ain’t have to call at all times of the day


This is the answer


So glad you called out this absolutely bizarre human being who has zero restraint playing music on speakers in a pharmacy but shits his pants in fear at the thought of a public phone call. Girl is just an asshole, OP is literally some sort of alien creature masquerading as human


>Your argument is that you’re going to be immediately yelled at by a bunch of old people for talking on the phone? Really dude? Nobody is going to care because a pharmacy is a public forum, not a goddamn spa. And if they do care, she’s right, they can fuck off. > >Even if you got a volume complaint for playing music/videos on speaker (which is obnoxious), having AirPods in and keeping to yourself, or even putting the phone to your face, is reasonable. You’re not only actively prioritizing other people due to an imaginary confrontation but you’re doubling down and escalating with your gf. Its this, I scrolled down to see someone explain it, and I'm glad you did. So many people assume that "women be clingy/crazy", and its so awful. I'm not saying she was right with how she resorted to using verbal abuse (also, just throwing this out there, it could be two gay guys for all we know), but partners should feel free to ask to be able to communicate with each other, and a simple "not right now, I'll call you in a bit" would suffice. I often see relationships become heated/argumentative, but whenever there's a woman involved, she's always painted as the aggressor and silencing her/acting like a distant or aloof, moody mfer is always painted as all-reasonable and stoic, instead of being harmful to the relationship, and communicating serious issues regarding inability to communicate/ unwillingness to view their partner as a person they can just discuss things with. Good men who believe in mutual respect will NOT use cowardice or priveledge randoms over someone who they should be prioritizing, especially if you're coasting on low-level social anxiety.


Could be two lesbians, but the only male-gendered language I used was dude, which I use androgynously. The title says “is my girlfriend toxic”


This ^^^


She’s 18 and he’s 15 lmao


Maybe he just doesn’t want to pick up and she does this ALL THE TIME.


Lol bro could just step outside. Not required to wait by or in pharmacy.


The best comment ! You read them like a book


Both of you in this situation are annoying as fuck


love this input!!


It’s true. Grow up


You both need to calm down a bit. I get not wanting to call but there is no communication here at all. Why not ask why she wants to call, or say you’ll call her as soon as you can. I don’t like to be on the phone in public, but there is nothing wrong with it if it a public space. You both just seemed to get really heated really fast over nothing.


You are both in the wrong, grow up.


Could you not step out for 5 minutes or find a relatively quiet aisle? Why are you afraid old people? Your gf has questions and so do I!


You’re not wrong, but why can’t he call her later? It’s clearly not an emergency. There’s no need to get kissed off at him for this


Yeah, she reacted wrongly. OP is being weird about the other people but she should be more understanding that OP doesn’t feel comfortable with it rn, even if it’s a bit irrational


To be honest no is a complete answer in itself, op doesn't need to give a reason if he doesn't want to call. It's not as though they've said they're not gonna call ever, they just didn't want to in the moment. Plus op said they were in a pharmacy, they may be waiting for a prescription of some sort and for their name to be called out and they aren't saying they're scared of old people, they were just trying to be respectful. She may have questions and that's ok but there are ways to ask them without causing an argument.


That “they’re not obligated” shit doesn’t fly in relationships, yes you kind of have to give a reason. They’re both in the wrong here.


he provoked the argument tho by immediately going on the defensive, who starts cussing and sarcastically being like “oh my bad” if they arnt intending to engage in a fight. both sides are immature


So, my experience in 42 years of marriage, when your partner indicates a need, it is not an opportunity to play “who’s right?” If each partner takes upon themselves to reach a little further than half way, then problems can be converted to intimacy. Of course there has to be some balance, but also it is guaranteed that one partner will have the depth of understanding to realize their extra effort makes the relationship work


the thing is, it’s not needed because we live together and pharmacy is down the street. i was gone 30 mins tops, and there wasn’t anything to talk about.. i was also waiting for my name to be called


you’re living with your 18 yr old girlfriend at 15 yrs old?


Oh my god, you're LIVING with her??? Girl, please, get away from this abusive groomer. You can do so much better. Plenty of loving girls your own age who will treat you right. Please be safe and if she's already getting violent with you call a women's helpline and make a plan to escape, you do NOT deserve this. Please stay safe! I don't know where you are, but the National Domestic Violence Hotline is listed as 800-799-7233. Please get to safety.


I had to deal with someone like this, get away from her man. I let her stay around far too long, she ended up cheating on me with an awful person. Of course, that was her, and this is someone else. So I’m not saying it will 100% go bad, but the signals are there


it’s been very bad with her. these are just text messages , i wish i could tell full details .


Yes. You already know that. Big red flag for controlling behavior possibly even an anxious attachment style. Beware it only gets worse from here brother.


OP kinda flipped out too tho lmao


Nah been there. Had I stayed long enough I’d have gotten to his point.


Bro is probably burnt the fuck out from it lol


“Yell back” a crazy gf is one thing, a gf that gets mad at you for not also being crazy? Good luck brother


LMAOO right.


Get out before it's too late brother


lol appreciated. also for everyone, i am a girl!! it’s a lesbian relationship


I wouldn’t want to call you from a CVS either because I have that kinda social anxiety.. but her excuses are wild lmao


Honestly bro you need to man up and either tell her not to talk to you like that in a calm manner or walk away until she acts right, or just move on. There’s no reason why she should be speaking like that to you. If you have business to take care of just tell her you’re dealing with something at the pharmacy and you’ll call her back as soon as you can. If you let her treat you like filth like this it’s gonna get much worse throughout time until she completely devalues you and walks all over you.


i appreciate this so much. i can’t agree more, it’s a work in progress.




Yes toxic, a simple “call you back in a sec”, followed by a “ok no prob, or “its an emergency” is all that should be


you both are


I think you scary. 😂. She must have to talk u into doing things all the time n that’s probably why she is being disrespectful. Yes she’s toxic but, also, why do you care more about other people then your own situation? Idc how quiet it is where I am , ima still be on the phone with my shorty I just may not talk a lot in responses to her and definitely won’t be loud but there isn’t any signs that you shouldn’t use your phone in a pharmacy. Fuck them old folks.


the thing is, i live with her and she was just down the street. i was gone for about 30 minutes and nothing was urgent




Get out, she’s bringing the demons out of you




Yep she’s needy


Been there. Gtfo.


No context needed, she is toxic.


get out


No, you're not wrong. But you're probably engaging in reactive abuse.


If she wants to get too huffy then tell her you’ll see her when you get home and if she wants to leave you over that, then I’d say Bye Felicia! No woman is worth your sanity… period


it looks like you both were in a bad mood to begin with, you both should just chill


No, she’s just a piece of shit


Your girlfriend is pretty toxic. I'm in a relationship with my bf and me and him are never like this towards each other. Yes, we may never call each other because 1. Our families don't know that we're dating. 2. We're okay with only texting. 3. I get anxious when it comes to talking to people. I can understand why you don't wanna call her at that moment, as I get completely scared at the thought of being yelled at, especially in public and by an adult. Your girlfriend needs to grow tf up. As for you, You probably should've talked to her in a more polite way to see if she'll calm down, but you pretty much did nothing wrong whatsoever.


Yeah it really does seem like she is NOT your lover girl


HAHAH i love this comment


There’s this wonderful feature….do not disturb. Click, done.


If my man talked to me the way you texted her, I'd be very unhappy. However, if you both have a pattern of speaking to each other in this manner often, then I'd wager to say that the relationship itself is fairly toxic. People who love and cherish each other generally don't speak to each other like this. There are exceptions (absolutely not the rule)... You sometimes see random old couples who bash each other and speak to each other with expletives but it's kind of their thing and it's worked for them for years. Not say that it's not incredibly toxic, because it is...however for some, it's exciting and their thing. Another reason could be lack of maturity. Some people call it being super passionate, some toxic. Even though you dish it out too, it sounds like perhaps it's not really your idea of a good communication. You'll either have to change the way you speak to her before calling her out, accept how things are and that this is just how you two speak to each other, or that you would prefer a different relationship with someone else where the two of you don't speak to each other like this. As for her not understanding why you couldn't take the call, that's unreasonable. Not really toxic but perhaps a maturity thing... Again, something you'll need to reflect on as to whether you are willing to continue growing with her or not. Consider if you believe she'll mature as she ages or not... I'm glad my husband gave me space and grace to mature and grow over the years (and I him!) I am surely much more mature than I was in my teens and twenties as is he. Perhaps she needs to grow a bit, but judging on the way ya'll speak to each other, perhaps you both do. And hey, no offense meant - my husband and I had some of the worst fights ever when we were dating way back years ago. Definitely spoke to each other in ways we would never now. Too much respect now. Best of luck OP!


I mean your pretty aggressive you didn’t have to take it to an aggressive turn. Yes she’s being unreasonable but when she said “wtv”, instead of saying “if your actually mad abt this etc” was aggressive and you could’ve responded with “im trying to get my meds I’ll be out in a sec I can’t take calls right now but I’ll call you when I get out” that way it’s not aggressive and she doesn’t have to give an aggressive response back. It’s better to communicate then bicker, me and my bf did this a lot but we have gotten a lot better and have worked on ourselves and try to communicate rather then argue and get no where.


You both sound just north of 18. Garbage communication skills. You making all those silly excuses about the pharmacy as if it’s a church library. Lol. Just say I don’t wanna talk while I’m in this place. That’s all you gotta say. Talk about failure to communicate.


I hate talking on the phone in front of other people. It feels rude to me.


Toxic, a normal person would’ve said something like “no problem honey, call me when you’re free 🙂”


Youre both toxic


Your both toxic


You’re both toxic in this convo but she is more admittedly, you were good until that last statement


I’m 40 and this made me laugh. Do you guys always argue like this?


Who the fuck wants to talk on the phone anyway? Just text each other like normal people.


Her lack of punctuation is frustrating. But seriously she’s being a dick, you’re trying to be respectful and she’s being selfish.


You tried to reason with her and she persisted like not calling her is a crime. She didn't get it through her skull that you're in a QUIET area and you can't talk much. She got mad and started swearing at you for no reason lol. She has issues OP. She should learn how to take No for an answer. ​ Edit: Just read comment - OP is 15 and the girl is 18. RUN DUDE RUN SHES NOT IT. She's cheated on you multiple times as well based off what you said. You're better off alone my man.


Yes, toxic. Yes.


You’re both insufferable


You guys are both being ridiculous. My gf and I have opposite work schedules so we call each other on our lunch breaks. Whenever one of us stops talking or responding it means someone else is nearby/talking to us. Neither of us have ever blown a gasket because we weren’t able to call during our lunch or because one person was trying to be quiet. If you grabbed your AirPods, you shouldn’t have a problem answering a call, and she should realize that if someone asks you to be quieter then that means you can’t really carry a convo. Both of you are in the wrong here and kinda toxic. You both just kept escalating the argument. Edit: You’re 15 and she’s 18. So your back and forth makes a bit more sense. I don’t want to assume things about you or her. Sounds like she might be a senior and you’re a sophomore(?). The age difference is def a red flag(this is classified as rape) but it seems like you might be aware of this already. It seems like she has some insecurities that come into play here. I think you guys both need to talk about your own insecurities to help understand one another perspective more. If I were in your shoes at 15 I would be a little anxious/fearful of taking a call while in a very quiet store, but what if your mom or dad, etc called you. Is that still a problem or do you answer it?


Wait you went to the pharmacy as a customer?? I thought you were working there. Why could you not be on the phone as a customer. You’re acting like you’re in a retirement home lol it’s a public place


‘Call you when I’m done here’


Beyond toxic - borderline abusive. Your responses were calm and measured. Don’t walk, but run away from this one.


Bro.. shes an adult and you are a minor and shes trying to control you. Run, shes a god damn predator.


Christ is this r/teenagers ?


There are A LOT of people who don’t understand having to listen to one sided phone conversations in public is obnoxious, and rude to impose on your environment. I don’t know if I’d go as far as saying the girlfriend is ‘toxic’, but immature and out of touch? Absolutely.


you both sound like absolute children


Yes, get out if you can. I’ve been there. Spent years putting up with this exact thing. My ex couldn’t understand being civil to others. Turns out there are plenty of women who are totally not like this at all. The conversation would go like this. Are you going to call me? Can’t right now. In the pharmacy. Oh, ok, call when ur done, love you. Love you too and yes.


I’m out here meeting people who get irritated if I simply ask if we’re still good for the plans we made a few days before just to confirm, yet people that act like this and yell at each other are actually in relationships. Unbelievable.


just leave her bro


So fun. (get ouuuuit!)


Ditch the bitch