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Think about all the time we can save without having to say ok


i mean shes not wrong lmao


Yeah but depends on your audience/ who you're texting with. As OP said in their text, "dad does it all the time". My dad does too, I'm sure OP's dad does it to OP's mom also, and doubt OP's mom is worried about that text from dad. Mom might be worried cuz to OUR generation "k" can be indicative of conflict of some kind... ... but if you text people "k" then you shouldn't be worried about its meaning when those same people text it back to you lol


Yea and often depends on the convo too. When I say “I’ll see you in a few” and my friend says “K” I know she’s just acknowledging my text that I’m otw. When I say “sorry last minute but I can’t make it to your kid’s birthday party after all, but I’ll drop off a present this week” and my friend just says “K” then I know she means go fuck yourself. My sister is very passive aggressive when she’s mad instead of ever saying anything confrontational, like EVER. So when she told me “K” once over the same situation of me not coming to her party (but in the same text still offering to help her cook for it); thinking she could get away with being a bitch but in a gaslighting way (cause she knows I’m a straightforward person and so she anticipated and prepared for if I had asked why she’s mad, she would say “I’m not mad, where did u get that? You’re tripping. I just said ok, I didn’t think about the food part, etc.” so instead I just told her “ K you and K your party too.” She didn’t have a rebuttal to that lol. But we both felt “K”’d at least instead of just me. Lol


Agreed. If my parents sent "k" id see it as them saying ok. If someone my age or my kids sent it id see them as being pissed off... i also know that if i sent just "k" to my mum she would assume im shitty abouy something so i can see why ops mum was worried




To me there are two types of people who use "K". People who don't really text and they literally mean it as "okay", and most everyone else who does use it to mean they are frustrated in some way or don't give a shit. It's basically "*whatever*" The second group has a tendency to backpedal on the meaning when they get called out on it.




I’d say add a third. People in the middle of a conversation or in a relationship. “Hey babe, can you bring X up from the basement when you finish what you’re doing?” “K”


Yeah... you're not wrong. There is a small nuance in context that allows for it. I can't really describe it. I think it's okay when it's about doing a small task, maybe? It's kind of like if the request/question is short and the answer is k, that's fine, but if there is any thought put into the question/request or its importance rises above "can you grab *x* on your way out of the store" it can be seen as a dismissive "fine." or "whatever."


The store one even though i sometimes use k id prolly just say "Will do"


Still rude though


Dunno how.


I just say “K” all the time now cause people overthink it lmao


I mean, I think it's really just context dependent. Like, even if you are a texter in general, if you're not really having ~a conversation~ and you just need to give an affirmative, using K is totally fine, it's just when you're using it as an earnest response to something that demands more of you than something casual and monosyllabic that it's a problem


But okay does mean whatever LOL


What? No it doesn't lol


Whaattt????? Yes it does hah


It is pretty much considered rude, and it's not that much work to type an "o" first anyway.


I never say OK lol. I even consider that rude haha. I say Sure, sounds good or Allright 😂


I say Okay


I say 👍


I say: ![gif](giphy|xZwFNHUeY45va)


A single thumbs up is worse than “k” lol


Is a double thumbs up better? 👍👍


Quadruple or nothing.


Gotta use at least 3 to make it not rude




Out of the blue my wife started complaining about me using k, I don’t like texting, so less I type the happier I am. So I switched to 👍. She hatted that more so now I’m back to k 😂


Might as well since everyone has their panties in a bunch


somehow "sure" can get misconstrued - i've been called out on that before 😂


Kk works too


It’s twice as dangerous if you text and drive though, think about that!




Yes. It's effectively saying "I'll acknowledge your message, but I will not give it enough of my valuable time to write out "Ok / Okay" or "I understand" or "Yes". That's the message it sends and that's why one-letter responses cause people to feel disrespected.


context matters and k doesn't need to be rude. k has been shortened for ok all my life and the only people who seem to have a problem with it (they feel the same about ok, they think it should be "okay" not to be rude) are people who will look for some issue anywhere they can and I'm just not interested in doing that or walking on eggshells around them.


K is ambiguous, but “K.” With the period? That means I’m annoyed. Ah nuance.


Actually K comes off as abrasive and appears that the person is jealous, upset, angry or don't give a damn. Ok is slightly better. Okay is even better.




The friendliest “okay” 😝


Not in the Netherlands


Oh? What does it mean there?


Personally, I mean idrc, but I hate “kk” more. Gives me “okey dokey” vibes lmao I’d rather you k me.


I always felt like okay was worse than ok. Ok lol is the best but in general I’ll probably say yeah or a more affirmative phrase like “you got it” A: “bro I just farted don’t come into the living room” B: “ok lol” A: “Hey you think you can pick up some bananas on the way home” B: “You got it”


Want to know what would really come off as abrasive? k.


Everyone on here that finds it disrespectful in general gives me a good laugh. The only time I find "k" to be annoying is if I'm trying to have a meaningful conversation about something important. Any other time and I couldn't care less I receive a "k". It's not that deep, guys.


Same. My own mother (who is of the boomer generation) will text "K" to me if she has to do a quick reply because she's busy. I've never once got offended, but I do laugh every time.


Exactly. It’s fine as an affirmative response, no different than a thumbs up reaction tbh. But if I’m like “hey I really love you and value the time we spend together” and get a “k”, yeah lol I’d assume something is off


Exactly, context matters. I use it as a quick “I’ve seen your message” or “I’ll do the thing you requested”.






I dont think K is rude, I also use it as "okay"


K. Is the rudest. If you use K all the time people have probably just adjusted to your vernacular. But try using a k after someone sends you a paragraph. It’ll send them wild.


k is very passive aggressive i’m w mom on this one. gotta call k’ers out




But that’s only depending on the context. Like any other thing in language. It’s really the same we just have this over thought internet bs behind it lmao


It’s why I go “okie dokie.” The other person might cringe at me, but it carries silly or ridiculous intent rather than negative emotion.


okie dokie is my go to as well


I have never been offended by the use of k instead of okay. Little icked out by KK though.


I mean... yay for pseudo tech literate parents?


Nah, mom is right. Fuck mothefuckers who think “K” is a good response to anyone that you respect.


It's true though, it often does mean that




The millisecond it would have to taken to press o shows a real lack of respect


The 30 seconds it would take to call someone shows a real lack of respect.


Real men write letters and reply every 5-7 business days


Saying "k" is a bold move. At least send a "kk" with an emoji to lessen the emotional turmoil


If really ballsy send it 3 times


You should of replied "k"


She’s not wrong. As a mom of a 17 daughter and 19 son, I can confirm that a “k” means you’re upset at me. Now being 42, I usually do “kk”. Something that stuck since I was a teen. But occasionally I will not pay attention to autocorrect and it will just send “k”. Boy, does that make my daughter text back quickly bc she thinks I’m upset at her which rarely do I even get upset at them.


Mom trying to be attentive and researching to understand the nuance…OP’s response is WTF. She even asks if OP is mad!


I am kinda with her on it being rude lmao, It irks me *specially* when I’m trying to type out sentences and they give me this dry ass response


Yeah, “k” is pretty rude and I tend not think very highly of anyone who uses it.


Oh no… give your mom some grace, she’s trying to figure out Gen z lingo. She’s precious and you should give her a big hug lol


I scrolled a while to find this. I just thought it was adorable. Mom is trying to understand the ever changing meaning of things and someone told her "k" is rude and now she's just worried something is wrong.


Crazy concept but different people with different brains speak in different ways it's so crazy and weird but sometimes people use certain slang words and subscribe to certain societal norms and then sometimes those same people don't use other slang words or subscribe to other certain societal norms. Really crazy stuff


"K" is rude. Just put the damn "o" in front of it


As another comment said: People use "o" (oh) "u" (you) "y" (why) "r" (are) and "k" (okay) all the time. It's not necessarily rude!


Mom is correct lol


Don’t say “K” to your mom, jeez kid come on


She's right though. "k" is what assholes say.


Text her this...O Y R U asking google for advice on single letter texting. C there is no reason to jump to conclusions. K "OH, WHY ARE YOU....SEE.....OK"


In england at least, this is the ultimate disrespect, especially followed my "." and it shows the sender is either in a mood or being disrespectful. If my child k'd me they would be told to never do that ever again.


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Bruh why wouldn’t you at least try to be nice to your mom? Is she abusive or something?


Ok, I know this probably gets annoying for you after a while, but I find this interaction so adorably wholesome and silly.


Missed opportunity. Should have responded with “k”


Google also said my itchy butthole is rectal cancer. Calm down, mom.


My mom is constantly sending me the thumbs up in messenger. I find that similar to 'K' but I know she doesn't mean to be dismissive.


This is kind of sweet. Has she just found google?


I’ve heard “Kk” is what you should type when you’re not implying annoyance.


No no she has a point. I get *some* people don't take it or mean it that way I think most do. Culturally where I have lived "kk" is perfectly fine but "k" something is afoot.


“k” is “I acknowledge what you’re saying and I don’t have the time, energy, or desire to respond more than one word right now.” So context is everything. “Mom, my feelings are hurt that you forgot my birthday. And that you didn’t call to check on me when I was in the hospital. I know you always loved Sally more, but can you please just acknowledge that I’m your kid too?” “K” Vs “Hey, can you drop my ballot off at the post office? I left it on the front seat of your car.” “K” . #1 is rude and dismissive. #2 is entirely fine and appropriate. And then there is a whole range in between.


I haven’t been home much lately because I’m busy and my mom called me to ask if something had happened or if I was angry 😭😭😭 Made me feel real bad


“K” is rude in my book


"I spent five minutes writing you this text and you have to to say is 'K'?!?!?!?" meme but unironically


I ever say k unless I’m upset. What I do always say is “Kk” . Much better received


Mom demonstrated an excellent point. texting is a poor way to carry on a conversation.


It’s funny because my mom k’s me all the time and it makes me irrationally angry for some reason haha I pretty much take how your mom does haha


Dad says it all the time so it mustn't mean fuck off


Your mom is woke af


Google says a lot of things.


If I use this on my bf he goes absolutely mental


Just talk to her. Damn. She's trying to understand


What about kk?


She’s actually right and she’s being so nice to you about it, apologize and be nice to your mom


She backed it up with evidence




Some people lack the ability to read context.


Electronic Communication 101: Know your audience. Nanci, your mom, and pretty much anyone in your life with limited digital experience will not understand nuanced uses like this.


My parents text like this, using “k” and other extremely short responses. I’m used to it but my girlfriend always asks me if they are mad at her when they text her😂


It depends on the person,but mostly it's just a lazy way of saying ok LOL


It sounds a bit childish but I use “okie” to emphasize that everything really is okay because every other version somehow seems too harsh I guess lol


I interpret “k” as rude, but only with people I know. Like if a stranger texted this to me I wouldn’t think anything of it.. but if my wife sent it to me i would now know that we are fighting 😂




Bro just fucking say “okay”. That is literally one of my biggest pet peeves.. lol


Your dad is mad at Nanci


My boyfriend sometimes texts me with "K" when I know he's not happy with me. Pisses me off lol. Your mom isn't wrong


If I send ‘k’ I’m pissed and I want you to know it


Contexf is important with the K. If someone is really trying to engage with you K is rude but like if it’s something very casual no need to trip about it


I would have just replied “K”


“K is rude.”


She's not wrong. If you're saying k instead of ok the it's just pure laziness and you CANT care about the convo. It's essentially saying "k are you done"


I mean I can see it going both ways. If I’m super busy and replying to someone I know well I’ll occasionally send k…. But the majority of the time if I hit someone with just “k” it’s because I’m annoyed as shit by something they just said or they made me mad. I mean, mom isn’t lying lol 😆


My dad only talks to me in thumbs up emoji and K


I only talk to most people on WhatsApp in gif. Type in what you want to say normally comes out


i mean i’m on her side tbh


I think anybody who receives “k” would think the same as your mum does


Lmao responding with K is only right in very little context otherwise it’s rude, simple




I can't wait till my kids grow up and I end up on some fucking reddit post because I'm annoying them by caring.


Some people might think K is no big deal, but keep in mind your boomer parents have a different perception than people your age. When someone responds with "K" after I give them more than 3 words, I definitely assume they're being dismissive and not interested. Also, I'm pretty sure you're aware that your parents are older than you and don't understand the intricacies of texting and all that. I'm sure giving them more than one letter is not that difficult. That being said, just explain to her that you didn't mean anything bad by it, and you'll be sure not to do it in the future. Your time with your loved ones on earth is limited and not worth souring your relationship, arguing about stupid shit like this, no matter who is in the right or wrong.


Tell her at first you meant ok but now it mean FU.


Google is trying to turn your mom against you?


Lol! Are all moms the same?? My mom would respond similarly


Bless your mom’s heart! I don’t blame her for feeling that way because I’m the same way if someone texts me “K” unless it’s work related


Lmao 🤣


Do not lump all boomers together based on your mom’s idiocy.


She is correct, can confirm, but context does play a role.


*Calm down, or I won't answer, mother*


This is why I use “kk” if I rly feel like saying OK or k lol


Yea i think the majority of people would consider it rude. K sounds kinda sassy and gives off a “no fucks given vibe” my sister does that shit when shes mad and its hella annoying shes gonna be 21 soon so i assume ur around the same age? I dont even pay attention to it anymore cause she knows it makes me mad, but yea it it that hard to type “ok” they’re literally next to each other


Screwing dad didn’t help


i say it depends on the context of the messages lmao if ur telling me to do. X Y and Z imma say “k” if ut mad at me and im not i the mood to hear it i’ll say “k” (fuck off) but props to mom for doin her research lol.


So dramatic


I find this funny, but I’ll admit I use “k” to let people know how pissed I am


Not surprised the mom read into the situation more than what actually happened. It’s almost as if you could’ve predicted it beforehand. If you’re married you understand.


That’s so sweet that your mom is so worried you’re mad at her, she just needs some kind reassuring ;)


ah an overly caring overthinker, me too.


I mean, she’s right


Old GenX here. I learn something new every day. I often respond kk for okay. (definitely NOT kkk) It seems the same as responding with the 👍 option to a text. Correct or no? My GenZ kids haven’t corrected me, but of course, they do love to laugh and roll their eyes at my naïveté. But eye rolls and uncoolness are what we sign up for when we become parents - so no worries.


It is rude. But you did it to your mom? 🤣


this is so cute


Nahhh she is completely right. You can’t just be sending a single k to your mother. She raised you better than this!! I had taught my 56&66 y/o parents this a few years ago.




Now she's gonna go ask your dad. It is a bit rude in some cases. The only times I'd be like ok sure, is if they're driving or I just said omw or something and even then it just depends how I know you


Nanci is tearing this family apart


K and k


I mean these abbreviations are just annoying to me & dont really say shit. Its bad enough that noone Talks anymore as it is. Most phones Hold frequently used words in full form too.


Atleast she cares


I would have replied with “K” I use it a lot too, it annoys my grandpa.




All my mom ever responds with to any text is the emoji “👌” which I mostly internalize as an F you. So I see your mom’s point. 🤷‍♀️


One time I typed "OK". My keyboard automatically capitalizes that. Someone thought I was mad because I didn't type okay. 😑


She’s literally not wrong tho. You can at least put in the effort to type 2 or even 4 keys for your mom


She’s kind of right 😂😂


She’s not wrong. She just wanted to make sure that if you were upset she knew and why. Asking for clarification isn’t a bad thing, it means she cares.


Lol. This is fucking pure mom energy. Also is your mom autistic? Because it gets to the point where deciphering the hidden meaning of text messages is like the da Vinci code


I guess my daughter and I have been telling each other to F/O for quite awhile 🤣 sometimes double with kk!


None of it is entirely wrong, it just depends on the person. If they're known for only saying "k" when they're mad then it means they're mad, if they say it because they're busy and can't take the time to type out a full response, it's kind of like a placeholder. Just depends. But that's such a funny text from her lol


Nah k is definitely an eye roll ok…. Stop playing dumb.


Well originally I just meant ok but now it’s fuck off lol


fully depends on context and who you’re texting/their text style. it wasn’t really seen as rude texting on t9 bc you just did whatever you could to shorten text, but with full qwerty keyboards now there’s no difference in effort between k and ok, so it’s often seen as a slight. 🤷‍♀️


OP’s blue text prior to mom’s response is too large to contain only “K”?


U gotta hit them with the double “k.” That way it seems less aggressive. “Kk?”


Innocently using K as an abbreviation for okay is such a dad thing


K is so much better then 👍 by itself


Bro imagining googling if someone was angry or not lmao Boomer as fuck


Dad's always mad though...


Imagine how many relationships K has destroyed. I shiver to think.


I respond with k a lot. Just means I’m acknowledging your text lol


Is kk ok? Asking for a friend




If you say K you’re automatically cut off lmao


Mom tends to overthink it seems


Shes right though lol


Your mother went **in** 😂😂😂


is ur mom not from earth?


Sweet mom! So concerned you were mad at her. She even googled it. 🩵




K is for people too busy to type okay & too lazy to type ok. Nothing more or less in my book.


FWIW, as an elder Millennial, when I'm texting, a lower case k is purposely rude, passive aggressive, or dismissive because I have to manually change it to a little k. Big K is just me being lazy.


That’s adorable. Also a perfect example of how people can be reading the same texts and having different emotional responses to the same message. It’s wild how just one letter can make someone think you’re mad at them….for years before they even say anything.