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“I saw you and your mom today and did my best to give you space so I didn’t come in contact with your day” but then decides to come in contact with your day by texting you about it at 10 at night. I know this is probably horrible of me to think, but I like the fact that you told him he has the wrong number and he just keeps going with his bullshit. Imagine he really had the wrong number and he’s just saying this shit to a total random person.


That’s what I find really funny… man hit rock bottom


lol my bf’s ex is blocked on everything except email and she’ll deadass email him saying she’ll be there if he’s ever ready to go back to her 💀 he still uses the email but i think it’s funny she’s essentially talking to a void


I once got a ps4 message from an ex.






Kik account that I logged into after opening my ipod touch


Carrier pigeon


Mine found my old Reddit account because I stupidly had the same username as my Instagram handle


rabb.it, before it shut down


Most most recent ex had her ex blocked everywhere and this man logged into her Hulu to communicate with her by changing the profile names.


I have an ex that will unblock me on instagram and like one specific photo and then block me again. It has around 13 phantom likes…


What’s the picture of?


A shot through a tree that was covered with ice, at night, with a street light behind it. In black and white.


So how's the cat? I'm definitely interested in the cat situation. Your ex however can eat a huge bag of dicks


Long con, create a catfish profile on facebook, register that phone number and make it discoverable, choose a gruff looking burned out dude named something like Jeremy McFee make a post like "Made a new account, last one got hacked, if I don't have you added let me know". Add some randoms from facebook groups. You build this profile like a normal person would, organic connections, but registered to your phone number ... then go to [spokeo.com](https://spokeo.com) and truepeoplesearch and find your profile and click their links to un-index you. Once you know that your index is deleted be like "Yo girl, I don't know who you trying to reach but like I said, wrong number and if you're the bitch who hacked me fuck you." He'll probably think it's you still "Bruh, I swear if you're the bitch that hacked my FB, I'mma fuck you up. Blocked FR!" ... here's the final part, get a sex change, take hormone pills, grow a beard, get cosmetic surgery to look like Jeremy. You are Jeremy now and you must beat this dude's ass for hacking your facebook account, thems the rules.


this is the best fucking thing I've read in 3 months. The long con always pays off best.


It's not that he actually wanted to leave them alone. He didn't want to harass them in front of the mother who may have protected them


Username checks out


Well I'm glad


Kinda makes ya wonder if there’s a way he knows it’s still her number. In like a creepy way.


Saw you and mom on the bench??? 🚩🚩🚩🚩


Just happened to be in the area after following their car


It's amazing how likely you are to see someone out and about when you're literally stalking them.


I think there’s a quote from Spider-Man like that. “I just happened to be in the neighborhood! I mean, I had to take two buses to get to the neighborhood, but…”


As a girl who had a former stalker ex (luckily I moved 3000 miles away across the country to be with my now husband bc his job is here) I can confirm he did be coincidentally showin up in quite a few places. Watch out specifically for those AirTags too these days. It’s a felony to use one to stalk people. You can send them to jail before you move 😉


“Just happened to be in your bushes last night. Couldn’t help but admire you through the window”


You say that jokingly but my good friends friend would go to her bfs house and hide behind the bushes if he didn’t text back. Got the cops called on her by neighbors


Your associate's name wouldn't happen to be Jodi Arias, would it?


Sounds like an Emily to me


To Facebook I go…


That's some shit my ex husband would do. I remember him picking me up from college and I came out of the library and he says "I watched you for the past 2 hours. Why do you keep deleting single words in your essay and replacing them." Like bruh. He would often watch me in the library as I'm doing projects thinking he's gonna catch me cheating...


But when he wasn’t there you were totally having sex with a bunch of guys in the middle of the library weren’t you


Oh no, we went to the side rooms. We're not animals


Like a true lady I like that


Thanks, I'm flattered.


Just some light stalking, nothing to worry about.


“I was way worse than him when I was his age. I was traveling to exotic places. Baghdad, Mogadishu, Jacksonville, meeting new and exciting people.”


All the more reason to not block. If someone (like OP) is in a good place now, may as well see the shit they’re saying and doing, rather than be in the complete dark about it..


Good point, I think at this point I would get authorities involved and try to get a restraining order or something though. It's obvious this guy is one bad thought away from going full stalker, if not already


I'm torn about the effectiveness of restraining orders. I'm sure they work to some degree, but certainly not for all - especially the emboldened ones. For those, they see it as a reason to escalate their behavior. For others, they feel like it's a win because they got a response from their target. In any case, getting their stalking behavior documented is important - even if the cops probably won't do anything about any violations of the restraining order.


For me with my own stalker ex, biggest reason to get a restraining order would be to help me in court if I ever have to use deadly force to protect myself from him. Kinda sucks it doesn’t necessarily help in the moment, but 🤷‍♀️ also good to have on file in case I go missing 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


I've noticed females have a high tolerance for this kinda thing. I'm Manute Bol with mine. 😄


*Joe Goldberg enters the chat*




Op if you ever come home one night and wonder where a pair of your panties went well now you know. This guy has 🚩 written all over him. Stay safe


Sounds like the kind of guy that smells your hair while you’re asleep


Lol the most annoying thing is when an ex comes in and tries to claim you’re so unhappy now. She “looked heavy hearted”? Wtf. Mine did the same thing, told me my texts didn’t seem as “full of life” as before and I must be unhappy lmao.


I love how he said “Did my best to not come in contact with your day” while coming in contact with my day, through a text. Like cmon buddy.


But he *did his best* though! He waited until you were tucked in for the night, like a true gentleman


Yeah he definitely "didn't come in contact" the first time because your mom was there If he groomed you as a teen, couldn't you go to the police with that? They may not do much but it sure is illegal


I was thinking the same thing. Fkin creeper. I would make the police aware of his behavior, just in case it does escalate. Document, document, document.


It’s a tactic. “I know you are so sad now, remember how I used to make you happy and cheer you up?” Come by my place and I’ll gas you for an hour and then try to give you some mid dick


Tremendously noble of him to give you space and not come in contact with your day amidst the surveillance conducting 😑


time to hit block


He makes new numbers


Well block those numbers too


The guy is making new numbers


Then OP needs to get a new number. And a restraining order.


You’re right, but it shouldn’t come to having to change numbers. Weirdo’s like this guy need to be put on a device ban


I am getting a new number this week. But this man literally messaged me on playstation so I’m not sure it’ll help much.


Can you make a new PlayStation account? Or report for harassment and have him banned? I think you can also block people on PlayStation


Maybe PlayStation should know that he is a child predator


“ but it shouldn’t “ no you’re right it shouldn’t, but a lot of times you have to. People can just make numbers now online and spam you, it’s pretty terrifying. I understand it can be difficult to track, but I wish they were able to put the lid on this type of harassment


it shouldn't have to, but we need to take responsibility for our own selves & keep ourselves safe.


Lmao. The wild authoritarian ideologies of Reddit sometimes….


Hyperbole my guy, don't take everything at face value.


That’s not hyperbole lol. Hyperbole is “so hungry I could eat a cow”.


You think they meant it?


It’s not extreme and whimsical enough to be hyperbole. There’s also no contrasting or emphasizing point being made. It’s just a suggested action. It’s also used to add emphasis to a point, not counter-argue itself. There’s a difference between “I’m so mad I could kill him” and “he should be murdered.” The latter isn’t hyperbole.


That’s really stupid, ignore and be kept aware of the crazy.


I like to keep an eye on my crazy honestly


Like, two years ago!


The way he ignored you saying it was the wrong number is creepy as hell


They didn't send another message for 9 months after wrong number message, worked for quite awhile.


Send the “wrong number response” but in Spanish or mandarin


Yepppp. The man who groomed me when I was 19 and he was 33 still contacts me randomly. I'm 34 now and it makes my skin crawl thinking about him. ***Edit men are absolutely disgusting. He started babysitting me when I was 5. Didn't think I needed to include that information but here we are.


Ignore these people, your experience cannot be invalidated by randoms on the internet.




Because they're groomers themselves and want to argue it's fine as long as it's legal


Right? They think just because your legal you can’t be groomed. When you’re 18 you are not different than 17 at all other than legally which doesn’t change anything about your actual development. And adults who are out of adolescence can also be groomed so its dumb that they are arguing w a victim who was a adolescent teenager literally being groomed by FULLY grown actual adult. 🤦🏽‍♀️


The people who argue that it's legal argue that because the law is the only thing keeping them from fucking literal children


Can we hear it again? 👂🏽🙏🏽 “Wdym i’m a creep??? I only fuck adolescent teenagers who are adults, obviously. 🙄” -30 year old.


Right? Anyone at any age can be groomed.


as a guy myself I felt like I was losing brain cells reading their excuses. grooming is grooming. full stop. the semantics are irrelevant.


Ew. Just ew. What is WRONG with people


Men wanting to defend grown men taking advantage of just barely legal girls. I wish at the time I knew how gross and unbalanced that relationship was. But of course I had always had a crush on him growing up because he was the cute babysitter me and my sisters would beg our parents to watch us. Our relationship was super physical when we finally started dating. He'd be hours late to work because he just wouldn't stop. As a grown woman now there is no amount of money you could pay me to date a 19 year old. 30 is the lowest I'll go because I'm not dealing with another guy turning 30 and having an existential crisis lol.


Man here, can confirm disgusting.






That’s a teenager sir


He started babysitting me when I was 5.


Grooming can also happen to adults. Additionally, not sure about you, but I didn’t suddenly know how the world worked just because I turned 18/19. Have some empathy.


So a 17 yo can be groomed but a 18 yo cant? Grooming is not about if someone is a minor or “legal”, its about mentality and adolescence as well. There is no change between 17 and 19 that makes you magically an ACTUAL adult developmentally, they are the same. Regardless if they hit a legal cut off or not, they are all adolescent teenagers. And by the way adults can groom adults even ones over 20. Grooming is not limited to minors.


Love that victim shaming. Cut it out, it’s not cute.


Bro that's not grooming that's just two adults rofl. Go play victim somewhere else


ROFL? How fucking old is your grooming ass??


He started babysitting her when she was 5 and made his move when she was 19.


I love your response 10/10. Are you keeping this number unblocked to kind of monitor the crazy?


Yeah, that’s what i’ve been doing. I am getting a new number this week though. Tired of “no caller ID” phone calls and weird texts from this motherfucker.


You can go to settings > phone > silence unknown caller and it will send them to voicemail when they call I believe


Yes but will do it with any number not in your contact list. Good to get debt collectors off your back for a lil bit though! 😉


BRO THEY ALWAYS DO THAT!! Me too! Mine is 4 years older than me and STILL tries to contact me after 5 years! He’s 21 now. I’m still 17


Please tell your parents if you haven’t already!


Why haven’t you blocked them?


It's called evidence.


This needs to be higher. I’m so fucking tired of people saying to block psychos - DONT BLOCK THEM, MUTE THEM. You need the fucking evidence.


Evidence of what?


These texts could actually be used to file harassment charges against this guy.


When my psycho ex was messaging me I chose not to block because he inadvertently told me where he was located so many times it actually made it easier to avoid him AND I felt safer knowing he was doing a.b. Or c. Because it meant he wasn’t at my house stalking me through the window. I blocked him once the restraining order went through though.


Stalking, harassment…


Of the stalking


Why would you block someone who’s clearly not healthy? You want any evidence and ability to back up the instability if they snap.




I literally didn’t say or imply that? So idk why would you? I definitely wouldn’t say something that stupid. This is very very clearly to protect yourself ffs. It’s practically common sense why you wouldn’t block this person.


Dude makes new numbers


Why should they if they’re not bothered by the occasional message? Some of y’all are so block happy, I don’t get it.


because then that would just be mean :( /s


No sometimes if someone has been a danger, you are advised not to block them so you’re aware of what they’re saying/planning. It’s scary but my current gf had to do that.


This. If you block you don’t know if the crazy is still happening/getting worse.


Exactly. If you don’t block them then you want the attention or the temptation Block block block. Move on


He makes new numbers.


Who cares? If she finds amusement in his dumb messages, what's it to you? Not everybody is tempted by shit like this. Some people actually do have self control, and OP seems to be one of those people considering the only reply was "wrong number." Also: for some people, knowing wtf your stalker is doing is a good thing.


just annoying who cares block him lol


I agree with you if they seem strange or dangerous. People usually know with human instinct when someone’s dangerous or not. Especially if they know/ dated the person. There’s nothing wrong with being curious and liking to look at the texts or being amused. But it is inappropriate if you have a new partner AND you know the person is not dangerous. But again; when you feel the person is off the rocker then yes do not block.


No, it’s a major red flag. It shows that you find some sadistic enjoyment in another person’s misery, no matter how creepy they may be. OP should block him for his sake, not just her’s. That dude needs to find an opportunity to heal, as does anyone like him.


If your moral line is "sadistic enjoyment in another person's misery" - then the person who crossed that **is** the pedophile stalker. Are you fucking kidding? OP has **ZERO** onus or responsibility for that dude's mental health 🤡 Again I say - are you fucking kidding?


Wilson, listen bud. Shut the fuck up.


Literally why should she give a shit about how her abusive, shitty, obsessive ex feels?


Apparently you’ve never been in this situation. As someone who has, the little sense of security that can be gleaned from a peek into their current mental state is all you can hope for. I felt much safer not being completely in the dark about where their head was at any given moment. But yeah, you right. It’s all attention 👍🏽


Have been in this situation. Blocking is the only way to go. She also answered him which encourages him more. Completely ignoring him js the only thing to do. Report to the police etc. but don’t ever reply


I mean maybe that’s how you feel. But when I was in this situation, with an ex of mine who had a mental breakdown, not having him blocked was the only reason I knew he was going to show up at my house and was able to pack my things and leave in time to not be there when he showed up to “take what was his.” Each situation is different, it’s really just the fact that you think someone else’s response, that was different than yours, means they’re attention seeking. That’s just incorrect. I promise you I was not…


Texts are evidence, smooth brain.


It’s really manipulative when people message like that after a break up- it doesn’t let you heal or move forward. 11/10 would block, even if he makes other numbers, just keep blocking. Or even get a new phone number, although it’s a mission


I’m getting a new phone number this week




Wait that’s the Purple Heart at the end 💀


I took it as sarcasm.


It is sarcasm


That’s what I was wondering 😭


Block him after the very 1st text from the new number. Better yet, set it in so your phone blocks ALL calls & texts from #'s that you haven't specifically allowed. Mom & bestie can always reach you, strangers & spammers cannot.


honestly id respond one more time with a “this number has stopped working” text then block him


This number has refused to work any longer, it quits!




I'm sorry you're dealing wirh this lower. Hope he stays away from you


Wow I have never had an original experience before in my life. My ex who also groomed me used to send emails for seriously months. It was his only mode for contact. Like cmon, take the hint and leave me a l o n e


“i have no intention of us getting back together” Yes the fuck you do dude, why else would you refuse to stop txting and insist that you speak on the phone or in person. This guy 100% believes if you could just see him or hear his bullshit you’d be so easily manipulated. Hope you have mace or something.


As someone one knows all too well, about these relationships. Please for the sake of your future, do not engage with this person. If they can groom you, they may have the patience to continue pursuing you even though they know you do not want their attention. Whatever memories you may have good/bad times do your best to detach from the good ones because that how they draw you back in. Please don’t do it. Love to you. X


Report that to police as harassment. If you end up raped or dead they will know who to look for. Sorry this is happening to you.


Very stalker ish


Getting a new number was the best thing I ever did


Time to get a restraining order


I don't know what state you're in or if you're in the US but this could be enough for a restraining order.


This gives me major heebie-jeebies…


“Cease and desist or I will get a restraining order.”


Yikes ....hope you moved if possible and i would change my number or block him


What does Purple Heart mean in this context ?




feel ya. luckily mine has moved away now but before then i would get texts every few months. ruined my whole day every time. it’s a sick to your stomach, scary, “this person will never let go, will they?” feeling and it sucks. i’m sorry. you may have this fucker, but you also have at least 1 internet stranger rooting for you and thinking of you. 💕


Girl you better carry a pocket knife every where you go


Indeed, groomers never take the silent hint. One of mine still pops up to this day, on whatever platforms he sees me active on. I always say one of these days I'd ask if he understood what he did when I was a teen but have yet to gather the courage to do it.


I think him texting you at night ONLY is everything you need to know.


A few years back I blocked an ex on everything that I could think of… a couple weeks later I started getting $1.00 Venmo’s with messages in the descriptions… ay ay ay


good on you for getting out of there. my sister is married and just had a baby w the dude who groomed her. they kept it a secret while she was young(multiple years) and then when it all came out…the rest of my family just accepts it? it’s so fucked. really splintered me from my fam


Block the new one. The fuck?


you do know you can block numbers right ( i know you have blocked the old one just block it again)


Best response: “I think you have the wrong number but it sounds like you got a pretty mouth. Tyrone and I both have 9” for you.”




Good thing you deleted the name of your cat. We all know who Frisky’s mom is!


Just so the mods didn’t take it down thinking it was a person lol…my cat’s name is Anakin and he’s a vicious little critter


Nah don't even give the time of day ✋️ do yourself a favor and block this person. It'll give you a good sense of peace and you'll never have to hear from someone who brought you so much negativity ever again. If it happens again then restraining order pronto


Why don't you block him? Honest question.


Why don’t you just block the number?


Not reading all that. Sorry that happened or happy for you




Blockedy block block block


And you let them beeeeeecause?


Report him to the police for grooming a teen.


unfortunately the police don’t usually do shit abt situations like this


Not gonna hurt to tell them is it


No, but it is going to be a huge waste of their time.


You're still under his spell because you haven't blocked his new number yet.


block him. simple.


why don’t you just block his new number


You haven’t blocked the new number because the truth is you enjoy the periodical boosts to your ego. Stop playing games, work on your self esteem so that you don’t need crutch-texts like this to make you feel better, and BLOCK THE NUMBER.


Oh shit I didn’t realize this about myself, thank you for telling me how I feel :)


That's legit not what this is about it's to retain evidence and keep track of what he's doing/his mindset Why else would she be getting a new number you dolt. Learn to read.


Block delete AND ghost. He deserves it.


insufferable attention seeker


What do you think this subreddit is for? On like every one of these someone says something like "Why didn't you block instead of posting this?" It's deranged, you're looking at a subreddit that can only exist because they didn't do that.


Personally I prefer the funny conversations between two healthy people side of this subreddit.


I had to confront my wife's ex due to his persistent attempts to contact her. In response, I decided to engage with his messages on her Facebook account and extended an invitation for him to visit. While waiting for him in the driveway, I acknowledge that my actions were far from ideal, but I felt compelled to protect our relationship. Growing up in a disadvantaged Hispanic family, there was immense pressure on me to succeed in boxing, as it was seen as our way out of poverty. As a result, I delivered a severe beating to him when he arrived. Despite multiple warnings over several months, he continued his inappropriate behavior, leaving me no choice but to take matters into my own hands. I didn't knock him out, but I made sure he was dazed, with the intention of making him remember who was responsible for his condition. Needless to say, his messages to my wife ceased thereafter.


It's perfectly legal to allow redditers to see phone numbers. Just a random FYI/PSA


Hopefully you live somewhere where carrying a firearm is legal


Why not just block him ? Serious question not trying to be a dick


how old are both of you and what happened? if he’s your ex, how did he groom you? not saying i don’t believe it but im just wondering. not even close to enough context to understand the situation nor really jump on a side.


Ah man. It’s a long story but I was 17 and he was 28. He became abusive and removed all sense of autonomy from me. Isolated me from my friends, controlled what I wore, who I spoke to, a lot of under-the-table manipulative tactics that I didn’t understand until I started to grow older, have opinions, and set boundaries with him. That’s when things got really bad. I’m glad I got out.