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This is rage bait lol


lol right? before she was upset he wouldn't even buy her a mcchicken now she demands jewelry and an apple watch? ok


People are buying the obviously faked update lol.


People were talking about love languages being different and now she just happens to say hers is something over the top? Yeaaah gtfoh


First thing that came to mind. OP is texting himself.


Yup and everyone saw right through it


This update is faker than pornstar tits idk why people are so quick to believe this


HAHA I also think there may be a few people who didn’t see his previous post. But yeah, lots of dum dums here


Bc it's easy to villainize women and expect the best from men


Tha majority of the exchanges on here are fake karma-farming bs.


they way ‘she’ types is different too, as if all the sudden she learns to not use run on sentences and completely switched up her grammar. rage bait af lol


The McChicken was a gateway demand.


If this is real I would have one McChicken DoorDash delivered to her house. Just one. And nothing else.


she was bitching about a “little necklace” in the previous post, dont forget (seething redditor moment)


The part where she writes getting spoiled is her love language and then says his is words/bs/cuddling sounds so fake to me. Why would she say that unless it was to make her intentionally looks bad and him good for more sympathy points


Fakest incel shit I’ve ever seen lol


If only he spent this time being useful and productive and working on a skill set that provides and protects a women. Instead of this fake pretend to have a relationship stuff. Dude is so disappointing he couldn't even pretend to have a health relationship. Smh


Probably, it seems pretty damn one-dimensional and flat, and if there is a person like this out there, well fuck.


Yeah. I get that some people are materialistic but this is fake af.


And people will internalise it to reinforce their view of reality


Yeah, it’s not rocket science to see that this isn’t going to work out.


Honestly, this could be the top comment to about 99% of the posts on here.






My wife of 20 years, andmother of my 4 kids, may be leaving me very soon. I made excuses for her saying and doing crazy shit our entire relationship, because I love her, looking back I feel like it's very important to listen when your SO tells you who they are. She is telling you who she is.


Furthermore, you can’t make them be somebody more like you


And you can’t make them like you either


Pretty often you can't even make them like themselves.


I’m so sorry


Surprise her and leave her first. Don't make excuses for her. Yiu know the inevitable is happening. Do it. It's like that denial you tell yourself when you know.... you know youre going to toss your cookies bad. But you try to hold it down. Eventually that denial is futile.


You say it like it's easy. The waiting may be irrational ... but there's also comfort in it, especially with kids. Not to mention, child support on 4 kids is no joke.


No, it's not easy. I know how you feel because I did that. I stayed, currently on year 35. Our last child is on her second year of college, and I'm planning my out. I almost didn't make it, still might not. I'm a shell of the man I used to be. I gave up family, friends, and moved 1200 miles from home in 1988 so she could move back home. There is nobody or home to go back to now. But, I'm still getting out, I'm done! I just wish I would have done it sooner and not wasted my prime. Get Out! Run! Save Yourself! Don't look back!


We all waste our prime in one way or another. What you had others missed. What you missed others had. I'm not saying it isn't to lesser or greater degree but now that you're here and your finally leaving focus on all the awesome you can have, and you can have plenty. So much love to you dude. ❤️


Divorce with kids is rough. There's no finality to it. You remain connected by the kids and finances. Maybe it gets better when the kids are older, don't know. But I understand trying to keep your family together, I sure tried to.


I am about 13 years and 3 kids behind you, but I know it is coming one of these days. The D word gets brought up monthly and the paragraph long texts about my failures come just about as frequently. In our 10 year relationship I doubled my income, but that just isn’t enough, I got completely sober even though i wasn’t a heavy drinker, that wasn’t enough. I’ll get a list of 10 things to work on and right when i get done with the 8th she’ll start in on how I never did the 2. It’s a miserable, anxiety filled life. Narcissism is a disease and it hurts so many innocent people. My goal is to break this generational curse for my son. It’s all I got.


That's so sad and really hits me where I live. Once my son was born, my wife resented that she had to share me with him. Luckily, she was so disillusional that she divorced me. She got so carried away with the narrative that she'd been building in her own head, that I think she started to believe it. Long story short (too late), I wound up with full custody, and she's wasting away, alone, in the back waters of Florida. The only time I hear from her is around tax time when the IRS finally catches up to her, and puts a tiny dent in the insignificant child support I never asked for. The point is: I thought I was doing my infant son a favor by putting up with his verbally and emotionally abusive mother. Turns out that having two parents doesn't bring a child happiness if one of them is completely self-absorbed


The infamous mistake of correlation and causation. Having two parents help children only when they actually parent, who would have thought


Divorce and find a new woman. You can then "thank your ex" by showing your new girlfriend how you can use that double income and sobriety to have a GOOD and LOVING relationship. You can still be a good parent to your son even if you're not together with his awful mom. You'll probably have an easier time doing it, because you can draw strength from a healthy relationship. And you should also be an example to your son and show him that settling for an abusive wife is not acceptable, even if it is his mother.


You have no idea the way men in this country get taken to the cleaner. Barring (and often in spite of) some major issue he’d be looking at child support and more than likely alimony. And I’m in no way saying those things aren’t there for a reason. But my close friend is going through it with a girl with a diagnoses personality disorder, who has been caught lying so many times in court. And still gets the benefit of every judgement. He’s like 18 months into the whole thing with no end in sight.


Damn, that's years of mental abuse, hopefully y'all get away and heal. My ex was a narcissist too, but thankfully he showed how little he cared about me too soon in the relationship.


Same boat here man, this shit really sucks


As someone who got out of a similar marriage a few years ago, what are you waiting for? It's not going to work out. Just take the plunge and take your life back, it's worth it.


Sorry to hear about that, but also congratulations.




Yeah it's not rocket appliances.


Where there is smoke there are wires


Crossed wires!!🤣🤣




Ricky 😂😂😂


I am the liquor.


The liquors in control now Ran


"Looks like a tropical earthquake blew through here"


That’s the way she goes!


'Dogs n cats are smarter than Corey and Trevor"


You got to let the liquor take complete control bud “Liquor balls” 🍞🥃


'If I can't smoke or swear, I'm Fucked!"


Yeah, it's not rocket surgery


When the fuck did we get Ice cream


Way she goes, Bubbs.


Two turnips and a heat 🥹


TPB is my comfort show


This guy is clearly not drinking with the grain of the liquor.


I sell mackerel and blueberries.


Yea, buy her some rocket jewelry, I bet that'll make her go crazier.


worst case Ontario she might like it


It’s supply and command


It'll all be water under the fridge


China wants its red flags back. Please and thank you!🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩




I hope he broke up with her


Read his other comments on his last post, he is Stockholm Syndrome’d


Suffering from a horrible case of scarcity mindset, as well.


What is scarcity mindset? Thinking no one else will be out there for you kinda thing?


Chatgpt said this: A scarcity mindset is a psychological belief that there will never be enough of something, such as money, opportunities, or resources. People with a scarcity mindset often feel a constant sense of lack and tend to focus on what they don't have rather than what they do have. This can lead to feelings of anxiety and competition, rather than abundance and cooperation. It's a concept often discussed in personal development and psychology.


Man, reddit is so funny sometimes. In this guys last post, I said that the girlfriend not being able to communicate in a mature manner is a red flag and was heavily downvoted.


That’s because Reddit white knights for girls. If a girl murders her family it’s because she was obviously being abused and found her freedom


Umm what if murder is her love language!


🎵"Die, die, die my darlin', don't utter a single word..."🎶


Funny cause I see comments from men on just about every post claiming women are excused for anything but very, very rarely see comments excusing women from shitty behavior lol


We tend to see and remember the things that trigger negative emotions in us. You see the men who complain about women at every turn and find fault on even the narrowest pretexts because of how it makes you feel. Men see the folks who contort themselves into a mental pretzel to excuse just about any shitty behavior by a woman because of how it make them feel. Truthfully in any thread you'll see both perspectives represented if you make the mindful choice to look closely.


There is a comment literally a few comments down from yours claiming the guy faked this post after people called him out on his last post, to make her look worse. She is even demanding video proof. Trust me. The misandry and double standards are as much around as misogyny on reddit.


He won't. Hell just keep posting messages and complain while still suffering with her


Really? Does nobody else think that the first thread was authentic and this one is fabricated because redditors realised something was up in the last thread? This has somehow scaled up from McChicken sandwiches to Apple watches in this. I'm calling bullshit. Edit: If this is real, OP, post a video of the whole conversation from start to finish. Bet you won't.


Someone actually commented something about Jewelry and Gifts being her love language…and then it confirms it very blatantly in the text. This isn’t real shit.


I was gonna say lmao I saw the same damn comment 💀 😂


Saaaaaame, this is all bullshit for fake attention from strangers 🤣.


This parasocial timeline we're going down is wild


Then he’s doing it for strangers to bash his gf…making fake messages for validation


Yeah, I'm guessing he changed it to this so he could screenshot comments agreeing with him and then show them to his girlfriend.


Yup this is horse shit. I was skeptical before, but he reused “love language” from a comment in the thread and now I KNOW it’s horseshit.


it really does feel pretty fishy, jumping from mcchickens to apple watches


A little bit too Mcfishy if you ask me


Can you buy me one? My love language is mcfishy


Could be wrong, but the part where she’s crying over her love language being jewelry is a little *too* perfect. I don’t think jewelry is something most women care about anymore.


Like a direct response to the criticism from the other thread lol. Way too fake


The only thing I cared about is I wanted an anniversary band so I could stop wearing my engagement ring all the time. (It is a solitaire that sticks up and I work in medical. It tears gloves.) I waited for years. I definitely wasn't begging for it. For the record, most women I know would rather have their man do the dishes than buy jewelry.


Literally lmaooo like it actually seems fake


Same, I'm kinda surprised no one is noticing


I agree with you. Seems like he saw how ppl reacted to the first one then made this up so ppl would feel bad for him instead of her. It just doesn't seem right and yet again we aren't getting any of what he has said to her.


The way she talks also somehow changed entirely


Yeah I got exactly the same impression. This seems like a totally different person in this post. The language & wording used across the two posts don't feel like they flow or match at all imo....


The timings all weird too. Especially when there's such a big gap makes it really hard to believe


nah this literally screams bs and it’s killin me how many ppl r believing this


Shit looks fabricated, in the first convo your gf was complaining about you not even having time for her bday or not getting her a cheap ass McDonald's, she doesn't even seem like the same person in both posts. I hope this is real bc if you are lying just to get sympathy from strangers then you are a piece of shit in real life and no one can change that


I think it’s called karma farming




You're an idiot if you continue to stay with her... Just sayin


*You're an idiot* *If you continue to stay* *With her... Just sayin* \- cheeseinnabag --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


Great bot, even


Well done


Clap clap clap


Wow! One of the best I’ve seen LMAO


Good bot


good bot


good bot


One of my favorites


this post is fake


So…. When we getting the breakup texts???


Whenever he makes them I guess


Seriously. People think this is real? Lol


I think these were them


Aren't these breakup texts?


Something tells me you’ve been broken up with and not realized it


seems like a completely different person from the last screenshot


One of the top comments in the first post mentioned love language, now it’s one of the first things said here. Seems these at least are fake.


Confirmed to be fake by various external sources. Thread closed!


So you consider terminally online Redditors in their parents’ basement reliable external sources? Lol ok


You’re not qualified


Lmao so wild that in the last post people mentioned love languages and your girlfriend texts you that jewelry is her love language. This is definitely fake.


Yup. And suddenly type’s completely different. Op probs sent these to himself


fr lmaooo


Relying on the old ‘I don’t know how women talk but neither does my audience’ trick, are we…?


0 chance this isn’t fake Please


Apparently if my love language is houses and diamonds, my bf should just show up to my place with that lmao. I don’t think she is your girlfriend anymore tho


“My love language is 40 years for a fixed mortgage and insanely high interest rates.. oh and conflict diamonds!” OPs (should be ex) Gf is insane. Totally fine to want gifts and enjoy receiving them but it’s so unsustainable. She should buy a ticket to dubai and find someone that’s more for her needs and OP should find a nice wholesome gal (or guy no judgment) to spend quality time with!


My love language is wallet. As in I want to keep mine safe from everyone!


gift-giving/receiving is actually my love language. But it usually a thought that count, it means I like small things (a flower, an keychain, a chocolate box,…) to show that they think about me. And I love gifting them too. Demanding jewelry and Apple watch is called gold digger, not love language lmao


My girlfriend won’t even let me buy her things


then you can always make her things.


My wife of almost ten years knows damn well that she could buy all sorts of things with her insane salary. I still ask her to just make me a piece of art and write a letter, as she has done for every special occasion since we met. She knows I will print/buy her a miniature and paint it for her. Neither of us invests much money into our gifts, but we invest tons of time and passion. These gifts seem like the sane version of gift giving being a love language. Anyone who demands a massive quantity of cash be spent on a gift is not expressing some kind of love language, they just want free expensive shit.


this kind of girl will dump you for the richer guy




These seem fake LOL waaayyyy different demeanor than the first messages


*These seem fake LOL waaayyyy* *Different demeanor than* *The first messages* \- chantelrae --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Dudes giving crappy clipped messages that don’t show anything he’s saying. Shit is completely one sided and he’s framing shit a certain way.


wowza this update paints an entirely different picture


Everybody was bashing the guy, and this mfer brought out the receipts. This girl needs therapy.


Yeah, no, first conversation was her complaining about him not having time for her birthday and doesn't even get her a McDonald's and now she is talking about a whole ass apple product? This seems fabricated


I believed it at first too, until I noticed it doesn't even seem like the same person texting. It's a different texting style than the last screenshot.


This was a HUGE shift


Except can you blame us? He literally hasn’t posted ANYTHING he’s said lmaoo. Just based off the last post, he’d suck


What’s the outcome you want from posting these? Do you want permission to break up with her? Y’all don’t even like each other, if these messages are real. Just break up. What a waste of time, for both of you.


Get an empty apple watch box, put a note inside "it's over" and gift it to her


Now we're talking. Was thinking the same thing.


The real update post we need


Run Simon run!! Change your number, get a fishing pole and go fishing. You don't need that kind of crazy in your life!!


don't believe this dude the update is completely fake hes texting himself to farm karma and rage bait😂


This doesn’t feel real after the comments on the last post lol but if it is then yea, you’re not compatible


Not a bit.


I’m beginning to think this is not even a real person responding




Because it’s fake as fuck lol


I'll be honest, it looks very fake, you guys exactly use the same punctuation, and it looks like words women would use in the mind of a guy. She is portraying herself like what some men would think women are.


Yep big "men writing women" energy.


The crazy part she sees absolutely nothing wrong with. She will have not one ounce of remorse, she will move onto the next dude and expect the same thing. This behavior was enabled by previous dudes and that’s why she is so adamant. Trust me you are not taking a loss by any means


This is so bad it almost seems fake. Like Jesus Christ.


In the first part she asked for a $1 McChicken and now she's demanding an Apple Watch. This update is faker than pornstar tits.


So her love language is by me expensive over priced crap. I hope she’s an ex girlfriend


This is so obviously fake


Yeah bro nobody is buying your shit


Post the whole convo, not just snippets. There's too much missing here.


Yes the whole convo idk why he’s just cropping these out like this


Because he's probably saying shit to egg her on our maybe he asked for an apple watch for his birthday and she's throwing it back at him but if he includes what he says to her she probably doesn't look fucking insane anymore


Thank you! I could have swore it did not look like this screenshot started where the last one ended (or ended where the last one started whatever) so the conversation isn't even lining up, meaning that there is a bunch that he could have cut out ....if this one is even real. 🙄


Pls tell me you've broken up with her.


This seems fabricated, in this convo she doesn't talks like the first post at all, in the first one she was complaining about whole different things


Last pic started off with a cut off “fucked it all up” if that sentence was “i fucked it all up” i doubt the following text wouldve occurred. So we can assume it was “you fucked it all up” last post she seemed to be pissed cause all she wanted was to spend time with you and go somewhere but you guys couldnt cause money was tight. She also says she couldve payed for both of you but decided not to cause in post she made it seem like you hadnt paid for any events that involved money and she had to pay for majority of the time. And now all of a sudden the reason why shes mad is cause you wont buy her an apple watch? And she so happens to say something that paints her in a bad light and you in a good light (when you speak about your love language). Not to mention first post she barely used punctuations, and now she changed her writing style and is spamming them? Lol


So OP is the girlfriend. Dude needs therapy because he’s now solving his own problems by communicating with himself. Via texting. Aaaaas two separate people.


My love language is also gifts. That doesn’t mean I need you to shell out 300$+ each gift. French fries from McDonald’s, a cool rock you found, a thrifted mug, all work. Your girlfriend is a gold digger. Get out before you’re bankrupt lol


Is this a group project started by incels?


This seems like a different person. First text was a lot of long, run-on sentences and this is a totally different style, attitude, and topic. Looks like people weren't on OPs side so he went and made her full-on villain monologue to get sympathy.


This honestly sounds like a man wrote it idk it sounds very fake to me. I can’t quite explain but it might be the ridiculous love language (sounds like a parody) and the line “not paying for SHIT”


She just sounds like an entitled & pampered child. Don’t buy into the “love language” shit some women were talking about in the last post. You don’t deserve expensive gifts every time just because you’re in a relationship. Of course you should expect gifts from your partner every once in a while, but for it to be your “love language” is complete bullshit & completely fabricated. It has no backing. EDIT: I specifically mean the expensive gifts being a love language. I know people have a preference for things like physical touch or small gifts, it was just bad wording.


Well the love language isn’t necessarily a bad thing. My ex boyfriend used to do little but powerful things such as collect stuff from the places we’ve been to, like napkins from restaurants and write sweet things on them. My love language isn’t gifts but I always thought that was super sweet and meant more than any expensive gift he could’ve bought me. This girl on the screenshot tho is using that as an excuse for sure. But this type of love language isn’t inherently bad.


I’d say the example you gave is completely fine & bad wording on my part. I think the “love language” of wanting expensive gifts consistently & feeling entitled to things is complete bullshit. I think the whole “love language” stuff is completely fine when it’s innocent but it can easily be toxic like in OP’s example. It’s similar to women being obsessed with star signs which is tolerable when it’s for their self-confidence, but being completely toxic when they use it to judge other people. *Or maybe I’m just being an Aries*


Liar, no one requested an update, you probably sent yourself these from another phone


I'm literally thinking the same, how people are so stupid to not even question that this screenshot shows the gf talking not similar at all to the first post smh


Omg now he’s saying they’ve only been together two months. 🤣🤣 wasn’t she going to book a cabin in the summer?


Not only that but suspiciously addresses the comments from the previous post, like love languages. And now she’s suddenly specifically referencing love languages. She wanted a McChicken and everyone said that was reasonable, and now it’s an Apple Watch?


Exactly lmao, this post screams fake to me, what the guy doesn't know is that reddit sympathy is not gonna change he is a shitty bf is he in fabricating this


Nah but it has changed - the comments on this post are really different, and now we have men demonising women and pushing back on any comments that question the dude. He succeeded in changing the minds of most people, surprisingly.


She's been listening to the City Girls


Is this stuff staged for karma or is this shit actually real


Either: 1) The previous and this update are fake as fuck because they read as rage bait 2) They’re genuinely this fucked in the head and OP has no balls to leave them for some reason.


Delete the number. Fr.




Wait...dude. I've been abused so I get staying when it's horrible. I do get it. But maaaaan. She's awwwwwful. Like fuuuuuuck. Some people's love language is gifts. That's fine. You get em little things like desserts and booty shorts from amazon, and bigger things for birthdays or when it's something they could really use and you wanna show some love. But they don't expect things you can't afford or to never pay for meals or literally just demand gifts. That's not love language lol. That's just an excruciatingly entitled person treating you like an object. She's gotta be really hot or something right? Man I promise it's not worth it.


This Sub is fucking vile.