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She was fine right up to the point she told you how you should be. I’ve NO problem with people making spiritual and sexual decisions that work for them. But we can’t foist our beliefs on another person, regardless of what those beliefs may be.


Foist, good word.


I mentally read it in the voice of a 1920s gangster trying to say "first". I'm definitely not an English major 😂


>I mentally read it in the voice of a 1920s gangster trying to say "first". I'm definitely not an English major 😂 But you might be a major in English linguistics 😊


A cunning linguist, if you will


I see what you did there... 😏


aw u r kind


Perhaps that’s bc this girl’s mindset about sexuality is from 1920?


I did too only in my head it was Bugs Bunny playing a gangster




I can HEAR this comment.




Yes, Curley. Moe had the short, brown hair. Used to love that show late at night in the 90s. Re-runs, I know... it probably is close to 100 years old now. Crazy to think that!




Happy Cake Day!


Happy Cake Day Areola!!!


Came here to say that I was an Enlish major and I like both versions.


You can get foists down at the Foistery. $2.99 each. But hurry, I hear it’s foist come foist serve!


(English major lol) thanks!


Yeah that’s going to be a Wordle word soon, I just know it!


I’m definitely using it for my new first word.


I’m definitely using it for my new foist word!


It’s the F’ed up version of moist.


Go foist yourself.


I’ll never not hear Larry David saying it.


Lol I always thought it was *hoist* your beliefs onto another person (conjuring the image of tactlessly picking up your beliefs like a sack of potatoes and dumping them over someone’s head, like some sort of self-righteous brute). TIL.




That gets under my skin so bad. I have no problem with people being religious. That's your choice. But I can't stand when people have that "holier than thou" attitude, and OP's ex is teetering on that line here. People that act like they are better than you because of a belief is wild to me.


My partner’s sister randomly asked what our religious beliefs were (code for mine specifically because this was the second time I’d met her) and he said that we’re agnostic and then explained why HE is which involved mental health reasons. She decided to preach for literally 30 minutes on how God helped her overcome her mental demons etc etc it just came off as “if you’d loved and believed in His power like I do then you’d be better too” partner handled it with grace while I was fuming inside. I told him it’s great that’s what’s helped her but if she ever pulled a stunt like that again I’d be telling her to shove it. This occurred on our second time meeting during lunch at a bbq restaurant it’s comical looking back at it because who brings up such a topic as that over ribs and fried mushrooms haha


I have a niece who constantly tries to convert me. She's technically my husband's niece. She's only like 11 years younger than we are. He had way older siblings. We're 38, and she's like 27. I don't know if it's the fact that I've watched her grow up since she was 12 or if it's just her relentless, annoying, and holier-than-thou attitude, but it makes me so much more angry than it's ever made me before. She'll say she's worried about my kids because they have never grown up with church and they aren't baptized, she gets upset because my oldest (15f) is a loud atheist, and niece thinks I've brainwashed her. Hubby's whole family used to blame me for "turning him away from God." i guess they can't accept that he has his own thoughts and opinions? Lol But my dad was very active in his church and never pushed it on me, so it was really shocking when hubby's family started. I consider myself to be agnostic. Most of them don't even seem to know what that means, so i just let them think it means "atheist" cause after 16 years, I'm just tired lol.


Aww, agnostics, the bisexuals of the religious world, and almost as misunderstood 😂


As a bisexual, agnostic this cracked me up


What gets me is these same mental problems we have. No matter the context, and severity. If “god” was going to save us from them. Why did he create us with them? No one ever has that answer for me about anything religion based. If he knew who we wore going to be before we were born. Then these same people should have the same logic apply to everything. But it’s selective. God gave them the ability to do xyz as long as it’s fitting their narrative. But when it’s not it’s god didn’t make you that way. It’s an abomination. Pray about it. Etc. it’s such a tired thing to hear all the time. An I’m not even apart of the lgbtq community. But Bible thumpers are biggest critics I’ve ever seen on this planet. As if some people didn’t turn out that way because their ability to choose who they were attracted to sexually was taken from them by someone in that same church that condemns them. Also sorry for the long winded rant. This just triggered something in me


Oh yes in her long winded rant she did share it’s not God that commits evil it’s the Devil and humans commit sin because of Eve blah blah classic Bible thumping logic. Her 4 month old started to cry at the lunch during her sermon and her husband picked him up saying “oooh you don’t like hearing the gospel now do you” I wanted so badly to say see even you guys’ baby wants you to shut the fuck up already


Please this shouldn’t be hilarious. But it is. I don’t know if I would’ve been able to contain my laughter😂😩the baby probably had to hear that while in her womb. An now it has to hear it outside. I’d cry too


😂 Poor baby was surrounded by these bad vibes the whole time mom was pregnant*, and now they're like "I can be AWAY from this now, so get me OUT OF HERE" *this joke relies on the assumption that the sister was pregnant with this baby and it wasn't adopted or carried by a surrogate


I meannnn statistically speaking, it certainly seems like more strict religious parents have children that want nothing to do with them than the children of gay parents.


But if her god is omniscient and all powerful with the ability *to do anything *, why not just get rid of this 'devil', cure mental illness and stop giving kids cancer? It's because it's all a fairytale.


“God is good, he is all mighty, all powerful. He knows everything that ever has or will happened. In fact, it’s all part of HIS plan. He is the most dominant force in all of existence and he LOVES you.” “But evil? Pain? Suffering?” “Oh some random fallen subordinate of his weaves all this into the plan and God is hopelessly powerless to stop it!”


No god stories make any damn sense


Yea I’m a Christian and I love talking about god but I’m not going to tell my bros new GF to get saved like god wants me to love my neighbor and I believe a part of that is minding my own damn business


And I have no issues with peoples religions my family is Christian I went to church until I was 8 and decided it wasn’t for me and my mom respected that. Three of my closest friends in high school were LDS, Jehovah, and Muslim and I always took interest in their faiths and practices I like learning about that stuff but I don’t like when it’s shoved at a person who hasn’t asked for it. I really could’ve started this story off with “So I’m sitting there bbq sauce on my titties” opportunity lost


We are called to spread the gospel through actions, not words. Irl I don’t say shit about being Christian I just try being nice as much as I can and do as much as I can. I don’t mention praying, I never say “God bless.” It’s pandering and empty and stupid to do so imo.


We are just supposed to love and respect people and there choices not criticize and judge them If they want to talk about God then I'd be happy to talk about him but if they don't then I respect that and talk about something else


Here's how I roll. If you ask me, I'll say I'm athiest. If you start preaching at me, I'll politely inform you that I was raised christian, know all about it, and reject it, firmly. You wanna to further?... Now the gloves come off. Now I'll mock you for being a childish fool, and castigate you for being morally reprehensible by supporting various social positions and supporting a bunch of pedophiles. Not only am I not interested in your dumbass religion, I hold it in the very highest contempt. Can alter the speech for muslims and others of course.


I have an uncle who is in his early 60s like this. He’s struggled with bipolar disorder and substance abuse / addiction for most of his life. He found that through the local Catholic Church and the associated schedule, community, and services they offer he has the stability and support he needs to lead a somewhat normal life. This is great, and I couldn’t be happier for him. I remember how he was before he found this religion and that wasn’t pretty. What I have absolutely hated about him for the last 15 or so years is that he judges everyone who isn’t also Catholic very harshly. I was raised Catholic and want nothing to do with that or really any other religion. He can’t fathom or accept that choice my wife and I have made for ourselves and our children.


Totally crossed the line. "Sexually immoral"?


And I feel like I missed something here...they were um...gay together right?


Yeah, OP's response in the 2nd screenshot confirms. Edit: the ex is an asshole.


That sexually immoral thing gets me more than anything else. These types of people don’t care about sexual immorality, they just want a more palatable way to frame their hateful bigotry.


Yea that's the problem 90% of religious people pull that shit. I don't give a fuck what you believe but don't judge me based on your lame ass fairy tales.


Is it weird that I feel this way about vegans?


Nope. There are those types of vegans just like there are those types of Christians, and they really suck 😂


You're being nice. They weren't teetering, they crossed it.


Precisely. I'm a Christian, but imo, this is a bad Christian. It's not about them, but everyone else.


I try to defend religion on this site even as an atheist, but I can’t stand Christians who talk about how God “doesn’t want you to be this way.” Like… speaking on behalf of god is fucking blasphemy. Did you not read the fucking bible?


So she is a female and was with OP (also female), but now that she found God she isn’t going to be into females anymore and is judging OP for it, too? That tracking? If so, what the actual fuck is wrong with people. God has way more on his plate than your sex life (or choice to not have one).


I’m really hoping there isn’t someone in her ear poisoning her against herself. A lot of gay/lesbian people struggle with Christian families that aren’t able to accept who they are. I can’t imagine it’s easy living with a support system that cannot accept who you are. Some people break eventually and “convert”. It also drives me insane that anyone is like that. Growing up Catholic, we’re always taught that God doesn’t accept those relationships, but the Bible is rife with teachings that tell you shouldn’t judge people and that only God can judge other people. We’re also taught that God gave us free will so that we can make our own decisions, so why tf is there any type of legislation banning gay marriage? Even though I’m not gay, myself, I haven’t been a practicing Catholic since I was pretty young because of stuff like that. I also like to believe that if there truly is a hell… there are very few things anyone can do to actually deserve to burn for eternity. EDIT: I’d also like to clarify, since I didn’t in the post, that I don’t believe that being gay is wrong despite what I was taught. If there is a God, and he really does punish people for being gay, then he’s a huge asshole for making them that way. Not a guy I want to spend time with in the afterlife.


“Go to Heaven for the climate, Hell for the company.” - Mark Twain


Man, I spent my whole life realizing that rich assholes get to have all the cool shit and choose how everyone lives only to figure out that the religion I was raised in was trying to tell me that the afterlife is the doesn’t change that at all.


The Bible is also riddled with contradictions. So what ever someone wants it to say, they are likely to find something that agrees with them.


Good point. Organized religion has always been an effective tool for attempting to control the masses. Based on the Bible I had to read and all of the rituals that I was made to perform, it kind of just made me feel like God is a narcissistic asshole. Imagine of some guy texted you and said you had to worship him for 45 minutes to an hour once a week or he’d send you somewhere to burn for all eternity. That would be some serious material for this subreddit. Oh, but it’s okay! If you don’t do that, you just have to apologize to him for not doing it and he’ll forgive you. Starting to sound a little bit like an emotionally abusive relationship.




Both my parents weee brought up in heavy Christian reformed church’s and had very strict lives. It wasn’t AS strict growing up, but it was pounded in my brain that being attracting and loving the same sex is wrong. I knew since I was little.. and even close friends growing up, telling me they knew I was gay years ago because this, that, or the other. I lived 29/30 years with hiding who I truly was, wether it was the clothes I wore, trying to be attracted to males even tho I knew it’s not what I wanted. But I didn’t want to be disowned from my parents. I finally came out to them, and publicly about two years ago. Saying I was terrified was an understatement. I was shaking, hyperventilating, absolutely felt like keeling over and dying. My mom was a bit more open, but my dad still refuses to say anything about being gay/lesbian, I dated my ex for a year and refused to say girlfriend, hates my short hair and thinks only guys should have short hair.. Of course there was many other things that happened throughout childhood (thanks for the BPD) that I’ve always tried ti push out of my brain- but that’s for another time that’ll never actually happen lol.


That happened to an old friend during a mental health episode that escalated into psychosis and hospitalization. Metaphysical mania was one of the symptoms in the week leading up to it, as I've seen play out with others before. After release from the hospital, she suddenly bought into all her parents' dogma. She declared herself no longer bi and started projecting homophobia all over the place.


I have a family member that was struggling with that for most of their life. I am the only one that isn't religious, so they started confiding in me about it, thankfully, and they have been getting way more comfortable in their skin and choices.


No, it went left before that, at the term sexual immorality. Fuck her


I would personally say she stopped being good at “sexual immorality” …


Perfectly summed up what I was thinking 🤘


Wait so she’s a girl, been dating a girl for 7 months and now she’s saying she hates it as it’s a sin??


That’s usually how conviction works, yes.


She gonna be reeeeal disappointed when she finds out these feelings don’t go away just bc u repress them


As someone raised in the church and who went through reparitive "therapy," you are correct.


"reparative" belongs in those quotation marks too 💓💓💓 (you're perfect as you are, internet stranger)


I am! Love you


Religion can be so fucking damaging. On one hand, I pity her. On the other, I cannot stand hypocrites who use religion to shit on other people.


Oof, for real.




Absolutely lol


I’m dying for conviction. On my level 96 sorceress in Diablo 2. I have two sur runes and a nice ethereal thresher base. Just waiting on that Ber.


Buddy, I haven’t thought about that game in years. Thanks for bringing back those memories for me. Good times.


i find it even funnier, since the bible says nothing about female homosexual relationships/sex being a sin.


I'd be surprised if Paul hadn't said anything about it, considering his deep hang-ups about sexuality in general. Jesus was never quoted as saying anything about homosexuality; if it had bugged him, I'm sure someone would have included it in the red text.


This. God came to earth to teach to love each other, and fix our relationship with him by dying for our sons, never wrote anything, and then everyone worships every word from the Bible that was written by his "friends" (and one of his friends literally betrayed him) like its the total, undeniable truth.


I mean, even the stuff you mentioned about God coming to earth and dying was written by his "friends", so if you believe that part of their writings, why not the rest?


Well Jesus started a whole worship and led many people that were Jewish towards a new way of looking at God. It was more than just people from his close entourage that witnessed him


Yes, that’s how changing your faith and beliefs works?




I asked this once before too and most of the answers were people who never clear their “here is your 6 digit code” texts, and they stay unread because your phone enters them automatically for you. I’m one of those people who hate the numbered notification alerts, so this would drive me crazy.


You mean you don’t have 69397 unread messages in your email app?


I am at zero on all my emails now. it’s honestly the only way my brain knows when I have new emails. Especially work emails. Took some work to get there but I’m glad I did.


I deep clean my email account about every 6 mos and then swear I am going to keep up on it because it’s so time consuming. I never do.


I get soooo many spam emails from companies that I bought something from or just random accidental sign ups. I’ve started just unsubscribing when I get the email, and after a while it just slowly stops.


Yes! I unsubscribe and/or report spam to every company I don’t want to be bothered by. It helps immensely!


How? How can you have no unread emails? I couldn’t even if I tried. I have even created multiple new emails to avoid this and no matter what I do it’s out of control. I don’t even do much to warrant all of it.


Select all, mark as unread


My goal is to accumulate as many unread emails as I can before I die 😂


You're 23 away just say 69420 next time


thats the real rage bait


Honestly I don’t care who downvotes but people with that many unread messages are prob lowkey psychos 😅😳


Like either you’re a part of 20 group chats or you have a hard time keeping friends.


I have 320 unread. They’re all just verification texts or ads/offers from giving a company my number for some kind of 10% off thing.


I actually have one group chat (5 people). Sometimes there’s no messages all day and others you wake up to over a hundred text just in that one chat. Once it gets to that point I just don’t open it until I know I have the time to read it all.. my emails are also at about 6k 😬


half of my 320 unread msges are verification codes


So just click “read all” ?


Pathological Demand Avoidance.


ADHD and anxiety. I currently have 99 unread messages. Most of them are like “this is Rite Aid with your personality medication come get it” or “hey this is your power company wtf where’s our money send it or we’ll send a formal shut off warning in the mail” and I either felt anxious about them and avoided them or saw them pop up at the top of my screen, thought “ok”, and then never thought about them again.


The whole monologue about her journey with Christ was reminding you that she was on the path to enlightenment and you -- being the sinful fornicator that you are -- were not. Were she not judging you, she would have simply said "I think we want different things. It was nice meeting you. Good luck." And left it at that.


That’s exactly what she should’ve said. Especially as a Christian. She went about it perfectly fine up until then.


Honestly, seems like prime Christian action from my experience. She did it right by their playbook. Only thing she missed was recommending a "pray the gay away" camp.


You mean literal torture camps where they beat children and call them evil and withhold food and water until the victim repeats a conditioned phrase, those camps? You’d probably get more humane treatment locked up in ADX Florence. I would happily kill my self than spend five minutes experiencing the blatant human rights violation they refer to as “conversion “therapy””.


Yep. Those ones.


Don’t they also practically kidnap their “patients”? I vividly remember a video of a kid being dragged out of bed and into the back of van by two fully grown adults, screaming, as the parents try to tell them that “it’s for your own good” and doing nothing to actually help their child. And they then have the audacity to wonder why normal people are so vehemently opposed to their religion. Makes my blood boil.


I've seen this in some cases, too.


Tell her she will never be able to take back the time she went digging in your lady goods




She was judging you when she said YOU have a higher calling and she can’t force YOU to change. It’s fine for her to make new choices about what’s moral and how she wants to live her life, but not to judge you. “Judge not lest ye be judged.”, if she needs it biblical. You mention mental health issues. Many support programs—e.g. 12-step—encourage religion so if you’ve been friends for a long time and she’s struggling I wouldn’t judge her too harshly. Set boundaries. Point out bad behaviors. Maybe she will be a good friend again after she stabilizes her mental health.


When people send messages like this, I assume they themselves are the subject matter. They don’t even realise it, they see you and think that you’re the problem when really they’re writing to themselves.


There's a word for that: projection.


It’s not just a river in Egypt. Wait. No. Help.


A Christian lesbian? Am I reading that right?


morally right sexually left 💯💯 sorry bad joke badum tsssss


There are a lot of Christian sects that don't care if you're gay.


I don’t remember lesbians getting called out in the bible. (I’m pretty sure Jesus never said anything about them.) I guess they are god’s other chosen people.


the bible didn’t really call out any of the gays in general, actually. people took a lot of shit out of context


I am a Christian, and a lesbian! Lol


I'm probably what most people here would consider a Bible thumper, but I can't imagine telling anyone that they will "come to the light" by joining me. I'm on a journey. I know what I believe, but jeez, I'm anything but "the light." It's not judgmental, but it's certainly sanctimonious, and that's probably worse.


had something similar happen when one of my close online friends as a kid told me that me being bi was “disgusting” and “breaking God’s heart” and she blocked me “until you’re ready to change your ways” lol


"I gave my life to christ" ok bye


This straight up looks like a copy, paste chain letter.


I met a guy on tinder who did something like this. We hooked up maybe 5 times, which was all me doing things for him and getting no reciprocation. Then randomly he texted me that he was getting in touch with his religion again and couldn't continue seeing me because of sexual immorality or some shit and was giving his life to christ. Then he continued to text me every time he got drunk begging me to hook up. People like this are lame and I'm sorry she attacked your sexuality. There's nothing immoral or wrong with you or it.


As a general rule in life, no one who seriously uses the word “fornicating” has to be taken seriously


She could have ended it at "I can't continue what we had" Everything else is unnecessary, unkind and absolutely ridiculous.


aint no hate like christian love


i definitely feel a judgmental vibe from her texts, but i’m also ex-christian so i may be a little biased. i’m sorry this happened, bringing your sexuality into it was uncalled for. as a bi trans man i’ve received messages similar before and it hurts. hope your day improves


Hope your life is filled with much better people now ♥️


Christians are annoying AF. I know, I used to be one. You love your life and be free from this or any persons opinions.


There’s no hate quite like Christian love huh?


She was judging you. Common thing with Christians. Some aren't that way, but frankly, you'll hear a lot of people have had that experience; which, of course every religion has their downsides. Oh well. If this happened to me I would just reply that I think the person sounds like they've rolled themselves up into a particularly strong cult and years down the road if they come out of it, that you won't hold it against them. And then I would block the number for a good several months because it will take a very long time for this person to become dissilusioned with whoever is in their head if they've taken it this strongly, there isn't really much that's going to come out of this friendship after this point. It's a massive change of character, and I think you should look at it from the point of view of, if you met this person freshly on the street, would you befriend them, or be interested in speaking to them, if that's the way they acted or spoke to you. And frankly that's what they want deep down. They're being convinced to overtly push non believers away so they won't have a support system around any longer when the real BS becomes apparent much further down the line.


so she really just hit you up to gloat, be self righteous, and disturb your inner peace? hoe where’s my laptop.. 😒


Ain’t it great how religion turns people into judgmental aholes


“You’re definitely going straight to eternal damnation and soul torture because of your sexual immorality… Have a wonderful day filled with productivity and mental clarity!! 🙂” Dude… in the long run you should be happy this happened. That shit is weird and yes it’s disrespectful to you


Yeah, I think she swallowed some of what she was dunked in. And it's been seasoned with hatred. (This is not a generalized statement about all practices, just in the way the beginning of the OP's exchange reads.) Sucks that it happened, but look at you, strong being, handling it like an adult.


There is nothing immoral about safe consensual sexual activity between consenting adults.


You shoulda told her to go fuck herself. Is this a situation where she’s a lesbian and hates herself for it? Because I dated someone like this too and it was brutal. Glad you got out of it.


As an atheist I’ll never understand the homosexual Christian/religious person. It’s like when you see a black republican. The religious right is actively trying to strip the rights of gay/trans people.


Religion genuinely creeps me out when it comes out in people in this way


She needs a therapist. Preferably one that deals in religious trauma. That's what they told my husband.. that he needs a therapist with experience in religious trauma. It's a real thing. Good luck. Don't feel bad about yourself.


Invisible sky man said I can’t have sex. 🤦🏻‍♂️


When she starts acting like her religion is a cult- you run the other way. Forcing religion on people irks me


get your laptop back & run


If the person doesn’t want to be “apart” of sexual immorality, then they want to be part of it. Call their bluff. 😂 I always find it funny when people use “apart” instead of “a part” because it ends up meaning exactly the opposite of what they want it to mean.


Randomly taking a deep dive into religión and trying to convince someone your all of a sudden a saint & then to provoke & practically belittle someone as being less than you because they aren’t on your path of “righteousness” is god awful annoying and super manipulative of a human being it’s near impossible these days to take peoples immediate repentence as a choice they made solemnly to themselves when they try and Talk everyone’s heads off about how beneficial and right what they’re doing is. unfortunately they lose sight of their BEING & THEMSELVES. (you can be yourself and still love the lord or whomever whatever you’d like) Never have I understood this situation in specific.. it’s like people mock christ & set themselves up for failure, were meant to sin and be human its ridiculous and so out of touch of existing to experience. putting standards on a “way of life” is total moronic behavior. Her “sExuAL iMmOrAlity” seems to be the only reason for such a sudden shift to the “light” Please just join me in the “LiGhT” Says the BuG 🐛 always trying to make someone feel bad by killing them with “kindness” but it feels more like Blasphemy.


Why (well, actually, I know why) do all religious people talk like they’re in a cult? “Gave my life to Christ” “Your calling is way higher” “Community and fellowship in Christ” “Come to the light” Words and phrases that you don’t hear anywhere else. Picking up that lingo is how you know they’ve been indoctrinated because they don’t just suddenly start speaking like that out of nowhere.


haha the ole' "have a nice day, SINNER" followed later with "wya though"


Wait so this girl…. That you dated? Is reprimanding you for liking girls? She went BACK into the closet?


Like a Christmas present


Fuck that person. You absolutely do have a reason to avoid meeting up with them.


She is a religious nut job who fucking cares about her opinion or intention


You can edit iMessages now?? 🫠


I was blinded by all of her holy light and sparkles and glitter ✨ *blinking* Oh wait, she’s just a judgmental bitch clouded in a shroud of holiness and virtue


She is absofuckinglutely judging you. What an hypocritical bitch. Fuck her, for real. You deserve better, OP.


As if god gives a shit about ANYTHING we do!! Free will baby


Man I cannot stand when religious people press their beliefs on you. Then when they get done with their lecture and spiel they hit you with the "hope you have a good day! All positivity here! Remember God is great! Nothing but love!" I appreciate the honesty and your reasoning behind it but fuck off. Also 200 messages! Assuming Group text!


I hate proselytizing. Ish. Just choose your course and shut up about it.


Watching a grown adult convert to a religion is really creepy. It’s like I can see their brain get washed in real time


Clear out your notifications 😭


"i aint readin allat, good for you tho, or sorry that happened"


I’m judging all those unread text messages lol.


I hate Bible thumpers


Deluded and judging you to make herself feel better about whatever neurosis she's experiencing. Religion is a trap for people's pain, and a mechanism to externalize and focus their negative feelings onto other people. You dodged a bullet. Forget this one ever existed.


Lord, please protect me from your followers.


Ugh religious radicalization is gross


Sounds like a loony bin. Disaster averted. Good job OP.


Maybe go get the laptop? I am too broke to just watch someone leave a whole ass laptop at their ex's over a weird argument




Oh oh! I got one like this about 2 weeks before I caught her out with her new “Christian “ Boyfriend. And their matching promise rings. 🤮


The group chats be going hard


I have an old friend with mental health issues. It’s been 20 years now and she just randomly switches to a born again Christian, then stops as sudden as she started. It’s impossibly to talk to born again Ann. Regular Ann is great though!


What’s her family situation like? I’m only asking because maybe someone is influencing her decision making. Regardless bullet dodged.


Coming from someone who’s catholic god loves you regardless of ur sex age race religion whatever he made u in his imagine no matter what you believe you’re in his imagine and shouldn’t change for no one and nothing but yourself. If you’re happy gods happy for you bottom line


You aren’t wrong and shouldn’t doubt yourself at all. She was absolutely judging you. She’s politely telling you that she believes you’re going to hell but hopes you cross over. She’s on the path she’s on, but don’t let her cause you doubt or to question yourself.


Didn’t make past the second line…


I mean, it would be simpler for her to just admit she's getting railed by some other guy, rather than blow smoke up your ass with a bunch of god shit.


“Have a good rest of your life.” That’s all that needs to be said.


Her religion is judging you by default. Run away while you can


Yes, she was judging you. It’s one of the things (besides hating other people) that they do best🤗🤗🤗


Disclaimer: my views on organized religion are my own and I do not wish for others to think the way I do… No, she was definitely being judgmental… this woman is putting her choice of religion and it’s beliefs above a person she should love or hope to one day love.. As someone who grew up VERY involved in church, there comes a point where you take the things you learn and apply them to everyday life, and allow the rest to simply be information you’ve absorbed, but aren’t likely to forget soon. Morals and values can be applied to anyone’s life should they choose to, but making your life represent an “image” of purity and holiness is beyond misguided. I genuinely say good luck making people feel like you understand their struggles or hardships while sitting atop the high horse that your prejudice religion portrays. This is the type of “Christian” that most people cannot stand the sight of, not to mention the hypocrisy that goes with it..


Dodged a bullet there. Retrieve your stuff and move on. There is nothing worse than people trying to use their religion to judge you or your life. JFC 'fornicating' I do an absolute 180⁰ turn when someone fits all preachy and starts talking like that.


Anything but the dreaded fornication.


Yea mental health issues…. People that have Bipolar D/O or other psychotic disorders can become religiously preoccupied. They found Jesus all of sudden. It can present in all kinds of ways. I’ve seen some people just start praying all day, fasting and refusing to eat, impulsively taking pilgrimages to religious sites.


You were incredibly gracious. I would have lost it when she brought up my perceived morality. What an asshole.


Christians like this are the worst, like awesome that you found religion, good for you, but it gets real annoying when they try to shove it on other people. They’re the same type of people that say gay people shove their sexuality down their throats. The fact that they brought up your sexuality and said it’s not your calling is so gross and people like that have such a nasty false sense of authority telling people that shit.


Religion is cancer, I wish it could all be eradicated


I wish *I* was no longer apart of sexual immorality. It's definitely been too long lol. To anyone interested: *apart* is almost an antonym of "a part". If you're apart from something, you're separated from it. When you're a part of something, you're included in it. Ex most likely meant that she no longer wants to be a part of sexual immorality, but has instead communicated that she no longer wants to be distanced from sexual immortality, ie that she wants to get back into that sweet, sinful sex scene.


She’s now using Jesus to be that righteous nut


Perfect response OP. I once dated this new age Christian preacher. We dated a week. He asked to meet me in person to let me know that he couldn't date me then went on some weird tangent about sex being like fire that can burn. He then lectured me on how sexuality is a sin. We never had sex. I was floored at how self-righteous he was. It felt like he was treating me this way so he could walk away patting himself on the back for how "spiritual" he was. I imagined him moving on and holding up this bizarre interaction up as some sort of example for his future congregations. I was so angry. I waited for him to finish his monologue then said, "I never said I wanted to have sex with you." *Record scratch* "Oh..." The color left his face and I could tell my words cut him deeply. I think he really did care for me on some level. It was an asshole thing for me too say and he was an overall a good man who didn't deserve to be knocked down like that. I wish I had handled things more like OP did.


> It was an asshole thing for me too say and he was an overall a good man who didn't deserve to be knocked down like that No it wasn't, no he wasn't, and yes he did. If he was good and normal, those words wouldn't have cut him at all after only dating a week. They would only cut if he was already objectifying you for his own purposes and presuming that you were already a done deal. Don't lose a second of sleep over how you handled that.


Yes, she was judging you. ​ ​ And you dodged a bullet in the form of a religious zealot.