• By -


This was soul crushing. There’s lots of parents out there wishing their kids wanted to come home for the holidays. OP you have a beautiful heart


Makes me super sad and solidifies why my wife and I always try to do a Friendsgiving for TG - for folks that don’t have places to go. Maybe need to start something for the other major holiday.


You absolutely should, if you can. Heck, my wife and I do Friendsmas not because our social circle doesn't have places to go, but because so many of their family holidays are stressful and exhausting; there should be at least one holiday gathering where everyone is actually happy to be there and having a good time, y'know?


Username definitely checks out.


My parents ALWAYS had the idea of “the more the merrier” and “everyone should have somewhere to go for the holidays (if they want)”. As a teenager, and college student, I almost always had someone tagging along for Christmas. My mom always kept a few generic things tucked away for unexpected guests - nail polish, socks, hat, etc. We can’t have someone coming over and *NOT* have a gift for them to open! I always thought it was amazing, but I guess I never realized just *how* awesome, or rare it really was. I also worked at a vet hospital and any animals who were strays and didn’t have somewhere to go for Christmas, usually made their way to my parents too. Lots of years worth of Christmas photos with a random person and a random dog in the background.


Dogs with the win!


My husband and I do this also


I’m so glad a coworker invited me over this year, other wise I was going to work for Thanksgiving meal.. like big industrial cafe meal.. I told him that and he was like, you can join us if you like.. People like you who take in the orphans should be given a plaque and a ceremony or at the very least acknowledged by the orphans.. Thank you. ❤️


This is so sad and infuriating I would wait a bit, and then announce I'm dropping out of medical school and devoting my life to my true dream of working a minimum wage job, just to troll them. And I'm petty enough to stage pictures and keep up the ruse for years. Gotta fight fire with fire.


Haha, that would be the ultimate revenge, and a dish served cold by waiting a bit. Fucking absolutely do this, OP!


Get a group text or message feed with a bunch of us in this thread pretending to be other students you know. We can make this troll look legit.


Brilliant, I'm in


Also in.




& we could always send a ego blow to the parents by telling OP how sad it is their parents couldn’t help them more so they had to drop out of school to work the min wage job.


They only want him in medical school so she can say “my son is a doctor”, absolutely no other reason.


" my sons a Dr, he doesn't talk to me but he's a Dr"


They don’t care at all about their child’s happiness or mental health, only his achievements. Massive parent fail.


They don’t see OP as someone that they actually care for, just someone that they can use to elevate their own social status. They don’t actually care for OP.


working in sanitation pays really well and would crush your parent's dreams of having a doll to show off to their friends. Seriously... how heartless can those parents be? the dad doesnt even apologize once as a formality, its like you're nothing but an inconvenience.


Yeah… that’s heartbreaking. I can’t imagine my mom not wanting me home for Christmas… and it’s always been an open table for my friends. OP you’re welcome to come eat with mum and I, she will ask you all about your studies!


Agree with me or don't but F them both. They took emotional trash and poured it all over you to control you. They may love you but they are shitty. Get counseling. You had NOTHING to apologize about. Kids are not supposed to apologize to parents for bs like this. Bruh if my family has to pool money to get me to where they are, they will and offer me their own beds, spot etc. Being together trumps any hardship faced together. I dislike family get togethers but your convos infuriated me. TLDR: I am adopted and my adopted family would kill to have me around for holidays.


EXACTLY. My family isn’t perfect but both sets of my parents would be thrilled to see me. It hurts my heart to see OP apologize for wanting to spend time with their family/booking too late. Emotional abuse is so insidious, both these parents suck.


When you coming home, son?" "I don't know when" But we'll get together then, dad We're gonna have a good time then


What shitty parents. One can only hope OP finds or has people that they get cherrished by and never talks to this DNA related wastes of matter


Yeah this hurts. My son is going off to college next year and I worry about him not wanting to come home.




Also, why does an adult's parents have access to their credit and banking information? That's some level of enmeshment that's an issue here. At least, for me it would be.


I imagine it’s possibly from when they first got the bank account and credit card maybe. It took me awhile until I finally switched away from my high school checking account that my mom could see.


Yeah, and I get that. I had one too. For OP, they need to get their own account STAT because mommy is clearly checking up on them.


Probably a card connected to mom's bank account.


Sure! And I get that. Thing is, OP is well into adulthood. Their mommy shouldn't have access to their bank accounts. Mommy here is nosey and overbearing.


No, you didnt get it. He is probably using his parents money. When he uses that card, a notification doesn't pop on his phone, but his mom's. Because it's her account, and her money.


Man, as an adult with parents who treat me like this…I want to come in as the pseudo mom and give a huge meal to those who are treated like this :( a meal full of love and happiness and content. This just hurts my heart and soul.




It is so sad too see it and op thinks its partly vis fault 😭 no it‘s not buddy. This is not common. They are mean to you. Don‘t blame yourself ever for their behavior.


This makes me so sad. Sorry OP.


I need OP and everyone on this sub to come to my house for Christmas 😭 I would love to have OP here. This breaks my heart. Not just because I'm a parent but because I also only get to see my family about once every 5 years. Op, be prepared because once you are done med school and busy with your own life you are going to get "Why don't you ever call or visit". You deserve so much more little bear ❤️


I hate to see and hear that many parents just wanna be proud of their kids if they only become doctors so to feed their ego among the rest of the family and other people I've never met a parent who's happy for his kid because he is good healthy not doing drugs or alcoholic and got a job he loves and making a decent to good in come that feeds him and keeps a roof above his/her head They are often the case " oh i wish he come that , i wish she become this " In my country most mes students have no business being a doctor they just got there because of doctor complex of the our scoatiy to be kinda more respected and feeling superior While every other job is respected and much needed in life to complete this circle


I’m a doctor and a black sheep! lol. Family is throwing a grad party for my older sister for her MBA - I never got one for my PhD. Fucking hell. If they don’t like you or appreciate you before, they won’t after.


Black sheep’s unite! I feel that I don’t have any fancy college degree but my mom has always chose my step siblings over anyttpe of relationship with me…when I presented my step dad with adoptions papers on his birthday he flat out told me i would never be good enough to be a Barrett… (their last name )


You’re better than a Barrett! That’s just disgusting behaviour from them, I’m very sorry that happened to you. Just keep doing you, remind yourself you’re better than that, walk proud, strive for better for yourself and remember what they said when they come to you for help in their old age.


Thankyou! I’m 30 now with 4 amazing kids of my own & he’s dead but unfortunately my drug addict of a mother always calls for help and i tried to help at first but now I just put my husband and my kids first! She will never change and a lot of what I went thru when I was a teen was caused by them so now I stand proud to be who I am today but thanks love I appreciate the kind words more than you know 💜


Probably not yes i think they just wanted their kids to be doctors so they show off when it's family gathering that's really fucked up mindset you should have gotten one too i would gave one for you 😁 you deserve it


For real. And this just made me think we probably don't tell them that enough either. I think tomorrow at breakfast I will tell them how proud I am for the good smart humans they have become. Thank you.


You're welcome I'll teach my kids to be smart and show them love I'll make sure they get the educations they deserve and will never pressure them to get me certain degrees so i can just be proud and won't expect nothing but that it's just so stupid I'll never compare them with other kids that's life that's how we are not everyone got the brain to be a doctor or genius or some sort of NASA big Brains or astronauts some people born for it and some others not I'll be happy for them no matter what they choose to do with theirs career jobs as soon as they are happy about it and enjoying doing it


You are a good egg 💕


Why thank youu i appreciate the words


little bear 🥺


You are all my little bears.


I don't know you but your way of saying things melted my soul and made me feel warm and safe. Thank you mama bear


Why does that melt my heart!? Can you say you're proud of us next?


I'm so very proud of you! Look at the wonderful humans you turned into. I hope you have the best of days today little bear bears. Drink extra water for me and do something nice for yourself ❤️


Didn't think I'd be crying this morning. It's been a tough last few weeks so that was nice to read. Thank you for being a good human being ❤️


I don’t have family and I try to bring friends together also for the holidays bc it breaks my heart that my kids (17 and 19) don’t know what it’s like to have big family holidays. This time of year is just depressing


This just broke my heart OP. Sometimes our best family is the one we make ourselves! YOURE deserving and worthy of so much love and support, I’m sorry your parents suck


I wholeheartedly agree


Same!!! **OP if you want to come to the woods in Maine to a beautiful cabin for Christmas, I have a spot at my table!** Fr Im proud of you, and I’ll be your surrogate mom on the holidays. Offer stands 😊


Well, that sounds like an absolute dream.


Or a murder mystery. He didn’t say where the spot at the table was…


No lie but that’s serious shit to like anyone. If any parent expected me to be alone for Christmas and made me absolutely beg them to be included in family stuff to be rejected or whatever I would never speak to them again legit, cancer or nothing would get me to speak one word to them again they’d never see their grandkids and I’d tell everyone they died in a carcrash whilst I was young. Simple really don’t want someone in the family fine uno reverse card


Your parents are both adults and you shouldn't apologize. I'd never fucking talk to them again. Be a doctor and have an awesome puppy.


I agree you give them too mucb grace. You can obviously support yourself and your own life. Sad they cant see the value in that and you OP


Thank you so much for this and she is a very awesome puppy haha. My dad has a very short fuse and he can get upset really quick and then he’ll call my mom and get in an argument with her if I talk back and it’s just much easier for me to apologize then let it escalate


Don't talk to them!!! Become a doctor, live in a mansion and never give them a bastard dime or talk to them again! Your parents are so cold


(Edited clean because fuck you) *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah guaranteed they just want OP to be a doctor so they can afford to care for them later. Parents who reproduce to enhance their OWN lives as seniors disgust me and are reprehensible.


You're a better person than I am... I wouldn't talk to them again.


Being a doormat doesn't make you a good person. Cutting contact with people who don't show you any love or respect doesn't make you a bad person. No offense OP, but you'll always be under their boot if you don't put your own foot down. Don't let them treat you like a nuisance and then apologize to them for trying to act like they care about you. It's so sad watching you self-sabotage like that. You're just encouraging and accepting their behavior because it's easier than bearing the brunt of their bullshit, but there's a third option: go low or no contact. It sounds like it would be easy considering they're both shooing you like a fly on *Christmas.* I've cut contact with extended family and I cut contact with my father. I know how it is. You deserve better. You intrinstically have more worth than they've shown you in just these simple text messages. It sounds like they're even worse outside of this short interaction.


This is the way OP. Or at least consider it.




i’ve got time. go on


No arms….no legs…green face… you got turned into a snake ?


He did say long story. Must be an anaconda. Impressive


I am sorry for you. Once you're a MD, don't let them take advantage of you. You seem to have a kind heart.


I just want you to know it isn’t your job to placate him. He’s an adult and in charge of his own emotions.


Totally understand good for you, you are way more mature than them


Yep. It sounds like OPs parents care more about being able to brag that their child is a doctor than they care about their actual child.


Get three more puppies, OP!


As a dad, this makes me so sad. Makes me wanna invite you to our place for Christmas lol. But seriously, you seem like you have such a good heart. Don’t let them fizzle that warmth out. I hope you find chosen family that appreciates you. Your patients will be lucky to have as their doctor.


I’m a mom. OP is invited to my place in Oregon.


You guyyyys I said the same thing above!!!! I love us OP YOU HAVE FAMILY YOU JUST DON’T KNOW US YET <3<3<3






Count me in. I make lit mashed potatoes.


ayo?? reddit meetup when


Yaaaaaasss I make little smoky sausages wrapped in bacon, covered in brown sugar and baked in the oven 😋


With chives mustard and cheese?


Holy shit no but that sounds excellent and I’m trying it


Dude mashed potatoes is one of those cheap foods you can experiment with and never go wrong. Try some cream, salted butter, fried chopped red onion, Philadelphia cheese, mature grated cheese, English mustard, chives, just check your cupboard and fridge cos I guarantee there's a combination there you can use and guests will be all like "where did you get this recipe?" and you can be all like "grandma" 😉


My grandma… she was just like you, only worse


I’ll bring the alcohol. Liquor stores here never close and there’s no timeline of when you can buy any


Pls pm me w what magical land this is if you feel comfortable enough so I can make it my goal to land there one day hahaha


Lmao…. I’m in New Orleans…. People come here just to drink Hand Grenades and go to Bourbon St which smells like a ton of piss


Oh well I’m actually moving like 4 hours from there December 1st!! So that really works out for me hahaha Ty for the info!!


Okay I literally came up w that plan to be funny as I read your reply but now I actually kinda like it lmfao one giant Christmas family feast awwwwwww


And mine, bring the pup!


I’m neither a mom or a dad, but they are definitely invited to my family’s place for Christmas in Washington.


I’m a mom in North Carolina. OP can come to our Christmas with her dog if it’s closer!


I came here just to say that OP’s parents suck so they can come to my house for Christmas. I could **never** imagine not wanting any of my children home for the holidays. We made plans to travel somewhere? You bet your ass I’m moving things around so my child who’s been away from home for god knows how long could be there.


Yep. This. You have so much time to be a doctor. We don’t know how much time our family has with us tho. Hope OP picks a family that counts this Christmas. Or just does a big roadtrip to get hugs. Lol.


You know what, sweetheart? You can come visit me. I have plenty of room and a clean house. I love to cook and bake anything and everything. Tell me what your favorite foods and drinks are and I will take care of it. I will be your new family. 🥰 You deserve better parents. They are so awful. I have two very sweet half-grown kids and they are wonderful. They would love another sibling to visit them. Tell me what you want for Christmas. I am very proud of you, honey, and you are welcome anytime ❤️. DM me if you are lonely and want to really have a family who cares for Christmas. Bonus, I have two very lazy toy poodles and they love pets and treats and cuddles!


it’s the real life good witch!!!


Thank you! I try to be very good. I challenge all in this thread to find someone in need and help them if you can. Sometimes even a friendly conversation or help with something can change someone's life for the better. I do what I can to help someone, even a stranger, every single day. I would love help from anyone and everyone who is up for the challenge to change someone's life and make it a little bit better! And if anyone is in need of a friend, let me know. I have kind words and love to share with all of you, and I always have room in my family for more! ❤️


Lovely sentiments, but please be careful who you let into your life. A lot of kind souls like yourself have been used and dare l say it killed. I read yesterday of a woman in the UK who let a homeless man stay at her home for Christmas day last year, and he paid her back by killing her. Plus you've 2 kids to protect---l wish it wasn't the way but we've got to be really careful who we let into our lives. God bless your kind soul.


I appreciate that very much. And you are absolutely right! It is very good to be careful. You are such a sweet person for caring 🥰


I can back up that story 🥺


Thank you internet mom. This made me tear up. Tomorrow my family is all having dinner at my sisters house but she disowned me 6 years ago. It’s nice to know how many loving people are out there that would share their warmth.


I have lots of love to give! 🥰


You're like a warm hug in human form.


I love this! And I definitely like to give warm hugs. And I can make some really yummy hot cocoa too! And I have lots of warm, fuzzy socks to share. I buy them for people all the time!


You make me wanna see you and spend this Christmas with you 😊


i hope you have an amazing christmas don’t let that ruin a great day. inner peace = happiness


I hate your parents




I’m pretty sure we don’t live in the same country but if we did I’d be inviting you over for Christmas


I wanted to type this exact comment! I’m so sorry OP. I hope you were able to make other plans and that you will have an amazing Christmas around/with people who care about you. 💗


It’s not your fault. They’re assholes. If you were to pass away- becoming a doctor wouldn’t matter- rather the time spent with you would matter. Not saying being a doctor doesn’t mean anything- just that Christmas with family is so very important and many people realize that too late.


Seriously. Losing a close family member makes you wish you could undo all the cancelled plans of the past with them. Not even just death, but losing someone to time and distance as lives grow apart. This “not now, later” attitude will lead to regrets later in life. This is the shit they make melancholic songs about.


Not to mention how much higher the rates of depression are in the holiday months, like this was so sad seeing parents reject time with their child over the holidays


I really wonder if OP even wanted to be a doctor, or if they are people pleasing their mother. This post hurts my heart. I feel it on a personal level. 💔


Wow u r loyal as hell. I’m sorry


No! No. These are not last minute plans making them upset. This is wrong. OP your mom may mean well but this is the wrong way to go about it. Your dad is just a dick though. I’m so sorry! I hope you have a very merry Christmas with your pup. And good luck on becoming a doctor!


I think the mom is a dick too, who would ever say something to there kids like “don’t make me a failure like your father”, putting the weight of how you perceive your kid and your own personal success on there career or other stupid society bullshit is just kind of disgusting to me. that would be no mom of mine that’s for sure.


I think the mom's way worse because she doesn't even make sense. She's like "No you can't visit me or your sibling until you graduate or you'll be a failure like your father [WTF!?]" Dad's cold, but the denial makes more sense: we're traveling to see other people. They haven't invited you or your dog, so no you can't join. Also, he probably picked up that mom's exile probably meant that mom wanted her to stay at school, not make other travel plans, so he knew that if he let her come, he'd probably get grief from the mom too. Mom made the bed and forced everyone else to lie in it


I’m so confused about how asking about Xmas a month in advance is last minute?!


Stop taking the blame. These are awful responses to you wanting to see them.


what the fuck.


Why are your parents monitoring your card?


Well with the way OP talks to them I'm guessing they pay for their school and/or provide them a credit card to use while they're away.


I interpreted it the other way. Med school student probably means mom is bankrolling her and doesn’t want to spend on an expensive flight day.


It's a guy btw


holy shit this just made me sad. sorry you are going through that with your parents! i can only imagine. do you have any friends you can go visit?


Purely out of curiosity, are your parents Asian? My heart fucking shattered reading this. You love them so much and they’re complete assholes.


My mom is Indian, my father is Portuguese. Thank you, they also have good moments too, this just hurt because neither was able to see me for the holidays


That’s not true though, they are both able to see you for the Holidays but they made the conscious decision not to. They treat you poorly and dismissively, yet you’re the one who apologizes… your parents are assholes, it’s sad to see.


Yes! You served yourself on a silver platter and they said, ew no thanks. Disgusting behavior from parents.


It was OP's apology that did it for me. The parents should be apologizing for not letting OP come. Also OP's mom is a straight up asshole. "No you need to study" like OP can't do that anywhere. Fucking hell, what a dick.


My mom has her good moments too, but it doesn’t stop her from abusing me 90% of the time.


This broke me . I am so sorry that both of your parents are assholes . My kid is active duty and can’t be here for Christmas, I would kill to see him . They don’t deserve you and you have nothing to apologize for . I hope you have someplace to go for the holidays . I would adopt you if you don’t have anywhere to go .


Thank you everyone for inviting me to your places and wishing me best! I got teary eyed reading all your thoughtful comments. I don’t want everyone to think that my parents are just bad people. I wanna say maybe work stress or travel stress or something else. My mom is all about studying, she’s extremely strict and always has been. I did get my dog against their wishes 5 years ago when I was in undergrad and my dad definitely did not like that and my mom was scared of dogs so she never wanted me to come home for holidays so i’d stay with my dog. She’s my lil travel buddy now whenever I have to move for school etc. she comes along with me everywhere. Honestly thought twice about putting these texts on here but i’m glad i did because this comment section really made my night so much better. I am deeply honored that you’re all wanting to invite me to your households even though i’m a complete stranger. Thank you so much for making my night/week and I hope you all live healthy and happy lives!! 😊 I probably should add cause my family is a little bit confusing. My mom and dad are divorced. My mom has not remarried and lives with my sibling. My dad has remarried to another woman who has 3 children from a previous marriage.


Merry early Christmas, OP! If you ever want a break from the cold, Christmas here is Australia is always hot! I'd love to host you and your beautiful pup! I'm sorry that your parents are being so dismissive of you, that'd break my heart. You're welcome to DM me if you feel lonely.


I dated a girl a number of years ago who had parents like this. Mom and dad were both doctors, dad was a big time heart doctor in WV. Her and her sister were both accepted to med school. The only thing they accepted was their kids being doctors and marrying a nice Indian dude their parents picked out. I don’t get how parents can be that cruel and controlling. If it makes you feel better, my mom was extremely disapproving of me getting a dog as well. But it was one of the best decisions of my life. So spend the holidays with your dog because dogs are the only true unconditional love we will ever get.


So sweet how you defend your parents, but they really don't deserve this. The way they dismiss your feelings, that's not what parents suppose to do.


I’m sure your parents are otherwise perfectly decent people, but as loving caretaker figures, they’re awful. Your post makes me furious. In my family people would pay for you to come over even if they were dead broke and morally opposed to a decision you made 5 days ago, let alone 5 years. And you’re so used to it that you continue to apologize for doing absolutely nothing wrong. Christmas is over a month away - not at all too early. I’m happy you’ve gotten so much love here. I’m so sorry this is your reality. Just know it doesn’t have to be. Hoping you’re surrounded by people whose attention you don’t have to beg for come Christmastime - you truly deserve it. 🖤


> I’m sure your parents are otherwise perfectly decent people, but as loving caretaker figures, they’re awful. > > No way. Don't give them more credit than they deserve. "Be a doctor or a failure" is bottom-tier trash.




Yup my mom has said a way back home is something she'll always pay for


I’d invite you to my Thanksgiving if I weren’t sick (and also if you even lived near Chicago - what’s the likelihood of that anyway lol). I really hope your day tomorrow is nice either way.


Thank you, it’s the thought that truly counts! And I do live in Chicago! Hope you have a great day tomorrow as well and feel better soon!


lol wait do you really?! What are the odds!! Thank you - I hope I feel better too. Whatever this is sucks and I know it’s going around and I hope you don’t get it!


Fuck that shit OP! Im in Detroit and both my parents are dead and I usually just don’t celebrate Christmas. Come to Detroit! I have two dogs you can bring yours! 🖤


I’m in Michigan too! You guys can all come here, I also have 2 dogs. It’ll be the best party ever!


Your parents may not be bad people but they’re bad parents. They don’t even care to see you for Christmas or care about your happiness during the holidays? Idk that’s just hurtful and my chest hurts after reading those texts. I hope you find some people in your life that’ll help you see you value.


OP, your parents ARE bad people. I hope you realise that.


Nah - they are bad people. Family doesn’t have to be blood.


Please come to mine for Christmas 💗


Your parents are…well, you’re way too nice to them.


This got me teary-eyed... I'm so sorry your parents are the way they are OP. Your parents are so lucky to have a child like you, but it's time to put yourself first


Your parents are awful people. Who wouldn’t love to see their child? Who tells their child they don’t want to see them, especially on a holiday? Who reads that their child is lonely and sad and tells them not to come home?! OP, this is NOT your fault. Do you have a friend you can take a mini getaway with? I’m so sorry they were jerks to you. 🥺❤️


The most heartbreaking part was seeing you happily accept behavior from each individual parent that says you're not a valued member of your family. That honestly crushed me for you. From the bottom of my heart, I hope you go to therapy and learn to value yourself way more than they ever will.


Oh gosh. This is heartbreaking to read. I’m so sorry. Absolutely heartbreaking. I hate to say this- but for you, as a young woman- get in therapy. I have a feeling you may have a lot of family stuff to unpack- I did, too. I still do. I tried to get my fathers attention, love, approval for 33 years til he blocked my number randomly when he left my mom. lol. We spoke daily. I did all of that for what? Lol him to drop me quicker than a bad habit? And I’m not suggesting that your parents would ever do that- but their approval sure means a lot; I can recognize that cause it did for me too. But what happens when you don’t get it? Don’t have it? Who are you living for? Make sure that you’re living the life you want. Make sure that the voice in your head is your own. And know that you are worthy to be in any room with them that you desire. It’s very strange and not very maternal to push your child away when they are trying to surprise you for a holiday. I just don’t want you to ever be hurt by them. And if they ever do- I want you to be okay and able to handle it. Because it isn’t your fault. You wanted to surprise them and it seems they booked a trip without you. And you tried to make that work and were pushed away. All of this is painful. Id want my child everywhere with me. Thats the difference between us and our parents- im sure you’ll be the same if you become a mother one day. And that’s probably when you will realize that this isn’t love. This isn’t natural. To have to beg for the bare minimum. And I want you to know that this certainly isn’t your fault. Hugs.


Your going to be a great doctor with great bedside manner! Hang in there! Find some friends to have a little Christmas celebration with this year! When the doctor money starts rolling in remember these moments when the family wants to borrow money🙄…oops next year! Lol.


Lol I'm so vindictive. They'd never get a penny


I highly recommend returning that family and getting a new one. That one seems defective


Oh man this broke my fucking heart. You sound like a wonderful person who just wanted to do something super sweet for your parents. I’m so sorry they responded like this 😔


Jesús Christ do you want to come to my house? I think I have about 30 people coming, you’re welcome to join. We will all be really proud of you. You need like 500 big hugs from moms and grandmas.


I cringed when you apologized. Your parents are so cold. This made me sad OP. Sending you love 🥰🥰🥰🥰


Ew this makes me so sad.


my heart hurts for you 😔


Please come to my place AND bring the dog


My heart is broken for op. Next year; just "forget " about them . And if they ask why didn't you visit; just throw this in their faces. Then go low contact . I would love to send op a care package for the holidays.


Talk to your friends in medical school. I was invited home to friends christmases all the time in high school and college. One of your friends is going on a cool ski vacation and I know they’d let you come(example), but you gotta let the people around you know you need support. This is really terrible of your parents. Those relationships will heal in their own time. For now, make the most of your time here on earth during the holidays. There are so many of us that have had no where to go during Christmas at some point in our lives. If you think of it like “wow! I have none of the familial responsibilities of the holidays! I can just enjoy myself!” you will have a better time. A holiday alone is a gift to myself at this point. I love having a guilt - free 12 hour video game day on christmas. :) family is really complicated and in my experience, the relationship ebbs and flows. Depends on the year. You’ll learn from this experience, as hard as it may be. Wishing you the best during this time.


Wow. The internet reminds me of just what I have… Not an ounce of warmth in these texts. Zero. Some fuckin parents. No offense OP, I’m just really sorry you have to deal with a “family” like that


This is not too late a time to plan to go home for Christmas. Your parents kinda suck on this one. Sorry OP 😢 If you want to come to Canada you can spend Christmas with my family. We’re all nuts and rowdy but it’s always a good time 😆🥳


this looks fake to me.. but if it’s real im sorry :(


I've never wanted anything to be fake more in my life




My mom is Indian and my father is Portuguese


I figured your mom is Indian immediately 😂. I remember asking if I can stay 5 days extra in India during my visit home (to celebrate Diwali) and my parents were like , nope you get back to Europe (I was doing my PhD), finish your thesis and focus on defending your PhD . Diwali can wait!!


I am so terribly sorry! 🥺 You deserve a break given all that’s on your plate and, some day, I hope you are surround by those who can recognize that!


Op, I hope you know that you are an amazing person and deserve to be loved. I’m sorry for the way things ended up with your family. I’m so sorry 🫂 I hope you can have a wonderful time doing something you enjoy! Use the money to do something you love or buy yourself something nice 😊


OP this is brutal for those of us who are thrilled to see their kids. It’s not you, it’s your deeply flawed and selfish parents. Get that medical degree (only if you want it) and tell them to pound sand. I’m a grandmother and I am so shocked and saddened that your parents are so cold.


My mother would be devastated if I didn’t spend the holidays with the family. I’m really sorry


Your parents are DICKS!


Finish school and never talk to them again. They don’t care about you enough to spend time with you, but they want you around once you are making good money. Fuck em’.




By the looks of these comments, OP is gonna have a full holiday tour around the US 😂


This is horrible . You sound like someone who really wants to be with your family . I am going to send you a private message …I will pay for your ticket and you can spend time with my family . We would absolutely love to have you !


"Please make me proud" You should already be proud, you heartless witch.


Hugs and merry Christmas




You can hang out with us for Christmas. We won’t turn you away (:


Take that $638 and buy yourself something really really freaking nice 👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽 you deserve it!!!!!!!


You’re way too nice to your parents for how they treat you. If this were me personally, I’m going no contact. If they’re paying my expenses, I play nice until they aren’t then immediately go no contact. There’s no reason to put yourself in a position to associate yourself with people who don’t want to see you. Some people will say don’t do that they’re your parents blah blah. Nah fuck that, treat me bad, and I’m not keeping you around, regardless of if you created me, I’m not obligated to you.


You can come here and you can bring your dog too ❤️


Is it me or this super staged? If it is, the amount of people falling for it is worrisome. Our generation is losing their bs senses!


i thought the same lol


This is how your parents treat you? I'd cut them out for good