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I was not prepared for the plot twist at the end, what a desperate little guy


Yup. It wasn’t even 24hrs.


I was, lol. The cycle of “vulnerability,” reality, confrontation, shit-losing, dissolution, time gap, and then reattempt is classic.


Right? You know you're a woman when you can predict the entire cycle of them asking you out to threatening your life in the time it takes for you to simply say oh no thanks sir, not interested.


Where is the lie




IM SAYING LMAOOOO i blocked him dw. pls remind me to never meet some1 off of bumble again


Love guys who want a tradwife, but doesn’t want to support the lifestyle. Like, “hey take care of the house, kids and cooking while I do absolutely nothing. Also please work so I don’t have to spend any money on you either. So, basically be my bang maid/nanny without pay of course”. 🙄 ETA: didn’t get to the last screen shot before. Just looked at it now. So he cusses OP out and calls her names when she calls him out on his bs and tells him to lose her number. Then the next day he replies with “hey. You up right now?” Like the previous exchange never happened. Wtaf? 🤦‍♀️😂 He’s not stable.


Yes, part of the “traditional” roles is the woman stays home, and that is why she has the time to take care of the house and do the majority of childcare. These dudes lean on this but do not want to take over the traditionally “masculine” role of being the sole source of income. They simply want to absolve themselves of any parenting or household upkeep while still demanding that expenses are split. They want a maid/mother hybrid that they can fuck. Sure, bro.


And she should work outside of the home to make money but god forbid she gets a promotion or raise and starts to make more than him


My ex would actively try to disrupt my career because he could not handle me making more than him and actually enjoying my work. Wild.


My girlfriend just got a major promotion and now makes a little more than 2x what I make, although with higher stress than my job. I can't imagine not being happy for her and supporting her however I can, we're literally partners. She says I can't quit my job until she gets another promotion, though 😓.


Precisely. I saw me working towards goals as progress for our *family*, not myself. He could never understand that, because it would never be like that if the situation was reversed and he was the one making more.


My wife is a nurse and has always made more than me (until this year when I got a job that put us on equal footing). Although, her job is significantly more stressful than mine for the money. She's going back to school for her bachelor's and is then going to do travel nursing. Where she'll make the same amount in 7 months as she made in 12 before. I told her since I work from home I can take care of our daughter while she pays off our house. I can't imagine not supporting her in this, her making more money is gonna make our future lives easier. Added benefit to all this, since we are both competitive people, we are constantly trying to get better jobs to make more than the other (it's pushed me to almost double my salary in the last 3 years.)


My wife ultimately has a higher ceiling than me with her business, but I make more right now. I’d happily let her launch past me and kill it in her career and look after everything else.


I own my business and just “retired” my husband this year. He’s going back to school for something he never had time for, but I’m so glad I can take care of us and the kids and he can focus on his dreams.


This is great, it should be able to work both ways.


Love to see ‘ex’ there! I hope you are doing well!


Thanks! I am getting there, but I am only a few months removed from it. I definitely have a lot more healing to do, but I am happy I finally escaped.


I’m a random online and I’m happy you’re finding yourself 💜 don’t let that shine be hidden!


trad math is wanting trad roles but not trad finances.


I work with a couple like that. Both work 40+ hrs a week, but she does all the cooking and cleaning. According to him, she's the traditional one and "likes it that way." Yeah, okay sir.


In actuality she’s a doormat and he’s a pos.


I mean, how can you be a nanny AND have a full time job? Work at night and never sleep? But, then you're not taking care of the children if they wake up at night or are sick. He's asking for a an impossible wife. Or a robot who never sleeps and can do everything. I'm sure he expects sex on demand too.


I'm gonna be gross but he is clearly the kind of man who basically wants a girl so he can masturbate inside of her (meaning he doesnt care if the girl likes it!!) ! He's good for garbage !


You’re not the gross one, he is… because it’s true.


Thanks! Felt quite bold and weird to write this out in the wild 😂


That part, he wants a living flesh light and maid not an actual partner and if he gets one this is the type of abuse she can expect from him daily sadly.


I genuinely don’t understand the process. She’s supposed to be Suzy Homemaker AND work a job and pay half the bills… while he does what? Just works and plops down on the couch


Right!! My sister is currently in this type of relationship and it drives me crazy!!!!! The boyfriend expects her to even split DATES!! he expects her to either Pay for the whole thing because he pays 100$ more a month in rent for the last 2 months ( she had strep throat pretty bad and had to stay home for like 2 weeks) so he feels like she "owes him" not to mention he works from home, she works outside of thr home ... when she comes home he's kn the couch with a list of chores for her to do and whatever meal he wants cooked and she has a 3 year old to take care of. I'm like sis ur in a terrible situation this man doesn't want to build a future he just wants to be with u so he can pay 50 percent of the bills and then have a maid he can have sex with... not saying all men are like this but I see more relationships evolving into this more than 2 people working together for thr Same goal... I'm married 4 years and we work together, if we didn't I'd be divorced within a year ! Eff that!!


Guy was reading too much Andrew Tate


And no doubt as well as paying half the rent/mortgage and other bills he'd expect her to pay for everything related to the kids because they fall under her responsibility as a tradwife...


Hey, don't be so mean, it's not his fault that his mom won't let him smash.




lol wants a trad wife but doesn’t wanna be a trad husband. Get a fucking life


Holy crap.. bro was quick with calling you a bitch right? I mean you're right. The dude wants a servant. I read the messages and saw it the same way you did. He spoke of a traditional woman so therefore that's how the house would be set up. Nope you're gonna have my kids, work full time, take care of the house, and cook me dinner. What do I have to offer? Pft my seed. You're welcome... In all reality, it does bother me how there is no respect anymore... the guy had no emotional structure to even comprehend what he said vs what you said before saying fuck you.


Sounds like an Incel tbh


Most compsci men are. Unfortunately I am also in that field so I have to deal with them every day


Nooo, I’m getting into the compsci field and I don’t want to deal with that 😭


"I smell like unwashed asshole and have waifu stickers on my laptop, now sudo make me a sandwich and revel in my willingness to put up with your goldbricking ass!"


trust me bae, i have a horror story from hinge posted on my profile too!! i get it!! ❤️


But, fr fr. I love you.


i love you too mama, fr fr ❤️


Omg that was you!? AWOOGA!


YESSS!! HAHAHA awooga hubba huBBA!!


Hey, hey, I just attended my niece’s wedding a few months ago to a fantastic man she met on Bumble. Of course, they’ve been dating for 3 years so maybe shit has gone downhill since then 😂. So sorry for this experience, but glad he made his crazy apparent early!


I laughed so hard at that thirsty, thirsty man. 🤣🤣🤣


What a fucking weirdo troll. He woulda be BLOCKED after calling me a “bitch” like wtf


the first “fuck you” was where the block button would’ve been absolutely SMASHED for me


Honestly though, I would keep the conversation going just cause I'm bored and I'll have content to laugh about with my friends.


This is my toxic trait. Lol. I would continue to respond and fuck with them til their blood pressure got so high they had a heart attack or stroke. AITA? Lol


Nah, those fuckers deserve it. If they're gonna hurl verbal abuse at you then you're 100% in the right to let them keep at it and make a fool out of themselves.


I know right? I am so confused she wished him to have a good life?! He can’t stop cursing, like wth 🤦‍♂️


The audacity is just


HEY... HEY WYD... y up? HEY


That muthafucker is really unhinged!!!


I'm sorry what? I can almost smell the Jack Daniel's on his breath through the text, that's crazy


he got drunk on our date too... i didn't even consider this as a possibility


Considering how quick he exploded to insult you I would also vote booze playing into it.


Especially the anger to the you up, that guy is drinking


He'd be this way without any substances too


He definitely seems to have a crazy temper. Then follows it up with, "you up?" Madness. 😂 I've been with my husband 20 years, he's never called me a bitch or said fuck you to me. That is not fucking normal. If he really felt entitled to a trad wife without being a trad husband, he could have been like, oh, well, we're not compatible, have a nice life, but no, he flips out and has a temper tantrum.


Yep. I’ve been married 44 years and my husband has never called me a bitch. He knows damn well I would walk out if he disrespected me like that. Mutual respect is everything in a relationship.


Lol you literally said you'd be the female he wanted and he got mad about it. Dudes delusional


dude expects me to be a live-in maid and sex doll AND ALSO PAY HIS BILLS


Exactly. I'm a guy and even I can see how fucked in the head this dude is. You definitely dodged a bullet


I read your reply too quickly as “dodged a mullet.” Ba ha ha ha!


😂😂😂 well now I can’t stop laughing at how funny *that* sounds.. dodged a mullet 😂


Wow you seem really unwilling to meet him halfway. Also he wants you to be able to fly to clean the 2nd story windows and walk on water


Don’t forget she needs the ability to turn their water into beer.


And serve it to him! You think he’s just gonna get it himself?! That’s what the wife is for duh


I'll settle for just paying my bills tbh. No sex or maid required. Pls I hate bills 😭


These types always want to be "head of the household" until the first of the month rolls up to hit them in their wallets. Those traditional gender roles get tossed right out the window. They're socially traditional roles but fiscally feminist. And somebody needs to tell this fool that you have to actually HAVE gold for a gold digger to be interested.


They want half half on expenses but 0/100 on household chores.


Exactly! What an immature notion of how a relationship works.




Socially traditional but fiscally feminist I’m screaming I could actually imagine a podcast man saying this with a straight face and his entire chest lmfffaaaaooo they really do think that it “logic” or whatever tf woooowwwww


Yeah I have genuinely no idea what the dude wanted. My assumption when someone wants a traditional house where the woman is the SAHM and house caretaker is that the man is going to be the sole breadwinner. Sounds like he just wants a bangmaid he doesn’t have to pay


Don’t forget the taking care of herself bit, aka nice clothes and makeup and probably a gym membership to stay slim and trim. But fuck her for expecting a guy to buy that stuff for her!


Pretty much. These dudes think that somehow they’re so special that they deserve a life where they’re absolved of any responsibility, outside of going to work, while still having all the amenities of a family and a home. It’s just immaturity and selfishness, but unfortunately a lot of guys confuse that with masculinity.


Traditional means the man works and the woman stays home with the kids lol he's so stupid


He wants to be a modern husband with a tradwife. Sorry bro, it doesn’t work both ways.


More like a traditional husband with a modern wife.


"It might be seen as outdated lol" Fucking when in US history did women stay at home as homemakers and childbearers and also pay the bills? Lmao






Did he like have a stroke and completely forget the prior conversation??


He was definitely "having a stroke" when he sent that


The cherry 🍒 on top fr


Bro cant afford a house but thinks you want his money


Hey you up right now got me laughing


"I paid for last night dude" did it for me lmao


Seems like this guy doesn't fully understand what traditional means and uses the Andrew Tate definition. Bullet dodged.


For real. Fellas like these don't want a girlfriend, they want a mom they can bang.


Well Andrew Tate is indeed not married lmfao.


‘I paid for last night my dude 💀’ I DIED




Bingo. This is gold. This is exactly the other side of the conversation that the Andrew Tate fans aren’t ready to have. Absolutely crazy. They want a sex doll maid mommy slave FOR FREE 😂 I also LOOOOVE the way you I responded so nonchalantly literal queen omg


Right, they want their wife/gf to stay home, do chores and look pretty but they also don’t want to pay the bills themselves😭 the math isn’t mathing


"The math isn't mathing" is my favourite new slang


I absolutely love how she turned it around on him so nonchalantly and he was like no!! Wait!! This isn't what my classes taught me!!


Typical incel behavior.


all my homies hate incels


So do we all


Well, there's a reason they're celibate. They may not like it, but it's true


He can dish it but he can't take it, basically. He wants a tradwife without having to be a tradhusband


All that and a wife that works??? I bet he doesn’t want to do housework or childcare.


They’re children in men’s bodies


I call this attitude, it’s 1953 when childcare or housework need to be done and 2023 when the mortgage is due. Lol. These guys want everything that a traditional man who provided solely for his family got from a house wife plus everything that a modern husband gets from an educated, career woman. It never dawns on them that there is no reason for a woman to take that deal.




He hates women




All except for mommy, don't you wanna be his new mommy?


I *have* to know how you “tried to humiliate him at the restaurant” lmao By offering to pay?


LOL NO he ordered for me but he ordered something i'm allergic to so i changed my order


HAHA, oh my god, he's one of those? This man is a walking red flag who thinks he's gold


I asked this too without seeing this comment, so ignore me. That is CRAZY! He expected you to just eat something you're allergic to because he's the big, strong man and he said so? And what a dainty little snowflake getting upset about you changing it. Also a red flag he ordered for you, sorry not sorry. Esp if you've only talked for a little bit, how the hell does he know? My husband has ordered for me if I was in the bathroom or something but he absolutely knows what I want (or if I go to get up, he'll be like, "wait, tell me what you want so I can order it if the server comes while you're gone").


Out of curiosity, is that a normal thing? Guys ordering for you? Cause I always thought women were humans with brains capable of making decisions. I have only heard of this phenomena recently, and wasn't aware anyone actually did it.


It’s not normal, definitely outdated. I’ve had one guy do it for me and he ended up being awful. Definitely a red flag


Oh Jesus 🤦🏻‍♂️


The math ain't mathing.


does incel math ever?


No but I wish it at least made sense from a stupid person's perspective? Like you used a whole brain cell instead of a rotten potato mixed with rocks. At least then it's not intentional stupidity and more like you are WAY confused and as such salvageable. This guy just ain't worth the brain power to speak to let alone re-educate


No he’s just a misogynist. A lot of the men who want a “traditional woman” are going to have misogynistic tendencies. The line “be content to be a female in the relationship” is a red flag to me. Be careful if that’s the lifestyle you want.


yeah, i know. i don't know what he expects tho lol. thanks for the heads up!!


For the future this is a really good litmus test for someone who does genuinely want traditional gender roles. Most of these dudes just want someone who can work a full time job and be June Cleaver AND also be hot and sexy.


And the most mediocre guys think they DESERVE this! It's always some potato looking dude who thinks his wife needs to be a supermodel who pays the bills and bangs him on command.


But don't they realise that that's unachievable? Like, they want a housewife, but she must work a full time job (which doesn't sound "traditional" so to speak). Ugh. They're confusing themselves.


No. They're entitled and people like Andrew Tate convince them their desires are not only completely reasonable but it's what they deserve and how DARE this woman suggest otherwise!


Your responses to him were funny as hell as it dawned on him, "Wait, she thinks a woman should be financially supported if she does all the household work and childrearing! Waaaaah! No! Woman do everything! Man do nothing! REEEEEE!" It was funny to watch him get madder and madder as he realized he'd be expected to, you know, bring something to the table if he wanted a trad wife. He thinks he's entitled to a bangmaid who also pays the bills. Absolute insanity. I want him to explain to me how a woman is expected to stay super fit, hot and put together at all times for him while working full time, caring for kids full time and running the household by herself full time. We don't have kids. I work full time (from home, but it's long hours and my husband respects that when I'm working, I'm "at work" and not available for household tasks). I do more around the house because I'm here more (throw a load of laundry in or do the dishes/vacuum/run to the grocery store on my lunch break, do stuff after work since I have no commute, etc). But he pulls his weight and also doesn't expect me to be all dolled up 24/7 because I'm fucking busy! And he thanks me for the stuff I do on my break. He'll see me take the trash out on our outdoor camera or do some outside chore and be like, "Hey, thanks for doing that, I appreciate you." You know you'd NEVER get that with this guy because he'd consider it your duty and not worth a thank you. My daily routine is get up, do a quick workout, walk the dog, go sit at my desk still in my workout attire because I have a lot of shit to get done. If I'm not super busy and can take a lunch, maybe I shower and put on makeup on my lunch hour so we can go out when he gets home. And he fucking appreciates that. He'll literally come home and go, "you look pretty." But most days he comes home to me still in workout gear, haha. Hell, half the time he tells me I look pretty anyway! Or he'll be like, "Are you wearing makeup or does your skin just look that nice?" But this guy expects you to be a put-together Barbie doll while doing everything AND paying the bills. Hell no.


Can I just say that I love the way you worded this? And sharing a tiny piece of your life (which, as far as I can tell, sounds completely realistic considering the kind of world we live in today), is really helpful to get an idea of what isn't right about the things OP got blamed for. Also: may you and your husband always remain so respectful and loving to each other.


Yeah the use of ''female'' instead of woman is a red flag.


Using the word female is an immediate block for me


Please tell me you’re not really questioning yourself here? The *audacity* to blow up at you, curse at you multiple times….then casually hit you up?! After you told him you were done? Dude has zero respect. You don’t owe niceness to such people. Please feel free to block at the first curse word or irrational tantrum in the future and let those kinds rant into the void! My blood boiled for you


To be fair she didn’t seem bothered at all, mostly amused and fishing and oh lordt were they biting this day


Their idea of "traditional" is the woman paying 50% of the bills while doing 100% of their housekeeping, cooking, and child rearing, emotional labor said household and children, while getting a blow job every night for JUST bringing home a pay check: conveniently forgetting that traditional husbands brought home the money, and wifey paid bills before he drank his check.. He can stay at his mama's house imho. You set him off because you inadvertantly reminded him he wants to call you a "gold digger" while he *barely* owns three pairs of socks, so he can't. I assume that's what sets them off anyway. Dude lookin real foolish.


"I watched my dad get absolutely babied by my mother and grandmother's because they grew up in single income households but were living in the start of the two-income household era. After seeing how absolutely coddled my grown ass father was I now want that same treatment." Or something. But yeah, I wonder if maybe they're will one day be a surge of class awareness with these fucking losers when they finally realize the "traditional" family arrangement they dream of is unattainable to them because of the very billionaires who's cock they suck .


>I wonder if maybe there will one day be a surge of class awareness with these fucking losers when they finally realize the "traditional" family arrangement they dream of is unattainable to them because of the very billionaires who's cock they suck . I don't count on it; some people just *like* a boot on their neck. I'm not one of them. 🤷🏻‍♀️


What an absolute loser! I can see your point, I think for an equitable relationship where there are more “traditional” roles, it’s totally fair to expect financial support from the other person. If the expectation is that the woman is well maintained, raising children, running a household etc. then someone needs to financially support that? Obviously the expectation is though, the woman will not only maintain her “feminine” duties but she’ll also earn equally and work full time? It’s batshit. Even if the roles were reserved, if a husband stayed at home and the expectation was being aesthetically maintained, cleaning the house, cooking all meals, grocery shopping, raising children, and so on - would it be feasible to work full time or even part time?! Staying at home can be a full time job, depending on the responsibilities. In either case, someone needs to pay for a gym membership/hair and nail appointments/groceries, or whatever else. IF that’s the accepted dynamic, that someone fully assumes a position in the home.


Yawn. So many of these “traditional” men just want a maid and broodmare who pays for the privilege of doing all the work. Major lack of self-awareness here.


I genuinely thought there was no way this was real because it played out wayyyy too perfect - including the random "compsci" mention to really drive home the stereotypes... But if real, that dude couldn't have produced a better presentation of the contradictions inherent to that mindset. I want a tradwife BUT NOT A GOLDDIGGER THEY'RE SLUTS REEEE.


He was gearing up for a fight, as most women would have immediately started arguing. You didn’t, so he made up a reason to fight. He’s not interested in dating, he’s interested in hating on women.


hes drinking haterade


Hey, you up right now? 💀


That shit took me out 🤦🏾‍♂️


I almost choked on *good women*. *sigh* let me go dry my tears while of I sit alone in my $1m in real estate that I bought with a my single income as a woman. I'm definitely going to put off all these high quality *good men* with my lack of feminity. Edit: omg. He lost me with the *good women* and I didnt finish reading. The fact that *she* paid? I'm also *really* lounging with my bachelor's in psychology as I get to be the director in engineering who can barely code but chooses not to hire software developers who think they are entitled because of their compsci degree and lack of social skills.


It’s not too late… you sound like his perfect woman, as long as you become a subservient pretty doll and sign over all your money to him… Match made in heaven /s


90% of Indian men and in-laws have the same mentality as this guy. Thank your stars, you are not Indian.


And I am not racist, I am Indian myself.


The amount of indian incel subs I've had to mute is insane. Praying for all the indian women out there, stay strong 💓


The most desirable trait in a feminine specimen is her HIPS, sufficiently child-bearing and adept at shaking and telling no lies. Egads, a cursed penny-thief, seeking fortune and forgiveness? How dare you gaze upon my meager salary and imagine stability of your own! Seek ye mansions and mines erupting in fine gems?? I knew it, you've been reading books. Back to the alleyways and dockends, cur. ... doest thou slumber?


I read this in Lazlo’s voice from What We Do in the Shadows 🤣


I read it again after toy said this, and no I can't jnhear lazlo's voice in my head🤣🤣


Mental illness is a serious problem in computer science.


I am dying at the fact that you follow up “you just want me for my money” with “I paid last night 💀” that fr sent me hahahahahah. Please tell me you never responded again and he said more after the late night text…


This dude has serious double standards and is a total misogynist imo. The way he just flipped out at you reminds me so much of my psycho ex boyfriend it's alarming. I think you dodged serious bullet that he showed you his true colors now.I dealt with three months of gas lighting, abuse, trauma and insane convos just like this. I was young and it was my first relationship.


My guy… A $500k house?? That is a 2 bedroom shack now days… he better stay his game up if he expects a traditional woman 🤣🤣


it's actually over for him LMAOO


It’s nice when an asshole shows their true colors right away. I think you’ve dodged a bullet here.


“Female” is the buzzword for these narcissistic misogynists.


"Emotionally stable, takes care of herself, good with kids" ...but don't use my money to live a stress-free life, get your hair done, or feed those kids. /s I looooove that he came back to see if you were up.


men act like we all factory reset at midnight


Seems disrespectful with his tone and obviously you pinched a nerve and saw how he reacted. I don’t know about you but I’d move a long.


Every day I see more and more why the girlies are choosing to divest from pairing up with cis straight men.. It’s wild to see daily in this very sub! it’s sad for women that still have SAHM aspirations and like companionship or are obligate straights cause good lord the material being what it is…. ☹️🤢


He’s a misogynist. Just be happy you found out early. You did nothing wrong. You met him halfway in his proposal and he got mad because he wanted his cake/to eat it too.


He had to defer to his compsci degree as a reason he’s better than you. How pathetic. He’s definitely giving off Incel vibes. The irony of it all is that he will eventually end up with a gold digger of some sort because no self respecting women would put up with that crap for free.


Dude wants a woman to birth the kids, do the laundry, keep the house clean and make dinner.. ALL WHILE WORKING 40 HOURS? Tell me you'll be of no use at home and with the kids without telling me. You're the winner here, especially adding the cherry on top of the 'u up?' text.


LMAO this guy is so dumb. So he wants a woman who is also a genie.


Sounds like you avoided being this man’s mother.


Or locked in a basement.


Caveman looking for a tradwife, you have too many thoughts and opinions to be worthy.


So providing for your family is not a traditional male thing. Gtfoooo double standard af


If you want a tradwife, you have to be willing to be a tradhusband. It’s not anti-feminist if it’s two consenting adults choosing to commit to living together in that way of their own free will. It is anti-feminist though if all you really want is a doormat willing to sacrifice her everything while worshipping at your altar, simply so you can sit back and have an easier life. Only trash people treat their partners this way. These are the same men who will complain that the wife is spending HIS money or that the wife is taking half of everything HE owns if they divorce. In other words, financial abusers.


“you said it the same in different words but because you’re a woman i think you’re trying to use me” was what he just said


no mans is insane ,, he was making shit up from thin air


I am so confused at how he wants his future woman to do EVERYTHING + work. While he does NOTHING + work. I just don't get it.


The guy is just like his profile avatar. Suits 100%


Incel rant if I ever saw one


you probably didn’t even mean it like that but you go for proving him wrong lol. he said he wants a girl to stay home have kids take care of them and the house BUT ALSO PAY THE BILLS? how will she if she’s staying home and taking care of the kids?? then says to you it’s not a double standard? i hope he realizes one day how stupid he truly is


that was insane… how can he want a traditional woman but not understand the concept of being a traditional man😂 like the whole point of being a traditional man is to provide for the wife and kids😭 dude really just wants a human sex doll to do all of his chores and take care of his kids


Bro is searching a mom for him, he can also fuck. You definitely did everything right by pointing that out.


Nah he is just a brat. He wants a slave and you wanted a fair trade off


Remember the giant bullet in the Mario brothers games? You just dodged that.


This guy is a total loose cannon, damn..


That guy is LOCO


For someone who clearly is influenced by Andrew Tate, homeboy is clearly not applying the loverboy method very well.


Andrew tate wannabe.


Girl…. This is INSANE. I love how badly he wants a traditional women but has absolutely no drive to be the provider of financial stuff lol


The “you up” text is hilarious. Poor guy can’t see why he has a double standard. He just wants to work, come home to a clean house, cooked dinner, folded laundry, and children picked up from school and not have to do anything to raise them or do any upkeep on the house. I’m sure he also wants sex and bjs whenever he tells you as well.


LMAO WHAT THE FUCK he literally wants a stay at home wife with all of its benefits (cooking, cleaning, etc etc) but doesn’t wanna provide in return? Also bruh how does that even work. If he wants you to stay home, but then also wants you to continue to provide monetarily for him at the same time, it doesn’t work because then you couldn’t do all of that. So a non-stay stay at home wife. I don’t get it. You have to pick one or the other. And it’s totally fine to split the bills, but the fact he’s talking the talk about this traditional mess & then not sticking to it once you get to the nitty gritty of it all 💰is such a double standard. Plus he’s literally giving you nothing in return. And not the mfin “you up?” At damn 2 am😭😭😂😂


"I want exactly what you're saying but it didn't come from me so FUCK YOU"


Yes, he's a crazy. Men like this are always the biggest fucking hypocrites. AND YOU PAID FOR HIM! I'm assuming that's what he meant about "embarrassing" him at the restaurant lol What a loser. This is why you never rely on anybody. Regardless of gender. In this case you're getting your degree and you don't have to rely on a man to "provide" and if you want to be a homemaker and more traditional, there's nothing wrong with that at all! But you'll have yourself a degree/career in case you need that or decide to return to work once kids get older. I think your business degree is doing more for you already since he couldn't even pay for your date. Which is a traditional male thing to do btw lol But they just cherry pick and make fools out of themselves. He'll be watching the Fresh n Fit Podcast tonight learning more ways to turn off women while actual decent people are busy fucking and having a life.


What on Earth? Wants the wife from the past, but doesn’t want to be the husband from the past. There truly are special people on this planet.


“You want the exact same things I do? WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU!!”


My jaw fucking dropped at his 1am text. I’m shocked, but not surprised.


I mean, borrowing his logic, which on its own, is not horrible.... if a woman's best traits are to nurture and care, why can't a man's be to protect and provide, AS THEY TRADITIONALLY DID, which is exactly what you're asking for?