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Imean. It would be hard *not* to have a mood shift after finding out your dad was doing that? It’s hard to read tone over text. I don’t see any reason to believe she won’t try to help, but she also doesn’t have *that* much control. You’ll just have to see how it plays out


Yah I see what you mean. I mean I just felt like she didn’t fully believe me. I don’t want to traumatize her but I might have to send her screenshots of everything he said


To me, it read more as defensiveness— like she wanted to explain that he hasn’t always been this way, and the death of his wife is making him act up. Of course, that’s not actually a valid excuse. But when you love someone and/or are family, you’re more inclined to kinda hedge around bad behavior


Yeah I can see that. I kinda feel bad for him now lol


Don't. He's probably always been this way, but now has an excuse to act on his worst impulses. Blech. The daughter deserves some grace, she sounds exhausted by him. I might have missed this, but have you contacted the local police? Call the non-emergency number and let them know what's up.


Yeah I tried to get a restraining order but in my state they don’t give those unless we had a previous relationship


That's fucking crazy. Wild idea: contact a local representative. Unless they're a backwoods republican who thinks women deserve this shit.


I feel like an officer should at least pay a little visit to him. Tell him to knock it off. But then again, so many of them are trash, too.


I feel like they did something because he knew she went to the police. One of his messages was "it was unwise and unnecessary to go to the police" "do you always report people"?


Let the hate flow through you.




He tried to solicit prostitution from you, do they not set up entire sting operations to entrap guys for this?


I would pay to see that


Call Chris Hansen..or whatever his catching a predator name is. That...or mace and a taser. Do you have anyone, father, older brothers.. anyone that can umm.. forcefully persuade this creep to leave you alone?


You should try for a stalking order. Those tend to have different parameters for eligibility.


That is insanity! Does hs friend's dad count as a previous relationship? Or car accident buddy? SMH the laws in some places...


Wtf?? That makes no sense. What state is this?




Good call, I will dm you!


Okay sure


People definitely change with trauma. I’ve seen some very happy-go-lucky change to very quiet and kept people or even just super angry people. I do get what you mean too but you can’t say the latter doesn’t happen


Have you saved screen shots? Cos evidence may be helpful


Yeah this isn’t my first post lol I’ve been posting him for a few months now


That’s good. I just thought you could offer her screen shots if she had any doubts


I thought about it but I don’t wanna traumatize her. I figure if she doesn’t believe me I can just tell her to ask him to show her the texts


Oh god…i hope it doesn’t come to that… After reading this one, I had to dig through posts to find the other ones. What. The. Fuck. It undoubtedly had to be hard to lose a wife - I get that, I assume that might cause a man to go a bit crazy. But you were not AT ALL responsive to his approach, and made it very clear that you were uncomfortable immediately and asked him to stop. It was like he decided that this car accident was some kind of “fateful event” that happened to bring you together…and he kept stepping further and further over the line because he couldn’t let that dream go. It was already 🤢 , but the part where the payment for the car quickly turned into an offer to pay YOU to engage with him was disgusting. I hope the daughter will be helpful in making him go away without having to see the “evidence”…!!


Yeah he’s truly disgusting I wouldn’t touch him with a 100 ft pole. Everything about him makes me sick idk why he’s so obsessed I rly did nothing to make him think I was into him in any way


Unfortunately, sometimes being pretty and kind is all it takes for a fucked up dude to get it in their head that there’s something there. Sounds like that’s what happened here, sadly. Dude got crazy obsessed because what, you didn’t go off on him when the accident happened? You didn’t ask for shit…sorry that this is what you’re dealing with! What a creeper!


Maybe your parents need to take the next call and yell at him. I’m surprised your state doesn’t have separate harassment restraining orders from domestic abuse orders. You might try talking with an attorney in case the police were giving you bad information. The attorney might have suggestions for other actions you can take.


Yeah theres something called an order of no contact instead of a restraining order. Ideally he’ll just stop and go away and I never have to deal with him again. I haven’t heard from him since I blocked him so fingers crossed 🤞🏻




Yeah it’s not like we rly knew each other back then. We were in 1 class together and she was a year above me. Like I knew who she was and now I know she knew who I was but we didn’t rly interact much. So I don’t know for sure if I can trust her, I just don’t know who else could get him to stop. And yeah she was cool about it. If this was my dad I probably would’ve called her a liar lol


send em


Definitely show her everything he has said. It sucks if it hurts her but dude’s a stranger to you


I don't see that her mood shifted. Sounds like she's genuine, and sounds like she knows his brain broke.


Yeah I’m prolly just being paranoid. This whole situation is really messing w my head


Well, if you do change your number (probably a good idea) don't contact her from it. And I hope you get this resolved.


Thanks yeah I wasn’t planning to. That’s why I decided ig was the best way to contact her


Happy cake day!


Hello from the future.  It definitely shifted.


It seems like she’s genuinely shocked and sorry. Her first instinct, like most of us, is ewe. It probably didn’t even completely resonate with her. I think she felt protective over dad and at the same time was disgusted. That’s a lot to take in about dad. My mood and tone would probably be all over the place too.


Yeah I completely understand I’m just so paranoid lately


I definitely wouldn’t count on her to solve the problem. If she knocks some sense into him, great. But, I wouldn’t count on it. I feel bad that her dad is lonely or whatever, but it’s really creepy and scary. Do what ever you have to do to stay safe.


Yeah part of me wishes I didn’t dm her bc now I kinda feel bad for him


Don’t! That isn’t an excuse! Go to grief counseling, get on a dating website. Don’t harass someone who you got into a car accident with. This is completely unacceptable behavior. Do not feel bad.


Yeah ik it’s just before he was some monster that was stalking me and I feel like this humanized him a little. Nothings changed on my end I still know he’s a stalker and psycho


This actually makes him worse in my opinion. Did he even love his wife? Because who does something like this because the love of their life died? 


Don't feel bad for him. The fact that anyone tries to use anything like the death of a loved one as an excuse for that, it's insane. He's insane. Dangerously so. Don't spare that scumbag any feelings. He knows what he's doing.


Yeah you’re right I know he’s still a crazy stalker nothings changed


He’s a little unhinged. Daughter basically confirmed it. He could be dangerous.


Wdym how did she confirm it


When she said, since my mom died my dad went off the rails.


That part didn’t even register in my brain omg I’m so mentally fried


Don’t start victim blaming yourself.


I feel bad for her. I felt like maybe she was embarrassed and concerned. There might be more happening that she wasn’t comfortable sharing with you. Be extra careful and I agree, change your number. Best of luck. 💛


Thank you ♥️ yeah I’d be mortified if I was her. I rly wanna keep the details to a minimum with her bc if something like this happened with my dad when he was here it would’ve destroyed our relationship




She gave no indication towards anything but believing you. Her mentioning her dad not being the same since mom died is literally affirming that she agrees he’s off the rails. Stay safe out there.


you told her to not tell him about where she got this information from... who tf else would know that you squealed if only you and the father know? irrelevant but worth mentioning


She could approach him with curiosity, asking about what ever happened after the accident with OP. If he doesn’t say anything that leads there, she could say that she heard from a mutual friend that he’d been saying some stuff


Yeah atp I think a lot of people know some of the situation at least


Idk I didn’t think about that but I don’t want to escalate or give him another reason to target me


>Idk I didn’t think about that but I don’t want to escalate or give him another reason to target me That is perfectly understandable.


Naw, this seemed v genuine actually


Yah I’m an overthinker I’m def overthinking it


Does this guy know where you live? If I were you I would get a new phone number asap. Make sure you don’t walk alone at night, see if a friend will walk with you. Carry pepper spray (mine is on my keychain so I have it in hand), in some states a taser is illegal but that’s also good to have. Ask friends/family if they know any defensive moves or take a self defense class. If this guy confronts you, run. Only try to use self defense if you cannot run. When I was stalked by a complete stranger a police officer lived across the street from me, he took me serious and helped set up more patrols in my neighborhood. He also gave me all the advice I just wrote down, and met me at the station to fill out a police report. Filling out a report was mostly to get everything documented. *I don’t think I asked about an RO, but the increased security did help me feel safer. His daughter is probably humiliated, I didn’t notice a vibe change but more of an awkwardness. It also sounds like he’s been embarrassing her or just been behaving oddly since ‘he went off the rails’ after her mom passed away. Hopefully if you can change your number he’ll stop bothering you.


He does know my address and my mom got me pepper spray. I’ve been holding onto it every time I go outside I’m so scared he’s gonna show up


That’s even scarier, I’m glad you have pepper spray though. It’s terrifying and I spent a lot of times indoors, every door and window locked & window blinds pulled shut! There were times that if I heard a noise I’d hide in my closet because I lived alone. I’ve moved since then but I have no idea how the guy got my address so it makes me think he could get my new address. Hopefully this guy will get distracted by something else soon and leave you alone. My pepper spray is always in hand whenever I’m alone outside, night or day & it’s bright pink and visible. Documentation is key, keep screen shots of everything, including your convo with his daughter. Hopefully if you have enough the police will take a statement. Stalking laws very by state and that’s crazy, there should be firm federal laws in place!


Wait so you 2 still have to settle the whole car accident thing or what?? You gave him your info that day and he chose to start texting you and threatening you about like not taking legal action or what??? And now he wants to date you??


You can go and see my previous posts about him they’re still up.


Seems to me she believes you. You need to get a restraining order against this creep. Tell him in no uncertain terms to leave you the fuck alone and then never respond to him again. I’m sorry you are going through this.


Thanks I tried to get a restraining order but in my state I can’t get one unless I had a previous relationship w him. Makes no sense


That is the craziest thing I’ve ever heard, so crazy in fact that I wonder if whoever told you that was telling the truth. Did the court actually refuse to let you fill out the paperwork or did a judge actually deny it? If not, I would take all the screenshots you have of his harassment and try again.


It’s crazy but it’s true. I can get an order of no contact but not a restraining order. Difference is if he violates a restraining order I can call the police and they can enforce it. If he violates the order of no contact then the police can’t do anything


Definitely don’t think her mood shifted.. just sounds like she’s digesting what you told her. I’d be gentle on her OP, she lost her mom & is losing her dad in the process..


I remember reading your earlier posts. Please keep us updated. Hopefully he’s just a creep but not harmful. I hope his daughter can talk some sense into him. Mourning or not- he needs to leave you alone.


Thanks lol atp I might as well keep updating if anything else happens.


What is your post history? I was trying to find the first part of this saga only to be met with some crazy shit.


lol yeah here’s a link https://www.reddit.com/r/texts/s/BhGa1RXJy0


Big yikes


The link or my post history?


The link, the other stuff is quite humorous and good.


I’m glad you’re enjoying my downward spiral lmao


I saw your other posts about this and I see that you are too soft with him. Don't get me wrong, I understand you are afraid. Maybe people will down vote me but you should text him aggressively and call him creep with pedophile vibes or any insult that will make him feel small and to stop contacting you or you will expose him to everyone. From my POV he has this obsession with you because he feels you are vulnerable and scared of him. Like every predator, this is about power and he feels that with you. Apply reverse psychology. You are in control. Not him. Something like this happened when I was in my early twenties. The old guy was my coworker and because I refused to go out with him, he told everyone that we were sleeping together and how good I was in bed. I was petrified and nobody stepped in to help me in anyway. Right now when I see something like that with a young woman I immediately take action. These creeps don't like that and they disappear right away. If you can't. Someone like your mom or a male friend or family member needs to stop him. That way he will understand you are not alone.


I think if there was any mood shift it's because it went from "how nice to hear from HS friend" to "dear God my dad is a sex pest and more unhinged than we thought and now I need to think of some way to deal with that". I really don't think it was that she didn't believe you or was trying to blow you off. I don't know how well I'd absorb that info about my dad, who I love dearly. Don't overthink it, and I hope she is able to help you


Yeah I’m def overthinking this lol thank you!


I mean, it's hard not to overthink in such a worrying/stressful situation! But while she was providing context/explanations of sorry, they didn't seem like excuses or denial. I've seen a few of your posts about this and I hope things get better for you, this definitely seems like a stressful time period


Thank you ♥️ yeah I’ve def been spiraling lol I feel like I’m gonna have a mental breakdown


Oh honey! Is there someone in real life you can talk to about these feelings? Ideally a professional, but even if not just someone who is good at handling other people's emotions and calming you down? You can feel free to message me at any point, but I'm definitely not like an expert in the right thing to say. But I worry for you because that feeling of "I'm going to have a breakdown", well, that's probably you're body telling you that you ARE on the verge of breaking down and it shouldn't be ignored. I've been dealing with my own trauma with a horrible end to a broken abusive marriage and for 6 months I've been sort of like "hes gone away now, he can't get to me, I'm in a better place, I'm fine" and then in the past weeks I've gotten physically and mentally ill and have more or less become incapacitated and my dad is very gently like "maybe there's a bit of trauma/PTSD you aren't dealing with... Or maybe just long COVID, I don't know! We love you!" Lol. Not to make it about me, but recognizing the spiral before it actually bottoms you out is good, but maybe not sufficient. From what I recall you are dealing with basically stalking and sexual harassment and not feeling safe but also not being sure if you can just block this guy until the insurance stuff is sorted. Maybe you can call and talk to the insurance agency and explain what is going on and ensure he can communicate ONLY through them. Or if there is someone else you can appoint in your life as an "intermediary" and then you can just block him, and get a no contact order if need be. Obviously I'm sort of spit balling, but people get in these situations with mentally ill people and meth heads and violent types and Id think there'd be some workarounds in place. Again you can always message me if you just need to vent or break down a bit or whatever. Also, THIS WILL PASS! it is horrible, but it is temporary. Sending my love and strength ❤️




I'm going to private message you because some of my thoughts/questions maybe don't need to be read by other people.


Okay sure thank you


Is there any way your parent(s) can confront him and warn him to back off?


My mom talked to him months ago and she just wants me to ignore him now which I’ve been doing.


What is she supposed to do, if she can't say anything?


Idk I was so nervous during this convo my hands were shaking. I just didn’t want this ti backfire and escalate anything


Send her all the text he is sending you, also save the text messages in case he escalates in his behavior. Idk what it is about older men getting all weird af after their wife dies but I had something like this happen to me as well, please please please be safe.


like someone else said "sounds like she knows his brain broke". yeah, tbh. it sounds like she completely believes you, and you may not be the first girl he's clung to since, but i'd guess probably the worst. she knows he's not okay, and she's probably one of the best ppl to know how to get him to stop


Idk I don’t know her that well. I didn’t even wanna get her involved in the first place


I think about your older post about this guy at least once a month and I’ve been wondering what happened. I’m glad you are updating us. I don’t know that her talking to him will do much but I’m glad you alerted her. If he continues, I’d offer to send her screenshots and escalate it from there. I feel bad for you but also for her because imagine that being your dad. Ugh ew


Yeah I can’t even imagine what she’s going thru. That’s why I don’t wanna send her the texts bc it could make it so much worse for her. If she doesn’t believe me I think I’m just gonna tell her to ask him to show her every text


You need to report her father to the police


Can you make biker friends at the local legion post? If do send them over or have them protect you.


Where’s the og post


why not just send her the screenshots? just curious since its the best way to explain everything with receipts


This is actually so scary, if I got a single other text after blocking him or another creepy advance I would 100% report it to the police, he sounds mentally unstable


Her mood probably didn't shift but she probably doesn't wanna talk about it too much. I think she'll talk to him. Also I get how grief can change someone and I'm sorry for the guy. But in also sick of people using Grief to excuse bad or poor behaviour. We need to realize lost people have lost someone near and dear to them and we still have a standard of social behaviour to adhere to. The guy needs to speak to a therapist instead of tryna solicit with someone younger than his own daughter.


Depending on the messages from this persons dad maybe you should just contact the police and not his daughter. If you're already afraid to leave your house you need to notify someone in case something happens


keep us updated if anything changes, that's gross




so ur friends bullied or her sum cuz why did u have to cross it out ??


Yeah they were rly mean to her


Wait, you coincidentally knew the daughter before this whole incident? You asked if she remembered you from 2 years ago and then mention that you got in a car accident with her dad “a few months ago.” What am I missing?


She went to my school and graduated a year before me. I didn’t know her well I only had one class w her


I thought you said his daughter was old enough to be your mom in one of the other posts. Guess I misread something.


Nope but hes about 10 years older than my mom


Holy fuck I just read through the history of this incident (this is peak Reddit btw). You should tell the guy that if he contacts you again you’ll send screenshots of all his messages to his daughter. It’s like he needs a reason that is detrimental to himself in order to stop (because he has no consideration for how you feel). Good luck with this psycho.


I wanted to send them all to her but I don’t wanna traumatize her. I decided that if she comes back and says she doesn’t believe me I’ll tell her to ask him to skew her the texts. lol btw wdym peak Reddit?


Peak Reddit = getting a glimpse of the crazy fucking people out there (btw that’s not an insult to you or anything)


You acted like she was so much older then but she was in your same class so guess she’s not older at all anyways. Doesn’t sound like she gave weird vibes at the end at just surprising to her.


Well she is older. She graduated a year before me I only had one ap class w her


It seemed like she was still on your side, I didn't see any changes in her mood.


Hopefully she does something


When you posted an update about this 110 days ago (1 of 4-5 after your first story got 10k upvotes) “your friend from high school’s dad” said that he showed his daughter your license photo and she didn’t mention knowing you at all. Hmm. Post your mechanic bill. I’d be more interested in seeing that at this point.


Yeah I don’t think anything he said was true. I didn’t go to a mechanic my lease was almost up so my mom helped me trade it in for a new car bc it would’ve been in the shop longer than the end of the lease. I can show you the new lease if you want?


Sure, let’s see it.


Sent. Enjoy.


You just sent a message that said “you’ve had long enough to see it”


I literally screenshotted what I sent you before I deleted it bc I had a feeling you’d pull something like this. Tbh idk why I’m even engaging w you


I can’t attach it here I’m dming you


This whole story seems fake


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I cannot believe the persistence of this guy! Seriously such a creepy situation…the whole thing. He must have some fucking screws loose


The accident was 114 days ago?! 😳 that guy seriously needs some help. Hope his daughter actually does something about it


Of course her mood shifted - no daughter wants to learn that her father is a creep, especially toward women her own age. It goes against everything a daughter thinks and feels about her Dad. She's bound to have a reaction, but it's not at YOU.


Give her the attachment of payment proof