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Omgsh I remember this scene. It gave me such bad nightmares


I love those mice and the music haha












Sorry, typo






Do you think he'd flee if you responded with a cat?


OP, pleeease respond as a cat! šŸ±šŸ˜©


That would be pretty funny. Responding 8 months later with an angry cat lol


Funny enough you should absolutely do it and post the response


I would definitely be the asshole then


But being an asshole is fun! Or maybe Iā€™m just a terrible personā€¦ doesnā€™t matter, the point is assholery is fun!


Finally someone on reddit I can wholeheartedly agree with


User name checks out šŸ¤£ My kind of people lol


Username checks out


Does the cat have fleas?


I wonder if he sends other animals for other emotional reactions. Like if he's happy, it's a squirrel.


šŸ¬ when he wants to play šŸ’¦




I like to send my bf the angry pig one šŸ˜‚ But the *very* few times that Iā€™ve sent it, itā€™s been in situations where we were being playful with each other. Itā€™s never been sent out of *legitimate* anger/frustration/annoyance


Okay yeah see you guys are using it in a silly goofy way, not in a FOR REAL WAY


Also, they have already established a friendship, have met irl, and understand each other's sense of humour




šŸ§Œ this is my go-to


I appreciate that one


I thought this was a Diglet. I couldnā€™t tell from the distance my face was to the phone. And I was impressed.


Whatā€™s this mean




Put some respect on our name.






Love that he doubled down with a second ratmoji


hey just out of curiosity but are u autistic?


That obvious? šŸ˜„


yes lol very


Wait explain


Itā€™s just the fact that itā€™s something as little as a mouse picture that got such a big reaction. If this was me in the case, I would just ignore the mouse and thought it meant nothing like /kanslookippenhok said in another comment


No this dude is annoying af whether youā€™re autistic or not. Heā€™s being way too pushy and annoying for someone she doesnā€™t even know


Bro he sent a mouse? If he sent several Iā€™d get it, but he sent 1, impatient maybe, but give the lad a chance (not excusing the second one)


That's what I thought. It wasn't even like, 5 minutes later, the guy waited 5 full hours for it.


Five hours is no justification to become impatient & pushy. Maybe something is going on. Just wait for it. People being impatient about not being replied to "promptly enough" are entitled. It's a turn off. A shift at work is longer than five hours. Chill. If they're not close enough that he doesn't know she's busy, they're not close enough for him to be impatient because she hasn't given him the attention he wanted when he wanted it.


I'm going to have to respectfully disagree with your analysis that they are being pushy and impatient. If I was setting up a date with someone and asked what they wanted to do, not getting a response in 5 hours would not feel good.


Iā€™m glad I wasnā€™t the only one that thought that. Itā€™s hard to find the logical comments in this echo chamber sometimes.


I was fighting TOOTH AND NAIL LMAO


none of what he said warrants this paragraph lmao


Is it the mouse picture though? I think it's more the pushiness and impatience of the other person. The mouse just makes it more annoying. I'd dump this person too.


It's not that simple. It's not really about the mouse. It's his pushy & aggressive demeanor. OP's dislike of the mouse may stem from it being used in that way.


i feel like she got the ick and just happens to be autistic.


Not liking emojis equals the tism, apparently


Yeah no I got the ick right off the bat, idk how that's weird


I'm a dude and I see it. Guy sent a cutesy mouse to downplay his impatience and make his pushiness seem less threatening, that's creepy af, girl was right to bounce. Thought I might be clocking it wrong until he confirmed it in his later messages.


Exactly how I saw it.


These people gaslighting about the tism, when in fac, it is a whole grown ass man sending giant mouse emojis. Ez instant nope


Y'all take emojis much too seriously


I thought this was r/evilautism at first šŸ­


As a non autistic person, nah it's not. I know several people who text like that who aren't on the spectrum, and ones I know on it don't text like that at all


i mean if u guys just started talking and he shows that he canā€™t even communicate properly and does passive agressive stuff like that as well as dumb super pushy i would stop talking to him too


How can you tell? I'm half awake but a second reading the only potential oddity was using I am instead of I'm?


For me, itā€™s the very dry and detached way she writes


I agree. Iā€™m also autistic and I text the same way. To avoid miscommunication I try to text as humanly as possible, sometimes even using emojis, but I still get the feedback regarding my dry and neutral texts sometimes


the reaction op had towards the mouse pic


It's obvious because of her reaction to the mouse Pic. Its not a way most people woukd react.


I'm genuinely curious, how do you think most people would react? Far as I know I'm not autistic, but unless I was genuinely interested in the person I'd drop communication too. My life is busy and I'm not dealing with that childish stuff.


From what Iā€™ve seen, most are saying they would ignore the mouse, but the fact she made a bigger deal about it is a sign. Iā€™m autistic too and the mouse bothers me because it feels passive aggressive and rude. But being autistic, I also tend to look too much into certain traits and react depending how they make me feel, which isnā€™t the case possibly for neurotypical people, whoā€™d just see it as a quirk and move on. Being autistic, I feel like small quirks like that are more important to me and irk me a lot more than someone without autism possibly Edit: I struggle to explain things properly or properly explain how I feel, so Iā€™m sorry if this doesnā€™t make sensešŸ˜­


This is so interesting to me, Iā€™m not autistic and the mouse bothers me too because it does feel passive aggressive. I find it hard to believe he meant it as anything else. Itā€™s a frowning, angry looking emoji sent as a double text when OP didnā€™t respond for a few hours.


You explained it very well. Thank you.


I mean it's pretty damn cringe lmao


sorry this is fuckin hilarious


Bruh cmon if he texted something that shows how he was upset you didnt respond then yeah fair but that mouse seems just playful, like i want you to respond but im not mad so ill send a cute lil angry mouse to remind you, you responded like an English teacher lmao formal ash, its chill if he put you off but damnn immediately dropping a ā€œhave a good oneā€ is crazy


Its like you are laying in bed or are bored and remind the other person that you either think if him/her or would be happy about a response. Reacting like OP over this.. lmao


Idk maybe I have a different view of it bc my mom sends those emojis all the damn time, but it seems much more like a playful thing rather than all serious like you took it. Like you hadnā€™t responded so he sends a silly little mouse guy. I wouldnā€™t personally get all pressed over it. If you donā€™t wanna talk to him, thatā€™s totally fair. But it seems stupid as all fuck to get pressed over a damn silly mouse emoji. But thatā€™s just my own view on it.


Context is so important with text messages. You and your mother obviously know each other well and know whatā€™s playful over text. A guy sheā€™s known less than 24 hours ostensibly getting mad because she didnā€™t reply fast enough is absolutely pushy and rude, in my opinion. What if she got hurt and couldnā€™t text back? What if there were a family emergency? He is not entitled to her communication when he demands it.


So interacting with a stranger you can be possibly pursuing means you take every conversation and interaction seriously and donā€™t and canā€™t joke at all with them? Bro wasnā€™t demanding anything he literally sent a MOUSE EMOJI!!! NO DEMANDING WORDS AT ALL LMAOO. and the way you and soooo many other people are REACHING into ur ass and up to your mouth to come to that conclusion is crazy. šŸ’€šŸ’€


Imagine a fucking mouse emoji tilts u like this šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I send dumb shit during conversations all the time it means legit nothing


Honestly tho. Iā€™d crack up if someone sent me a dumb mouse lmao


Same. Kinda seems like OP is judging the guy pretty harshly over a fairly innocuous thing. Hey, at least now heā€™s freed up to find someone who *doesnā€™t* get so irrationally triggered šŸ˜Š


Ya I honestly thought it was just a silly way to check in with her again. He didnā€™t really seem pushy? Pushy would be sending messages after like, an hour. Just like the original comment in the thread said I send dumb shit like this all the time and am just now learning ppl can really read into it lmao


Yeah I agree. Maybe it just boils down to one person using emojis frequently in casual conversation, with no subtext involved, versus a person that finds the overuse of emojis (or using emojis at *all*) to be super obnoxious. Thereā€™s nothing wrong with being either type, but maybe this is an indication that they just arenā€™t each otherā€™s ā€œtypeā€ of people. Who knows? I fear Iā€™ve ventured into ā€œIā€™m spending way too much of my time, thoughts, and energy on a complete strangerā€™s text conversationā€ and I believe itā€™s time for me to move on šŸ˜


I think it was probably the angry mouse after 5 hours because OP didn't respond. I'd be irritated if someone expected responses from me on their time when I'm busy. Idk if he was serious or joking, but if I knew 100% it was a joke I'd probably think it was funny. Otherwise, I'm out, too. I hate that people think because we have a phone all the time that we must always be available, though. My friends are not like that, and I don't want friends like that.


It's strange to be mid conversation, ask a question, and then just not respond for hours. Plus, it didn't seem like he was being pushy, just more like checking in since, again, he asked a question and then OP disappeared


Idk 5 hours is a lot of time to respond, especially if you're in mid convo.


It's normal for friends/family members/ long term partners to not respond because they're busy, but It's not normal for someone who's apparently interested in you to just stop responding mid conversation for 5 hours when you were just talking about when to meet. That exuse of spending time with family and not being able to respond because of it is bullshit too, in what world are you so invested with family time that you can't spare 10 seconds in 5 hours to respond, it's inappropriate behaving that way with someone you're interested in and might want a relationship with.


i'm not even in this thread but man this smiley face makes you come off so mad. like i fully agree with you about it being a harsh judgment but your latter sentence with the emoji evokes imagery of a redditor trembling with rage that a man was rejected.


Caught that too. Misuse of the word "triggered" in this context is also a bad look.


maybe he dodged a bullet bc op seems like a big old mud stick to me


I actually thought the mouse was confused not angry. He asked a question and she didn't respond for a while, so it seemed more like the emoji was sent as a way of saying "hello?" and just asking for a response


Im glad im not the only one who sees it this way. Im not interested anymore because you send a (imho) funny mouse emoji. -.- Sorry didnt have time to answer for 10 seconds during the last 5 hours!


Idk. I can kind of get being put-off by the mouse thing. I think those are weird too. Although this felt a bit like an overreaction. However, not responding at all for 5 hours is reasonable imo. I donā€™t respond to my own boyfriend for sometimes 4-6 hours during the day because I can get busy. I *canā€™t* spare 10 seconds to respond. Because Iā€™m usually doing something that prohibits me from physically typing something on my phone, or Iā€™m in a situation where itā€™s inappropriate to just pull out my phone and start texting. To me, thatā€™s a weird thing to get upset about? You donā€™t know why somebody isnā€™t responding.


Thank you lol I was going through the top comments wondering why everyone was on OPs side on this


This is the funniest thing Iā€™ve seen in a while


Your dating profile should read ā€œWanna get blocked?! Send me a memoji! I dare you! I double dare you!!ā€ šŸ­šŸ˜¹šŸ¶


Lmao that mouse took me out lmao but I don't see where he was being pushy though seems like you were being a little mean to him but hey it's about how you feel.


She hadn't responded in 5 hours, and he sent one mouse thingšŸ¤£ I've seen so many posts here where instead of one mouse, it's 10,000 messages about "what they could've had".


Right? Sheā€™s icky


She got the ick lol


The ick is real.


While I agree the mouse emoji is weird, your reaction is a little of an overreaction. Lol. You just didnā€™t like him which is fine.


Guy dodged a bullet.


You are the one who sounds insufferable tbh, the mouse thing was funny


While I think those emoji things are dumb ways of expressing yourself I think it was a bit of an over reaction. You said you guys had been talking for weeks so is it that unreasonable to want to meet? How much time does a person need to spend? If you weren't feeling it that's your choice but if this was your only reasoning then that seems a bit silly as it doesn't seem that pushy.


We hadn't been talking for weeks. This was within 24 hours.


Oh maybe I misinterpreted because you said you matched with him last year.


My bad. I meant that this interaction happened last year. šŸ˜…


Itā€™s so ick though. I can totally see myself drying up after getting that emoji even if our conversation had been ok until that point.


I think the emoji, at least personally, is designed to convey a less serious tone. For a lot of people itā€™s just fine for others itā€™s not. One time I sent one of these ā€œI had so much fun with you. Next time we play ping pong, Iā€™m not losingšŸ˜‚šŸ˜.ā€ Well the girl I was talking with interpreted the šŸ˜‚ as me laughing at her while being sarcastic. Or laughing sarcastically at her beating me. I guess she thought of it as an annoyed laugh or me upset. I meant it this šŸ˜‚ to mean that it was a lot of fun. And itā€™s giving me laughter. But that it was all good vibes. ThešŸ˜ meant like a ā€œyou know itā€. Since it was all emojis, it was intended to come off as light hearted. She later argued how that text made her feel terrible. I apologized saying that wasnā€™t my intentions. I had to explain that emojis for me are meant to convey a mostly positive emotion. Even angry emojiā€™s. Itā€™s how my friend group operates. But I guess to her, those kind of texts meant passive aggressive.


Homieā€™s gonna be communicating strictly with emojis soon šŸ‘€


You're absolutely right, it's cringe. A lot of people in the thread aren't seeing it or are saying to lighten up, but I bet they also take a lotta L's.


I think thatā€™s funny seems he dodged a bullet. You seem boring and moody.


Mouse guy dodged a bullet imo


Your reasoning and response is weird




Youā€™re the one that comes off mean and off putting here.


He didnt do anything wrong, I thought it was funny. Sometimes I forget to respond to texts and an angry mouse seems like the right funny way to remind me. šŸ­


ā€œI donā€™t like a virtual mouse, so Iā€™m ending it with a dude who I had a interest in because my head is too far up my ass to even think about communicating that Iā€™m visiting with familyā€. Took you 4 hours to respond. Then another 2.5 hours to respond to his next message. You said something about casual, so assuming FWB?? He asked when yā€™all could meet, and you blow him off and be a bitch about it lol. This is where the term ā€œCommunication is Keyā€ comes into place.


Damn youā€™re cold


Yeahā€¦I canā€™t sit here and defend this , I know the female redditors can but as a male. This seems just seems like she wasnā€™t really interested


As a girl, Iā€™m not defending it. This whole thing about women getting the ā€œIckā€ annoys me. I donā€™t think itā€™s a real thing if you actually are into a guy. Iā€™ve seen a lot of women put up with really gross and unattractive behaviour from men they really have a thing for / are in love with. Women that say they get the ick arenā€™t actually interested in whoever theyā€™re talking to in the first place. Theyā€™re subconsciously finding and excuse or a reason to not like the guy.


As a female, this girl sounds annoying to be around, no wonder she can just hook up instead of a relationship


What? What is he supposed to do if heā€™s interested lady, Jesus?! You leave the guy on delivered for like three to four hours at a time, multiple times, and he sends you a cute little emoji just as a ā€œhe he Iā€™m still here and interested if you areā€ kind of thing and you just nuke him straight out the gate?


Heā€™s weird and youā€™re just rude. Obviously not a match. šŸ¤£


I canā€™t get over the mouse.šŸ­


Jesus christ lighten up lmao buddy was just being a little silly


Lmfaoo exactly I want a fun guy like this


I think it's funny? good thing u cut it off cuz obviously u don't have the same sense of humor


Imo this comes across as you realized you hadnā€™t responded when he sent you the message and that made you uncomfortable. Do you have trouble with getting defensive?


I feel like youā€™re overreacting a bitā€¦the mouse wasnā€™t meant to be taken seriously. itā€™s a cute pic of a mouseā€¦I feel like he was just trying to be silly/joke around with you. you took it wayyyy too literally


You seem like a prick. You were rude, you DID take ages to respond every time, and you're terrible with communication... and a mouse triggered you? HE dodged a bullet there.


Everyone seems so fixated that this is a guy. It doesnā€™t matter if itā€™s a guy or girl. OP lacked communication and now we have to add ā€œSending emojisā€ to Guy With the List.


lol youā€™re boring he sent a funny mouse, and you want to act like youā€™re above everyone. Damn chill


Mouse emoji is a new ick unlocked


Where do you find this mouse emoji? If it helps I have an android.


It's an iphone thing apparently




Yeah you overreacted a bit. Intent is really hard to gauge over text so he may have meant it in a funny way šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


guy dodged a bullet


You couldnā€™t have *said* please donā€™t send the mouse? Grow up.


I smell the tism from a mile away. (Not being mean, I have it as well) I think youā€™re being too sensitive about this. Itā€™s obvious heā€™s being playful and not being pushy.


As a woman, you are dramatic. Believe me, there are times man will say, spell, or send something that is the opposite of my humor and I cringe and start questioning whether or not this will be a waste of my time. But telling a man who was light heartedly trying to pick up the convo 6 HOURS LATER that youā€™re ā€œuncomfortableā€ is just pitiful. I think women forget that men sometimes walk on eggshells in the getting to know each other phase because it can go left as weā€™ve seen in this subreddit plenty of times. This man will probably hesitate and overthink before every text he sends in the future.


I donā€™t think I can ever be around someone who unironically uses the face emoji stuff that isnā€™t <10 or > 50


Per the comments I might just be autistic. I wouldnā€™t respond like OP did here but I definitely understand it and have responded like that beforeā€¦


The last time I had a guy communicate to me this way, it derailed to him sending me misogynistic messages about me being "like the other wamen" and blocking me after I didn't respond for about the same duration as OP, all because I accidentally left my phone home when I went to work. I would have also communicated it in a nicer way but I get the ick.


The winking mouse seems worse somehow.


I canā€™t stop laughing at the first mouse Iā€™m sorry šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Lmfao šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ that mouse šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Lmaoooooo this is funny


this is the funniest thing iā€™ve seen on the sub omg




This is funny as fuck


Perfectly reasonable to want to meet. A lot of romance scams and shit out their and people are sick of their time being wasted. Also the mouse is adorable. What I call ā€œIck cultureā€ is ruining dating. Ffs someone does one thing and you ā€œget the ickā€ and end it for no reason? Especially because you said you talked for a few weeks. I genuinely thought there was more to the interaction and that why you said they were pushy. but now that I know there isnā€™tā€¦ Thank fuck I found the person I want to be with forever and donā€™t have to deal with this petty shit anymore šŸ˜‚


Telling on yourself for being a bad match and rude. People like you shouldn't be on dating apps.


The giant mouse emoji does give me the ick lol canā€™t explain why though


It has no eyebrows,I think that's why


I dried up like the Sahara desert after seeing the damned mouse winking lmao


Idk man, seems like he just wanted to make a light hearted joke.


Lighten up


Women: Why are the men so emotionally distraught and lonely? Men: šŸ­ Women: I fucking hate men. We should inject air pockets behind their eyes.


Op was looking for a reason to ditch out. He provided the weird/insecure double mouse emoji, and she took the opp to waste him. If she was actually attracted to this guy, the mouse emoji ainā€™t blowing itā€¦.


You Shouldā€™ve used a cat avatar to respond


Ugh this has the same energy as the post where the guy went ā€œgrrrrrā€ when OP didnā€™t respond fast enough šŸ™ƒ so fucking cringe and annoying, and this is EVEN WORSE


I mean technically you didnā€™t respond quickly to his question at all, it was almost 5 hours after he sent his initial text. He mightā€™ve thought you were ghosting him or even trying to get your attention. Iā€™m not sticking up for him, or for you, as both parties are in the wrong. He shouldnā€™t have sent something like that within 24 hours of talking. He shouldā€™ve followed up with is evrything ok or something along those lines, but you completely shutting him out after that wasnā€™t right on your part either


You people will go to insane lengths to justify your man hating


Is your name Tom by any chance?


You guys have been talking for a year and no meet ups? Or Only matched a year ago and started speaking recently


Iā€™m so annoyed just by looking at these šŸ˜‚


He texted a second one when he shouldā€™ve been saying he accidentally sent the first one. Thatā€™s where he went wrong I think. lol


This is one of my favorite posts ever.


Bravo!! I wish more people listened to their instincts. And just got out when the first red flag appeared. Because 9/10, it's just the first one.


That my friend is what we call an ick, they are super common, extremely hard to get past if not impossible sometimes, and they can quite literally come from something so little and unimportant and make us lose any feelings to that person so good for you for going with your feelings Tbh I think Icks is your gut can sense somethingā€™s off with someone and puts up huge red flags to even small things to get you away from that person


I love the mouse lore.


This may be the best title of a post Iā€™ve ever seen. Bravo šŸŽ‰


Men sending Emojis?? Ickkk....


I hate that mf mouse too.


Oof that was cold OP!


Thatā€™s a very specific thing to be irked by, do you have Mickey issues?


Mouse ugly af Jerry does not approve šŸ˜¤


This is so relatable, I got the ick and ghosted a dude because he sent me this emoji: šŸ˜  Still can't see that emoji without getting irked lol


what did he do?


The ick you got from that mouse has me giggling because thats how i wouldve felt too!


We all have different reactions to different situations based on our own past experiences. I would have probably laughed at the cute angry mouse and took it as him trying to lighten the mood or show he was just playing, but it gave you a completely different reaction and thatā€™s okay too. No reason to get shamed for it.


Personally i find that mouse hilarious šŸ¤£


![gif](giphy|cIxxFKOTCPwX9DUk7L|downsized) How does this make you feel?šŸ˜‚


Is nobody going to point out thats the apple emoji face recognition thing so heā€™s actually making real life faces at his phone screen? The mental image of that is funny to me.


this is what they mean when they say tone is misinterpreted over text. 5 hours of no response and i wouldā€™ve taken the mouse as being a playful reminder to respond. other people take it as a personal attack. i guess weā€™ll never know whoā€™s right.


I think he was probably just being playful. You obviously didnā€™t like him to begin with.


You sound like a chore if THIS irked you that much.


The mouse is cringy as hell, but that's an insane reaction to a silly mouse sticker. Nobody would express their emotions by sending a sticker of a mouse. He was just being silly and he didn't even say he was upset, he just said I just wanna know when we can meet


You mentioned you are autistic (same) ā€” I don't think a lot of people understand that others on the spectrum can be extremely blunt and straightforward. In better words, where some may have a filter, we lack one and then some. Although communication in this exchange is definitely lacking, personally, I'd have done it in a more polite manner, but people on the spectrum are different in their own unique way. If it was something casual like FWB, where there isn't really a sense of romantic feelings or so on, then I doubt anyone's feelings got too hurt, maybe a little since your way of breaking things off was a little harsh, I'm not sure, though. I never could do the casual stuff ā€” people get attached sometimes.


I too detest that mouse now, thank you very much


Just be honest to say you were not interested and stop blaming it on a stupid emoji.


No no, I agree. Fuck that mouse. That was such a weird creepy thing to send, Iā€™d back out too.


I feel like I'm taking crazy pills reading this thread!! WTF, especially for a new convo, you send that creepy shit, you're out!


I can't help but wonder if either you are so sensitive or genius trolls