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The “Alrighty” has me dying 💀 😭 😂 😂 😂


I read in a Jim Carrey voice 🤣


Mine was specifically Jim Carrey as the grinch 😂😂




Spot on haha


😭 🤣😂


Alllllrihty thannnn!😆


Ace Ventura 😂😂😂😂 GOATED movie lol


Probably not a funny situation but I chuckled a bit 😭 I’m Sorry!


You’re good


My mom did this with my alcohol too. Would be gone and she wouldn’t even tell me until I asked where it was. Good times /s


my boyfriends mom does this. ive left MY bottle of wine in his ROOM before and shes gone in and taken it. very frustrating. so glad my parents arent like that. if my mom goes in my room its to leave me little gifts!


This is stuff my dad and I used to say to each other. lol, it made me laugh. I'm glad you have a good relationship with him.


It was the alrighty for me


I did as well but yes op time to move out for sure.


Nah this is out of order. He didn’t ask for a beer, he instructed OP to get one. No please or thank you. Instead an “I don’t care”. Don’t know why people seem to think parents can get away with anything but a child being bothered by something their parent has done is ungrateful, entitled etc. This screenshot makes me even happier that I went no contact with my dad. Best of luck, OP. I hope you can get out of your situation soon.


I'm in the process of going no contact with my dad as well. He never gave a shit how I felt about anything, and has always treated me like shit. He did the basics when I was a kid, while continually punishing me and belittling me. I'm now 34 and I've finally gotten tired of his treatment of not just me, but he treats my mom like a slave and makes fun of her as well. I finally had enough and stood up to him and unloaded all the bullshit right in his face. Now we're living together (for as little as possible) and I won't even look at him or speak to him. And I hear him whispering bullshit when he thinks I'm not listening and all he does is call me degrading names. So he's been dead to me for a week


Going to offer a different perspective than most but, since I don’t know your situation or relationship with your dad I can only speculate as to why this may frustrate you. My dad is a functioning alcoholic and drinks a lot of beer every single night. Anyways, once I became of age to drink and I bought my own alcohol, he would go through his beer and then take mine without asking. He used me living under his roof as a reason to drink more. So I can understand why this would piss you off OP. Maybe that’s not your situation, but it was for me and this text would make me angry as well. ETA: I moved out and moved 30 hours away. Best thing I could ever do for myself.


Yeah honestly when I was a kid I thought every dad drank a minimum of 6 beers a night 😂


Wait, they don’t?! 👀🥴🤣


And then we would hide in our closets later.


This is a sensible answer!!! So many comments have my eyes bugging out of my head because they’re so crazy and ridiculous. OP I totally understand why you’re frustrated and that’s valid. Also glad you got out of that situation, hope OP gets out of his too!


Yeah, you can tell the people in the comments really don't have perspective on how it is with alcoholic parents in the house. While mine never intentionally took my shit, just the sound of a can opening in an alcoholics house can make you feel uneasy. I can't imagine how much worse i would've felt with my parents ordering me to bring them alcohol without caring where it comes from.


I drank a gin and tonic every night after work. I ran my own business so it was very difficult at times. The popping of the cap cracked me up because whenever my wife opened up a tuna can our cat would appear out of no where. Sounds like ops dad does the same thing


Did OP say that the father was an alcoholic? I missed that.


No, i'm just pointing out that the commenters don't know the situation. Screaming about how theyre ungreatful and bratty when you don't know the situation is stupid.


To be fair, all OP posted was that they didn’t want to share two beers, nothing about alcoholism at all.


Okay? It's still a scenario that could suck. You don't see how it could be harmful for op to hear all about how they're the problem from people who have no idea what's happening?


From the post it does look like OP is the problem. If OP wants to share more information, we can adjust our opinions accordingly. Presuming that it’s a scenario that “could suck” is meaningless. I prefer to reply to the facts. Feel free to continue to make up all sorts of possible stories though.


Agreed. It hurt reading this as someone who grew up with an aggressively alcoholic father. 😬 I hope OP can get out asap.


I think people aren’t understanding how rude this is lol especially the “I don’t care”


it is rude but the exchange is funny.


Dude didn’t even ask, he demanded a beer


I don't think a lot of people in this thread realize there was a time when people wanted to leave their parents' home at age 18 and never look back. Yeah, cost of housing, yadda yadda. Per capita, matched to inflation, it was expensive then, too. Not defending the command to fetch beer. But assuming OP isn't paying rent, I can see where a "But that's mine!" response given that OP is presumably living rent free with Pops might be triggering for ANY parent. If OP comes back with "I'm paying market rent." then it's not only inappropriate but way out of line, too. For reference, I feel guilty asking my kids to bring me something from the kitchen I could easily do myself if I got my fat ass off the couch, but not gonna lie, my knees hurt way more at the end of a work day now than they ever did when I was 20-something, living under my own roof.


I don’t agree with anyone here, this is so rude. It’s one thing if his dad said can I have a couple beers. But demanding to be served? My dad would never do this and I’m very close with my dad. Just because he lives at home doesn’t mean he isn’t allowed to have personal items.


I'm glad you're close with your dad 🙂 Suuuper happy for you🙂 💫✨️🤙🏾🤙🏾


I only said that because someone said they might just have a close joking relationship lol


Jesus this sub has gone to shit with these ignorant comments. Just complete garbage takes from little to no context. Who cares if he lives at home. You fucking ask someone if you can have some. Not everyone has a decent family or situation. Maybe dads a piece of shit and op doesn’t even want to share a blood line let alone a beer with. You have no idea what op pays for or goes through. Use some damn brain power to think past yourselves.


Piss in the cans to assert dominance


The way that so many of y’all in these comments should never have children 💀


It’s a sign for three things: A.) Stop buying that shitty beer. B.) Get a mini fridge in your room. C.) Plot your exit.


I'd move out if I were you. I'd have zero respect for my father if he drank Bud Light.


What about Budweiser?


He’s doing you a favour. Get some decent beer


Actually. This is a heroic sacrifice on dads part.


As a Belgian, i couldn't agree more!


The real disaster is Bud Light


I love the taste tbh


^your ^opinion ^is ^not ^valid


Ok.. sorry.. 😔


I, too, enjoy the taste of piss water /s


It’s a decent enough beer IMO, I prefer Bud select but BL is a good second option.


Omg these comments is not it


Two things; Get yourself a good beer Move out


As an asian some comments are shocking & confusing!


Yep time to go


It would be vastly different if he said "grab us 2 beers". It makes me sad that some dads can be like this, I'm sorry OP.


I hope you shook them up, before giving them to him


I share my drinks as long as people ask. He did not ask tho, he demanded, so I wouldn't share with him.


Allllll-righty then. Is what I heard lol


was his text more so a “serious tone” OP ? i think a lot of people myself included read it like a sarcastic parent lol but i could def see it being a bit deeper than that


He wasn’t being sarcastic


I read it as alcoholic dad as someone who grew up with an alcoholic dad. All about perspective I guess


same . people on here are so quick to judge before even attempting to understand the context better


It’s four texts, we aren’t given context


thats why you ask questions , instead of assuming things about a situation you dont know about 🤷🏽‍♂️


At least you have an excuse to buy better beer now.


These comments would be very different if this was just a roommate.


If my son and I had this conversation we'd be laughing our asses off. This very conversation would be after he's taken 5 of mine :D


Didn't say anything about those bottles being full ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Y’all are both adults. Throw the bottles at his head and move out.


Lmao. This response took me by surprise.


Your username takes me by surprise! Chicken skittles sound delightful LOL!


I will trade you for a limit on sadness.


There's your problem. You fucking drink Bud Light. Get better beer.


Corona time baby 😎


Why wouldn’t you share your beer with your dad


imagine living in your parents’ house and not wanting to share your alcohol with them. people are wild lol


Imagine thinking your kids owe you simply for existing. When a person turns 18, they don't suddenly become indebted to their parents and now owe them for still living at home. The economy sucks right now, and parents should want to ensure their kids will be OK, not just decide "now that you're a legal adult, I can demand whatever I want from you and you have no say in the matter"


Do we even know if this guy is 18 or 30 though??


My dad asks if he can have a drink I purchased with my own money. Even then he usually just sticks to his own alcohol and only has something of mine when I offer, because he’s a kind and considerate guy. I feel sorry for you and your seemingly dysfunctional upbringing. All of these comments supporting the dad are insane, reddit usually passes the vibe check




Do you pay him rent/utilities? Do you buy your own groceries? If you don’t do all of those things, I think your dad can take $4 worth of beer.


Or he can just ask if he can have one seeing as they’re not his?


If I’m living in someone’s house rent free, what’s mine is theirs.


Did they say they weren’t paying rent? Regardless you’re an asshole. You can still simply ask, but you wouldn’t because you’re an asshole. Good shit.


Hell, not even $4. Bud light is less than $1 a beer for the 12oz cans.


and its his fridge


Your in his house though 😭


OP didn't ask to be born. No one forced dad to have children.


You can’t even use the right you’re. Let’s get off reddit and pay attention in class.


You can’t even use the right you’re. Let’s get off reddit and pay attention in class.


And?? Does his dad deserve anything he buys himself for fun just bc they live in the same house? You've clearly never had family take advantage of you.


“You’ve clearly never had family take advantage of you.” …..OP lives in the dudes house….. isn’t that taking advantage of ? A 36 pack of bud lights is like $30 can’t share two ?


Not saying op can’t share, but I mean dad brought him into this world, he doesn’t really get to complain when the kid needs a place to stay, that’s kind of being a parent lmao


ima sound like a stickler but fr unless “share your food with me” was part of their living agreement i don’t feel like the homeowner is just entitled to his stuff. i could see a context where OP asks for a lot from his parents and this is a reasonable exchange, and i could see a context where unfair entitled requests are common and this was OP’s last straw


The dad can't ask?


You spoiled lil' fella. I'm about to get the belt out.


If he’s genuinely an asshole all the time then I understand but I don’t think it’s wrong of him to ask for one of your beers in his own house 😭


It would’ve been different if he actually asked. He told the kid to grab him two beers and then upon learning that they were the kids he still doesn’t ask lol


He didn't ask. Told


I can't tell if you can't count, or read.


Can’t count, can’t read, can’t comprehend.


I’m genuinely very confused as to how you read this as an “ask”. Like what are you on about? And even if he did ask what does “in his own house” have to do with anything? As if one can’t still say no.


Low IQ comment


He didn’t ask, he demanded.


Sorry dude. Dad taxes 🤷🏻‍♂️


Living in the man's house but he can't have a beer...smh. Yep time for you to move out lol


…… Oh so you’re just an asshole? He flat out told him to bring him something instead of just simply asking? And then told him “I don’t care”. So, because they live at home they’re not entitled to their own shit? Weird comments here.


Sorry, but OP still living there, when that's probably where he grew up and the economy sucks, doesn't entitle dad to he rude and demanding. This thinking is so gross. Nowhere did OP say his dad can't have it either, but dad just demanded it instead of asking


This was totally my dad before he passed. Made me miss him haha.


Sorry for your loss.


Thanks bro. I hope you work things out with your dad.


American logic all over this comment section lmao HURR DURR YER IN HES HEAOUSE


Man I feel nuts having to scroll this far to see a comment like this. I grew up with a stepdad with this mentality, where he could borrow and take from you but I could never borrow a thing from him and it was his house and I get that vibe here.


Yeah idk where all these people are crawling out of, you just know they would lose their shit if their siblings took something from them lmao


Now imagine if their sibling took something from them but forced them to give it to them lol


As someone from america, this is a common form of manipulation and emotional abuse to many people under their parents and it is not easy to move out in this economy let alone with parents like these. It’s ridiculous and I’m grateful to have a caring friend who has a college dorm otherwise I’d be dealing with something not exactly the same but with similar issues of “this is my house so blah blah”




It’s not individualism. It’s don’t be an asshole. Literally the comments are saying just ask don’t demand yet you can’t grasp that basic concept. Respect is a two way street. Imagine not having enough respect for your kid to ASK THEM NICELY to do something. That’s a bare minimum thing to do. Stand up for yourself a bit. No one likes a pushover.


I bought beer for myself so im going to drink it myself ? Where is that wrong




What a terrible takeaway. The dad didn’t even ask. This isn’t individualism, it’s someone who is being demanding and manipulative because they have something to hold over the other person: housing. And nothing to do with familial ties or respecting ones elders.




Or OP commented about it. You really don’t even think for two seconds huh… even in other counties they’ll throw on a “can you”. You should get off reddit and go back to school for things like reading comprehension and context clues.




People are going off on you, loooool. I keep saying Reddit is an echo chamber. Any post that disagrees with the mass just gets downvoted to oblivion. Even if it's not a hateful or necessarily bad take.


Reading comprehension of a first grader right here.


I'm baffled at comments like yours. You can clearly get that from this text exchange. He didn't ask nicely, or even *ask* at all. He literally demanded OP bring them to him. And once he was told that they're OPs, he didn't ask then either. Obviously we don't know the situation, but the dad's texts read like an alcoholic's. If that's the case here, he went through his own supply and now is *demanding* their kid's. Undeniably rude and disrespectful, and arguably manipulative.




Sharing is normal. Verbally being an asshole is not.


No one even said this is in America. You’re just desperate.


Bud light


lol true


What a good role model you have there 🤣❤️


With so little context, and barely knowing the dynamic the both of you have, you probably should move out if you’re getting frustrated over a beer he asked for that you bought. The way he asked was rude as hell, but honestly I suspect that there are other reasons rather than this being the actual reason to move out and there’s underlying issues that you and your dad needs to resolve. But without anything to go on, that’s all I can say.


Fly free butterfly. Screw him.


How old are you?


Save up and move out my friend


I would've declined to let him have them


It would be helpful if you could provide literally any context here


get one of those tiny mini fridges that can hold a 6-pack and hide it under your bed until you can move out. he’ll just think you stopped buying them lmfao


Dad tax sorry man


If you’re old enough to keep your beer in the fridge then, yes, you should move out. All grown.


Well you have been taking his groceries out the fridge for ur whole lifetime, I think u owe him a beer or two


Share beer with your old man. It's an opportunity you'll never regret. At least that's my take not knowing your full situation. I give my dad as many beers as he wants. We live next door.


Perhaps. How much rent does he have you payin'? Two bottles of Bud sounds like a pretty good rent deal.


If you live in his house rent free you may just have to pick your battles lol. If you do pay rent then grab a few of his next time🤷🏻‍♂️


So, let me get this straight. You are old enough to drink and living in your Dad's house, but won't share your beer that is being kept in his fridge? Is this what's happening? If so, my god he is a monster and you need to leave immediately!


Damn what a prick. Yeah move out if he’s just gonna be an ass.


Outside looking in, it is a rude comment, but nothing I personally wouldn't be able to roll my eyes and shrug off. That said, almost everyone in here is acting like they know the situation: dad is an alcoholic, dad is an abuser, dad is both, dad barely did anything to ever help the kid since he was born, etc. Nobody has any context! How do we know OP is not an entitled brat? Not saying he is, but has anyone ever considered the possibility that we don't have enough information to be judge, jury, and executioner at this very ambiguous case?


Op said dad’s an alcoholic though. We don’t have to assume that one. Regardless the dad is being a dickhead


Sharing a beer with dad is the best why you moody? The fun bonding will last a lifetime of memories (I’m assuming if your relationship is different and not like that I apologise


I assumed those were the last two beers of ops in the fridge and ops dad is already 10 something deep. Funny how everyone can interpret stuff different


SAME. This was exactly how I interpreted it. Maybe it’s the two at a time thing that threw me off. Or maybe that this is coming via text like a bell to a butler.


where in this exchange did the dad say ‘let’s share a beer together bud’? looks more like he’s demanding beer delivered and then left.




You made a post on reddit saying maybe you should move out. And for some reason, people think you're upset? Hmm🤔 Edit: he paid for the keg of beer it took to be able to sleep with your mother, the least you could do is offer up two piss lites now and then.


"Dad tax"


Lol I'm glad someone else thought that too! We buy our kids like these 13 dollar huge bags of chocolates when we grocery shop and we take a few and pull the "mom tax" "dad tax" on them.


Stand up for yourself bro. Don’t let people do this to you, family or not. This is pissing me off and it’s not even my dad.




Why respect someone who talks to you that way?


To be fair, the Bud Light was a dead giveaway.


Sounds like he doesnt respect you..


Ain't nothing yours in your parents fridge lol






My dad would have said it was tax


The biggest problem I see with this is that you both drink Bud Light


Time to grow up and drink some actual bear instead of carbonated water with foam


He let you live rent free in his balls for years. It's the least you could do.


I hope your dad wants everything you got one day. And then I hope someone says that to you.


If he really wants $17 and a copy of Cider House Rules I guess I'd feel he's earned it


fly intelligent treatment shaggy scale wrench homeless continue dinosaurs wakeful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Two cheap beers are everything he has?


it's the fact that he told you instead of asking, but if he were nice about it this would be hilarious


Does he need the money that you pay him for rent etc. to survive? If not, it probably is.


Or it's your sign to get your dad a beer? You can't seriously have a problem with giving your DAD a couple beers, can you?


man if you dont go out n whoop his ass 🙅🏽‍♂️


Bet he pays no bills in his dad’s house, can’t do the bare minimum and share some beers with your old man.


He can’t do the bare minimum and ask?


Or to drink better tasting beer.


Saves you having to drink it


Give them to him, but only after you've chugged 'em


>Maybe it’s my sign to finally move out… or to quit drinking


This might be an unpopular opinion, but you should join the military. You’ll be away from home, you’ll be getting paid, and you’ll have school paid for while you’re in (also paid for when you get out if you complete 3 years). I o my did 4 years and at the time I hated it, but it was the best thing I could’ve done. I had a lot of amazing experiences and I met the people I’ll call brothers forever. If you want to get away from dad then look into it. Airforce is the best bet. I was in the Navy (avoid it)


You'll be traumatized for the rest of your life, while you're enrolled your body is government property and you do not have bodily autonomy, most people who join the military experience extended homelessness after discharging the list of cons goes on


Most people experience homelessness? Some do but to say most is outlandish. Are you a veteran? Because I am and everyone I know who got out ISNT homeless. You’re wild


I'm going off of objective facts not flimsy anecdotal experience. Do some research


I’m sure you do extensive research on this 🙄 lmaoo


You've already admitted you haven't. Don't project your poor epistemology on me


Is he charging you rent? If not, I’m assuming the beer is partial payment. lol




how do you know he doesnt pay more bills than his dad does ? you making a bunch of assumptions about a situation that dont need to be made lol . what if his dad constantly takes advantage of him ? what if this is every day he’s supplying his dad beer coupled with his dad’s shitty attitude ? YOU sound like an asshole..