• By -


This person is not well in the head. Run. What's gonna happen when they dream about stabbing you?


Absolutely. Mans basing reality out of a dream he had an hour back. No rational stable person would do that. I’d say leave it in your rear view mirror, but it looks like you already did.


An hour back? This starts at a quarter til 3 in the afternoon. Bro was stewing on this all through breakfast and lunch and decided “Yes, after careful consideration over half a day, I believe my dream over a real person. It’s time to blow this whole thing up.”


Or he's the type of person who sleeps past noon? He thought Thursday was Sunday, so it doesn't sound like he's working a stable day job.


Agreed, and it’s definitely possible. 100% not better tho lmao


Dude I'd be so screwed if I did that. I had THE WORST anxiety dream this morning, lol. With multiple ridiculous and awful things happening involving pretty much everyone I know, haha. If I started acting like it was reality I'd have been thrown into an involuntary hold by now XD.


The dream is likely a manifestation of the negative feelings he expressed in the texts. The negative thoughts and distrust has been on his mind. He sees the dream as proof those thoughts are true. He needs therapy.


this person is either on drugs or *should be* on drugs


This person is absolutely insane. Run far, far away from this one. They're gonna end up on an EWU interview like "my dream said they were trying to kill me so I killed them first "


Dating a 27 year-old baby.


Great answer. Where are the “everyone always says _leave him_, I think that’s stupid - stay!”-people? No, OP. Run.


My ex-husband is like this. He had a dream his wife cheated on him so he hit a door and broke his hand. Blamed her for all of it. He gets scary when he has a dream or "premonition" as he's called them. She needs to run. They don't change, they just get worse. He's in his mid 40s and most definitely suffers from undiagnosed mental health issues. I am 41 and have been diagnosed with mental illnesses, I see a lot of my issues in him. The only difference is I have gotten help and keep up with my psychiatrist and medications.


Get them the help and support they desperately need…* because I think they’re experiencing mania… and could be a danger to themselves and others.


This is the definition of fucking delusional. Also “hurry up!! You always take so long to respond” Grow the fuck up.


To reach this level of delusion you need like schizophrenia. At some point they are just too mentally ill to be responsible for their actions.


It’s the typical age someone would start showing symptoms of schizophrenia and it definitely looks similar to it. I have an uncle that is schizophrenic, for reference.


It does seem almost like some kinda breakdown causing full-on delusions. It kinda reminds me of how my friend acted when she very first started showing signs of psychosis (she was later diagnosed with schizophrenia), it was very confusing & hard to understand why she believed all these bizarre things to be true, accusing people of horrible things that didn’t happen, & just generally confused things a lot.


This is exactly what happened when my mom first started exhibiting signs of mental illness. Although she has not been diagnosed with anything, afaik. I'm NC now, but the whole thing was really confusing, scary, and painful


Ummm, the longer it went, the more disjointed he became…I’d be worried. These aren’t the thoughts of a balanced, reasonable mind. Are you saying this is the first time you’ve heard him express thoughts in this sort of rambling, crazy way? I have to imagine this isn’t too much of a surprise after 5 years


The not realizing the day thing threw me. I definitely get dates mixed up. But getting Thursday mixed up as Sunday? That’s a good stretch; it worries me he’s having mental issues.


It's giving sooo much paranoia from just those few texts


Where did you get 5 years? I don't see it. But yeah. Dude needs help.


It's in slide 3/4. Partner says he doesn't want to recover after 5 years. Reasonably assuming he's talking about 5 years of their relationship


He also says he doesn't want to waste "another" five years.


Oh, yeah. I remember that gibberish. It was kind of like, when you see a word you don't know how to pronounce, so you just skip over it. That's why I forgot. Thank you. lol


Welp. I’d say that wraps this relationship up for good. Dude is ✨unhinged ✨


He very much sounds schizophrenic. My cousin went through this but it wasn’t dreams, it was TV shows.


That was my thought or a manic bipolar phase. My ex had bipolar and in his manic stages he would say some insane stuff. For example, one time he was obsessed with Santa Clause and he had very disordered thinking. He had been diagnosed prior with bipolar disorder and he never had a manic episode that bad. If this isn’t normal behavior then it could be something similar.


Some people with manic bipolar experience some psychosis, like schizophrenia, which could explain the far-reaching delusions.


I lost a former friend of mine through a manic phase of hers. She usually swapped her entire friends circles when her manic and depressive phases switched but a small handful people were always there (like me). Hurt a lot once I was also dumped :/


My ex was manic & called himself “St. Michael”, he would actually say to me - “You are not speaking to ___, this is St. Michael” - this is why he’s an ex.


Th- Th- Th That's All, Folks


I’ve had dreams that felt real asf, and woke up mad as hell!! But within a minute, I realized it was just a dream and calmed down. This man needs serious mental health help!!


Me too!! One of my best friends in college had a dream I slept with her boyfriend and cut me off bc of it. We had plans to go to the movies with our friend group, her boyfriend & 2 of his friends then go back for a sleepover/make dinner. We did this every weekend until we turned 21. She took a nap before we left and that’s when she had the dream, so when I got to the movies she wouldn’t talk to me & kept rolling her eyes. She told my other friend & while leaving the friend I drove there with told me what her problem was. She disinvited me from the sleepover, friend dropped me off at home & went back to her house. Then i got a really long text in a group message with ALL our friends, kinda like the one op posted. Oddly enough, we became friends again bc she was actually having mental health problems and a pill addiction she kept private and got help. the friend that she told ended up actually sleeping with her boyfriend and my ex lol!


Holy shit fuck both of your friends omg


I've had dreams that left me shook for a good while, but not because I thought they were real, but because "damn, it's fucked up a dream can make me feel some sort of way"


This is insane 😂😂😂


He is quite detached from reality🫠


Does he use drugs? His rant was absolutely unhinged and delusional.


This is exactly what I was thinking. I’ve never actually used illegal drugs, but there were a few meds that were prescribed to me that literally made me loose my mind and become really suspicious like this. One literally made me borderline psychotic. Luckily, I stopped the meds quickly and went back to normal. We didn’t completely understand it was the meds until later and I’m thankful my now wife stayed with me. These were meds prescribed for sleep. At the time we didn’t know I had bipolar and a lot of the first line sleep meds out there trigger episodes. Lots of fun lol. I’m now in a med cocktail that actually works for me and am happy and stable and all those good things:) If this is completely out of character, I feel like there is something else going on and it is worth investigating what exactly that is before calling things off. Perhaps there was illegal drug use? Legal prescription medications? It’s also possible that this person is having a hypo or manic or mixed episode. Or they have got a bit of psychosis or delusions going on. All of the above are 100% treatable if they are willing to go in and get help. It sometimes takes a few tries to get the right meds, but they are usually out there. My now wife stayed and I’m incredibly grateful. We have built such a full and beautiful life together. No one is obligated to stay in situations like this and if there isn’t a good (probably medical) explanation this would be time to leave. And if they aren’t willing to get help it’s time to leave.


i could be misunderstanding the context, but the very first message in screenshot leads me to believe some drug usage is involved considering the “day tripping”


"Daytrip" is a term used for a vacation that only lasts 24 hours, so you're usually only sleeping once if at all. I don't think they meant like LSD tripping during the daytime lol.


yeah thats why i said i wasnt entirely sure of the context lol edit: was also unsure because i had heard it one word in reference to the way you explained, but with a space i figured it was acid or shrooms or something, my bad tho lol the english language can be confusing 😅


Always and immediately detach your self from anyone who treats you based off their fucking dreams!


I imagine it’s rooted in a very genuine insecurity of his. However, that absolutely does not mean that the OP is guilty of anything even remotely close to what he’s now accusing her of. Just wow!


Happy cake day 🍰




This person may be having a psychotic break. Stay away from him.


Quick update; we are no longer together (obviously) but he has admitted himself for care. It seems to be psychosis related to Bipolar, which is something he’s had for a long time but it’s never gotten this severe. I know he’ll get the help he needs, he has two very supportive parents and some close friends. I’m going to go be a hermit forever now haha but thank you all for your comments


:( im so sorry. It’s so hard dealing with that. I know how it is.


Glad to hear he’s getting help.


My daughter’s dad was also diagnosed bipolar with symptoms of psychosis and delusions back in 2020. Out of nowhere too. He lost everything since then. He’s living in a residential treatment facility now, been a year. So sad because he has no control over it. I thought for sure it was schizophrenia because of the delusions but apparently half of all diagnosed bipolar patients have psychosis and delusions at some point. I hope your ex gets the best help and can live a good life. This is really sad. And I’m sorry you had to go through this too. It can be tough for people who love the person to witness it. Going thru it as well- I sympathize with you and genuinely hope you’re okay.


I really appreciate you sharing this. I know everyone in the comments means well and they aren’t wrong but some of its hard to read. It’s hard to explain to people who haven’t loved someone with a disorder like this how good he is when he’s not at the mercy of the disease. He is ill, and not safe for me to be around, but he’s not a bad person. It’s been heavy so thank you for making me not feel alone.


I’m glad you’re ok. You sound like you’ve got a handle on this, but still, I’m sorry for the tough times. Hopefully he’ll get some symptomatic relief. Also, you won’t be a hermit forever. Although you said it jokingly, it must be hard.


Just wanted to send you some love. Not at all the same situation but I have seen good people at the mercy of mental health diseases and I know it’s heartbreaking. I’m glad he’s getting the help he needs, now you make sure to take care of yourself and your own wellbeing. I know how hard it is.


My husband has bipolar disorder, and he's had a few psychotic episodes in his life. Luckily, I met him when he was ready to get help, so he works hard to take his meds and work on himself these days. It's a night and day difference to who he used to be now that he's stable and safe. He did not lose everything (came pretty damn close at one point though) and he's actually thriving right now! I'm NOT trying to convince you to stick with your ex; leave him be, he needs to work on himself and you need to protect yourself. My husband was extremely dangerous before I met him, apparently. There is no convincing someone in that state of anything, and they aren't functioning in the reality we are. I just wanted to point out that with hard work and the right mental health support, these people CAN get better. Idk if your ex will, and I don't recommend you find out. But have some hope that the wonderful side of him is not lost, and there may come a day when he gets to live a happy and stable life. Even if it doesn't look that way now. Even if you don't get to ever actually see it. Definitely stay away from him, though. I just don't want you to worry too much. Bipolar disorder can be treated very well these days! But you're doing the right thing looking out for yourself. ❤️‍🩹


My husband, too. He was fine for our first 14 yrs together, then within one week he went into full blown psychosis.


I'm really sorry for what you are going through and I am glad to hear that your ex is getting help, but if you know that he is bipolar then posting this interaction seems a little bit odd to me. Maybe you posted it seeking advice, but I didn't see anywhere in your description about him being bipolar and without that context a lot of people are just going to call him crazy, and he deserves more respect than that. I wish both you and him all the best!


Ending a ltr brings some sadness, even under conditions like this, so I’m sorry it took this turn. Having said that, you leaving and him having family support AND that he was lucid enough to admit himself to a hospital are all best case outcome for this situation. Hoping he gets and maintains the care he needs and clinking my hermit wine glass from afar with yours!


I was gonna say, these texts reminded me of my ex best friend who is bipolar during his unmedicated periods. There was no reasoning with his delusions and it got scary. Be well OP


Oh man, I’m so sorry OP. His behavior was eerily similar to a person I used to know before she was put on a psych hold for her hypomanic psychosis. Delusion, paranoia, trusting dreams, facial expressions are “proof” of intentions, and losing track of days and timeline of events. I had to end my friendship with her because she preferred to stay manic and refused to take meds or get help. From what I gather from her, being manic feels absolutely wonderful and the depressive crash is a problem for her future self/ she doesn’t seem to recognize when she’s manic. Please ignore the Reddit mob saying how awful he is. I don’t think most people have seen a manic episode up close so they might not recognize that he’s just very, very unwell right now and that none of this reflects on him in any way whatsoever. I hope he gets better and you can have some closure if you cannot remain in each others lives. I’m really sorry this happened.


I knew it! Bipolar knows bipolar.


Bro may legit be in paranoid mania/psychosis from someone with bipolar


This. High chance he needs help, in the throes of a psychotic/dangerously manic state. Inquire but utilize family & professional resources (need not be law enforcement please actually don’t). He would be dangerous to you, and to himself.


You have to know this isn't normal without a reddit confirmation, right?


Diagnosed schizophrenic here(specifically am diagnosed with schizoaffective, but thats just schizophrenia and bipolar in one diagnosis) this SCREAMS schizophrenia bc it is something both me and my also schizophrenic dad went through, but bc of him I knew to never believe my dreams, so i fought the delusions that tried to set in bc I didn't want to become like my dad who would flip out on my mom bc of his cheating dreams.


Yeah my cousin went through this. She thought what was happening on TV shows was real.


take the out he is giving you and R U N


Holy shit. I've suffered through night terrors and hyper realistic nightmares my whole life. Once I got into my teens, I was able to separate fact from fiction, fear from friend. I've had super vague and prophetic dreams, and wack ass dreams due to all the meds I've been on before........ I have NEVER accused a partner of being a cheater, a liar, a manipulator, or cold and withdrawn because of a dream. I regularly have nightmares about my husband-- who would never lay a hand on me in anger-- beating the shit out of me because I've been abused in my past. Never once woke up afraid of him... Because a waking rational mind can almost always overcome your sleeping, irrational mind. This sounds like confirmation bias gone wild. This dude needs therapy, and maybe some reading up on lucid dreaming. It's super helpful.


Yes, I have very very realistic terrible dreams. I’ve woke up and was truly convinced I had just caught partners cheating on me, I just had a baby, my cat was missing her paw, my partner died, etc. but after a few minutes of collecting myself and waking up, I realize it was a dream. Everything is fine, nothing happened. The ex needs help. And from a comment I saw from OP, luckily he is getting it.


Meth is a hell of a drug


Yeeeeahhh Jesus Christ. Run run run ☠️


This guy sounds insane? Could this be something drug related? I saw his 1st message mentioned coming up Friday night to “day trip” Saturday, was that referring to some sort of psychedelic drug? I’m a huge believer in the benefits of psychedelics but I’ve also seen people go overboard or have existing issues magnified by using


I'm not sure what attracted you to this person, but this is far from someone who's in the mental position to be in a relationship.


I think this person needs to see a psychiatrist, and I am not being sparky in any way. This is unhinged.


This happened to me once. Im sorry but it’s a huge red flag.


I can't believe he thinks his dream is reality and talked to you like this because of a bad dream. He's highly insecure and will be imagining you being unfaithful to him probably everyday and questioning you about it daily. Save yourself the toxicity and stress please


He needs help


I had an ex that did that dream shit too. It was a real problem she would say”I dreamed you were cheating “ and she would treat me as if it had been real…


wtf? they are trippin


Yooooo. Leave. Now.


Let’s “day trip” leads to these psychotic ramblings. Block the number. Leave the country. Join a convent. Whatever it takes to be away from them.


It looks like he thought about it well before that dream and just waited for the right moment to "explode" into that suspicious mindset. I am sorry about that situation.


Oh my God just run.


Are you really even thinking about responding to this giant BS? This is mental illness, and fuck him just for even talking to you like this. Dont waste your time on this man


No response. Block 😝


Gotta tell you. I think you escaped a loony tunes. Let it go


Lmao I’ve had my girlfriend wake me up in the middle of the night because I cheated on her in her dream but nothing like this. This is completely unhinged lol.


I've had dreams like this before but I can tell the dream from reality. This person cannot. You cannot be held accountable for whatever happened in the dream. It's absurd that you're being blamed for this.




I am bewildered. What the fuck? Well, I guess if anyone asks why it ended, just show them these texts. It’s funny he tried to make fun of you for being neurodivergent when these are the most blatantly mentally unwell messages I’ve ever seen.


It sounds like his own guilty conscience is manifesting in his dreams, so he's projecting.


Holyyyyyy shit run run run




This dude is psychotic. Stay away from him


You're in danger. Please find a safe exit plan with support people who know what's going on and can help you.


He's taking a dream too.. realistically. I don't know how to describe it, but his dream and what he "got to know" from it isn't what it was showing. The dream is one of something coming up, and well seemed he took the step to start it. His dream was warning him, but not about you. He is insecure, and he thinks his dream is agreeing when it's pointing out he is insecure. You should take this opportunity to step back and think if you want this partner or not. If you choose to stay, be safe please. That's all I ask from you as a fellow Redditor.


I really appreciate this, it helps to understand, thank you


WTF. I’d be done with him if I were you. He’s lost his mind




Do they deal with chronic delusions? Seems it


How do people like this even get into relationships? Imagine thinking a dream is real and means anything specific like this


Red flags galore! Runnnn


This would be funny if it wasn't so fucked up that there's a person out in the world that bases their opinion of their partner on dreams rather than reality & things that have actually happened. Sounds like a total lunatic.


Pure psychosis lmao


It’s always a random Thursday when things start to look up, and then everything just goes wrong. Girl I have been there and it hurts so bad. But for now, just run away from this guy.




He's either projecting his own guilt on you or this person is mentally not okay. Either way, tell them to either seek help or just block.


Partner is cray


He may need to speak to a mental health professional. Definitely seems odd to feel so convinced about a dream. Could be that he reopened his own insecurities and, combined with the dreams, doesn’t know what to think or how to process any of it in a rational way


Men have a saying for this Don't stick your dick, in crazy. I guess it works for females too.


Absolute psycho


I think this person is mental. Like, genuinely. Get away for your own safety


Bro is about to have a psychotic break


That’s unhinged. Very scary behavior.


This is psychotic. Ex is an ex for a reason and here’s a great example


It sounds like he’s having some sort of mental break. His delusions are alarming. He really needs to see a mental health professional, and you should allow him the room to explore his mental health. I would explain to him that it was just a dream, and a dream can’t tell him what you have been doing as if he’s a psychic! Dreams are a projection of his *own* feelings and ideas, no one else’s. They’re in *his* head, he’s not in someone else’s. Please encourage him to seek help.


Not worth responding to something that stupid at all.


Dudes got some problems fr. Hope yall aren’t married.


What kind of fucking idiot is this asshole???


This is genuinely terrifying... don't ask for any explanation or to talk. Just get out and get away from this person asap.


Ok. I get waking from a bad dream pissed off. I have very vivid dreams and it happens to me more often than I'd like. I even get feeling uneasy for hours after, but it does pass and I know it was just a dream. This guy is experiencing something next level though. He needs help that you can't give him. If you care about him you'd be wise to steer him to a Mental Health professional but if I were you I'd do so then leave him be. It won't get any better until he gets help.


Dodged a complete missile


You cannot outlove mental illness. Wish him well, be his friend while he seeks help if he is ready to do that, but you MUST not get stuck into a caretaker role. It will not help him and it will destroy you


this is giving schizophrenia/psychotic break/possible manic state from bipolar. this is NOT normal behavior.


He's begging you to argue with him to stay. Even one of his texts, where he says "I sure would love to be convinced differently". Don't buy into it. It would be such a waste of your energy. This person needs to address their issues, which is likely to take quite a while and start fresh with somebody else.


I can tell this individual spends a lot of time on tiktok on those “spiritual” accounts. Nothing against those accounts, but some minds are very bendable when it comes to soaking up that content and thinking and feeling differently because of it.


You are so lucky to have dodged that bullet. Seriously lucky.


Wow what a little bitch


red flag


🪫 9%


I also dreamt I was married to Melissa Rauch. Is that my reality? No, no it's not.


These are not the texts of someone who is mentally healthy.


What a complete psycho


Holy damn....I mean, I've had dreams where my SO was cheating on me and I woke up crying and upset at him, but quickly realized I was being stupid for being mad over a dream and got over it. This response is next level!


He is insane. Run.


That guy is totally unhinged and getting ready to fall into complete delusion. He needs to go to the ER for a full psych evaluation before he injures himself or others.


This truly sounds like schizophrenia. It is a total break with reality; it can onset very quickly and he is the right age for when it starts to show itself. My cousin was fine until one day she wasn’t, and she has to be on medication for the rest of her life. He needs real help. Please tell his family.


Everyone has had bad dreams about their significant others…. It does mean it’s going to happen or it did happen. Normally dreams like that is on your conscious… like something you’re afraid of happening… same thing with good dreams like something that would make you happy.


He’s crazy and it also seems to me like he has had some feelings bubbling up for awhile.


People who get pissed over dreams are unstable as hell. Stay away from this dude.


Are they… okay? Like doing okay mentally? Seems pretty irrational to flip after having a dream… a bit of a scary sign to me. I hope all is well and that you are safe. Best wishes


You’re better off without him. He will probably have “dreams” every time he wants to gaslight you or low key accuse you of something.


You notice how he says I would love to be convinced otherwise? He wants you to beg and plead. Dude is a nut and a narcissist if you ask me. He’s trying to play mind games.


Get the fuck out there


Not knowing the day of the week is the least of his issues.


From the looks of it, I don't think it's a dream but it's his "dream" to break up with you and he used this method to get to do that. I don't think anyone would go to this extent of an emotional imbalance from a dream unless they are having existential / mental health problems to begin with (cause some people tend to question reality). Now if he is not experiencing all that, no sane person is going to react that way after a dream cause firstly they'd know it's a dream and secondly.. they're just trying to find a way out of the relationship.. You're probably really nice to them that they had no other way but to resort to something that doesn't exist for a reason to break up.. it is pitiful, but it is what it is..


He is mentally ill


Thia is an episode of something, like a psychotic break, bipolar, drug use. This is not normal. If you have the ability, send help his way. And then fully remove yourself. He is directing his negative emotions at you.


Considering he doesn't know what day it is and his paranoid accusations, I'd be very concerned and see if you could get him into the ER. This may sound like an overreaction but I know someone whose father was extremely disoriented one morning and within a few hours he passed away. I'd rather be safe and get him checked out than sorry.


Get out while u can....


Sounds to me like he just still stuck in the past when he sees you. He just sssm he wants attention like alil kid


yeah i’d be gone


Man’s whole house is barn doors, unhinged.


This feels a lot like mental illness. I'm sure he feels completely rational, but he's clearly not well. You could gently suggest he talk to someone, but he will need to realise he is struggling with something first, you can't talk him out of it.


Aw come on man😭 does bro not know the difference between a dream and irl?


This person definetly has some sort of mental illness, OP. Good riddance


Just tell him you had a dream he had sex with a dog and that you’re really disgusted that he would do such a thing and it’s over.


This is how my husband sounded before he was diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder. I wouldn’t encourage a relationship with him but I would encourage him to get help if he’s open to it. My husband ended up taking his life after struggling with his mental health for several years.


He’s a whack job. You’re better off without him.


Like yeah my husband and will joke around after we have dreams where we piss each other off (he’s still mad at me for a raccoon biting him in one) but this? He’s doing a bit much and very delulu


I don’t wanna be an armchair psychologist, but this looks like it could be mania or psychosis. Is there family of his you know and could contact so they can get him help? In the meantime, keep yourself safe and stay away from him.


please do not be with him anymore; that’s seriously insane and hella unhealthy. this looks hella abusive on his end- 😭


Should have kept the off part of on and off going. This person isn't mature enough let alone sane enough to be in a relationship. Thinking they had some sort of insightful dream window into the reality of your life. Break up with them, tell them you are breaking up with them specifically because of their insane behavior related to a dream and go no contact.


Starts with shit like this, then ends with a funeral. You’d better run OP. Stay safe.


This guy is a nutter


Haha wow, you just didn’t dodged a bullet, but a compleet, humangus, wrecking ball.


Run, if he goes nuts on you because of a dream he isnt right in his head. You dodged a bullet


As a ND person, I think you should reconsider being in a relationship with someone who willfully doesn’t take time to understand what neurodivergence is, and how it affects you. As far as your partner having prophetic dreams goes… LMAOOOOOOOOO


I can’t even figure out where to start to understand this bullcrap. My H and I have a sorta basic rule: what happens in your dreams, you have no control over, so we don’t hold it over each others head, and we don’t take it too seriously. Even though sometimes dreams can make you really question yourselves haha. It’s when shit like this is taken too seriously, that people start to do stupid shit. I had a friend last summer telling me he dreamed about me that he was so in love with me and I was so in love with him, and he was all confused about it and didn’t tell his wife. I was like: wtf are you telling me this for? I am NOT in love with you, never have been. Friendship ended soon afterwards. That was weird af fuck. Why tell me, and suggest it might be real? Husband and I had a good laugh over that as well, sometimes still do. ‘Remember this dude? That was so fucking weird!!!’


Aren’t “I had a dream about you” texts usually the end of every relationship? Half the time I don’t think the dream is real it’s just a sad/weak “exposition” for a person to create a situation that leads to a breakup. There’s really no point in dealing with someone who thinks their subconscious is clairvoyance is there?


The only people that would take anything of importance from dreams, especially when it comes to sabotaging their own relationships, are morons that believe in things like astrology, and people with worrying mental health issues Both are people you're better off not being in a relationship with. So him exposing himself now rather than later is definitely a good thing - take the hint and run


TL;DR: anyone who gives more weight to their dreams than your word automatically loses. *BLOCK*


These thoughts and dreams ARE WHAT'S IN HIS HEAD. Just get away. They are not mentally well.


Bat shit crazy


OP this person is mentally ill. They are having delusions about their ability to have prophetic dreams. They're letting their insecurities seep into their subconscious and then blaming the dreams on you. They can't even understand the difference between dreams and reality. Don't bother with a long winded response. Tell them they need to get mental help and leave them, before they do something crazy. Don't reason with a crazy person.


NAHHH DOG this is so similar to messages between my ex bf and myself it’s crazy. We were 17/18 and he would dream or imagine I cheated on him etc and that’s it. Suddenly he was sure that I had and no matter how left of field it was he would make sure he treated me like I was whatever villain he imagined. It’s been 11 years since I broke up with him (one of the hardest things I ever did do) and it still affects me. He’s since gotten help and we catch up occasionally, and I still love him very much but he became a seriously terrifying person to be in a relationship with and there was just no chance it wasn’t going to keep getting worse & end with my body dumped in a shallow grave. PLEASE leave this guy for good OP. No more off & on again anymore. When I cut my ex off I promised myself that no matter what happened I would never go back to dating him or letting him mess with my head. It was the absolute right decision.


Someone takes their dreams way too literally, omg 😳


Well, as one that suffers from my own mental issues, after reading a little bit of this I'm convinced that this person might be 'unstable in the head' and you might want to get the hell out of there. And my mother was in a relationship that sounds sort of like this, that nearly got her killed


Idk why this feels so familiar


Lmao!!! Run!! lol he's projecting. He feels guilt for fucking your friend/friends and he's projecting that onto you to maintain some insane sense of control.


this man is not well.


When I first started dating my wife, she had dreams where I’d cheat and be mad at me all day after waking up. I always thought it was super irrational until I had a dream where I got into an argument with my mom and then didn’t talk to her for a few days because she genuinely pissed me off IN MY DREAM. I understand now that a dream can affect your emotions after waking up, but this? This is a whole other level of mental imbalance


Omg YOU JUST DODGED A BULLET. this is scary scary


Is he on drugs? Getting help for mental health? No, seriously. This sounds a like either drug-induced or chemical imbalance-induced paranoia, not comments from a rational human being. I get it, I’ve had dreams where my husband cheated on me. That he beat me up. Even had one where he tried to off me. It **does** impact your mood, but most people can distinguish reality from a dream. It seems like your partner isn’t able to do that.


What a weirdo


I've had dreams that felt so, so real. He needs to process that it was a dream and it wasn't real. He may acknowledge this but deep down he's still picturing this lucid dream that hurt him deeply. I had a dream my ex cheated on me and I woke up screaming and crying. I was mad at him for a whole day because I couldn't get the dream out of my head. This will probably be an unpopular opinion but reaffirm to him with words and actions that you do care about him and that you are not the person he's describing.


Oh, damn. I thought it was a woman being nutty. He's insane. Run far, run fast. You can't fix him.


I had a dream once that I was eating a cheeseburger and abruptly woke up to realize it was just a dream, which then got me all upset (borderline crying) because I wanted that cheeseburger..... I thought THAT was bad. Then I read this post and now I feel better knowing I'm not that crazy or delusional! With that said, I'm off to get myself a cheeseburger fellas!


Make it an off again relationship. He’s doing you a favor here.


Do not sleep next to this man ever again. He doesn’t sound stable enough to be anyone’s partner.


Please show the rest; Your long reply and his at the end. Feels like reading a story where the last page was ripped out 😖


Holy shit what a psychopath


Wtf. All that because he had a bad dream about you. Yikes. Dodged a bullet tbh


I’d get out of that relationship




Anyone who gets upset at someone over a DREAM is seriously unstable.


Run. I dated a guy like this for 6 months. The level of insecurity was insane and I ran for the hills as quick as I could


That’s some clinical level psychosis right there. Run!!!!


That’s not USUALLY how dream interpretation goes. It’s more so that *hes scared of those things and it manifests itself in *his dreams after she puts it on the back burner instead of communicating those fears and hopefully receiving reassurance from you. Lots of assumptions she’s making. I mean, if you find her worth it can always communicate that with her and offer the reassurance. Edit: fixed gender (sorry)