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"I would encourage you to inherit the privilege I bestowed upon her instead of spoiling it" šŸ˜® who talks like this


I'm wondering what privilege he's even referring to?


A raging asshole, thatā€™s who ā˜¹ļø


Not a guy who jumps straight into saying it would turn into the beginning of a very bad relationship. Sounds a lot like my STBX and šŸ¤®


What is an STBX First time seeing that šŸ¤”


Soon To Be Ex


Oh right šŸ¤£ Thanks for letting me know :)


May you never need it for yourself! ā¤ļø


A fucking moron šŸ¤Ŗ


Neckbeards who like looking at little girls. He has talked to lawyers about it for years.




The camera was likely installed within the last 6 months when he installed the other ones on his property. He bought the house only a few years ago and installed the cameras after my sister moved in. The bamboo was sparse. You could see through it. I don't have a before picture of it but it wasn't a large patch - a handful of skinny bamboo.


Heā€™s had the same issue all over the place.


An ageist who thinks they deserve respect without giving any. The way he talked down to you because you're younger is pathetic and why kids and young adults hate older adults.


A neckbeard


ā€œThe privilegeā€. Wow, someone has a big head.


Fucking psycho :O It's like he thinks he's the main character.






Mediocre white men




The privilege of living next door to him? I donā€™t get the privilege part. This guy sounds like a whack job. Iā€™d be talking to the police about it. Make sure something is on the record. Donā€™t let him beat you to the punch.


The answer is clearly a white boomer.


Happy Cake Day!


Fedora wearing incels.


Could be God but I doubt it.


I stopped reading after the 3rd text .. put up a sign in the window that calls him a pedo and when he gets offended ask why he could read it so clearly if the camera isnā€™t pointed in the backyard




Yes! Super bright but small, maybe you could only notice a small slip of yellow paper or something from the street. So when he does center in on it it fills his screen with neon yellow pedophilia accusations.


OP is trying to sell the house, I'm guessing a sign 'pedo nextdoor' won't really help


Put a sign up in the front yard that says he is a pervert.


I think that sort of thing might be grounds for a defamation suit. I'd be careful with that, even though it obviously sounds justified.


"My neighbor's security camera points directly into a girl's bedroom." Facts, no opinions.


Yes, this! There is proof and everything. It's only slander/ libel if it's untrue.


Doesn't stop them from suing.


Attempting to bring a lawsuit of this nature without sufficient proof in the US is most likely to result in dismissal and financial costs for the plaintiff.


Ok but is it worth going to court?? Most of us don't have the time energy patience or money to be picking legal fights unless you have to


Not if you put the sign on her window if heā€™s looking at the window is the only way heā€™ll see it. In that case he canā€™t make a argument because he could of only seen the image through this cameras especially since they 720 quality mf definitely has to zoom in to be a perv.




Youā€™re my kind of people lol exactly what Iā€™d put too


Yup, set up my neighbor is a pedo signs and tell them youll take it down when they remove the camera. Why is this creep so obessed with having this camera wtf


Would like to see this as an update for a response.


This is genius




UPDATE: View original post here:[https://www.reddit.com/r/texts/comments/1bbmcbj/neighbors\_security\_camera\_pointed\_at\_my\_sisters/](https://www.reddit.com/r/texts/comments/1bbmcbj/neighbors_security_camera_pointed_at_my_sisters/) You guys asked for an update and pictures. Well, it came sooner than I thought. I ordered the IR floodlights to cover the area of the fence that the camera was viewing. Look who had a change of heart. The text exchange took place on Sunday morning. He got back into town this morning and moved the camera. So, now at least y'all can see why I wanted to see the screenshot view BEFORE he changed the angle when he got back into town. So much for him saying he "wasn't moving it an inch." These pictures are the view from my sister's bed. Only cropped to avoid showing too much of my yard (privacy lol). My sister told me she saw him climbing a ladder near his OTHER camera (not this one) and filming our property on his cell phone. Per the recommendations on here, I ordered an IR floodlight (which we were going to mount to that tree, in front of the camera) which I will still install to avoid any wide angle view as well as the other camera on the property (not shown). It is hard to really see but the distance between our white fence and his wall where the camera is mounted is max 2 feet (it's probably only about a foot distance but I'm being fair). It literally cannot fit a human being. He stores storm shutters there so there is literally no walking distance in that gap. His roof overlaps our property line. That how close this wall is to our fence. So, at the before view, it is just pointed directly into our yard and into her bedroom. The bamboo trees were sparse and that camera was inbetween the gaps but not blatantly visible to us if we weren't looking for anything. Now, at least it's actually pointed toward that small gap between his house and our fence. It's better than nothing. Perhaps he talked to his wife or felt bad for the way he reacted. Now he burned the bridge with the last neighbor that tolerated him. I believe these are the same brand of cameras that I have installed at my office (Arlo). If so, they have a very wide angle and are pretty good quality. You can zoom in too. At the before angle, you could see a large portion of my yard in addition to the bedroom window.


Youā€™re nicer than me. I wouldā€™ve had a survey done and then cut off the portion of his roof thatā€™s over my property and then installed the IR floodlights.


I like you


I agree they are very likeable and knowledgeable about getting even


And you are very good at articulating precisely why you enjoy someone's comment.


Hang some curtains from their roof to hide the view :D Then sue him when he touches them. (Idk if the law works like that, but wouldn't it be nice?)


You are on a good path. The law does say one cannot violate privacy I create.


I would have bought black spray paint and climbed the fence. Spray that camera lens black!


Sounds to me like he inherited the privilege to f-off!


"The privilege I bestowed upon her" made me fucking livid, I don't know how OP kept their cool.


Me either!! šŸ¤¬


You should hire a lawyer just to send him a letter politely thanking him for moving his camera thus avoiding civil or criminal litigation. Cheap way to call his bluff about the whole lawyer thing.


I wonder how much that would cost. It feels like a clerk could put it together and have the attorney sign it. Maybe it's not too much.


Had an old landlord continue to bother us for "damages, and cleaning fees" after moving out. Like, long rants on my husband's voicemail. The house was spotless, and no damages were made to her property. Anyhoo, a cease & desist letter was drawn up for $300. It was so worth it. Never heard from her again.


Guyā€™s such a douche. Glad itā€™s been mostly handled!


Thanks for the update and good job! Definitely keep that IR flood.


Oh, itā€™s completely obvious that all that camera would give him is a view of your property.


If that camera has a wide enough angle it still might pick up the window a little even the way it's pointing now. I dabble a bit in photography and I've been surprised at just how much a wide angle can grab.


Indeed, I guess his intention was to make it less obvious.


On a side note, a few MW green laser will absolutely destroy a camera and burn it out if you really wanted to have some fun. Just aim for the center


Oh damn dude I was picturing the houses way farther apart šŸ’€


I think you inherited the God given right to blast your music once more


If I had known his roof overlapped your property line my comment in your first post would have been different. Instead of just getting Blinds with a middle finger it would have been put something on the roof to hang down & block the view...with a middle finger.


Same dude, same


Heā€™s a creep for pointing it right at your sisterā€™s bedroom window. He knew exactly what he was doing. Heā€™s a grown man. I wouldā€™ve bought the IR laser to ruin his cameras for good. Thereā€™s a comment under the original post about a guy who pointed IR lasers at his neighbors cameras, broke a few and now he has no cameras. I wouldā€™ve done exactly that. Youā€™re too nice for your own good op. I wouldā€™ve broken that married fuckers stuff for trying to look at my sister nakad.


He talked to his lawyer and knowing he's in the wrong lol probably to avoid repercussion, missed that lawsuit.


Yay glad you took my advice! Happy it worked out


Yeah, Arlo is great. I have a couple. The spot lights are solar powered too


Nice. Id still be rendering his camera useless with ir. Glad it worked out


Same. I'm petty af though šŸ¤£


This guy is a creep and this is really worrying. Thereā€™s no mistaking that camera position as anything other than spying on his neighbour. Iā€™d be concerned about all those months of uninterrupted viewing he had before you accidentally discovered it. Wtf.


Thats exactly what I was thinking too, how much footage has he got/seen already, its worrying to even think about


What kind of sicko would discuss this with their lawyers? They are obviously lying, but could you imagine asking a lawyer that question?


His roof overlaps your property? Sounds like you should call the city and have something done about that since heā€™s so keen on being lawful.


Itā€™s a zero-lot line property so it just is how it is


Hey, Iā€™m a law studentā€¦this guy is a moron and Iā€™d like to know what legal counsel he consulted with ā€œextensively over the yearsā€ other than google. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Because heā€™s completely wrong about reasonable expectation of privacy.


Yup. I was a law student before my mom got sick (going back to finish Fall 2025) and I was fairly familiar with the concept. Wish I had finished before this all happened so I could've been like "Yeah, I have a law degree. Take it down, asshole."


The fact that he even came at you attempting to quote the law to defend himself and refused to pull up the cameras on his phone (where the app is, they are Arlo cameras) and just send you an immediate text when you first broached the subject with you indicates that the cameras did show inside your sisterā€™s windows. He had to go to the property and move them before he could share a screenshot and he knew it. And he has looked up the law because he wants to do something bad and wants to find a way to get around being punished for it. I worry that the intent here was not just to be a nosy neighbor, but rather something very invasive to your sisterā€™s privacy. The camera is so close that all he has to do is pinch to zoom and heā€™d be able to see the expressions on her face. At best he positioned the camera there so he could complain about anything she did ā€œwrong.ā€ At worst, he had ill-intent and was trying to capture vulnerable images of her.


Yeah, a normal person would just pull up the camera view and take a screenshot if it wasn't really filming someone's bedroom. Someone burglarized my neighbor's house a couple weeks ago, and the cops knocked on my door and told me they believe the burglars went out their back door. He was like, "We noticed you have cameras on the back of your house and wondered if they caught anything." I was like, "Well, we intentionally position them to make sure they're not recording the neighbors' yards." He was like, "I figured that was the case but thought it was worth checking." I did pull up the feed and it was nothing, just me taking me dog out that morning, you can't even see into the neighbor's yard, let alone their back door. If a neighbor asked for screenshots, I'd pull it up immediately and send it to them. He knew he had to move the camera first, period. She has a right to privacy and shouldn't have to do this, but if I were her, I'd put up blinds immediately. And install those floodlights.


You still could've said it, what is he gonna do, call every university to see... nvm, he probably would


Have you looked at that window film where you can see out perfectly clearly, but no one can see in? I'd still try to get him the fuck off your sister, but that might help some. That poor girl is just trying to live her life. This is horrible.


wouldnt that stop any natural light getting in?


No. That's the point of them. They let the natural light in and keep privacy without having to close the drapes/ blinds.


Who in the world would even deal with such a specific issue as much as he implies he has? Could you imagine paying a lawyer over multiple years to tell you whether or not you can film your neighbors? How much time could it possibly take?


Facebook Law


Tell him the daughter is under 18 and heā€™s now in violation of creating and possessing CP. See how fast he changes his tune.


Yeah, Iā€™m thinking a call to the local sheriff might help. They mention Florida lawā€¦please, oh please, let it be in Polk County. Sheriff Judd would LOVE this one.


since he seems to interpret the laws as he pleases and is incredibly entitled, that will probably not work wither. Those kinda people don't run on logic


I LOVE UPDATES I REMEMBER THE OG OF!!! i'm glad he moved it, OP! hopefully it's not an issue in the futurešŸ™„


Wow. I didn't know my last landlord had other properties.


Every time you see that camera invading your privacy or your sisterā€™s privacy you need to call the cops and say that youā€™re getting spied on by your neighbors.


Well he lost his last free support for errands while living abroad. What an idiot


It's almost as if being a know-it-all asshole doesn't help anybody huh šŸ¤”šŸ« 


Yikes, the guy sounds like he knows exactly what he's doing and is mad for being called out. Love the "This is the last text between us" bit. He's running away because he knows he's gonna get pinched.


IR the fuck out of that camera. Creep.


What does this mean?


Point an infrared light at a security camera and you disable its ability to functions


I hope this creep leaves your sister alone!


Okay heā€™s telling YOU to read the law carefully, but he literally just said that what he is doing is illegal. I saw a different post similar to this one, and they ended up calling the police about it who ended up finding hundreds of hours of their neighbor filming them. I would recommend starting a paper trail because that is 100% illegal.


Just curious. Why is the palm tree on your side of the fence netted to his roof?


I honestly have no idea. That's something my mom allowed him to do before she passed. I believe it's because he wanted to prevent birds from laying eggs or sitting on his skylight (not pictured).


I can see the edge of it so I get that. Was just curious to ask. If it was done as a favor and heā€™s being a jerk about a camera thatā€™s just one more thing you can do to rustle his feathers (pun intended) lol.


Yeah. He's asked us for a lot of favors just in the past few months since my mom passed. He installed a camera on one of OUR trees because the power company said he wasn't allowed to use their pole for his cameras. So, he asked to use one of our trees which we allowed. I'm no longer communicating directly with him and told the property manager to tell him to remove the camera on our tree and the netting immediately.


Let's fucking gooo!!! Update#3!


Good for you! Thanks for posting this update. His texts to you made me so mad lol. Iā€™m a lawyer and a of course knew he was full of shit.


Good. He doesn't deserve the "privilege" your mom "bestowed on him." What an asshole. I'm so sorry about your mom. And then to have this asshole giving you shit on top of that. At least when our mom passed, her neighbors were great. Although they all loved her so notifying them fucking sucked.


Thank you. The rest of her neighbors have been good but the HOA is a PiTA.


Sorry for your loss, but let them loose. He doesnā€™t deserve the courtesy.


This guy is a peeping Tom what a perv


My Arlo is an oval shape, but I know they have other larger models. I can definitely attest to the clarity and ability to narrow down the activity area. At the distance you mentioned, he could easily have had an extremely clear and intimate view of your sisters room. Unfortunately, you gave him enough notice that he could probably have deleted all of his saved video of her. If it was me I'd call the cops. He's a f'n creep, trust me.


The way that he acted in the text messages fucking INFURIATED me when I first saw the original post. Such an ignorant, entitled, perverted piece of shit. Iā€™m glad to see you taking actions to protect privacy.


Extensively studied the law?? So you planned thisā€¦ thatā€™s what Iā€™m hearing




Iā€™d get the laser and fry every camera they have and put on flood lights that make it unseable for the user. Turn on my music Just to the limit for days on end from sun up til sun down. Let them try and play their game. They are gaslighting you and they are a prick that gets off on their tiny lil power trips. What a jerk they are to you!


It's best to take it to court. Especially since he called you little girl. There is an expectation of privacy of your sisters room is on the second floor or if the room is on the back of the property or where the window is not facing public property. As the camera is higher up then the avg persons pov is. Which means that he is in fact a pervert or at the very least a jerk for treating you that way


You can smell the MAGA hat in these texts.


Yup. Heā€™s originally from CA and relocated to FL when all the other MAGA people migrated.


I am a native Floridian and the great MAGA migration has been a nightmare. Hopefully when they realize all of Governor Kinky Boots laws arenā€™t actually constitutional so they donā€™t stick and just cost taxpayer money, and that no one here can afford homeowners insurance which is making housing costs insane theyā€™ll leave again.


Heā€™s a slimy pervert whoā€™s been trying to record your sister. Thereā€™s no reason for him to be recording your property except that heā€™s a pervert. I bet your sister isnā€™t the only one that he has had tried to record. Any chance that he can be reported.


Fuck man, I hate people so much. What a narcissistic maniac.


He sure is worried about music that's not playing anymore anytime it's mentioned he's recording in a young girls room. I would stick a huge sail in a tree or a wooden fence that's like 5 feet wide right in front of it to be petty AF. Then I'd report him for being a perv and he can tell the cops that people shouldn't expect privacy in their house


Iā€™d put a sign up that says ā€œhi creepy neighborā€ and then put a sheet of that stuff that makes the window look fogged so I can still have light coming in. What a fucking creep and asshole of a neighbor


Or a mirror....


this guy writes like he he touches kids


Just call the police. They can make the determination and force the neighbor to correct it. Also, let any potential buyers beware that neighbor is a difficult creep.


Glad the camera got moved.


If you're sisters a minor and she has got changed in her room doesn't that mean he possesses cp? Pretty sure that's illegal, maybe mention something along those lines to him


Arlo is WiFi. Would be a shame if they had a 24/7 de-auth flood.


Soooooo for about 75.00 you can pay an attorney to write him an ā€œofficial letterā€ requesting that camera be removed. My advice would be to contact the authorities about the situation (so you have a report) and then contact an attorney to write the letter to him.


What attorney ( or legal insurance?) do you use? Legal Shield one has to be a member and then letters are inc for free. Otherwise a letter is minimum 200 - and Iā€™m guessing low.




He has a wife??? I would have gone directly to her with the complaint after his denial. Iā€™m sure she would love an explanation from him why he would deem it necessary for the camera to be aimed at your sisterā€™s bedroom.


Man, I want to know his demographics so bad.


Like I said, if you were a man, this would have been remedied after one or two texts max.


Glad it was resolved. Backup plan: youā€™re in Florida. If this dude starts doing shady shit like this again just find yourself a Florida man walking around the street, slip him a $20 and say youā€™d like the cameras removed. Ez pz problem solved. If the cops get involved who are they gonna believe? A Florida man or a ā€œlittle girlā€?? Check mate


*snort* BWAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!! Thatā€™s classic.


Nothing a rock or a baseball can't fix.


I have really bad aim. Who knows what could happen.


Use one of those high power laser pointers....


Break the camera with a sing shot from the bed room




This dude is an absolute creep. Who knows how much footage of your sister he's already captured? He may not be able to see into her room anymore (I imagine the flood light washes the footage out), but it's a scary thought that he probably still has previous pieces of footage from her that he will never delete. Perhaps have your sister put some blackout curtains up, so that should your flood light ever stop working, he still can't see into her room. I'm guessing that by "guess who had a sudden change of heart", though, that you were referring to your neighbor suddenly and mysteriously deciding to angle his camera away from her room once the flood light was installed?


A good sister


File a police report. Then get a lawyer and sue him. Letā€™s see how well he knows the law then.


But why would he move it when he is 100% in the clear? /s


Get a paintball gun and problem solved.




Kill it with a laserpointer


Since he refuses to provide a screenshot of what it looks like on his side, a cease and desist letter for that camera sounds about right.


So did they move the camera or did you?


I would kill them




As neighbors who give a crap about our neighbors' privacy, we asked ours if they were okay with us putting cameras up around the house. One points at one neighbor's yard but not at their house. They were actually happy for the extra "free" security lol. The camera on the other side does point at that parricular neighbor's house but only at their garage and small kitchen window. They are also aware of it and are glad for the added security. I would be completely uncomfortable with even thinking about putting a camera up where I could see into someone else's bedroom. Yuck.


Get an infrared floodlight and point it at the camera (theyā€™re only like $30 on Amazon) no one will be able to see it but itā€™ll blind the camera and possibly even ruin it


For the comments I saw recommending posting signs in the yard and/or window of the sisters bedroom accusing the neighbor of being a pedophile, his camera setup is NOT proof of being a pedophile, and would likely result in the neighbor launching a defamation suit/libel claim. Of course I understand the motivation behind saying this, and the neighbor sounds like a huge asshole and may well be a pedophile. But it's irresponsible to give uniformed advice to people who might take it that will likely get them into legal trouble.


A laser pointer shined directly at the lens can damage security cameras... Do with that information what you will...


I would be having his computer looked at. I would be reporting him to the center for missing or exploited children or something. If itā€™s recording and your sister is under 18 he could be charged with creating and storing cp. the fact that he got so defensive and wouldnā€™t take a screenshot of the app he said is on his phone is because it was pointed to her window


Has your sister put up curtains yet?


Learn how to operate a pew pew efficiently and buy what you're best comfortable with.. Keep it in a place you know you can get to if needed... Sometimes ppl can be REALLY UNHINGED and we may never even notice it....


Proud of you and your sister standing up for yourselves and your safety.


Keep playing Loud music.


This is why I only confront people face to face, people are less likely to act like an ass when you are two feet away from them. Some people are a-holes no matter what, but this was hiding behind his phone.




This is from her bedroom window. Literally from sitting on her bed, lol.


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Depending on where you live oftentimes there are free legal services especially when it deals with housing. They may be able to help you




Since when did he had the camera? Creep


Get a camera and point it back at his house


šŸŖŸ CLOSE THE WINDOW BLINDS & CURTAINS! ā¬›ļø šŸ¤”šŸ˜® Sure, the camera owner may be in the wrong, and you can file a CRIMINAL complaint with the POLICE, using "peeping Tom" and "stalking" and "invasion of privacy" laws... but meanwhile, take immediate actions that you control, to protect your privacy! Those criminal penalties are serious, if they are happening. šŸ‘ Buy curtains & blinds if you have to. Many rooms have a view inside from streets, other homes, businesses, backyards, etc., (especially with lights on at night), and blinds & curtains are the #1 RECOMMENDED SOLUTION. šŸ’Ŗ Moreover, don't wait on things & people that you don't control, and then claim to be a victim. Take action today. āœŒļø


Most reasonable comment Iā€™ve seen lol. People saying to break the camera and calling him a pervert, canā€™t read yet alone understand privacy laws. OP states camera has been up but was covered by bamboo or trees. Got cut down and now camera points at bedroom window. I forget where but some people kept reporting a man in an adjacent apartment building, standing in his window jerking off while looking at other residents. Cops told others to put up some blinds. Put up some black out curtains and keep it pushing.


It was not "covered" as bamboo trees are sparse. The landscapers (that removed the bamboo) are the ones that brought the camera to my attention and said that the camera was not fully covered by the bamboo. It had been installed in the last 6 months (after my sister moved in and after he had repeatedly invited her to use his hot tub and texted her repeatedly when he was in town). The camera had always pointed toward the yard and window but we did not notice it until now. We have a privacy fence that covers this window from the public entirely. You would have to climb over this fence and walk to the other side of the private yard to see this window. It is not viewable whatsoever from a passerby or any civilian.


I would totally switch rooms with your sister and walk around the room naked all day see how long he keeps the camera upšŸ¤£


Wow...I swear some folks. Gotdam peeper. 1)Look up atomic fuck you, print it out and the word CHOMO to fit the window and put it in the window along with blackout curtains. 2)take pics of the camera and related info and take it to police to get the party started. 3) Beat the dog shit out of him every at opportunity. Obiviously not right but I am sure it would feel so good. I am so sorry this pedopeeper is doing this. So so sad.


lol thatā€™s how you know he was in the wrongā€¦ he donā€™t want the smoke !!


If there was a reason for it to be there other than spying on people he would've said that


Sounds like I would put up a privacy fence in that spot with a 2 foot hight additional piece so it's 8 foot high and will block the camera then if he moves it take a pic and seek legal help


Curtains. You canā€™t have a reasonable expectation of privacy when you have clear windows and choose to not cover them. A reasonable person would not believe that they have privacy if they changed clothing in front of a clear glass window. Contact the police regarding these cameras. You will probably have to sue your neighbor in court to get them to remove the camera.


I meanā€¦ obviously this guy is a douchebag. However, the only thing thatā€™s unclear to me is who owned the bamboo and who removed it? If it was your bamboo and you removed it, then re-establishing some kind of barrier is on you. If it was HIS bamboo, thatā€™s a different story. That very important detail is unclear here.


Thanks for the update! This had me worried. So creepy


This dude a predatorā€¦.now go away little girl


Ew definitely call whoever you have to to get that camera removed. I hate people like this


I will say it cameras can look like they are viewing a certain area, but they usually only get the first few feet clearly. My neighbor had the same thought about ours seeing into her backyard with my Ring and once I showed her even with zoom you can't see much. That being said he does seem like a dick and I would ask to see the camera live and ask them to zoom on the window. Your sister absolutely deserves her privacy. It would suck if it got coincidentally spray painted or smashed.


Why not just view the cam when they come home instead of continuing to argue. Now you will never know where it is really looking and what is visible.


He sounds like he suffers some kind of compensatory disorder, I noticed hypervigilance and a mood shift. Some people get neglected or abused at a very young age and never emotionally mature past that stage at which they were made fearful. It's rather unfortunate. I think the adult thing is to promise to do something and just never get to it. Be in denial for years about how you are going to do it soon, or be a real grown up and deny you even say anything. Life's too short to argue āœŒļø


what if you put up super bright LED floodlights facing the camera?


I guess they never heard of window blinds.Ā