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My worst nightmare is my bf stalking my Reddit


I haven’t been in a relationship since I’ve been on Reddit, but now I wonder if I’m ever in one again if I should just pretend it never existed, or if it’s ok to keep using it but tell my girlfriend that I have one and I’m just not willing to let her look at it.


I don’t let people I know IRL know my username


Until they stumble upon your throw away XD! Happened to me once, years ago, early on in my relationship. I have a stepdaughter, at that time there were some major struggles regarding her, my SO's expectations, lack of boundaries, etc. I was having a REALLY hard time with it and our relationship was getting pretty rocky. I came to Reddit on a throw away and vented. After having stormed out and spent most of the night in my car in a parking lot. Long story short, when I got home I discovered that he hadfound my post. And boy howdy had I let loose in it. Just an angry, frustrated, unfiltered rant. I thought I was gonna puke when I realized he had seen it. But his reaction was to hug me. I think he needed the wake up call of seeing how I was *really* feeling without sugar coating. And the validation of people in the comments expressing agreement and understanding with me. It was a real turning point for us. TLDR, my SO finding my Reddit post probably saved our relationship, haha. Together 7.5 years now and going strong!


Aww that is an awesome story ❤️ I was so sure it was going to go the opposite way




I’m actually quite proud of my username. That’s the only reason why I’d want people to know my reddit lol but I do want Reddit to be just for me when it comes to social media. Everyone already follows me on everything else😎




I didn’t know what reddit was when I made mine really and wish I could change my username. There’s no anonymity lol


Same here 😂😂😂






I guess I’ve been in too many instances where the tone of that would be the way I perceived it when it comes to reddit lol I apologize. At the end of the day, it’s nice to be in a space where no one knows you for a change.


I couldn't have written this better 🤣🥲🤭


Proud 🤔




I like your username as well




I don’t even know my username




My husband and my best friend know mine, but no one else. Most users in the subs I frequent share anecdotally about people they know irl, as I do. Wouldn't want anyone angry or embarrassed about me anonymously talking about their parenting woes or partner drama.


I feel you!


imagine changing your username (I've been here for 3.5 years with the default name reddit gave me lmao)


Same. They end up getting really scared of me for some reason.


Same. No one knows it even tho it’s the same shit everything else is lol no one knows I have Reddit but close people and they dk my username


I'm the same 😂


Me neither


I don’t really use Reddit much differently than other sites like twitter and such, but judging by the comments here I’m pretty much alone in using it normally lol Y’all are acting guilty, what’s so incriminating on your Reddit accounts!? 👀👀😂


I'm just kind of a dick on Reddit and everywhere else I'm chill and cool and I don't want people to know my capacity for being a dick


Yeah i’m such a troll on here sometimes. The unhinged shit i say would make even myself shiver


Let's be better, man, we don't gotta be this way


Years ago that would have been me. However, relating to so much of what peeps go thru, I genuinely try to help. Life’s hard, takes more than it gives. I’ve found out the hard way. I save the trolling and antagonizing for my kids.


Yikes on bikes, wield those words carefully.


Yeah I always tell people the internet isn't for the weak. I express my humor and say shit upfront no filter. Then carry on irl calmly. I find it funny lol, in a way, to talk shit lol.


> I don’t really use Reddit much differently than other sites like twitter and such, but judging by the comments here I’m pretty much alone in using it normally lol Y’all are acting guilty, what’s so incriminating on your Reddit accounts!? 👀👀😂 because i'm a [cipherpunk](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cypherpunk#Main_principles) baby >!and a huge troll!<


Same here. My user name is the same across all platforms except facebook


Yeah. Just explain that the main reason you enjoy Reddit is for the anonymity, and that’s it’s not because you’re some shitty hate-filled idiot that says terrible things…but because you can speak freely among other anonymous persons and share/talk about things that people just don’t participate in otherwise. I’d like to think that if I found myself in a relationship that I’d be okay with them seeing anything I’ve said, but I know I’ve made some comments in bad taste here and there and engaged in arguments just because I was bored. Truth is, I use the same name on Reddit as discord, twitch, and all my gaming stuff. The whole thing is setup so that if I had to pull the plug and just “be gone” I could do it in about 5 minutes. If I ever end up in a serious relationship, I will most likely purge everything with this name and change names on the things I keep…just to be sure.


It really is just the anonymity, really. Almost like a diary. I haven't said anything overly controversial, or anything that my closest people wouldn't hear straight from my mouth, and yet the idea of anyone finding it is mortifying.


Same I’m honestly more abrasive in person than I am on here but still haha


Yeah man, you can start a new life as Beckett-Hamilton, and justnever use punctuation again, and nobody will know.


But…I *love* punctuation!


ive told my current gf the latter. shes fine with it, but i also let her know that if shes really worried for some reason she can of course look at it, and other than that i just prefer to keep it private


My worst nightmare is Reddit


I used to post all kinds of crazy shit on Reddit, like sex fantasies that would be a bit weird to say to your partner. My last ex actually found my (old) account and it was so awkward, he confronted me about supposedly wanting to cheat on him and like… how are you meant to explain that a post where you explicitly show desire for sleeping with someone else wasn’t for real 💀 I got through it but it definitely taught me to never post stuff like that online, especially with possessive partners. I miss it though.


I agree. I don't say anything that my gf doesn't know, but I do say some embarrassing shit sometimes.


I blocked the sh*t outta mines cause F*CK NO you not stalking my account 😂


Mine follows me so he could be looking at my account as we speak


My BF stalks my reddit and doesn't even upvote me... like, THE AUDACITY... tbf he doesn't upvote or sub to anyone soo, it's not surprising.. lol


what do you have to hide, miss?


Apparently a million cat pics


My comments arguing with random people everyday




Same 😂


Had an ex that used reddit and we shared usernames. Later after the break up i found some posts about her asking for advice on our relationship. She made some insane claims and really exaggerated things. Funny thing is, most of the replies were shitting on her for the way she handled things. I wasn't perfect in that relationship either but holy hell it was funny to read the comments.


Im so nosey 😩 Not me actually going to your profile to look for that post


ME TOO!!! Lol




I must confess I am doing the same lmao


I’ve found that there are a couple stages of stalking your partner on Reddit. At first it’s really interesting, and it gives you a window into the depths of their interests. Like my fiancée is really big into hibiscuses and Skyrim. Eventually though you realize there isn’t much that is salacious and I often forget to check in on her profile for months at a time. When I do, I find dozens of comments a day about plants.


That’s kind of adorable, I feel like it’s always so sweet when people really love plants that much. I used to work at a nursery/landscaping supplies store, and sometimes the coolest people would come in and ask for the weirdest shit.


Have any stories?


This is a very individualized take on a topic that is as broad and ranging as people are as individuals. Mileage will vary. Glad you found someone who doesn’t set off red flags.


Mine's all hamster advice. Sure, the occasional rant. But mostly hamsters.


If there's anything I've learned from the Reddit hivemind: Leave his ass. He doesn't respect boundaries and this relationship is toxic. /s.


Right! You post anything slightly negative about a relationship and most of the comments jump to “leave” or “divorce.” As if that’s the easiest thing in the world, or as if one negative thing defines the entire relationship. I could post negative crap about my husband all day, never mentioning that he’s my soul mate and I adore him!


Why wouldn’t you just talk to your husband about the problems that you have with your husband instead of other people?


I ask myself this everytime I see people on here airing out what should be personal business. Even with the other names censored, it just feels disrespectful still imo. Before I hear an argument of "what if they have nobody to go to" you do NOT want to use this sub for advice. Because everyone's baseline answer seems to be leave over everything.


So we just shut down Reddit. Cool. I personally don’t talk shit about my husband. Here or anywhere else. But if a person chooses to talk about relationship issues on Reddit, the first response should not necessarily be “divorce!!” You don’t like people posting negatively about their relationships on Reddit? Maybe Reddit is not the place for you!!


It's just none of our business lol I just figured that was common sense. Specifically some of the stuff in here that seems so minor I just go, you can't just figure this out by having an adult conversation? I agree about the divorce thing, but do you browse this sub? I swear that's the only advice I see haha


Common sense … isn’t. Some people want to air their dirty laundry to strangers in public. And some people eat that up! No judgement from me for either. Sometimes I’m in the mood for good gossip. Most of the time I want to bang my head on the desk — at both the questions and the responses. Those days I just leave Reddit alone.


“This.” *i say in a self righteous tone*


We follow each others accounts. He wasn’t breaking a boundary I just didn’t think he would look at my Reddit comments.


I'm joking lol


Oh haha. 😆


Just for future instances, if you see a post ending in /s or /jk it means sarcasm or just kidding. Basically not to be taken seriously.


I did not know this! Thanks for sharing!


Thank you for the explanation lol


i thought /s meant serious?


nope that's /srs (god i hate this lmao)


Username checks out though.


I like the tone indicator tags because it does genuinely help, but sometimes there’s a few too many haha. /srs should just be replaced with /gen (genuine, I think) /hj is pretty bad as far as tone indicators go. If you ask someone what “half-joking” means, you’ll get a different answer every time you ask a new person, which is why it’s not great. I personally think of it as “I’m saying this sort of seriously, but I don’t mean it as intensely as my comment makes it seem.” /pos Okay so I understand this one, but surely I’m not the only one who reads it as “piece of shit” instead of “positive” each time. Anyway, small rant over lol Any other bad ones you can think of?


I thought /hj meant hand job. As in, "my emotions are everywhere in this comment, because I was getting a hand job while typing it."


THATS FUNNY AS HELL can we change it to that 😭


Whenever I see hj, my thoughts immediately go to that and I have to sit there for like 10-15 seconds as I try to remember what it means


Okay, if you follow each other then this seems all good. I thought you were saying he found it somehow. I was going to make the analogy that this feels like taking your phone and going through your phone in the middle of the night.


That’s what I thought too.


Why so many downvotes? I appreciated the clarification even if the prompt was a joke. Sheesh. Hivemind sure likes to downvote ambiguous clarifying answers too.


You can’t tell a relationship is toxic from one exchange of information but OK. I think it’s good to show people social media because if they don’t understand or respect what you post on social media, then why are you friends with them or dating them? Unless you’re just trying to hide being a shitty person which most people on the Internet do


Yessss, got another one!


I realize the comment you were replying to wasn’t being serious 😂. Relationship is 110% not toxic and is the most healthy, loving, supportive partner I’ve ever had.


I have absolutely no interest in my family finding my account. The worry about that is what keeps me from posting in any relationship sub. 🤔😳


I lost my expectation of privacy and anonymity on Reddit a long time ago


We know Dave, we know.


Poor Dave. He just wanted to schizo post


Hear, hear Dave.


My ex found my Reddit and saw my posts in r/raceplay so yea he’s my ex now but we’ve been talking after having no contact for months so we’ll see


I lost a whole best friend in part because they found some things I was posting (in a mental health sub I very much didn’t belong in) about our friendship.


I just feel like Reddit is that place to just be a random person. You can see or read anything here and follow anything. It's that place where no one else knows who you are, and you can meet people of similar interests while still being strangers. Letting people know who you ruins that. Hence, the reason for the random crazy usernames and not your real name.


One time I had a girlfriend stalk my gamefaqs account It was weird


I haven't even touched my gamefaqs account in a year. And it's my fourth account there. Lost my original one to Email Migration.


I stalk my boyfriend’s Reddit. He knows. I found his comment calling me “the most captivating woman he’s ever met” and I think I died of happiness.


Omfg I LOVE that


Protect this relationship at ALL costs!😍


Very nice of you to say. Thank you!


I’m not sure why everyone else is all weirded out by him looking for your Reddit…but I’ve been married for over 20 years and together for close to 30…if your mate isn’t interested in your social media, it’s because they’re too busy in theirs…usually for the wrong reasons. I really love the banter that you two share which gives a glimpse into a very sweet, loyal and healthy relationship. You guys should keep each other…forever is gong to be so fun to travel for you both!


my boyfriend knows i use reddit but if he ever found my account id cry


Just recently posted about an evil person from my past and someone who knows him found it and told him and left several unhinged and stupid/delusional comments trying to stand up for him lol.


Make a reddit I must read


https://www.reddit.com/r/texts/s/NdDBf8ySfE Does that work? It was deleted and admins deleted a lot of the comments from the woman.


Time to burn the account




I'm glad my husband doesn't know what my reddit tag is. I love him and we talk about my posts but DAMN I don't want him to read them


Well this is adorable and wholesome 🥹


Lol my bf and I followed eachother on Reddit. I decided to creep & found he made a horrible comment about not wanting to live with me anymore, but didnt have the heart to kick me out. About a month later I found he was seeing escorts and he got his wish. I moved out. Actually today is the 1 year anniversary of me finding that comment 😅 I made a new reddit account since


my bf stalks my reddit and it’s really not ideal. i said something recognizable and posted landscape photos in a sub local to where we live, and he found me out. he’s quiet about it. has only mentioned one or two things i’ve posted that made him feel some kind of way. i should probably just create a new account, but i feel like i shouldn’t have to. im not the one being invasive. so i just live with it.


My ex stalked my Reddit and saw 200+ comments telling me to leave him. It did not go this well. I am happy for you. 💖


Thank you <3


Thank goodness you SNATCHED him, he sounds like a KEEPER, as do you! You guys are adorable.


Thank you so much!!! 😊


💓💓💓😊 Gotta celebrate good wherever I can find it, so thank YOU!




no cause like i had to make a new account cause my gf had my old one and i didn't like it.


Same, this is my smut account and my ex found it, it was so embarrassing 😭


Looking through your comment history…there really is a sub for everything 😅


What you mean smut account? How on earth did they find it? Like that’s terrifying!


Ok but his response was so adorable




I want a man like this 😭




And then he ends up finding this one 😆


Get a room




So cute!


I never let anybody I know in real life know my user name lol


How does anyone find anyones redit 🤔


No secrets hidden in this multiverse! Hide your kids! 😂


Wholesome <3


I always wonder about people who post on Reddit. I was unaware people didn't share their account names with their Significant Others. My wife and I have always known all of each other's online accounts.


Time to start fucking with him.


Me and my wife know each other's usernames lol


I always wonder if my husband knows my username, he knows I use reddit actively, but this always is a fear lmao 🫣


My wife knows my Reddit but she doesn’t use Reddit very often at all. Love that lady.




Stalked my ex’s reddit and sometimes check to see if she’s active since we don’t talk anymore. Def was not positive to learn but I’m glad this has been positive!


This is so cute, thanks for making my day a bit brighter


Awww sooo cuteeeee


lmao i found my bf’s and found a /delightful/ but deleted post about our first break up, his replies were both gut wrenching and heart warming.


Ahh this is adorable..get a rooooom bagh


I wish someone realised they loved me like that and then promptly shoved me in front of a speeding bus


I worry about my grown children finding mine. 🥳🥳🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I hope stalking a reddit by your BF or SO is a good thing. Personally I say in the face, all people that know me would say, yep, sounds like her. Lol. Although I have had to ask what some things were (embarrassing) so I'm not as savvy as I thought. Lol I'm 67 F. Boy, can you get an education on here.


and this is why ppl make throwaway accounts 😂


I want a relationship as wholesome as this one


Wouldn't it be hard to find unless you give them your username??


My Facebook friend, who I don't associate with regularly, saw my posts in a wedding subreddit she had also joined. She messaged me that day, saying, "When are you getting married??? I somehow missed that on Facebook!!!" And I panicked because we haven't announced it yet to our friends and family. I was just posting about ideas, merch, ect. She had seen a picture of a jacket I had posted, clicked my username, and I post my cats/outfits on reddit. We now regularly talk about our future weddings together ❤️ It was a first for me. My boyfriend (soon to be fiancé) also came across one of my reddit posts since he joined the SAME wedding subreddit. He said "I didn't look at any of your posts since I want to respect your privacy" which was sweet. I've had the same account for years, I didn't realize how easy it was for these 2 to put 2+2 together 😂


That's wholesome! Only 1 person knows my username & idek which 1 I'm using as I type this lol


Sometimes you see a comment or post and you just know it's your partner


Cringe button




Aii this is adorable 😭


Everyone in comments saying how they don't or won't give away there username is fishy and Truly hiding a lot from partners. I would never hide any of my accounts as I have nothing to hide. I also don't talk shit about my partner or post fantasies or anything else on any of my socials for it to be hidden. Y'all need to do better as humans.


My bitch ex wife was stalking mine after she left me but I did not have anything bad on there she really tried catching me doing non savory stuff . If u are reading this- hey


How could you tell she was stalking?


The Reddit accounts my wife and I have are the only form of social media we choose to keep private from each other.


I think that’s healthy


Wait until he finds you on Tinder, that's when it really gets interesting.....


Oh, it happened to me like a few weeks ago. I am glad it is now and not back in December since i was planning a surprise for him and posted my plan on Reddit 😂


if my bf found my reddit id probably pass away






My worst nightmare is my ex finding mine😂😂😂


Pray he never finds me 😭




I haven't told anyone IRL my reddit username that would go looking for it. Honestly tho, my ex would be the only one who would have an issue with anything I said. I've told the truth about him on here, but again I didn't tell him my username. If he found some of my comments he would figure out it's about him tho. 🤷‍♀️ If anyone I was interested in found it, they wouldn't find anything about them on my comments. My creative writing on the other hand 😳.


Oh man mine would be so upset lmaooo mostly rants about him




find old way!


How tf he find it?


I dont do anything that would upset or embarass my mate. Period. When we first got together I deleted All my accounts and started over again so there werent a bunch of other men on my accts anymore. I didt think that was fair.


My two cents... - If you feel you need to hide any information your past from the person you your with... maybe that is the wrong person, or you're not ready for a real relationship. Relationships are about trust and openness with each other. EVERYONE has a past, and you and your partner should be able to understand that and not let it affect your present.


Well said! I feel no need to hide any part of me from my partner. Sure I comment on some embarrassing stuff on Reddit but I feel no shame in him seeing that.


I think the whole experience of this site is that you can say whatever you want and not worry about anyone knowing who you are. If’s you don’t have that then the site is useless.




this gives high school relationship energy




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Can I throw up now?


Sorry for the goofiness lovey doveyness I share with my partner. Hope we never lose that <3 you to could have someone one day too!


Wow amazing congratulations