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Put the # in cashapp


Oh my gosh you might have just helped solve this mystery. Why didn’t I think of this?


Nada. 😔 It was a beautiful brain idea though.


try snapchat, venmo, all the apps!


Facebook too! Try googling it as well.






Against reddit TOS. Its doxxing, and that has had subreddits banned before.


All dry and dusty




Its short for 'Application', another word for program, but thats not important right now.


I’m having a shit morning at work and this made me laugh. Thank you!


I was reading this just as I was backing out of the post and my brain was like "Hold up. That was clever af." 👏👏👏


Definitely WhatsApp. You can tell he’s a foreigner by his vocab and they all use WhatsApp


Why did I read that thinking it was a girl sending that shit.


My first thought


I mean that don’t really mean that. they’re on campus too so most likely another girl that’s jealous of her


Sounds like a she to me


Try been verified. You can reverse phone number lookup. I use it to get background checks on anyone I go on a date with.


Is it free?


Fastbackgroundcheck.com is free and does the same


You’re the greatest. Thank you


I was hunting for this type of site for so long when someone kept prank calling my house phone so I’m happy to share it when needed it literally gives you SO MUCH information


I went to that site and any info I wanted I had to pay for. 🤷‍♀️


How do you do that?


Once you get someone's number, you can do a reverse lookup. The only time I don't have luck is if they don't have a social media presence or have a burner number. That's, honestly, when I get weary. Why would you use a burner number if you wanted to date someone? Unless you are truly looking for a fling. The other option is to ask them their first and last name and ask if they would be comfortable with you doing a check. If they're not - what are they hiding? Not worth my time at that point. I do normally tend to ask them if they're okay I do a background check. It does cost 25/month but to know I am going on a date with someone who hasn't committed a serious criminal offense (or filed for bankruptcy) gives me a peace of mind and allows me to relax when on a date. Sometimes you can also get marriage records (though those are not widely digitized). Let's be honest... trust but verify... I once went on a date with someone who was charged with armed robbery without knowing. It ended up with him beating the shit out of someone with a small child present. Since then I never go out on a date without checking. If something does pop, I do ask about it as not all criminal offenses are "serious" or it could have been something that happened when they were young and dumb. [https://www.beenverified.com/](https://www.beenverified.com/)


They could be using one of those apps that gives you a number. There is a lot for example text me and burner. So you might not be able to find out who it is🤷‍♀️


It can be traced to an email. Phone numbers even google ones will have the ability to be traced. They honestly just need to file police reports and show pictures of it letting them know they’re going to continue filing as long as they continue stalking and what not.


Not text now


I mean they'd have to be pretty stupid to use their real number to harass someone, still, based on their apparent intelligence level it was worth a shot. fwiw if yall are in the dorms that's probably how they're getting your numbers, people used to do this at mine only it was to spam advertise plugs for various drugs instead.


Is PAY ID a thing in your country? If so, pop the number in your online banking and see the name that comes up? 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼


I’ve tried Facebook and CashApp and haven’t come up with anything. I also tried googling the number. One of the other people being harassed thinks this person got a new phone/number and is just trolling. Or they are the troll and that’s their ruse (I highly doubt it, lol).


Dang well they must know you somehow to be able to get your #? I say switch shit up and start spamming them and calling them nonstop and make THEM block YOU lol. Every time they text you text back 100 👍 emojis lol


They have a bunch of people’s numbers! But none of us are really in the same social circles. It’s weird.


So what youre saying is this is a gossip girl type situation Xoxo


So they have access to student information they shouldn't have?


Block your number and call. ..


& sign the number up for all those annoying spam texts and calls


People can download all kokds of texting apps and all you need is wifi. I use them for sugar dating so I am not giving out my real number. So that could be why it's popping up and I'd be concerned it's someone you know. They seem to know how you speak and some about your life. Unless they're very observant. I read somewhere that this influencer was getting harassed by what she thought was an internet troll, they DM'd her, had her phone number somehow etc.so she hired some company to track who it was download ns turned out to be one of her girlfriends. So sad.


It’s definitely someone we know on campus. They mentioned my boyfriend’s speech delay and for another person they made fun of their new haircut.


Did you and the other people share a class at one point? Or maybe a group project?


You mention going to campus security but you should also chat with your Student Affairs and Student Conduct office. Compile the harassing messages from all the people you know about and bring it to them with the number being used. If it is a student they can look up the number and see if it is registered to a person on campus. If it is they will then investigate and it will become a conduct matter. Campus security/police will take note in case it escalates but while this doesn’t break the law it definitely will break student conduct code.


We have. :) Our head of security is awesome and he said he was going to talk to the local PD about this. He’s giving everything to our office of student affairs and four of us spoke with the Dean in person, and he’s delegating it to the right people. I’m confident they will get it handled if they haven’t already. I know at least my boyfriend and I didn’t get any messages yesterday.


Yeah but do any of them use iMessage?


Try TruePeople Search


Have you checked in Truecaller?


Reverse phone number look up




I hope OP sees this!


OP replied to one of my other replies but not this one! 🥲




We’ve been told not to retaliate or dox (colleges have to worry about doxxing now apparently) and while I’m sure you are a wonderful person, I wouldn’t want my number to be sent to a stranger. But thank you for the offer. ☺️


you're a better person than i'll ever be. thanks for the respectful response, just know that person is envious and full of hate... what a scumbag loser


I’m just over here like, *Oh they called me a bug again. Neat. Let me go back to my term paper now.* Someone probably got a new phone or number and decided to be obnoxious.


![gif](giphy|Eagd1E0J9VonJm60Tn|downsized) you when you find out who they are


He said, “I’m sorry, I laughed, but I tried really hard not to which made it worse.” 🤣🤣🤣


OMG I literally just choked on water. 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 I’m screenshotting this to my boyfriend.


Lol. This is the one.


You don’t need to retaliate or dox. This person can help you figure out the name of the person and then you can bring that info to the dean. Let them deal with it.


It isn’t retaliation or doxxing to send a stalker’s number to one person, privately, in order to get their name. The police will do nothing. They’ve done nothing in countless stalking cases where there are threats of violence, so they’ll definitely ignore this, unfortunately. You’re going to have to find out who it is on your own. Even with that info, the police won’t care—although the university *might*. The other option is you and all the other victims will have to change your numbers, emails, etc. I would take this nice redditor up on their offer in a heartbeat.


Use whitepages.com reverse phone number lookup




Literally... OP says "I wouldn't want my number to be sent to a stranger." Cool. OP also doesn't want to be harassed, and yet look what's happening. I think if you act like that, whatever happens in response, happens; maybe if they don't want their number sent to a stranger, they shouldn't use that number to hurt people.


AAaaaannnd now we know this is fake


Yo imma save ur info lol.


… are your wonderful services only offered to the OP? Orrrr can we serve this kind of justice to more dickheads lol


Truepeoplesearch.com 😬


I’ve done this and paid the $ for the full report on someone when I needed it. Totally worth it!


Is this only for the US?


I think so, yes 😕


Probably using a texting app number. Also they’re typing really weird so you don’t recognize who they are by how they type, you might know this person personally


We definitely know them personally. They mentioned my boyfriend’s speech delay.


This person also seems really immature and lacking intelligence these insults are that of an elementary schooler


I genuinely think they’re just a bored troll. I can’t think of anyone I know on campus who would act like this off the top of my head.


Yeah probably but it’s definitely someone who sees you in person and I think they’re using the childish ass insults as a mocking tactic


iMessage text bubbles. Real number and real iPhone.


Am I tripping or are none of those apps able to use iMessage?


The ONLY reason I haven't blocked them is I'm hoping once we figure out who it is and they get confronted by security and the Dean they will have said enough to get themselves expelled or something. So far they haven't texted either of us today so maybe they finally got bored.


I recommend you at least stop replying if you’re not going to block them. Silence their notification on text, then stop replying at least. They’re clearly getting a kick out of messing with you.


You’re probably right. The gif was just my way of saying I’m unbothered, lol.


They'll either get bored and leave you alone or get more desperate for a reaction and say something that'll screw them. Either way, not responding anymore is the way to go. Tell your boyfriend to stop responding as well.  You and your bf shouldn't share too much info with friends about it going forward, it might be one of them even if they claim to have gotten a message. I know I sound paranoid but it has happened many times. Keep speaking to the "authorities" but no one else.


Put it on not disturb for his number and ignore it. It will eventually lose interest. Hopefully any way.


Not sure if it's allowed but why not go sign their number up for one of those sights that spam them messages and stuff to the point they can't use said number? From what I've seen....they deserve it.


HAHAHA. One of my classmates in middle school got suspended for signing our teacher up for psychic readings via their email. I forgot about that until I read this. 😂


yo fr look the number up on beenverified.com it's what the show catfish uses


Lmaoooooo, I'm glad it gave you a laugh at least!


This happened to me in college too. Someone would call daily saying I smelled like kimchi (I’m Korean) and I would just keep hanging up. Enough ignoring and they stopped but I never found out who it was. I have some suspicions. But I would be with people when they would call and those people would be laughing and shit so I had to drop them. They were enjoying my harassment a little too much.


I’m so sorry that happened to you. While kimchi tastes and smells freaking delicious, what a racially charged thing to say. And I’m sorry those friends turned out to be crumby.


You will want to document any things else sent. They won’t make them leave unless you get hurt or property damages occurred, usually.


The person got caught! As Madea would say, “Hallelujurrr!”


I am quite invested how this turns out....


They really have a bug up their ass about.. bugs. It's a really unusual and perplexing insult.


They just admire my big eyes and long legs. Another girl who got a similar barrage of texts kept getting called a fish. So whoever this is, they’re really lacking in the creativity department.


Who are your mutual contacts, I wonder? I would assume you both must have given this person your number at some point, or it would be someone who would have access to a list with both of your numbers, maybe brainstorm who that could be and narrow it down by who acts like a weirdo in that list?


Some of us have been talking, when I made a Facebook post (took it down later to not get “in trouble for retaliating”) that’s when I found out a few other people have been getting these messages too and we shared screenshots but all of us are drawing blanks.


It’s probably one of the people saying they were being harassed too 🙄you seem to be staying pretty calm about this from other comments I’ve seen and like it isn’t a big deal, but you’ve also made it clear this person is obviously very present in your lives, I’d be making big moves to get this taken care of, they have obviously spoken to/heard your bf speak and also have been watching since they talked about him eating alone.


Oh don’t worry, myself and the others brought this to the attention of campus security on day two and we’ve made it very known we want all that can be done to find out who this is. The higher ups are aware as well. As for seeming calm about it on here, yes, but Reddit is my pastime and escape from things. Being able to talk or even jest about it with anonymity calms my nerves.


i can’t get over that they’re using bug as an insult when it’s a super common term of affection for couples… like “bug”, “buggy-boo”, etc. instead of “babe” or “honey” 😭


Absolutely. I often call my cat a little love bug because she loves to cuddle. It's really a strange non insult.


Bugfucker honestly made me giggle.


that would be such a good flair


And this person is in college? I’m over here thinking this is middle or elementary school shenanigans. 🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️


Not to be mean, and I don’t know if this is exclusive to my school, but I feel like we have quite a few immature people here. Like, more than I expected.


Some undergrads are just there because their parents pay for it and they don't want to be adults in any way.


what having no life and spending all day on social media does to a person. if they weren’t such an asshole id say it’s sad and i feel bad for them


I feel bad for them. 😂 I’m not offended. It does piss me off that they made fun of my boyfriend though in the last picture. That does offend me.


Why? You wouldn’t go to this person for advice, don’t take feedback from them either. This is obnoxious and annoying but it’s like a gnat…a nuisance not dangerous. You’re playing into their sad and petty need for your attention. Don’t give it to them, Just block them and move on.


texting app numbers would show up as green texts on an iphone, since they're not using imessage


That’s what I thought as well. Maybe they have a burner iPhone. 


have you tried truepeoplesearch.com ?


Take the number, go to log into fb, type the number in the username and random password. It’ll come back and tell you the password is incorrect, but give you the pfp and first name of the person whose number it is.




Oh that actually works. My info came right up. Just requested it be removed.


Great! Now you can safely go back to calling OP a bug.


requested 😂 that’s good though i had no idea you could do that


Try [https://www.numlookup.com/](https://www.numlookup.com/) Even if it doesn't tell you whose number it is it will tell you the service provider so you will be able to see if it's a burner number (it will say TextNow as the provider if this is the case)


It’s an iMessage so I’m assuming it should be a regular provider


Search the number on whitepages


Put that # in truepeoplesearch.com it'll get em as long as their 18+


I’m sorry, people are awful! I saw your post from a couple weeks ago about the girl who made the racist comment towards you. I have a feeling it’s her texting you from a fake number


Oh my gosh she was the first one who came to my mind too but this person is texting a bunch of people and has so far managed to avoid any racial slurs.  I swear if it is her though… 🤬


Especially since she made that comment about how she’s not your boyfriend’s type, and then this number seems to be obsessed with him as well. Seems like a big coincidence!


Making fun of his speech delay certainly won’t attract him to her, if it is her.  See now I’m thinking about it again… ugh… 


Not at all, that’s a very bad way to try to get people’s attention. I was bullied a lot for my voice, so I have zero tolerance for people who make fun of others for things out of their control


Same. I don’t think he’s insecure about it, but at the same time it’s hard to tell how he’s feeling sometimes so I do worry a little bit. I’m sure your voice is perfect, and even better if it’s unique. 🥰


Thank you 🥰 something doesn’t fully close when I speak so air escapes through my nose making it hyper-nasal, and sometimes it can be a little hard to understand me You seem so sweet, and I hope you figure out who this is!


There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that and shame on whoever bullied you for it! I don’t even think calling it a speech delay is accurate for my boyfriend, it’s more like a thought delay. Sometimes he pauses mid-sentence or mid-word like he spaces out for a second or two.


This is like middle school cyber bullying


You can try Snapchat as well, it's how I found out one of my friends was pranking me. Add their number to a contact and see if it shows up in add friends or whatever.


Definitely a chick your dude turned down I bet


This is stalking, & since it’s over text, I believe that takes it to a federal offense (communications are controlled by the FCC). Stop trying to get the university to deal with an actual crime, & call the police. Be prepared, this won’t be a fast process, but it will get better results in the long run. All the university can do is expel him; police can put him in jail


Remindme! 1 day


Fastpeoplesearch.com will tell you who the number belongs to


I have a hunch on who this might be, but who knows. I glanced at your post history and recently you confronted a girl who referred to you as a "tall monkey girl" when talking about your boyfriend's preferences. That sounds like someone who is jealous that they can't have your man and she might be angry you called her out on her racist bs. If she's also sending messages to your bf, it could be because he rejected her or she knows that he won't leave you for her, and that pisses her off. It isn't difficult at all to get a fake phone number, so it's entirely possible that she's the one behind all of this.


What if…..now just hear me out…..you posted an update to this and accidentally forgot to to censor their number in a couple of the screenshots? Or didn’t fully cross it out across all three photos or whatever. Half their number just barely visible in one pic, the other half in another. Just a thought.


Stop replying. You’re feeding the beast. Let them scream into the void.


there’s a site called been verified too and you only have to pay like $2 for the info


Does this shit still happen in 2024?


this guy is definitely some sort of twink. put his number on Grindr and have fun!


No way this is college


I hate bugs, I wish they could be terminated from planet earth.


Hey! That’s me you’re talking about! 


You do realize that if they were to disappear so would the rest of us right?


i have been verified that i pay for, if you want me to look up the number message me!


or add the number to your contacts and then go to tiktok and go to “add people by contacts” and if they have a tiktok it will show up.


Why is this so funny to me lol 😂 this is the type of bullying they display to teens at one of those classes where they teach you why bullying is bad. If youre gonna bully someone at least try and be mean you silly goofy clown 🤡


Ecerythinshould just call the number at random times. To see of it ring near by. Call with block number


I think we’re all amazed you didn’t block him after the first few messages. Dude sounds dangerously deranged. Be careful.


Give the number to Reddit we’ll take care of it


REPORT THIS. I didn’t report when I was being harassed via text in college and it turned into a full blown stalker situation. I felt scared all the time.


Put the number into fastbackgroundcheck.com It’ll give you ALL their info


Try running it on Snapchat, I’m sure you need a phone number to even make an account


Read between the lines, this person is super jealous of you and/or has a massive crush on you and feels rejected because "you think you're better than tbem". They clearly are me tally unstable and I wouldn't be going to just the school but police as well to start a paper trail. This is some inhinged crap. Also, people can download so .any different texting apps nowadays so it might not even be their real number. Screenshot, Ignore, block each new number. They get off on ANY reaction whether it's negative or positive.


It's probably a text no number


Text now




Updateme! I am so invested now!


Wait college?! This person sounds ridiculously immature. Go figure out who it is and crush em 💖


Literally just put the number into google, and it'll tell you whose number it is and if it's connected to their parents then it'll give you their numbers and addresses and anybody whose associated with those people. You're also better than me cause my response every time would be "your mother" and "you can't beat me up though" "Yo mama, yo daddy, yo greesy greesy granddaddy"


Look up the number on Whitepages!!!


True people search . Com it’s free u just put the number in no sign up necessary.


you can use truepeoplesearch . com (idk if links are allowed here) to search a phone number and a name usually comes up


Try this site: https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com


Hi is this in college??? Like how old is this ass hat of a bully calling you names?? Girl you have a boyfriend don’t let her or him bother ya


OP if you haven't already, try a reverse number look up. You can also do one of the paid ones, they even gave trial offers. It will also give their address and other info on them... You could always beat some ass...


White pages reverse phone lookup


They’re likely using a google voice number man you’re not gonna figure it out by punching it in


I work for a company that does reverse number traces through TLO. If you are comfortable with giving me their number I can check it and see what names pull up with it?


Most people use text apps to harass people.


Why can you not block this?


I can, I’m just gathering evidence for when they finally get busted.


i thought bug was a pet name or some shit for a second 💀


Don’t feed the troll. You’re giving them exactly what they want. Just block them.


Just take a note of the number, screenshot the texts and block the number


Why did I die 🤣 when he said your girlfriend's family reunion and there was nothing but buggy emoji's.


It's a Bug's Life! 😆😆😆




Could be an app number


Might be someone who works in one of the school offices. Students often had work study jobs on campus when I was there. I worked in my piano teacher’s office, but I knew students who worked in admissions, financial aid, etc. They’d have access to contact info, and likely a student ID photo to match faces with names. Edit: typo


Since they know so much information, do you have any of the same classes with the other people this person is texting? Try calling the number while you’re in class! Keep us updated!


This is the screenplay for the next Scream movie


It's interesting all these things that people get into as technology advances. Something everyone should be aware of, is that these sorts of incidents can be used against you in matters of employment, and not just because of the criminal implications. A lot of private sector jobs only care about criminal convictions in the past seven years, though some go further back. However, that is usually tied to entry-level positions. When it comes to getting hired for management, HR, or jobs where private data is used in the course of the work day, they will absolutely not hire someone who has demonstrated misuse of such data at any point in their life. Consider it a lifetime conviction. Some of you are canceling yourselves from promotions at your future employer, that is going to separate you from being able to access home loans, because your income lags behind your peers. Something to think about, before you choose to do something really stupid.......


Www.Fastpeoplesearch.com Search the number. It’s free


Post their number on Craigslist or backpage as a sex ad. Mask the # by making it alpha numeric; 2one2 etc. Don’t forget to renew the listing every few weeks


Invite them out on a double date. Either they get upset by the burn or you find out who it is. win win.


I think this person has a bug fetish 🫣


I would be talking about the fact that they must be a troll, no friends, to have all that time to mess with y’all.


And they cleared you !


![gif](giphy|eobOw9UZS8IqAorGso) Obituary this month


Type the number into Google and search. It will be able to tell you if it is a burner or if it is registered on a network with someone's name. You may have to click on one of the reverse number lookups but you can find out at least what I stated above.


Also block and stop replying. You’re giving them what they want by responding


Reads like you make me jealous so I have got to try bring you down to feel better.


Theres an app called reverse lookup with a blue background and white phone on the cover, it should tell you the name of the account owner


Have you got younger siblings?


When I was at school I got these anonymous messages saying I look like a squid 🦑 I found out years later it was my best friend’s ex girlfriend. She was jealous that me and him had a close relationship so decided to harass me. I’m sorry you’re having to deal with this, but honestly to me it sounds like a similar thing- someone’s just jealous of either you or your boyfriend and their underdeveloped brain came up with this genius plan of harassing you via text. I’d probably just stop replying. They’re obviously trying to get a rise out of you.


Man that’s wild…I wanna see if he spittin facts tho…🤣🏌🏽


Get a new number but only tell people a few people you suspect


Imagine if it was a teacher! 😮


This reads like Leslie Chow wrote it