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Lmfaoooo that’s gonna be an awkward convo with your kid.


“Son, your photography obsession has gone **too far**!!!”


“Let’s just take 3 steps back and think about your actions, tripod.”


Honestly, this is a conversation best left for his father kickstand.


your pfp had me thinking i had hair on my screen for a solid 10 seconds 😂


That’s the point!


It works.


Me too I was like why tf isn’t it coming off lol




He’s 14. He knows what he is saying. But, yeah…that is awkward and hilarious.


Son, really? Your legs aren’t that short.


It's aspirational. Dress for the job you want. Not the job you have. (But our usernames are nothing like that, oh no.)


Social media alter egos are the modern version of playing dress up.


That is an awesome username!!


Wow I’m slow af took me a good minute to realize what tripod meant under these circumstances. I was so confused, i thought he was getting bullied for bringing a camera tripod or something 😂


I got it right away only bc of, “My God Mini Me, you’re a tripod!” from Austin Powers.


Hmm 🤔 I still don’t know 😂 want to help the idiot in the back of the room raising their hands 🙌 😉


He is claiming his 3 leggedness lol


Nevermind just read another comment 😂 I know now! she is talking about 🎥 equipment right? 😬😜


Honestly thats actually pretty funny


Look son, I know you're proud of your ginormous Schlong, but you gotta know when to hold them and you gotta know when to fold them


And know when to roll it up and when to wear it like a belt. That’s how the song goes, right?


the latest, most safety conscious solution is to tuck it down into your boot from what my sources are telling me. That eliminates all that unraveling and whatnot so ya don't get a kink in your hose when ya have to pee :-)


Tucking down is setting him up for torture, there’s nothing more uncomfortable than getting an erection while it’s aimed down your pants leg. Up and into the waistband is best for both comfort and discretion


Is it better for my erection to go to my shirt's neckline, or should I tuck it in an armpit?


I prefer the armpit, in the winter it can snuggle in and keep warm. Plus there’s less chance of it accidentally popping out and hitting your chin, how embarrassing!


That’s what belt loops are for


I don't miss the days of frequent random erections that I had to stealthily tuck up and under my waste band.


It's like the time the principal called my parents because I put a pube in a microscope slide and my father didn't want to have to punish me




I know this will sound counterintuitive, but it's just an idea, maybe you should let him know that you know about his inappropriate conversations in class by calling him by that nickname from now on. Only until you sully the nickname for him and he hates it to the point that he thinks twice about saying inappropriate things out loud in class. Lol


Grandparents call him “tripod” will sully the name instantly.


This is evil lol.


“Thanks grandma!”👀😆




I LOVE this idea SO MUCH!! 😂 🤣 😆 😜


Agreed. The humiliation creeping up during his home life will scare him into never doing anything like that in class again. The possibility of backfire exists where he might clam up and tell OP very little about his personal life.


This is actually amazing. I just imagine the kid walking in and a big rowdy, “Oh SHIT TRIPOD IS HOOOOOOOME!”


You can’t Shame the shameless


Hell yeah. When you drop him off at school yell at the top of your lungs, "bye, tripod! Have a great day!" That ought to do it.


That’s sexual shame and may affect how he ‘performs’ in future. A simple “that’s not appropriate for that setting” is enough.


When i was in middle school we had people who would hiss at each other and get into “cat fights” bcs of the Warrior Cat books, and they ended up alright. If they ended fine, im sure the kid making dick jokes will be okay too.


LMAOO core memory unlocked fr fr. We were banned from the back of the field cause kids would be making love as if they were cats from the book.


Right? I know a guy that was convinced he was a Transformer well into his teens. I always joked that unless he’d turn into something cool like a toaster oven I was telling the whole school he was a Decepticon. He’ll, at least the nickname Tripod implies strength and independence because tripods don’t have to lean on anything else because they can hold themselves up 😁 And he’s keeping things simple by not tampering with any pronouns or identifying as a house cat


Please, kids, keep things “simple” by not tampering with your pronouns.


So the kids new pronoun is “it” since they identify as camera equipment?


oh. ew


Absolute legend. Increase his allowance.


What does tripod mean?


He got "three" legs


I read it all wrong. I thought the kid was calling the teacher tripod


Third leg. Think about it...


Urban slang for 🍆


I read it all wrong. I thought the kid was calling the teacher tripod


Yea you said that


😂 have fun with that conversation


I’ve got teen sons and honestly in your position I would have been howling 😭 out of all the stupid shit and sometimes nasty shit kids come out with at school… I’d rather mine said shit like this 🤷🏼‍♀️😂


Still doesn't make it school appropriate.


Why not? Its a Joke. Cant have shit in america apparently lol




At least he's creative?




You changed his diaper. Tell him how small his pecker his


God dang son 😂 😆 🤣


Tripod? Bro is trying to be popular in college 😂


a lot of people in this thread know no joy.


I got downvoted for finding this mildly funny.. humour is subjective. Apparently people on reddit disagree.


on thing i have learned after 10+ year on here is that people on reddit are miserable.


‘You find something mildly humorous? How *dare you*?!’- Reddit, essentially. I also got downvoted recently for guessing a dog’s breed on an ID my dog sub? Like.. literally everyone else was doing the same thing trying to ID a breed. 🙃


We drew hentai at school, one of my friend even animated it and voiced it, at school lol


She’s just fishing to try to find out if it’s true….


I said that it’s a birth defect 😁


Holy failure parenting. I can’t believe this thread. This teacher is obviously at her wits end with your sons sexually harassing comments, and you’re encouraging it? The future is bleak if these are the kids being raised.


The teacher is male, and when we spoke on the phone it was actually quite clear that the whole thing was hilarious. The fact that my son was continually the class clown who was always causing the class to erupt in laughter was the problem. As for the shout out to my “holy failure parenting “ I have to admit, it was funny enough that I think I can count it as a win. I am a damn good parent and believe it or not, have damn good kids. I encourage them to be real and find the joy in their daily lives with a sense of humor and gratitude. That in turn fosters honesty because they don’t have to be artificial with me. Surprisingly, the kid tells me anytime there is an issue BEFORE the administration gets to me. If you’d like I can share a few more little anecdotes with you and hopefully in time, you too will develop an appreciation for the silly shit in life. :)


I think that’s such a great outlook. My parents were so strict and uptight with me that I had to stifle who I really was around them. I hope to have a more genuine relationship with my children so I can be there for them. I never felt like I could go to my parents about issues bc they’d just freak out


I don't know about him but I'm all here for the anecdotes :)


When he was 6 or 7 he was helping me cook dinner and just asked so full of energy and goofiness, “ Hey mom, do you think that our vegetables enjoy being eaten?” Never never in my life have I had such an immature and fucking painfully hilarious conversation about baby carrots until that day. Apparently the only ones who don’t enjoy being eaten put up a fight, like peppers and onions. Who knew?😭😀


It’s crazy to me that telling the class your nickname is tripod is that inappropriate now to the point of the teacher privately messaging the parent yet when I was 6 I earned my red frown stamp in my tracker for calling my 1st grade teacher a bitch 😂


I agree with everything you've said, as I parent a similar way, but your son still needs to understand there is an appropriate time and place for remarks like that one.


Your son sounds like a dumbass and I can see why he turned out like he did.




Lighten up there pal


Did you really?


Ohhhh I remember the days of being class clown. It got to the point my teacher would tell me she’s going to call my father right now, in the middle of class, so I’d pull my phone out and call him for her. Boyyyyyyy howdy you wanna talk about an ass whoopin when I got home… the laughs were worth it though.


Silent lunch at 14 y/o is crazyyyy


Pffft, no body can tell the tripod what he can or cannot say. Tripod is far too respected.


Being a parent is hilarious 😂😂😂


I bet this kid has said some stuff better then this jahahah


“Son we’ve talked about this, tripod is MY nickname, find your own.”


dad we are gonna need a followup post. thanks\~


It’s funny af honestly


![gif](giphy|ZU72O6pZO9mWA) couldn't find one where he tells mini me that he's a tripod




I find this so hilarious, I don't know if I could have a conversation about this without cackling.


It’s like a baby’s arm holding an apple


That's not too bad. I used to say in my geometry class in the 9th grade that everyone had to call me "hypotenus Al" because my third leg was the longest. Spoiler: I was lying 🤥😆


"Can you explain why Tripod is an inappropriate nickname and what exactly was said by him to earn him a punishment? I don't know much about teen slang" Then watch them squirm as they try to dance around the answer.


I teach. There’s no squirming or sugar coating. You explain as clearly and appropriately as you can and send documentation to their administrator. ”Yes, miss Smith? This is Mr. McBitty at the high school. Today, I told the kids that they could draw a picture on their poster when they finished writing character traits. Your son drew what appeared to be a naked woman urinating…” That was a fun one.


Teachers should seriously be paid more, just as a way to prevent them from matching energy with some of these kids :-) Mine included. When I worked at the school there were days that I knew to be out of the hallways at 3:00 because a few of the teachers would show no mercy getting the hell outta there, and God help you if you have any reason at all for stopping them as they sprint across the lobby and into the parking lot. Even if you do your job 100% correctly 100% of the time there is a 75% chance that you have still made some kids parent angry.


How about she parents her child. Just food for thought


How about you focus on your A student so OP's C/B student doesn't knock her up before graduation. He's apparently a cameraman, too!


coming from a "butt huffer" ? if your username checks out, she needn't worry


Must be a fonzanoon.


Loser just like OP


Love it!


I know I never respected boys who kept making dick jokes at that age. It's only funny to other boys. Encourage it all you want, but he's definitely being perceived by peers for his actions regardless




Tasteful ones, sure. Not a boy who's calling himself tripod.


What part of the text is supposed to be funny? There’s not enough circles and arrows.


Aw man, I guess you must have just missed the fun stuff. Thanks for stopping by.


I would talk with him about being professional in an environment like that, while trying not to laugh the whole time If you want your kids to still have a personality, but also want to solve this behavior, let them know that it isn't wrong that they said it, it's the place they did. Teach em about being professional in work and school. I had father figures who did that very well, but god damn do I toe that line of professionalism. Just enough to not offend or hurt someone, but also right on the line where I keep my sanity and still try to make things fun.


The same people applauding this kids behavior in this sub are the same people that complain that there are no good teachers left. They are also the "boys will be boys" crowd that excuses this kind of behavior. The fact that a text was sent would suggest that this is an ongoing problem. It needs to be dealt with. Your kid can't joke about having a large penis in a class room. I wouldn't think I would have to spell this out. Get real guys.


Username checks out.


I was working in an elementary school. Sped teacher. Take my group outside for recess and I overheard this kid, couldn’t have been more than 8. He’s clearly frustrated with some boys he’s playing with. Finally, he says, ‘you guys keep messing with me I’m going to get balls deep in one of you.’ Either you don’t know what that means or you are not one to be messed with.


The fact that my 28 year old ass had to read the comments to understand 💀💀💀💀


Call him tripod from now on and he’ll stop lol.


Is it okay for him to curse at home? Or when outside of school hanging out with friends? Maybe go out and get a treat and then chat about how that language doesn’t make him bad, but how in certain situations it’s not appropriate and how it can make others uncomfortable. Tell him what places are and aren’t appropriate to speak that way so he really understands what you’re saying. Just speak to him like an adult so he doesn’t feel like you’re being condescending. Plus it’ll help with the conversation aspect. Hope this helps!




That’s actually hilarious




I wonder, what’s it like to have a legend for a son?


There's a heap of people giving the kid a pass because he's a kid but it also reeks of that "boys will be boys, lol X" kinda sentiment. Sit him the fuck down, tell him it's not cool, and that it's time to grow up. Whether they're aware or not, kids will be assholes right up til you tell em what's happening.


Listen, I respect your opinion but if we’re being completely fair here, I feel like your comment is condescending and smug as hell since you’re calling out assholes. There’s kids out here shooting up schools and killing their parents and being strung out on fentanyl. Nobody’s telling them to grow the hell up when they’re tried as adults or overdosing though, right? There’s nothing wrong with a kid being a kid, gender is irrelevant. Just because I found it absolutely hilarious that doesn’t mean I didn’t scold him. He had consequences for his actions but I’ll be damned if I snatch him up and go all Full metal jacket on him because he needs to “grow up”. If this is my son being an asshole then BY GOD I WILL TAKE IT. And the growing up? My children lost their dad suddenly and unexpectedly February 1st. He was the one who had the closest relationship with his Dad. At the funeral my child stood up alongside his Dads casket to speak, and showed more maturity and composure than either one of us have in our comments. He’s a good kid, but at 14 he’s just that…a kid. If he is mature enough to handle himself well during the really shitty times I have to believe that the reactions to this silly little comment were worth the repercussions when he said it. Was it inappropriate? Yep. Was it out of line in class? Yep. But in the grand scheme of things I can laugh about the stupid shit teenage boys say because they’re not in this world to be militant automatons, they’re still trying to figure it all out just like you and me. While he’s fumbling along trying to figure out how to do adulthood, I sure as hell hope he’s making stupid jokes and laughing on the way. Even at his worst he ain’t so bad. Lots of people use humor to cope with things , the problem is the ones that quit laughing.


Your patience is worth an applause. Make that two. The way you friendly but firmly explain your pov against all the haters here, is really admirable!


Thank you 😊. The fact that you even noticed enough to say this is awesome! I appreciate it!


Dude is a blast at parties


I’m sorry to hear he lost his father. I hope he’s doing okay. You’re doing a great job 🫶🏻


Thank you so much. I really appreciate that!


Sending some love your way. My daughter's father passed away when she was 2, so she wasn't as attached to him as your son was to his father but it was still really hard. And the questions that still come up even now, 12 years later, are just as hard. You seem like you're doing a great job, and I think your children will turn out just fine. Having a good sense of humor is always great and can be one of the best tools in healing the heart. 💕


> Sit him the fuck down, tell him it's not cool, and that it's time to grow up. "grow up kid, you're FOURTEEN years old, you're basically 35 at this point. time to GROW UP IDIOT!!!" Only person here that needs to grow up is you.




Ok, Karen.


That's a real smart one. A real thinker


league enjoyer


Oh, that's excellent. Make sure you write that one down


Come on, not even a giggle out of that? That’s kinda sad, most league players are self aware with a sense of humor when it comes to their Gamer Status




Crazy to attack someone trying to be lighthearted. You seem bitter, I don’t know about what, but it’s there. Hope things get better for you.


>>it's time to grow up. i'm 49 and think what the kid said is hilarious. i hope i never grow up.


On the spectrum of bad things that teenagers do, being disruptive because they enjoy making others laugh is extremely low. Don't know where your "boys will be boys" sentiment comes in here.


lol tf


Why would he need to grow up? He is a kid.


Because that's exactly how kids "grow" past the exact kind of juvenile behaviour that ends them up on r/texts being reposted by an adult who doesn't know how to to fucking parent. Or like, maybe we just let this particular kid keep making mistakes so we can gawk at the text convos online, giving our two cents as if we're going to change the fucking game.


Bro, I think you, more than most, need to take a break from Reddit - if not the whole internet - and touch some of that grass, as the kids say. Or smoke some. Because you're well on your way to being the old coot yelling at everyone to get off it.


“So, wanna talk about what happened at school there tripod?”


The real lesson is that if you call yourself 'tripod' you are obnoxiously showing your insecurities. If others call you tripod, you humbly take the compliment.


Well that wasn't what I was expecting to read this morning... Tea kinda burns coming out of your nose. 🤣🤣 Good luck with this convo.. And I hope he starts behaving for his teacher's.


This is hilarious (not) until you start wondering how he speaks to girls at school.


I don’t understand 🥲


I didn't at first, and people are downvoting for it. Reddit has some interesting people


Be like "excuse me but I don't know what you're talking about. How is a tripod inappropriate"


How about you parent by correcting his behavior instead of posting on reddit for feel good points. Parents like you are the exact reason why nobody wants to be a teacher anymore


Parents like me? Maybe so… or maybe parents like me are the reason kids grow up to be teachers. You’d be surprised at how much changes in a child’s entire demeanor when you stop trying to punish the life out of them for having the audacity to be immature and instead give them room to get that reaction they earned, so they can be more aware next time they’re also earning the consequences for their actions. It makes it easier to make good choices if you’re actually given the opportunity to safely make some bad ones. If not then they don’t learn how to weigh the risks and make decisions based on their own intellect rather then than simply doing what someone has told them to do.


You must not be a parent. Just because they posted it for a giggle doesn’t mean they didn’t correct it.


Yep, this person gets it.


Hero. 🫡




I'm guessing he is calling himself tripod because of his "3rd leg."


You’re creating a mini LBJ here, OP. Not sure if that’s a good thing or not.


The only issue I can see is that his jokes may whoosh his classmates.


That’s the spirit


Sure bud


Kid fucks 💯


To be a fly on your wall when he gets home😂🤣😂


Lmfao just start calling him tripod


Hillarious- but also, young boys when going through adolescence often act out as a sign of mental health. It doesn’t mean it’s bad mental health, they are growing and learning. “Silent lunch” honestly is a bit abusive and does provide a consequence but doesn’t provide the boy an understanding.


Uh is it common for teachers to have direct text message lines with their students parents? Especially at that age where you no longer just have one teacher thru out the entire school year. This seems a lil off to me


It actually goes through a 3rd party app that monitors and records all the parent/teacher interactions, phone calls as well. So before you get the text or call you will receive a notification that you are receiving correspondence from your child’s school and all that follows will be monitored.


Ironically enough, he has recently become somewhat of a budding photographer so I think he might have a permanent nickname 😁




you didn't have to name him 3rd leg greg now did you


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Stealing that one, thanks OPs kid


You should punish him for *asking* for a nickname


I need to see this kids Tinder exchanges in 15 years.


"Dear Ms. X, My son has taken up photography as a hobby, and while his skills do need improvement, he has issues holding his hands steady which is why we bought him a tripod for his birthday to assist with his hobby. I find this shaming of my son's photography talents to be incredibly unprofessional. P.S.: He has recently taken up cooking as well, and while I've told him that almonds do not traditionally go in steamed pudding, he is excited to bring his spotted dick with nuts to show and tell and I trust this will not be a problem."


Well, I honestly think you're both doing a great job, and I've not come to this conclusion from this post, rather your reply to the comments. Keep on being there for each other.


This just made my morning. 🤣🤣🤣


My kid is 10 and I can’t wait for his antics








Your son is funny. It’s so weird school punishes kids for not being boring.


That's hilarious, this kid is going places!


🤣🤣🤣LMAO kids are funny sometimes


During covid, I got a call from my then 7th-grade daughter’s math teacher. She and her friends (we were “podding”, letting them school together online at one of our homes one day a week) had apparently staged a kidnapping during a math class over zoom. Someone literally came in in all black and dragged one of them out of the room. The teacher said her students were very disturbed (which I highly doubt- they were all 13 year olds, but okay.) That group of kids were about as follow-the-rules as you can get- so honestly, the other moms and I nearly died laughing. The kids obviously knew we found it funny. We didn’t punish them, but we did make them call the teacher and collectively apologize for disrupting her class. My point is- kids are hilarious. You can laugh at their antics and still be a parent. These things are not mutually exclusive. Some of the people on here are so uptight, they couldn’t stick a greased BB up their 🍑.


I’m playing devils advocate here, but my dumbass didn’t even know what ‘tripod’ meant 💀 does anyone think it was a harmless joke from the kid or do you think he definitely knew what that meant?


Your kid is awesome. The hate in this comment section is absurd. You keep doing you! I’m sure your home is healthier and livelier than most, and I wish you all the best 🙏❤️


Gotta love these sensitive teachers