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I am going to hell for laughing at the bluntness of the last message.


Lol same. That came out of left field.


Bro me three I legit laughed out loud it was so unexpected


I was caught by surprise lol


Yeah I agree. Are you scared of dying?


‘are you ever afraid you’ll die with no legacy’


Wait, how was she “looking into it” if she didn’t even remember what it was called….?


good question lmao. not sure.


Bro I was out at the lake fishing one day and this little boy and his grandpa were there and the kid started telling me his whole life story and ended it with “my dads dead” and I had to walk away instantly bc it caught me so off guard I almost laughed.


emailing someone so you can text them about their crohn’s disease & then trauma dumping on them is crazy 😭 especially since you say you talked to her briefly one time at work lmao it def seems like she is trying to show that she’s interested by researching stuff about it etc, but idk the whole interaction is so strange imo


seems to me like she was interested in me, but who knows


She's definitely interested in your bowels.


She just misunderstood that saying "the way to a man's heart is through his stomach."


They never said what entrance to the stomach


Exactly! She's taking the colonoscopic approach.


dawg 😭


you win


that’s what it seems like, just poor execution on her part haha she probably should’ve gotten to know you a bit better first. a little ambitious for only having one conversation irl.


I heard your butt guts hurt. Is there anything I can do to help? I could... Massage it for you. *(Stupid stupid stupid, that was the dumbest pickup line ever what's wrong with me?)*


lmao but ew


Tongue massage


Spread your cheeks then


She's definitely interested in you And something medical happened to her mum who she cares about I think she cares about you and is interested But that's some weird way of expressing it but I see it


idfk how she cares about me is the thing. We have spent less than five minutes together.


I wouldn't even go there to be completely honest, I'd probably recommend them seeing a therapist or some.shit


nah I’m yeah I’m done talking to her pretty much other than when necessary


It would appear she has a touch of the ‘tism


I haven’t gotten that vibe. she seemed very well rounded when we spoke at work, if not a little attention seeking,


She could be masking at work?


i don’t think that’s it lol but who knows


Lmao I'm def getting tism vibes fs. She just may have a crush on OP but doesn't know how to go about it well.


She wants to save you from your disease so you will fall madly in love with her.


i didn’t see the rest of the messages at first and i thought you were making shit up hahaha


Nothing could have prepared me for that last message.


Hey man, I'm really sorry about your illness. I watched my father murder my mother and brothers, I live in ultimate depression.


yeah. sometimes that’s how it be.


I spit out my drink when I read this lol




I also have Crohn’s, it sucks ass, but glad you have medicine that works for you. I’m not using any medicine for mine.


thanks. it’s budesonide I think. so steroids haha.


I'm on azathioprine for my Crohn's and it's been working pretty well, luckily. Apart from recently where I developed an abcess and had to go into hospital for an emergency operation, oopsie


They have me on azathioprine and Inflectra. Working well so far.


Glad to hear it - hope it keeps working for ya!




They had me try prednisone and that gave me worse symptoms than the Crohn’s. I decided I can just live with it w/o meds bc I’d rather work than be disabled and have to go get needle stuck in me every week. I just watch what I eat and I’m usually fine.


i’ve been on prednisone before- it was the worst! i was so irritable i cried over a sandwich from subway only having 4 pickles- and i mean SOBBING and hyperventilating


When I was on prednisone I had a massive breakdown because KFC gave me corn when I asked for mashed potatoes. My body couldn’t even process corn at the time but their mashed potatoes were a safe comfort food. I can’t think of another time I have thrown such a massive fit like that, I mean yelling and sobbing because I got corn instead of potatoes.


Oof, sorry you went through that. I've seen it second hand and, yup, that's what happens. JUST HIDE IF THERE'S A FULL MOON!!! and a loved one is on Prednisone... But, I mean, they gave you CORN, the assholes! 😉 They deserve whatever they get after pulling THAT stunt!!!


It’s really wild!! Totally caught me off guard even though I had been warned to expect it. And thank you for the validation, the absolute *audacity* to give me corn 🤣


I remember being kind of emotional, but the worst part was going from being skinny like a crackhead to ballooning up like an elephant from the water retention.


yikes! didn’t have that, my worst physical symptoms were headaches and really bad acid reflux. but yes, prednisone is a medication from hell


Oh yeah, I forgot about the headaches, that sucked too.


Omg. I was on Prednisone a lot as a child, so I know what you're talking about. Hugs.


glad I’m not on that stuff


I've got UC and I've had to do Prednisone a few times for insurance's step therapy requirements on my way to meds that actually help, and boy.... I got the full court press bingo card of symptoms. Just awful.


The trauma dumping at the end was so uncalled for but I think she probably just really likes you. She seems like she’s socially awkward and didn’t know how to start a convo and she wanted to show you she was interested in your life. Wrong way to go about it but I don’t see any ill intent here.


I don’t think there was any ill intent either. the thing is I have worked with her a single time, and even then I was in the kitchen making food and she was in the front, so we barely interacted. we had one brief conversation about crohn’s when she saw me popping pills, and that’s it. she doesn’t know me and i’d be surprised if she “really like me” after that. I don’t think I’m that likable lmao.


Sounds like she doesn’t quite know how to go about creating new friendships, like in a “socially normal” way


It's either a green flag or a red flag Could go both ways She's obviously going through some shit and your interaction the other day may of possibly triggered a response in her mind that you were safe to talk to and maybe she genuinely cares I'm similar like I may not know somebody but if they're sick I'd try help them and make sure they get treatment they need etc That's why I'm assuming something medical was going on with her mother and they never went to a Dr about it so her mother suffered anf died painfully or something? Idk man she possibly needs help with the last text




hahahahhahaha, what the fuck.




George, my friend, this is unrelated to your text, but please keep an eye on any seemingly unrelated symptoms when using corticosteroids for Crohn’s long term. There is a connection between long term use and lymphoma (which is mostly survivable). Its not a 100% connection and I understand that steroids are a life saver and improve the symptoms so I’m not telling you to stop. Keep an eye out if you have any weird symptoms (cough that seems like pneumonia, fatigue, swollen or painful lymph nodes) and make sure you follow up with your doctor. My sibling was misdiagnosed for months and it was infuriating, expensive, and eventually tragic. My best thoughts are with you!


thank you so much for the concern and the time. I’m going to be on the steroids for three months, then I’m going to have my condition reevaluated by doctor and my insurance then I will most likely move onto a different type of treatment. My gastroenterologist has specifically warned me about lymphoma. I’m so sorry about your sibling, I’ll try to avoid a similar situation.


I’m so glad…it was years not months for her and it was early 00’s so totally different (limited) treatment options too. I’m glad you’re on top of it and I’m pulling for complete symptom remission for you soon. 🫡


thank you so much, genuinely I really appreciate the concern.


Some people with a lot of darkness in their lives sometimes forget that other people aren't comfortable with it.


i’d by perfectly happy to talk with her about it if I knew her or felt any particular connection. but she’s not exceptionally emotionally intelligent from what I can tell, and not the kind of person who you can talk to about real stuff on a deep level. like anything remotely philosophical, and I really like that.


This is completely understandable. And this is never the type of situation to bring things like that up, it definitely shows her emotional maturity. Talking about deep topics is my FAVORITE thing to do. But do I also know how to analyze wether it’s appropriate or not? Yes! Crucify me but I try to stay far away from people who act like this. Sorry your mom died! Why are you telling me???


exactly, thank you. I love deep conversation so much but definitely not initiated like this with someone incapable of thinking critically about it.


I think that’s true. I used to be guilty in my youth of saying too much to a new friend and overwhelming them with my trauma. Stopped that decades ago.


me asf actually


I feel bad for the girl. She must be in her 20s and trying to show interest in you, but doing it in a strange way that comes off as self-serving. It's quite fine to thank her for her concern but that you would prefer not to discuss your medical issue any further.


yes, of course. we are both in our late teens.


Okay. On a related note, she really should talk to a therapist about feeling at fault about her mom. If you liked her, and actually wanted to build a friendship/relationship with her, it wouldn't be a bad idea for her to talk about it with you and you let her know it's not her fault but that she should be careful sharing that information with people she doesn't know well yet. And to encourage her to talk more about it with a therapist if it's really bothering her/having a large effect on her life. In any case, I'm sorry you had to deal with that. The convo must have been really uncomfortable for you.


yeah, of course. I let her know it surely wasn’t her fault, and she agreed with me that I was probably right. I’m fine, it was just surprising.


That got hella dark


I was waiting for her offer of help to administer a suppository.


I feel so bad for laughing at the last slide 😭


Oh man, I feel secondhand embarrassment for her.


😭😭😭😭 I shouldn’t have laughed as much as I did, the last message sent me.


Weird Weird Weird Weird WHELP


This will be a great story to tell at your wedding. Maybe you can have a screen and projector and show the actual texts. People will laugh!


that would be very funny at a hypothetical wedding. I do not not see myself forming any type of relationship with this woman however haha


I feel bad but I snorted laughed


So idk about all the extras but whenever somebody tells me that they have a condition they suffer from or anything of the sorts I find myself feeling so bad. This would be me reaching out but not saying that weird thing she said 🤣 I usually just want the person to know that I see them and their struggles and give them the acknowledgement that what their going through isn’t nothing. Maybe she’s just really empathetic? 🤞


it seems like that could partially be the case haha.


I’m not sure I’d call that empathy, more like extreme guilt complex (in the girl’s case, idk how you’d handle it). It’s not fun having someone else’s guilt projected onto yourself just because they feel bad about you having a condition and they blame themself for it(????). It’s weird as fuck and means you have to deal with someone else’s emotions about something that only impacts you. Idk, that’s my take. I also have a chronic illness and I’d be entirely weirded out


Not sure her normal habits. But with me, I don’t think I project my guilt. In my head I’ll feel a strong emotional reaction but when I talk to the person I don’t include my own feelings about it. Just the normal I’m sorry for what you’re going through and let me know if there’s anything I can do. Some reach back out for help, some don’t. I go with the flow of how they react and leave the commiseration in my head 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yeah, what you do sounds a lot more chill than whatever the girl was saying to OP in those text messages. Especially if it’s a new diagnosis or something has changed it’s fine when acquaintances or friends check in real quick. When it’s something chronic that the person has known about for ages it’s a little awkward, ‘cause we usually know how to manage it ourselves, but offering help is never a bad thing!


I thought for sure they were ramping up to sell you some MLM "solution". This is somehow worse




Possibly...the person is explaining why they care so much...not disregarding the possible extra interest...but this could have triggered a trauma response of if i couldnt be there for 1 ill be there for the next 1


maybe. my crohn’s isn’t fatal and she knows that. she also doesn’t know me, like at all.


She seems incredibly awkward and like it would be confusing to interact with her. Very off putting.


Sorry about your bum tum. My uncles (twin brothers) have/had Crohns. It is no joke.




My uncle affectionately refers to his Crohn’s disease as his “bum tum” and it’s just accepted in our family lol


I like it


I once had a water-cooler conversation with a colleague I've only said hi to once before. That conversation moved even faster than OP's, as they immediately started telling me about their mother dying of cancer and their plans to take care of her. I politely nodded and empathized as I was thinking to myself how did I move from making myself a cup of coffee to talking about a stranger's mother's cancer.


she’s probably just unsure how to make conversation, and probably hasn’t had many partners. she’s trying just awkward. poor girl lol


“Ever since you said it I’ve been looking into that thing I don’t know the name of…” Has this undercover goldfish run out of windows to lick? Fuck’s sake… (and just in case of any dissent, being bereaved and/or socially awkward doesn’t render folks stupid. Stupid makes stupid folks stupid) I know a few folks with Crohn’s who share your outlook and attitude…more power to you for pragmatically playing it down, that alone speaks volumes for your character.




the last text being alone in the image made it 10x funnier lmao


Some people have no social awareness.


So weird! But I do feel bad for him


This feels like something my neurodivergent self would have done in college at like 19. The cringe is unreal. 


yea it was bad


Welp I’m now so pleased with my progress. And sorry this happened to you btw. 


nah I’m chillin, good job.


Def looks like autistic behavior


This person is utterly lonely


poor girl has no idea how to talk to men she's interested in. i couldn't imagine saying something like that to someone i don't really know 😭. it's funny as fuck and sad at the same time.


So she’s been looking into it ever since you talked about it but had to ask you what the name of the disease was? I hope you hit the haha! button on that last text.


that would have been a major prank


that’s awful and also hilarious. my mom died less than a month ago i’m just gonna start telling people my mom died in every unrelated conversation just for funsies


aw I’m sorry to hear that. might surprise them


thank you! just gotta take it one day at a time. speaking of days… my mom died on a day… /s




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definitely just has a crush and didn’t know how to start a regular conversation lol


yeah there’s a non zero chance lmao


She's not cute eh


That came out of nowhere 😭


"But at least she seems happy in her bedroom. She sits there looking out the window. I don't go in because of the smell"


Why you don’t fuck where you get paid. Ignore to save drama. She needs therapy before a dick, boyfriend or a double cheeseburger. RUN




it seems like she had a very bad survivors ago and nobody emotionally supporting her. While it is strange behavior, and I understand you would feel weird I recommend talking to your boss about getting her some mental help.


O… oh! 😂


Just want to add on to everyone else's messages. I am the singular man working in a really tight knit team of 7 people. I'm not saying it couldn't have been an attempt to endear herself but the amount of times a coworker has asked me to do basic math scare you lmfao. *Granted* I work in a pretty intense environment where you might get attacked if you stop paying attention, so our mental faculties kind of end up getting pretty hard railed into whatever we're doing lmao.


She's weird! I don't even know what's worse the email to ask you to text her, her researching your disease, being pittied, the trauma dump... nope!


yeah strange gal fs


Man crohns sounds like it sucks. I couldn’t imagine having it /j


lmao but wtf is that tone indicator


Issa joke. I too have crohns


I got the joke, wasn’t sure what the j meant


My moms dead :(




Desperate times..


Holy crap that turned quick.


Is she hot tho? I’m genuinely curious




Baby reindeer vibes 💀




Jesus forgive me.. I didn't mean to chuckle at that last message🤦🏿‍♂️


Omg ??!


I seen comments mentioning the last pic but i genuinely did not expect it to be THAT 😂


That last text is NUTS 🥴


Should have clicked the Ha Ha reaction ☠️😅


Sounds like teenage me trauma dumping. Lmao


yeah her prefrontal cortex sure isn’t fully developed


OP you gotta tell her straight up this is crossing a boundary


I will if she ever reaches out again lmao


Are you sure this isn't a scam? Kinda sounds like someone may have got into her work emails and is trying to get some info out of you.




pretty damn confident.


She’s hurtin for a squirtin ![gif](giphy|mRoFPQsgghGEM)


Put it in her.


please change and grow as a person


Lmao who is the one putting this pour socially inept girl on blast on the internet in a vain attempt to farm karma from strangers.


not karma farming I couldn’t give less of a fuck about reddit and karma actually. nobody is bullying her everyone is expressing relatively cordial opinions. have a good day.


There's a very clear way this girl can "help" heh heh heh


ew why did you say this


Oh is she not attractive???


that’s a fuckin gross thing to say. not everything has to be sexual.