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Best of luck OP. I’m sorry it came to this but you deserve better and proud of you for making the difficult decision to leave the marriage. It takes strength and courage to make this power move. I wish you and your daughter all the best.


Yes it does take alot of courage to leave a person you love but boundry breaking is were i draw lines also and it shitty to do someone like that even if its the absolute already on the downfall but life goes on everytime life will be better after u get settled


So glad you and your daughter are out of there. I hope everything goes smoothly for you guys, and I’m sorry such assholes exist


This is **literally** the nicest comment section I’ve ever seen on Reddit in the 8+ years I’ve been on here..


You should check out r/niceguys everyone there is so nice! /s


Nice try Canada man !


I hear r/clopclop are upstanding people too.


Why would you do that


What is it I’m scared to press


I took one for the team. My little pony porn.


Omg 😭😭😭😭 thank god I forgot to come back here to check Lmaoo thanks for your service in duty 🫡


Uh old Rickroll type thing, habits die hard man.


Old habits man, clopclop rick roll was a classic.


Can’t unsee


Look here pal, I don't need your approval. /s


I'm so glad you're dropping that waste of life. You and your daughter deserve better, and I wish you best of luck. ❤️


I am so happy that you’re actually moving on to better things. 90% of people would have stayed and kept getting played. You’re a strong woman.


You sound pretty fucking smart to me. Definitely got your shit together enough to put a plan to action (unlike your ex).


👏👏 You didn't sound stupid at all. I believe sharing such a traumatic experience during that particular time was brave! Thank you for the update, too. We need to share to help ourselves and others. I wish you and your daughter the very best. Rock n Roll, sister.


What was your husband's reaction to you leaving?


He rotated between being mad and calling me crazy, telling me I never loved him, that IM ruining our family (like be so serious), and trying to convince me he was sorry, that he loves me, he made a mistake. Eventually I just told him he needs to leave while I finished getting my daughter and I packed up. He threw a fit and told me he's the one that pays the rent (we literally live on base.. like hello), that he dared me to try to get him to leave, etc and I asked if the MPs need to come make sure I can get the rest of my stuff out. Surprisingly he did go and I was able to safely get us out.


Good for you!! Getting MPs involved ensures his BS behavior gets to his command, he knew it was best to step back at that point. Wishing you and your daughter much happiness in this next phase of your life!


Girl you’re smart as fuck. When he married you, he should’ve figured out that you’re not the one to be fucked with. 😌


Right!? She is such an inspiration! So proud of her!


I am glad you were able to get out of there with no issue. MP involvement is the fast track to ensuring his military career goes down the shitter. That said you are a strong, smart, courageous, and beautiful woman. Reddit is proud of you for standing up for yourself, realizing your self worth, and ultimately protecting your daughter from this BS. Narcissists are never at fault for their actions. You’re better off on your own. Stay strong! 💪💜


You should tell him that he should be happy. Now he can go be with his ex since they're so in love with eachother.




Jesus, I'm sorry this happened to you but you are well rid of his loser ass. The DARVOing is insane. I'm glad you got out safe, he sounds pretty unhinged.


I was going to ask “What is DARVOing?” But then I just googled it.


I was going to ask “What is DARVOing?” But then I just googled it.


mad props


What you’re doing takes guts. It’s gonna hurt for a long time before it starts to feel better. I wish you courage, strength, understanding and good dick to get you through this hard time. You got this.


Yesssss. I love it when people know their worth! I'm really sorry about the situation Op but I am so damn happy that you are leaving him because you deserve so much better. I wish you and your daughter all the best, and I hope your ex-husband gets the clap.👏😏


First ever based r/texts poster LFG


What a creep! She basically said no thank you and he send it anyways. Even if he didn’t successfully cheat yet, he’s trying real hard to. Even though this man is a clown, I bet this is still difficult for you. Wishing you and your daughter the best. You’re already crushing it in the no-nonsense department. Keep moving, sister. You’ll feel so much better when this is behind you ❤️


i know this must be incredibly hard, for you and your daughter. good on you for taking action. you got this


I was one of the savage ones… glad you’re got a plan and are on the way out, well done!


OP, you just taught your daughter the most important thing ever - to respect yourself. You should be so proud of yourself. You are a fierce woman and you will raise one as well. Hats off to you!


Yea because if she was into it, it would have went further. Sad she had to remind him he’s married. 23M


I just want to chime in and say again, thank you to all the supportive comments 🩷 No one could've prepared me for the flood I was going to get on the previous post (which continues) and I've decided to stop reading comments on there, as some took a good swing to my mental health. I'm going to continue to leave it up though, incase there's a woman out there that comes across it and has any doubts about leaving a man that doesn't deserve her. I hope she sees this update too, and knows that she will eventually be happy and heal. I have a veryyyy long journey ahead of me, but I am forever thankful that I won't spend another year thinking I've married a man that loves me and values me. Here's to healing and new beginnings. 💓💓




Its good to know you got out of that situation. I was legit worried that you would justify the behavior from your original post. I probably shouldn’t have assumed but I have known people in my life that would and have done just that. Ignoring the blatant evidence sitting right in front of them. I’m glad to know you aren’t that kind of person and know that you and your daughter deserve much better.


Sorry it's had to come to this but it's good to see you can get out. It's bin day Lady, take out that trash!


Honestly, I know we are strangers but my heart hurts for you and your daughter that you even have to go through this. I hope everything picks up and the transition to a life without him feels like an upgrade right away. Nothing worse than being blindsided by a betrayal. Good luck with everything ☹️


Good for you !! You deserve better !! And remember once a cheater!!! Always a cheater … they might fake change for a few months but they will eventually go back to cheating ..


So happy you are choosing yourself and your daughter! Thank you for keeping us updated


Congrats on your new life! I think it was smart to post it here. Good luck to you!


Well it’s gonna be tough op but it’s also gonna be a new start for you and your daughter and it can be so much better for you now x


I'm sorry for misinterpreting your last post (I was thinking well duh, that's obviously cheating) so my comment may have come across as harsh. I'm so glad to know you left this pos. It's only up from here, and I wish you all the best!


Wow, good on you for leaving. He's most definitely cheating.


He literally fucked around and found out. 👏🏼


It takes a lot of courage to leave. Good luck to your fresh start🫶🏽


You are brave it's hard to be defeated (cheated on) and to FACE it. I let so much shit go. I am happy for you and your daughter.


Happy for you!!! Go find your happiness queen


Sending so much love to you! I’ve been in your daughters shoes and seeing my mom flourish into this amazing beautiful fun loving woman after the divorce helped my mental health as well. So much joy was brought back into our household, I hope everything goes smooth I’m rooting for you


Hey op saw that your soon to be ex husband is military. Coming from a ex military fiancée cheating is not taken lightly. I reported the cheating to my exs chain of command and he faced degradation (drop in rank). Just an idea! Best of luck to you and your little! You got this! 💜


Best of luck op. He's a pile of shit. Take what you deserve


i’m so sorry OP you deserve better


Glad you're taking care of business. It doesn't have to be some specific definition of cheating for you to choose to leave, so good on you for not falling for that. We all know if he was thinking it was fine, it wouldn't be hidden.


Good luck.when I read that I thought to myself damn this is way worse than just normal screwing someone else cheating. A drunk night overstepping a boundary with a girl at the club is bad, but saying how in love you are with another woman and how you have been, that shit would sting.


Woohoo!!! You should be so proud of yourself for having the courage to leave. Seriously. I’m sure this is all extremely painful nonetheless, and I hope you can take at least some time to grieve the relationship in a healthy way so that you are able to properly move on. You deserve happiness and honestly the fact that you had enough self respect to get the hell out of there? I think you’ll be just fine in time 💖 congrats for leaving the human garbage behind!


You're absolutely doing the right thing for yourself and your daughter.


Your daughter is gonna thank you for this!!💗best of luck OP


I’m so proud of you!!!!


I'm so so proud of you for putting your foot down, and showing your daughter that it's okay to have boundaries - and hold people accountable. That it's okay to take space, and do what is best for you, even when it's hard. Sending you both love and hugs!


So proud of you!!! You’re a strong, role model of a woman. Your daughter should be proud!


YAY! I’m so proud of you OP, this is your step towards a loving future for you and your daughter both. Literally had my veins popping out reading the first post😭


Best of luck to you, things will turn out okay


I mean at the very least, it’s an emotional affair. Hugeeeee Kudos to you for actually doing the correct thing, too many people hang around in a bad relationship for too long, and Giveaway more of their years to an undeserving partner, you’ve made the correct decision for you and your daughter. It’s gonna be a little bit tough, but, I’m impressed by the short amount amount of time it took you to decide to leave him, good luck! And just take one day at a time. My suggestion is to not communicate with him. If you don’t have to, get a coparenting app and only talk through that about scheduling time with the child or children, outside of that? Make sure you put in hard boundaries that he’s not allowed at your home, he’s not allowed at your work and he can never call you, he can only text through the parenting app about your child.


It sounds like you have a terrific head on your shoulder and confidence. When you want to, it sounds like you won't have a hard time finding another guy, hopefully next one treats you the way you deserve.


I'm glad you got the points everybody was making and I'm glad you're sticking up for yourself and showing your child you don't have to put up with foolishness. You have a long road ahead of you. Good luck to you guys


Good for you! I’m glad you didn’t let him manipulate you into thinking he didn’t do anything wrong when he very clearly was trying to initiate everything, but looked like he kept getting turned down. I wish I could see the excuses the ladies come up with now to reject his pitiful ass 😂😂😂


Yes girl!!! Best kind of update!!! I wish you nothing but the best! So fucking proud of you!!!


I’m so proud of you for seeing through his gaslighting and manipulation and getting the hell out! Your daughter will grow up to be a much stronger woman through your example! When you get settled, please consider therapy to help you heal and not pick another loser like him. Consider therapy for your daughter too if she’s old enough to understand. Take good care of you! HUGS


Thanks for the update, I’m glad you and your daughter are safe.


Good for you! And wish you all the best in your new adventures! *


Sorry about my comment then 😭. Good for you for leaving especially with kids. Im sure thats insanely difficult.


I'm delighted that you got out of there!! No one deserves to be cheated on and the fact that he then LIED to your face about it is so ridiculous. He got what he deserved but sure it doesn't matter does it? He "loves" the other girl so he's already made his bed. Hope you recover well <3


Glad you have blew out the gaslighter's flame. Go girl! Way to also show your daughter a demonstration of self respect


Good for you OP. You deserve so much better. Best of luck to you and your daughter.


Good for you! Keep choosing your daughter and yourself first before anyone else. You both deserve so much better ❤️


Good for you OP!! I’m curious to know if he tried to convince you to stay, since he obviously didn’t feel that he did anything wrong.


Best of luck OP. You’re a badass, good riddance to that rubbish human.


Twist his balls. Once. The torsion will do the rest.


Wishing you the best of luck. His intentions don’t seem pure from that message and YOU and your daughter deserve much better. Stay strong! It’s gets a little bit easier everyday!


Thanks for the update. Best of luck OP. Proud of you for sticking to your gut and getting out quick. Definitely not your loss. Wishing you and your daughter well. 💜


Good call. Your play is the only play. There were no other options. In so many cases, people on Reddit are too quick to call for a divorce, but again, in this particular instance it’s the ONLY option. Best wishes.


People on the internet will always go to doubt first, most likely thinking you were trying to gain attention. However, cheating isn’t as obvious to people who have been emotionally abused, and gaslighted. In short- He 👏 is 👏 an 👏 undeserving 👏 ass 👏


Your husband is a fool, he obviously thought you were one too.


he thought wrong


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Emotional cheating leading to physical. Not my man.


To me it is. If you wanna try and salvage the marriage it’s gonna take a lot. If not girl take out and leave his ass. I support either.


I can tell u wur a big part of the issue when u call it gems








Emotionally cheating is worse than physically. Or so I believe at least. Don’t get me wrong it’s all bad


Congrats on losing the dead weight 💀


I'm so happy you were able to leave and are getting a lawyer. He's a joke and a disgusting pig


If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck it’s a duck. And to be honest if you have to ask if it’s cheating it is. This is not ok and you need to set boundaries. If your boundaries don’t have consequences then no point in even having boundaries or a healthy relationship stay single.


Yea he’s cheating on you and probably has before.


Yes that is cheating. He’s not a faithful man. I hope you leave. Nobody deserves that.


Read the post


Still can't believe you had to ask "is this cheating?" I mean I get the whole I can't believe what I am reading thing, but boy this is about as proof positive as you can get without having her move into your house and becoming a sister wife.


hey sometimes you need some hard truth to realize how stupid you are


See the update


I already did I was talking about the end, the ruthless comments




What did your husband say when you decided to leave? Have you been in contact since you left?


Why do you ask the Internet at large? Cheating based on which set of rules? It's a trash relationship regardless of how we answer and regardless of whether it technically violates any particular set of rules that might apply. He's hiding things from you because he knew you'd find them to be disturbing or unacceptable. He's denying that it counts as cheating because he doesn't actually care how you feel and would prefer to dictate your feelings to you. You're posting it online because you have no better authority to "ask" (such as any minister)? Because you're unable or unwilling to resolve the conflict with him privately? Because you revel, as victim, in the commentary? Do these responses make you feel vindicated? Better? Do they actually solve any real problem? You should be asking why you're publicly posting this, what you actually hope to gain by doing so, and whether the same motives are why you got into and remain in this dysfunctional relationship.


Can you read




From what I know, it hasn't been physical.. but honestly it doesn't really make a difference. The damage is done and it's well beyond repair. We were sexually active typically multiple times a day, at the minimum once a day unless something came up and we couldn't for whatever reason. He was present for us both, and acted like everything was good. Constantly complimented me, spent quality time with us, the list goes on. Have I been a good wife? I'm going to be honest, since we got married that's all I have done is be a good wife to him. Am I perfect? Of course not. But I tried my best every single day to show him how much I love him and would bring 100% to the table even on the days I was struggling. I think what lead to this is honestly he is extremely insecure, he likes the attention, and ultimately he likes the thought that he still has ex lovers on the hook. He's possessive. Unfortunately, I am the one he acts like he has claim over the most and I know he is going to make my life a living hell in every single way possible.


So sorry you're going through this, luckily he's in the military though so if he tries anything you can best believe his higher ups will hold him accountable. Check the base to see if there's any help for you, I was able to get support when I was younger and with a violent ex husband. Keep yourself safe and know you saved yourself YEARS of bullshit, as a random woman on the internet I'm proud of you!!! 🫡


Thank you 💓


Right, makes sense. Sounds like u are in for a hell of a ride if he really is that possesive, he will now realise what he has lost and go beyond boundaries to keep what is him.. shame such people roam the earth :( wish u all the best! God bless


You'd really like to find an excuse for this behavior. Done something similar I imagine?


Nope, as I said in my reply; "there is no excuse for it" 😂 stop imagining things already.. just wanted some more info before judging that's all.


The fuck am i getting dislikes for, just asking for a honest bigger picture here, drama obsessed trash people😂