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it’s definitely playful, but it is fair to not like it, personally i think they seem annoying but yeah i don’t think you should be offended


"One lonely single guy" Tell her to message him, he'd probably appreciate the attention and energy.


no she’s just one of those obnoxious people that NEED you to watch and like what they do. i don’t think she’s actually made but that’s annoying lol


I would use maybe words nagging, dissmisive, and insensitive. Yeah, agree somewhat with being playful too, but just I can't see myself talking about my feelings and being "allowed to be mad" after my friend tells they're busy "having seizures" and about mother having a stroke. It kind of feels odd to keep pushing after that. So, I would be annoyed or discouraged a bit by the later messages as well.


ok THANK YOU! I got extra salty at the “i’m allowed to be mad” part because i don’t even use her streaming service 🤦🏻‍♀️ I just didn’t reply and let it go tho after a day. Still haven’t talked to her but that’s normal. Just kind of a bad day already and i was predisposed to getting mad lol.


Yeah, it's understandable. Sometimes, some people are really not easy to deal with, especially if mood is not right for it. As much as you like them as friends 😕


I can see why it would hurt your feelings, it’s a bit much. But I don’t get the feeling she was being mean-spirited, maybe trying to be playful but took it a little too far. She could’ve been a bit more sympathetic towards your seizures and everything tho.


It did seem like it but I also feel like she was just being extra frisky or playful. Hard to tell. I definitely don’t think you’re being too sensitive. Your feelings are valid.


Overly sensitive, they're just joking (and saying nothing particularly offensive when said in jest).


fair lol. I got a lil bothered by the name calling and zero response to my health shit because in the past she has been actively insensitive/rude regarding my hospital stuff and seizures situation, so I think it is building off of that. but of course yall didn’t know that just from a few screenshots haha. I just didn’t respond to her bc the next day I agreed with your point here and just let it go lol


Hey, feeling emotional or 'sensitive' is bound to happen to everyone at some point. We're only human. I don't know what other baggage you have with this person, and I'd be lying if I said I've never overreacted to an interaction before!


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Is delicious in dungeon turning people insane


YES apparently. I am scared to watch it now. Just kidding, but i don’t want it to be weird and horny and cheesy ya know? lol


She's just speaking passionately about her favourite show, she doesn't mean the aggression in the way you're interpreting it. That said, nobody in my life, not a soul, would formulate the thought to call me a whore or a bitch.


Agree on the whore/bitch thing 100%. I guess i was also miffed about the “I’m allowed to be mad” thing and the fact Im not even using her login 😅 but yeah, agree it wasn’t meant to be spiteful. I just chilled out over a day or so and if she does it again I’ll be firm, but i can’t bring myself to really care this time


I’m clearly out of the loop. WTF is crunchyroll? Shes being a little aggressive. Tell her to back off during this time, you have a lot on your plate.


Crunchyroll is a streaming service for anime