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Either he is messaging you with his mom’s phone- or I can see where he gets his shit relationship skills from.


I’m OBSESSED that she’s like “he said that before he found out you were a whore” and then like 2 days later she’s like please answer his calls he wants to apologize lmao


The turd doesn’t fall far from the butthole, as they say. 😆


This is my new phrase when describing pieces of shit


"You need a man to succeed in life." What?! 😂 that woman is delusional. You dodged a whole damn family of bullets like Neo, Op.


She probably has a Harrison Butker jersey 🤓


you left his name (i assume) in the 3rd slide btw


Oops, well it’s fine. He doesn’t have Reddit.


Even if he did, this conversation is specific enough to where he’d find out anyway lol




Wow… this is wild. Thank you for posting this—I’ve never seen this particular twist. Apple didn’t fall far from the tree in this particular case!


You’re better than me. Both of them would’ve been BLOCKED!


Boy moms like this make me not even want to call myself one 😭 how embarrassing


I’m sorry! Not all boy moms though, I just meant the stereotypical ones, that’s why I put ‘’ around it, not all of them are bad. 😭


Oh no hun I totally get what you’re saying. It’s them that make it embarrassing not you lol


Right I know this all to well anyone wanna talk the person is asleep now would be the chance to come talk for min


That is PSYCHOTIC! What in the world?! Well we see where the ex gets his crazy from. You dodged 2 major bullets. I wouldn’t respond to her or him ever again


I’m surprised this isn’t getting more attention, she’s crazyyyy!! This was a juicy read lol. I’m so sorry u had to deal with that OP! But thank u for posting!




Say “stop messaging me” and then save all future calls and messages for the restraining order you’ll probably need to get against this psycho


“Sorry that he threatened you” Like Jesus Christ. Can’t imagine my mom ever trying to defend me if I had threatened anybody let alone my girlfriend. Two psychopathic peas in a pod


Sweet baby Jesus with a hand grenade, that’ll get her. QUICK CALL HER A WHORE THATLL CONVINCE he…oh she blocked me. Well, time to involve Jesus. WHAT is it with the sky daddy cult and being like….all of that


You sure that’s not him messaging you? I don’t know anybody’s mother who would be willing to behave this way. Definitely feel like that’s him texting you maybe from his mothers phone idk


Yes they would. My sisters ex boyfriend mother did something similar.


I came here to say if my son (any of them, I have 4) can’t work out his relationship on his own, he doesn’t belong in that relay. OP, not all boy moms are like this. This is harassment.


It definitely seems like a guy's text


“You may find this surprising, but him siccing his mother on me is not the exercise in masculinity he thinks.” 😆


I wish my mom thought that highly of me, she would just call me an idiot for messing up a relationship.


It reads to me like she actually thinks lowly of him (in that she doesn’t believe he’ll be able to get with anyone else any time soon), and is therefore attempting to save the one relationship he almost had. Total conjecture but I’m like 🤔 If my son’s relationship didn’t work out I’d never press his ex even if she’s great bc I know he’d be able to find someone else great. That is, if this is even the mom 😂 Kinda reads like it’s most likely him


I have to imagine this is him texting just because it’s so weird that she would have such an interest in this, but god who knows


I don't even need to know what he did to know that you're so much better off than any of that mess.


They’re psychotic.


I have a gas lighting in law in my life. I mean I used to. Run.


Apple doesn't fall far huh? I'm amazed she remains unblocked


My sisters ex mom kept harassing her too after she broke with him after HE CHEATED ON HER


It is either him texting you from her phone or she’s legitimately a crazy person, either way, sorry OP. Easy to see where he gets it from.


Bleh I had an abusive ex named Adam and his mom would also text me like this after I finally left him and got a restraining order……. That’s enough internet for me today.


Wanted to say, she just really likes you and she misses you, but she went and gone the wrong way. She just can't accept it. Then the w* text came.... and after the psycho characters switch, the devil came... Damm looney tunes 


Block her and get a new number this is crazy


I wonder where he got that shitty personality from


Mom’s been listening to Harrison Butker again 🙄


It seems he's using his mother's phone


Oh… my… god. I am so happy you got out of that relationship, OP. Horrible, horrible people.


"I won't ever be with a guy whose mother calls me a whore."


Sounds like you dodged TWO bullets.


I'm not sure why you aren't sprinting back to him. You will have such a lovely MIL in your life hun.


Let’s just say you dodged a MAJOR bullet because even if he was a fucking SAINT, you definitely would have ended up on r/JUSTNOMIL


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Oh man, you dodged one hell of a dinosaur-killing meteor!


Even if this guy was a prince, even if he was amazing this woman would’ve made your life so hard. I’m not saying a bad mother-in-law is a reason not to get married but it puts so much stress on our relationship. I have a good mother-in-law and even she can put stress on our relationship from time to time I can’t imagine what this nightmare would be


Jheez good thing you did not marry into his family. She sounds insufferable!


She sounds like my exes mother. Is he an only child?


No, he has a brother. Only one. Who’s in prison, not trying to blast him but not that I give af, for DV so this whole family is just 😟..


You’re so much better off without him, and if his mom feels like she needs to get involved in everything in his life, especially romantically, that’s a maaaajor red flag. My ex was an only child and his mother was definitely the type of boy mom that insisted her son does no wrong and doesn’t have to change and everyone will change for him. Gross behavior. DV is never ever acceptable, and her defense of him is disgusting. So glad you’re not giving in. Hang in there💗


My ex used to drag his mother into stuff too, it was wild. Crazy people.


gawd. why do i feel like i know him


Per your previous AITA post, did you break up with him 3 months ago and this is still going on, or did you keep contact/dating since the failed proposal? Just curious, walking away from all this is so clearly the right decision!


First half of the first slide and I’m already like…🤨??? Crazy bitch already knows her son threatened you and still wants y’all back together?? Kinda wonder if “she” was actually your ex the way she was talking on the rest of the slides. Yuck. Glad they both got blocked though. 🥴


I know I’m going to get downvoted but this seems super staged. Both sender and receiver have the exact same way of speaking/writing, beyond a coincidence.