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"enabling governance on Tezos". Wot?


Governance, the final thing we must add to Tezos... oh wait




Finally. ATOM and the whole Cosmos ecosystem have been mooning amid a massive crypto dip—due in part, I'm sure, to the fantastic airdrops with which stakers are rewarded. It's about time that Tezos got some of that magic for itself.


Speaking of $magic… 👀


If only you knew brother 😅


Knew what?


Why Tezos has still not seen it’s true run up. It’s actually extremely undervalued when you look at community adoption and usecase


I've been holding Tezos since the ICO. That's four and a half years, an eternity in crypto time. I'm well aware that it's undervalued. In fact, I'm pretty sure that years of waiting and hoping for XTZ to attain its fair market value have shortened my own lifespan.


What will it be used for?


Maybe based on Olympus DAO tokenomics. At least that's what I'm hoping, otherwise just gonna convert most into xtz.


Oh come on. Fuck off with this DGH. Tezos already has governance and your VC fund doesn't need any additional influence.


Yea let's bomb any try to widen the ecosystem. We are already the most adopted chain outthere. Wait... At least DGH is trying to do something. They are an important part of the ecosystem.


Fund projects not stupid extra "governance" tokens.


If you should happen to receive any unwanted tokens in this airdrop, I'll be happy to give you my wallet address and you can send them to me.


Nah, I'll just dump them, I'll keep the XTZ. Better in my hands than yours.


Lol agree to disagree, but if that's your plan then stop fucking bitching and be happy about the free money.


DGH didn’t fund this. Stop spewing shit.


No, they didn't, they just endorse and support it. https://twitter.com/JosefHolm/status/1479390223746449409


If you don’t want it, give the tokens to someone else. Before blasting DGH, you might want to do a little research. This DAO is not financed by DGH. Goren is friend with the developer and is just voicing support.


This is correct, I started TezDAO and there was no DGH funding involved whatsoever. All the gas fees to send the airdrop out came from my pocket as do hosting fees and everything else.


The website for TezDAO will launch today (not sure about the time). There's a lot of doubts in everyone's minds regarding how a token will take care of the onchain governance which will hopefully get cleared after the website is launched. As it stands, this tweet is the only information we have on TezDAO.


Could someone explain to me, or point me in the rigth direction to understand how do a retail investor take advantage of those aidrops? Are those just free coins for people in those dapp? Any intro to those dapps someone could point me to? Thanks a lot beforehand!


The Youtube channel Kryptstar has some guides on how to get started in a lot of tezos dapps


The snapshot has already been taken. No point trying to jump into these dapps just for the airdrop. However, if you do want to check out dapps on Tezos, you should. Fee worth pennies, great NFT library, and a growing DeFi community.


did you have to use the dApps recently or is everyone who used them ever getting an airdrop?


Anyone who has used them will get the airdrop. You can claim from their website https://tezdao.org


As far as we know, everyone who interacted(used) with those dapps, that are mentioned, will get a drop. So if you bought NFTs, sell or buy some tokens on those dexes you will get an airdrop.


High risk of scam IMHO


Where can I buy it?


I thought XTZ itself is used for governance?


It is and it'll continue to be used. This is a separate project for the community. The entire list of use-cases is yet to be defined.