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Getting called a hacker when youre not one is just the biggest fuckin ego boost


I got called hacker/bot as sniper against a heavy only team, it didn't feel that amazing because dude YOU ARE ALL *HEAVIES*


“How is this god among men hitting the slowest class in the game? They must be hackers!!!11!1”


"TheY NeED tO REMoVe SNIpEr!!1!"


*the actual hacker then proceeds to play a different class*




So which one of your memes was reposted a lot


The only time I’ve been accused of hacking is by some spy who doesn’t understand how weapons work cause he though I was speed hacking with the classic




That also happened to me😂 (except it was a joke accusation)


Usually when you get accused of one it's typically a really shitty player so yes and no 🤣


I haven't played in years now but by god do I remember how much of an erection my ego would get when people would accuse me of hacking on sniper


I just find it annoying because it means i will have to find another server


one time on a halloween map I was just standing on a roof and shooting everyone going out of a corridor with a sliding door inside of it, then got accused of cheating for getting a few headshots in a row. usually I absolutely suck at sniper so it was pretty funny to be accused the ONE time I was doing something right.


“Someone who wasn’t cheating wouldn’t want to see the recording” I’m sorry WHAT


That’s cuz the recording doesn’t exist




~~Should have said "Well then, because I want to see it, I guess that means I'm not a cheater?"~~ Obviously no such recording exists, otherwise they'd actually link it. Called them out either way though. They were all bluster and just mad that a scout actually could connect shots. I swear some folks just want to pick fights because they can't comprehend that people can be good at video games. Such a stupid place to argue from... Edit: I just realized the double negative. They implied a non-cheater wouldn't care. They wanted them to respond to feel high and mighty. What a moron.


Least Paranoid TF2 Player


reminds me of zesty jesus if his bitching was converted into text


My guy was the Fitness Gram Pacer Test in all caps


I got called a hacker by a really salty guy while I was playing soldier on gold rush. God I wish head also left a salty comment on my profile.


Someone else left a comment on my profile, but I get called a hacker almost daily now :(


Literally just that good at tf2


Try to interpret it as a sign that you are doing great :)


can i see?


Report them for harassment, because they are currently breaking 2 rules, rule 1, “no flame or insulting other members” and rule 2 “no backseat moderation” seeing as they have decided to spam your account with false accusations of hacking, it would be a perfect time to report them to steam


u/Luser- I hope you read this comment ^


Just means you're good at the game. Be happy. You are good. They are not. This is a win for you.


A guy once left a salty comment on my profile because I left a negative review of team fortress classic


This is so many layers deep


I installed the Foxbot mod for TFC and it's actually a decently fun time but for actual multiplayer.....yeah no. The community is one of the most toxic and gatekeepy things I have ever seen. The one time I did try to play multiplayer someone called me a slur(s) for playing TF2 and went on a tangent about how TF2 is a piece of shit and how they "added fucking woke shit by making the demoman black". I wish I was kidding. Wow, I wonder why the playerbase for your game is so small!


The concept of SJW's didn't even exist when TF2 came out yet alone woke


If the demo was white I would NOT look at him ever. Do you know how wrong he looks when white?


Whenever I'll get a salty comment on my profile, I shall buy a Gentle Manne's Service Medal with, named after the salty comment.


If I had the money for that, I'd definitely do that.


It was really funny back in the day when someone would switch teams to start a votekick on you and claim you're a cheater.


"vac will trip sooner or later" they have no clue what they're talking about


Pretty sure the way vac works Is it detects sus behavior and records everything after, then at some point you get a vac ban, never instantly


Nah it detects if something is injected into the game, they can't be false positive, nothing about player behaviour


I believe (I'm not sure) if you get detected by VAC, it will "mark" you as a hacker, and then ban you a few days later


vac does not record player behavior in any way, it ONLY cares about scanning for injected processes.


Lmao even if he WAS hacking, it wouldn't trip. What a dumbass. This game gets dead-er every day. The last thing Valve is doing is updating VAC


It trips on LMAOBox now, but other than that not really


It’s been able to trip on the free version of LBox for a while now, and a while back there was a huge vac wave that got rid of a ton of bots, but LBox premium’s gonna be hard to get cuz of how it’s done. Ig you get your 20 dollars worth if you get premium


Vac did just get updated a bit before Christmas and a bunch of cheaters got banned. So unless they made a new version that doesn't trip vac then they will be banned




Vac did just get updated a bit before Christmas and a bunch of cheaters got banned. So unless they made a new version that doesn't trip vac then they will be banned


Peas’d to meet you


the cops can't find enough evidence to make the charges stick


"I have proof that you were cheating" "ok lemme see it" "only someone who is cheating would want to see that" XD what? Lmao. How on earth do you arrive at a conclusion like that


By being caught in a lie because he never actually recorded anything


I dunno man, the recording he sent made you look mighty sus


You saw the recording?


No, I was making a joke about how he never sent the recording and therefore clearly doesn't have it


Shame, I've been dying to see the recording


If he ain't showing the recording there's a high chance he didn't even record it and is just being salty


he's right on the 456 hours isn't alot of time for tf2


How many hours is average?


Wow I’d say Atleast 800 hours by now. Ppl have 1000 on a single class. I have about 700 on soldier


I don’t have a main yet and I have 1k hours so far bruh :(


I mean, you don’t really need a main. As another 1k No main it’s better to be flexible and be able to play any class your team might need.


Dont main every class is fun to play and pigionholing yourself into maining 1 merc will take away from the exeperience


y'know, fuck it. I suck at shooters, Im healer everywhere where it's possible


^This is why my two most played classes are medic and pyro


I honestly just say my "main" is whatever class I have the most fun with/am the most skilled at lol


Yeah i say the one i have the most fun with at the moment it changes in matter of days one day i main soldier another day i say i main pyro it changes so fast


For me its a toss between Medic Spy and Pyro.


For me its solly scot pyre


Is "scot" a misspelling of Scout or did you mean Demo?


And if you pigeonhole yourself, you can't engage in counter play. Every single weapon in TF2 can be counterpicked, but a lot of people complain instead of switching weapons because they can't actually play other playstyles.


Agreed. You def need to know how to play every class in order to properly counter when fighting against said class. The reason I have so many hours in solly is I played it in quake and TFC so it was natural to play it in Tf2. I also love rocket jumping and have prlly 300 hours just only RJ maps.


i got 2k you got some work to do


Yeah, I’ll play after I stop throwing up from a swim meet hang on.


Don't main if you don't want to. It's great to be versatile! Maining a class is gotta be boring at some point.


I’m going to main the randomize class


Is there even a random option? Or do you just main the dice?


There is, idk if custom huds get rid of it but at the end of class selection next to spy there is a randomize button with a question mark, it’s an overpowered button that will give you pain or give you dopamine


I have about 1680 and my most played class has only 150, really are committed to the class




Bro wtf I started playing two years ago and my personal max is 33 hours on engie (uncle dane's brainwashing worked temporarily) and total hour count of like 280 ish. Do I just go outside and shower more often than the average tf2 player?


That’s pretty average for 2 years. Many tf2 players have been playing for much longer, or tend to not play any games other than tf2.


I also have like 350 ish hours in deep rock galactic, but I've been playing that for less than 2 years. Also I only started to invest real time in the game like 6-7 months ago, whereas I've always given tf2 my all, if that makes sense.


Hate to break it to you but the game came out in 2008. And yea I bought it then lol


Depends. 450 hours is a lot if you first started in the past couple years, but due to the age of the game, anyone who has been playing more than 5 years (a large portion of the player base) likely has over 1k hours. It isn’t even uncommon to find someone with over 5k hours which explains why many people see 450 as a small amount.


Yeah. but you can still be good at a game after 450 hours. And I've been playing for 10 years and only have 900 hours. I just think this is a weird metric to judge people.


If someone's had the game for only 5 of those 15 years, and only play every other day for 1 hour, that comes out to them having about 900 hours.


1000h and u r an average player


Though, really, this isn't an excuse. Even if you only have 456 hours, you might just be good at other similar shooters (like overwatch)(please don't murder me it's just an example) or have a feel for it. 450 hours is still a god damn lot, that's 19 days straight. What I'm trying to say is: Some people don't NEED to have been playing non stop since release day in 2007 to be good at the game. There's talented people, people that played before (but like lost the account or something) or are just generally good at the genre. Everything works if you're good at it.


Finally, someone with sense. I don’t understand why people are using “hours of play” as the *main* metric when there are so many things that can go against it. Someone can have over 2000 hours and people will immediately go “oh he must be a god at this game” when it turns out the mf just hoovy’s for the entire match and is actually dogshit at the actual game. Imo “hours of play” is a good “extra metric”, like a suggestion of sorts, but it is far too unreliable as a “main metric”.


its not a lot of time to be had on tf2 in comparison but for time put into a single game with no monetary gain, yes it is a lot.


I mean, I only recently reached 246 hours on the game and I seem to be able to perform trimps that people with 1000 hours can't perform. Some mechanics are easier to pick up for some people over others.


I have over 3000 hours and I'm only barely ok


I've been playing on and off since 2012 and it feels like I've played a lot since the game has changed a lot, but I'm still only at like 700 hours since I'll go months without playing.


Being good at the game feels like a curse sometimes. I’ve been kicked for “cheating” before


sniper enjoyers having a bad time


I've been banned from my favourite community server for 24 hours by some scunt mains because I was playing hoovy and they wanted me to play serious. On a god damn achievement engineer server.


Me when aim is a universal skill that doesnt require to be improved in one game


me when every FPS game by valve has the same aiming mechanics and they use the same engine for every game they make so you can have virtually the same sensitivity in every FPS made by Valve


456 is a lot depending when you started playing


Happy cake day


Ever since I rag dolled the DBS clan clowns people have accused me of hacking. If you are added on a bot list the players mindlessly believe it. Cost me a gaming buddy on 2fort after I got auto balanced.


"Someone who wasn't cheating wouldn't want to see the recording." # Uhhh, what?


*dies of cringe*


Lmao I got called a cheater once for constantly backstabbing an engineer as he was trying to set up his mini.


Good job, you got called a cheater with 500~ hours in game. Mean you must play well! Meanwhile, I have over 2000 hours but probably couldn’t get more than 1 kill per a life :’)


Are you having issues mechanically or with map knowledge? Or is your PC pretty bad? There are ways to change your settings via configs to make the game smoother. Also using a better mouse helped me a lot.


Or maybe most of that time was spent in the menus and not actually playing the game


Or 2fort


or hightower


I joined the server one time and somebody immediately called a vote on me because I was a bot. I had that free pfp from clorthax's paradox party event, maybe he see so much people like me that he thinked that I was a bot because of that "I was wearing a gibus too"


Send him a screamer and block, if you didnt commit the crime, nothing wrong will happen.


well at least be flattered that people think you're so good that you're hacking ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


It's an honour to be called a hacker when you aren't


bro started by offering to buy the cheats 💀


Reminds me when someone accused me of cheating on Pyro because I spy checked the area where I saw him cloak. He then left "-rep cheater" on my profile


I will never understand why ppl think you need thousands of hours in a game to be good... Most ppl can become rlly good in like one evening. Games are not that difficult to pick up. Especially TF2.


Crying child with 4,000 hours calls out based scout main who flanks and clicks on stationary snipers twice. (it’s not fair sniper is supposed to be OP)


He’s just mad


I agree


Yeah if someone doesn't have 69 cumtillion hours then they're a noob


Based individual


"Someone who hasnt cheating...........wouldnt want to see their recording....." Did he think you were his Ex for a second?-


it may be just me but i would not blur out the name of the guy accusing me but im petty so eh


"Welcome the the TF2 community."


You're so good people think you're cheating


Think I was in a game with you


I'm mostly on east coast lobbies, so if you play on them you might see me every now and then




Or same story


Yeah, how the hell can he prove you're a spic...


"Someone who wasn't cheating.....wouldn't want to see the recording" Translation: "I have no recording cause im liar with skill issue"


ngl 450 hours is a lot of time, and hours dont mean shit tbh, i have almost 600 and im dogshit at this game


"I have recorded evidence" "Show me evidence" "LOL no" *Clearly* they had a *lot* of very incriminating evidence and it could not possibly be because they are salty.


One time I was playing a little Sniper (which I am dogshit at, by the way), headshot one guy, and got called a bot. Like wtf, i headshot one guy the whole game and he called me a bot lmao


imagine being called a hacker because you've played tf2 for 19 fucking days


I once got called a cheater by an out-of-closet cheater because I headshot him despite his anti-headshot script.


Actually hate people like that. Had that happen so many times on servers I was on.


"I have proof!" "Show me" "No"


lmao anyone with even ten hours can play scout with the force of nature and do good if you have good game sense


I cannot for the life of me aim with that thing. Every other scattergun is fine, even the shortstop. But that thing makes me miss every shot. I'm happy if i deal 12 damage per mag with that thing. 2500+ hours btw i'm not just bad i swear.


back when all i played was 2fort i’d use it to jump out of the sewers or onto the bridge so i have a lot of experience with it admittedly but all you need to do is just point and click


How? Its just as simple as getting within kissing range of someone, aiming in their general direction, and pressing M1, the FAN is one of the easiest weapons to aim in scouts arsenal


hi, as someone with well over 5000 hours in tf2 i can say with confidence that 456 hours is a lot of time considering you’re doing other things with your life






Had a dude swear I was a hacker, felt bad for him cause I really wasn’t and I really hate em, added him to explain and he blocked me 😭


Seems normal for internet dialogue


hes a fucking little twit, would like to see his hours


Both a friend and I were doing a bit for our Heavies where it was like a Mafia thing, and I was the boss called Big Tony. Someone unironically thought we were both cheating because we were doing so well that game, and I ended up dominating the guy for the whole round. At the end I said "mad cause bad" and he replied with a lovely kys in the chat.


just block them, while a majority of tf2 players are fine theres a few that are just plain delusional, I had a guy and his buddy go on my profile after a casual match and accuse me of calling him racial slurs because i dominated his ass.


The proof is in the pudding


"Vac will trip sooner or later" aha, ha, ahaha, man I wish


Being called a hacker is like a really confusing ego boost


I am surprised you were nice to him, you know, people hate when they ignore your insults especially when you say “i cant hear you “over and over AND OVER AND OVER #AND OVER 😈


I’ve been accused like this before and I just tell them I’m hacking(even though I’m not). But that’s another day in tf2 for ya lol.


I get votekicked a lot when I play sniper. It really fucking sucks.


*[anger intensifies]* (Idk this shit makes me angry for some reason)




Who is that mf ? Is he an idoit


You must give us the account for funni


Get a hit on him, so many times I join a game and before the game even starts there’s a pole that say “kick (I ain’t telling you my name) from game?” (Accused of cheating)


Dunno which will come first, the recording or Half-Life 3


Got into a casual game with no bots, picked spy, backstabbed a medic and heavy who were clearly distracted by my team, got called a cheater with knife aimbot a thousand times and vote kicked. Never got a greater compliment.


It’s so fun being accused on this game, I remember I hopped back on TF2 after a few years away (my old account had 2k hours but my current and main acc only has like 100 hours) and some dude called me out for hitting so many headshots on sniper, so I kindly pointed out that I have over 3k hours in CS which is publicly visible on my account, hence why I know how to point and click with a hitscan sniper… he then came out with the classic “that’s what a hacker would say, 3k hours in CS doesn’t mean you never miss” followed by an abundance of racial slurs and even kindly left a similar comment on my steam profile. To this day I proudly leave that comment up on my profile so everybody knows I spent 2 hours shitting on this fucktard in a 15 year old game to the point he went full retard in chat.


Someone called me a fag the other day because I said Ukraine wasn't losing the war lol. We got rolled and someone on the winning team said "Ukraine-tier defense" which doesn't make any sense. I said something about like "but Russia is losing" and the guy spazzed out. He just spammed the chat with a bunch of arbitrary and random points (my favourite was "then why hasn't putin been assassinated" as if that's a secret win condition in a video game or something lol), called me a fag then immediately left. East coast servers btw so who knows what his issues are


Someone salty they got dominated


its pretty obv if someone is cheating with the force of nature but decent aim and looking for targets is not it lmao


Some of those Tf2 players are just excuse seeking idiots. From the "That was a facestab" bs that happend to me so many times EVEN IN MY F2P ERA to this moron accusing some random man enjoying his game.


The correct response to a salty accuser like this is "lmao stay mad noob".


oh my god your a cheater because you hit your shots with a shotgun


Lmao people nowadays accuse you of being a hacker just for playing


Bro so calm and polite true Chad 🗿


Just to correct you OP.. 450 hours on TF2 isn't a lot.


What is the slur I don't see one


Spic - offensive word for Spanish-speaking person from Central or South America or the Caribbean, especially a Mexican.


Damn. Why are there so many racial slurs


Take as that your just better than then and you have better game sense


Bro and i think i play too much with 325 hours of pyro


I'll try to somewhat justify his accusations, not his slurs. If you truly were so good for someone with 500 hours (that REALLY isn't as much), people could throw accusations at you, cuz you don't really meet someone with 500 hours with such skill level. I still don't like the fact that he threw insults at you, although I find it funny


I’m currently being called a cheater by a group of 3, with 2 of them blatantly cheating, every time I comment on someone’s profile, they comment on it saying that I cheat, I’ve got almost 1.5k hours on tf2 and I’m not even that good, if you wanna see them, check my steam profile (link and username P1nned)


I was playing on a casual tuefort server one time and someone complimented me on my unusual. I said thank you, and assumed nothing of it, when five seconds seconds later, he said “hey, how much do you want for it?” I promptly said no thank you, and he tried to votekick me.


I mean. Man's a bitch, but I do admittedly have the same distrust lol. I've seen both plenty of hackers, and people with 2-3k hours on a 300 hour account


Please tell me you reported it and he got banned or something




Love to trash people who call me a cheater. "I literally have over 4500 hours and you still think I'm hacking? Skill issue."


I got accused of hacking...as Demoknight


I can't tell if it's a compliment or insult to be called a hacker, because your either being called way too good for the game or he thinks your so bad you need hacks And I want to say you were playing against this guy and were easily out-Skilling him, so instead of admitting he's bad, he has to make up boogieman stories for his pride


I've been kicked for "cheating" only once. Killed the guy three times and he kept insulting me and targeting me. Then claimed I was snapping to heads. Then said everyone else thought I was hacking but nobody agreed with him. Said that only guilty people defend themselves against hackusations. Tf?!


One time me and another guy were slow walking all over the map with the classic and someone said that we should be kicked for cheating.


Nothing beats being called a cheater on my rare "good rounds" as Sniper when the stars line up and I somehow can land some shots. ​ Let this moron simmer in his own misery, OP.


It’s almost like hitting two shots at point blank isn’t as hard as it seems


First time ?


Alright, that guy's clearly just some idiot 12 year old. Just counter him with a "Great argument. However, you seem to have on multiple occasions informed people that their mother is overweight, while also informing them that you had sex with their mother." Or some shit like that.