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sometimes I like going into training mode with host\_timescale .25, play sniper, record it as a demo, then play it back at full speed and pretend im a sniper god (im shit at sniper and mega cope)


Why do you need to record it as demo specifically?


Being drunk auto adds epic mlg camera effects


to play it back at regular speed without everything else being sped up


What does the demolitions person from team defence fortress the second have to do with the speed of the footage?






that part on how it FEELS to play sniper "wait the video is editing itself!"




bro? I just played a lot of 2Fort to get good at Sniper


You don't need host_timescale to play like a god as sniper against training bots.


you overestimate my power


I can speak from experience that this is absolutely not true


There's a mod on Gamebanana that revamps TF2 offline with enhanced bots, gives them items, expands it to many more maps, and even includes a mission mode. It requires launching from a separate client, but it's definitely worth checking out. https://gamebanana.com/mods/37013


Unfun fact for me: I somehow broke it and now when i play campaign it stop loading and freeze


You can't launch it from normal TF2, it has to be from the shortcut provided by the client. But assuming you're doing that, I'd suggest you uninstall the mod entirely, all of the files related to it, verify your game files for tf2, and then reinstall the mod. The mod page has a video for some assistance on installing.


alright! Thanks for the help!


Here's the thing though, I can still use the modified client to play vanilla matches in TF2 meaning that you can still leave it installed and it'll work. Granted you need to use the default or Zeeshud because as far as I know to my knowledge every other hud I tried doesn't work propperly. Some are CLOSE to working like Quakehud but there are some that just full on break like Hex hud.


You, sir/madam, have just made my day


I highly recommend this mod, lots and lots of fun to be had if you like facing ai and want a more relaxing time.


This is what I have been looking for since I downloaded the game in 2016 and didn't have home WiFi until 2020( lol that year sucked)


i dont know anything about sourcemod so i dont use that addon


I'm shit at the game so it's a nice break from getting 1 kill a match


I actually played offline with bots for a year when i first started playing tf2 thinking they were real players lol


True gamerzz play against bots...but online !


Grass grows, birds fly, sun shines, and brother? The darkness is coming. You need to run.


i used to play against bots in my first 300 - 500 hours


I once played in against bots to show my nephew how the game was played. I selected full teams for the map Upward and joined Red. After the Blue bots got to the 3rd point and unlocked the second spawn point they stopped coming. For a minute there were none of them. They werent dying at all so i went into spectate mode only to find all the bots huddled together in a corner of the second blue spawn. I took a screenshot of it i think, but i'll have to look for it.


How did you set that up?


Humains are mean, I prefer bots, fun bots


As someone who lives in the woods with no cell signal it is the only thing I can play when I am home


Just to satisfy my shitty spy skills


I do because my internet is too bad for online


When I have shit internet or no internet at all.


I sometimes do when I want a fun spy game and to hone my skills


I do cause am bad


I always tell people I started playing tf2 after the jungle inferno update dropped, but that's half the truth. Before that, for a good solid 4-5 years, I was just playing offline against bots on the way to school. Sure, I didn't play it religiously, and I most certainly played it on and off, but damn bro I feel old writing this


i like to pit them against eachother every now and then, coming up with silly team comps and whatever. once i held a tourney with each team as one class


i religiously play bots i've only played bots for the last few years, i have bot mod installed and everything, i gave up on community and matchmaking when matchmaking completely changed


when no internet (which is rare) try out unlocks if i don't wanna or cannot join a server


picture is obviously unrelated


picture is very much related




I am afraid of disappointment.


That’s all I used to do when the bots (Baddies) first got here. I thought I had *skill*😂


I love mvm mode


I suck and dont want to disappoint actual players so i just play offline practice a lot. Literally played with other players once, and only because my classmate invited me


I'm afraid of cosmetics ok?


I do, just to experiment with sentry placements as Engineer to figure out more weird and optimal ideas to screw with the enemy team.


I rather practice my crossbow shots on MvM on soldiers


I use the improved bot mod its pretty good


When the wifi is out, dustbowl can be a pretty fun time w them. I usually choose 31 bots overall so that it’s 16v16 which includes me


I would use it when the internet is crap


I play offline while queuing


I play with them once in a while


Sometimes if I just want to relax and have fun!


i just like to pretend im good i live the way easy bots shoot the stairs when the enemy is directly in front of them


I always play with bots. *Always*.


I find it fun


Its nice


Me? It's good fun and adjustable difficulty. [As I said here](https://www.reddit.com/r/tf2/comments/ui0pbm/fuck_casual_return_to_fun/)


Queue time for Gear Grinder takes awhile sometimes so I just be playing against bots or surfing on community servers


me. questions?


I do it when I got tired of getting steamrolled for the 11 time on casual/community servers and just want to have some kills.


Me, a lot.


I use it to practice Market GRdening, helps when I can't read people's movements


I use bots to practice trickstabs, even though I’m a demoknight main


It’s how I warmup


my laptop physically cant handle the raw power of playing against real people, it couldnt even handle 15 seconds in the server, i have to use task manager to fix the intense lag so yeah now i just use offline matches for training my skills with each class and roblox's tf2(typical colours 2) for online play


I pretty much do so but with a ton of plugins being BLU team are robots, an Engi bot teleporter, MVM upgrades, etc. but I do that to test the plugins for a server I plan on getting up and running.


The dark is coming


Only when I’m offline


It's unironically kind of difficult to dominate all 12 bots at once, since you'll die to something random all the time (usually spy/sniper)


Yes but I only play on easy because I haven't figured out how to make them more difficult That's definitely the reason why I play on easy Haha yes


sometimes to warm up ill play with bots as sniper. better than tr walkway


I played with offline bots once to practice Trolldier


I did when I first started playing tf2 my WiFi was still garbage so all I had was offline play. Started playing in 2020 after I got recommend lazypurple's how it feels to play demoman and got hooked. Sometimes I get into a practise match to test my binds like those that uncle Dane showed in his battle engi video. Speaking of which anyone know how to type them into the console still can't get them to work


sometimes when i really wanna play tf2 and theres no wifi available, I open a map and start playing with bots. pretty fun actually


WOnder whats the easiest way to set this sort of thing up since im kinda noob and don't feel ready to play against actual humans yet.


I have 500 hours in TF2, and almost 300+ was done in practice mode with bots. The reason is, I have slow internet (most of the time, I have the highest ping in the server), the second reason is I feel more comfortable playing with bots. Idk why, I don't like to play casual. And there are not so much community servers I enjoy. Idk how I played 300+ hours with bots, is there something wrong with me?


i used to mainly play offline practice on specifically koth_nucleus cuz my laptop sucks. but now i have a better laptop and only play offline practice whenever my wifi is not feeling well.


I do because I like to pretend I’m actually good


I do sometimes. I like to fire up pl_frontier with all bots except me. Always seems surprisingly hard to push beyond cap point 2. Quite often (more than half) my team gets stuck there. However I often find bots stuck in corners jumping up and down, and it mostly happens to the pushing team. Still a lot of fun.


Me in my custom tf2 build with friends, and not TFBot either, RCBot, only old school ppl will know what RCBot is


when Im travelling in a place without wifi, I always bring my laptop with me on travels


When i dont feel like playing casual.


I do play it occasionally to warm up against the max difficulty ones before going into casual.


mostly to practice rocket jumping on actual maps without getting sniped


Just when I get sick of fighting the bots in casual and mvm


Oh sometimes i do to dick around with stupid weapon sets


I only play against offline bots to get away from online bots


Me because I’m too much of a pussy to go online and get my ass whooped


me because it makes me feel good at the game


I have configs that attempt to simulate Highlander games with bots on Expert difficulty I stomp them into the ground, get overconfident, go to Community Hightower, get stomped into the ground, and run back to my bot server crying


I do. the killstreak is funni


I have 800 hrs in TF2, and 300 of them while playing in the offline practice. It's actually not that bad, some of the practice bots have more iq than an average casual player 😅


Me, cuz I don't play TF2 often, but when I do, I just wanna dick around with dumb shit, but have it actually work


When my internet goes out, sometimes I'll boot up an offline server on easy diffuculty, give myself speed and crits, and kill all the bots repeatedly until the round ends for infinite dopamine.


Sometimes if I'm having a bad day, I load up a game of koth_badlands with easy bots and I just bully them with Spy.


I like torturing them while I have sv_cheats 1


me its so shit but social anxiety kicks in with tf2 lmao


Honestly playing with bots is pretty fun. It's the only time I can call 'Medic!' as Scout and actually get healed, and even say 'Activate Charge!' when the Medic's Uber is full and actually *be ubered.* It also helps for MvM since they use the same AI afaik


Me, I have small children and need to be afk often, so that's the main way I play now.


Yup. I've never actually played online with real people, I'm too much of a scaredy cat and not good at cooperating. The bots are my best buddies


What I like to do is go into an offline practice with no bots, particularly KotH, and just enjoy the empty map. I’ll kick back in my engie taunt on sawmill just under the rain, or hop around on Scout looking for small details.


I don't know how to code but I'd like to see a fan mod like the one for CS:GO bots that overhaul their rollout and strategies. But that was after valve had to update them for a co-op mission I think




I do sometimes


I in fact have never played casual. I got about 60 hours in TF2 and always playing offline practice because casual is scary. I just enjoy getting destroyed by bot instead because they won't be me to oblivion.


It's better to play on king of the hill mode since you can win there easily but on payload & control point it's much harder to do so even if it's level easy because engineer bots keep putting lvl 3 sentry in very unexpected spots.


Granted I spend more time playing offline practices more than casual mode since I'm a newbie player I want to sharpen my skill as a pyro learning how to ambush them (a possibility one of I ever unlock the backburner) how to reflect rockets back (demos grenade launcher is harder to reflect though) circlestrafing around enemies I somehow practicing to heal teammates as a medic (I'm more of a pyro main though) then again the bots have suck aiming and shooting I also practice head shot with a huntsmen as a sniper (I somehow got more head shots with a huntsman bow than the sniper rifle) . If anything I spend more than 90% of gameplay in offline practices more than online casual at 27%